How many spirit rapes have you committed, lads?
I think I've done at least 6 million, maybe more.
How many spirit rapes have you committed, lads?
I think I've done at least 6 million, maybe more.
Wait which skill tree do I have to level to unlock Spirit rape?
So far I only have Sense Juden, Chad Stride, and Redpill Assault
I was going for a monk-warrior build, but should I respec?
that's nothing
I remember the case of a tumblr lardball dude with supposedely multiple personalities
he once claimed that his randomly gendered headcrabs were visiting and talking to each other in his head
and once there was an asshole who raped some slut because she was asking for it
and he tried to gain rape-survivor points for being a rape survivor in his community
probably to get a pity fuck or something
for being the rape survivor of some sweaty porn fanfic between un-baked imaginary friends that are really him
in his head
can't find it back the screencaps from years ago, if anyone remembers plz link
It's in the necromancer skill tree under spirit magic, you're gonna spread yourself too thin if you go into necromancy, monk and warrior at the same time, I suggest you respec and make a warrior-necromancer and aim for the death knight prestige class, it's tier 1 in the current meta.
It's funny because women don't have souls
Monk-warrior is a pretty strong combo but you're only going to get physical Rape skills. If you go hard on the monk talent tree there's some pretty cool Astral Rape skills, they still do physical though.
Youre going to want to grab the Defenestrate Juden talent.
thanks for the advice user, I was already in a pure mage build (no necromancy), I guess imma respec as well.
I'd wait for 2 weeks before I'd do that user, they said they're gonna buff mage skill trees because they're simply unviable at high competitive levels now.
What about fart rape? I'm doing a thematic roleplay build with my NEET alchemist.
What are your thoughts on a Necromancer/Ranger combo? That skill with the cursed arrows that automatically spawn minions when you get a kill with them looks like it could be really useful in a large fight. Plus, zombie wolves.
: )
Ironic, women are masters of soul rape.
She needs a man or rather she needed one before she became an old jaded prostitute now she is wrecked in both mind and body.
This is the result of allowing women to become whores, devaluing marriage , etc. you get a broken woman that is incapable of functioning in society.
That build is very good in PvE, but not viable at all if you're making a PvP character
alright, well I might spec some necromancy in there still just in case, I'll keep my mage build. I just wish they kept the patch notes readily available.
Ya'll niggas need this one:
It's not top tier, I know, but it's insanely fun
so, whats next? Cosmic rape? Do we have to start working on more phallic looking space-ships?
the question is, how fast will I level up doing this
What pure mage build are you running? If you're running pyromancer you're golden since the buffs they'll do to air magic's protection spells will surely push pure mages to at least tier 2 and pyromancers with slight specialization in air magic into tier 1.
I was spec'd into conjuration magics and stealth magic build, I was going for more of a magic assassin, but I guess I can respec into those trees, its not hard since I'm already mage built, respec mage trees is cheap since all my gear and items are for mages.
Looking at all the neat trees kinda makes me wish I hadn't just jumped into Paladin. jk Paladins are best class plebs.
Nice. I do recommend you make a death knight PvP character though, the buffs the prestige class gets to corruption spells like Spirit Rape makes the class an absolute monster against most other builds. I also recommend you find a buddy so you can make characters as described in this user's post , it's pretty much the best and most entertaining troll/griefer build right now.
I was spirit raped by Michael Moore. He owes me some hush moneys
Aren't Negromancers responsible for most spirit rapes in US? I hear middle east still has schools of negromancy and spirit rape specialists. Tah'arrushites if memory serves
Please stop spreading your bigotry, there is no difference between classes. We are all one class, the player character class.
Suggested abilities for a catch-all AoE crowd-control build? I'm running a Wordsmith/Mage/few empty skill points
Sense Juden is a must. Redpill assault, I could go without because Enrage Useful Idiot from Wordsmith is 10x more useful IMO. I'd like to pick up spirit rape for shits and giggles but I don't want to get too far down one skill tree too early on. Does Necromancy have any good crowd control spells early on to justify spirit rape?
it looks like spirit rape is a bit far down the necromancy tree unfortunately. Has a lot of prereqs, but it looks worth it. As for crowed control, there seems to be a good handful of cc spells in that tree, it might be worth it.
If you can get some levels into alchemy. Gas grenades are really good even if you don't spec too much into the tree, and the extra damage against jews can be invaluable in raids.
hahahahhaahahahahahahahahahaaha its like youre playing warcraft LMFAO
Speaking of which, I made an alchemist secondary character for when I want to specifically counter Merchant class, but I can't find epic-level item drops anywhere, specifically I need Zyklon Gas Grenades which enhance my abilities in the gas grenade skill tree. Which dungeon/area do I have to go to and grind to get a Zyklon Gas Grenade epic-level drop?
user, it depends what you want to do. If you want to have fun go for Spirit Rape and subsequent abilities in necromancy, it's really fun in the current build.
If you want to be min-maxing autist I recommend using simms. I would probably be better to go purely for mage or respec to necromancer totaly if you want to have good performance, multi-classing is not really that good in the current meta.
I hear the eastern "camps" are where all the best drops are. Just remember to up your turn undead so you keep the vampires from latching on with their six gazillions life drain.
I mostly rely on the free consumable perks, but when your alchemist is too low and you want to get ZGGs the best way to do so is, ironically, buying them from the Merchants. Make sure to have a decent redpill stat so they can't activate MKUltra and steal all your shekels.
Guys can I get some advice on my build? I used Dexterity as my dump stat and pumped everything into Strength and Endurance. For my feats I chose unarmed strike weapon focus, combat reflexes, and improved initiative.
How do I unfuck my build and compensate for my shit Dex?
Is that the same skill tree that has spirit cooking?
no, spirit cooking is under the vampiric skills, it also gives a boost to merchant skills.
Thanks, I'll try looking there
Problem is, the Merchants are always trying to sell me common and uncommon-level crud and they think I'll fall for it because they spec'd a lot into their Kvetch, Mental Gymnastics, Haggle and Sophistry skills, but they don't know that I got the skill-boosting "On the Merchants and their Lies" and "Wagatōzō" books
No that's a skill for the Merchant class if you get the Vampire prestige class
start putting more points into electricity, thunder, etc.
SS (Shitposting Squadron) guild master here. We're raiding CoLSJ (Caverns of Little St. James) tomorrow at 6.000.000 hours and then moving to DCUnderground on sunday at 1488; and can do trials for your membership.
All on Heroic of course.
LF4 roles:
(other classes will be considered if exceptional)
gibs me dem applications.
You should look into cross spec'n with the Strelok build then. You would have to rely on gear drops pretty heavily for resupply, but with so much strength to carry everything you find and enough endurance to proc inna woods all day you can min/max into an stalker master very fast. Combat reflexes really work well on grinding up the needed targeting skill for funs early on. Your biggest problem if you are not merican is obtaining your nugget of choice and its food, mericans get extra bonus points once the tree is unlocked. Unarmed weapons are a handy fallback most Streloks never have, could make you an premier pvp pick when you need to 'looking for group' duels, very handy for non-lethal takedowns for bonus loot and reputation points.
Drawback is you have to contend with innawoods nope agro far more than is healthy. I am still up in the air on if skinwalkers are Strelok animal spirit guides to practic skill gains on, or an odd luck proc with unpredictable drops from their encounters. Perhaps some druid specs can cross spec and unlock something explaining that.
Turn that into a meme. Boast of raping thousands of women in your own mind while fapping.
It's sure to trigger a feminist.
Level 99 conjuration magic assassin, high stealth, able to one shot merchants, vampires, and some high tier dungeon minibosses of max level both pve and pvp, I would like to apply, have legendary book of the ogdoad which gives me +500 base magic ability. Can I please join?
Meatball assassin, loyal servant to the king of Sweden here, you need lockpicking, big guy?
Postmodernists are immune to causality. You're going to need a bard to invoke 'it's just satire' or convince the Paladin to play nice with an Odinist Berserker, so their Mindless Rage can tank the deconstruction.
I just realized, careful what we meme lads, we might just wake up into a real RPG worldi'm actually ok with this
Wait do they consider people fapping to them "rape" now?
Who would fap to them any way?
Real life is already an RPG when you think about it
I mean, at this point, we're no longer the players, we're the GM.
RPG world doesn't sound bad.
double fug
This is the best thread on Holla Forums lads. Well done.
Role Playing Game world, just to clarify for bakas.
My characters background is a former conscript to the kingdom's army before he discovered that the senior officers were golems crafted by the council of advisers to use the kingdom as a proxy army for the vampire clans. So it makes sense that he could take the Strelok prestige class. My character's racial attributes as a
barbarian tribe member from northern Maztica would certainly help with the innawoods metagame aspects of playing a Strelok.
Man this game is so frustrating. This is my first game and the DM dumped me into it with no explanation outside of two NPCs at my starting point who, frankly speaking, seemed to be leading me in the wrong direction.
A woman being made miserable by feminism right before our very fucking eyes. And she knows it to, but to fit in with the pack the dumb cunt goes into denial.
turn real life into elder scrolls game mixed with a bunch of other rpg games, the inhabitant of the realm of chans will be frog people.
Warlock here. My Juden MC skill is maxed and I am wearing full Goebbel's Regalia with upgraded Rockwell's Corncob. I'm wielding a max roll Andrew Jackson's Walking Stick of Smiting with the master crafted anti-pilpul enchant. I've spec'd heavily into esoteric Hitlerism and chaos based memetic damage over time with minor specialties in sardonic reaction imagery and animated retorts. Can decipher judenrunes and speak fluent vampire. I think I'm your huckleberry.
(and check)
We're an anime RPG world now. Better keep levelling up so we have a shot at the redshield dungeon boss.
It's too down the rabbit hole for me. While the mage in me sees the benefits of spiritual rape as an offensive element, the act may tamper my abilities to successfully convince the merchant class to take advantage of the free showers.
Alchemy would be good, especially with Strelok for a more practical approach. Thank you for your advice.
I don't know if Spirit Rape will inhibit my Sense Juden - isn't there a brief caster debuff with many necromancer abilities? The way I'm looking at is if I can convince my enemy to fight among himself or lure him to his enemies there is no need to get that into Necromancy.
Can any pure necros chime in?
SS Raid leader here.
Gonna need you folks to respec at least a couple points to get defenestrate juden for consideration
Indeed we're looking for a proper Pally, though bards we are full - unless frogman for the racial shadilay ability
Also LF aryan shammy for blitzkrieg
>>>Holla Forums
I bet you unironically play Frost Mage, you boring fag.
if I respect out of my mage I will most likely lose my reveal truth skill, which weakens merchants and other deception based classes by 66% in both defense and attack. Its a burst combo I use to one shot them.
He's probably just taken too many points in vampire lore, got a black cube debuff.
Hey, that sweedish assassin might already have some points in snippity sniping skills. His racial abilities are close to that of the finnish master strelocks whom have proven their worth fighting commies. Thats a better skill than defenstrate if you put him on overwatch. Remember, not everyone needs to target the primary in raids, sometimes you need crowd control and dps on the golems the fuckers spawn.
And watch out for shaman pretenders. Fucking casual players are focusing more on hippy stats for the free love degeneracy bonus rather than their Honor the Ancestors and Gods tree as is proper.
So how are banemancers doing? Is their confusion/taunt aura still as OP as it was in 2.0.15? I still have a lvl. 90 char lying around somewhere.
I'd suggest putting enough points into Psionist to get the Mind Fuck skill. Passive 1.5x damage buff to Spirit Rape auras, adds a confuse effect to Physical Rape clickies and adds a 5% defence buff versus Jewish Tricks/ Holohoax Bluepills.
Good lad, finally someone that can challenge our top DPS. Can you make it at 1488?
it's not a world pvp guild mate, we'll need high dps if we are to move on to the tougher instances in Tel-Aviv
Oh we do have a top-tier guy on crowd control duty, second pic related. If we can't find a geared pally I guess we could go with a swede off-tank specced in horde management to use as meat shield.
They're big guys. And far too popular to get a nerf just yet - how did you spec/gear ?
The devs claimed they were going to nerf them so a bunch of players switched classes but then it turned out they got stealth buffed in the latest patch.
I think the Kek clerics became op, everyone switched over.
speaking of kek clerics, with my book of the ogdoad I am still missing the kekanomicon to go with it so I can complete the legendary set buff. Maybe after that I can spec into the Egyptian necromancy specialization tree and go for spirit rape with the chaos modification which inflicts a random effect on top of soul rape.
The drop rate is super low, just keep grinding and with luck you'll find it. Spirit rape only seems to be effective against golems and kryptogolems though. Best of luck in your search though.
Jews Ro DaH?
It's anuddah shoah.
Somebody is doing the ghost raping.
Ironic nigger-speak is still bix nood.
nuLotGH got you covered. RIP in space, Brünhild.
The priest of Vecna quickly slid his copy of the Compendium Maleficarum between his Algebra and bio books and closed his locker door. If he was to survive the afternoon he would have to move quickly. He pulled up his hood, trying to look inconspicuous, and turned around, only to come face to face with the flawless white tabard of the captain of the paladins.
"WHITHER GOEST THOU, KNAVE?!" he demanded, his voice loud despite the muffling of his visored greathelm. "I was just getting my books, leave me alone." said vampire. He felt the hairs rising on the back of his neck; the armored bulk of the members of the Paladin squad blocked the hallway entirely.
"I POSTED AN EDICT BANNING YOU FROM THIS CORRIDOR, KNAVE!" The captain roared. His lieutenant looked up from his breviary and addressed no one in particular:
"NOoooo, I'm just a merchaaaant!" cried the priest dodging away from the tightening circle of paladins. "It's a shooooah!" he yelled as he ran toward the stairway for all he was worth, the clanking of plates against chainmail close behind him.
"SMITE! SMITE! SMITE!" The cry echoed from the concrete walls.
'Somebody heeellllp!" he cried as the paladins lifted him bodily across the school courtyard. At their captain's encouragement they broke into a run.
"SMITE! SMITE! SMITE!" the paladins let servant of the Maimed Dick God go on the upswing, and for a brief second he was weightless, coasting through the air, until he landed with a squishy thud in the fetid darkness of the cafeteria dumpster.
"THY WILL BE DONE OH LORD," the paladins intoned as they slammed the lid.
The parasite waited until their hymns of triumph faded in the distance before dragging himself clumsily out, shaking, stained and stinking. He felt he could burst into tears any second, but the varsity cheerwenches were there, giggling at his discomfiture.
Paladin is a trap, as the enemy will force him to live up to chivalric military traditions. Been a problem ever since that Alinsky handbook came out. You could spec him out as a Grey Man, so they won't know he's a Paladin until it's too late. It might just be better to go with a Warlord and rely on Technology and Mass. With the Umman Manda racial ability, Sword of Alexexander, Bellerophon as a mount and a Mongolian Horn Bow, you'll have a mobile support unit that can cover the rest of the party at a moments notice. He'll continually drain gold from the party like a Jew, but it's worth the cost.
Aye, I'll be there with bells on. Want me to ask my brother if he can make it? He's a geared Berserker who can off-tank really well once he's got a few drinks in him. I've seen him decimate a whole room full of level 65+ enraged boomer shitlibs before without getting a scratch on him.
All these people speccing halfway into combat skills, you know you Sense Juden and Redpill assault are all under Politics right? If you try to initiate the Night of Long Knives mission without max Politics and the Ruthless Loyalty perk you'll get a bad ending.
If you rape a spirit does the baby also turn into a spirit or will it be a invisible human?
excuse me? you are right tho, you should have a max politics tree if going for long knives, you are gonna have a bad time without it
Well, that or you go full on the panzer tactics tree and specialize in the Wehrmacht general class. Like that one player SS_mansteinrulesall_SS
Seeing as Two-Spirit is an actual sex on faceberg now, I'm guessing spirit rape is Native American rape (which is very common on the reservations) but das raycis to point that out.
Paladin here, Odinist Berserkers should just neck themselves and save me the frustration of dealing with their shit. I want to strangle the person who thought having an ability that taunts enemies should be part of a DPS rotation.
Maybe if paladins weren't such fucking cucks they'd not get so upset about the ability.
Oh fuck, it's one of those campaigns. Someone cast Detect Shill and True Sight to see if we have any controlled opposition.
Get a meme smith in here too. Close the hurt box and feed them red pills until we can turn them.
Oy vey! Nonsense, I just wanted to point out how paladins are fucking cucks, not as if I'm prestiging as a soros merchant
Which one of you faggots chose salt mining and shitposting as your skills?
You're dual speccing that shit, more like, you absolute merchantzerker.
I'll never stop ravaging spirits, I'm a fucking barbarian conqueror.
Casting Detect Shill
I wonder if rolling still works
You just have to outlast them and cast polymorph on their ancestors. Works every time.
Oy vey no result goy, believe me, I wouldn't lie on a tabletop.
Merchant of Soros is prestige though. You need points in both regular merchant and ZOGbot politician subclass. Most of this stuff is for evil themed campaigns though.
My dice might have not worked, but I still got trips and I see through your disguise Shlomo
Grey knight librarian or gtfo imo
I am not a robed faggot.
What really upsets me is that it seems like every fucking asshole that plays them macros the taunt with stuff like "your mom has more lovers than freyja herself!"
Meh, a few more years and I'll be able to cross spec into the wizard class, and smite the succubi.
So what? Going to put on a Hair Shirt and declare Imperial Investiture? It's a risky gambit, but you should be able to declare feudal authority over the dungeon that way. Then you're just removing bandits and heretics from your diocese. No risk of losing Paladinhood that way, because the Jews control of the state media should revert back to you.
No chance of a Crusade though. Not unless you can overthrow the papacy without being declared a pretender.
The fuck do you guys even do around the abbeys?
Anyone else remember the elevator fart-rape from gg?
I honestly think it’s been here since I watched my older brother play Final Fantasy 1 on the old school regular nintendo and watching him have to hold in the reset button before he turned it off to save which was approximately 25 years ago.
It’s just been building since then.
Despite how much I try to forget GG, yes I do. Not nearly as good as
Are the spirits even with you?
It still feels like unfinished business, doesn't it?
the digits don't lie
It's like you niggers hate winning.
you're just sowing the seeds of your own destruction, Aku
Well nigger, you drove away anyone who brought up the actual problem and decided to bend over backwards to appease the people trying to destroy you and played entirely within their rules.
On the plus side that woke up a lot of people tojewish tricks, but it was depressing such a great opportunity to strike as major blow to the jewish propaganda machine.
You have a better skill under Crusader/Paladin class, if you go DEUS VULT build.
It's called Fisting of Heavens
And that's why you just keep creating more golems
I ended up coming here to attack the real issue head-on instead of staying with the ethics thing. I couldn't go back after learning about the DARPA funding in the indie scene. I just wish I had been redpilled from the start of the ordeal instead of getting redpilled by it. I bought into the whole NYS thing early on, not realizing how cancerous it was.
Do you even pillage?
Why would I when I can just pay some rando player to do it for me.
They never learn.
Because max charm will convince all mercenaries to join the side of the conqueror. Lands, housing, currency, a high ranking position in the hoard, males LARPing as female players, they will all be his if he joins the side of the conqueror. The merchant doesn't stand a chance with such weak single minded incentives as some petty gold.
its easy to get started on becoming a wizard but by the deities
all succubus+ types that the (((erwige))) keeps churning by the millions
Paladin here, specced heavily into Righteous Zeal and Inquistor.
Best skills I currently have:
- Aura of Righteous Fury (maxed)
- Aura of Hypocrisy reflection (maxed)
- Aura of Holy Purpose (maxed)
- Sense Lies (maxed)
- Holy Lance (maxed)
- Purify Thread
- Dispel Narrative (maxed)
- Holy Fisting
- Purge Sodomite
- Smite phariases (maxed)
I also have the Shield of Jerusalem (+200% defense when on Holy Land, total immunity to mind control, +25% bonus damage to semiets) and the legendary Dies Irae Caelestis spell (haven't used it yet, mana cost is insane)
You need 7 bards backing you up with MP+ trumpets to ever pull it off.
I just buy the rare gear from the auction house at 80% off thanks to my investment returns skill and you'll be surprised what players would do to get their hands on good gear.
So we can like… out of body spirit rape feminists?
Thought that was an global passive buff to bantz when you chose to select the chans as your primary clan… did you not get yours? Might have to wait two years before posting to unlock the full effect tho. Been so long I cannot remember.
you can perform pure rolls in another realm >>>/tg/ and then crosslink the rolls from whens it came to the one you reside, at will. But you might be forced to indirectly cast a namefag and around these parts such utterly unholy act is a grave crime not to be committed lightly and unproxyprotected in fear of lawenforcement punishment.
At least your strong enough to admit it. To be honest most of Holla Forums ignored gg. Only a few cross over diehards fought the good fight with you and warned all of you of the tricks you would face. That may have been Holla Forums's alamo in the end. The infusion of mad as fuck gamers whom don't do anything but play to win and shit on normalfaggots for lulz was an godsend to Holla Forums. And to top it off, you bastards created this board to catch us old timers when the hammer finally fell.
My be a sore point for you whom fought in those battles. But I am happy as fuck it happned. Look at what has been wrought thanks to it. One failed quest has taught all of us much more than anyone anticipated and brought out incredible works to ravage our enemies with.
You fuckers keep doing what your doing. You really are spirit raping them, inbetween teabagging their pathetic shilling attempts.
a neglible boost into spirit rape for everyone was achieved by my gambling problem >>>/tg/345110
you mean like when you call me a racist and a nazi and threaten my livelihood and safety just because I believe I have a right to exist and so do my white children?
What in the holy fuck is this cancer thread?
I bet you subclass in "anime isn't art" as well fag.
Sorry to newfag a question but when did KOTH get this spinoff with this name ced of a skill tree? It took ages just for them to update the pocket sand cool down skill
*nice of a skill tree
Fug, how do I know what class am I?
Right about the time they got some of the devs from Edd Ed and Eddy Online. Heard that game went down the shitter because Johnny 2x4 got merged with Plank, and Kevin kept getting nerfed, so the dorks kept winning.
Don't listen to this user. Warrior-Necromancer isn't as good as Barbarian-Necromancer
Go to Nathanael Kapner for the Patriarch quest in the Monk questline. He'll send you to kill some witches in a cave. One of the NPCs will offer you gold if you let him live, choose the option that lets him live without taking his money. Turn in the quest to Brother Kapner, and wait 3 days. You'll get an invitation from a courier to a party. Go to the party and you'll meet the guy you spared, you'll also see more witches, but they won't agro. Talk to him and get his "Initiation into Spirit Cooking" quest. Once you finish that all of your monk stats will automatically be transferred into Necromancy. Then respec anyways, and replace your warrior points with Barbarian ones. Since you're already a Necromancer you won't get the xp penalty for choosing those stats. Barbarian works well with Necromancer because if you use a passive bloodmagic effect it will damage you while giving a 10% buff to offense. It works well with Barbarian which buffs your offense depending on the amount of damage you take. It's the best pure DPS build in the game.
Doesn't that insta-aggro kek wizards?
man, do these bitches even spirit rape.
It certainly makes you a pleb with a lust for newborn foreskin.
Paladin here, want to try a crafting or gathering skill, what do you guys recommend?
Firearms for crafting, and hunting instead of gathering. Perfect for a bit of a ranger flare in case the campaign goes inawoods.
Post appears to be down.
It don't madda
nun a dis maddas
We beat the campaign already.
She sounds very insecure and she should just be honest about wanting to ride the carousel; nobody is stopping her from doing that, but there are consequences.
Insecure people don't have spirits since they question every action they take, those who have spirits are truly unbound and free.
My personal choice is the "Gather the Lost" skill (under Speechcraft) and "Accusation Crafing" (under Advanced Zeal tab, but only is available if you are inquisitor sub-class).
And you can't go wrong with the classics - Pyre Building and Lampshade construction
I'm surprised you didn't mention venerable soapmaking.
I can only read the words of god and do you know how long it takes to take to make a divine polymorph scroll? Not to mention how expensive, especially if you try to buy the materials off the (((Auction House)))?
I only play this shitheap because the holy war event is so much fucking fun
kikes cucks traitors and vaginal jews rape my nerves, logic and faith in humankind on a daily basis. Would be a shame if some burgeranon put a bullet in the head of that whiny bitch at DOTR
Related to that image, anyone taking biowarfare skill tree?
It was too good to last
Translation: Someone told her that she was acting like a dumb bitch
I'm a serial spirit rapist. Come stop me, feds.
ya, but now there is that witch doctor mix class with that cool ability 'plague'
not sure how OP it is yet.
I wish someone had told me that the libertarian and Nazi trees were incompatible. I spent three years creating a "Racist Liberal" build, but then I read one Nazi skill scroll on accident and now I have to train from scratch. To make matters worse, the scroll I got was SIEGE, so now I'm stuck with the shitty "READ SIEGE" spam ability.
The unique skull mask cosmetic is nice, though.
I hear they're adding new skill sets for it on the next update
At least you aren't those morons who spec deep into hurricane survival every year.
when are they gonna buff the white knight class?, seems pretty underpowered in this patch because you don't get much from the woman's acceptance buff
I'm going to spirit rape everyone in this thread. I fuck your sould I fuck your spirit I fuck your dreams I fuck your eyes
sorry man after patch 2.0.18 they are nerfing it even more, as a matter of fact, white knights might get a debuff next patch called DOTR where they take constant choke damage while in combat.
You wouldn't fucking believe what's in store for that shit-tier pleb class after 2.0.20, I hear the devs are eventually going to trash the entire order.
Woman's Acceptance buffs only exist if you spec heavily into Masculinity. White Knight requires you to forego that skill tree.
if this thread gets to the attention of the Blizz team, some shits are gonna get all fuckd up in future episodes
everyone knows that white knight only made it into the game because the developers were sick and tired of reading those long winded forum posts about how poor the succubus class is without support.
It also changes based on moon phases, at least according to some rumors on BlueGartr.
Only until you find a unicorn horn. At which point rescuing legitimately virtuous maidens from Orcish rape gangs, Dragons, Vampire predation, etc makes you immune to all manner of debuffs.
Of course the white knight is only a starting class. His true power is unlocked once he secures a virtuous mate and starts producing children.
You're confusing it with the orbiter prestige class.
see what i mean? White knight is just a worse version of the chad class
I thought White Knight was a prestige class for the Orbiter class?
This. Chad class at least allows you to pick some stuff in the Masculinity tree.
Sorry CIA man, your an npc….
Maybe you can capture a few yids and sacrifice them to bane or something for an new roll in life. Become the borne we all want you to be, instead of a faggot.
I lost all interest about half way into the time traveling orc arc.
What was the writer thinking? Not only that, but they changed animation studios at one point but for some reason kept the old art style for only blood elves, draenei, goblins and worgen. Fucking bizarre. they finally realized their fuck up, but they still use the old art style for goblins and worgen for some fucking reason, even though it's been like 5 years since they changed studios.
i think the devs were trying to do some type of cleric tank class,to make it decent you need to spec into the grease tree for more hitpoints but you are more vulnerable to poison and insanity, then you spec into the intellectual tree, on the rick and morty abilities for more mp and int
ya, hes thinking of the paladin tree spec for 'familial protection', completely different class and abilities.
I thought the Orbiter was a succubus pet.
A lot of fallen heroes got pegged by a succubus or witnessed a pegging and reject the utility of virtuous femininity. Don't confuse them with Wizards, who reject femininity for other reasons.
I can't tell if you're acting in character for this thread or if this is legit.
An ingeniously Jewish solution to a problem caused by Jewish ingenuity.
Hi noob shill!
Where did you get that shit gear? You need to level your persuasion class something fierce…. oh wait… can rat yids beat on other rat yids to level? Or is there some game mechanic that stops fag on fag violence? Oh shit…. thats why the shills never get better…. oh damn.
Ah, makes sense.
No, I think you're confusing it with what described. Speccing into Masculinity necessitates pairing yourself with someone specced into Virtuous Femininity if you want to get the full effect out of the skilltree. The Wizard class is unable to get the full benefits out of Masculinity and has to push for Masculine Mastery instead. This gives them Magic buffs and a whole fuckton of Insight points, but it makes them unable to get any boosts from players specced into Virtuous Femininity.
White Knight, IIRC, is just the Orbiter prestige class since it allows you to more effectively work with players specced into Corrupted Femininity whilst not relying so much on them as regular Orbiters.
Acting? Are you implying I'm lying?
I would never lie.
but yes, that is actually legit
I must be thinking of the old rule set, back before the new poz mechanics were introduced.
>mfw cia/fbi/shills reads this thread, still has no idea what is going on or how we function or what this thread even is
>mfw they never will :^)
CIA niggers got that night glow secret debuff, lowers their stealth by 35%
they are also weak against the skill vehicular manslaughter, which hits them for 200% damage.
Fair warning. Next expansion is going to be based around paladins but not in a good way. Rumored to be called, Fall of the Jew King. Early leak showed Paladins will have to decide which side to fight on.
False rumor. Class and Religion specs will remain independent of Allegiance as they have since release. It's worth noting though that in the next update some Allegiances will be closed off to Paladins if they don't respec if they're defined by opposing classes such as the Vampire or Satanist prestige classes or the Corrupted or False Paladin sub-classes. The devs would literally have to change core code if they wanted to force Paladins out of previous Race or Class Allegiances.
What you're talking about is equivalent to claiming you have to pick skilltrees over classes. It doesn't make any sense. They're separate things.
Whatever the case, Paladins are either going to get serious buffs or serious nerfs. Depending on how the Vampire Horde expansion goes, we're very likely going to see one of the two. I have heard that if they nerf Paladin into the ground they'll have to introduce a new class to compensate. No word on what it'll be, but they'll almost certainly try to go for something new. Not sure how much they'll succeed.
What I'm trying to say that the devs aren't going to force you away from choosing Human Paladin or Orc Paladin (for example) if that's what you've already chosen. You'll still be able to choose Paladin class regardless of Race, but you'll be limited to in-race Allegiances and will probably have to fight other Paladins if they're not the Race you chose (not like that hasn't been the case since release but whatever). Devs would shoot themselves in the foot if they tried to change this.
checked and keked
Roll for spiritual circumference?
Guys I haven't picked my class yet but I've bought a shit ton of red pills for power leveling the early game. Where the fuck do I invest them in?
As long as you make sure to select Human for your race you're probably good for most Classes you pick. The Holla Forums Clan is Human so you need to be careful.
wait wut? I picked frog as my race, did I screw up?
Nah. Frogs are a mystic Race that gets the mystic Race bonus of being able to ally with other races. It's only if you choose Orc or Elf or something as your race that you'll be screwed.
This weapon dropped in the party while were raiding the Detroit Salt Mines, the klanmaster claimed it for himself and didn't allow anyone to spend their Nigger Kill Points on the sword; he's a fucking wizard! Why does a wizard need this sword?? Resist Feminism is a tank only stat I thought, but he said the Purity stat is important for casting Burning Cross and we use that a lot in our raids.
Should I quit this klan?
Trust me dude. Go all in on the nazi tree and max out your SIEGE related skills. The amount of debuffs you can toss out is obscene. At the higher levels you exude an aura of hate that buffs your speed, strength, health, and charisma. I'd suggest also going into the warrior or knight tree to get some tank ability since the SIEGE branch leaves you somewhat weak defense wise
Nah I got them from the Holla Forums guild, I wasn't a fan of the pdf's for cosmetic reasons so I got the hard copy's of Mein Kampf and the protocols.
wherever I go, I must also crusade
This thread is why I'm glad that cast Holla Forums is a cantrip. Just upset I spent my lower levels not investing in the nazi tree. It's never too late to respec though. Still winding my way through the Kek cleric/Esoteric Hitler paladin dual class.
I honestly feel left out choosing the Wizard class, I don't even get to go through the rape tree
these TRaSh mob shills aren't worth your time, though it can be fun to zone out and wail on them, they don't drop any good loot or xp unless you're very low lvl
man i cant wait for the final boss expansion, shit's been hyped for years yet i can't imagine it being a letdown
The rape tree is free to anyone that equips EBT. It's an extremely rare drop if you're playing as a human though.
You could go monk and invest in the void branch of monk for perception, prescience and precision. They have many debuff, disabling and critical strikes, and all kinds of acrobatic shit. Goes well with your build, and will build up dex over time. The tankiness from Golden Bell or Iron Shirt technique and Tendon Reguvenation technique will allow you to put strength into a lot of different moves which the Void branch coordinates and combos best.
Sieg Heil
Not until you get to quest 3 in the Trump storyline, when the spirit-cookers are revealed.
I am gearing for range combat on my Pali, and it just so happens that I get a bonus 45% holy damage when I equip heavy weapons. Raid night is gonna be easy
Wizards get access to swords and other one handers if they spec into Fighter. Waifublade is a good statstick for certain specs depending on the encounter. Don’t be a little pussy about loot unless you are on top of the dps charts.
Holla Forums is for vagina
Holla Forums is not for vidya
Stop Spirit rape fight the oppression against wymn and promote fat childless cat owning feminists.
Related to that image, historically Typhoid-chan and others have visited there many times with many victims.
I accidentally picked the White Knight Class. should i just start over. its like the weakest class next to merchant.
i shouldn't be surprised anymore.
They can zerg rush enemies by brainwashing npc's (and they can get away with it unharmed in the current year+2 patch), they get a +6 million percent bonus on all activities regarding usury, vampiric passives are broken by the class because they give more bonuses based on how little of a soul you have, finally they control most assets on the market place raising the prices for all non merchant classes and dicking them with "taxes". Oh and they killed God in the lore and deny it when ever its brought up. Evil but powerful, huge difference.
Learn how to use the flight plan>master plan combo. It's OP as fuck.
Heathens like you will burn in the rising fire. For every Bane, there must be a CIA, as only the existence of both enables the casting of Plane Crash, which deals more AoE damage than the Virgin Wizard's meteor, although it has a higher cooldown. This can be mitigated by calling Ittin in advance, though, which lowers the cooldown by 10%. An additional 20% cooldown reduction can be achieved by purchasing the turbocharger upgrade for Masketta Man's Jeep of Reckoning.
Do not underestimate banemancy in 2.0.17
Checked and kek'ed
Banemancy is shit. I was banemancer, but I kept getting beaten by big guys. It's when I respecced to Priest of Kek and Master of Long Knives, to get a Kristallmancer prestige class (nothing hurts kikes more than holy enchanted glass knives). For big guys, I just use Molded by Shadow, which befriends them temporarily. Higher levels make them your allies, but I didn't finish with core build yet, this path causes you to spread too thin to get keystone skills. I am aiming to get Juden Expose, which does a little self-harm at the cost of absorbing all Juden cover in a wide pbaoe. Nothing I can't heal, I'm a fucking priest of Kek as first class.
I want to be at the top of the server and was wondering if you theorycrafters have any good ideas on the matter.
One idea is getting debuff (crippling) gear, skills, spells and curses to level up the holy trinity of Resist, Adapt and Will while also boosting other stat growth to insane levels. The great thing about it is that there are skills and abilities that are empowered by debuffs or project them onto others/into the environment, and most skills scale with raw stats of course. I heard from a friend of a developer that once you've done this enough, you unlock a unique mechanic where you can skip a tier and get skills/spells/abilities etc a tier above it. I also heard that in the code, you can technically get to the point where you can skip more tiers, but stacking enough debuffs whilst keeping a random player/npc from noticing the severe debuffs and taking advantage of them or keeping something like code whackery (recursive debuff loop making it permanent?) from fucking everything up is extremely difficult.
Get this hot head outta here!
If I 1v1 you, will you die?
It would be extremely painful.
I must say boys, the banter in this thread is the toppers of tiers.
Oh, you think darkness is your ally?
I didn't see another white person until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but redpilling!
Niggers betray you, because they are fucking subhuman filth.
Do you feel in charge?
Holla Forums inspired RPG when?
iirc there was a guy making a Hitler RPG maker game like a year ago. I'll find the webms in a second or several hours from now hang on
There was more but apparently I lost the other files somehow.
I wonder if the guy just quit and if there are any public builds.
Is he supposed to be fighting off his own suicide or something?
iirc it was a rough idea for a recurring lame bad guy called trigger'd man or something. The game was going to be about Hitler coming back in the current year and joins forces with anons or something to piss everyone off. Keep in mind this is probably off considering this was from over a year ago and its 4 over here.
Approximately 6 gorillion times a minute or so, roughly. I constantly judge and evaluate women, as any thinking man does, and I'm sure I've stepped waaay over the bounds and violated their virtue-signaled-spirits many, many times throughout the day. But that's alright anons, since I've now realized It's Okay To Be Male.
I heard the Night Monkey and Thunder Nigger classes get it when they leave the starting zone.
Good luck designing that Threat Matrix now :^)
i meant weakest as in lowest Stats. White knights dont even get the buffs, debuffs and summons that merchants get.
I've raped so many spirits, they call me Casper.
Leftypol misses you. Faggot.
I guess every time I smile at a woman its probably a spirit rap by those standards. Guess I need punishment.
Bane of my fucking existence that faceberg. We get a world changing tech upgrade in the electrical subcortex and 90% of the world just uses it to get lost in minigames.
Judging by your grammar I'm going to say hybrid barbarian/farmer, low level maybe in the 20s, dropped out of specc'ing your Savage Ancestry and becoming the wielder of the Chainsaw of Liveleaking Necks. Thought you could jump on a Norse raiding party by sidedooring into their Manchurian Sriracha Cooking minigame but it's clear you don't belong.
Weimar go home
apparently she swallows
Go to bed jake
I didn't realize that this game included actual combat so I made I made a Librarian/Druid build but picked none of the combat abilities for either, going full into Support abilities. I also didn't even know that the Speech skill tree existed so I picked Charisma as my dump stat. It wasn't until they started dropping debuffs on Humans and getting my ass kicked by Orcs and Hobgobllins that I realized my mistake. But after I put a couple skill points into the Nazi and Libertarian trees, I'm starting to come out ahead. I think it's a lot more fun to win as a junk character than as a perfectly stated one.
Also, does anyone know good strats for dealing with Succubi without Charisma?
This whole thread.
Well if you're a librarian/druid you could try taking a few points in the traditionalist thought tree. Depending on how high level the succubus is they'll either shut down and kill themselves or maybe even turn back to their human forms. Of course then you have to take care of them. Game becomes an eroge at that point.
The most effective one is the insult debuff part of the tree. There's a spell that points involves pointing out all their offspring after level 30 will be deficient in some way.
You can always just pay her to leave. Be warned, if you get a Merchant involved, the Succubus could be preparing her own version of Soul Rape. It's probably best to get an Infernal Contract drawn up before the Succubus is summoned. Don't wait until after she appears. With the poz mechanics in the latest edition of the game, even an Infernal Contract might not help you.
Just make sure you have maxed out "Elemental Mastery" so your physical attacks proc on-hit gas damage and you should be fine.
What’s the next level beyond spirit rape?
The only time when single class is acceptable is when you are going for those hidden autism mastery skills.
Is this just me or could phrase "It was real" be a a entertaining anagram for "Israel"
Wat Israel
I'm both dyslexic and retarded so halp is appreciated
Aren't leftists atheists? So what is this spirit they speak of?
Atheism doesn't necessarily deny the supernatural or other unknown shit we just don't understand. They just deny a supreme deity making all this shit happen.
They're "spiritual," but they don't believe in anything. This isn't new, it's a thing retards have been doing for a while.
I-Is that Tori Spelling? Jesus Christ that bitch was always pretty haggard looking but now she's a butter golem too? Fuuuuuck.
That spirit cooking bee-yotch wasn't even a jew. Go fig. Ya'll rock!!!
No, they are anti-Christian at most.
I have to hand it to the devs for hinting at these upcoming changes. I think they did a good job sprinkling hints as the story went on. I mean, to me I thought they were obvious but most people haven't picked up on them, mainly the paladins themselves.
No, it's massively insulting because it implies that men do not suffer those little things every day that force you to suppress who you really are. How many of you nazis get to express your true feelings in public. Oh right, that would make poor Monica feel offended and we can't have that can we? So do I get to say she is raping my spirit? How about we just cut through all this civility bullshit and start the war already? I'm so sick of these kinds of people.
What type of monk builds are you guys running? I've been investing in the void branch and the emptiness sub-branch, which is a raw stat farm, but need skills and spells etc. What's a good build (non-monk is fine) for a high stat [growth] char? Or a build that only works with a raw stat growth char?
user, in the current meta, the only viable Monk path is an Esoteric Hitlerist Mystic build, and most of those class abilities come with massive charisma and disguise debuffs, which makes that path not very viable as well. You can skip "Windmill Tattoo" to avoid some of those, but it's not worth it, since it severely gimps your progression.
The Identity Evropa guild is starting to piss me off. Their guildmaster is convinced that Nazi builds aren't viable in the current version, and he's going out of his way to attack Nazi guilds that have done nothing to hurt him.
Demon rape, Satan
Well you can't join the premier PVP guild and not expect to have everyone else aiming to take you down.
fucking drunk lush bitch.
Raw stat growth? That would be the Green Pill Adept prestige class. Highest base stats would probably be something inhuman, but the GPA has the highest growth, by far. Most players only dabble in it for the Super Male Vitality or Brain Force perks, due to some of the weird class obligations, such as only drinking filtered water, but Fires of Liberty, Throwback and Fnord are really impressive abilities. It's not just about raw stats though, their latent psychic abilities come out at higher levels, allowing them to keep up with a spell-casting heavy party and deal with challenges in indirect or unconventional ways. If you just want the stat buffs and enhanced mental and spiritual defenses, only take a couple of levels. Going all in on the class is not something for casual players.
I'm using a UI mod and I think the class names were bugged, I guess I've been speccing into Green Pill Adept all this time! Explains accidental Brain Force use on people; I've given people chest pain and chest vibrations both. Risking insanity all the time. No need for sleep and no fatigue in exercise when I remove self-imposed limits. Omen reading. Makes sense.
I don't know how far I want to go into it though, what are the highest levels like? God-Emperor?
Yo, if you are playing as a white race character, try to get the Ebola buff the stat upgrades and passive enemy AOE damage is off the chain.
No idea. I used to play with a Green Pill. He mentioned something about inter-dimensional travel and fighting battles on higher planes. Then he just disappeared. Some people say he escaped the matrix, but that's crazy. It's more likely that he got ganked by a rival guild during a solo run. That Draconian clan really had it out for him.
Feels good, reached the level cap for my shitpost invoker class, finally got the meta derail skill, "discuss potato"
It's all about the spiritual girth, my guy
If you fap to them it’s rape.
If you don’t fap to them it’s spirit rape.
The Green Pill always seems to turn into the Beyond Enlightened Black Pill. He's probably fighting bigger targets now, and is minimizing collateral.
This thread made my day. I love all of you guys.
Can we all agree that Darkness is best gril?
Librarian/Archivist here, or at least that's what I started with… What I learned is once you get a skill high enough it reaches a transcendental tier after a (good) while. Once there not only do you keep leveling up like normal but additionally you get bonus XP that you can spend on any other transcendent skills, elsewise you it just modifies the roll on what ever (which is pretty good in itself). When you have multiple skills that have reached this level, which I can only describe as "seeing the fractal relation of that piece to the infinite", then as you get any XP in them your bonus XP starts to go off the charts. Long story short, after picking up my starter Researcher class combined with Voracious Curiousity starter feat for bonus XP while learning as well ended up with so much that after side specing into Sorcerer, Druid, and Priest I picked up Paladin and Alchemist too.
And you Know what I've learned, as shocking as it sounds, but is that geometry is the ultimate (combat) skill. It seems harmless enough, at first – it has two primary advantages, first the experience from studying it can be spend it any skill and then if it any another skill(s) are transcendental level then it provides XP to them all. It may seem silly but I assure just as easily as fire can burn a man so to can enough geometric power turn the tides of flesh and soul. This is the result of years of arcane study into the nature of the life and the whys of the cosmic condition.
You ever meet a GPA who dual classed as something else as well?
numbers are gay and so is cosmic structure, real power lies in not taking things so srs
t b h
You're an Arcane Optician prestige class with Concentration: Laser Focus and Perception: Occult Occulus maxed as prereqs. I think, at least. Knowledge prereqs of course. Dual class a Druid: Balance. Trust me. You'll need to sub-class as Bard though, or you can dual class Bard and sub-class Druid: Balance.
stop trying to justify degeneracy retard. listen to this user.
Have some digits.
Not without knowing the target. I get a penalty with my racial stats for spirit raping anyone that hasn't gone fully leftarded.
Do you have to summon a succubus first?
Looks like a revoltcuck didn't get the memo.
Kike detected.
Succubi are one path to ye ol spirit rape.
Kikes confirmed as d&c addon.
I wonder what the devs have planned for the 2.0.18 update, it's sure to be great though.
Not sure how many levels on autism this thread is on, but I enjoy witnessing each and every one of them.
Welcome to the greatest timeline ever. Remember to invest some skill points into /fit/ and /lit/ for the next update.
To all you naysayers who said 2.0 wasn't worth the money or the pain or the reskilling, that the memes were stale or the story dated, that the spice wasn't spicey or that it was full of jews.
Shit man, I went for knight-monk to unlock the Crusader prestige class, and even then I got to the "purify degenerate" passive skill. It's very similar to "Spirit Rape" but only affects the unholy within sight range - it actually grants a +2 protection against evil and detect evil rolls to anyone in my party.
I can't wait for the devs to release the expansion pack so I can don power armor and power-level my marksmanship too.
I heard "purify degenerate" doesn't work on vampires. I think "kill it with fire" is the only spec that's worth using on them.
How about every single time MY spirit was raped, you fucking brat?
Nah, that's what "Smite Evil" is for. Deal incredible damage to anything that you bane. It's very important to use in association with "Detect Evil." When I don't actually want to kill them off entirely and instead wish to make them suffer, that's what "Purify Degenerate" is for - it marks any evil alignment enemies with a conviction debuff that unless they repent, they continue to whither away every round.
Horry shit Satan I've seen some add-on packs but this is something else
Search for the pool of quenched buttfire, chant shadilay three times at it's mouth and in front of you will open a portal to the secret lair of the Herbal Wizard. Be careful, a zombie guards the pool and will it any who try to enter without pay. Cost is all scrolls, potions and totems of stat growth in your possession. Caution, down this rabbit hole you risk becoming so far removed from humanity you no longer are accepted by it.
I just found out another thing in common between feminists and jihadis.
Inb4 no archive
Never mind, the mentally-ill adept showed up already.
Your elementary forays into old pen-and-paper skill trees concerning potion making and armorcraft are amusing, but you wish your strength min/max hacks were as 1337 as mine, and don't even get me started on the fundamental weakness of your mana restore scroll work OR LACK THEREOF… THE PUBLIC WILL KNOW THE TRUTH. THE LINK BETWEEN ENDOCHEMICAL ENVIRONMENT AND PSYCHIC ABILITY WILL BE ESTABLISHED. THEY WILL THANK ME FIRST, ME, WIZARD, NOT YOU
In regards to Heimdall, do the libshits even realize that he's the one that created slaves and slavery? They blackface the whitest god, just to show that blacks created slavery, and that slavery was decreed by the black god.
I think player "Uncle Adolf" used "smite evil" pretty effectively. I might have to start upping my stats to equip that. Polite sage for double posting.
You sound like a try hard red herring shill.
You have literally no idea the two people whose conversation you are intruding on. Go back to CS:GO and larp hi speed lo drag lifestyle with all your minority friends.
Wikipedia says nothing about it so it's as good as fake news to them.
6 gorrillian at least fam, kek
Oh (((you))), I am that user with another IP. You tipped your hand too early mate.
I guess I overestimated the liberal mind, I forget they traded 5 int for 5 feels.
Nah, you'd know who I was then. Keep trolling shrek
I know who you are filtered
come on, you did it too. Holla Forums already penetrated every single spirit with an internet access on earth and their mom.
Hey I might be a mess but I'm researching the idea of boosting mana total through hitting 0 as often as possible, which causes insanity sooner and more severely the older you get. Fuck you. And alchemy and armor requires deep philosophical contemplation to unlock the transcendent genius potential within it.
Ahem. I'm not giving up my weight vest though, I need the stats. Adding 10 lbs every week, at 30 lbs now. The simple truth is that if you prepare your limbs for kicking and punching charging linebackers or rugby heavyweights, by channeling your consciousness into your joints and just doing it via shadow work (don't hit anything, reorganize your joints instead) you are preparing them for any lesser impacts and strains. Just go into the mental simulation room, and figure out how to punch much much faster without pain via optimization. As well, armor and alchemy is akin to flesh and fluids… it is the foundation of further pursuits in these fields. Machine Code before Basic before C. The warrior way is the supreme way.
Channel back into humanity to link past and future.
From some of the comments on here, ^ I'm wondering if the devs did enough beta testing? Sometimes there seems to be some memory leak through from the beta program. And how the hell did inbred redshields find so many cheat codes?
Can't be a fountain of mana when you're fried to shit. My shit will be ultra-relevant next patch.
Sure, you can never have enough spirit rape.
I'm casting an anti slide bump, because the NPC shills seem pretty active today.
I've actually buffed my Kekromancy and Whale Trigger, it hasnt affected my ability to spec for Sense Juden and Redpill Assault, but there is a Chad Stride cap as it has a reflective damage aura.
Anyone planning on improving skills for the next update? The "spring" patch will definitely bring a lot of chimpout instances with it.
If I wasn't a permaNEET, I'd do a kickstarter to make a movie about Anansi the Spider and cast Chris Evans in the role, just to hear the outraged shrieking of the baboons.
Chimping hasn't been quite as prolific in the meta since the Ferguson and Baltimore raids so I wouldn't spec too deep into it. You're probably better off grabbing the trashcan decoy skill.
No Snake box skill for silent sneaking?
Don't blow your cover so easily, user. You know how commies are, the more they hate you, the more they look at you and dig whatever they can.
I wonder what is her opinion about that shit when she is effectively sucking alpha chad's cock while being fucked by a bull in the ass and being treated like an object.
It's like you don't even into japanese ink documentaries.