Iran announces Hezbollah and Syria will be rebuilt and rearmed ready for war with Israel

One of Iran's top military commanders has said the Religion of Cuck™ic Republic will intervene in any future conflict between Israel and its paramilitary ally in Lebanon, Hezbollah.

mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker Ali Jafri, the commander of Iran’s Religion of Cuck™ic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), said it was clear Lebanon was Israel’s primary focus and as such Iran and its network of proxy forces would unite to intervene against an attack.

"It is a proven claim that today we say any new war will lead to the eradication of the Zionist regime," Jafri said, according to the semi-official Iranian news agency Fars.

Jafri’s comments were made against a backdrop of increasing tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia over the rival nation’s proxy wars across the Middle East but particularly over internal strains in Lebanon.

A meeting of the Arab League in Cairo called by Saudi Arabia on Sunday condemned the powerful Lebanese militia Hezbollah and Iran, accusing both of supporting terrorism and extremist groups with advanced weapons and ballistic missiles.

In response the Lebanese president Michel Auon defended Hezbollah, saying his country was subject to Israeli aggression and, as such, had the right to protect itself.

On November 4 Lebanon was thrust to the forefront of Sunni Riyadh and Shiite Tehran’s power struggle when the country’s leader, Saad Hariri, resigned during a visit to Saudi Arabia. Since returning to Beirut Hariri has agreed to stay on in his role at the request of Hezbollah-backed Aoun, despite having said specifically that he would allow himself to become a pawn in Iran’s meddling in Lebanese affairs.

In a Thursday interview with the New York Times Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince, mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker Bin Salman, said Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khameni, the Supreme Leader of Iran, was the “new Hitler of the Middle East.” He went on to further compare the sectarian power struggle in the region between Riyadh and Tehran to Europe in World War II.

Om Tuesday, the commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces, a lesser force to the battle-hardened Hezbollah militia, called for his troops to prepare to confront Israel amid the escalation.

According to the Times of Israel, General Joseph Aoun warned that Israel had hostile intentions against Lebanon, its people, and army. “I call upon you… to be fully prepared on the southern border to confront the Israeli enemy’s threats and violations,” he said in a s speech.

Israel has repeatedly intervened in the war in neighboring Syria to stop Hezbollah from establishing a foothold on the border. On Monday Israel’s Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman requested a $1 billion over a three year period to boost the country’s defense in light of developments in Syria.

The head of Iran's Revolutionary Guard is reported to have said "we must rebuild Syria and Hezbollah into strong armed forces which can fight alongside us against the Zionists and their puppet regimes."

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't let your memes be dreams.

This is good news. With Iran, and Syria in addition to hezbollah Israel will not be able to complete their greater plans in the region

>owned by (((Sidney Harman)))
Hard to tell if they are just conducting predictive programming on Americlaps or they are actually preparing to get btfo



He's going back to his ancestral lands to gas the kikes.

Please destroy isreal. Unfortionately they'd try to draft us in (((america))) to defend the jewish filth.

That's when you point your most favorite .30 cal rifle back at them and say nope , not this time motherfuckers

Good lord. 2020 can't get here soon enough.

Why is this thread not happening-tier? What's getting slid?

I cant wait until Iran backs israel the fuck off!

>Unfortionately they'd try to draft us in (((america))) to defend the jewish filth.
Draft wont work bc once shitlibs pull the muh slavery, muh daca cards, whites will tell the gov to fuck off. Instant inna woods!

Cool meme, but unfortunately Trump was repeating debunked Zionist propaganda.

Iran is NOT developing a nuclear weapon. Don't be fooled by Zionist war propaganda.

Former Iranian president Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to "wipe Israel off the map."

Saudi crown prince calls Iran's supreme leader 'new Hitler'

Oy vey goyim you must fight to stop the next Hitler :^)

Heil Hitler

Gas the kikes

To the last


Death to Israel

Really? Bummer.

this is diplomatic language. if we were to say they have decided and are proceeding, then they would proceed to create a bomb because they would have nothing to lose at that point – we would already assume they are making one.

The stuxnet virus took out centrifuges capable of creating plenty of fissile material for multiple bombs. The "decision" to package it into a weapon and put it on military standby could happen in a matter of days/weeks. The idea that because they haven't "decided" yet means they are years or decades away is ludicrous. They are a de-facto nuclear state at this point. saying otherwise is really just ostrich diplomacy. It doesn't really stop anything or solve any problems, it just buys you a little time – days or weeks in the event of hostilities.

Language used in one of the three articles.

Fuck off JIDF.

cianigger detected

The document in question was an internal one not meant for public consumption. It shows what Israel tells to the world is a lie.

Israel has been claiming that Iran has be close to developing nuclear weapons for literally decades. It's all been a lie.

Maybe you aren't an engineer or a scientist, you just shill on Holla Forums cause it's your day job, but if you were, you would realize that creating a nuclear weapon is pretty basic-bitch technology for a nation-state with the resources of iran. Israel wasn't wrong to say they are close. they are fucking close and they always have been. A suitcase full of refined ore is all they'd need, and I'm assuming they've got it.

They said the same shit about Iraq though.

based shia sandniggers.
good luck, and don't forget to upload the clips of dying Israelies to liveleak - we want to see the fun too.

He's actually right in a sense, the Ayatollah IS the Führer of the Shia world. This is one reason why the Shias are BTFOing the Sunnis just about everywhere. Shias have a clear chain of command whereas Sunnis are disorganized with basically every lowly Imam claiming to be the legitimate leader of Sunnis. Just look at all the infighting between Sunni groups in Syria, doesn't happen with Shia groups, they stay united.


I would agree with you if not for Iran stating basically the opposite.

h ttp://

This whole thing about Iran's "development of nuclear weapons" is retarded israeli scaremongering, Iran dosent fucking need a nuclear program, if it ever cme to the point they needed to use nuclear weapons they would simply buy some from either moscow or the norks.

if they want a M.A.D. strategic balance of power with Israel, they do. And why wouldn't they want this? Or are you saying they already have a MAD balance because they can just amazon prime a nuke from russia or nk with 2-day shipping? It's only MAD if both parties recognize the capabilities of the other party.

Good, fuck Israel. If the USA, my country, decides to get involved there’s no reason not to go full Brevik on our leaders and their families. No more ME wars

a middle east civil war might be what the world needs to let off a little steam… I hear we've got some surplus apaches

An American civil war is the only thing that can save the White race

You misspelled eradicating jews and sowing their fields with salt. Though I could see how one could conclude you can't have one without the other.

the jews don't have fields, the jews have goyim.

Double heil!

Let the Persians and their sabers ravage them, i care not.

2020? what is the significance?

Getting Trump and his israeli stooge administration out of power.

you're not wrong, but it's not voting that will solve this

They Trump said the same thing about Syria

We always knew the kikes would try to start a war as their last ditch effort against us. Here it is.

So best case scenario:
- Israel is wiped out all Jews are gone
- Trump or Putin clear out the muds in the name of revenge
- "Totally doing this for our greatest ally!" *winks at Holla Forums*
- Trump/Putin places a bunch of Christians to settle the land and Israel becomes Isn'trael


Hezbollah is the only group that has ever given the IDF a black eye. I wish them Godspeed.

Also, anyone else getting the feeling that this is gonna be the moment of truth for whether we can trust Trump when the chips are down?

Anyone else have a massive softspot for the Shia. They can actually stand on their own, so it's not like they're Holla Forums's version of a BASED black man in a MAGA hat.
Godspeed Hezbollah, death to Israel.

Are there any purely unkiked regimes left in the middle east besides Iran and whatever is left of Assad's regime? And how many of the smaller nations are just paying lip service to Israel and Saudi Arabia so they don't end up like Libya, Syria, or Iraq?

If they somehow end up BTFOing Israel I will declare them to be based. Until then who cares.

Inb4 JIDF pushes (((based israel))) and tries to call everyone muslim. Its ok to place bets and cheer on monkies.

Holla Forums get

now that i have your attention, Holla Forumslards, I will try to explain communism to you in a way that won't make you wig out:

some people just want their fair share of fireside shade. now what do i mean by that? well - say for instance, you have a house, quite a bit of money, just enough to not have to work even. what you don't realize is this isn't always the literal case for most of the population as of now; in semi-suburban towns where the causerie is not always that bountiful, there is a whole lot of the population that can't get their fair share of defraud-Ieyasu-type objects for rectal insertion purposes. (this is where the antique communist true-phrase "seize the means of prolapsing your bowels out from your anus for the purpose of pleasure" comes from) most of the population is unable to acquire (afford) defraud-Ieyasu-type objects for rectal insertion. you can obviously afford said defraud-Ieyasu-type objects for rectal insertion, but others cannot. this is why capitalism (the authoress borgesess "law" long short repeat note) is not favorable and or supported by us, (leftypol) it prevents the majority of the population from, once again, seeking defraud-Ieyasu-type objects for rectal insertion.

same goes with national "socialism", what did I know about it before? nothing. what do I know about it now? everything. I know the lies about it, how to reverse the weird, concessionaire audiophile ""dialectal ideology" of it, and even the reason why national "socialism", as it is (in the present time of now) prevents those seeking defraud-Ieyasu-type objects for rectal insertion from getting said said object for rectal insertion and or penetration purposes.

the fact, fiction, factuality of national "socialism" isn't even what of the name appears to imply or be synonymous with; it does not nationalize, nor does it socialize or even vocalize - it is simply (merely) a unabated, unabridged Abjures mess.

I hope you finally learned something, and will change your ways.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)



Odd. I just assured my 15 year old son that if for some reason the US instituted a draft we would make sure he would never have to fight unless it came to defending his own home and soil. He will never go to foreign lands to fight foreign wars for foreign powers.
Good luck finding willing cannon-fodder this time around; the goyim know too much.

They don't do anything to you for going awol when not deployed. All job owners however will see "dishonorable discharge" however. Doing it on duty is prison time though.

Oh fuck

A big moment of truth

No, I just see them as the lesser of two evils.


Trump has made it quite clear where he stands on all of this.

Pro-tip, every Holla Forums post I read in my head as the most nasal kikey voice possible and my image of your board goes along with this as being a bunch of balding overweight kikes in their 30s and extremely ugly trannies even by tranny standards. Just thought you would want a reminder that we laugh at you constantly.

You know, you wont technically be fighting for israel if israel doesn't exist.

Oman tries to play both sides since it is Ibadi and Iraq and Lebanon are drifting firmly into the Iranian sphere. Yemen is split between pro-Iranian and pro-Saudi forces.

For me, every leftytard post sounds like a pig grunting if you get what I mean.

Don't be mean user, at least pigs can feed a family.

LOL, what? As a former college professor I give it a "D". I've always been of the opinion that if you can't translate you're ideas into 3rd-grade speak/language then your ideas are not worth consideration. Your grammar is shit, you use esoteric words and bad poetry-type language. Stream of consciousness is NOT argument, please save it for your Creative Writing 101 journal, thanks. :)

Triple heil. Like these sexy digits.

More like loud brapping if you get what I mean.

Someone mentioned (I think in a Q thread) that Iran would be in a conflict with Israel, that Iran would win to some extent, and their dollar would increase heavily in value.

What's the best way to invest in this? Like do I just go to my bank? A money changer? A broker?
t. Holla Forums looking for a quick 3-year investment so I can play more VIDEOGAMES

Nice trips

Iran has nukes, you dumb fucks. It's not in their strategic interest to announce it to the world because they're better off pretending to "negotiate" not building a nuke, so Israel won't pull Best Korea-tier sanctions with Iran. Also, by not admitting they have nukes, Iran negates an Israeli first strike against Iran.

Iran plays 4D chess, too, you know. The Mossad knows it can't do shit, so they keep the bullshit meme that Iran needs to be sanctioned, while they Iranians have plausible deniability to argue they can't be sanctioned.

You guys are fucking retards. Even the former head of the Mossad thinks it's all bullshit, video related.

bonds, but good luck getting them to where you live if you don't live outside of EU or America


How about you chop off your dick and fry it up with some fresh garlic and onions instead?

I have read a war scenario about what if Israel and Iran fought.
Iran wins.
Israel has no hinterland to run away to. Iran has a lot of mountains and rural regions. Although their cities would be wiped out.

You should take everything iran says the same way you take north korea. This is nothing, they will do nothing. Its all talk.

using qr-codes is (((the memest))) of all
good job

Down with Israel. Then the muzzies.

Why the fuck is this obvious jew-loving zionist OP not gassed?

fuck me

I thought it wasn't Christmas for another montn

fuck off bitch tits, your time is coming to an end soon, stick your ism up your ass and take your university slave tards with you.

Considering jews have higher IQs than arabs, letting arabs take them out first will be an ideal choice as the latter will be easier to deal with.


Why the fucking hate dipshit? Why not help your fellow user out?


You will do nothing but lose money in FOREX unless you're a genius. You sound more like the potato variety of person so definitely don't do that.

What is the sauce for that music? I've been looking for it for awhile now.

I have been saying this to "based israel" faggots for years now. Easy way to find out if they actually hate jews or are kikes themselves

You know, this specifically would give an interesting turn of events for Europe. The path from the
Euphrates to Turkey, and thus Europe would be blocked. Not to mention, the paths for the most
oil rich ayyrab and moselm states would be blocked by the Iran-Shia alliance that is forming.

It's really villainous on how much the kikes really want White men to die for Israel. No matter how many times Iran says Death to the jews and burning US flags, they're not even remotely and never were a threat to the US an its citizens but Pissrael wants you to think they've done something to the country. If the Americans knew that Israel has commited many crimes against the country, it would result in a mass civil war as against (((them))). As for the Iranians, they don't even hate kikes as a race, they just hate the Zionist kikes and the illegal state of Israel, Iranian Jews exist you know. And just like how they have shown support to the Boycott Israel American crowd in the US. They only ever seem to be against the (((US government))) when they say Death to the jews, and I can sympathize with that. Since they don't even hate Jews for what they truly are, and are mostly color blind to race, it feels like I shouldn't even fully side with them either, but of course they can nuke Israel for all I care. I support Hezbollah for admiring Hitler but I'm not falling for the FUCKING BASED Shiite Religion of Cuck™ meme honestly.

The sudetenland is our final goal, we have no further territorial demands.

Facists can conceal their motives as well, so have faith

Not to get too sidetracked, but is it at all possible to get done and turn the "Religion of Cuck™ic Republic of Iran" back into the "Aryan Imperium of Persia" or something of the like? Is Zoroastrianism at all a thing over there, can it be restored?

Yes, between Syria, Iran, and Lebanon, I've come to the conclusion that Shia are indeed based as fuck. They are hardcore nationalists that are actually fighting Israel while the Sunni scum do the work of the jew and invade Europe. I fully support Hezbollah. They've done more to resist the NWO than anybody since the fall of the Reich. They are literal RWDS slaughtering kikes every day as well as providing vital infrastructure and services for their people. I hope we can soon match their glorious example.


good luck Hezbollah!

The only reason we aren't is because of white guilt and learned helplessness.

Got a link to that video on YouTube? I didn't know there was such a thing as Arab-kino.

Yeah soon we will throw off our shackles and impress the world once more.

No I got it from a webm thread hence the poor quality. Tried searching but can't find it. Great song though, very high energy.

Same song different video

lol do you think they're just gonna come ask you to get drafted? lots of people tried to resist it. they will take the super poor first. incrementally. you need to be innawoods far before they even begin to survive.


I don't even know what I'm reading anymore.
Please tell me that there is an addon that can disable them on Holla Forums.

When can we finally do away with the annoying word filters?



Long Live Bashar, Syria, Iran and Hezbollah

Really embodies everything that is Holla Forums

I have no idea who these guys are or who they're aligned with, but I always thought this video had a neat aesthetic.

Man, this music video is great. Also its nice to see that they have a generic "fright of JEWS" as in, all jews in their video. Not just zionists. The jew psyops is always running and trying to fool us that the Iranians are also pro jew or some dumb shit like that. I think that Hezbollah refers to zionists as an immediate subsect to which they are hostile to? Meaning that they still use "zionist" but not in a psyop way?

that shit is very catchy

I think one of us also made a version of it and the bane scene


Here is an unbiased documentary showing a brief history of Hezbollah and it's capabilities.

we're going to be 30% in any given nation in the next 70 years.

SO then if white Christians aren't going to be the ones to do it then near east Muslim will deliver the justice they have coming. I'm at the point of supporting Iran just because they're the only ones left with the balls to stand up to these people.

You forget that US will apart of the war if it ever comes to it, so this is a futile effort.

I watched this, it was pretty good. It shed some light of many things on the muslim world. I never even knew that muslim charity from so many muslim nations was such a huge factor. Turkey fucking gives how much to Hezbollah? Well a fuckton. The memetic weaponry like this to fight the jew lies is pretty powerful.

This song is so as well.

So I wonder…you know how difficult it is to imagine that there are billions of people on this planet? Each one of them with a somewhat unique, but still controlled way of being…? Well I have a hard time imagining what the millions under Hezbollah, and those in the region are like. Obviously nearly 100% of the news media that we get to the west is completely corrupted by the kikes. But some day it was just BAM: There are millions of people in that region right there, with a working government, industry, even some scientific r&d that are doing their very best to exterminate the jewish pests. And that these nations and people may even have a PR department…well it would be in those departments interests to try to partake in this memetic war. More of these catchy songs would be nice. More content would be good. I would watch it.

Trump is a kike puppet wake the fuck up.


Good point. But how badly I want to believe.

Yay, I get to watch my brothers die for jewsrael yet again. Trump, please. Can't we ally with Iran and Russia and stop the jewish menace once and for all?

How the fuck are the kikes STILL getting people to fall for this shit? How many nations has our military been used against for israeli benefit? What the fuck do we get out of it? Nothing. But the average slacknecked fatass MSM watcher will eat the whole rotten narrative and lick the plate, and now we're marching off for another die-for-jews mission. I'm sick of this shit. Let jewsrael fight its own wars, fucking land-grabbing scum they are, from inception just a bunch of jewy land thieves. But morons will still fall for the msm bullshit feast, every time. I hate this fucking country. 95% of the population doesn't have two neurons to rub together and figure out we're being used. Liberals, conservacucks, all I see are imbeciles.

Just about a decade ago zoroastrians were allowed to practice openly again. Most of the once proud persians got mudded. Now they freely worship the religion of the monsters who killed their ancestors and destroyed their nation. Ironically they took the mudslime religion, but still loath arabs as a race. They're retarded. I don't think we'll get a renewed Persia. At best, if they succeed in nuking jewsrael they'll be the new UAE. A cultureless, vaguely burkadurka modernist nothing. Iranians are like a cuckhold husband who offers to lick the black cum off the rug.

Qassam = Armed side of Hamas.

as long as israel still gets one cent from the US, there is subversion by the kikes going on right now in the US.

Buy EOS crypto currency.

It's under $2 at present.

It'll hit at least $50 within 2 years.

The filterfaggotry is getting beyond ridiculous now.

isnt it tied to the rotschild money that they call etherium though?

Nope. EOS's ICO is deliberately staggered to avoid large scale ownership.

I wasn't aware the Rothschilds had a stake in Etherium.

Anyway EOS is marketed as 'The Etherium Killer'. Far superior technology and created by an idealist who wants to fight centralised power.

Its disturbing me how much information has been shoad about civilian casualties since 2006. Everything has a kosher input and you gotta dig.

I'm looking into EOS now. Thanks for the tips.
Polite sage for off-topic.

The guys who made etherium..they are literal commies. They think that their currency will be the pretext to basic income lol…so going from the resources, marketing and other things that I briefly know about etherium, I am pretty sure that it can be considered a "Rothschild coin"

nobody knows its a mystery of the universe

well he sure did get it

Can't fuckin wait for this. The US is stretched so thin "fighting ISIS", the kikes are probably shitting their pants over this.

Israel being destroyed will be like D-Day all over again.


Hmmm thought that was IOTA.

There's an Indian guy who's anti white on the Etherium team but I didn't think Vitalik was that bad.

Apologies for the derail. Tying to help anons get rich…

It also seemed like a very likely attack vector by the kikes. Contrary to popular belief, they are terrible inventors, so when bitcoin happened they started to skvetch a lot. Trying to catch up. So obviously a grande response with a lot of investement and coverup of those things would happen. Etherium just seems like the most logical thing to it.

Its also controllable by the gov, and who controls the gov right now lol? If more people were to discard or even attack etherium then that would give the kikes a lot of worry for the future. Though this is guesswork mostly, but it seems kinda logical. From the jewEU gov, the time period and the lack of proper anonimity…its most likely better apt to call it the Rothschild coin.

what about buying calls on their currency

The thing about Hezbollah is they were formed due to how Israel fucked Lebanon. Most people over there have seen first hand what kikes do.

Is I$lam wordfiltered so we can't blaspheme against it?

Godspeed. They better be ready for shit to go down, especially as the kikes are accelerating everything to bring total war.

Your request is duly noted.

It's perfect. The song is catchy as hell too.

do it faggots, dont cuck out, if the muds wipe them selfs out its a win, if the muds wipe the kikes out its a win, if they manage to kill each other would be ideal.

Burn Israel to the ground.

We should help kill the kikes. We should go into Israel and starting bombing the wall so that hoards of sand niggers can kill the kikes quicker.

We need to get #FinishtheGenocide trending so that we can send a message that we will not fall for Zionist propaganda.

This stuff makes me want to join the jihad, how can Muslims resist the call?

Etherium isn't decentralized or anti-censorship, pic related is the CEO and founder of ethereum. If they can take action against their users, they aren't what they claim to be.

What if they fuck the economy so baldy that most people are begging to be conscripted?

you missed the dick sucking part user

It's happening?



>Please destroy isreal. Unfortionately they'd try to draft us in (((america))) to defend the jewish filth.
That would be awesome. Every soy boy and nigger protesting in the street with us against Israel because they wont fight.

That's why they revoked all the mental ban. It would have eliminated all the lefty fucks while forcing all the patriotic but dumb right wingers to kill themselves for the kikes.
If we have to go we may as well take as many of them with us.

(Heil Hitler)
Godspeed, Iran


You fail to factor in :
Samson option.

Glad you guys liked it, too. It was in my old unsorted November 2014 folder. I found a newer video using the same song on YouTube. The old one was available three years ago. Wish I had saved it in a higher quality than 240p.

I highly doubt that.

oh please please please please please please

You misunderstand the Samson Option. Those nukes are pointed at London, Paris, Berlin, Rome, and probably Denver and Miami, etc.

I'd prefer a similar scenario, but without nukes

Does Israel have chemical weapons?

there's one downside
this is why chemical warfare is a better way to destroy a country you want to physically preserve, just rid it of the people

well they better hope they all hit, user :^)

how real is the samson option? israel doesn't even "officially" have nuclear weapons. (that's still a thing right?)
Anyway, it's gotta be a bluff. It would make no sense to nuke the world if some rogue nuke made it to israel, from a country like iran or nk.

Assad is too pure for this world

Are these Indonesian Muslims? They look Asiatic and the singer and melody is different even though it's the same song. They're also using M4 pattern rifles not AKs.

From a game theory point of view, it does make sense. It is essentially saying
So they hold the rest of the world hostage because if there are no jews then the world is ruined anyway right?

all the people not in israel are in the big cities of the world. they'd be nuking their own survivors.

*all the jews

Based lion of syria.

The opinion of many Israelis is "why aren't those Jews here in Israel?" and they don't generally care much for them. Jews are not super concerned with the lives of other jews unless they stand to profit from them..

Didn't Putin suggest his people invest in Etherium, or was that a different crypto-currency?

Trips confirm.

I wanna see that fucking piece of shit Charlie Rose get flayed alive in front of his children.

To Victory!!! SIEG HEIL!!!

Eh, not excited. They say this every year. Same with Kim.


Woah, you posted the picture of a dude you're obsessed with. What do you think that's going to accomplish?

Who cares that he's a Turk? He looks whiter than 90% of the people I see on a daily basis.

Weird, syria defeats ISIS and all of a sudden Israel seems really concerned.

What was the context?

if you look at the guy who came up with game theory and similarly such things as "Fuck You Buddy", you'll see what a jewish mindset it is.

Even if I don't like moderation, I see no reason to believe he is whatever just because random picture, but holy shit,
what the fuck are you even doing, that's the least racially conscious argument I can think of besides shilling for niggers and kikes



WEW winning indeed



He has straight hair, high cheekbones, olive skin, and colored eyes. Turkey is right next to Europe and interbred with Balkan peoples as well as took Europeans as slaves for millennia. He looks more Caucasoid than Turkic. If I saw him on the street I'd think he was a white guy with a tan.

That's not the founder of ethereum, that's some random fag replying to the founder about something.


Pentagon likely to announce US has 2,000 troops in Syria, not 500 – officials

As if they couldn't be shot down in a minute especially since everyone knows this option is on the table.


The samsom option is not going to launch nukes FROM israel. The nukes are already in place, the samsom option is just detonating them.



I doubt it. Zoroastrianism was founded on a racial caste that no longer exists.

Underrated post. And not just that, you can bet there are plenty of black sites with Israeli nuclear missiles ready to launch from unexpected directions.

so they wipe out half of these countries shitskins, 3/4 of the kikes and 1/4 of all degenerates, 1/2 of all traitors in a second? cant wait.

Denver not a target. Designated USA fallback point.

Hey guys I am just going to share some goodies I have found on this subject.

This is the website for Iran's Ministry of Defense Export center. During the Iran-Iraq War no country would provide Iran missiles to defend its people while Saddam Hussein launched chemical warheads at Iranian villages with American assistance. From this experience, Iran has developed a fairly robust indigenous defense industry which produces everything one needs to outfit a modern fighting force. This website is great because it feels like for any dictator or militant group. Check it out friends, it is really detailed with everything ranging from rifles, pt boats, AA missiles, and anit-helicopter mines (?!?).

The site is in english with photos in full web 1.0 glory

I should note that Iran is really the only country in the Middle East that does any real military manufacturing besides Israel and the only country that is truly self-reliant and does not need exports from the USA. Juche-Indo-Aryan

yeah I guess they're all running Religion of Cuck™OS created by terry bin davis, running on their imam86 cpus. All their cad cam work is done with a 3d shell in Religion of Cuck™OS where they can explore the writings of muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker all whilst putting in the proper sequencing instrucitons for their nuclear centrifuges.

They also don't consume any sugar, coffee, chocolate, nicotine, passenger jets, etc etc etc…

Juche is part of another lie that socialism can work, it just hasn't been perfectly implemented yet

I want cuckchan to leave

Shia is aryan Islаm, not semitic.



mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker


why is this board so fucking gay with the censored word list? cringey shit that a 15 year old would enjoy.

calling Iran and the head of Revolutionary Guard Corps based but then pulling this shit in the same sentence.

make your minds up fag mods.

No he is right, Iran does still export a lot of goods. Software, high grade aircraft components, etc which are critical to military performance. But these days whatever they can't get from ZOG they get from China


btw i got to say that masketta man is not the best hezbollah nasheed. not by a long shot.


Get rid of those /IeftypoI/ tier wordfilters, cripplekikes.

There's no such a thing as "aryan Religion of Cuck™" Shia Religion of Cuck™ was founded by Ali, ergo it's semite.

They are cryptokikes as the arabs and they have to go once they destroy the israeli kikes





Already forgot you are the kikestani the_donald ones? Go the fuck back.


pol and b are on the same level now. limitless shitposting and half-ass mods. Pure cancer.

found the mud people.


We are not you kike shitskins.

also your english is shit, exposes you even more as being a sandnigger. tell your shit'a teacher to look into that before you start IDF shilling on here.

get rekt, kike filth.

That is stating a fact.

Also I didn't call you a jew, a called you a kike, but of course you'd have a problem with typing this out, kike.

YES Religion of Cuck™!!!

Oh wow, you garlic stinking heeb.

i'll take you deflection tactic bait just to BTFO even harder.

jews are bad. wow, amazing discovery user. how long have you been on this board? don't think anyone on here has ever mentioned thought of that before. now what you got?

now lets talk about the actual subject, which is you shilling for your goat fucking, kiddie fucking gods.


Are you even trying anymore parasite? JIDF must be pretty desperate if they're needing to recruit kikes that can't even understand English.


why do Jews have so many weird problems?


Severe inbreeding. It's also why they are all psychopaths.

Heil'd and Check'd
Send all of the soy boys to become IDF while Mossad shits it's pants on how incompetent they are. Bonus if they start making all of Israel so effeminate they let all of the bad mud in because walls are racist and muh poor oppressed Muslims for some ficki ficki.

VX gas rockets raining down on Tel Aviv is all I want for Christmas.



As long as Israel doesn't go full retard and immediate reach for the nukes, should be interesting.

aka Edomites descendants of Edom/Esau who mated with Caananite and Hittite wives
NOT "semites" descendants of Shem son of Noah

A reminder JIDF pushes (((based israel))) and tries to call everyone muslim when doing so.
Its ok to place bets and cheer on monkies.

Look who starts the shit

Anybody could have made that prediction

It's going to be a h'white Christmas


lurk 2 years before posting or just feel free to kill yourself.


Yeah, the actual creation of the bomb itself is easy, but that ore is incredibly hard to refine. Nuclear bombs are essentially two chunks of uranium at sub-critical mass but combined reach super-critical mass (greater than 15kg). Refining the ore to the correct specifications (>95% U-235) is incredibly hard, even for a nation like Iran. They either have to refine the ore themselves (which is very hard and noticeable) or buy it from another nation (nobody wants to sell it to them).

No, we take back any non-white owned farmland and give it to experienced whites. Give the blacks a taste of their own medicine.

Honestly? Yeah, I have a small soft spot for the Shia. Just to be clear, this doesn't mean I will ever allow one within my nation, but I support being friendly with them and allying with them against Israel and the Sunni. Even Shia refugees are more behaved than Sunni and are less likely to accept gibs. I would peacefully deport all of them from white nations instead of shoot them.

The only thing he should have gotten is the rope or a helicopter ride, but in the mean time this is a good substitute.

I always read leftypol posts in the most winy sounding soyboy voice you could imagine. "Like, Marx was, like, so right and stuff!"

Truly the greatest citizen of our nation

nice Reddit watermark

honestly id rather see the entire east coast of the US vaporised than a single city iran get hit.
t. european US vassal state citizen

I like how those last two attribute quotes to Khomeini, but at the bottom it points out that it's just a quote from some book that he likes. At least the kike who made those pics is honest. Is there a source for the first pic?

I'm looking forward to the day when we 14/88, and the Arabs become partners rather than disgenic invaders.

if you think this is bad wait till you see the talmud

That orange bitch was already kvetching about Iran during the elections, calling them an 'evil regime' even though Iran hasn't started shit for like what, the last 100 years. If Trump can start a war with Iran for Israel he'll do it, bet your savings on it.

Syria conference honeypot/recursion

I thought you were talking about niggers at first.

Any ETA on when Syria will finally be cleansed from (((FSA)))/moderate terrorists?

Trump has already made it clear he's going to support the next iteration of (((FSA))), the SDF: 'Syrian Democratic Forces'. With IS defeated the US has no justification for being in Syria, but the ZOGbot 'President' won't let that stop him from fucking over an obstacle to Greatest Ally.

on the off chance that you are still lurking this board or perhaps your pencil necked friends who are, do you really think your childish attempts to seem intellectual by using stupid fucking jargon no one else cares about works on anyone but your peers who already agree with you? Trump and the Nazis have exactly one thing in common, and that is they appealed to the working class. I'll give you a hint, they didn't do it by making up a bunch of stupid words and wowing their audience as they swooned and said "Wow, I have no idea what he's saying! He must be so intelligent!"

Egypt is interesting. Are they keeping it around to prevent Israel from expanding west?

First of all, Israel can't hit Miami. They don't have ICBMs. Second, I wrote "yurop saved by US anti-ballistic missile installations," user. ie. the US shoots them down. Please read more carefully in the future. thanks

nukes are part of the sampson option. but, yes, israel (secretly) has chemical weapons, and I'm sure they'll use those as well

not sure there's much left in the arab world, after British et al collectors and, now, ISIS… but, yeah, I agree. Hopefully, the US will have some AEGIS Cruisers off the coast and just shoots all the shit down that way the Pyramids etc stay around.

Now Israhell and the US are trying to box out Hezbollah by supporting the Lebanese government only.

He'll probably do it in his second term.

not going to happen. war with iran would likely provoke another world war – it certainly wouldn't just be a "regional" conflagration like the US's other forays into nation-building. occupying iran would require a draft and bombing iran would be simply pointless

tl;dr: it won't happen; this is just saber-rattling

I thought Hezbollah (or a Hezbollah-related Party) ran the government? What do you mean?

To the surprise of absolutely no one, the SOF zogbots actually think pic related is legit AND good news.

The difference is that Holla Forums wants to make everything better, so they can fulfil their potential and live a good life and feel proud of their fellow man and society.
Holla Forums wants to make everything worse, so that they can drag everyone down to their level. They have no hope for a better world, in fact, the idea of a better world insults and angers them. When they see someone strong, morally solid, successful, determined, they are filled with negativity and jealousy, much like a female reacting to a rival female.
Holla Forums when they see a strong and moral character, fill with ambition to do better for themselves, to strive to emulate those who have done greatness. This is a typical male response.

Saw a scattergraph of the reading level of presidential speeches over time.
In 1950 there was a massive drop, with a progressively downward trend.
That is from either party. Mass appeal became the norm, whereas previously they had been appealing to the thinkers.

Spoken like a cookie-cutter kike shill. Pissrael's weapons programs are veiled in secrecy but we know that they have a family of missiles that go preceded by ICBMs. Gas yourself.

Iron dome is a meme. Again, apply gas to yourself.

This is why the older gens (40+) gravitated to Trump. Always in the news about building a new hotel, casino, product, women…The man was a legend long before the apprentice.

Even if it weren't, it couldn't handle the 100K plus missiles that will rain down upon the kikes if they try anything.

You're missing the point: if he can do it, he will do it.

You're also naïve because years ago nobody thought anyone would start shit against Ghaddafi in Libya and look what happened. No one foresaw Syria and look what happened. They are creeping ever so closer and you're a retard if you think they're not going to go all the way. During the elections Trump already talmud-signalled to the kikes that he's onboard with them (read: kvetching about Iran and Assad). He's now also trying to start shit with another country that's one of the last remaining nations not enslaved by a Rothschild Central Bank. It's almost as if this kike-lover is using The Protocols to schedule his agenda. What a cohencidence.

That's exactly why it's a 'Samson Option'. They don't expect to make it out; they just want to take everyone down with them.

They basically took over because the Lebanese army was so week and they needed protection from the kikes. Their president is a cuck to israel who hezbollah has threatened many times (had to flee the country) for those exact reasons.

My post was about that "iron-dome" the kikes love to talk about.
Russians will shoot them down in a second.

Can't start a war of that scale without the entire country behind it. They've lost every trick in the book to convince the public (MSM, Pedowood, False flags). Goys don't give a fuck about the middle east.

When war starts i will come find you and then together we can watch as the poor and impoverished line up for duty, just like they've done with every fucking war in mankind's history.

You cannot defend against nuclear warfare, dummy warheads will be sent in with real ones and you don't have enough firepower to take down all of them. And that's not even taking into account electronic warfare. When nukes start flying people start dying.

AHH but this time is different user. Non whites aren't signing up bc of muh slavery, muh nazis and white shitlibs won't because they're pussies. That only leaves white RW and rest assured we aren't falling for that shit again.
Only way is the draft and if they're stupid enough to go down that road….its civil war time.

spoken like a typical jew. the reason we know israel has nukes is because we "gave" it to them (ie. probably stolen by espionage. tell me this, shlomo, if israel is so good at ballistics then why do they need to "buy" the US's Patriot Missle platform to protect themselves from Scuds/etc, huh?

wtf does a shitty israeli-developed anti-artillery system have to do with US land- and AEGIS-based anti-ballistic missle technology. it's like you're fucking 12 yrs ol–oh wait… this is nu-Holla Forums… makes perfect sense. you're probably one of imCOONfy's friends

i want my Holla Forums back!!!

politicians may be shills, but they still exhibit basic, rational CYOA self-interested behavior. they won't do anything for their (((political contributors))) - not if its disastrous to themselves and their legacy (which starting a war with Iran would most certainly be)

so, you're saying the Hezbollah-backed Party that controls the Lebanese government is no longer Hezbollah-backed? I'm skeptical. Got any links on that?

pretty sure the Israelis still rely on US-made systems for ballistic missiles. Iron Dome is ancillary, and, yes, as shitty as you say

You have to have missile defense systems near to the missiles' trajectories, user. are you drunk?

Hysteria: The Post.

We know that Israel has had a family of missiles that went preceded by ICBMs, despite their weapons programs being veiled in secrecy (read: it's much worse than what we know). Take your kike lies to Plebbit or somewhere else where they will fall for this shit. I'm not even going to address your 'intellectual' diarrhea on interception.

History shows us that even war-weary nations could field armies. The impoverished will try their luck at anything, even a war that they couldn't care less about. If Trump wants to start shit for Israel, there will be people waiting in line to do it for him.

checked and file saved as your suggestion

I think it from (((certain contacts))) to make Egypt seem intimidating to Israel.
(((They))) are playing both sides on this


I dunno- reminds me of Albert Pike's WWIII descriptions.

Great riposte, loved the argumentation.



I would enjoy if this news in OP is true. It would be great if Israel gets glassed before the US has time to defend it's greatest ally thanks to (((congress))).

I believe in Lebanon's right to existence as a sovereign nation, and illegal wars that target civilians should be condemned in all instances. I support the right for Israel's neighbors to retaliate in order to secure their existence. I believe in the right of nations to form coalitions to wage war against and annex a state that historically meddles in the security and sovereignty of it's neighbors. I believe that Israel should not receive support from America in this circumstance, as America has not benefited in any meaningful way from Israel's actions against it's neighbors.

If i was Iran i would also do this.
Israel ia definately plotting expansion, possibly in response to the rise if antisemitism in the west.

I agree, the samson option is quickly becoming an ineffective option.
So that's why i think they'll begin pushing expansion in the middle east.

If russia is helping syria then they will have systems in place near the trajectories.


Is Israel linked to the race baiting kikes in the west? Do you think all the race mixing OY VEY BAD GOYIM bullshit is a MOSSAD psyop? They have 1/18th of the staff CIA does and it doing thousands of time more damage.

There's a new US military base being built in Israel right now. I have a feeling they will false flag on it to push for a new war over there again


trump is the biggest cryptokike jew puppet of israel ever. he was single handedly picked and installed by israel to do their bidding. anyone who believes otherwise is retarded

*or a kike shill

Well someone is seriously nervous about his involvement in the Syrian Civil War/ISIS War and the revenge of the opposing victorious parties.

And this concerns me why? I have no interest for politics in the Middle East and think the USA should refrain entirely and return to being isolationist.
And? I don't have to know about why they're invading to think they should stay out of Europe and America.
Don't get me wrong either, I'm not hating this thread, I just want someone to tell me it's importance in the grand scheme of politics.

We get the jews on ths side of the glo e, they end the jews on their side of the globe.

What's the point in living, soyim?

You just listed them

The problem isn't necessarily all Jews though. It's globalism and the elitist cabal supporting it. Which I'll agree, most of them do happen to be Jewish and are motivated in some sense by being Jewish. But not every person entirely agrees or believes with everything in their religion. We isolate potential allies and waste time by targeting people rather than by motive or ideology. Some enemies will go under the radar this way if you focus your sights too drastically. Any Jew who considers themselves a Jew first and anything else second are the types are people we should paying attention to, because it's not just Jews that do this. Not to mention, getting the public to side with you by appearing rational and realistic is also another tactic that needs to be used.

"globalism" is selling the lie to the public that we live on a spinning globe - thus attacking the existence of God

Are you serious?

do your homework and find out just how serious folks like me are. truth is stranger than fiction.

Alright then. Every person on Earth agrees the sun sets in the West. If you want to post flat earth shit anywhere, I want a map showing the exact path where the sun is directly overhead, including a description of where it rises and sets. To be absolutely clear, pic related is the path of the sun during the equinox on a globe Earth. To have any validation at all, I want this image for a flat Earth.


Why do you this all this batshit jew world control and focusing on racemixing while constant wars in desert regions away from civilization happened after 1914? Ordinary mankind could too easily find out there is absolutely nothing else that exists off these lands and waters and that the earth we tread on has secrets which would make the populace of every continent suicidal and dysfunctional with riots.

But he is wrong in the fact that globalism is more about a one world negroid race and banking government than anti-flat earth shit.

I sage'd in a sticky by habit of saging posts that have nothing to do with the presented topic of conversation, wrew


Does we see just how alien the flat Earthers are from the rest of Holla Forums? Any respectable member of our community would find evidence to back up their claims, and be prepared to dispute any counter evidence. Flat Earthers just find any random situation that they can't immediately grasp with their limited knowledge of science and attach it to their overarching conspiracy theory that the Freemasons (notice how they avoid connecting globe Earth to the Jews) decided that the best way to stop the goyim believing in God was to completely fake every space mission of the last century and scientific theories into making people believe the Earth was round, instead of the far more effective and cheaper methods of reforming education systems.

Forgot to sage last time, polite sage for off topic.

Where the fuck did these flat earth niggers come from? And honestly, who gives a fuck? What difference does it make if the Earth is flat or round? What changes politically depending on the fucking shape of the world? Believe what you want, but it doesn't fucking matter. There's no need to argue trivial bullshit like this if it doesn't mean a goddamn thing.

If the earth is flat we can never leave and there is nowhere left to go and nothing left to take. If whites or chinks are told we can never ever leave this world and there is absolutely nothing left to explore there will be genocidal warfare in an attempt to have racial hegemony the globe over.


Like I said, their entire belief seems completely foreign to the beliefs of Holla Forums. On Holla Forums all the plots we uncover connect to their massive theory about Jewish subjugation of the West in order to create an obedient brown slave race, but the Flat Earth theory about the Freemasons creating the Globe Earth is just so isolated and not connected to anything else. For starters, they never name any group or person as a member of the Freemasons, besides the vague "every government and space agency on Earth". Here on Holla Forums, we find out the conspiracy and who is organising it, along with any other organisations they are connected to, but Flat Earthers seem to gloss over the exact nature of the Freemasons, besides them being this invisible faceless bogeyman that's sole purpose is to make people not believe in God (for reasons not specified).

This divide between them and Holla Forums is most often seen in threads about Nazis in Antarctica, one of the classic beliefs of Holla Forums. They immediately try to discredit it, not by proving there are no Nazis in Antarctica, but by proving there is no Antarctica in the first place.

I honestly think these people are just trolls or paid opposition who's entire purpose is to derail a thread and prevent the discussion of useful stuff. Just look at how this poster jumped at the word "globalism" as if this commonly used word that in no way contradicts Flat Earth except for the fact it has "globe" in it is a reason to start a flat Earth debate, even though the rest of that guy's post had nothing to do with the shape of the Earth.

So you would let China or Russia to control oil prices and the worlds biggest transportation hub?
This shit ain't pre-WW2 anymore.
This is your brain on libertarianism.


You know nothing about the actual movements on the ground in Syria.
ISIS is fucked. Kurds are getting fucked. SDF is getting fucked and Trump isn't doing shit but virtue signalling to the kikes.
Muh airbase attack being total lip service and lies from Mattis was case in point.

this is your existence

You are both a faggot and a moron.

China will never have the power to control oil prices. They have a small amount of extremely expensive shit in the Gobi desert

OPEC is currently flooding the market in order to attack Us production, and Russia have joined them.

They Failed

Thanks to US production Oil is now a competitive market. With Us as the swing producer no one controls oil prices anymore, and the US will always be in a position to make $$ thanks to dumb mudshits betting against the technological / industrial genius of Whites.


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Israel and Saudi Arabia, a Suspicious Relationship

Israelis and Saudis Reveal Secret Talks to Thwart Iran

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Benjamin Netanyahu: Israel Aligned with Sunni Gulf Arab States

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Israel's Clandestine Alliance with Gulf Arab States is Going Public

Improving Saudi-Israeli Relations offers an Opportunity for the U.S.

Sunday Times: Israel, Saudi Arabia Cooperating to Plan Possible Iran Attack

Haaretz Investigation: Secret Flight Operating Between Israel and Gulf State

Secret Flight linking Israel to the UAE reveals 'Open Secret' of Collaboration

Israel's Former Military Intelligence Chief discusses Israel-Saudi Cooperation

Iran Nuclear Deal, ISIS Threat Stimulating Sunni Powers to Unite - even with Israel

'How can it hurt?' Why Israel says it's not worried by Trump's Huge Saudi Arms Deal

Secret Meetings between Israel and Saudi Officials reveal Close Relationship, Mutual Interests


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Israel and the Origins of the Religion of Cuck™ic State of Cuck™ic-state.html

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Fighting 'Religion of Cuck™ic State' is not the Israeli Priority of Cuck™ic-state-is-not-the-israeli-priority/#.VKQr8SusWSo

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Religion of Cuck™ic State's Propaganda Videos on the Jews and Israel of Cuck™ic-state-propaganda-videos-on-jews.html

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ISIS Fighters Regret Attacking Israel and have 'Apologized', Former Defense Minister Says

>(((Muh based israel)))

There are no good jews

Whats with mods deleting posts rather than just gassing them as usual?

choosing sides between semites


You missed this post torfag

Technically true Iranians are Aryan. Shame about the admixture. Still, I'd rather be on the side of a mixed racial kinsman than complete Semitic aliens

they were white aryans thousands of years ago before the arab and hebrew semites polluted their race and culture.

Pretty sure a good chunk still are to this day. Plenty of them look pretty med.

We are allowed to passively support another non-white nation if it fills out strategic goals. Please learn the difference between passively supporting a nation and it's people temporarily based on mutual goals and allowing their race to trod over us.

jidf pls go home

Good luck Iran!
Blow the fucking kikes out of existence!

Will feral melanin sand people be the ones to end the "Mutually Assured Destruction" meme.
I hope so.

The world filter made reading this so fun. I'm still laughing.

Western Imperialists get out


Inb4 two kikes start acting out a debate between a (((muslim))) and a (((based israel goy)))

lmao. I like when anons defend/talk about a subject they know zero about and expose themselves.

Those aren't "some books he likes". They are a book (the same book) he actually wrote.

Threads like these attract and expose all the mudpeople that lurk on this board. wanking over BASED mudslims that are raping that west.

Why wouldn't you like people fighting the kikes unless if you're a kike or a kike supporter? Muslims and shitskins still can't come to White countries but, I wish them well in annihilating Israel

Looks like Kek really is sick and tired of Israel's shit this time.


Should israel be wiped off the face of the earth by Iran or not?

ideal scenario is muslims and kikes butt fuck each other so hard they both annihilated. so we don't have keep dealing with that fucking mess in the ME.

the idea of supporting a "side" should be predicated on the basis of that side not being a threat. Religion of Cuck™ is a threat. Religion of Cuck™s entire goal is a global caliphate. this is very basic shit, anyone denying it is a IDF shill.

without a doubt. 1 less evil is obviously better than 2. but it's beyond retarded to call a group "BASED" and suck it's dick when their entire goal is to do the exact same thing the jews are currently doing.

muslims want to remove kikes because they are standing in the way of a global caliphate. not because they want to further the goals and ideals of whites. again, it's spastic to remove one group, jews, only to replace them with another that want to do the exact same shit.

For sure. I hate the way that they've taken over our financial, academic, civic, judicial, media etc etc etc institutions. That really sucks.

not sure if insanely naive or just spastic pedo mudslim.

Unlikely both would be, all arab nations would not be at war. However it would be better to for israel as technological nation with its samson option to be turned into another arab infested dust bowl. Arabs can be moped up later, they are as much as a threat as all of Africa once ROE are dropped.

I can see the logic behind this but arabs/iranians/muslims had their shot when they were at their strongest and kikes at their weakest and still fucked it up.

Any removal of jews will be us doing 95% of the heavy lifting. that 5% they might somehow contribute to isn't worth all the shit that they are pulling.

Muslims want to remove kikes because they are in their holy land. Nobody wants to "call a group "BASED" and suck it's dick" instead we want to support them in their eradication of Jewry. Why does everyone assume that the moment we say something vaguely positive about another race we want to bring them to our homes and let them fuck our wives? We can support another race in mutual goals and not cuck for them at the same time.

Muslims have no power over western institutions. Any influence they have been given has been granted by the Jews. Do you think all that pro refugee propaganda was created by Muslims?

do you know anything about Religion of Cuck™? muslims had jerusalem for hundreds of years. didn't stop them expanding their reach right into europe. muslim goal is not to simply reclaim palestine, its to claim the world.

multiple posts in this and every other thread on this topic call shia "based as fuck" and are literally sucking unreal cock over them.

the same shia that were installed by jew controlled CIA. the same shia that were/are accepting millions of kike controlled us money.

anons on here think everything is black and white. people operating at the highest level of world politics engage in nuance that makes tendies on here's heads spin. they can compute it, they prefer clear sides because it;s easier for them.

sunni-shia conflict is in best interest of jews. creates instability that allows them to thrive. imagine if ALL muslims actually united? jews BTFO. instead jews don't allow this so play each side off each other.

Religion of Cuck™ic republic of iran was put in place by jews and accepts jew money whilst doing little more than grandstanding against israel. why do they do it? iran knows in short term they can't eradicate israel. anyone that thinks they can is beyond deluded. immediate goal for them is gain foothold/control in ME. having the upper hand in the sunni-shia fight is MUCH easier than destroying israel. they achieve this by gathering support though anti-jew sentiment in the ME. arabs aren't going to want persians invading their lands. but dress it up as them being the saviours Vs jews and its easier to swallow.

sunni are engaging in the same fight. Religion of Cuck™ist groups proxy controlled by jews trying to garner support in the region based on anti-persian sentiment and "we are the REAL muslims" logic.

only group in the ME that are probably anywhere to be unkiked is probably hamas since they are so small scale and localized that literally their only goal is to remove jew and they take support from anyone that can help them do it.

point is, regardless of who comes out on top from sunni-shia, their ultimate goal is global caliphate. they literally believe that the world can not end and they all go to heaven until the entire world is muslim ruled.

this people are not BASED. in an ideal world they should at best be supported in the very short term. but we don't live in an ideal world, in the real world they are useless jew puppets propped to keep each other busy while jews prosper.

I$lam was founded by kikes. Pedo Goatfucker was recruited by the Vatican and the Qoran written by the same. Founder of Roman Catholic Church was Constantine - a kike.
end of story

Theoretical nukes are for deterrence. The only reason Israel practices nuclear opacity (hiding their nuclear capability) is because they want to hide the fact that they're almost entirely dependent on the US nuclear umbrella. It would be incredibly easy to retaliate against an Israeli nuclear launch. Even in the Samson-option meme scenario, Israel would be wiped out in retaliation via nuclear subs and deadmanswitches alone.

Protip: Even Iran is open about their nuclear capability.

You don’t seem to understand what the Samson Option is.

They didn't have nukes back then. Removal of jews will be us doing 0% of the heavy lifting.

Got a source for that?

Got any sources for him having jewish ancestry? Helena seems like a likely source, but I can't find anything concrete

Imagine a war I will fight my nation to allow this to happen naturally.

Hell and gone from allowing America to fall into hospice care.

It may be stage four, but we know what the cancer is.

Not going to stand behind any bullshit slandering the middle east on MSM.

If this goes big, I guess I'm a traitor.

Things were quite well when we were isolated and not dealing with semites. Ain't going to send even a cousin ahead.

gentiles are semites.
"jews" (no such thing actually) are EDOMITES
all part of the big lie trying to get us to believe Jesus was one of them.
don't believe the hype

don't get ahead of yourself.

destruction of srael takes priority

Daily Reminder:
Not every Israelite was a Jew!

no one is a "jew" there is no such thing.
Israelites of the tribe of Judah aka Judeans aka Judaites are gentiles, semites, descended of shem son of noah.
Infiltrating turkish ashkenazi khazarian Edomites (who infiltrated the tribe of Judah from 400BC-0 bringing with them their babylonian language of yiddish) invented the term "jew" to confuse the difference and conceal their infiltration, so they could begin their campaign of "Jesus was a jew" bullshit and all the rest.
One is either a Judahite (actual semite) or an Edomite (who calls themselves semites). No one is a "jew".

Sorry, it goes deeper than that newfriend. Read the Talmud+Kabbalah. Tell me Judaism is an innocent religion afterwards.

i think we are speaking apples and apples here.
you are speaking of edomites who falsely call themselves "jews" Rev 2:9 and 3:9 (KJV)

Oh, you're equating white men to semites again. No. I work for the old gods.

They are still alive and well, no matter how many semites attempt to smash the idols. It just makes them and by proxy, white men more death incarnate.

There is no reason to not hurt your enemies as much as they have tried to hurt you, even if it is water off a duck's back. Hurt and break them to the very last animal in their line.

If your kill your enemies they win!

How? Seems like there isn't really a way for them to win in that scenario.

id give them to the fucking somalis before zioburgers

you do know that the recent oil crisis was a retarded ploy by the US and saudis to push iran and russia out of the market but it backfired when they just started producing more oil?

I hope this means something…

arabs are semites. iranians are persians. the word iran is just a term that caught on when persia was modernising in the 20th century.

so you got graphs n shiet?

so basically still a ZOG led world with higher oil prices. some genious you are

jews have nukes as well. far more nukes. coupled with US backing them and iran wouldn't dare make a move. again, for iran to even contemplate making a move nuke wise then we'd still need to do the vast majority of the work, and by that point we can do it ourselves. if we're in a position to allow israel to get nuked then we are free of zog control.

spergs on here are playing too much command and conquer or other shitty RTS games if they think iran can wake up one day press and button and nuke israel with zog still controlling the world.

not being intentionally condescending but do you actually know anything about this subject? this isn't Holla Forums level digging, this is public domain knowledge.

secular Shah of Iran was removed by kike backed CIAniggers and UK and khomeini- Religion of Cuck™ic republic was put into place. prior to this khomeini spent years in exile in the west (specifically France) where he was being groomed by kikes. multiple declassified documents show the Carter administration had direct contact with khomeini shortly before the coup, indicating their intention to place him in charge.

as for kike funding. did you miss the very recent iran-obama era US negotiating? US is kike controlled. if iran is 100% behind destroying jews then they wouldn't be negotiating lifting sanctions and millions in relief money.

when jews want someone gone, when they have zero control over them, they are gone. Saddam was a true zog enemy. the man actually dreamed he'd ride a white horse into palestine after BTFO of the jews. look what happened to him. Shia installed Iraqi government are literally US shills and yet they have no problem being close to jews "enemy" iran.

one of the lowest point in kike history was during the Religion of Cuck™ic caliphate. which was sunni dominated. further still, biggest regional threat (in terms of close proximity and sheer numbers) jews have is arabs. jews needed to counter balance both those and they did it by introduced/invigorating a new enemy(s) to the region. so they removed the secular arab stooge Shah and installed a shia fundamentalist and Iranian nationalist that combats both sunni unity/dominance and emerging arab nationalism at the time. arabs/muslims cant fully focus on removing kike if they are too busy fighting themselves. it's an easy tactic. sunni wanna fight jews? well jews will then embolden shia to pre-preoccupy them and prevent them from dedicating all resources against them. and vice versa for if arabs try fighting jews and the same for shia that try fighting jews.

this goes way back to the zionist initiated Sykes–Picot bullshit. in syria the french deliberately backed and put into power minorities like alawites and druze so that they could create sectarian conflicts to quell the rising arab nationalism from the sunni majority. And it worked and is still worling. Again, this isn't Holla Forums digging, this is public school level taught history.

when you add in all the other conflicts in the region with differing ethnics and other religious sects then this becomes the entire aim of the kike Yinon Plan.

imagine being this jewish.

t. neocohen

lurk 2 years before posting


removing/massively weakening our two biggest enemies is small price to pay for "high oil prices". thinking our wise is kike-tier. stop projecting and actually lurk yourself or confine yourself to fellow mudslim boards.

from my experience more than burger golems

im from europe so tell me how this will remove the entire US east coast

so youre saying we should pick between

gard choizez :BDDD

REEEE liberal sjw is bigger threat than ZOG and Religion of Cuck™ic invasion. gamergate is the biggest political event in history!!

according to you removing jewish state and muslim dominance of ME has zero benefits. lets continue to be subservient to oil. good goy.

kill yourself.

i never even mentioned those

no, this is the primary threat. and where is its throne?

we can thank your anglo autism and lust for oilmoney for that

noone outside the US even gave a fuck about gamergate. in europe we had bigger concerns than videogames and which ZOG puppets gets the honorary king burger position

israel is just a large concentration camp for normie-tier yids. the big fish are all in your downtown.

how exactly are you going to get rid of Religion of Cuck™ in the Religion of Cuck™ic world dumbass?

no, lets not. but hey, if you try to become independent or trade oil for anything else than petrodollars zioburgers are gonn bring you democracy

im not the one defending the golem

What a laugh to wake to. Bless you, crazy kid.

go back to dying in israels wars burger

just so we are clear, you believe that muslims and jews in the ME are not a problem and should continue as is? the only problem is the jews in the US? and the situation in ME has zero impact on that?

I wouldn't put words in my mouth if your face isn't big enough to take them in return attached to more than words. Awful defensive, for some meat that don't even know what it is.


muslims are the ME dumbass.
the problem is the shitsteerers like your greatest ally in israel and wahabbists like your good friends saudis.
the whole reason the region is a problem is because of US autism and their petrodollar.

the problem with people like you is that you always try to blame some generalised boogeyman far away because you dont want to admit that the real enemy is in your backyard running the whole show.

the problem is the shitsteerers like your greatest ally in israel and wahabbists like your good friends saudis.

you're a fucking retard. muslims are not a problem because they are in the ME, muslims are a problem because their end goal is a global caliphate.

pointless buzzwords that you're itching to throw around that show you know jack shit. muslims were expanding it europe 1000 years before al-Wahhab was even born. mention of a global caliphate being the end goal has been in Religion of Cuck™ since it's inception. only "boogeyman" is these wahabbists when in fact Religion of Cuck™ is Religion of Cuck™ and has always been Religion of Cuck™ and always will be Religion of Cuck™.

do you even understand what al-Wahhab's big selling point at the time was? he was telling people to stop going to graves and worshipping dead sheiks.

europeans literally divided up the ME as their ZOG gods commanded to maximize chaos and jew prosperity. learn history fag.

i made multiple mentions of kike control in the US. learn to read faggot. the problem with people like you is you know fuck all about this topic but need to have an opinion on everything like a true sperg.

It'd be beautiful if you were female, but you're a piece of concrete to me. I dance on the heads of norfmalfags that squish out spaghetti. Like a frog hopping lily pads, excuse me.

no, thats just the lunatics that the US has always supported troughout history in afganisatn, syria, iraq, libya, etc

you really dont know what the fuck youre talking about do you?
you think theres just free murrica and some izlamic desert full of bad guys and oil

the turks yes. they almost reached my country but we fought them.

then how come the Religion of Cuck™ic world hasnt yet united and went on to conqer everything with its billion and a half army?

yeah, we call that demagougery. every populist system has it and most of the time its just to rally folks behind something

and then left it.
the french and britbongs left the holy land after the 40s
the same time the US came in to secure the petrodollar that was printed on worthless paper by the FED and then lent to the US goverment to keep their paper tiger system afloat

and the US has been perpetuating that chaos ever since
ensured by a few billion dollars per year from uncle sam right?

but everything is somehow that arab guy that blows up a humvees fault


why do you talk like you have an entire closet of fedoras next to your weeaboo fuck pillows

Will there really be a draft? Cause i'm too crazy to get into the army now, i used to hallucinate. But I'd love to join up if they lower standards.

That will be extremely difficult right now. But if have some sort of reform and get rid of the current political system, it may be plausible. But even if that happened, it would be towards secularism and not zoroastrianism. I highly doubt that this dead religion will ever be revived user :/

actually sad that i got dubs>>10994122