Black Friday: When blacks attack

the chimpouts are already happening, crazy feminists are attacking, babies and toddlers are being trampled and shootings are happening

"Black Friday chaos goes global: Topless feminist trashes Ukrainian sweet store as shoppers in Brazil and Greece join in the frenzied struggle for bargains

Radical feminist protester hijacked Black Friday sales at a Kiev sweet shop by throwing items around topless
In pictures from a shop in Sao Paulo, Brazil's biggest city, huge crowds can be seen battling for big-screen TVs
One worker can be seen standing on a stack of TVs attempting to marshal the chaos by using a vuvuzela horn
In Athens, meanwhile, queues are already starting to build as shoppers in Greece strike out in search of deals"

"The victim suffered a gunshot wound in a car in the car park outside the Columbia Mall late Thursday night, ABC 17 reported."

"Huge Black Friday brawl inside mall as 'shopper throws shoe which hits baby' and women wrestle on floor"

Other urls found in this thread:

Blacks attack every day, like 2 white women in every US state are raped daily. Make sure tomorrow its not one of your family.

And people will actually try to defend capitalist consumerism culture

Ah so that's why it's called black friday. Always wondered.

No, that statistic is an hourly statistic.

I didn't know other countries celebrated black friday. Do any of them do thanks giving as well? It would be neat if an American holiday spread like that, and not just the faggy consumerist one.

Did you purposely choose an anti-communist meme to go with your post criticizing capitalism because you're afraid of the lolbergtarians who don't hate (((capitalism))) and don't understand National Socialism?

No but Halloween.

100 white women a day raped by black men in the US was the one I had.

>Did you purposely choose an anti-communist meme to go with your post criticizing capitalism because you're afraid of the lolbergtarians who don't hate (((capitalism))) and don't understand National Socialism?
Yeah pretty much. I almost always get called a gommunist just because I dislike most aspects of free enterprise and the things that result from it.

Par for the course, even I think people are commies when they go on and on about capitalism. Just look at Heimbach. Pic related. Were not entirely against individualism, its not cancer, you wouldnt find Hitler saying something remotely close to that. Hes a commie. But yea, he loves to rant about capitalism and play up the workers part etc.

The capitalists have introduced both BF and Halloween last few years. It's just another way for them to scam people. Thanksgiving is a celebration, so harder to introduce.

Why is it called "Black"?


Economics. Black = making money, red = losing money.

I think it's something to do with profit and loss on the books (black and red) and the time of year in relation to the tax year. It's a jew scam basically.

I always thought it was a play on Black Tuesday. Prices plummeting and all that.

Black blood is posion to our red healthy blood. If there is some black blood in our body then we have to drain them to ensure that our body isn't posioned. Being materialistic is good for the jews.


pic 2
I will fucking kill you for one of these acceptance programming devices.

But black friday is solely a US thing.

US==International jewry
Its now global because they say it is.

On a semi-related note, who watched talmudvision for the first time in a decade yesterday? Niggers errywhere. Miscegenation errywhere. Cucked soy boys errywhere. Jungle beats omnipresent. Twerking in the Macy's Day Parade along with black man/white woman host combo. I watch in disgust, diverting my eyes frequently, while boomerfaggots and impressionable young children remain glued to the device for hours.

How do we unplug these faggots from the matrix?

No it's not. It's not as big of a deal up here in Chinanda but we certainly have it. We just don't have as many mobs of niggers and whatnot that make big news stories due to trampling, getting shot over shoes, etc.

Yeah isn't it sad how lots of people will act so kind and nice to each other but when given the opportunity to acquire something they want for cheap they'll lash out at anyone? Basically the equivalent of niggers rapping about loving God and shit but will immediately turn around to say they love drugs, murder, ect..

Blatant hypocrisy. I really don't understand why morals/ethics are a social norm when anyone with a modicum of awareness knows that the random stranger standing next to him would fuck his shit up if they were given the opportunity to benefit and/or get away with it.

It was the near opening of the parade's Spongebob Squarepants 'musical' that started off things on a creepy, sour note for me. I liked the Grinch balloon though, I can't even lie!

Don't worry heh. Eventually the laws of physics will.


I dunno, you can't really tell from the lighting which is no doubt inaccurate.

I fucking hate burgers so much for exporting this crap

Not anymore. It's being shilled hard in Finland, along with Halloween. Keep in mind that we don't celebrate Thanksgiving and we don't get Friday off work. Capitalism is just as cancerous as communism.

really couldn't happen to nicer people tbqh.

It's called "Black Friday" because it's the one day everyone gets to act like a nigger.


I worked two Black Fridays at a Walmart Superstore back in like 2009-2010 and it was pure bedlam. It looked like a fight from Braveheart or something.

Fighting through crowds of smelly agitated sheep to get your new indoctrination box a little cheaper.

i heard some nigger on the radio actually correlating "black friday people" with trump supporters. he was saying how black friday is just gonna get bigger now that this is "trumps america"

They'll pay 1300 shekels for it and pay for a subscription to watch advertising in between whatever poz is being passed off as entertainment.

College campuses refuse to keep statistics on rape because if the population is 10 percent nigger, the rapes are 95 percent nigger.



wtf y not buy it a couple days later

ppl r stupid

Because these fucking faggots will wade through niggers beating people to death in order to indoctrinate themselves better so that cognitive dissonance doesn't kick in when they actually look at the chimps in action.

Or just online Black Friday deals. You would think they enjoy wading in nigger stench.


By that I mean, if you were inclined.

You're still a filthy semite. Proceed to:

My mother is a boomerfaggot (my father is dead) and addicted to a certain talmudvision channel; lately I picked up fights with her over her favorite shows I don't want to watch and hear.

Stick a thumbtack in the wire and take it out when she calls for maintenance.



Normies get off my meatspace!


I didn't know people really watched that, I did with my grandma once in the 90s or something. Hard to imagine all the stuff you are saying was in it except I know that's what they've been doing to every other fucking thing.

It's the slow march.

black friday hits. everyones out ripping each other limb from limb, struggling to spend their last cent to prove to their loved ones that they care about them over the holiday season.

meanwhile im at home watching livestreams of the chaos, sipping some coffee, making thousands of dollars betting on the markets themselves. ill take my profits, then turn around on monday, buy everything i need online in the cyber monday sales, and altogether avoid being raped and trampled by the idiot hordes. feels /comfy/ mang…

also, i had no idea black friday was anything other than an american phenomena. since when does brazil and ukraine get affected by this shit?

these people are really locked deep in this cycle. materialism, hedonism, escapism, decadence, being in a hypnotic state that is susceptible to brainwashing.

did anyone happen to watch any television this thanksgiving? i saw a bit of football and the advertisements were ridiculous. but there was some other more
encompassing thing that i cant really put my finger on. i've heard stories about men who go out into the wild and after staying in there for a certain period of time (months) away from all people they develop certain perceptions, like certain telepathies being able to know where animals will be in the next weeks, what the weather will be like, real subtle stuff like that. and then when these people go back to civilization amongst other people they lose all these abilities within like a day. this is kinda the same way i felt as i watched more and more tv
during commercials i would also catch myself thinking, "they let niggers do xyz now?". subhumans are always so out of place. even morgan freeman with other old white people for a retirement type movie. it's not right



It's instinct. They regain the dormant survival instinct latent in all living beings. As for what you felt watching TV, yeah, part of it is the same thing. You stop being able to use your brain properly because it switches to auto-pilot, the shitty poo in loo programmed version, not the trained samurai 無心 version. If you watch talmudvision for a week it will take you at least a month to regain your ability to think. Kind of like building and losing muscle.

Consumer good retailers usually operate at a loss for most of the year. The holiday season has historically been the most profitable month or so by far. Black Friday is Black because it signifies the time of year that retailers move from a loss (red) to profit (black)

Also I'm too fucking tired to remember the names of all of the fucking… things. Scientific names and shit. Fuck me I'm tired.


This must be an USA thing.

We don't have this nigger-tier insanity here

It's human nature. Better to let people freely engage in consumerism than treat them as slaves, especially since it drives the economy. It's not as if anyone with an IQ over 105 would be part of that nonsense anyway.


Way to out yourself on your first post (1)fag.


A thought occurs: are the nogs acting up even more because they somehow got the idea that the "black" in "Black Friday" means it's their special day to act up without repercussions?

They don't need a special day.

Checked, again.

I'm well aware of that, but some of them might be confused and think it's their Purge day or something. They've been known to get…confused about the way things work.

I need new bed sheets and jeans to replace ones that have gotten worn and thought today would be a good idea to go out and get them.

Should I not?

What could possibly go wrong?

Fucking typo, you mean what I know.


wow, american comedy fucking sucks.



Fair enough.

GOoooood goy! Now remember to connect it to the internet for the richest experience! Don't miss out on exclusive content tehehe.


Just consume goy.

People even lined up outside to go into the mall of America. These idiots are even willing to risk a truck of peace, or a explosion of Religion of Cuck™ic joy just to consume harder.

What led you to market betting user? I've considered trying it myself but all advice I've come across is either closely guarded or obviously a scam. There is an old adage that making the first dollar is often harder than the second or third million but I never seemed to have gotten out of the loop of single dollars.


This is what God intended for this world: screeching hordes of shitskins consuming worthless shit until they die. Forever.


Wonder if they niggers will figure to file suit for 'injuries' and the rest.
Surely the T&C on the signage will preclude this but I bet they'll try.

This is why I hope for complete societal collapse and the resulting deaths of billions of people starving.


I don't leave the house during normie hours starting today through the first week of January because of the holiday retail frenzy. This shit should only occur once every 4 years, like the Olympics.

you literally have to burn/smash the shit when you're done with it or you risk having it upload audio from your living room when someone buys it 2nd-hand and connects it.

we should call it "persons of color" Friday instead. Much less offensive.


Holy fuck. The hooting will haunt my dreams.

>Normalfags and shitskins fall for the black friday meme every single fucking year

Please tell me that window broke.


I'm not a supporter of capitalism, but this shit didn't happen in the 80's or before.

Im neet and comfy af watching this crazy bullshit. I need some pol approved live links
Just for laughs.


You're welcome to post proof of black friday chimpouts from the 80's or before.

Because they start lining up at the store doors when it's still dark outside. Also niggers.

Not on the day after thanksgiving, but…
Tramplings and a death or two resulted from both.

IIRC leftypol made this decent black friday webm last year that showed crazy footage of people chimping out at malls across the country.

You know what would spark an interesting conversation? Ask, "Now, why do you need this again?"
"No, I said WHY do you need it?"

Buffer space is limited, just whisper "dirty nigger furry faggot porn hillary shit pants pepe rules hitler did nothing wrong sam hyde did vegas" repeatedly into the mic while wearing horsey mask for about 20 minutes before you pass it on.

Or cut out the mic and cam when you buy it.

This had better be a clean video, I've had some bad experiences clicking on webm's referencing leftypol.

Joke's on you, some stores started Black Friday at 2 PM on Thursday.

It described how the cities clogged and violent Philadelphia was in the 60's because everyone was rushing to the stores they started calling it black Friday


Pedo-faggots all of them, chances are most of sub-humans that are in-essence rioting & grabbing the merch are leftists in the first place.

you'd be insane. If you need clothing and bedsheets, wait until after christmas as the sales are very good.

Surely its all capitalism's fault.

I hear you, but it's not burgers. It's (((burgers))).

btw why does Jeb! Bush's wife need a big screen tv ?

Buy online you find more stuff there usually cheaper and you don't have to put up with niggers, muds, sick people (coughing all over the place despite the fact it hasn't been cold yet), screaming kids, or crowds in general.

Consumerism is indeed bad as is what it did to our society as the jew intended of course.
Free markets on the other hand are not bad and should be the corner stone of any economic system that is not retarded.

Looks like he got attacked by a vacuum cleaner.

Like I said, I'm not a fan of capitalism. The irony is that leftists are the most consumerist out of everyone.

Fear not, no trucks of peace will come. Wouldn't want (((them))) killing off any of these good goyim. And as far as good goyim go, these animals are AAA certified.
Sickening to see how diseased our society has become.

Point out that National Socialists are anti-materialistic, and that you may even personally be flat broke(I know I am), that you only care about your people and higher ideals.. and watch their heads explode. Communism is entirely about materialism, and about having stuff. As much stuff as everyone else. No one should have more stuff than me! Thats communism, but at the same time, they claim to be against that.

Yeah, all those I- (phone,pods, mac,ect.) were specifically packaged for trendy leftists.As are most throw away frivolous things.

They are like soulless animals…. perhaps NPC theory is real? In any case that is why there won't be a truck of peace they reserve those for non-good goy activities. Also I think (((they))) wouldn't want to hurt the shekel farming either.


a system based on envy designed to destroy the existing culture and power structure.


What happened to adults?

they are americans, , current year americans are nothing more than consuming animals, live to consume untill the next day, a american is as much worth as a rat invested with aids, why do any of you expect anything from amerigrunts?

And worse, this shit has shipped to the UK if my mind serves me right.

Well stated

Buildings were large back then wow I like it. Why can't we have buildings with huge high ceilings anymore?

No context to piccies however even if it shows what user is implying it doesn't matter as this is the product of consumerism rather than a free market…. in other words remove the jews ( and their golem) rotting the culture and pushing throwaway society shit and these things don't happen.


We dont need adults where were going.


Another piece of the puzzle to immigration policies.

Like I said fam they were a few incidents compared to hundreds of cases per year these days.

Makes sense … makes them easy to round up just offer merch at low low prices and here come the non-white hordes.

It's funny to think about, this plan of (((theirs))):
Make the goyim fight and trample eachother like animals just so they can max out their credit cards (further cementing their position in the slave caste), just so they can acquire objects designed to further solidify the brainwashing and pass it onto their offspring. I suppose the effectiveness comes from its simplicity. The truth literally right in front of your face screaming "No! Don't do this, you dumb fuck!" and yet here they are, trampling eachother over. Motherfucker, the kikes should all be gassed, but these other fucking animals… well, they deserve their fate, let's just say that. It is poetic justice. Makes me real fucking upset, although I know I shouldn't be.

That moment when you realize that Black Friday is the materialist version of The Purge.

I hadn't considered that. I'll look into that a bit more.

I didn't get a flu shot this year, so sticking with online shopping may be a much better idea.


You're better off just getting the flu. Here, the advertisements for the flu vaccine are covered in owls and butterflies. I'll have to take a picture. But it's clear there's ill intent behind pushing those "jabs".


This is like watching Canadians argue over a bill in comparison.

I absolutely hate Black Friday. I hate that Thanksgiving has been crushed by capitalist faggots who start celebrating Christmas the last week of October. It's been abandoned because we've fallen to nigger culture and the break up of the family unit (see porn most popular titles)
I'm so fucking tired of it already and it isn't even December yet.
The only silver lining I can find is that I've got pretty bad undiagnosed ADHD (can't afford health insurance. My bronze Obamacare policy only covers Mexican children) and since everything I used to enjoy has been devalued to garbage I can finally concentrate on things that matter.
There's literally nothing I want to buy.

Some stores have flash sales right after christmas where they mark clothing 60-70% off, even in high end malls. Making the trip can be worth it.

It's an incredible waste of potential and people.

No not for me its not
1. I really don't have anything I need to buy
2.the malls around me have been in recent times "enriched" been several shootings there to the point where there's a police station in the mall.

read pic related

Those were the days.

Come the fuck on now. Are you seriously trying to compare that to rampaging hordes razing stores?

I've never heard a jew say "da" instead of "the"

All that space is now used for the various systems needed to spy on you. A drop ceiling is cheap to install/replace and allows for a nice space above it to run all the cables required for cameras, speakers that play music you probably don't even notice anymore, and HVAC systems that pump out nice smells to make you hungry and interested in buying certain foods. A modern retail store does all sorts of shady shit to get you to spend extra dollars.

I was trying to convey the screechy New York accent, not illiteracy.

Like, it's anuduh shoah!

It shows how materialistic burgerland is even back then, The spirit of America died in the 20's

Oh bullshit, those were orderly crowds and they were preparing for a cultural event by giving gifts. Its not about the shit, its about the thought behind it. Havent you heard that before?

Having the common sense to avoid the degeneracy of Black Friday is one thing but watching others revel in it while kikes incite it non-stop is a bit tiresome. I grew up pretty poor but did moderately better in later years.

What I don't understand is there's only so much physical consumer crap you can acquire before you're buried in cheap, foreign manufactured junk that serves no purpose.

I just don't get it.


yeah go for it most people are going crazy for electronics right now. i doubt anyone cares about bed sheets right now.

Haven't you heard the phrase be happy for what you have, obviously they are good consumer goyim buying products they don't need at the last minute.

The last time I went to my nearest mall, I went to walk through second set of doors and a nigger youth was standing in the door way. I said "excuse me" and the thing replied "Nuh uh use the ovah door." Which earned the stupid nog a punch in the face and the opportunity to collapse to the floor. No consequences, but I'd like to avoid enriched areas at all costs.

Its not about not being content with what you have you filthy rat, its been a part of our culture for hundreds of years. Youre no better than Starbucks, but Im the Jew. Reported.

I should have put it this way. Feel free to direct your anti-Christmas anti-white and anti-white culture sentiments towards this image of Goebbels. Be sure to label him a stupid capitalist good consumer goyim.

If it doesn't require an FFL then its not worth it and even then its debatable.

I worked in retail during the peak of Black Friday when sales were in-store only and began 4am Friday morning. Have you ever seen a 90ld soyboy wearing a che guevara shirt and a no-speaka-engsh fresh over the border spic with a baby strapped to her chest get into a tug-o-war over a plasma screen? Ever seen a nigger come by and pepper spray them both and claim the tv for himself? I have along with stabbings, trampled children, beaten old women… there is no logic to any of this.

Yeah, I saw and just said fuck it to brick and mortar shopping this year. The niggers are already killing each other over jordans and shiny objects like the primitive base creatures they are. I need to get the hell out of here.

Communism would be consumerist too, dipshit. You should have fucking read Evola, communism/marxism is a shitty materialist ideology no different from capitalism.

LowIQ types seem to be drawn most to the TVs this year.

That's what my countrymen get for trying to join NATO/EU. Nigger culture imported

t. Hohol in clappistan

At least people back then dressed nicely and weren't a diseased mud race of decrepit bloated zombie mongoloids. When you see the general public today, they look like they've been hit by chemical warfare.

They had music and smells in the 30's, I think its because jews want us too live/work in tiny ugly structures/spiritual demoralization on top of the spirit crushing consumerism you are talking about.

Confirmed jews were pushing their shit on US even back then (pic related: 1920's flappers)

Nothing wrong with gift giving but trampling people to get the latest toy or a deal on shitty electronics is just being a subhuman.
On another note I bet all of those gifts would be entirely usable today due to the craftsmanship borne out of a non- consumerist culture.

not even newegg had anything worth buying. Besides, this is just going to be retailers dumping all their compromised Intel processors anyway.

Its as if you can see the degeneracy and decay of society just by looking at the way the general populace dresses. Back in the old days, people were way better dressed. The boomers were the beginning of the end of real fashion.

TBH I like the smells they pump into stores and music that's comfy ( no different that the pretzel/ cookie places that fill the mall with their smells or the classical/ piano music they play every other day) however it still won't make me open my pocket book unless I actually need something ( I decided to buy before I went to the mall in the first place), also in modern times the Christmas smells covers up the smell of the unwashed plebs and muds.

T-shirts were a mistake.


Well that's obvious none of those "store" TVs and electronics are as up to date as they could be either….they are all dumping their shit right now.
I might buy something cheap from newegg/ similar site as my HD died last week so I need to replace it. If I'm lucky I can recover the data from the old one.


> Not running a ZFS raid and just swapping in the new drive without any downtime.

JK its fucking hilarious that the picture literally only has nigs and foreskin challenged fighting over TV's

off topic

meanwhile, black friday under socialism

probably because they weren't living in poverty like second world Europe.

This black Friday shit was only in the States now this cancer spread everywhere, and even the grannies are informed. What the fuck happened. All these faggots crying about ecology what about you consuming so much shit you don't really need.

Christmas gift-giving should be for children only, in my eyes. Extra resources could then be pooled into doing things with your extended family, like a wonderful dinner and whatnot.

Romania here. I heard people who went shopping for "black Friday" deals, last week. They didn't even know what Thanksgiving was.

Materialism isn't a symptom of a "rich" country but one of a culturally and morally bankrupted people.

gifts are fine but if you need to stampede and punch people to buy said gifts obviously there is something wrong. Also the idea that things have to be bought en mass every year and then thrown away a few days, weeks or months later ( like a freaking religious ritual) because they are made to wear out or become obsolete is ridiculous.
Idk what the ideal should be given things like technology become obsolete quickly but whatever happens once the jews are out the picture is an improvement.

Revolt truly was some next level shit. The entire last chapter sums up our current predicament perfectly.

Where every day of the week is black friday and everything has been looted already

That's what happens when retailers do not meme responsibly and call their shopping day "black friday".

Easy fix don't open on black Friday, have your sale before of after black Friday keep internet store if you have one open on the nigger day only.

i prefer to say
not "global"
because earth is not a spinning globe

guns are great gifts



That ebony ivory quote was pretty good. Till I realized he was talking to a Jew and not a white person.


Got a nice bomber jacket and some Adidas clothes for cheap, pretty good day

2016 footage

Isn't it ironic that Black Friday is the only time nigs walk off with stuff they paid for?

Yes user, all the other planets are balls, but not this one.
2/10 for getting me to reply.

Can you shill any harder? FFS.


Telepathies would be the wrong word for it. I spent the entirety of my workday outside for a previous job in kansas, and I was eventually able to sometimes "feel" that there was a rattlesnake around before I saw one. This is because the brain is a pattern matching machine, and works tirelessly both consciously and unconsciously to build as many correlations as it can off of it's current environment.

Our local environment, whether "natural" or "civilized" absolutely bombards us with information. Rattlesnakes ( and nearly all animals) have times of day, conditions and habitats that they like. Couple that with silence from other animals that noticed the snake and the fact that you may have seen the snake, but only realized the warning signs unconsciously and it's not really a big mystery how people can do what they do. If you take someone who has never so much as seen a car, and put them in a city, they will be paralyzed until they build up a similar set of unconscious coping mechanisms to what you and I have.

When I first started being outside all day everyday, I wasn't very… eloquent (this is the best way I can think to describe it) but I learned to be. And when I returned to a place where the population wasn't below 1000 I had some slight difficulty adjusting to things like traffic and stores filled with awful people making awful noises.

Basically, don't think of it like magic or other granola crunching new age bullshit. Think of it in terms of our brains constantly trying to form a fabric of logic that helps us navigate the world.

On a side note, one thing that separates us from other animals is the _extent_ that we attempt to associate things with the actions of other conscious actors. Being able to tell if an unseen person/animal caused an event is such an extreme advantage to our survival and social functioning, that it doesn't really matter if our ability to do so can be overactive at times. This is why every civilization in the history of the planet starts off creating "gods" at every opportunity and will continue to do so whether we recognize these imaginary entities or not. When you spend a lot of time in nature, you learn just how oblivious animals are to things we take for granted.

Part of the reason was early worker/fire protection laws required a certain amount of cubic feet in a building based on certain criteria (like number of people present)
The cheapest way to get around this is to make a building taller. This also has the effect of reducing how effective firefighting efforts are, and couple with the subsequent crowding resulted in a lot of deaths. This resulted in more intelligent wording of the previous laws. As such, tall ceilings (meaning extra cubic feet per worker/customer) are an additional cost with no direct benefit. Because there is no incentive, only businessmen that have extra money to burn and a sense of aesthetics will build such things.

Those dirty fucking jews are the reason I put on the brakes with both feet at the Core 2 Quad. Takes fucking forever to encode video, but at least I'm not bankrolling Israel Inside.
The ONLY good (?) deal I've seen this season is (((DewM))) for PS4 and XBone, used, for $5. Redbox.

Indeed, but there aren't many you can trust well enough to receive such a gift.

Countless white men died for this. Countless white boomers will defend this.

You know, this part of it all isn't what is terrifying to me. I am not saying this to ridicule, simply observing. Just stating the obvious:

The terrifying thing is that once this consuming chaos is over, as it is every time, the people will go back to their homes to be docile. When the thrill wears off, then the cycle repeats..

I see a lot of spics and mystery meat, and a few niggers.

Dubs confirm I am keking hard at this. Anons, get ready, and laugh at this sort of shit. Let anger fill your well of resolve.

For that reason we laugh heartily at the world boomers allowed to be built. We ignore the words of the typical boomer, but pay close attention tot he words of the boomer who does see what we see. Those fucks might have something of value for us to get.

My point, don't go tossing the baby out with the bath water. Know what is filth, and discard it. Know what is of use, and value, and keep it.
Yes, most boomers are filth to be tossed out, but still.

no one can figure out how to hook them up to the internet because the UI is made by a bunch of chinks and poos

Whats glorious about this 2nd video is it niggers enslaving other niggers for bling, yet they still blame whitey.

The TV's they sell on Black friday are the shittiest junk ever too. They lower the specs on them to make them cheap as fuck so niggers will by a $199 55 inch TV.

Well ya. Same ole same ole

Probably put the clearance garbage out because they know subhumans will buy it.


Check the model # you stupid normies

What a horrible waste of potential America represents. What was the point, what was all that effort for?

Shekels and power to maintain the gaining of shekels. After WW2, the kike takeover was complete. Downhill ever since.

That was step one. WW2 was the completion of the plan.

No reports of anything around here at least.

>>>Holla Forums

Watch it 5 hours a week every week. Shitposting with /wooo/ about wrestling sports entertainment. Every ad break is cancer, but it's infecting even wrestling now. They always had some nigger wrestlers, but now they have The New Day just look them up, muh wymyns revolution wrestling with a literal kikess (((Ruby Riot))), and the eternal B show Smackdown having an angle with a guy playing the most generic "lol wymyns r DUM guys oh no now for a show and a week of house shows all the women are beating me up" with rumors that someone in (((Creative))) wanted him to play a tranny character before he severed the contract deal and left. What shit.

Good goy, blame whites and nations for what the (((chosen))) do. Have an extra 1/1000th of a shekel.

Help a fellow user, is market betting even profitable? How much? Getting increasingly desperate since job searching isn't working with a possible employment blacklist.

Not worth watching any further. Even real niggers know what "black friday" means and wouldn't screech at some fucking pooinloo over the term.

Jews and soy.

Dropped them the moment I moved for a now former job and they wouldn't let me order anything because "the address was different". What kikes.


If you're looking at an SSD I can recommend you a brand to avoid.

America was always fucked from the beginning. Technically England still owns it under the Rothschilds. On top of that it was created by Freemasons to be what you call the whore of Babylon, where the antichrist will arise from. America was never good, it had good men, but it was set up to be like this from the start.


How cute.


Legions of Satan.

""Jonathan Williams recorded in his LEGIONS OF SATAN, 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that "a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown." Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem to be a self contradiction:

"Your churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry." And indeed George Washington himself was a Mason, and he gave back through a false religion what he had won with his army."

Even if so, I still say we try to conquer their little artificial empire and make it a REAL empire.


Shit, fuckin making effort posts in a shit thread….

Ooops, wrong thread. This one is neccessary. Newfags need to see the kike golems in their natural state for best red pilling.



It's not the humans that are the problem.

I hate this kiked world. I want to make kike suffer first. I dont care about any altruistic bullshit as to why that is bad, kikes need to suffer. I want to drink in their pleas. I want to drink their defeated spirit. Fuck them so much.

Can someone tell me why the (((mods))) are letting this leftycuck post as if the NatSoc would support any kind of Jew-created ideology?

While a manifestation of what capitalism CAN be is documented before us constantly, and fucking us too, this is not the best way.

Commies are subhumans, absolutely, but their critique of capitalism should not be left unheard. Were all still slaves to this (((capitalism))) we find ourselves among.

The problem is the capital leaves the land far more often than it returns.

the webm is actually broadly focused enough that it only achieves an anti-materialist and anti-capitalist message. Suitable for both Holla Forums and Holla Forums
posting the better audio version

I know the production end is all muds and other subhumans, but they deserve the chance to evolve, not be drained. But they need to do that among themselves, unconnected, even via (((trade markets))), to civilization. Civilization needs build upon itself, as the raw material is there for it, but (((something else))) wants to drain the outside too.

Never forget the who. (((Who))) is an international force moving wealth around the world to create war and gain control of peoples?

world homicide organizaiton

bot or just retarded?

It doesnt take a kike to tell me why capitalism is bad, Goebbels does the job just fine.
His meme is anti-communist and points out their lack of ability to feed their people. Capitalist consumerism culture as he called it is a negative thing. Headless corporations, those are bad. Stock markets and speculation etc, kikes making money they didnt earn. More bad capitalist aspects we dont like. Banks and usury, another one.

I don't know anyone who treated black Friday anywhere near like this since like, 2009.

I don't even go Christmas shopping anymore, what a horrible tradition. Holidays are supposed to be a time to relax, not stress out.

Do it.

Back when accounting was still done by hand, black ink meant "profit" and red ink meant "loss."

I've come to find that Mussolini and his Corporatist perspective (essentially what Fascism originally meant) to be a good alternative to liberal-capitalism (laissez faire). In that it would keep the good aspects of capitalism (allowing people to enjoy the fruits of their labor so they don't have to waste their life constantly working, giving people incentive) but that corporations would have to work closely with the state to adapt to and serve the needs of the people. Which I guess wouldn't be too far from also being labeled socialism or the socialist-capitalism also pioneered by the NSDAP. Or what some people also call today "mixed-systems". I think these ideas can be compatible with a lot of others and would be interesting to see a variety of takes on it.

However these black friday chimp-outs are entertaining. I imagine they attract the lower rungs of the bell curves and can possibly serve as an occasional form of natural selection / darwin-awards material.

They're a thing of the past because "Adulting is hard."

Niggers literally have nothing outside of their race. Try playing this game: See how many seconds a black comedian or character in a show can go before making a joke or comment about race.

I've never seen a black stand up comedian go more than 10 seconds into their show.

Look at that retarded illegal beaner. Spending his un-taxed illegal wages on a massive TV. I think flooding the country with all these shitskins and giving them white people's money to spend on garbage is a large part of why the government lets them stay.

In an ideal world, Black Friday storefronts would be emblazoned with huge ads to entice all the niggers, spics, and low IQ white cucks to line up at 3am a week before Thanksgiving, just like they do now.

And when the doors finally open and the hooting, chimping, stinking, retarded brown horde rushes forth…


original version is unquestionably superior to the shitty version you just posted m8. kys

Yep, and it's not like niggers know about binning.

This. Every now and then a market player will stop by and puff his chest out and talk about how he's beating the Jew at his own game but when you ask for starter advice you get vague "gotta study the fundamentals man" type shit. Not a lotta loyalty for unhired guns.

all those words just to say: