Nigger Home Invasion Caught On Camera

Video footage shows the shocking moment a woman is robbed at gunpoint on her own doorstep by men as they sprint toward her with guns in front of her home in Killeen, Texas.

22-year-old Davieon Reed, along with three other suspects, identified as Gjavion Smith-Williams, 17, Jamal Marbury, 18 and Daquan Lavant, were all arrested after the remaining suspects were found in two vehicles parked nearby.

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You make this seem like a rare event, as though bigfoot has finally been captured. Niggers nig, and need to swing, but there are far more pressing concerns.

He has a couple videos on his Jewtube account. Americans need to translate this shit.


No, they understand painfully well why we have guns.

No, they understand painfully well why we have guns.

topkek she looks trashy as fuck, what are they planning to steal from her? meth?

All 4 need execution. Slow, painful, execution.

execute the niggers

Niggers dont belong in civilization


nigger first of all you failed completely and now youre going to the big boy house

Funny how when shit like this happens in America its only the UK media that does a story about it. Jewish media in America does not even cover it.

Niggers are shit. Always remember that. Even the "good" ones.

I think the message here is that every Holla Forumslock should have good security cameras…and a gun

Be easy to get one if cops would stop banning anons from owning them for life if a woman sicks the cops on him.

Lived in Oakland, California about 6 years ago. I was working in a growhouse - taking care of this guys weed plants. There were security cameras at the front and back doors. One night, I woke up right on time to see two niggers picking the back door lock. Literally all I had to do was run over to the door and yell really loud "what the fuck" a few times and they ran off never to return. Niggers are pussies.

I saw that too. At first I thought that nigger was there to supposedly sell a coal burner whore some drugs. I read the article, and while my initial interpretation could turn out to be true, niggers ultimately ended up nigging. That coons smile at the end told me, right away, he was with them other two sackless faggot niggers.

They all need to be killed. Anyone who says otherwise is just a LARPing faggot who should die with these worthless niggers.

That girl was 22? Bitch looked like she was 35, good lord.
What the fuck was she doing letting that nigger stand on the front patio anyway? Tell that nigger get gone or get be gone.

Did you catch it?
They were scared off by her dog.
Niggers are terrified of dogs.

Checkin that ID

Niggers really hate any dogs that arent pits. ALL dogs hate niggers, even pits.

Don't be fooled - they're scared of pits too. They're scared of all other animals.
The nigger never domesticated anything, so it never developed away from the fight-or-flight response to other organisms - he may act tough, especially if he knows he can phsyically fuck up his dog, but inside, he's hooting like a terrified ape.

You wanna know what I think? I think they fear the dog because they see it as an equal. Europeans tamed those fuckers, we put them in their place - niggers never did, so to them, its just like 'some nigga up da street' staring at them aggresively, and it freaks them the fuck out.

What made them run off and why did one stay and ask "yall right?"

Stop bragging.

I dont disagree with your conclusion. In fact, ILL add that if you approach niggers like theyre animals, you get far better results than if you consider them humans. I worked, at times, in some shit nigger infested Chicago niggervilles installing Direct TV for a bit in my younger days. Never had problems. I always approached niggers like they were animals.

They, like animals, smell fear.

Imaging having a gun and not being prepared to use it when you might need it.

a dog barked

Which is every day or every other day. No exaggeration. That is taking into account the serious attacks, like this one. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen niggers abuse people in less pronounced ways. Slapping people in the head. Intimidating them into "loaning" them money. Humiliating them. Sleeping with their women. Stealing bikes or robbing cars. All sorts of shit that is never even reported to the police.

Its literally every single night. Here in Chicago, if you watch the local news, literally every night theres some nigger shooting in niggersville, with a lot of collateral damage.

Spic gangs are pure shit, but the collateral damage aspect (besides Puerto Ricans) is minimal.

Biker gangs, minimal collateral damage

Even ebil notzee (((gangs))) keep their killings relegated to those involved.

Its only niggers who TRY to kill and end up killing everyone besides the nigger they were trying to kill.

They really are wild animals. Obviously inferior to every other group, with few exceptions. I wish people were more honest about this.

Even when blacks were better behaved it was because they were more under the white mans thumb.

They truly are subhumans on every level

OK, I should have read the thread first but that doesn't answer my second question.

you gotta be spoonfed everything you lobotomized spastic? he was larping as her concerned neighbor so that his boys could catch her lacking but when they failed miserably he didnt know what to do. he should have ran off with them and maybe they would have gotten away (for a little while) but they were caught at the scene most likely because his dumb ass kept playing the role.

Thanks for helping out the disabled, user.

No matter what thread gets posted, there's always at least one user who's annoyed by that thread's existence.

Polite sage for irrelevant post

Niggers. Truly god's gift to man.

Why didn't he run off with them? Maybe he didn't know they were going to rob.



Maybe they had a hard life too, you know? Maybe they are forced to do this because the life is terrible. You guys never tend to forgive, do you? Especially you quick in blaming entire race for something a few do. How about america will fix its youth by teaching how to love, and not hate? You guys need that too.

KYS kike


Does your ass hurt, user?


I know when you see a worm your instinct is to bite it, but consider first that it may be on a hook.

never travel without your katana lads

Good morning user, I grew up around niggers so I got this translation. (Basically it's monkey speak for asking a woman to do drugs with him & have sexy with him after that) just seems as if he's repeating monkey talk from shit he's listening to on the radio.

P.S Gas all commies …

We r anonimoos

But seriously, nogs are doing what they're genetically programmed to do. Who cares what life they had? Poor and abused people can't be decent human beings? Get out with your material condition marxist bullshit. Living together with niggers means the destruction of white race in the long run.

Nigger alert… Or wigger basically same shit

Have you heard of any of these stories?

Anyone that names their kids or baby monkeys Gjavion & Daquan need a bullet to the back of the head no questions asked.

Holla Forums stealing dubs should be bannable tbh

90% sure they spelled those names wrong on the birth certificate and just rolled with it.

des muhfuggin niggas why dey don't be took yg words like da real shit mane?? yg a real hardcore mughfuggin nigga! dey niggas not even listen to yg so now dey up wit da popo crackas like some weak bitches. smhtbhfam triflin niggas!!


>im surely fitting in if i post weeb shit
nice bait, tbh.

Never underestimate the stupidity of the sheboon because those names were 100% planned while she was 8 months pregnant smoking a blunt

wow a real life jamal exactly how the stereotype fits.

Gas yourself


Brilliant work

Jewish media in the UK only covers it so we know that they did the right thing not letting us have guns.
A man was murdered in my street two days ago, he sustained a fatal gunshot wound. I'm going to go ahead and guess that the jewish media didn't report on it in the US. It didn't make the national news here.
t. Bong living under jewish tyranny.


checking your check
always carry a katana boys

Fact: Only 3% of Americans owned slaves during the height of slavery in 1865.
Now why don't you stop blaming an entire race for the actions of a small minority?

Based doggo. It amuses me they ran from the dog even though they have guns drawn.

check your facts and trash them, because they are wrong

someone should really redo this pic by adding the info that 78% of slave owners were jews, it can be calculated easily from the info in the image, but it's meant to be shown to niggers

Maybe a completely new design with the same info, plus info on Jewish share of wealth in the present day and a demand for reparations.

I didn't realize it was that much, do we have proper citations to that? Seems like a much easier redpill to drop if it's true.

i'd never heard of anyone being scared by timid old house cats until I met blacks.

directly from the pic
1.60% of us citizens were slave owners
1.25% of us citizens were both jewish and slave owners

which means that ( 1.25 / 1.60 ) = 0.78125 of slave owners were jewish, 78.125%

Truly man's best friend. Every home should have one.

Kill self now faggot. calling white people "trashy" or "white trash" is entirely a Jude creation. I'm sure you already knew this shlomo.

coal burner hanging out with niggers, surprised with outcome.

How about you walk up to a gorilla and offer your sorry ass for some love? See how well it goes and report back if you can.

Why would they report it? It's a common misconception that the kike media is in the news business. They're not. They're in the narrative pushing business. If it doesn't fit a narrative they're pushing then it doesn't get reported. That's why 4chan is a far more reliable source of news.

Anyone else surprised that the guy he was defending didn't cold-cock him from behind and steal his sword?

She says something about going in to get her gun, AFTER the fucking robbery. Fucking women. Hears glass break, answer the door with a nigger on the porch, doesn't bother to think to get the gun until after everything bad happens.


No, they done it because they are niggers


see, these fine young gentlemen are going to have their lives ruined by the criminal justice system. its not fair to them, it was only a white girl they terrorized, her feelings don't matter because she is privileged.

Niggers aren't even human. Genetics proves that. Already solved. Niggers cannot integrate into western culture. Why? Because we are human being. Africans are animals. The kike uses media to manipulate our dumb women to fuck animals and make gross ugly babies with them. It's literally beastiality and should be illegal!! Niggers only look good when they hang from trees. Rapist criminals.

This had to be b8


They do but you'd rather divide and conquer us

Nigger bring a wakizashi or something for close quarters tight spaced combat. Fucking bringing a katana out into a closed space area he's limiting his combat options with trying not to clang against everything else and break his sword. Speaking of which, is that just a LARP sword or is that an actual fucking blade ready to get impacted on and deal some shit?



If you needed (you)s that badly you could have just asked.

You can see in his eyes that he knows this shit is true.

racist grandmas are the best


Where are you seeing her face?

Noone on 8pol is anti gun you fucking retard.

sauce of the vid, and what was the nigger's reaction plz?

I would of kicked the door, would scare the shit out of them

… the niggest of nig names.

Shit, man. I don't speak welfare.

i have had similar experiences in niggerviles in NJ doing pest control, i would sometime have to park a block away and walk to the house,its like you say they smell fear, i was able to do my work and was never bothered in a bad way, even had nigs come up to me and ask for advice on how to get rid of some bug

My family wasn't even in the USA untill the 1900s, when i tell them that it always stops them short.


Pretty much this. There are poor/impoverished whites, but they're not trash because they don't commit crimes on the scale of niggers.

Hes some nigger who went on Fox, I believe Tucker Carlson, and did the typical nutball nigger/jew/marxist race baiting shit, telling whites they are ebil and such. I believe it was about the statues, he wanted to destroy our culture.

Oh yea, they want to get rid of Columbus day.

Not gonna lie, I've always asked myself the same thing. Why? It can't be just for status, there's another reason they hoard 'em.

bs, "welfare" had alot to do with it.
if you don't see that, then you can't see what is coming

Don't be a nigger, there are such thing as trashy whites out there. You're deluded if you believe otherwise.


I don't even care if this is bait, you need to be gassed.


May Kek bless that dogo cuz it was that nigger chomping bark that scared the fuck out of em.

Also pol/iticians need to call 911 from safety and get your fucking weapon.

Doing a little bit of referencing it seems as though the figure is closer to around 7% of U.S. citizens. That's still small, but I'd rather there be correct information on these things.

What a scrawny weak faggot. I'd snap him in half and dunk him in a glass of milk

This. I got so lucky by getting not guilty verdict on some domestic battery bullshit.


beat me to it.


teh one that stayed was in on it. he was the initial distraction. read the article faggot

Forgot I wasn't on cuckchan

They exist, Satan. But who the fuck cares? They're docile in comparison

Nigga day, lmao.

psych hospital user here
got a nigger who beat the fuck out of a 67 year old white man
been sitting inna psych hospital for over a year and did this, amongst other monkey shines during his stay

he just pled guilty to a class D felony and the judge

So now they're trying to put him into a nursing home… this is a 23 year old young buck who paces around and raps and brags about being a crack dealer when he was outside of the hospital

Fuck this country man… some things about it… fuck..

that's a southie accent you fucking spic, not all white people talk like TV you stupid foreign bastard

you forget Davieon

if you do that, be sure to include the amazingly large portion of free blacks who owned slaves.

He was one of the boys talking to a naive cunt. He probaly scoped the house for them as her "friend" and found unsecured items like a gun

I came into thread expecting to see body cam footage of police officers raiding the home of blacks in search of drugs and whatnot. It occurs to me that you never see police home invasions of black homes. Not that they don't happen but rather, they never appear on TV.

Yet if you even so much as touch a hair on their head, they'll run to the cops/media/jews to protect them from you. Its no wonder spics annihilated them.

Them righteous dubs confirm

Percentage of population that are nigger-tier whites compared to percentage of nigger population who are are savage animals pales in comparison.

Im well aware of trash whites, I know many well, or should say knew. Those fucks arent the average whites, Djevquon is the typical nigger. Thats the difference, you faggot kike

even a stainless steel blade is good for one or two good slices
he could've easily killed one of them

Probably a LARP sword, but it can still deal damage, but minimal. By that I mean he could successfully stab and kill with it. Some slices too, but hit by another REAL sword, its fucked and useless as a sword.

ya no shit let's talk about something that matters like how cool it will be on dotr


For all 750 of those infographs

True. If it's sharp it can still cut, but it won't do shit. Plus he's in a tight corridor. Katanas are more for out in the field kind of combat. It's why shit like wakizashi and rapiers were made, they were made with the intention of being in tight spaces. I agree with that stabbing will still hurt like a bitch and likely kill a bix nood, but if that dude just went swingly wildly on the metal railings and poles, that shit would just clang everywhere he swung and if his LARP sword didn't break, it would be dulled or bent after the ordeal. At least to my knowledge, three things that signifies the difference between a LARP katana and an actual one is the curvature on it, if it has been fordered ovah 6 mirrion timeru; if it has a blood hamon; and lastly the balance on it. Sword experts feel free to weigh in and clue me in on other features I likely have missed


Yup. Since the US destabalization in libya and syria caused the flood of subhumans just as well. It's shame i can't legally shoot a rifaap towelhead the second they become violent under stand your ground laws or castle doctrine. I've been disarmed by a cancerous government kept in power thanks to US foreign policy to keep these pro-american cancers and tolerant leftist garbage in power.

As a patriotic American I have to agree sadly. Our country was blessed, the people degenerated, corrupt child raping politicians were emboldened. If we don't stop it with President Trump in office, we're fucked and we deserve it.

These are pure gold don't stop making them.

If it isn't stopped while Trump is in office, then we all have the responsibility to go out and stop it ourselves with our bare hands.

But deys just be turning der lyf round.



depressing and rage inducing to look at

Absolutely. But whitey beez raciss cuz o der skin color, an das it

Some kind of New England accent.


Eurofags: Soon you will learn to appreciate … guns … if you continue your insane immigration policies.

I have never seen a 22 year old who looked anything like that before, she most likely lied to the media because women past 30 do that and legitimately think no one will know
My sister is 23 and neither she nor any of her friends are anywhere near that crusty and overweight yet desu
She honestly just looks like she's on drugs (you can tell by her sluggish/awkward facial reactions), and is probably coal burning white trash which is why she got robbed in the first place. I'm sure one of the nogs at least knew of her before doing this

Don't drink the Kool-Aid.

I raise my glass to this granny. She never relaxed.

Nothing personal kid


Why was Will Smith robbing people

I know that feel. I did that for a couple of years myself, a while back.

…Oddly enough, despite never relaxing around blacks (it helps to have a three pound sledge strapped to your tool belt at all times, since I couldn't CC at work due to random van inspections) I never once had a nigger break into my van or otherwise accost me. In point of fact, if shit was going down, the coons would usually shut up and settle the fuck down when I rolled up. Usually accompanied by shouts of "OH SHIT IT DA TV MAN." Of course, they went right back to chimping the moment I left.

The shit you see in nigger houses too. Piles of boxed of brand new fucking Jordans or whatever the most expensive niggerball shoe was at the time. Big fuckoff widescreen TVs. Brand new cars in the driveway. Guns all day long. I didn't know the term 'nigger rich' at the time.
Once had a few minutes while I was waiting for a call back from the office and this nigger asked me what package I had. Told him I didn't pay for tv (because DTV didn't offer it for free at the time to employees) and couldn't afford it. The usual "Sheeeit" response followed. Asked this nigger how he paid for all his shit. His answer? "Slangin'."