Youtube just started banning channels en mass. Current list of banned channels.
Mr Repzion
Conan Obrian
Youtube just started banning channels en mass. Current list of banned channels.
Mr Repzion
Conan Obrian
Other urls found in this thread:
The day of the rope nears.
Yup, I'm watching the shoah right now on halfchan.
I feel this is a good thing. If the kikes are killing neutral intellectual things like Styx, doesn't that prove everything we're saying?
Wew lad.
Yeah, that one really surprised me. If sargon or stephen molyneux go down soon we're going to see some serious backlash from normalfags. I hope Jordan Peterson gets banned a second time, that would make my day just from the outcry.
Keemstar gone now too
I don't even like or care about any of these people. I literally haven't watched a minute of any of them in my life. But censorship is the most evil thing I can think of.
They're "gateways into the alt right" as I've heard it put. Jordan peterson & styx are some of the tamest commentary channels out there, making this all even more laughable.
I don't know who the fuck any of these are. Why the fuck is there eceleb bullshit on Holla Forums anyway?
How devious of the kikes to do this during Thanksgiving/Black Friday.
It seems like a glitch but if not boy its going to be glorious. Styx biting on the race realism pill while calling out the kikes.
4 Channels doesn't qualify as "en masse". However, that list pleases me greatly. Fuck those gay niggers. I hope more of them get their shit pushed in by jewtube and it red pills a whole bunch of normalfags. I'd love to see Chink Wigger get his shitty channel shoah'd. The tidal wave of commie salt that would produce would be insane.
Possible update: They don't appear in my internet history where I know they were. Is that standard?
Probably just youtube's automatic content protection system kicking in. Most of those channels have a shitload of subs, so I don't think youtube's staff would intentionally delete them. If they were specifically targeted, it would agitate too many normalfags and be a really bad pr move for them.
Freedom of association. If faggots can be refused service at a bakery (and they should be) and if niggers can be starved out of town because no one will sell to them (they should be sent back to Africa), ✡google✡ can block anything they want on their services.
Check if it's the same on multiple browsers.
It's disgusting. I don't understand how people can dispute that we're literally in a civil war right now in this country. I stare at liberals now like they're some combination of brain washed/mentally ill. They're literally trying to kill off intellectuals who are saying things they don't like. There is a concentrated effort from established elements to censor and destroy our culture. They're getting rid of an innocuous Stick Boy who only fucking weebs on the dark corners like.
This is absolute madness.
And yet the former two can't legally happen in America, but sure, let's start by extending those rights to the monopolist kikes.
i don't think the state dept can practice discrimination of viewpoint or creed
Styx can be considered grassroots/gateway to the big boogeyman of "alt-right". Its a big deal if he goes down since many centrists/normies watch him. It means (((they're))) afraid.
For those who don't follow the jewtube e-celebs it goes something like this:
Pewdiepie subtle pilling -> Crowder/PJW -> Styx -> Black Pidgeon Speaks -> Varg/The Golden One and that's about as right wing as you can go on kiketube, but at this point you're seeking out halfchan and (((aware))).
Wow that's pretty fucking ridiculous.
That said they already did a major ban wave a few months ago… I still miss regular Murdoch Murdoch videos. After the ban wave they have made anywhere near as many new videos.
hooktube migration when?
Sounds like it was a hack or something if they hit kosher O'brian and supposedly (((Miley Cyrus)))'s vevo channel as well.
Also, this idubbz faggot looks like a soycuck with hipster/pedo glasses. Further proof of it being bullshit.
checked and keked
livestream here
that'd be the best case scenario
hackable censorship protocol lulz
Varg is more aware of what's going on than plenty of the people here, don't undercut him.
hopefully it spreads to all jewllywood celebs
Sam Hyde's channels are still up. If it were a real purge, he's be among the first attacked.
I want lolbergs to die.
You don't have the faintest clue what hooktube is do you? I'm not even going to try and explain to you why your post is retarded.
styx can be found here still if not up soon
It's a sin to tell a lie, so I'll say that I reported.
But even I know that a LOT of people are going to exodus from (((Youtube))) now.
idubbz is god damn hilarious. No real political agenda driven, just doesn't give a shit about pr and is offensive without coming off like an edgelord. There's been webms of his posted occasionally, funny guy. But the fact that hes white, doesn't cuck for anything he says or does and has a good sized following likely got him shoad.
Sage cause I sound like a shill.
is this because of the net neutrality thing?
Except those bakers had to fork over hundreds of thousands of dollars for not baking that cake.
To be fair, Ian's not even remotely Holla Forums-tier but he is funny. I like him a lot too though.
Mr Repzion was a talentless, retarded faggot who couldn't make an intelligent point if his life depended on it. Fuck him and his scrawny soyboy bullshit.
Shame to see Styx get the boot, but he was never making any money off youtube. All his money came from patreon, hatreon, and book sales.
so a potential politically motivated takedown of channels is -eceleb crap, really nigger are you stupid, it's probably a glitch or haxors but REALLY? you write it off as just some celeb crap pay no mind huh? your shallow and you either need to smarten up and look for early warning signs, or an hero
Idubbbz is nothing good. Only appeals to underage
Styx is undoubtably an intelligent person however, I wouldn't refer to him as an intellectual. I think he used to have some videos up that exposed the holocaust but i'm pretty sure he deleted them awhile back after he started making some extra shekels.
Never, because that would be very impractical. Hooktube is a site that just serves up youtube videos using the youtube api and various javascript tools. Hooktube relies on getting the actual videos from youtube's servers, so you're still using youtube as a service by using hooktube. A migration would work for people who simply want to view videos without using the youtube interface or playing into the ad-shekel machine, but content creators would still have to use youtube as they would normally. Obviously, something like this would never happen.
If hooktube catches on and makes youtube lose out on ad revenue, they'd probably just shoah the service, so any kind of mass migration would fail anyway.
read that in styx's annoying yet hypnotic voice
Your use of grammar tells me that you appear to be an American high-school freshman, or are from poleddit.
You gotta go
And a lot of assmad leftists. They banned good goy Conan? What the fuck is jewtube thinking? They're banning people with huge followings which will not hesitate to give jewtube a very hard time. It's we have an agent inside giving them terrible advice.
Hes good at getting them to mock and laugh at what marxists and kikes don't want white kids to laugh about (like making fun of a rich chink kids by commenting on their racial features in the perjurative), that's a merit imo.
Sargon actually fits in there, somewhere between PJW and Styx. Recently I listened to a 40k talk he did and he was literally quoting the diversity = white genocide meme and saying that le alt-kike was right. He's an insufferable liberal faggot but he has a use and a wide reach like the others.
Sargon considers himself a "Libertarian"
He would likely be either before or after Pewds.
And that's even if he's ever seen.
why shrug off a youtube shoah and dismiss it as nothing, it could turn out to be just a glitch however you seem to think that at the onset of this that one should ignore it and move on since it is just e-celeb crap. so go fug off and gas yourself you quad nigger
Yep I like Styx, despite being soft on Race/JQ issues his perspective and insights have been useful to me and certainly gobs of new arrivals due to his election commentary. I haven't heard of the other tubers but lately Styx has been networking with some significant alt media folk so if this isn't some AI glitch a pretty big stink will be raised to the detriment of (((Google))).
Yeah they banned my TRUMP.WAV channel yesterday. I had important video rituals on there damnit
wonder why I got bammed???
Keem says it was Lizard Squad finding an exploit and being dicks.
sounds about right, makes sense that the channels are coming back then
LizardSquad found an exploit.
Styx is back up.
Was just about to say. The rumor at the moment is that Lizard Squad found and exploit in youtube's system and is doing this for shits and giggles.
A hack or a glitch sounds more reasonable than jewtube going insane and killing popular channels with fanbases that will fucking lynch them for it, but then again jewtube are jews and schizophrenia is a serious illness.
Well idubbbz and Conan are back too. Happening canceled.
and yeah /thread
This isn't e-celeb shit. Youtube is an extremely important platform, and any change to it has massive influence on the modern world. Although I doubt this particular thread is anything major, you shouldn't underestimate this shit.
Your link's shit, got a screencap?
I don't like your attitude mister, you forget that
They're all back up now apparently. Lizard Squad exploit didn't last very long.
I'd thoight Styx was a bit too moderate for them to ban. They want to manage dissent, not suppress it after all.
true, but his twitter did get shoah'd this week. let's hope our hero doesn't have to move to vimeo.
I am sort of scared they had some stuff in Net Neutrality bills to censor and stop "hate speech" and "offensive content", and when NN gets repealed, they're going to chimp out liberal style and start going full delete this. They seem like they had this all planed and were slowly going to work into it, but they might be losing some sort of protections that allowed them to purge wrong think.
It's an odd coincidence that we're seeing Google start purging wrong think before NN is repealed. And they're doing it at a time when most people aren't paying attention, at least in the states.
I'm doubting it as hard as I can right now. I see a bluepilled manlet Mr. Skeltal /fringe/ tier le edge cultist lacking in anything resembling intelligence. I'm sure you find much in common with him to actually say something so ridiculous. When did you arrive from Reddit? He didn't tell you about us, did he? We don't need brainlets.
Well fuck, never mind, I was getting excited. At least it sounds like this is sending a good message that all these censorship tools they are building can be abused by outsiders.
Imagine if someone started abusing these tools to remove small channels most people don't care about, but they have enough of a following to be medium sized.
I think the most telling thing about the whole thing was how willing people were to believe that it was google themselves pulling each of these channels down for various asinine reasons. Consumer confidence, or whatever you want to call it, is at bedrock levels for youtube. Might be in our interests to investigate means of pushing this blackpill mentality on the "youtube community" as hard as possible in hopes of getting some grassroots destruction going. Google is so convinced that their supremacy and dominance won't be going away, which is why they think it's okay to shunt any wrongthink channels into restricted mode and deny payment to as many as they can.
We who?
Keep Crying™.
Stay Mad™.
Hi Styx. Stop being such a moderate fence sitting lolberg piece of shit and maybe I'd respect you a little. Until then, go pound sand you scrawny jaundiced little faggot.
Holla Forumsacks worth a fuck. I'm sorry if that doesn't include you, cat reaction image user offended by the suggestion we don't need brainlets. Are you a brainlet too? Did you just fly in too? The fact you would take offense to this and see the most reasonable course of action as posting a fucking cat reaction image of le so incredulous like this is fucking r/politics is a fucking laugh. Gas yourself, you ugly little fuck.
Why so adversarial?
I had to listen to that faggot Styx talk once, it was awful. I'm going to take it out on his fans and their advocates until my last breath.
Just checked styx and idubbz channels and both were still there? Did they get put back up or what.
was it the video where he says the right needs to pander to sodomites because the left is doing it?
Nigger they just changed vid format. Probably to something your neet linux machine couldn't view.
Read the thread.
Styx is libertarian so he has inherent limitations.
He thinks monopolys like twitter/google/facebook are profit-motivated and he can't therefore make the logical leap into understanding why they are always shutting down certain ideas or speech, because according to his logic they are turning away possible revenue.
So, because he sees everything in terms of profit/loss, he doesn't understand that dominating the speech platforms of the internet means that you can control what speech is expressed on those platforms - which is the actual purpose of google/twitter/facebook and why them not making a profit or even operating under a loss never mattered.
i don't watch any of the channels mentioned at all. it is disturbing to me that you dismiss it so easily. once again you are a quintuple nigger that should an hero.
My bad, pretty funny if they did find an exploit.
You seem upset user, and easily baited. What is eating you son?
[spoon clank]
the MileyCyrusVEVO was terminated as well:
ok nevermind, it was down an hour ago
except on Holla Forums
t. mods
It was some stream he did with Jim/Metokur. Did he really fucking say that? Christ.
Right, it's purely ideological at this point. Not that it has much reason not to be, all of the main players trying to shift culture are fucking insanely loaded already.
The continued existence of kikes and uppity manlets.
Simply ebin my rusemister! :DD
sassyglow vibes
I'm glad that Holla Forums has ID's to filter nu/pol/ like yourself.
once again
I'll admit, I used to listen to some of his stuff a long time ago when I was going through a lolberg phase however, the more I researched the topics he brought up, I began realize his philosophy was stupid, docile, offered nothing of substance and would ultimately lead to societal stagnation.
Like I said, I think he's an intelligent person but he deliberately plants his ass on the fence because he's less likely to get shoa'd and loose money.
he made an entire video called "Trump is Making a Mistake by Not Further Endorsing Protection of Homosexuals"
they killed styx's channel? oh shit
But you are easily baited. You are raging at all my posts.
Did styx do that deliberately with his thumbnails?
These channels seem to be up still
Taking applications?
Dead serious
they seem to be up, maybe it was a beta test for the night of the jewtube knives
Only the 360p .mp4 version of his videos are available right now. I think YouTube is in the midst of restoring backups. Does anyone remember the phases that Peterson's account went through after being restored?
I kinda wish James DaMoore would make a jewtube channel. That would be hilarious. Would they shoah him again after truthbombing them with scientific peer reviewed facts?
Free the Network
Free Yourselves
Looks like lady karma paid you a visit, eh? Next time dont lie, we like your videos, an kikes will always ban anyone for not being lefty enough. Looking forward to the hooktube channel, as youtube goes more censor-happy, hooktube will grow.
I refuse to grant he is an intelligent person, otherwise you've done a lot to agree with me and I respect that. You'll come around.
His channel is up.
They actually just restored some of the channels a few moments ago.
awwww, glowlets dont want anons in meme management
(heil dubs)
I wonder what took him so long to make a video on the Kalergi Plan anyway. We've spoken about it for years on Holla Forums and that's not even the tip of the iceberg
Channels are being restored, still I doubt this was anymore a glitch than "accidentally" deleting Trump's Twitter account was.
you have never answered why you would immediately shrug off channels getting shoahed for no reason. that should raise concerns. now this instance proved to be some turds trying out vulnerabilities but next time it might be for good and from the kikes.
Intelligent people do not ignore inconvenient truths in favor of comfortable lies, especially when the lies ensure the ultimate destruction of their people's existence.
Sick of you fucking (((net jewtrality))) kikes spamming this horseshit everyfuckingwhere.
Not only is MUH ECELEEEEEEEEEEEEEEB a known Holla Forums op, we just had a fucking literal eceleb Terry Davis thread stay up for the full fucking post limit with reports ignored. A jewtube apocalypse is more than relevant by comparison. Kill yourself.
Go back to endchan you fucking kike.
Ok, serious question.
Who are the best redpilled channels?
Vid related I guess
Conan Obrien (((Team COCO))) and Miley Cyrus was shoa'd
Part of the distraction or hillarious youtube bot gone mad?
Well Miley did call out "Old Jews". Is she next on the pedokike reveal train?
They can, in fact. First amendment says so. Eat shit, foreigner.
You want to help start a campaign here to get google recognized as a government entity? I’d be game for that. ANY organization that accepts ANY amount of government money for ANY purpose should be legally held accountable under the restrictions of the constitution. I like that idea. We’ll never get it passed, but we COULD get enough public coverage of the government’s refusal to pass it that people start asking questions.
Try again, faggot.
Okay, are you planning a class action lawsuit against Google, Facebook, et. al. for their artificial manipulation of what people can and cannot see on their services?
Spotted the kike
So why do you want to keep control of the Internet in the government’s hands?
there's a literal infowars channel on my tv, wtf
This is why decentralized video sites like need to be used more. It uses IPFS to store/stream videos and uses Steem cryptocurrency to generate profit to pay for the video hosting. We could mirror important jewtube channels for free in on a censorship resistant site.
Is it worth it to pursue this?
Weinstein and all those others weren't even the beginning, goy.
honestly, who gives a fuck if styx gets banned from youtube. His content is:
Also, what's with all the nu/pol/ faggots? There's 4/pol/ also known as half/pol/ or cuckchan, and Holla Forums/pol/ aka, full/pol/. who the fuck started saying nu/pol/ and what does it even mean?
Reddit “converts” (who don’t convert) browsing here and shitting up the place with their civic nationalism, et. al.
To me, this is what the real battle in everything today is about. Decentralisation vs Centrailisation. The globalists like jewgle the politicians oligarchs and the like, they want that centralised one world government type dystopia. Why? Control.
is this a new meme?
This tbh. Holy shit, how quickly things would change.
has anyone else got nostalgic for conan and started watching his vids again recently? His mary kay one is still hilarious. I know he leans left but usually keeps politics out of his comedy. Does he still do this?
Proofs? I just checked idubbbz is still readily avaible
No we aren't falling for the "Lets make Google a public utility" meme, no matter how you phrase it.
Honestly I think this end-game goal is the only reason Obongo and Soros supported something positive like Net Neutrality. They saw it as goy bait in pursuit of full government control and monopolization.
How new are you?
TORniggers not even once, what the fuck is this jewish shit? Best bluepilled channel, perhaps
Sargon is a nazi hating cuck
You have to seek for the truth, not to listen to some charlatans presenting their brown pills.
If you don't you're not worthy.
Ooooooy VEEEEEEEEEEEEY! You're supposed to say old (((white))) men!
But in all seriousness, what happened to her in her time of degeneracy that she has decided to flip on them? Is this merely opportunism of the first rank, or is this revenge?
We do not care for the individual eceleb, for this is the road of degeneracy; however, the fact that a channel producing content which is disruptive to the (((narrative))) is being censored is worthy of our concern and attention.
Trump himself pushed it too, didn't he? If Google was a public entity, it would be forced to follow the constitution and the 1st amendment.
Trump wanted to axe Net Neutrality, which I disagree with since the Telecoms are still government sanctioned monopolies. I honestly don't think he's ever specifically endorsed classifying the Google/FB/Twitter as public utilities, but he's certainly taken a lot of pot shots at them for their censorship.
since no-one has posted it here is a godlike get on half-chan
really nigger? You should focus more on who exactly is pushing NN.
Protip: it's Soros.
Daily Reminder
You know, speaking of which, don't we still have the Obama era ICANN in control? We really need to reverse that one if it's not done already. I'm not too worried for a number of reasons, one is that, no matter where it goes, it'll figure itself out as the market adapts; if the ISPs start doing shitty things, which wouldn't be in their interest because pushback will be inevitable, a new internet will emerge, as Kim Dotfuckingnothing has already started to get started. (People will offer alternatives as long as we have free-markets) Of course, if the internet truely did go to shit in a way, perhaps people would start not using it and doing more productive IRL sort of things.
The dubs are there, but I dont know why
Do you even read whose posts you reply to, nigger?
>muh P2P sites that totally couldn't be (((taken advantage of))) by illicit material being (((placed))) in the network
Doesn't exist outside of shills crying about someone having an opinion they don't like.
Do you even know what words mean?
lurk moar
I feel any and all kiketube shoahing should be reported, even if what they are saying isnt kosher to your faggot ears and eyes. Any user worth a shit not you(((NOT YOU))) recognizes the value of knowing these things.
When the kike moves, it is best to know it, where it is going, and slow..then stop it.
A shill would say ignore it goyim…..
Did you see the ID?
Still need a sauce on this JewTube statement so I can commence red pilling normies.
P2P sites are the best way to combat censorship. You're assuming that because the content is distributed, it also means there is no central authority hierarchy.
The ideal P2P website would be fully decentralized but with a (((central authority))) moderating viewable material by default with the option of revoking their actions. The mods would be creating a global blacklist that's on by default but users could easily (and programmatically) remove records from their local copy of the blacklist to create a whitelist. It would even be possible to subscribe to user maintained whitelists.
wait… are you talking about your get? wtf
Most often, there is no formal declaration. Remember that.
It's not a get that guy doesn't have a clue. He was referring to the ID.
>(((Kaufman))) posting
You need to get the fuck out
zeronet is a good start
Everyone is aware of that you nigger, but this is not the time to justify but to vilify. Use this to make as many normies leave kiketube as you can instead of posting shit like that.
Have any of y'all considered that jewtube may be purposely suiciding itself to move its presence to vidme or hooktube? Like what the jews do. Exhaust a country they squat in until all resources are used up, then move on to another country…..
Point noted
No, zeronet is honeypot where every post you make on any site is tracked globally and anyone can insert arbitrary javascript (automatically run by all clients) (which must be enabled completely at all time to view sites in the first place) so long as any content of any type is allowed for upload in any page where that content would appear.
Copy/pasted from Holla Forums since that user already explained it. You can try it for yourself if you don't believe me.
IPFS is the future of decentralized content storage and delivery. There are already IPFS hosted websites, including a whole imageboard. In a few years I can see it really catching on.
yeah but here's the problem.
were fucked either way so it doesn't matter who wins, we lose.
oh hey, is it asses and elbows time?
I think this is the video that got Styx shoahed. He lays it out pretty well, it's not anything new even if you're mostly a 4cuck user though.
Any video that is even a little anti Jew gets taken before it can reach 100.000 views. There are also filters in place to prevent people from 'accidentally' finding a video like that.
Hooktube uses YouTube as a backend. All it does is load and play raw video from YouTube. And besides, who are the ones most negatively affected by this? Right wingers, the people who are already hoping to switch to other alternatives (surprisingly enough YouTube has pretty lax content rules before recently compared to their competitors). I highly doubt they're trying to push people already doubtful people over the edge.
Looks like plain and simple kikery to me.
Actually their servers appear to download the videos and cache them too, the video I linked above shows you a notice that the channel as been taken down.
It also caches the comments, which is really nice.
Anyway it's probably not a plot, the service is useful and completely bypasses the Google machinery on the user's end.
What's wrong with I've seen right wing videos for a long time on there. Plus you can find unreleased by media, uncensored clips.
Styx doesn't address the Kalergi Plan or anything else the kikes do because—like most "classical liberals"—the only thing he ulitmately cares about is profit. Again, I'm 99% sure he did multiple videos covering the holocaust however, he took them down once he started generating more revenue in fear of getting his channel deleted. It's the main reason why I stopped watching him. He's a good entry level redpill (As is molymeme) but ultimately, he's too entranced by shekels to give a shit about the truth staring him right in the face.
No, we need him to be the way he is. If people go full 14/88 they won't attract anybody. Its good to have a ton of people who are redpilled operating in a socially acceptable manner to funnel people towards the truth.
styxhexenhammer666 is still up
Idubbz and Styx are still up, I don't understand this thread. Were they temp taken down or something? I'm loading up their videos fine right now.
I think you mean back up.
I only check iDubbbz but yes, his account was legitimately down saying that he was banned but this was about five hours ago or so. Pretty sure that it was a hack or something.
Kikeberg please shill elsewhere. Anyone with an IQ above 80 should be able to figure out Obongo and Soros were pushing NN as goy bait, with the end goal of turning the Net into a Public Utility. But people who use critical thinking understand that you don't fuck yourself over just because some kike put his hand on your burger.
The Telecoms are in bed with the Government in addition to being protected monopolies. They are the ruse for "your rights aren't being violated because its a private company doing it" when they are tied to the government at the hip. Giving them the power to SHUT IT DOWN on behalf of CIAkikes is just slitting your own throat.
If you're not an actually shill then you seriously need to apply yourself more before you endorse the very same people you're trying to fight against.
Sure, that's why torrent sites are always getting shut down.
Everything I've heard has liveleakfags really hating people that post videos on the site. If it isn't "leaked" security footage or recordings of events they don't like it and want it to fuck off. Any given video posted on youtube would qualify for being attacked.
Read the fucking thread before posting.
Kill yourself kike. The (((net jewtrality))) IN PLACE AND UP FOR REPEAL is the obongonigger version and it is NOT SOMETHING TO PROTECT. Fucking kill yourself. Sick of you kike faggots spamming every thread and every board with this reddit cancer.
This, the current rule is awful and like many Obama era regulations it has to go.
OK so it was temporary. I wonder if it was done to see the reaction? They've been turning Youtube into network tv and no doubt would love to get rid of the competition. Funny that they think a dying model will work if they just stick it online.
Some of these guys that have been on the platform since the beginning are automatically demonetized even if the content is completely non-political or non-offensive. You don't have to watch or like muh e-celebrities to note the tactics being used to eliminate alternative or "problematic" discussion and content online. It's one of the baby steps being taken towards complete suppression of free speech and the places that harbour it. If straight up intimidation doesn't work (Twitter bans for viewing offensive websites) then they will just remove or block it. It's coming fast.
Same thing happened with Kenya, in January. They'll probably cart her off to the madhouse, like they did with that negro. Pick her brain.
I think that it was perhaps to flex its (Youtube) muscles publicly.
>"See what we'll do to these big content creators, goyim? That's right, if they can get a bullet on a whim then your little start up doesn't stand a chance… unless you toe the party line of course."
Literally all of my rage.
>inb4 (((private company))), (((free market))) fags start in
If you control over 90% of the market with the government's blessing there is no chance of actual competition.
the amount of jewing that poor girl has seen would probably astonish anybody
if they lose miley whose next? katy perry?
Styx flinged shit at Supreme Leader and he made idiot from himself many times (vide video about ONA, he didn't even get name right), fuck him.
Shes Russian Jew because he blood is Jew mixed with Russian.What kind of kikery is this, Irish are Irish.
Just remember when counter moves are made to make them on Saturdays when they are prohibited from doing anything labor related because of the shabbat.
Doesn't matter. The official word some youtubefags were given by youtube? Content needs to be "appropriate" for 5 year olds to be considered safe for monetization.
>>Holla Forums
Go back to sucking circumcised cocks
Pretty sure he is a jew, he's certainly a homosexual satanist with a penchant for showing the world his naked femininity. Seems he merely repeats what's happening according to the msm, calls it hilarious and this is somehow popular. At least with you. Perhaps if you tell us what it is that you think is good about him.
Because its the only one that exists, which means its the only one that keeps the Telecoms from fucking us all over more than they already are…. but nice use of the buzzwords, you've really learned the board culture champ.
I can get behind that, however I think there's no doubt they are paying attention to what happens in the fan base and wider when they remove major content creators. They have to see what they can get away with after all.
Ahh yes like pregnant Elsa getting poison injected into her womb. So glad we have Youtube to decide what's good for us and our children.
Sage negated schlomo.
>>>Holla Forums
>i-ignore the fact net jewtrality is supported by (((corporations))) and (((open society foundation)))
Same shit, same shills, different words. Fucking kill yourself.
>>>Holla Forums
we're not all nazis.
Cuck, kike, conservatard or CIAnigger?
fuck it lets say all of the above. throw in a mossad and moloch reference to taste.
I hope you aren't doing this for free.
Throw yourself in an oven, then.
before or after my wife gets blacked? only been here 1.9 years so maybe I should lurk more.
It's like Filthy Frank, retarded humor most of the time but can be really hilarious
TL:DR is pretty good ,he has race realism in genetic and precise terms sometimes he callsout sjw's, I dont remember him naming the jew,but he browser Holla Forums probably 8 ,and he is ex military if irc
I was under the impression that as a non-Nazi your wife was already blacked, and that you were being rewarded for an excellent prepping of your wife's son's father by being allowed to shitpost on Holla Forums.
I already "heard"-from Bill Whittle,that some channels get videos flaged as "not sutible for under 18",his argument now is that they dont flag gameplay that show killing so they shouldnt flag politics,some fuckery like not showing videos in subscribed feed ,demonetyzing is a tactic too
oh cool it was just a glitch and they're back? surely my channel is back too!
I'd tell you to kill yourself, but 8866 bought your wretched life a few more days on Earth.
Pretty sure he's not Styx. I was in a thread with an user claiming to be him, and he strikes me as the type to wander in and say "Worship my bare, sunken chest, mortals."
Channels that got Shoa'd
-Papa Jake
Despite this user being a complete retard where is this statement from Jewtube?
You do realize a P2P site would be impossible to shut down, right? An IPFS index site would be self hosting. Imagine a fully functional torrent site that's also just a torrent.
You dumb niggers still don't understand we came here to escape you, do you?
what did he mean by this?
forgot pic
I'm completely serious when I say Miley is one of our best weapons. Put a pin in this for later. If they cart her off to the same hospital as Kanye we break her out before they can reprogram her or replace her with another clone or whatever retarded deep state shenanigans. That poor girl has seen some serious shit. Let her come around to accepting white identity after her clusterfuck of a childhood. She needs strong white men around her given her influence over white youth.
There's a reason we've kept twerking for Hitler simmering on the memetic back burner, and it's not just to mock CIA kikes.
You are retarded.
The channel is fine.
ah screw today, a London happening that never was, a youtube shoah that never was, at least the muslim mosque attack in Egypt makes up for it.
On the plus side, just caught on the news that adpocalypse 2 is happening for yoututbe. Big names like adidas, cadburys etc, are bailing out once again after their adverts where found playing on kids vlogs that where full of kiddy fiddling nonces comments. Will there be a crackdown by youtube on podestaphiles comments in order to get ad revenue back in, or will they just overeach and use this comment shoah to include deletion of nationalistic and redpilled comments too.
I don't believe it, reminds me of how ISIS claim every terror attack is done by them.
LS only do DDoS attacks, they're not advanced enough for something like this.
Nor do I, they're nothing but pathetic skids
Taking down the guy with the most objective and cold reasoning, who stays on the fence about anything political is very scary to be honest. Once I saw his comment somewhere and he said he goes to Holla Forums frequently (probably 4chan though) which is pretty cool I think. I am definitely downloading a lot of videos that are favorited and contain crucial information before the entire internet goes full communism mode.
damn toriko's ending sucked hard
See ID jwwwTUb3 not a get glp trash go back pls
Man, Google is sure pushing it's luck this last few months. It is not it has a huge conservative sleeper and splinter cells inside the company. Not likely too there will be leaks of proprietary code and information and infrastructure attacks.
As Thiel wisely said, Google is just an marketing company with billions of dollars at hand, they create nothing, don't innovate.
Also the algorithm works by analyzing the comment section in a big data way, so wanna bait Google deleting normie channels ? Create multiple accounts with connections to PC and SJW stuff and comment all the most vile nazi words you can muster. Use the system against them, like that user said.
Nu/pol/ means newfags.
Nu/pol/ is all the hanger ons from the Trump campaign year and the boomers and Reddit cucks who want to be in on the ebin club that defeated the media to elect a shitposting president.
They are an annoyance but annoying newfag shitposting has been a part of the Holla Forums experience since the beginning. It is our job as the oldfags to whip the newcomers into shape and drop redpills far and wide.
Dude the sick fucks at judentube LOVE the kiddie diddling shit. They fucking love it. I'd pull the lever in less than a heartbeat on every last one of them
i don't even hate the styx like the rest of you guys, but dude unironically thinks india will supersede china in the near future. dude's a complete fucking fool, sometimes.
Newfags of today only become anons through baptismal of fire, banter, gore and shitposting.
Let's just say I lost hope due to prosperous age of the Internet created far too many stupid newfags who can't lift their own weight. Oldest of oldfags have seen the darkness that was pre-normie usenet.
I was forced to self learn, study and do some trials and errors until I was able to call myself user after years spent in /i/nsurgency scene and old /n/
Yeah pretty sure no one here hates the dude , and yeah he's a fucking tool for sure
Kill yourself.
No, that's only you, you degenerate subhuman.
The dot coms openly censoring a large portion of the population is why support for Net Neutrality is now falling apart.
If we're going to get fucked by Facebook, Google YT, Twitter, Web Hosts anyway … then bring on the mutually assured destruction.
Here's to hoping the the .coms get raped by the ISPs.
It's fake news, they were testing their censorship thingy.