South Dakota Senator Drowns Kayaking in Cook Islands

South Dakota Senator Craig Tieszen (R-Rapid City) and his brother-in-law drowned in an apparent kayaking accident in the Cook Islands in the South Pacific

Taking bets:
Can we dig on this guy and find out (if there was foul play):

From wiki:

Other urls found in this thread:

LOL you've got to have really shitty upper-body strength to drown in a capsized kayak. True snowniggers can just roll that shit over to upright. Kike-free first post btw

If he was chief of police then he was installed by the leftist apparatus and good riddance

Literally says Republican.

This means roy moore is getting in so to even things out they killed this guy.

I've been to Rapid City, its in the Black Hills commie cornnigger part of the dakotas.

Maybe this is a stupid question but people actually kayak in the ocean?

I thought kayaks were intended for rivers/rapids.

According to Wikipedia:
So if it's any consolation to his family, it was probably the brother-in-law that lacked the upper body strength.

Here are a few articles that quickly popped up:
>Republican state senator Craig Tieszen, a former police chief, said: "If we think we're immune in South Dakota from school violence, we should probably think again. As trite as it sounds, the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun."

Needs more digging.

seakayaking is a thing, the boats are different than green/white water boats. Long as fuck and have storage compartments for gear. The high-end ones are made of fiberglass, light as fuck. These were likely trash plastic rental boats though.


These promo photos make it look pretty comfy and not at all dangerous.
Adding a new betting option: he faked his death to join Prince and David Bowie in the elite underground New Atlantis.
I'm just trying to suss out his various alignments,

His political positions aren't listed on OnTheIssues. I did find these though.

He had previously served in the Senate from 2009 through 2016.

So he didn't run or didn't win reelection in 2016 and isn't a senator anymore?

Looks like he was a state senator not a federal senator.

He was a state senator dumbass. Roy Moore is running for US Senate

obviously not:^)
Wikipedia says:
>Craig Tieszen was an American politician who was a Republican member of the South Dakota Senate representing District 34 from January 2009 to his death.

Is anyone familiar with or know the best place to find his donors? Here are the open secrets results, but I'm not sure how to connect him with what PACs etc.

Trips of truth. I was admittedly confused by this at first as well.

criminally underchecked trips

Embed related is a half-hearted acquiescence to fag rights. Does he look like a poof or a diddler? I can usually tell by their physiognomy.

Did I just not check them enough?
(sage for double post)
I doubt we'll get many eyes on this tonight, but I'm inclined to drop it as a literally who nothingburger unless anyone digs up some juicy connections.

Wife's brother or sister's husband?

jerrypost related

user, do you have anymore insight into the industry, vested interests in Rapid City? That might lead to the focus of his influence or influencers.
The gold jewelry industry is interesting.

fug. I'm stepping away from this thread for a bit.

Daily reminder Holla Forums

really user, so is mcain, so what is your point?

Great. Now we get another election that should be a non-issue, but instead turns into a giant fiasco where both the republicans and democrats side with the democrat, like Alabama.

They'll probably try pulling the rapist/pedophile trick on this Senator's replacement too.


double bump
cook islands laws were written by financial money launderers for cleaning and hiding money
the fact that this happened there of all locations is a red flag

is anyone else getting major dejavu from this?

im curious
might be useful for crypto anons

I just looked at some pictures of the cook islands there are huge coral lagoons that drop off into the ocean. It is my guess that they somehow got out of the safety of the lagoons and paddled into the ocean. Then some waves capsized their kayak, paddling in the lagoons would pretty much be so calm you would not even feel the need for a life jacket but the ocean on the other hand would only be a place for a kayaker with major experience, strength, and endurance. Just my casual observation, american vip tourists ded from stupid not from sinister cabal.

sliding fuckers

what do they do? physically strap themselves in with no way to detach themselves from kayak?

The followers of the true third way want both sides to burn as they are one and the same. It's those left standing who are forced into the blue-red paradigm that are worth saving.

Only thing worse than a traitor (liberal-left-democrat) is a facilitator or treason (classical liberal-cuckservative-republican). More joy is to be had watching the false "right-wing" get purged for the sub-human trash they are.

There are kind of 2 kinds of kayaks one that you sit in with a hole in the top and you use adjustable foot pads to push against and it holds you against the seat. I have used this one and just because of the way you sit your legs kind of go to sleep. I got out after a few hours and could barely stand up. The other kind is a sit on the top no hole to put your legs and lower body in it is more comfortable but it is totally open. I would bet the sit on top was the one they were in because resorts and tourists and lots easier to get on and off. I think they got out in the ocean capsized and were old and drowned is end of story.
But even I can float in the ocean so unless you are there and tired as fuck etc dunno?

Its costs about $10,000 per person to fly to the Cook Islands from the USA.


Spearfish is where the faggots are, really.

There used to be gold mines in the hills, hence why Rapid still has Jewelry manufacturing even with the death of the mining. Ellsworth has been here since around WW2, and isn't really all that important beyond having a really fucking long runway. If you were looking for shit to conspiracy about, look up the SURF up in Lead's old mine.

It is a state level seantor.

>dies in a kayaking "(((accident)))"
A little bit too (((coincidental))). But whoever killed him has a twisted sense of humour.

Came in here to post this, glad to see user already had me covered.

Too bad it wasn't for bashing faggots. That shit never gets old and is lulzy as fuck.

Can confirm that the mayor is fucking retarded. Her big thing now is putting a roundabout in every single intersection she can.

Yes, they do.

Every single rep here is all for Yidsrael. They are all trash. Link related.

I'm not wasting time archiving a .gov site. The resolution passed 100% yea in both senate and house. For all the fag bashing fun this state takes part in the jew still has us by the balls. I can't wait to see a rep someday get in that exposes the massive jewish problem we have here.

Was meant for

If a couple SEALS want your little floaty capsized, you will remain capsized.

Wow it's fucking nothing.

Retards like niggers drown in the ocean. It's entirely conceivable that a retard like a cuck boomer managed to drown in the ocean.

>bumps twice
I had dismissed this, but now you've got me reconsidering.

Bumping for information or suggestions for further digging.

Good info, will look into this.


That kid in the middle wearing what looks kinda like a blue jumpsuit appears to be tweaking pretty hard.

Roundabouts! Hell yeah. Except Americans freak the fuck out when they encounter them. Or they defeat the whole point of the roundabout by putting stop signs at each entrance.

We have them everywhere in front range/western Colorado. No stop signs. Major roundabouts have Yield signs. They're as well-understood by locals as any other traffic interchange.


Did this guy have anything to do with taking people's driver license away if they didn't keep up with their college (((loan))) repayments? Because if so then fucking good!

It's nothing goy. ;)

Google search his name

There's also Also I noticed had some good results on a few odd searches recently.


The money is better spent on other things.