Why is she so perfect bros? 😍 😘 👑

Why is she so perfect bros? 😍 😘 👑

Where's the perfect you talking 'bout?




she isn't and you are a creep


she has a big head

i like how hollywood has already sexualized her

no bra. really?

That's a boy. A boy that was laced with soy.

Her mom didn't consume alcohol while she was in the womb.

literally a 5/10


Why issue dressed like that? Is she actually retarded?


I would be glad to do my part to test that hypothesis by thoroughly investigating what her genitals look like. And, if necessary, what they feel and taste like.

What would you do if you found a peepee down there?




why does he look so much like black widow in that third pic


She isn't. she's literally just a skinny jewish girl that is being shilled on imageboards. Pedophiles love company.


Excuse me?

why doesnt she rock her jew fro?

depends on how big it is



young maggie gyllenhaal in the 4th pic, bad genes


She just is!

what's' with all the dandruff? and she already has laugh lines and she's like 14, wtf


Nice floor tbh





