Why do bourgeois white women think they can check Native male muh privilege? What the fuck is wrong with whitey?
Why do bourgeois white women think they can check Native male muh privilege? What the fuck is wrong with whitey?
I really wouldn't be surprised if this was cointelpro. It's the exact same shit that happened with occupy.
That's what I'm starting to think at this point.
I'm not very conspiracy minded, but all the tumblr SJWs would feel too scared of imposing their views on the Natives.
This almost seems like someone trying to parody them at this point, and even people in those cesspits can will be able to see through it.
all the sweaty shilling of cointelpro to try and divide the protesters at NODAPL is amazing.
something tells me the protests are on the right track is they try THIS hard
Needs more Oka.
Kind of looks like the Holla Forums logo.
Yes, also happened at Black Mesa too. We need to investigate these people so that we can get some proof. One or two doxed SJW authors working with the federales and our case would be made a lot easier.
Calling total bullshit on this. This reads way too much like fanfic. Feminists suck but even they are not clueless enough to do this.
The "reports" these articles speak about are mostly from this Alicia Smith chick on Facebook. From there it spread like fire, first by very generic "paypal me" SJWs on social media who basically make a living out of shitting on supposed "allies", and then it was turned into articles by some white journalists in predominantly white publications, presumably in order to reafirm themselves as "one of the good ones".
IMO, this can be about clueless white sympathisers ruining it as much as it can be about narcisistic SJWs trying to make a career out of dividing yet another movement. So let's not rush to any direction here.
I'm not familiar with what happened at Black Mesa.
What was it?
I think it's probably a bit of both.
resonance cascade>>1094911
The injuns need to start playing some Slayer to chase them off.
A woman who turned out to be a Fed claimed to have been assaulted in an ambiguous way that was polarizing. It split the community up such that many left and many friendships were jeopardized. This was, it is thought, done deliberately to reduce the strength of the folks at Black Mesa.
Hey, white boy, give the injuns your money, they deserve it.
And stop doing your eastern inspired new-wave rituals, it's silly and it's disturbing the sacred flame ritual of our tribes elders.
fuck you i was gonna make that joke
Middle class white women complaining about "whiteness" should be your first red flag.
Even if there was video it's probably FBI agents anyway. It's a shame we can't kill informants when we find them.
Or maybe, just maybe, SJWs are human fucking trash and they can't rally a real political movement around them to save their own skins.
Nah, couldn't be.
SJW movements are known to be a COINTELPRO tactic though. Is every SJW an FBI agent? No, but some of them definitely are.
Both are true.
Gloria Steinem worked for the CIA, remember.
I believe this too, but do we have proof?
See if you can find some names then run them through a couple search engines and see what comes up
I would but I'm at work
we really should do this.
Jesus Christ, no. Don't tell me that. We need the numbers there to keep Porky at bay, but we don't need to boss the natives around.
They have to be plants by the police
Turn them into bacon
DAPL should be the easiest fucking thing in the world to unite the left
but no, we have to fabricate as many stories as possible about how whitey white white is evil and showing solidarity is the real problem
we are fucked. cointelpro is too good.
We'll all be unemployed in the next great depression and the left-wing movement that rises up to demand change will be shut down by playing off of racial and gender divisions.
This should be a banner.
fuck drumpf and fuck "white" people
internet hysteria in a nutshell
I think someone made an infograph that correlated the downfall of Occupy Wall street with the rise of "SJW" hashtags on twitter.
These people are either genuinely stupid or they're infiltrators.
The gaslighting and the psyops have begun. The same thing happened to Occupy.
Also, these reports of White People turning Standing Rock into Burning Man might also be part of the gaslighting op.
How is that gaslighting, a shit ton of white Americans ARE like that, there's even a name for it, ugly American.
Foreign nationals have been dealing with this disrespectful behavior for years
As many of us as possible should try to contact the locals, volunteers and the veteran reinforcements on their way to warn them. If someone's close and unemployed they should go down and be our man on the ground and relay trufax.
Either the tumblr is cointelpro or the white people there starting shit with people are cointelpro. I don't doubt that there must be at least some people there who are really like this tumblr describes, but of the thousands of people there at any given time, a group of 3 or 4 genuine idiots is not enough to cause this degree of consternation. Cointelpro or not, just fucking tell them to fuck off.
Never change
source please
liberal do gooder women never change.
Stupid shit poster flag
The first is literally just a Jewish guy with a dark sense of humor fucking around. Not much of a false flag.
Literally not an argument
It's "literally" what just happened here. Sorry not sorry for blowing you the fuck out, friendo :^)
I don't think any of those things are false flags dude.
False-flags do not say "We're Jews, and we're going to see what it's like" to the media. That defeats the whole point of false-flagging. God, you're stupid.
Hahahah, oh wow. Do you not understand that they didn't realize they were being filmed?
That's like sitting there arguing that Project Veritas didn't expose rampant corruption and illegal actions by the DNC because someone doing something illegal wouldn't "say it to the media".
God you're retarded.
pro-tip: james o'keefe has two felonies
also, they "exposed" bird-dogging, which is nothing new in the political world.
You act like being prosecuted by a corrupt government for exposing their dirty laundry isn't a fucking badge of honor.
Kill yourself, scum.
I'm just gonna ask: where are the fucking guns?
Still not an argument
Indians can't afford them.
Also most crackers are still under the delusion that only peaceful protest is legitimate, and as soon as CNN runs a story with a picture of an Indian "extremist" brandishing a rifle at a GENUINE HERO PATRIOTIC FREEDOM LOVING 9/11 LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER the pigs will be given carte blanche to roll in and crack their skulls as the apologists in the corporate media cluck their tongues and shake their heads.
Hey that's bullshit, an AK is only $400 nowadays, not to mention the indians can arm themselves by laws.
Proven wrong in that Bundy land dispute, it was less violent because both sides feared each other. The cops here don't fear the no-gun cucks.
AK's haven't been that cheap in years. The conflicts in the ME have jacked the prices up since manufacturers have prioritized sales to the region. WASR's go for 700 now.
That was one of the Bundy stand-offs. The other one got people killed and didn't amount to anything.
Or rather "created misleadingly edited videos of staged encounters" as he later admitted. You idiots will eat up anything the think-tanks shit out, won't you?
The first Bundy stand off pretty much told the fed to get the fuck out.
The second stand off in Oregon, while a failure, did not get the Bundy in jail, they were acquited.
So in fact, not using guns in a protest is an idiotic move.
Well I guess you can't price a piece of shit too high. That's literally bottom of the barrel.
The point isn't just to stay out of jail it's to accomplish the goals of the protest/movement. The Bundy stand-off in Oregon didn't accomplish anything and got people killed for no reason. It's a dumb move in this current political climate.
You get what you pay for. And the AMD is serviceable.
Well, the bundy survived, and they will fight again, the second stand-off in Oregon did not get as much as support as the first thus it failed.
This North Dakota pipeline shit will blow out in some months and nothing will be done but whiny liberals getting blasted by water cannons.
for the same reason they got acquitted, their group was riddled with government agents
also the bundys are wealthy and indians aren't
Honestly, i thought obama was just riding this shit out since since the end of his term, but it seems he sent the controlled opposition to divide and conquer.
Or libs really are that stupid
This, if you have a physical group it will be riddled with the FBI or some other government stooges.
Liberals go on and on about the KKK like its even relevant anymore, even right wingers know its just a controlled op filled with FBI agents
These people need to be treated as police infiltrators and disruptors. It doesn't matter if they are or not, they have the same effect.
They got acquitted because they actually we're supported by the locals. It would have been easy to pin the head honchos and let everyone else walk, but they didn't.
Went to a meeting the other night about how we can put together some fundraisers in our town to support them and this one jackass kept going on about how this is "their" spiritual protest and everyone else needs to be respectful. I'm sorry but if that pipeline spills into the Missouri it'll harm the drinking water of some 12 million more people than just the ones living on the reservation. And as long as pipelines like this continue to enable fossil fuel usage global warming is an issue that affects everyone on the planet. This divisive bullshit has got to stop. The protest is taking place on federal land at the moment, not part of the Standing Rock reserve. People concerned about warming or poisoned drinking water downstream have just as much a right to be there as the natives.
O'Keefe blew all his credibility with the ACORN hoax. If you want some actual fucking journalism on election rigging listen to Greg Palast.
When did standing rock start? There might be something about it in the new fbgary emails
Did you tell him he was retarded?