Paul Nuttal elected as UKIP leader

Paul Nuttal elected as UKIP leader

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i read it as paul nutella


Why hasn't the left owned up to the fact that it was their cowardly paranoia that let the paki rape gangs roam free?

Why can the left only see rape culture when it's people with anime avatars on twitter calling feminists fat?

Why is Holla Forums incapable of lurking?



Why can't you see the obvious connection.


I do read actual British communists and the communis opinio among them is that the Labour party is racist and should go back to the time when even mentioning the existence of Islamic rape gangs was committing the cardinal sin of racism.

Because it's not obvious.

I do read actual British communists and the communis opinio among them is that the Labour party is racist and should go back to the time when even mentioning the existence of Islamic rape gangs was committing the cardinal sin of racism.

Because it's not obvious.


There is a reason "Trot" is an insult among both bongers and the international left wing.

The sin qua nonce of the issue

But it is obvious that the rape gangs are islamic.

"Ooga booga rape all white children" - Quran 7:31

yes I know islam is shit but lel

Why are you incapable of checking for yourself

They are muslims and rape according to the islamic principle that their victims are fair game.

You seem humored.

Is this the iron law among Footballers too?

this is the same religion that will literally remove your head if they think you committed a violent crime

Rape is punished by death in Iran.

I think its a sexual fetish for them to be dominated by the dark hairy men of other races.


I've never heard of footballers seeing girls who don't play football as fair game, trade them as cattle in football rape gangs and be silently or openly supported in it by complete football clubs in which every footballer knows of their deeds. Neither have I heard of anything resembling islamic practice regarding non-muslims in the football rule book.

There is no contradiction at all in this. Home invaders will kill you if you attempt to rob them.

either they like rape or they don't you cannot have both

Guess you're a slow reader then xD

Ukip are actually pro paki they want to ban all E.U migration while opening us up to le indian doctors.
They also want to drastically cut tax for corporations and the rich
Fuck em

back to britpol you go


This is your mind on leftism.

Do home invaders like being robbed?

Can't really so "go back" to you though.


Ukip are pledged to hand out 50,000 work permits to foreigners (plus residence rights for them and their families). With about 300,000 Brits emigrating every year, that means that Ukip would allow at least 350,000 new immigrants into our country every year. This isn’t an immigration policy – it’s a recipe to replace us!

This was a good thread until you started trolling out of butthurt.

don't make a political epithet out of a sexual fetish if you don't want people to make assumptions

you are very bad at making analogies

True I think UKIP would allow pakis as long as they arent raging mudslimes.



This one requires little effort.

then why are you even posting ITT

maybe to write but i can't quite comprehend your mental gymnastics
unless two things can be true at once now


Are you functionally retarded?

Do you actually believe that rapists don't have a problem with they themselves or their kin being raped, because they want to stay consistent?

that is how religion works you retard

Go and tell the prophet mohammed that he shouldn't have taken sex slaves then, for it being inconsistent with islam.


gross pedo or not this still doesn't mean islam condones rape for random people

there is probably some stupid rationalization somewhere, but literally nothing about the rotherham scandal could be interpreted as defensive or against enemies of islam

in other words, people will do what they want by their own volition and some people are fucked up

unbelievers aren't random people in islam

But are they british tho????


yes but you can't kill them if they don't start shit

holy fuck that article, it's like nightmare mode ideology

An article about smashing Marxism and literally the first words are 'political correctness'. Conservatives are beyond parody

imho in a post-brexit britain, ukip will be btfo-d by a realigned extreme right tory party.

what the british left has to be concerned about right now is arron "porky" banks and his planned subversive anti-labour campaign

ukip and nuttall is a false flag operation


The North of England has been neglected for decades by both (Blairite) Labour and the Tories. Only Corbyn can combat UKIP