Cuckspencer officially banned from Europe

leading figure in the U.S. white nationalist movement said Wednesday that he hasn't received government confirmation of his reported ban from entering more than two dozen European countries.
Poland's state-run news agency PAP says Polish authorities banned Richard Spencer from entering 26 countries in Europe's visa-free Schengen area for five years. The news agency cited unnamed sources close to Poland's Foreign Ministry.
A source close to the Polish Foreign Ministry confirmed to the Associated Press that the ban has taken effect. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak on the ministry's behalf.
Spencer previously was banned from the Schengen zone for three years after his 2014 arrest in Hungary, where he had planned to host a conference.
Spencer told the Associated Press he would try to contest a new ban.

Spencer popularized the term "alt-right" to describe a fringe movement that's a loose mix of racist, anti-Semitic and anti-immigration beliefs. In August, he was scheduled to speak at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a car plowed into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing a woman.
Spencer said he canceled plans to travel to Poland for a far-right conference in Warsaw earlier this month after seeing reports the government was threatening to keep him out of the country.

Last month, Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski described Spencer as someone "who defames what happened during World War II, defames the Holocaust."

Besides Poland, the 26 Schengen countries also include France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden.

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He can't really say

< Banned from Europe
Dicky has connections to Dugin/Bolshevism I dislike, but this is total bullshit. He's banned, yet ISIS terrorists are welcomed with open arms.

I'm hearing from top interpol sources that this quote got him banned.

I had enough of this Spencer faggot. I'll blow his brains if I ever get a chance

I don't like spencer but I think that screeching about getting banned from countries is the worst thing he could do right now, for fucksakes he's a grown up, isn't he a civic nationalist faggot or something? shouldn't he be saying something like this:

"What part of nationalism does europe not get from my persona? the idea of nationalism is to stay in your home country, banning me will just reinforce my practice in being a true nationalist, good job Europe you accomplished nothing lol, all you did was remove a couple of kids from a 1 day lecture."

Do not bump Richard Spencer threads, he exists only in the imagination of the kike media.

wow that is some flowery faggoty language. what the hell is wrong with him?


Careful, you might attract a smoke grenade impacting your window any second

Kikes are literally lobbying the governments of Europe to ban him. Too funny because he isn’t even that extreme.

I swear it didn't originate from here, just trust me goy

Dicky did a good job putting this nog in its place, but he's still insufferable.


really makes you think.

His constant zionism, shilling for Kike Enoch, and general CIAnigger glow have taken a toll on his credibility, so he needed to be banned for "extremism" to increase his veneer of legitimacy.

Why do they persecute him so?

Why is he bad? I see a lot of people hating on him but no one seems to hate alex jones the kike puppet.

Because they are validating their stooge as a true leader of the counter culture. It's an often used psychological tactic and marketing tool. Edgy and disallowed….oooh must be one of us.

Honestly he should have just went full hitler on spot knowing this would happen to him, but apparently it was too late as soon as he started sucking jewcock and shilling for those fucking kikes, he ended up getting cucked and now even the jews that tricked him is probably dancing and laughing.

Away with you, outsider

Lurk 2 years.

Nobody tricked him he was specifically mentored by the jew that coined (if you pardon the pun) the term alt-right. He is well connected, very rich, and is obviously an agent for cia/mossad. Everything he does is orchestrated.


I think the thing to take away from this is that publicly voicing politically incorrect opinions can result in you being banned from even visiting your ancestral homeland despite them willingly accepting millions of foreign invaders.


Of course he is, he is a perceived "enemy" of their rule.

Nobody elected these fuckers over in Europe, but still they lead our countries because they have suppressed any alternative through (((democracy))). I hope all hang in the noose by the end of the year and that goes for all the fucking traitors in the european countries.

They are persecuting him of wrong-think you shills. It's for the exact same reason they fine and throw nationalists into jail over here in the "free" world of the European Union.


He loves and is mentored by a kike plus is all about the holohoax. Fuck this CIAnigger.

This is interesting. Assuming they perceive Spencer as a real threat why not ban him forever? I wonder if the limit of five years may suggest they have some sort of over confident kike scheme and think they can be rid of white nationalism in five years.

Has Spencer ever spoken out for "anti-Semites" or Holocaust revisionists who got hit with jewish thought crime laws? Of course not, he even claims the latter are wrong, while denying the Holodomor himself.

How does this benefit Dickie's employers is the real question.

He really is the Kikes best Goy. It's Strange really, Have the Kikes really stirred up their flocks to shun Explicit Cock? What a terrible time for the Chosen's Chosen.

this timeline. lel

He's married to a Russian so I'm not surprised. I'm almost certain this guy is an agent just for that alone because it's so suspicious, always has been. This faggot came out of nowhere and the media always props him up, always unusually conveniently.

Kill them all.

Holla Forums YES

this guy is lugenpress

Spencer actually says the holocaust is fake.

The kike has the part of an evil white man to play so he continues to play it as they direct. As soon as he drops his role and chooses to make Aaliyah he will be accepted with open arms and a bag of shekels.

we did it Holla Forums

Just to prove my point, I did searches for some victims of jewish persecution who were relevant recently. No results, other than a single mentions of Arthur Topham and Ernst Zundel by commenters.

You'd think they'd at least publish something after Zundel's passing to draw attention to hate crime laws, but nothing.


nice based smiling jewish man, mind if I save it? WE DID IT Holla Forums

now lets assassinate DRUMPT and put some blacks on LAUREN SAUTHERN

we will end the white race pol, we will do it. gotta make sure we lose the cultural war.

What an absolutely assblasted TRSodomite

Shit niggers, you didn't tell me that DOTR was kicking off.



Stay mad Levi.

You mean TRS? You are shilling for dicky spencer while complaining about subversion. Anons not accepting your big tent of faggotry and pool parties to pozz the board is not subversion, it is anons holding back the invading horde of degeneracy

you know I actually like kikes like you spread those pictures online.

you might feel safe as long as you are putting down IRL redpilling, but at least you spread anti semitism online, and one day I will meet you with 15 feet of rope.

the main difference is not only that

stay fetid, monkey.

I am so furious I cant even string a sentence anymore, fuck this shit. bye pol

stay jewish, I am going to fight the enemies and let you rot this place with your jewish subversion.

It's the hip new thing. Accusing anyone who dislikes TRS of spreading d&c. That is, of course, implying that we were ever together with TRS.

Just listened to the whole interview, he never rejects the Holohoax. At one point, the guy who made the jewtube video cut in a clip about Ursula Haverbeck, but that's it.

The funny thing about all this is that if white nationalism ever truly takes off in 80 years they'll look back on this guy as a martyr despite him being a kosher nationalist.

That wouldn't be that awful. Anons have stated that he could be our Horst Wessel. All he needs to do is shut the hell up, stop fucking up everything, and get gunned down in the street by some commies like the degenerate he is.

Alex Jones is entertaining.

No they aren’t lol. This doesn’t validate him at all. You’re forgetting just how entrenched leftism is in the minds of whites today. Most people don’t even know who he is and will never see these headlines. They are meant to scare nationalists and drum up support from normies and leftists.

If anything this proves (((EU))) thinks he's legit

Alex Jonesenblatt is hated more than Spencer, be gone newfag

What is wrong with Spencer?
What did he do that was against 14w?
Specify what he did wrong.
Factually, I don't care about your feelings

Read the thread, you waste of a reply. Actually, since you're too dumb to do that

He defends jews, Israel, and the Holocaust lie. You can't be both pro-jewish and pro-White.

Alloha snackbar and fuck Richard Spencer.

t. Europe.

He's a kike lover, a kike sympathiser, a kike promoter, a kike taught shill. He took fucking pictures with the Bushes, he's a neocon LARPing.

The lies are nice and all, Machmed ali digenerato, but don't you have a goat to fuck?

No, tell me what did he specifically do that is against 14 words.
If you can't do that, shut the fuck up


I know your schtick all too good.
I take it you have no argument.
You have no argument and you should be able to convince me with proof.
You have none.
Case dismissed

What's important is the reason for banning him - literally promoting European values.

That's disturbing.

It proves the EU has gone nuts.
Sure we may hate spencer, but the reason for the ban is fucking disgusting.

Spencer is pro-kike which makes him anti-white by definition. He also shills for (((Kike Enoch))) and (((TRS))). How many dicky jpgs do you want me to post?

>(((Polish))) authorities banned Richard Spencer from entering 26 countries in Europe's visa-free Schengen area for five years.

Fucking based!

Reminder not to reply to TRSniggers, because anyone dumb enough to still believe in the alt-kike is too dumb to be useful, or is just pretending for (you)s.
There's nothing to be gained, and you can see that from the above.

You are way too obvious mediamatters

Get a new job

loving every laugh. Have some bonus Jared Taylor

I personally don't care about Spencer, 4cham, reddit, trs, or any online movement outside this board tbh.
Arguing about who has a bigger e-dick is childish and a waste of time.
I suspect most Anons feel similar.

Your retarded attempts at trying to set us on eachother are useless. All your blabber amounts to talking to yourself.
Fuck yourself correct the record/mediamatters/shareblue

Spencer isn't us in any way. If he supports kikes, he's against whites.

This, Spencer does harm to both Americans and Europeans.

For a kike he looks pretty goyish.

Must be 25% kike or perhaps even less. Just shows how deep the jewish blood runs

This kike lover thinks chinks and he beloved kikes are superior. The lies just never end with em.

People hate him for no reason

So … he's like the Jews?


Dickie should go on the Savage Nation as a guest, both him and Michael Savage are banned in Britain. :^)


Serves him right, the one that taught him everything is a literal kike in every sense of the word.

Some jew lobbied for it happen.

14:40 on that link.

T. Brainlet who is too stupid to understand how the 'White Zionism' argument instantly shuts down pro israel zionists.

It's not that hard.

1. Jew or neocon zionist claims that whites have no culture, we have no right to a country, ethnic nationalism is evil, walls are evil, whites are evil, etc.
2. You point out that Israel is a explicit ethno-religious state, for and by Jews. You also point out that everything they accuse whites of doing, Israel has already done. Expel refugees, oppress minorities, build walls to keep out illegal immigrants, destabilizing the region for their benefit, or any number of other things.
3. Therefore, said Jew cannot be for Israel and against white nationalism at the same time.

Shout out to the emo achmed goat fucking retarded mods with dicks in ass, constantly. Let's diss the white guy who advocates for white people and meanwhile fuck goats while we read the quran. I'm a gay nigger mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckered buttfucker also. Thank you for joining our cult here on We love gay nigger fag emo cocks and we hate white people like Richard Spencer.

I'm a member of 8gay.nigger

Don't forget, perception is reality.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, wrong. Kikes have absolutely no aversion to making a hypocritical argument. "Muh white zionism" is nothing but a clumsy attempt to trick the ebil nazis into accepting zionism.

What a (((coincidence))) you all got dubs you fucking retards.
This has nothing to do with Spencer as a person. You are celebrating that the kike governments of the Jewropean Jewnion are banning a guy that is, at least perceived by the mainstream, a pro white advocate. But you're probably all the same Jew running some kind of CIAnigger script to get dubs, i have seen it before.

Do you think it's possible to be pro-kike and pro-white at the same time?

Answer me that, my sperging little friend

Of course the kike won't change his opinion.

But this argument makes it clear to the audience that their is one rule for them, and another for us. That we are the goyim and they are the chosen to whom the rules do not apply.

stal/k/ers have been banned in britain for a decade

(((savage))) is a kike, faggot.

You don't even realize that the argument works both ways. "If kike nationalism can exist, then so can white nationalism!" also means "if white nationalism can exist, then so can kike nationalism!"

Except that white nationalism is not allowed to exist, but everyone accepts kike nationalism.

Why is that? Why is their nationalism accepted and ours is viciously suppressed at every turn? These are the questions we need to plant in the minds of normies.

Looks h'White to me. Michael Savage is fine by me.


wtf now i love dick

Good I won't have to bring my own to string you up Moshe.

Toodles, Moshe.


Guy is pro white
This thread=mediamatters/ctr
They are most afraid of us working together
It's good we have many different movements the diversification is key to covering the most demographic
A single one would be easily controled and stopped. But the diversification also means that each person can contribute in their own capacity this way.
You need both soft organizations and you need hit squads
Creating memetics is as invaluable as the person creating irl presence and as the guy who is a soldier and is prepared to fight for the cause.
Sinergy is key

Filtered. Reported for ban evasion.

Enjoy your ban TRSodomite!


lol, pretty ironic

Spencer is controlled opposition.
This is an effort to legitimize him.

Its a common tactic.

Color me shocked. Europe is a different animal and anyone whose lived there and is a true nationalist in the American sense will respect that even though our jewish puppet masters control it, only they can fix themselves. If they want pan-europeanism they'll figure it out on their own as they're doing without the American twist to it.

I'm sure he feels butt hurt, but even if you're a Hungarian, Russian, Polish, German, Italian, or British nationalist it's not hard to see this outsider, or foreigner, who is a child of their mother continents culture, coming in and stirring up trouble in lands they don't understand. Americans tend to be the innocent retard that fucks everything up, but after awhile you have to say the retard is no longer innocent and just plain fucking things up. Guys like Spencer may mean well, but can inadvertently set back nationalist movements in the countries he steps in without even knowing it. Stop trying to baby Europe and just let the damn leash go already. They'll unfuck the world International Jewry and American has brought down on them if only we let them be and do it their way.

Saying all Europeans should racemix into one race is not a core European value

Eat shit, hebe.

1. Freeze Peach was impeded upon, they should not have banned him.
2. Make him a martyr for christ's sake so we can be done with his kike ass.
3. Do not have him killed for the sake of Our Lord. Sorry.

Based Poland!

He has a faggy voice and haircut, that alone does more damage to nationalism than being a paid agent of kikes. And yes I know where his haircut comes from, still looks faggy though.

The intensity of the shilling against this guy makes me think he's probably legit.

holy fuck just stop TRSemites, you are obvious

How new are you? If you were around even a year ago you would know in great detail why Holla Forums really hates him, since you don't know you should lurk moar. There has been lots of evidence and arguments as to why to dislike spencer, but the only arguments pro spencer has been TRShills claiming that he needs to be a leader and that it is D&C to quote spencer verbatim on the constant dumb shit he says


Polish authorities banned Richard Spencer from entering 26 countries in Europe's visa-free Schengen area for five years.

Based Poland
Totaly not a kike tool.


Oh look a torpedo.

Oh look his post is garbage.

Wouldn’t this just make him more popular in EU nations?

Interesting clips of Spencer. The first and third probably aren't necessary, but the one where he compares the Alt-Kike to the Bosheviks, and where he talks about being so right that the ACLU's on his side (just like Skokie) are pretty damning.

He's a clown, but they really hate him for some reason.

"the one where he compares the Alt-Kike to the Bosheviks"

Being a shill, maybe.
But seriously, i hate this faggot as much as everyone here, but this is another demonstration of the "freedom" we have in the (((democratic EU))) and that's absolutely disgusting, as much as Spencer is a fraud, i don't see anything to celebrate about here.

What do you think controlled opposition is? He's the neutered voice and the false guiding light of the opposition and faggots who don't know any better flock to people like him for guidance. He's been mentored by a famous kike, Paul Gottfried. He's not nationalist, his wife is a marxist, he likes duginism and he's only pro white in the sense that he uses pro-white rhetoric to justify his proto communism in the form of alt-fag.

Greeting to the hive of shabbes goys and kikes, Poland!

How do the Polish death camps?

Why do the alt-right like civilization 6? Not the series at a whole just civilization 6.

I don't understand, you want to fuck him?

I'm not defending him.
I don't give a fuck about him but unless you actually prove he is a liability I won't hate him either.

You are cheering on an ostracizement for a white person while EU is transporting around 1000 africans into europe per day

The smarter Anons here understand the concept of using various means as resources to advance your goals regardless of not being in full agreement with.
This is why we achieve what set out to do.
Each pebble has a place in the structure.
I advise reading

And what has spencer actually accomplished for the cause? He is a multimillionaire that compares White Nationalism to Zionism then takes shekels from his followers. All he does is build his own name and brand. Everything he does he does for his own ego, not a will to see his people live. Spencers subversion has been posted time and time again in this thread, you just wish it not to be real so you idolize a man who only cares about himself. He has literally accomplished nothing, all "his" events were made by other groups which he shows up to in ordwer to sell himself and his brand, subverting the message in the process every time. He has written no books, or done anything of note other than getting constantly pushed in the media starting with a fucking Maddow interview before anyone on the right knew who he was. Fuck off TRShill, no one wants spencer as a leader, he is forced on the masses as blatant controlled opposition and anyone looking at his start, his viewpoints, his life, or what he has accomplished can see that.

Spencer is forcing bluepills down the throats of his followers be it on the jews, the holohoax, or the survival of Europe itself with his view that all of Europe should mix until there is only one race left. He is not a toll for anons to use, he is a tool for the jews and always has been. THe only way he could be a tool that anons could use is if he was dead. If he was murdered by anyone on the left we could make him a martyr and force the narrative of what his views were into being anything we wanted
There are no words that can express your newfaggotry other than lurk moar

It is not just niggers, they deliberately rescue IS members, people who have promised to murder Europeans. Spencer, fraud or not, is one thing, no physical danger to any European.
The only reason Spencer is banned is his political opinion, his purported “white nationalism”, for that he is banned by the purported nationalist government of Poland for all of the EU.

That “nationalist” government in Poland is nothing but different pawn for the international jew, like Merkel, just with a different task to serve the cabal. Poland’s task is to antagonize Germany and Russia in a coalition of the willing and the Poles like it.

Geopolitical Journey, Part 2: Borderlands is republished with permission of Stratfor. By George Friedman

Visegrad my ass, Kikograd is more fitting: “Next year in Jerusalem!”

The only reason Spencer is banned is his political opinion, his purported “white nationalism”, for that he is banned by the purported nationalist government of Poland for all of the EU.

Exactly this.
we could be taking advantage of the situation, portraying this angle and depicting him a martyr insted of gloating here and patting eachother on the back

work with what you are given.
constantly adapt and take advantage of any situation

I disagree completely with the second part of the post
Višegrad is a light house for Europe we should all act as they do.
Nation first, political orientation / money second

A lighthouse build by jews.

It is just the old good cop, bad cop game of false alternatives. Where were Poland’s solidarity as they attacked Hungary and Orban? Orban himself is not beyond doubt, he looks for his well doing first and then that of his country, but he don’t deliberately antagonize the Russians nor the Germans. The Poles are really the pawns of the jews and play their game.

On the other hand, the Poles play that game so clumsy they push up German nationalism, even among the brain washed masses but that might be another hidden objective of the jew’s plan most likely it is deliberately, otherwise the press and most important state TV wouldn’t report about it.


Spencer is a huge fucking retard so I don't see the bad in this.

He's a fucking plant, people.

Pro-White + anti-kike = Pro-White
Pro-White + pro-kike = Anti-White
Anti-White + pro-kike = Anti-White
Anti-White + anti-kike = Anti-White

If advocating for the preservation of a majority white European continent is worthy of being banned, then of course - of course!– no white genocide is taking place. They don't plan for whites to be a minority in Europe at all. … right?

There were 60.000 nationalists in Poland.

Spencer is banned because he's a weak retard.

Looks like a controlled incident to try and give Spencer credit with Alt-Right normies. Hey goyim I'm banned from all these cucked countries, I should be a leader or something. Its the same as how Antifa was used to deplatform Milo showing how they hate jews or something for sympathy.

Hey, that's the truth table for material nonimplication logic.
A⊅B = A and not B

(((Tyrmand))) is better than (((Jabłonka Applebaum)))

Let's have an european union do the same shit of eroding identity and culture but without niggers; Europe will be like North Korea but without nationalism so basically going back to marxism-leninism, what a brilliant idea.
Good thing you glow in the dark.
Wow, I love spencer now, don't hate the (((BASED))) goy who calls in lugenpresse for a conference to throw a Sieg Heil, and Heil Trump just fur funsies and as a prank

Alt-Right's Richard Spencer handled by Deep State CIA Family

Meet the GOP Insider who created White Nationalist Richard Spencer

Richard Spencer gets his Money from Cotton Fields – and the U.S. Government


Richard Spencer Compares White Nationalism to Zionism

Alt-Right Leader Richard Spencer: An Alliance with the Jews

Alt-Right Leader Richard Spencer tells Israelis: 'I am a White Zionist'

Alt-Right Leader Richard Spencer tells Haaretz: 'Jews have Nothing to Fear'

White Nationalist Richard Spencer Gives Israel as Example of Ethno-State he wants in U.S.

I wouldn't be surprised if his marriage was just a front and he was an enormous cocksucking faggot as most of us suspect he is with his 'implicit dicky' gimmick.


Well it could if they had a nation that wasn't stolen or occupied with an agreement to share it, making ethno nationalism impossible there.

Pretty much this. Unfortunately a lot of Holla Forumsacks simply don't have an IQ high enough to see the forest for the trees. They see Spencer getting banned and say "lol Spencer is sooo cucked glad this happened lelelel", failing to discern that this is a larger crackdown on dissent, even within ""based"" Poland (not saying the people aren't based, but the government sure as fuck isn't).

It just doesn't line up.

Vid related, tank running through a fucking IED.

Obviously, not all IED are made equal, but if you think you are gonna disable a tank by throwing molotov at it, be my guess.

They didn't expect 60,000 to show up, and once they did probably figured it was better to let them do their thing. Polish nationalism is some of the best in Europe atm, but it's heavily couched in "muh culture, muh religion" rhetoric, which is essentially slightly more spicy cuckservatism. It's also dependent on playing the victim card regarding Germany, especially the leaders of PiS use that language a lot, and its worrisome. Again, I'm not doubting that a lot of those 60000 were genuine, proud nationalists, but the leaders are not.

Whatever nationalism the poles are pouting, it's better than Spencer.

The point of Spencer being a fucking plant is never, ever stressed enough.

Apparently hungarian and austrian nationalist can join in the march, the fact he can't probably means they don't want to taint the movement with an obvious falseflagger.

Meh somehow I don't find it that terrible. Europe needs to wake up by itself, and come up with its own solutions. I do not want to see Europe function like the US.

What, with the constant holohaux worship? Not really.
There is no proof whatsoever that Spencer is a plant, and not just a faggy moron. The media zeros in on him because he's such an easy target to mock. But I think we can both agree he needs to be purged yesterday.
No, it's because the Polish government sucks jewish cock, and wants their brand of nationalism staying as far away as possible from race, beyond the sort of impotent dogwhistling that cuckservatives are famous for. They, like millions of others, think Spencer is an ebil nahtzee, even if to us he seems like a fag, a cianigger or a disengenuous shithead that runs away from his speaking engagements in pre-arranged transport while his supporters get asaaulted.

Let's get this over with, there are probably nationalists who deny the holocaust in that march.

Spencer in particular does not deny the holocaust, let alone call for genocide of all jews (which the poles did call for).

And Spencer is a plant, look into who his wife is. It's not a coincidence, it never is, you know who you marry to.

I have a hard time buying this whole "Spencer is CIA" thing. Those quotes could easily have been taken out of context. Maybe you should take some time to reach out to him and ask what he means by that, if you aren't just a shill. You'd probably get a better idea of what he's saying if you listened to some of the more recent episodes of The David Duke Show.

No one cares about your mental problems.

We need to stop letting jews set the framework for our discussions.
We do not DENY the holocaust. They CLAIM the holocaust. The burden of proof is on them to show that their claimed statements are true. We do not DENY unicorns. People who believe that unicorns are real CLAIM that unicorns are real. The burden of proof is on them to show that unicorns are real. You see how this works?

No he isn't.
Well, are we talking about a few thousand bankers dragged off their shekel piles and shot, or are we talking about gas showers and roller coaster masturbation machines? Because one actually happened and was justified.


All you wannabe TRS nazis do on here is "divide and conquer" which you neckbeards seem to think it's hip and cool to emulate the same scumbags that our ancestors fought against.

and in all honesty I would rather stand with a patriotic black and brown person than an edgy commie fag or nazi any day of the week. This is why civic nats do the bulk of the fighting against antifa, it's because our bond is what makes us strong.

You fags enjoy marching down the street with your tiki torches shouting slogans like "jews will not replace us" tho, im sure that'll work out for you in the long run.

Trump is a great man.Fuck this spencer guy.

Please go back to R*ddit, faggot.

Good, we don't want him here.

Filtered. Reported for ban evasion.

he just coincidentally shows up from nowhere, coins the term "alt-right" which hillary can use to target all trump supporters in a watered down way of "trotskyism" accusation in Soviet Russia.

Reminder that the only good points marx accidentally "made" actually common sense are the following
Like that gun store owner who refused selling to muslims which from a purely capitalist standpoint is bad.
sometimes even kill politicians or flip cars over

We should stop using the term "Holocaust" first and foremost.
It's a brand name made waaay after the war, i think 60's or 70's need to check. It was called either "Shoah" or "Great Doom" I'm Polish so it used to be called "Wielka Zagłada" which translates to the latter.
Holocaust means "to give an offering by burning" in greek.

shit eater was GRU's term for people willingly cooperating with the soviets FOR FREE with no reason to do it.

Oh, for fuck' sake.

Even if Dickie wasn't controlled opposition he still comes off as a weak effeminate sounding homo that is pretty shitty at debating libtards. It's like the soybois that defend him believe bad optics and losing the argument is a winning strategy.

I know for a fact lot of people in the Alt-Right agree that Dickie plain out sucks as a representative, they need to put somebody in there who is a better orator and kick Dickie to the curb, they can do better than this.

Put yourselves in their shoes: imagine you're severely autistic and incapable of original thought, and then that the podcast you use as a friend simulator told you Dicky Spencer is a "normie-friendly super-chad" who will be president one day.




So are the poles onto him being a shill or are they just playing along pretending that this controlled op faggot is an actual nazi reincarnate and not welcome?

What the fuck? Oy vey the sacred holocaust!

Whatever, Jared.

Is it a bait ?

gay (((altright))) porn

remember only marx is white

spencer is a cia cocaine dealer
'white powder'

why do you nu-Holla Forums t_d-tier fags rightfully holocaust implicit dick but bend over backwards for the ZOG emberor

sorry we should have voted for hilldawg
It's called pragmatism retard
Why would any american user here vote to make their job harder? Hillary would open the fucking floodgates in an instant. Trump at least has to pretend to be doing the whole reducing immigration thing. The latter obviously results in somewhat less spics and niggers getting in. Should I just bend over and let dems win every where while I wait for Hitler?
Fucking no. I'm going to vote for the candidate who's better for our interests (better being relative).

Acceleration makes our job easier you stupid fuck, look at the way retarded white American working class are appeased now with Drumpfsteins based civic nationalism and based niggers.

Your narrative is shit and doesn't withstand bare minimum searching for truth

RE: Dickie Spencer in His Own Words

not complimentary

t. Grammar Nazi

I stand with Dickie on all of this. Bump!

on most* of this…


The rematch that would then have them with the upper hand? What kind of fucked logic is that?

Pretty sure hundreds of thousands of these African migrants are holohoax exposers but they aren't banned from entering Europe…

the entire system is our enemy you bluepilled faggot, we literally have no guys in the system

how many times do i have to post the picture of him with laura bush, with his 'girlfriend' shittily photoshopped into the frame?


What about deporting all Jews to Israel as a containment zone?

Give Lord Redsheild was his dynasty has always wanted… The turn the wall to keep non-jews out into one that keeps jews inside.



best anime is best.