thankful i have a job interview soon
Other urls found in this thread:
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy a kike free first post.
here's your shlomo approved first post OP.
sage and shalom.
oy vey you filthy goyim how dare you.
Get fucked kike.
happy thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving was last month
t leaf
First Post Kike Post DENIED by
oy vey don't you know it's racist to celebrate thanksgiving, goy? think about all the indians those evil white people killed!
also happy thanksgiving
polite sage for doublepost
fucking aye, best god damn thanks giving ever
well stop being a faggot and jump down here for another feast then
Relatives are loud as usual, even though I'm thankful to some of them for redpilling me.
If you're on 8ch during Thanksgiving, you should consider making a greater effort to connect with your family.
White meat is best. Happy Injun-Killin' Day!
anons on Holla Forums are also my family
Remember Anons, Thanksgiving was not a “celebration” of killing poor Indians, it actually started in Virginia, and Smallpox was already here when we got here so the red niggers gave the smallpox (and syphilis) to us. When you take away all the bullshit you are left with accurate picture that Indians were already in a declining state due to lack of farming and murdering each other while being addicted to alchohol and peyote and we only scalped their asses back because they were basically Isis with feathers and bows and arrows.
Hopefully your liberal family skips the bullshit however and all this is unnecessary, happy Thanksgiving!
pic related
Yeah, but if you've got IRL family around for Thankgiving, you should be spending time with them. Family bonds are stronger than any, and should only be forgotten if your entire family is absolute garbage.
dubs confirm
juden frei happy tday all
Happy Thanksgiving to all you anons who are real anons, not kike shills and other assorted faggots and cunts to be taken out on DotR
Happy Thanksgiving
Face it anons 2 years ago I had shit choice a or b so this is christmas scout camp a new bb gun and a only toys no clothes birthday to boot.
and now lets do our happy dance of glee until the new year
Happy Thanksgiving
I'm thankful that I'm not a mentally ill pinko tranny faggot that sucks cock.
I'm thankful for Holla Forums and sharing with all fo you =)
Happy Thanksgiving, Goyim, I am thankful that I was born 100% white, that my family is at least conservative and against race mixing and that I live in a country where I can shoot an AR and carry around a pistol while preparing for the holidays. Drive safe fellas and avoid drink the liquid jew.
same here I love you guys no homo
Thanks Giving was a month ago though…
Is the USA open to refugees?
The cliche: my family.
i'm with my family on Holla Forums i'm also am with my family irl
I'm thankful my path in life took me here. I'm thankful for all you shitlords
Happy Thanksgiving faggots
Fuck it, You know what, even though Trump has been a shabbos goy for the past few months ill post some of the best campaign stuff just to reminisce a bit.
I'm unironically thankful for Trump. And you guys I guess. Also, I thankful I'm not a kike that did it for free on neogaff who took a trip to "rape you in the ass" prison for my illegal cp and get Jamals' piss flung on me.
Cia Speech:
Fifth columns
Hillary likes taking entire villages
That announcer, kek!
self sage for not checking those glorious dubs
How to cook a TURKEY
The start of it
I love you all. I am gonna go skeet shooting with my local young republicans club this weekend
king nigger poking fun
Check 'em!
Palindrome get! Nice one m8, kek obviously supports family values among anons and hates kikes too!
Oh vey! Two seconds and one post behind! How unfair you little goyim! How dare you ruin my fun? stay salty you commie cucks
Damn bitch (and I mean this in the sense you actually have a vagina and are a cunt) that's some real low energy shilling. You're bad at your job, tell your bosses that ya'll need better training materials so they hate your uppity ass even more. Kek, bet you thought it was going to be amazing fighting internet nazis online didn't you?
I'll check those dubs and happily fight with you in a fox hole when that day comes brother. Don't forget your insignia so we may find each other in this life and the next.
Hey man, all of us are thankful for that. Except the shills and leftypol ofc.
It's mutual user, we all know it is. The day we shed this skin and evolve into our next form….well, the world will tremble. It'll be a brick wall that they never thought possible until it was too late to avoid. For Rhodesia, for Germany, for Hitler…
Toot! Toot! Dubs train leaving the station boys! All aboard the Esoteric Express on the 88th Line to Keksland folks! You can't miss it! The entire empire will be watching the long anticipated crowning ceremony today as Barron Trump passes control of the empire down to his first born son Nikola, ushering in the third generation of the Trump Dynasty as we march through the stars together pioneers of The New Aryan Diamond Age. it's a holiday, always remember to meme responsibly faggots
Power went out here so I'm shit posting for a bit then making white babies because there is nothing else to do. Family day tomorrow. Hella homo, I love you nigger faggots. Stay strong brothers.
Nice thanks for sharing user
Im thankful for Donald J. Trump!
What're you eating this thanksgiving, Holla Forums?
Pecan pie is best pie, fuck all other pie, how can they even compete, kill yourselves.
A few more
You've overstepped your bounds, user.
Hand picked wild black berry pie faggot.
I am thankful for touhou, 7.62 NATO, grain alcohol, and the coming RaHoWa.
Oh my, both of my favorites. Definitely lean more toward blackberry at the moment. Nice and tart.
have fun
Happy holidays nignogs.
Not all tribes
Muh tribe were the (((merchants))) of the PNW. They realized the white had better shit to buy stuff with and went 100% with the white man. In the end we kept most of our land, faced zero discrimination since we didn't act like savages, and in general breed ourselves almost into extinction with superior White genes.
Fuck those prairieniggers though. Savages tbqh fam.
and remember the truth will out.
Last ones for now, have a good turkey day anons.
God bless you anons. This occasion is a nice time for
Americans to be thankful for the Jewish people. Be they
Sephardi, Orthodox or non-practicing they are all
tightly bound with what we call American society.
Hanukkah is by extension, an American holiday like
Thanks Giving. Instead of being exclusionary, embrace the
Jewish people; imagine how life would be, if not for
Einstein and other such visionaries! Learn to look past
wars of old, and come together to focus on pushing
societal change, and building a better tomorrow.
Fuck I screwed that up… I'll promptly gas myself.
Happy Thanksgiving. Go back to sleep so you can hurry up and wait for Christmas tomorrow.
Happy thanks giving you burger faggots, and thanks for the rare pepes.
Shit is that actually Trump and Barron? Were they actually listening to Taytay?
>she tells me I don't know anything because I'm eleven
what do I do?
You spelt banana cream pie werid
Nothing you already won, but you're probably a little young to be here my dude.
Check'd though
a little young for Holla Forums or this Holla Forums?
I wouldn't want my kid on imageboards in general at that age tbh.
If you're serious, please leave immediately.
I knew it from some of the posts on here.
I have to post here because I can't say nigger in front of my family
This user fucks. Not for Thanksgiving though.
Because I am a responsible parent, and you aren't old enough to handle this place. Hopefully this is just a simple troll, but if it isn't I implore you to atleast wait 4-5 years before coming back here.
I posted on 4chan Holla Forums for almost 2 years. Is this different?
That's an odd way of saying "Meat pie".
I'm thankful that I found you faggots. I love you guys no homo
you're responding to shitty pedo bait
Please, go out and have a childhood where you aren't an edgy autist. come back when you aren't going to get underage b&
Yeah it started to get obvious.
I'm only an autist after 8 PM
Happy Thanksgiving, friends.
May kek smile on us this day and for the future struggles.
non burger here, what is thanksgiving
Americans pretend like they got along and shared food with indians to avoid the reality of conquering the fuck out of them, / excuse to eat tons of food with extended family usually resulting in arguments and someones wife locking themselves in a bedroom. Then everyone talks about how tryptophan makes them tired and they all fall asleep to football games.
Posting something comfy
This is sadly closer to the truth than it should be. It's a time for family before Christmas. Generally there's more of a focus on food than what Christmas has. The most enjoyable part of it is creating copious amounts of food with your family.
Its ok I am American and I wrote it as a joke, I have had a few just like that (ESPECIALLY LAST YEAR HOLY SHIT) But usually they are warm wholesome gatherings even if the reasoning behind them don't make a ton of sense outside of tradition for traditions sake.
Oh Jesus fucking fuck yeah
Hello newfriend :-)
I'm thankful for all of you, fam. no homo
Daily reminder that the best pie is banoffee.
Put 15 graham crackers in a plasric bag and grind them with your hands or a rolling pin. Place 7 tablespoons of butter in an eight-inch pie dish, melt it completely, and then combine with your crushed graham cracker. Mix it with a spoon or your hands until the material can easily clump together, then form the pie crist to your desired thickness. Since this is a no-bake pie, make it a bit thicker than you would otherwise. You can always remove some of you think there's too much, but given how delicious the crust is I'd encourage you to keep it in. Make sure the crust is of consistent thickness and put the whole thing in the fridge.
The next step is the caramel. The easiest way to make this is to combine 3/8ths of a cup of brown sugar and 5-6 tablespoons of butter in a saucepan over low heat and stirring constantly until the sugar has dissolved. Then add a 14oz can of sweetened condensed milk and bring it to a rapid boil for a minute or so, stirring all the while. The other, tastier way, is a remove the label from your sweetened condensed milk and submerge it in a deep saucepan with boiling water for 3 hours. The can must always be submerged, so the saucepan should be constantly topped off. Otherwise you run the risk of the can exploding and sending superheated caramel globules everywhere.
Once you have your caramel, use 3/4 of it to cover your pie crust and spread it with a spoon. Make sure to get the edges of the pie. The caramel will keep the graham cracker crust together. Then chop up 2 bananas (make sure they're nice and ripe, even a little overripe, but not banana-bread tier). Layer the banana slices and give each layer a nice drizzle of the remaining caramel. After the final layer, pour the rest of the caramel over the top. Whip up some heavy cream to top the pie. Consider killing yourself if you don't know how to whip cream. Then dust it with some cocao powder or grated chocolate. Some people add also another layer of bananas on top.
Kill Her
Seriously get the fuck off of this website right now
I'm thankful I'm not a fucking leaf.
I live away from my family at the moment.
Also, you guys are friends and family too.
Come back when you're old enough to buy cigarettes, faggot.
Know that while you may know the truth that isn't enough to win. You must show kindness to whites who haven't made it this far, especially family. When it gets real in a decade or so you may only have them and they you. But understand that degenerates must be purged before their disease spreads, no forgiveness.
It's been a hell of a year. People are surprised when I tell them president Trump hasn't even been in office for a year yet, so much Happenings has happened that it seems like he's been pres for years now.
Thanksgiving happened a month ago.
happy eggsgiving
The best advice I can offer is that you can basically never convince people who are already set in their ways by simply telling them the truth. The best you can offer them is a fast-track through the mental pathway down which you yourself walked in order to arrive at your current stance, which can take a long time. For more information, look into the principles of the Socratic dialogue.
So what's the ebil pagan influences behind Thanksgiving again? I know Easter is pedophilia
Happy thanks giving Holla Forums
Don't bother arguing with the shill. Peacan "pie" isn't even a fucking pie. Maybe a tart, and not bad if made of something other than fucking corn syrup, but not a pie.
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy this 3 year old Clock Crew Collab.
I am thankful I actually have some family left, and that I will be with some of them today. I'm thankful for you degenerate faggots, and for all the truth I find here. I'm thankful for having Donald Trump as my president, the first man to shitpost irl from the White House.
Pie of the Gods, for sure. Sweet potato pie comes in second for me. I'm a Dixiefag, and don't expect other faggots to love pie made from potatoes like I do.
Wow, I haven't seen this in a while. NG's golden days were almost two decades ago, how about that. The modern internet is a disaster.
there are so many regional dialects, i don't actually think one is more correct than the others
What the fuck are you doing here
I first came to cuckchan and b when I was twelve years old and what was this? Shit really changed my childhood but it worked out for the best lol
I'm thankful for Lil B calling out niggers for chimping out like apes
Been on chans since i was 14. Would not trade it for anything else in the world.
Don't fall for it. He has given vague statements but he hasn't given an order, a statement to white people in America to mobilize, in whatever form. With his power and standing, just a few statements could alter the course of history forever. I'm not blackpilling, I'm just saying that by now things should have started rolling. It doesn't take two a year to mobilize and win the civil war or the international war. It only takes a few statements from the president of the US.
sage for samefag
Happy thanksgiving anons, sorry for being a negative fag in a thanksgiving thread. I'm thankful for having found you. Keep being torchbearers.
I have more kinship with you guys than my own family until I start my own. Love you guys.
Absolutely disgraceful. I can't even sage properly, I guess I'll be add my share to the rope order.
thanks aussies
bake the cakes, pie war nowremember to lift this morning and rake leaves
Thankful for kike-free first post itt. Thankful for my family who put up with me.
who elses' favorite holiday is thanksgiving?
who else wants to kill normie scum that calls it "Turkey day"?
Happy Thanksgiving, Anons
It's been a year since Trump won. It's hard to believe. I hope all of your lives are heading the direction you want.
I can't fucking stand hearing it called, "Turkey Day" and I've exclusively heard rednecks and boomers say it.
Turkey Day
Turkey DayTurkey DayTurkey DayTurkeyTurkey Day DayTurkey DayTurkey DayTurkey DayTurkey DayTurkey DayTurkey DayTurkey DayTurkey DayTurkey DayTurkey DayTurkey DayTurkey DayTurkey DayTurkey Day
I'm thankful for:
my great job,
having a great family,
finding my long lost cousins,
making 30lbs gains this bulk,
that Trump really does keep pulling through and those haitians now have to go back,
that theravada buddhists are enlightened,
that the bundestag is hobbled,
that you guys have been with me for the past 13 years.
Happy thanksgiving!
I'm thankful that my ancestors remembered who they were and North America didn't end up like South America. Thanks.
I am thankful that my family realizes the "I am thankful for" tripe is for faggots.
Doesn't look at all that diverse. Where's the niggers and muslims in the pumpkin patch playing with his wife and kids?
I'm thankful that my career's going well.
I’m thankful for Miku and also for imkampfy stickying non-Holla Forums threads.
Happy thanksgiving anons.
And I work at top French restaurants, kek.
"That which cannot be finished must be left undone." Taken as both a reason to be accepting of where you are and a drive to get yourself where you need to be.
I'm thankful for Latissimus dorsi and trapezius muscle DOMs, I hope I make it.
What the fuck who are you
Women hate it when men cook, not because it's a beta activity, but because they hate being shown up in their own field. Nothing fills a woman with more anxiety than having their role contested.
Just your an anonymous poster.
Happy thanksgiving you Yank faggots. Enjoy it.
You misspelled "pumpkin."
Found the low-test coffee sipping faggot
don't do this it makes mcustard gas
I'm thankful for the success of the It's Okay to Be White campaign.
Turkey Says 'Eat Ham'
You may as well be sitting on a dirt floor using rocks to prepare your food, you fucking savage.
Turkey says suck my dick.
To all the foreign euro weirdos and leafs….. only American holidays matter since your countries don't matter in one little bit
Turkey says, "I can fly away, you have to freaking DRIVE CARS to avoid doomsday in the city!!!!!!"
McCain is saying, "DANG! this freaking tracking collar is hurting my right foot real bad, better change the bootie to the other side!!!"
Kikesgiving, in its current form, promotes gluttony, and is a part of the (((holiday seasons))), which exists purely to get people to spend as much money as humanly possible.
But what would you do if your mom wasn't forcing all those turkey sandwich leftovers down your throat for the next week!!!
It's not nearly as bad as most other holidays have become, like Halloween and Christmas. Pretty much all people buy for Thanksgiving is a turkey or ham and then sit around eating and drinking with their family. A pretty wholesome holiday really.
Not in LA but I have one thing to say
Yes exactly. That’s why SJWs can’t handle the fact that not all tribes liked each other and some like the Comanche and Apache actively tried to create war on settlers and this is what brought the military so far out west. The commie indoctrination leads these morons to believe America was a giant Coachella festival before the white man came.
Check out “the Great Indian Wars: 1540-1890”.
These goddamned savages NEEDED to be killed.
If you read Benjamin Franklin's autobiography, he writes in length about how the Indians were not to be trusted with alcohol, they're all rowdy and noisy drunks, and that you should always get an indian drunk before negotiating with him.
Even today, alcoholism runs rampant on the indian reservations.
Isn't it illegal for a JEW to eat a bird?????
Happy Thanksgiving, anons. I'm thankful for President Trump.
This thread is proof we have one of the best online communities even if no one knows anyone else’s identity.
It should be illegal for a Jew to eat, heeb starvation is pro-white.
Thankful for President Trump.
I am thankful for the good, decent humans resisting the tide of savagery and disgrace. Happy Thanksgiving, anons.
That's a funny name for key-lime.
But seriously, I'm not picky. Pie is pie after all
Godspeed you magnificent bastards.
i know your talking about people from up north coming here to dixie, but… could we please talk about a possible canadian geese genocide? because theyre ALWAYS slowing down and causing traffic
Happy Thanksgiving anons! I'm happy our ancestors won against the Indians.
My family isn't celebrating till Saturday. Happy Thanksgiving everyone
I'm thankful for all the good people in the world, including President Trump
Best watch your mouth talking about Canadians like that.
I'm gonna make the decision to be more positive. I'm enormously fucking thankful for so many things. Things I never thought I would appreciate, like having a fridge or having a roof or being able to eat fruit off of a tree outside. And that's the real spirit of thanksgiving. Feasts are great but it's about counting your blessings and my #1 blessing this year is that I've got over 2 months clean. I can only go up from here.
Blessing #2 is that you faggots are here to keep me sane, even if you would all call me degenerate. Been a long road anons, but I grew up with you guys and somewhere on these boards, there are men that I've shared ideas with for my entire adult life. Men I've known, in a way, better and for longer than some of the most important people in my life. Wish I were up there with y'all in the States.
Here's to a better thanksgiving next year./blogpost
You guys are the best. Sometimes I feel like you're the only people in the world left who actually care about tradition, values, and truth. Rejoice in how far we've come, and have a great day Holla Forums.
Liver pâté anyone?
It's true.
Chin up user. You are never truly alone. Remember that. Stay clean and know that you are loved.
Stay straight user, Im telling you, It's worth it. It really does get easier, by how much is up to you and tomorrow can belong to you.
Canada Geese. They don't have citizenship.
But yes, they are a problem. They graze, shit, honk, shit some more, then move on, except for the ones who get comfy and don't wanna leave.
Kill all Leaf geese.
I'm thankful for you guys. Thank you for all the lessons you've taught me, for all the knowledge you've given me. You ever shudder at thinking what life would be like if you never found Holla Forums? From the day I stumbled onto 4chan /f/ looking for FLCL /h/ games, things have never been the same, and thank God. Thanks for being the coolest kids around. I look forward to the day when we finally meet face to face. Thank God, Praise Kek, Shadilay! May we all fulfill our highest purpose and find true happiness, and may this not be the last life we share with eachother. God Bless all you guys. Thanks for everything.
I'll come back whenever I want.
yeah i know. my aunt is a coalburner and nobody talks about her anymore.
thanks for the advice
getting bullied
Godspeed user.
not sure if this insult means you're red pilled or you just said it because that's just a typical eleven year old thing to say
At least geese leave after winter however these South American feral ducks always stay all year long and if you remove one it feels like 10 appear.
I currently have 6 dogs at my house so it is pretty chaotic. I'm thankful for everyone on Holla Forums. Its you guys who can see through the bullshit and still believe in a better future that gives me hope. Thank you all and happy Turkey Day
Happy Thanksgiving fam.
Happy Thanksgiving anons. Our fight always continues but today we should reflect on our small but impactful victories. Spend time with your family, eat, drink and enjoy the day. I hope one day after all this is over we can all have one big feast together.
Hail Victory.
Give thanks for white genocide and the end of racism!
Just keep this shit a secret at the very least, alright? You don't know what you're setting yourself up for.
I'm thankful I have you guys to talk to so that my only inter-personal interaction today isn't with my baby boomer parents, spinster aunt, and faggot brother.
Leaf here. Already had thanksgiving a month ago.
shoo shoo
I already know to hide my power level.
Goebbels Goebbels!
If the Native Injuns didn't want Whitey to fuck its shit up, maybe they should've built a wall.
Although you have the 9/11 dubs, listen to big bro's here and go out and play; still some childhood left.
When the time comes, you are already ready.
mmm yes so how is baiting people goin ey?
R8 my thxgiving day project
I detect failed GET
This is me, but unironically so.
are you making a tree?
I'm thankful for deviled eggs.
8/8. Nice look.
Irish wolfhounds are awesome, ankle biters GO HOME
Me too, user.
Im thankful for you guys. In a sense I grew up with you guys. I learned so much from this board and I've come such a long way compared to when I watched "skeptic" channels.
Shill itt: reported, btw
You do realize that the main reason that white genocide even is a thing is because there is a fifth column of race traitors, and not because of some kind of intellect or strength amongst nignogs and spics, right? It's because leftists are demoralized by der ewige jude into hating themselves and their people. That's not "smartness," just deceitfulness. The jew is not capable of great intellect, rather, the jew is only a parasite. The great ideas of the jew can only be great schemes and scams due to the parasitical nature of the jewish people.
You do realize that if you do succeed in destroying whites, you will be alone on a planet of niggers, dune coons, bean people, and gooks, and almost none of them like you. This is especially true of the neighbors of Israel, the shitskin hordes of moslems hellbent on destroying you and your Zionism. You are too parasitical and subversive to know that you are a parasite so parasitical that you are destroying your host with no alternative host to leech off of!
A parasite with no host is a dead parasite
Without whites, you have no viable host, jew
The amount of cancer in this thread is astounding.
You know who you are.
9/11 dubs confirm.. (((they))) do not eat bacon…
(((eat turkey))) goy!
I am fucking thankful that we don't have an illuminati commie cunt in the Oval Office.
Happy thanksgiving!
I am thankful for dank memes and Trump being president. I'd spend it with my family but they fucking suck.
Today I remember I am thankful to be living in Los Angeles.
I am thankful for meeting the love of my life this year.
I am thankful you guys exist, it's nice to know their is a corner of sanity on the internet. Thanks to our mods too, they do it for free! May your gas supplies remain full until the last kike draws its final breath
I am thankful that we have an entire holiday centered about shoving things into ovens.
i only have a problem with your geese.
this just popped up on (((gogles)))
Reminder for this Thanksgiving:
1. Black people who complain about the Pilgrims, Puritans, and Founding Fathers neglect the fact that they are the descendants of those people, along their fathers' lineage. In fact, taken as a whole, a greater share of blacks have a greater degree of descent from the original White Americans, than does the present definition of "White American", which includes late-arrival British, Germans, Irish, and other European immigrants. When you see a nigger, you see Washington and Jefferson.
2. Blacks also contain more Native Amerindian blood than all the Faux-cohontas Whites such as a Elizabeth Warren.
3. The White Man is a conqueror, with musket in hand, dressed in all black with a broad-brimmed hat, and his dick hanging out to fuck some big booty brown and black bitches. Providence has blessed the White Man with an unquenchable lust for victory, and the spoils are ours to divvy. White Man, become the Johnny Aryanseed you were destined to be, and Fuck The World White. Afro wombs are ours.
I'm thankful I murdered all the Semitic cults and freed myself from slave morality.
Fuck indians and manifest destiny
I want a cloth tapestry of that for my wall
i myself am thankful for women
because without women there'd be no cooking
furthermore I am thankful for @theRealDonaldTrump for presidental shitposting
and finally I am thankful for friends
especially the one where Chandler buys a duck
Yes, goyim. Always buy your goods at full price.
and I was starting to think generation zkylon was just a dumb meme.
now is the time to learn how the Marxist thinks. Pull every argument out of her you can. Even if you have no counter, you will learn what you need to learn about in order to save others from that horrid ideology. You may be the one who saves us all.
also, lurk moar faget
I started to browsing Holla Forums when I was 11. I'm 21 now. If you're serious get out there and have fun. Enjoy your childhood. You have so much to experience and feel ahead of you. Always keep the Fuhrer's torch alive in your heart but just be a kid for now. Read about the Hitler youth and cultivate the skills they cultivated. Always hold yourself to a standard of excellence. Achieve as much as you can and become a beacon to be followed by your fellow men.
I would agree with that if I weren't the one in the kitchen doing the cooking!
As for what I'm thankful for? Having birthed a healthy son, and for having a place to live. I'm also thankful my father is doing well. But god, I miss my mom. She and I would be here chatting and cooking together. She died earlier this year, and was a trad wife to my father. She was the one who taught me how to be a good wife to my husband.
It's Thanksgiving, user. At least give me a break today!
Listen to me right the hell now kid
Get involved in Lacrosse. It is a white sport. Do it until you are a senior in Highschool. Try to find a girl you like by around your 8th grade year. Start dating her your freshman year of Highschool. Stay with her up to your senior year and then either marry her and start having kids or go to college with her and have her live with you. By your second year in college you need to start having children with her.
I'm thankful that I don't live around filthy niggers
How are you goys cooking your turkey? Oven roasted maple glazed here (brined before hand of course)
>>>Holla Forums7571110
>>>Holla Forums7571111
marinate it in orange juice for a day. breaks down the collagen. Stick of butter in the cavity, ground up bay leaves, garlic, black pepper, thyme, and sage. Put that featherless kike in an oven bag and roast it for 3 hours.
Can carve that nigger with a spoon.
probably just baking it with stuffing and a butter glaze, wrapped for moister.
oh, I'm also thankful for everything thats gone so right lately
I'm thankful that I'm white.
I first lurked when I was 12 years old in 2005 (on halfchan, of course). Gotta say that chans did a lot more toward making me degenerate initially. I was fortunate that they brought me back to the truth with a greater wealth of knowledge than I had before.
We'll overlook it this time. Sorry about yer mum. Be sure to make her proud and honor her memory so your next generation can experience a loving mother too.
I'm thankful for family too. I celebrated last Sunday while my sister was in town from across the country. She's got her first kid on the way and he'll be my parents first grandchild and my nephew. I bet he's going to end up freakishly tall like his parents too. Makes me proud.
Happy thanks giving fam.
We don't celebrate it in yurop but I'm happy for you murricans,for those anons with no families to spend it with,i hope everything works out well and you find it in yourself so that you get the strength to support and create your own family to be blessed with.
You are a little you to be here though. However, you don't need to do much in regards to your cousin. Most of her idiocy is due to her feminine nature, and her unwillingness to be independent in thought. I would suggest you at least just lurk here, rather than posting too much. You're on the right track though. Patience and observation will be key as you grow older. Don't be afraid to ask questions though. Challenge your peers (in a reasonable way), and remember that any insults flung your way will only have as much power as you give them.
Trudeau's family doesn't look very diverse to me.
I fucking hate Greg Abbott. I wish Trump could be governor of Texas.
I hope when the day comes to have as many of you on my side as possible,if we ever get to fight I'll be blessed to know on my side I might find one of you bastards.
If I didn't see all that degenerate shit initially I never would've known the depth of spiritual decay our society was at. I didn't understand "weimarization" in school until I recalled the gay threads, furry, trap, hentai, etc. When normies started to get "in on" the joke about that stuff I knew we'd hit that point.
Today is an important day. To change anything we must change ourselves. Make sure you spend time with your family and do your best to fix relationships which have become strained. Greatness comes when the family is strong. It is the single most important thing. Shia was right but his message was directed in the wrong way. He will not divide us. He being ourselves. Be the man you should be, swallow your pride and throw the disagreements in the trash and give your mother a hug. Say thanks to your brother that you don’t get along with. Give all of your highest energy to the meme of a strong family.
Thankful for the bro Viking
nice detail
stop promoting racemixing you cuck
I hope the baby is healthy and strong!
I was lucky with mine. No insurance. No money. Husband lost his job a year ago and it was a month before I was due to give birth that he finally found one. Tried getting on medicaid after we moved, but the fucking niggers that worked there kept giving us the runaround while attempts to apply online had been thwarted because I had no idea that you were supposed to go through the department of family and children, rather than medicaid itself. So I had no idea what I was even having until my son was being laid down on my chest by the doctor. Outside of being in the hospital, I did a natural birth. I learned my lesson the last time when I had my daughter. Got an epidural and couldn't walk for three days!
Does your sister plan to have a home birth? Or is she going to a hospital? If I could have, I would have done the home birth myself. I know a few anons suggested it to my husband back in the Irma threads. It was only because of not knowing if anything was wrong or not, that we went to the hospital.
Whoever created Black Friday needs to burn in hell.
I wish my Thanksgiving was as kike free as your dubs. Tuning in and out every now and then, a talk about spiritualism "somehow" got to Dah Holocaust. I'm thankful for the ability to see through any and all of their shit. I'm also thankful for my job, it's fulfilling and pays enough for the bills.
what's the best way to spill spaghetti with family later?
lots of booze
Thank you, everyone (except kike shills) for the last 18 months. You helped change the nation and you've definitely changed my life for the better.
thank you, today I give thanks to the ancestors that righteously took back the land from the feathers-and-arrows redskinned terrorists.
not asking for courage, trying to come up with something fun to talk about. Topics already discussed: jews, hollywood, propaganda, niggers, government. Topics brought up when drunk in the past: more hypothetical jews, goobergoy, ping pong
tell them about the jews
If it's for keks and you already have talked about that,i love talking about kangz and the subhuman delusions (I'm sure you have a lot of images and examples to share with family)
If you wanna go full spaghetti talk about iq and races
It was nice to see Trump's first pardoning of a turkey. What a great honor. May Kek bless you this Thanksgiving!
they never disputed iq and races
I don't share images tho. smacks of 'let me show you my meme folders'
I give thanks but not in the honor of cryptokike Columbus.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm thankful for my raifu
Lacrosse has roots in the cultural tradition of the Iroquois people, inhabiting what is now New York, Pennsylvania, and other parts of the Northeastern U.S. and lower parts of Ontario and Quebec. Lacrosse may have been developed as early as 1100 AD among indigenous peoples on Turtle Island (North America). By the seventeenth century, it was well-established. It was documented by Jesuit missionary priests in the territory of present-day Canada. The game has undergone many modifications since that time.
It seems like Thanksgiving was actually about the ACW and the Pilgrims and Indians are just a stand-in for the North and the South.
Holla Forums is a very strange place
give them the munck pill and watch "the code" together
Don't get lazy.
IMO it's acceptable for males to racemix, as long as they don't commit to nonwhites.
If you feel like getting political, I'd just point out blatant media manipulations, like Hillary stealing the primaries from Bernie, or the whole koi fish debacle. Generally speaking though, I'd steer away from politics and just focus on bonding with your family. Maybe drop a couple playful redpills on your younger relatives.
you are the enemy. They are literally breeding the most dangerous versions of our enemies who will all have to be herded to a box canyon somewhere a la turner diaries. We can afford a continent of niggers, we can't afford a continent of quadroons, for ecological reasons if nothing else.
my people have had the worst selection pressure since the kikes took over, I AM the youngest.
that being said, we already talk politics and jews and are doing fine, I'm trying to think of some way of stirring shit up. Gotta go kill some more animals for future eating with the help of man's best friend though right now.
pics of turkey or gtfo
Merry thanksgiving, and congratulations on your wonderful family
Not in the slightest. How can you preserve the white race if you produce muddy offspring?
Happy Thanksgiving, burgers.
I'm thankful to have ended up on Holla Forums. And in turn to be one of the lucky few who feels a bond of kinship with all my white brothers and sisters, though oceans and borders may separate us.
(checked) 卐
It's traditional for conquerers to make use of the enemy's women. As long as they only commit to and start families with white women.
I too enjoy right angles. Thank you for showing us your special project. I give it a 5/7.
Happy thanksgiving to all those here…
My family took the uninspiring jewpill and decided not do anything. Maybe next year ill do it myself…
Another white tradition down the toilet….
I'm thankful for the lot of you.
I'm thanking for the beautiful girl i've met, who listens to my redpills albeit doesn't quite understands it all
And i'm thankful that however small progress we're making, we're still making progress.
And said conquerers didn't plan ahead.
I'm not in it to build a white europe/america for the next 50 years, i'm in it for the long fucking run. We must secure the existence of our people and a FUTURE for WHITE children.
I used to love the macys day parade when I was a kid…now everything is so god damn africanized I can't be assed to bother. Is it possible, to make even shameless commercialism white again? is that too much to ask?
That gave me a huge laugh, user. Thanks and happy Thanksgiving!
Don't let your kiked family ruin this for tradition for you, user. A strong foundation of tradition and moral fiber are what great households are built upon. Try and have a festive Thanksgiving, even if it means celebrating in your own little way.
Really like that civnat meme, friendo! damn, shooting clay birdies sounds pretty masculine and cool so long as it's with your fellow civcucknationalist multi ethnic buddies! haha love you, too!
fuck off to wherever you came from
Now that we are a minority, we shouldn't even expect the illusion of white culture anymore.
Keep the faith, brother. Stay strong.
That whole text by Zuckerberg. He's seriously trying to be funny, but is not.
Hey, at least we still have the annual dog show.. Animal pageantry is pretty white, I guess
user WTF are you actually trying to build here?
You have a cold chisel not a wood chisel and a suitable hammer for using your cold chisel and a handful of galvanized dry wall screws a corner bracket and a 2' plastic level.
I assume you are a grill so I am giving you a 8/10 because that looks exactly like some kind of retarded scheme they would think up after watching too much tv.
The very definition of thanksgiving hell
Am sorry for you user.
Nothing wrong with starting families with white women but you've got to a special kind of tard to knowingly breed a generation of mentally challenged mongrels that lack any sort of father figure.
Fuck off shill, you aren't going to convince anyone to particpiate in the (((Alt-kike)))'s subversive bullshit. Gas yourself 1,488 times and tell Moloch I said hi once you reach hell.
It's a meme,i don't know how it was called since it came in 2 waves this year,i really enjoyed it because the sperg fag decided to travel all states to speak with the normal people and get to know the problems of the goyim and heal da wounds etc etc,basically he is preparing for his political career,he has already greased enough people.
Meanwhile this memes got the correct amount of exposure,even normalfags associate him with an asspie cunt with weird social behaviour,not enough exposure to make him drop the idea but enough so that he might fail.
I dont believe in ayyylmfo or lizard people but i wouldn't bat an eye if he turned out not to be human.
Last year at Thanksgiving, I went a little disheveled, and 'out of it '. It was pleasant enough until I let slip an innocent holohoax joke, without even thinking about it. My grandpa's loud mouth girlfriend had a visceral emotional reaction and I, in turn, proceeded to spill my spaghetti everywhere and defend my position. Mind you, my entire family, including her are racist as hell, and knows I hate Jews more than nogs, any day of the week, and have known for years. It was pretty awkward though, and I haven't been to a family event (on that side) since, except for a funeral, of which she was absent for. Realistically only her and I care about the exchange, most certainly, but at the time it was terribly awkward, and I felt like I had a whole crowd against me.
I am thankful for Jameson, who will be my faithful companion tonight. Sorry for the blogpost, I thought I'd share though. Oh yeah, and I said that Hitler was a moral man (which was and still is true)l. I am not usually so clumsy in demeanor, as I was that night, I don't know what got into me.
He certainly got the Innsmouth-look.
R8 my second thanksgiving day project. Just finished staining my commie skullcracker. The piece on top is going to be designed for breaking forearms. Woodworking is fun as shit if you're making functional pieces.
Fuck you, user. It's an "L" shaped bench in progress using logs and 1st cut timber as the seat. It is an ambitious first furniture project because it's all uneven wood, but it will look nice when it's done.
This is exploding on reddit. It's an edit of a feminist comic, whose author is now threatening to "sue for copyright infringement". Great fun
Imagine the only good thing in your life was your work. Your stolen work. Imagine you are quite bright, but nothing out of the ordinary. This is Sugar Mountain. He thinks he a step above evolution because he stole another version of a social network and halted IQ development and cognitive power on the West.
Oh yeah, lest not forget he is the IC favorite harlot.
I don't want to be a negative ney sayer like most anons and I'm gonna congratulate you on the effort,you'll learn more skills as you grow up but I'm happy to see you doing things and working with your hands and feeling pride in your own accomplishments,i remember working summers at my grandparents home in the mountains as a late teenager.
17 yo?
Nice macana.
He is one of the most disgusting human beings i can think of,the fact he is a total asspie and probably every single interaction is a calculated effort to extract something out of them (jew asspie unlike our social inept but lovable anons,NEETs and neckbeards)
The fact he is obviously lying the foudations of his political career disgust me
confirmed nonhumans
I think a lot of Holla Forums posters are retarded too but they keep it in their own threads. lefty retards spread it everywhere so they are less bearable
I've only just started the hobby. Banged out a rootball cane (shillelah style) a few days ago, natural finish with tung oil. I'm old enough to not have an excuse for shitty work but woodworking is all new to me.
Fucking Rekt
and from india to sparta to latin america, a caste system cannot prevent miscegenation creeping into the master-race, only pure white homelands matter in the long run.
I had Thanksgiving on Tuesday. Also is there a black friday chimpout thread?
I got into wood working and furniture making in the late 90's and fucking love it to this day. I tried hand carving in the mid 00's but don't have the artistic talent for it. That's a nice club but the stain is a pet peeve of mine. I prefer using danish oil to bring out the natural beauty of the wood.
SA goons created GNAA
GNAA is a core part of chimpire/intl
Goons branched out into EVE online money laundering and Child Pornography trading.
Andrew Aurnheimer was part of GNAA and has associated with the "alt-right"
Chimpire/GNAA/Aurnheimer have been behind multiple e-celeb pushes (Fag Anglin's fuck shack, Evalion, etc).
Start following the money and the people involved. It's all jews, goons and other people who deserve a bullet in the back of the head.
Each and every one of these groups has attacked Holla Forums and attempted to overthrow Holla Forums moderation.
Thanksgiving commemorates a military alliance formed between the pilgrim settlers and the Wampanoag Indian tribe who wanted the Europeans’ assistance in defending their territory from their rivals from the Rhode Island area the Narragansetts. They were friends until someone killed a praying Indian named John Sassamon and lit off a powder keg of tensions and started King Phillips War.
The evul white soopwemacist Trump actually mentioned Squanto and the Wampanoags. Did king nigger even do that?
I meant trump mentioned them in his thanksgiving day address today.
Just put the stain on to see what would happen, like I said, this stuff is all new and the wood was just white before so I figured why not. The shillelah I did oil, which I prefer by far.
This is the first 8ch thread where I'm not pissed off at the world and enjoying shitposting. It's back to business as usual exposing kikery soon. Happy thanksgiving, anons.
there will be
if anyone wanted to intensify the chimpenings they would blackout a few stores electrical supply
I understand the feeling, user.
Alternatively, put up "it's okay to be white" posters on the front doors of stores before opening hours. Or put them on the cars in the parking lot after it opens.
Happy Thanksgiving we are destroying the ZOG and cannot be stopped
Allow me to check your dubs and, wish happy thanksgiving user.
I'm thankful for knowing this site, else I would became insane.
Disinvited from holiday family gatherings thanks to liberal family and life long friends convincing everyone I'm an evil Nazi. Good. Travel expenses saved. Conservative friends & I decided to have a get together for Nazi outcasts. Happy Thanksgiving anons.
Happy thanksgiving anons.
Happy thanksgiving anons, from a leaf. I hope you both become the patriarchs of large, healthy white families and spend your future thanksgivings in their company. Hail victory.
Here's the Fuhrer during the Harvest Festival for your trips user.
kek those trips tell me we all went mad years ago, thanks for being mad with me user.
Thankful for my family and that the cunt didn't win a year ago. All that happens now is icing on the German chocolate cake
Do you think that it is really offensive? Or is this another PC shit made up by the media to destroy Christianism?
Post your birds anons
Goddam that is comfy
Enjoying a fire and pbr right at this exact moment
Checked. The salt emanating from the cunt is so powerful I can taste it in my monitor.
Here are the pheasants we got today. Good times hunting with my dad and brother and son and nephew and my brothers' dog
That's one happy pup user.
Oh man! He's a house dog that has hunting in his blood. My bro is doing a fine job with his pup and the dog wants to work. Amazing what a little work and dedication gets you.
S… Steve?
Honk if you want anotha shoah
Mormon Thanksgiving.
-t. Utahn
No sir , but that would be cool
Rocky mtn user here
What a comfy looking day, happy Thanksgiving user.
Oh fuck yeah man , we had ours in the local ward house out here. Also fellow mormon thanksgiving today and it was white and full of family. Good times
Right back at ya my man , today was the best day I've had in a while and my days are pretty much awesome all around.
I'm just thankful to be here.
Island you say hmmm? Not that I was looking but you can purchase an island here in the states with cabins and such for a couple hundred grand. Woods and cabins and boats and fires hell fucking yeah
absolute fucking cuckoldry hope you had a good time, never seen anyone hunt with a golden tbh
All in due time user , I work with my bro and dad every day and we hang all the time. I'll get me a good bird dog when I can afford it. Like bro said today , $400 and a little training vs $10000 and a badass bird dog the golden will work just fine for now. We had us a grand ol time
r8 my dinner
It's my brother-in-law's family. My brothers and I are only here because my sister is announcing her baby's gender, but it's comfy as fuck. Mormons are fucking weird but you won't find a more comfy group of people to hang out with.
Happy Thanksgiving!!! Have a redpill!!!
Tasty. Here's my dog.
If you ate on the table you wouldn't need to clean the floor as much, but props for having the bleach ready. Cherries stain like a motherfucker.
That was on the counter, I'm not a savage here fellas
I know that feel, I went almost a decade without a good dog. Training, food, and shots aside, you should be able to get a decently bred bird dog pup for 4-7 hundred dollars if you know what to look for. I turned downed many, many thousands of dollarydoos for my dogs in the past, for the most part I don't regret it. The problem these days is finding a place to hunt that isn't a problem with competing with the kikes leasing land out for retarded amounts of money.
alone on tday for tenth year in a row. masonic jewcucked family blacklisted me as soon as i began taking the redpill, and was ostracized as a heretic. today i am "dangerous" and not to be engaged, hung up on at every attempt to phone. im thankful i no longer have to be tormented by their willful ignorance. thankful for Kek. looking forward to the day of the rope.
happy thanksgiving, anons.
I'm checking your dub dubs
I am thankful knowing that all these fucking shills ITT attempting to promote racemixing as some alpha thing for white men to do when in reality all it does is breed more enemies of the white race will die with pants full of shit while dangling from lamp posts and trees on the Day of the Rope.
Spiral cut ham wrapped in a metric fuckton of bacon because I felt like it.
Aye you're correct, i went and bought a medium sized turkey, its on the oven right now. I aint letting it die.
Funnily enough they wanna eat now pfffff.
Oh well atleast theres still a bit of spirit :)
Oh we
I heard my mom in the other room playing with my pup saying 'german shorthair lives matter!' after we were complaining about nigger ball earlier.
I've been alone for many holidays in the past, I thought it wasn't that bad being able to skip all the bullshit. It took decades before my family was willing to skip said bullshit.
sucks, man. I know that at least when things get bad I have brothers in purpose out there though 8/pol/ itself has been pretty well pozzed this year. try to stay /comfy/ if nothing else
Drink till it's done user! Cheers and checking your dub dubs
isn't thanksgiving about finding peace between white americans and the natives? Shouldn't the alt-right disavow such a holiday?
Shut the fuck up shill nigger. We are not the alt-kike and I will not tolerate the destruction of historical white traditions.
Thanksgiving is inherently a multi-cultural holiday. If you want a strictly European feast/celebration holiday, there are plenty of historical examples to pluck out of the abyss and force into tradition.
No baits allowed today, user. Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! and I want to say that I am thankful for Holla Forums and all the crazy shit you anons taught me. and all the keks we've shared over the last few years.
god speed!
I hope your thanksgiving was as good as mine
Except it says Getty images in the cake. Other than that fucking awesome
In fact the only thing that makes sense in that retarded pic is the Bacardi rum. Who knew?
I don't think they have that here. I don't want to join basketball or football cause I'm not friends with any black kids yet.
Have a great night man, enjoy the warmth, as its cold in the states(it's why we don't have as many parasites- not trading it for shit). Get some cheap land on the coast and set up a Holla Forumslack dock, I'd visit, if not help you set up (given you are on the caribbean side.
That's awesome user
I'll post Andrew Jackson as soon as it's done
Natural with a Saxony glazed hickory yessir
Based redpilled family.
How the rest of you holding up?
Any libtards or hurdddurr two scoops faggots?
Lacrosse or something white. Swimming, skiing or wrestling
Is this what americans eat?looks disgusting desu…
Pic is foodie of last family dinner with muh waifu and muh parents
Is that koolaid turkey?
We didn't have enough money for Kool Aide, so we substituted Power Aide. Same thing really.
Happy Thanksgiving, anons. I hope this finds you well.
I've just wrapped my family Thanksgiving, wanted to share that I successfully countered and absolutely eviscerated my parents' boomer hippie idiot friends, and I didn't even ruin the occasion. I called them a generation of cowards to their faces, scolded them for exposing their children to a culture of degeneracy, told them that their fathers fought the wrong side in WWII, AND THEY JUST SAT THERE AND TOOK IT. I honestly couldn't believe how easy it was.
Anyway, would like to express my sincere gratitude to you faggots for the knowledge and wisdom you share here. It has been my pleasure and privilege to grow and learn with you. Be well, brothers. Happy Thanksgiving.
Koolaid turkey is a new meme of weird. I like it. I think genetical engine eared koolaid turkeys will help mankind
what the fuck.
my dumb cousin stopped talking to everyone and my aunt wasn't invited. it was a good day because her black kids weren't around.
how do I pick? we have swimming and wrestling.
You haven't had pie until you've tried Football Pie.
I would be thankful for the Holocaust, but since it never happened I cannot be thankful for it.
At least we had Hitler.
Happy Shekelgiving goyim!
Nice pics. Here's a few I took of dinner tonight.
should I go to a therapist?
Wishing you the best bro. Get out there, use your mind and ingenuity to succeed. Stop being afraid.
I was lucky enough this year to have the time and money to visit my father who I only get to see every other year if I can afford it for the holidays. It was good to have an old standard Thanksgiving meal with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, yams, green bean casserole, and biscuts and gravy, beer, whiskey on top of and than and a nice fat cigar with some espresso after pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream on top. Damn what a good day and it's gorgeous now, it's stopped raining, it's about 68 at 90% humidity, a cool breeze and crickets lowly chirping in the grass.
PS What is it with rednecks and mac and cheese, hot dogs and beans for Thanksgiving? I think I saw at least 4 different families at the supermarket/Walmart buying this exact combination in large amounts yesterday.
Most therapists are garbage. If you go to one, make sure it's a male one. Females tend to use the therapy sessions to vent their own issues rather than focus on you. I'd say you should work on identifying whatever maladaptive behaviors and thought patterns you have, and work to disable or reroute them one by one.
Now now fellas, we're all brothers and sisters on this blessed day when the white man whipped the indian.
Self-medicate, don't want them to put you on the watch-list so you can't get a gun. I see bugs all the time everywhere so I ordered pysch meds online and now I feel fine.
Probably not. King Nigger was a faggot as well as a comminist so it’s no surprise he left out some details.
I'm more than thankful for all the blessings I've received this year.
Most importantly, I got to witness the beginning of an arduous dismantlement of our corrupt institution. Corrupt figures are toppled left and right, and fairness has taken their places.
My 18th birthday is coming up in about a week, and the university I'm looking at is sending admissions results that day. Let's hope God or Kek makes just one blessing for me.
An interesting change. They still shrieked about the fake news "muh two scoops drumpf sexual abuser" cancer in relation to the turkeys.
Wouldn't it just ruin your day if it turned out pecans promoted estrogen?
0/10 didn't finish it in time.
0/10 still not finished
Of course go-fellow white person, make sure to go to the doctahs and take your pills, go-guy!
large families means a ridiculous amount of food and a ridiculous amount of food means a ridiculous amount of leftovers. there comes a point where you just can't eat anymore fucking turkey.
Dubious. That's like too much of a good thing
That's what "leftovers" are for.
Besides giving a script, all that's gonna happen is you wasting $200 a week for a hour session with the occasional group setting, it's a waste of money, you're better off finding local groups to talk to.
A noble bird died to make that
Benjamin Franklin said America's bird should be the turkey, not the eagle.
Enjoy your booze. Cheers!
I have somehow came to expect very low culinary skills from murricans to the point some indistinguishable mass of food might be considered food.
I didn't think all of you did,that's why i was asking since i couldnt believe it but on the other hand I've seen the ingredients in some of your frozen hot pockets and some of the processed food in there and we ain't allowed to feed our farm animals what the jews feed you.
Anyways I wish you all had a nice thanksgiving!
At least you have a job to go to.
Good for you m8. Kek bless you and have a happy Thanksgiving.
mac and cheese was a comfort food when I was sick as a kid, maybe people who can't cook think the same for holidays. Personally, I've been sick of the cheep turkey we've been eating lately, not sick at all of our own chickens with fat that isn't soy and corn, and glad for some ham for the holiday, along with sweet potatoes despite having a few hundred pounds of them in the cellar.
regards, redneck
we dont do this in my country
if you're still here read this every night before bed to make up for your lack of enrollment in an authorized hitler youth program
Yep. I can try reading it later.
After a lot of thought, Nietzsche was right, decadence is what cucked us.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Mak3 sure to put one in the oven
What the fuck is up with this shit America?
I currently am seeing some Americans who have had my deepest respect on the internet discussing fucking Black Friday TV deals and stuff.
Are even the neo-nazis of America so fucking Jew'd they will go deal-hunting for meaningless shit on black friday? Holy shit please educate people to boycot this Jew fest.
Cranberry sauce works really well with dressing.
Showed vids from this guy to redpill all my cuck cousins.
It worked.
Praise kek
I'm thankful for anons like you.
I sometimes wish I could know some brothers irl
enjoying a good run of the 5-hour docu "synagogue of satan" - had a good meal with friends earlier, now into a little french pear cider t. comfy
Find your brothers.
His name.
He's both never fought, and never worked. Color me surprised. Nice biceps though, would say arms, but he ain't got shit for triceps.
bet if you get him in side control he'll be helpless
Happy Thanksgiving guys, drive home safely!
You disgrace not only our forebears but also the corpse of the bird that died so you may feast on your flesh. That is disgraceful andyou should be ashamed.
Happy Thanksgiving, user
White rayciss ppl btfo
Pretty much that.
The minute the nigger put a handgun on the table he's fair game. That's an attempt at intimidation and covered under the castle doctrine if I'm not mistaken.
Though it would be tempting to pull the trigger the moment he walked in your door.
You should not have had the first part just be all clips from 9-11, that makes it look like a 9-11 video. You should have shown a montage of the various ills that the jews are bringing us, such rust-belt communities and packs of feral niggers, etc.
Otherwise, pretty good video, you are making the world a better place.
point taken. thanks man, I'll make some more.
Could I request something to be thankful for? Namely, that the nigger in pic related be doxxed? I don't have an uncensored version, sorry.
Top kek, that was good old chan humor.
Some little 10 year old runs off with his gun and 3 or 4 men tackle him and beat him senseless.
keked extra hard
not the dox as much as that post
go to bed nigger.
>recognizing that image
If you have bluepilled relatives, just say your fill and blame the alcohol. Fuck em.
Got an address or anything?
Dubs confirmed anons of Holla Forums had a good Thanksgiving, and hopefully red-pilled some family as well!
I bet that nigger doesn't even own a gun.
Happy Holidays Holla Forums
Your Family, Your Volk, Your Nation
I ate instant ramen noodles and drank 1.75 litres of alcohol for Thanksgiving, but it's better than being around those sycophants for even a few minutes. They would just talk shit to my face anyhow, then recoil when I start calling them out on it.
Happy Thanksgiving Holla Forums! If it weren't for you glorious bastards…I don't know what I'd do. You are my dudes.
Have Thanksgiving earlier in the year you yankee faggots.
We hit new autism levels today
For the piece on top I'd recommend a blunt metal piece like a ruler in the middle of the striking surface to concentrate all the force of a swing onto a single contact point. Like this thing.
Thanksgiving wasn’t bad, basically like half the days of my normal week. Had leftover curry and rice i made a few days ago as well as a beer.
I'm thankful for the eventual white ethnostate whether it's all of the US or part of it.
I give thanks for the amount of salt and keks reading this thread,why isn't this getting more blown out,it is hilarious
Fixed it for you.
I feel retarded,thanks user
I'm thankful to be American. Happy Thanksgiving, Holla Forums!
You're gonna want to see this user, this behaviourist dissects his body language and it's fucking terrifying.
If this thread doesn't prove the death of Holla Forums is complete I'm not sure what would at this point. An entire thread, dedicated to containing the influx of 4cuck/reddit "ebin shitpoastin" and their "dank maymays." Disgusting, Absolutely pathetic and
Please kill yourselves you normie-tier fucks.
Jews are pretty cool dudes once you get to gas them.
Lurk for 2 lifetimes, and get a jump start on that by ending the first ASAP.
How did it taste?
I am thankful for my family.
But I am not hopeful for what is to come, and I know what's coming is not something I will even be permitted to speak, let alone have one chance of affording its weight, let alone speak and afford its correction. At least we made it to another thanksgiving. Sadly, this low bar is the level I have been reduced to gladly accepting.
My family, in despite of themselves, has made it to another thanks giving, with the new year around the corner. Whether despite the best of their communism, or by accident, or by consuming structures still left over from the past, or by consuming what remains of others, we made it this far yet again. At times with me on my knees, at most times with me burning myself and what limited resources I've managed to amass, I've done what I could to prevent the worst. Fuck you too, Hillary. But my father, bless him for making me, is intent on giving every last bit of power, account, property, and will to failed females, literal retards, harpy haggards that turn on their husbands' old age, african parasites and asian canibals, all the worst enemies of twenty thousand years so paraded before the fake news presses he reads that lie their lies as 'equals' and 'brave citizens'. And the list goes on. Everything to all others worst able to make them; Everything to all others best able to ungratefully and consummately consume them; And with each new 'gifts' taken by serial lies, cannibalize and parasite my father all the more. With each breath, he remains clueless to the hell of others he has in fact created, and each time he violates the core rules of reality to shoot himself yet again, he only repeats this. He is lucid if I corner him alone, but unwilling to ultimately redress the price to learn the core lessons he never paid for.
I don't worry for myself, but I know I cannot hold up this hell of others he has made. And the poverty that has become it more and more is stupid. Poverty, for that is explicitly what it is, and what always always always happens when boys become fathers before they become men / boomer cucks; when the most simplest of reality's core rule of "give the ashes of fathers only to the temples of their sons and give nothing to everything else not" is violated.
The larger energy equation we are all in is inescapable, and by it by will by god, I will make it to next years thankfulness. And I will be thankful if I can get my family their again too. But I know I won't be able to hold up this for as long as they expect, and I know each time I hold them up, it blisters across my mind that yet another moment has been spent misappropriated as yet another time I look behind myself and see no sons of my own, yet another time I look down my street and schools that have now become Section-Fucking-8'ed, soon to be succeeded by yet another time I look up my old industrial partners that have all been cannibalized by godless asians.
I extend a happiness to you, pol. I ask only that Thanksgiving find you, and that you spend it better than I have.
I hope you keep your power level because the school keep the record about everything of you and can ruin your life so just behave yourself until you are old. Just enjoy your childhood buddy.
I'm thankful that my parents made me transgender. Welcome to my Thanksgiving dinner party for one.
im not used to burger traditions so i will follow the usual behavior
(clap clap clap)
(clap clap clap)
What's the best TG lube? I'm thinking anything with enough butter, but yams alone might do the job.
sinead's alter egos git out
Anons, I saw more "Generation Zyklon" in action yesterday at my in-laws. There were about 10 or so Gen Z and late Millennials playing some game where you have to write down ridiculous answers to questions and pick the best one. I observed them playing and these kids were making Holocaust jokes left and right, making jokes about SJW culture, making fun of Communism/Stalin, and ate up anything meme-related. So I jumped in the next game and played a bit with them. Gave them topical redpilled answers, joked about Jews, Religion of Cuck™, SJWs, and poked good fun at Trump. The kids ate it up. Not one complaint, no one got triggered, no whining at all, just laughing at all that is unholy. This generation is RIPE.
pecan pie is fucking disgusting. it's pecans suspended in corn syrup and sugar. that's it.
Shouldn't that be either a communist or mexican flag?
All of his wife's bulls are shitskins.
Why do you have that saved, user? Do you have something to admit?
shut your ignorant whore mouth you god damn faggot
I'm thankful there are still people who believe in the 14 words.
have faith user, the younger generations are alot more redpilled than you know
t. young person
Just wanted to say it's been an honor shitposting alongside you all these last few years. I've probably called each of you faggots a faggot at least once. Soon we will take our people to colonize space.
You each have a place at my table for the rest of my days. Bless you and your families.
dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed