The Twist is the cited records are from 1900-1945, significantly before the holohoax.
Examples from 1920 Jew York Times archive: query.nytimes.com
The Twist is the cited records are from 1900-1945, significantly before the holohoax.
Examples from 1920 Jew York Times archive: query.nytimes.com
Yep and it all has to do with their batshit insane prophesies.
The real question is why hasn't anyone actually holocausted them yet? These rats have been around for millennia and have been universally reviled THE WHOLE TIME
the 6 million is the amount of letters in the talmud or some bullshit, also equal to the amount of jewish souls or whatever hocus pocus these kikes meme.
Altruism and mercy (I don't mean anything by this ASIS)
i do believe that they are memeing their own destruction.
try going back to 1865
I wonder if they are finding themselves in a position where they need a new event to cement the narrative.
I never thought of that. Do you think they will tell ISIL to attack the new military base the US is building in Israel so they can kavech about shoah? What will the 6mil make account for? 6mil dollary doos, 6mil gallons of chemicals because of the fire, 6mil rounds of ammo?
That lower photo, where is it from, context? That holohoax "graveyard" "memorial" in Berlin is an insult to Germans of a great magnitude.. It wastes so much space too.
these jewtube related
You mean that manual of justification they invented to excuse them their actions and besmirch the innocent?
People tried all the time but it takes effort to catch them all, especially when they are dispersed throughout the world. Really, the Romans should have done everyone a favor and turn the Levant into a wasteland when they had the chance.
I've been there. It was way too "new age" architecture for me (bluepilled at 16). Berlin sucked. It was a bunch of poo-in-the-loos selling old bullshit commie pins and shit from "when the wall fell". There's a whole market for it where every vendor has the same shit. Even supposed "pieces of the Berlin Wall". You had to watch out for professional child panhaldelers who had cards saying they're stranded or homeless, in German and English, and LAMINATED. It was ridiculous, and I enjoyed smaller German cities so much more than that bullshit, and that was years ago. I feel for every Deutsch/pol/ thread because when I went there everything was clean, I don't even like picturing it now.
reported to the hatepolice for spreading malicious hatetruths. the ministry for peace and justice and love and freedom of bnai tit' will not stand for the hateful spreading of hatefacts.
Jews want to be murdered en masse. It's the only reasonable explanation.
Pretty sure the "memorial" in berlin is actually a big pile of concrete designed to hide the (lack of) evidence.
You're thinking of Treblinka and Belzec. No holohoax "historian" claims there were mass murders of jews in Berlin. Or anywhere west of what became Soviet territory.
Common knowledge for a Holla Forumsster, but it's always good for newcomers and old guys to brush up on the Jews and their lies. Good post.
There was a hollywood Jew fixation on the number 6 million to the point they incorporated the number into a Jewish film, and coincidentally Hitler just happens to wipe out that exact number within 13 years?
I've been unable to find a copy of 'Night Bell' by Fanny Hurst. I am interested in knowing if the number 6 million was present in this book or if it was added for the movie.
Guess what?
Inquisition: Jews
Witches / Sorcerers: Jews
Vampires/Dracula: Jews
See for yourself.
Where can I get a copy of that film?
The Spanish Inquisition was done by jews or against jews?
You need to read the Culture of Critque and the rest of the enthnographic and evolutionary psychology series on the kikes by McDonald. The modern kikes have only existed for 1600 years or so. The old Hebrews have been dead for about 1800 years. The extant kikes are a mix of them(probably the pharisees be we can't be sure), turkic nomads, other semites, greeks, phoneticians, and some kikey whites.
Whites have slaughtered them from time to time such as in 1096 when the Peoples' Crusade threw thousands into the Med. But there was no concerted effort and no large contiguous empires in Europe so nobody was able to communicate the problem too each other enough to assemble the big picture and before the advent of modern banking in the 1700s they had essentially no power anyway. They'd fuck about, be exiled, and get traded back and forth like a civilizational case of the clap.
Kikes betrayed the goths to the moores, indeed every city of import was not taken by the merit of the saracens who sucked at seigecraft but because a kike opened the gates for them. Hell even centuries later they lost 80,000 of an army of 200,000 seiging Constantinople which had a bare 8,000 defenders and they couldn't even take it until a kike opened a gate for them. Without that kike Byzantium might never have fallen, they could have bought the new muskets from Europe and crushed the saracens next effort.
But yeah the Spanish have always been soft and emotional, rather than kill every kike they only exiled about 80% then forced the rest to convert, which they didn't. They were put under Inquisition and then exiled. They went to the low countries and spread their infection there, in fact starting the trans Atlantic slave trade.
That could be said of the white race in general. Countless expulsions yet not a single final solution. Like what did they think was going to happen if they did not end them then and there?
just a random NWO FEMA camp repurposed by the god emperor, in the future the Jews are memetically creating for themselves.
1 off due to the incorrect word "reasonable". replace with "comfy"
Makes sense since we've always told how the Inquisition was misogynist, intolerant and all that.
It has nothing to do with spirituality or prophecies. They have a compulsion to be seen as victims. Being a victim is central to their identity, if there weren't kikes running around saying they are being pogromed or holocausted their cult would have disbanded centuries ago. They create their own enemies and false flag themselves for upholding the illusion that everybody that isn't Jewish wants to kill them and to ultimately "justify" the establishment of Israel so they can live in peace away from everyone else.
If there were world peace between all the nations of gentiles the Jews would look for a way to fuck it all up. The minute there is peace they stop being victims and assimilate into foreign nations. Assimilation is worse than being killed by anti semites, the rabbis themselves have said it. Rabbis and the banking class use the rest of the Jewish hivemind as a tool to rule over everything else; without numbers they lose all power and their dynasties are toppled or subverted by other classes of hiveminds (asians, arabs, pseudo jewish/christian movements.)
Nice tight explanation user.
Could someone screencap this for an over 40 who can't into computers properly?
Unintentional sage.
Thanks very much.
The repetition of "6 million! 6 million!" was my first trip down the rabbit hole.
Lots of Christians still believe the jews were ever slaves in Egypt, while there is no archeological or historical proof for it outside of the old testament.
In the same way, the entirety of isl-amic early history is 100% religious dogma. There is zero evidence of muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker's official life story, while actual historical records call his movement a jewish messianic group (Hagarism). Instead everyone likes to absurdly pretend that muslim beliefs sprouted independently, while still adopting pieces of jewish and christian faiths.
The number keeps coming up: 6 million are the jews living in Israel, 6 million are those in the US, and more 6 million are still expected to migrate from Europe.
You know what would be good redpilling material? Pinpointing the exact moment when the narrative replaced the red cross numbers found in early WW2 history books (and those as well).
To be fair, most Christians don't bother looking into things that seem irrelevant to them, just as most people don't bother looking into the holocaust as they perceive that it's irrelevant whether it happened or not, they just don't give a shit.
Christ was most likely a stonemason as there was a severe lack of wood in Israel and the houses were made out of rocks/stone, there is evidence for this, but the error in translation has gone on for so long that it really doesn't matter to the average Christian.
t. Redpilled Christian :^)
The romans did, but back then exile was considered worse than execution, so they let them live to "make them suffer." The trouble is that you can't treat psychopaths like you'd treat a human, and the Romans didn't realize that the jews are a race of psychopaths. wir mussen die juden ausrotten.
Also just to add to this thread, the reason why they keep memeing the whole 6 gorillion story is because Zionists took over the print media and they wanted to garner sympathy for the Zionist cause. They wanted Jews and gentiles alike to think that Europe wasn't the place for them but Palestine.
And just listen you can hear them in the distance
Pretty much everyone tortured by the Spanish Inquisition were Jews that converted to Christianity, but were still practicing Judaism. All the horror stories about it in popular culture are fabrications.
I think the only truth to that whole story is that the jews briefly lived in the outer reaches of Egypts territory. But yeah they weren't slaves they were basically vagrant tent dwellers that sacrificed babies.
People tried through out history, but they are like rats that spread like a cancer.
The jews also invented a holocaust during the Khmelnytsky Uprising in Ukraine in the 17th Century. For centuries they claimed half a million jews were killed in the uprising, but recent estimates say it was only around 20,000 or less.
Interesting, makes a lot of sense and fits their profile.
This is the biggest question.
Why are parasitic thief/death cults allowed to survive.
Same applied to gypsies. They've brought nothing but ill to the populations they feed off, yet no one has purged them.
It will be a tedious job to demolish all that concrete.
Afraid of onions because their huge noses gave them super smell.
Oh shit, wouldn't THAT be the ultimate irony? Memeing their own destruction through repetition and accidental digits.
Were they so cheap they made it out of concrete instead of stone? lol that place is going to be a crumbling wreck within 50 years. also that "monument" is the most ugly kikey thing.
Oy gevalt, I should be able to give this thread 6 gorillion bumps!
Garlic, user.
The real answer would be that they have evolved like parasites, so they have naturally learned to "blend in". It is the same reason many (((whites))) push "white privilege" while also claim that they are Jewish so they have none.
Had they been obviously different, we would get rid of them quickly. Same reason there are no strong influential Juden in far East.
Check the book "The Biological Jew" if you want, it gives answers to a lot of these questions.
Some user be a bad goy and paint Holla Forums memes onto the blocks with vid related.
I enjoy searching culture of critique on the in-store computers in book stores and leaving the search page open. I'm sure I've got a few avid book readers with that one.
oy vey
Maybe a bit easier to read/spread like this
I was there when I went to Berlin. It's bullshit. Like Höcke said Germany is the only country to have monuments in its captial celebrating, their defeat.
This is something we've known to be possible since the old "Christian hermits" (who were usually crypto-pagans avoiding persecution) figured out synchronicity. Just remember that calls to meme responsibly should be heeded.
This triggers my tism.
Maybe perhaps you can explain this to me Holla Forums, I'm having a hard time figuring this out. Is it because of how the Jew defines the Holocaust, they can get the number up to 6 million? How do you talk about the Leuchter Report as truth, when it was later retorted? How do you account for the lack of Polish Jews in Poland after the war? How do you counter the argument of they simply destroyed all the evidence? What about records from the camps?
The gist is this - the holocaust never happened. There was no mass execution of jews in Nazi Germany. However, a lot of people did die in Nazi concentration camps, including jews. But these people were not executed, they died from starvation, disease, and Allied bombings; all three of which were also killing many, many Germans at the time. The stories of gas chambers, incineration rollercoasters, lethal masturbation machines, etc are all obvious fabrications.
The holocaust never happened, but it should have.
Something else to consider is that the US also had concentration camps in WWII, mostly for the Japanese. Had things gone south stateside, with food shortages, diseases spreading rapidly and German bombings decimating the population, would America have prioritized feeding and protecting the Japs in concentration camps? Probably not. And neither did Germany for the prisoners in their's.
The Allies (which means, also the US) held concentration camps for POW's in nazi Germany. 1.5 million people perished there.
They also bombed civilian targets. Check "Hellstorm", the documentary.
I've always seen this but have never known its context. Obviously the top left has just been pasted in, and the three volume document by the Red Cross doesn't include it anywhere. So where's it from?
No, it's an outright fabrication. 6000000 is a mystical number to them. They're historically known for it, as it's kabbalistic in nature.
We have to do better than this.
Good ideas though if there were an actual holocaust to happen.
I need a source for this, as everything I've seen says it's a fake.
You are close it is a number from Talmud that means literally "half of the Jewish diaspora" in forget where it's derived from but it was actually true at some point in history.
REMEMBER THE 600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 YOU DANG NAZI GOYIM
Worse, the Allies (at least: US, USSR, France, UK) kept POWs after the war for years and used them for slave labor. The death rate among prisoners was far worse in the US, which was not being bombed, than in Germany (for burger prisoners; soviets held by Germany had a much higher death rate since germans held by soviets also had a very high death rate). Imprisoning POWs after the war is over is against international law (for good reason, the soldiers didn't have a say in the war), so what the Allies did was call them something else and pretend that makes slavery ok.
To add: to this date, there was no official peace treaty between allies and Germany. There is also a document that outlies Germany needs to be under shadow goverment rule up until 2092.
god damn, what an ugly waste of space
Not really. They're all too inefficient.
Bullet to brainpan or loaded into cattle car that engine exhaust is routed to with an incinerator to dump the bodies into at the destination.
If Germany were to gas jews transported by train they'd use what they already had for gassing trains (to kill bugs). Needless to say a bullet is still more effective.
Germany isn't a country, it's an occupied country.
Links? I want to know more.
You know those are anti-revisionist, right? They're poorly argued, but not so bad as to be laughable without extensive knowledge of the events. Are they included as the opponent's counterargument, or did they just get mixed in with the good stuff?
How could they be, jews didn't exist until centuries later.
The "Israelites" were slaves in Egypt, but they were not "jews"… did not possess "jewish" culture/religion nor genetics (jews are Benjaminites and Judahites that mixed with other tribes, beginning the tradition of mongrolization)
Yeah, that first picture is utter fucking shit and strawmans every point it claims is ours. Particularly the first one (because I didn’t read any of the others); we don’t use any of the NYT’s numbers. We use the 1938 and 1948 numbers, published by the American Jewish Committee and the Council of Jewish Rabbis both from the World Almanac and Book of Facts for those respective years.
anyone have a famous painting of 3 shot and tied to pol jews and actual non jew photo it was based on ?
No, it wasn't. These are the same kikes who claim the Romans killed 4 billion Jews in the Talmud.
Germany is still classified as an enemy nation by the UN, and as recently as 2007 they refused to change it when Germany petitioned.
According to the UN Charter and a treaty between the various Allies, Germany is not a self-governing state and must submit to the demands of the Allies.
Legally and literally, this is correct.
It was a photo of three camp guards who'd been tied to a pole and shot; then some kike made it into a drawing, but changed the murdered Nazis into Jews.
Even worse, Germany is one of the only country in the world which has war memorials constructed by their enemies (the Soviets), and the only country in the world which has had earlier war memorials deliberately destroyed (by the British, i.e. Franco-Prussian War memorial 1870–71)
Can you imagine the sheer fucking petty arrogance you'd need to have to build a memorial to you own soldiers inside the capital of another country, much less destroy older memorials your country had nothing to do with – just to spite your enemies?
I've heard of the term "sore loser", but the Allies are living examples of "sore winners".
Bump for exposing filthy jew lies.
Bump for babby's first redpill. Good infographics tho. Prolly still some anons out there who don't have these. Would make a nice Christmas conversation starter! kekek
Anyone got the WW2 note saying (((our))) doctors will find you unfit for service to ensure you don't have to fight?
I don't know why threads like this aren't permanently stickied. I remember the fake photos and the dozens of mentions of 6 gorillion before the war were the absolute biggest redpills for me when I first saw them. It changed everything. When you show people these things they can't deny it, even if they are initially resistant. And if they are at all intellectually curious they will look into to further or at least harbor that much needed doubt deep down inside. Which is what you need to even attempt to sort through the absolute propaganda soaked cess pit that is the modern world.