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I think it would be hard to convince women to give up their careers and ambitions to be good little natsoc housewives. What do?
How do we redpill women?
you don't, woman don't need to reason you fucking faggot, they just need to be our housewives, just feed them soy milk so they reduce the male testosterone.
also eat onions and quit being a faggot.
Go back to cuckchan and stay.
through their men
They already are redpilled.
More young white women voted for Trump than young white soyboys.
Meet a woman and tell her you want to build a family, offer a woman a home, security and the opportunity to raise children without the hassle of clown world and she will likely be delighted. But being able to offer that isn’t easy. Convincing people to conform to their genetic programing isn’t exactly hard. Forget trying to counter semetic propaganda directly, it is soon forgotten in the comfort of the family unit.
How do pigs fly?
You don't. Women are our partners, not our equals, and they'll never be at the cutting edge of political philosophy or revolutionary zeal. We have to burn a political path until our women naturally return to us and follow the strong horse.
This. Women follow strong men, and they follow cultural influences. Become strong men, change the culture, and the women will follow.
Wrong. They are our property.
I believe the majority of women must be killed. They simply can't turn back time to undo their ride on the cock carousel.
They just need to not be allowed to vote. Or chad needs to be sieg heiling everywhere so that the girls will blindly accept his ideology to suck his dick.
Not a solution to the problem I addressed. No policy will undo the average woman's stint with 50+ men. However, seeing as how there's plenty of cucks that would accept those roasties, a policy of foisting the thots on them in state-enforced monogamous relationships would work - so long as biofemales are stripped of their rights and are reclassified as property.
Completely true, however that doesn't change the fact that what is trash is forever trash. That solution is for subsequent generations.
This guy thinks Holla Forums are wealthy conservatives who have homes to offer women, kek.
They follow money. And if you have money and can't get women it's because you're a weirdo. If they're they are young and you're a chad then they will follow you for looks or danger.
See these anons, these anons are the (((alt-right))) who monitor this website and spew the lingo:
See what these people are doing is pushing women away from redpills, from racial awareness, from creating a community of whites who are loyal to their race. Jews do this so they can seed Cro-Magnon whites with their Neanderthal demon sees and Homo Erectus Niggers.
If only you knew how bad things really are.
This. If you arent rich youd better be hot and if youre ugly youd better be rich. We need to be allowed to put them in their place again
thumbnail posting nigga
You dont red pill women. Women respond to strength and authority or "fear." White men must be DOMINANT and women will clong to us. Women cling to whatever male animal is dominant, black, white, jew or otherwise.
You will notice women dont respect you unless you are projecting power, status authority or the like. If you are not this way but a woman is with you, it is because your money, or she doesnt have a better choice or she is using you - but she wont love/respect you unless you are dominant.
White men can become dominant by doing the following:
-In any social situation or context, try being the person to ask the last question, not allowing others to be that person. Be proactive!
-You will dominate or "control the attention and thus the energy flow"
-Occupying this position is related to the ego, to energy/attention control and is God-like.
GLOBALLY, the Jews have proactively positioned and branded themselves to be the asker of the last question, fuckin kikes
Dominating requires 1 thing.
Dominating someone, having them submit to you is when you have the last say. You ask, the person answers.
So long as they answer or perform your Words - an effective submission will have taken place.
Yes, this is why and how religions and cults form. This is THEE method to dominate our enemies, or they, us.
It's a man's job to be involved in politics and to guide their women as the dominate force in the relationship. Try to date women that are apolitical.
Raised by conservatives > apolitical > liberal by default only > all else
The real question is: how do we make decent mothers out of these women that have been almost completely ruined by parental neglect and jewish media? It's parents' jobs to make their daughters mother-material, and the vast majority of parents in the past few generations have absolutely failed this.
I thik we literally love those broken wome . Show them sincere genuine love while maintaining the dominant role, taking her as you please. So, listen, feed, cloth and give affection to her while maintaining confident control. You are confident and in control because you white male tribe is powerful and in control.
She will respond to this love. All the hatred shes been filled with will breal off and melt away as you show her persistent love and strength. I believe she will.warm to this. Strength IS imperative. cannot be emphasized enough (strength of will/mind/heart. not mere muscle)
these women will probably have talked out of a lot of broken arguments. Their spastic emption must be shut down and reprimanded.
Some thoughts
Agreed and ultimately this is spiritual warfare. It is in the spiritual dimension that we strive to have an unfaltering will, to absolutely love our woman, those dear to us and of our tribe, to completely dominate the world, shape it to our liking, and achieve total aryan victory.
There's not enough talk in our circles of the positive power of love. This is one place where Jesus was right; we should love our neighbors (our racial kinfolk) absolutely and with all our will.
In a looser sense, we should also "love" our enemies if "love" means wanting justice for them (or a right ordering of things). Bringing justice to some enemies just might involve rope.
What the fuck is it with these halfchan threads in the last few days?
Is shlomo finally brave enough to post on real Holla Forums?
Hey love you bro and our fellow bros and gals. Yeah - girls aren't and should not be in the business of "pills" They should see strong men smiling at them because we solved our problems for ourselves and to secure their love, too.