Old redpills central

Let's have a "boomer" thread.

People think we did everything bad on this country, but it implies all "boomers" are one person and ignores how complicated our times were.

Back in my days, there were many of us who were "redpilled" but society evolved despite everything. I also notice that many redpills were lost in between our generation, and it makes me wonder (((who))) are behind it.

kill yourself you attention whoring faggot.

Go play identity politics in leftypol where your entire generation belongs

I thought whiteness was a type of identity politics? :)

It's posts like this that are why I poison Jewish children with Mercury at the youth center I run.

You're such a kidder XD

I saw that response on twitter.

What do you think will be revealed on the next Q-user installment? It literally puts me on the edge of my seat every time I think about it.

You really wish.
Every single kike down to the child must be erased in KEK's holy name.


It's targeted D&C. Sage and downvote, don't bump this shitty thread.

I have a similar pin on my car, it has pepe on it though. What is the meaning behind that octopus? is it suppose to mean something?

I also melt lead into the treats I give to the kikelets.


There is nothing inherently bad about different people coming together on Holla Forums.

No, all kikes must die.

kill all boomers

One of the things we used to talk on the table was about UFOs when I was a kid. My uncle made me cry once, it was silly.

Yeah it's just a Chinese room

I identify as generation Z!

Doing God's work user.


Boomers have zero to contribute, they've done enough. They should just lurk and take notes and vote/donate/boycott accordingly. Also don't fucking talk about Chan shit in the meatspace or on faceberg/twatter

Nice dubs!

All in KEK's name user-kun. I would die for Hitler, my God and the white race, and my militia would do the same.

Just shut up and obey. That seems to be the only good think boomers do

Eat a gun and save us the oxygen we'll need to fix your fucking mistakes you goddamned traitors and sheep

This entire thread needs to be gassed.