The Angry Reportlet Screech

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Onions Boosts Testosterone:

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Judenfrei first post Guaranteed!

What a strange reality.

Are those onions being sold per-peeled?


uh user….

What the hell is going on in cuckchan these days? And why the hell are soyboys writing about shit that happens on cuckchan? These retards probably started the thread themselves what a joke.


When the fuck did shitposting become such an important talking point for these kikes?


I guess this must mean there's really something to the onion stuff after all if these fags are trying to belittle it. For any brogres here, is roasting an onion in the oven and eating that just fine, or does it have to be raw?


How big of a bogeymen we have to be for journos to write these piece of shit articles. Are we scaring them because we stopped giving fucks a long time ago?

Has to be raw.

what's wrong with eating raw onions? That's perfectly normal in Serbia. The fuck is this guy's problem?


Lightly toasted master race, but I accept that some people might want to slav it up by eating raw.

Why is this a thread?

Are "journalist" soyboys so afraid of 4chan that they're making shitposts up about onions?

Dimes to dollars he's shilling it himself.

Would I be correct in assuming that these journalists made the thread themselves, posted "genuine" replies and then took screenshots and this is all to make Holla Forums (yes, even 4cuck Holla Forums) look retarded?

The writer seems to think raw onions are lethal. How weak / scared are these soyboys?
I ate rye bread with mayonaise and raw onion as a kid, it was great.

That does not help your argument one bit.

Really activates the ol' almonds, doesn't it?

how did a tibetan onion recipe site gain so much power over (((them)))?


I took a brief look through the AV club's front page and saw nothing but cancer. Why do we care that this faggot disdains onions?

(((Someone))) tried to scare anons here away from eating onions in the "call him a soyboy and he recoils" thread:

There is always the possibility this is one of (((their))) ruses…

shit, pic didn't attach. pic related why this might be a (((ruse)))

>Drinking Raw Onion Juice Is a Bad Idea, No Matter What People Say on 4chan

>Are you a rat? Would you like to copulate faster and with a greater sperm count, but less often? Then perhaps you could use this research. For the rest of us, exercise and a reasonable diet (go ahead and include onions if you enjoy the taste) can support healthy testosterone levels. As general life advice, though, do not follow dietary advice that is illustrated with a Pepe meme.

The Jew fears the non-onion eaters.

You made the thread again. This is entirely natural.

Even if onions have no effect on your testosterone, they are one of the best things humans can eat. Poisonous to dogs though so don't be sharing them with your furry friends.

Where-ever possible include onions, garlic and mushrooms into your diet - and you should already be eating your greens (most important ones being sprouts, broccoli and asparagus - these are estrogen blockers by the way so maybe we'll get some articles about how blocking estrogen is bad goy behaviour, kek). Eat lots of eggs and meat on top of these and you've got a perfect diet.

… Also as I just made some earlier, I recommend hashbrowns. Just grate potatoes (I used a cheese grater, worked fine) and cut up an onion. Squeeze the mixture together to get a little bit of the moisture out of the potatoes and to force it all together, then add a little salt and black pepper - stick in the oven for 30 minutes - and thank me later. Easy, healthy cooking that is very filling.

Are onions and garlic found in Asiatic diets?

fuckin serves anyone right. who would do something that someone on the internet said to do?
the only time I can think that this would be a good idea is in a video game, and even then its probably a bad idea

Ok now I'm 100% convinced Jews are trying to trick us into eating onions and potatoes and garlic.

The Jew fears the non-onion eaters.

No idea, but they have been include in practically every Northern European's diet for Millenia. When its Spring next year I might write a guide for foraging - a hell of a lot of the plants that you likely dismiss as weeds that are in the wild are edible and VERY good for you, and are often from the same family as garlic/onions, and have a lovely natural spicy flavour. Some variant of onions or garlic would be in almost everything our ancestors ate, and often they'd eat them in a more pure form - in Britain and Germany pickled onions are incredibly common.

I certainly was grown up upon heavy garlic and onion and milk and beaten meat. I am not the fuhrer. I am a butcher. I will continue to tenderize calfs even at the scoffing of the fuhrer.


onions are better than soy feed tendies and tofu

Normalfags will continue to enjoy my schnitzel and no reich will stop it.

The cock-sniffing ass hemorrhoid who wrote that article probably is the one that posted it here. "Clayton Purdom" should put his two and a half inch dick in a blender and turn it on. Are these faggots really so starved for anything to write about that they have to hang on our every word? Coat-tail riding fart huffers need to get off our asses and go invent their own second-rate memes to write about.

… Raw onion is good though. I don't know anything testosterone related about it or care enough to keep up with what cuckchan is doing, but they actually considered eating raw onion newsworthy? The only possible drawback is it makes your breath smell like onion and unless you're going to be doing something where having minty breath matters, then it's irrelevant.

Raw garlic is also delicious.


The kike outs himself so easily.


Top tier.

Tricking your enemies into eating healthy?

Has to be raw. If it's too hard for you, eat it with some bread. Crispy bread like baguette is top tier for it.


They give places such as 4chan far too much power. Anything they claim to like the left will screech about how it is now ruined. If you could make breathing right-wing the left would suffocate themselves to death.

I'm not into anime so I don't have any pics of little girls with question marks floating around their heads, but imagine that I attached one to this post.

No if I remember right, it can be cooked around/below 101 degrees or so (F°) and still have nutritional value

Here you go, fag.

just give the dox for this cunt already

Please tell them to like Buddhism then because Western Buddhism is currently ruled by Liberal Pharisees.

Onions and garlic repel vampires.
Really makes you think.

I always knew about the garlic thing, but, onions do too?

The soyboys are trying to shut it down.
They want more numales who vote left, not high T chads who eat onions like a fucking ogre and vote for the loud pussy grabbing shitlord Drumpf.

Meanwhile, in Myanmar…

Really pisses me off. There's absolutely nothing in buddhism that tells you not to love your family, or cultivate fanatical genocidal hatred for racial enemies. Japanese buddhists had no problems flying airplanes into the bridges of enemy ships. More than anything Buddhism is mental discipline to help you resolve unhealthy mental attachments or obsessions. Too many whites who call themselves buddhists are ignorant and intellectually lazy cunts.

STOP EATING ONIONS GOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just noticed that when Shrek becomes human in Shrek 2 he is CHAD as fuck.


For anyone interested, it was Onion juice that was added to rat feed that increased their testosterone levels by 300%. Pretty high for a food, pretty high period actually. It may or may not work in humans, I think this is also why people say don’t cook it but I’m not sure they know that. However if you added it to a salad or on a burger (bread has a very high glycemic index, look into Intermittent fasting if you choose to eat bread) you could eat it without strain. You could probably eat more this way than biting into a whole onion anyhow. If you get onion juice from somewhere, look at some dosages and consider if adding it to a shake makes it worse or taking a good shot is quicker. Things like onion might make the whole shake hard to drink and now you have more to eat. However, it may be covered up easily in a shake with other veggies, I don’t know.

What if you put the "onion extract" super concentrated inside of a capsule?

If you eat the same quanty raw, it has the same effect.
You should eat 1 raw, preferibly red onion a day (the reccomended dose is a gram for every kilogram of your body).
You can just slice it in thin layers, put it in a salad with oil, tomatoes, cucumbers and spinach (another great testosterone booster) and eat it with some good biological meat from local farmers. It fucking works

What is this jewish shit? I see it shilled everywhere. Is it just "eating meals is bad goy every few days you should subsist on just water because getting nutrients is bad goy" or some over dramatic way of saying "wait longer between meals"? The people shilling it are the same people blaming MUH GLUTEN never a problem for anyone until mosanto GMO shit appeared (((conveniently))) for everything.

All these (((anons))) trying to trick us goyim into eating shit so they can turn us into golem.

Really ought to make you wonder for what the Jain diet does right. Doesn't it?

The Jew fears the non-onion eaters.

Tell me how onions are bad.

How are you yids this bad at blending in? It's honestly mind boggling how bad you are at it.

Also, as its a health thread; HONEY! Anons get your fill of honey, or better yet; royal jelly. Royal jelly is the only difference between a queen and a regular bee, and the queen lives 40x longer than other bees. Its a little bit pricey but its been proven to have a lot of benefits, our ancestors loved it (honey at least) and it tastes great (royal jelly doesn't taste quite as nice imo, but still good - and who knows, it might even make humans live longer).

Ignore the Jain diet. Eat your RAW onions. Eat your potatoes. Eat your garlic. Eat your meat. It's like you don't even want to be Indo-Aryan.


You do realise you have an ID, right? Nice samefagging my nigger.

Go poo in the loo, shill. I'm not even German.
That's how fucking dumb you sound, goon.
Also, why are you samefagging?

I went four days in a row last month, felt kinda good actually. I was less hungry than normal after the first day and I have not wanted to over eat so much sense then. Like I'll get the hankering for some ice cream or McChicken tendies and then be like nah I don't need that shit.

I know it's just anecdotal but it felt good man. Thinking of going for 10 days some time next month.

Journokike detected. You niggers never learn. Can't even samefag properly.

no Holla Forumsack refers to themselves as goyim
get the fuck out >>>/bog/

>maybe if I keep calling him one of (((us)))

Gee I wonder who could be behind all these posts trying to meme people into eating onions, potatoes, garlic, and meat!

Anons, you've changed my mind

I now like this meme

Morons ITT

these writers made this up so they'd have some dumb bullshit to write about 4chan with an attempt to discredit any real authentic information that comes from Holla Forums

In fact u remember seeing a few posts about this stupid shit and it was very forced and unnatural.

This is the part where you start posting roided up totally natural fag bodybuilders. Kill yourself.

Go back to 32chan.


Just ignore these philosophies and eat ya tubers goyims!

ITT: Jews poo'ing all over our Indo-Aryan cultures and philosophies

Just eat ya Gordon Ramsay onions fuckin goys!

Go back to your designated shitting street, Pajeet.

Wasn't Diogenes inspired by the Jains?

Diogenes was also a dumb fag. Every Greek philosopher was pretty gay actually. Seneca is the best, and you know why? Because he was a motherfucking Roman, that's why.

real hebrew hours

I'm sure that (((you))), as a tuber and meat eating cuck actually believe what you wrote.

Guess what? HItler also ate meat, potatoes and onions.
Now go back to wherever you came from, nigger.

t. babby brain



It's for people who don't work for a living, and can afford to skip food for a day or days.

Doesn't remotely compare to real work in a trade, or even general labour. If you do real work for a living, you need to eat, especially breakfast. Skipping breakfast leaves you unable to work at 100% capability.

Soyboys will never get our sick gains.

Say faggot, mind if you create an infograph on the typical reportlet soyboy diet? I need it for my wife's son.

Holy moly there should be mandatory health warnings on all soy products, like cigarette packages showing images of soyboys instead of ruined organs.

I want to live long enough to see that. Please kek, guide our ways.


Eating within a short window so as to be fasting at least 12 or more hours per day. It reduces inflammation (increasing cellular function and cognitive function), kicks you into ketosis (your brain runs best on ketones, very important) and significantly increases test and HGH production. It'll also make you live longer. It's one of the best things you can do. The reason why you see intermittent fasting everywhere now is because it's miracle tier and it's free. See, if you weren't a retard you'd be doing it already. I recommend you start today though. Also, look up the Bulletproof diet and Dr Mercola's videos on YouTube. Those will redpill you on diet and health.


Sounds like autism. You already generally get 12 hours without food between dinner and waking up in the morning. That's why it's called breakfast.

Because you're retarded. If you're getting a 12 hour fast in, good. But it's better to get more hours. The more, the better the effects.


i'll try.

Quite a timeline, anons.

Jainists are dumb.

Yeah, so kill yourself so millions of bacteria aren't slaughtered daily by your immune system.

Shill confirmed. Fuck off.

You consume everything you need within your feeding window. It's more than easy to do. Surprised you couldn't figure that out…

This is all heavily backed by le science, by the way. You're just proving you know nothing about the subject. Stick to your Zog diet, pleb.

Kill yourself. I don't care if you try and save face and claim it was used ironically, it doesn't matter.

You're retarded if you think that.

Oh noez, I used le "le" meme. Gotta signal harder, I guess.

Varg doesn't plow his fields either. Modern agriculture techniques a shit.

Not him but added it to my smug anime girls with inquiry runes on their heads folder.

Wait.. You mean to tell me that it makes you manlier? I just like the taste!

Soy Vey! The Soyim need to drink their estrogen so they can become pretty little trans snowflakes.

Here you go:


is it really that easy to spot a reportlet during this time around? what are you writing for? polygon? kotaku? huffingtonpost?

Varg's a fuckhead faggot Red Guard wannabe. And the invention of heavy plowing probably was an agricultural revolution vis-à-vis improving yields.

why was this thread anchored?

This. Well maybe not full blown This but I have had similar experiences. They say you can change your eating habits in 7-14 days if you stick to it. I challenge anyone here to eat less garbage for 1-2 weeks and tell me you are craving garbage. Guarantee you don't want that shit anymore

You already generally get 12 hours without food between dinner and waking up in the morning.

true dat, but in the night the body does other things, if you don't fuck it up with alcohol and pills.

My suggestion, try things with discipline for a while, see what works short term, see what works long term. Mind the places you get food from. Cook it yourself.

For me carbohydrates and sugar reduction is godsend. Pity because I like fruit more than veggies and hmm pastry hmmmm.

yeah raw onions are healthy but you dont have to eat them like apples like fucking slavages, just cut them in your diet.

They are either deathly afraid of Holla Forums or pretending to laugh at them

I remember that thread calling out the soy boy shills and reportlets amongst us. It quickly turned into a Holla Forumsfit discussion and ONIONS.
I feel proud to have had a hand in starting a rectal inferno that could only be extinguished with a long blog post.
Current year Journalism at its finest.

Gee, are you aware that the testosterone levels of Western males have plummeted to unnatural levels, as has their sperm count? Maybe taking measures to prevent and reverse that with natural vegetables might not be so crazy?

Are you aware that drug companies and lobbies finance many of the studies out there? Why would they put money towards studying a substance that cannot be patented, that anyone can grow, and that competes with their own manmade medicines? Seeing as they are not likely to pony up the money for a large human study any time soon, might it make sense that people instead self-experiment and compare and discuss their results online?