Boomers have infested 4chan, and posters are getting banned for calling them out. I recommend you mods root this shit out before they shit up this place too.

Other urls found in this thread:

here's the thread that got deleted before people started getting banned.

You can also witness the boomers in your own back yard




I knew a boomer that talked nice to an esoteric pioneer.

Only we can really do that. And we need to take that opportunity.


Boomer here, what seems to be the problem OP?

Those faggots had their time to act now its too late. They refused to fight for their people and gave it away to the kikes and shit skins.

boomers are unwitting cryptos

Get your material ready people, last chance for them to redeem themselves from kike brainwashing.

it's like pure, distilled cancer

Their ignorance is what made this country go from 90% white to what it is today, gave away the jobs to third world countries just so it could be cheaper for them. Im not blaming them entirely but it is their fault we are in the situation we are today

yea there are boomers on 4chan/biz now whining about shit and wanting to be spoon fed cryptonews lmfao.

that place is good for flavor of the week pnds though

We're the generation that brought it all down, decent civilization and whatnot. Can't look at our peers and the clowns in DC and think we haven't ruined everything our parents tried to protect but I still want to say even if we're the worst generation, the millennial kids are still the second worst and our kids.

Reminder anti-kike pictures are the best solution. They get to know or they run away.


this is going to be 8/pol/ in a year or two

I hate boomers. This triggers boomers.


boomers ruin everything they touch

Guess how we know you're not one of us? Hint: because we're actually allowed to discuss our origin being halfchan /new/ you fucking jewish nigger.

look at the picture in the OP, they're already here en masse.

They mostly congregate in their CBTS larp carnival though, but every now and again they offer their boomer opinions in other threads. Its like watching that embarrassing drunk dad shout shit from the bleachers during his sons little league game.

I'm loving the reaction of you kids. X3

This kills the boomer.

kill yourself boomer




Jesus… Maria y Jose!

That's dank!

well… see you faggots in the next life


This is why legacy boards should have been banned. The last thing we need is boomers coming here by name recognition alone.

They must be those newfags that actually believe in libertarianism


You fags want to kill Whites who want to meet up.
So STFU about refusing to fight.

Holla Forums wants to kill pro White people.

White Nationalists are pro White Genocide.>>10942252

when will we have to undergo a dose or two of chemo to cleanse the board?

They're the faggots saying we should still honor American Zogbots, aren't they?

theyre all over twitter giving boomer tips on how to navigate Holla Forums. Search cbts qanon or followthewhiterabbit on twitter.

Why does boomers being exposed to red pills trigger you so much OP?

lurk moar child, it's a wild ride XD

It doesn't, its boomer attitude. They have no sense of board etiquette, give the SHITTIEST opinions, and largely never shut the fuck up

i went there for the 1st time inna long time (just now),..that place went to shit bigtime looks like alotta snowflakes, kikes and nigger lovers

Where is the evidence? This kike is one of my states US Senators. I cannot find any evidence that he is both a US and Israeli citizen. As such, I can only fall back on the Israeli Jew concept of 'aliyah'.

To be a more effective infograph we need citations. Otherwise the people we use it against will resort to what is actually available to them in their research. Al Franken is just one example that I can't use in my own state of Minnesota because there is no actual evidence he also has Israeli citizenship.

Basically, just because kikes have aliyah doesn't mean all US kikes are dual citizens.

This is a problem I didn't see coming.

they can hang for all i care


hahaha XD

Spam them with redpills about ZoG and the jew. They'll absorb them and join the fold or run back to Fox and reddit where kikes are fellated 24/7.

If they were young today they would have fought a civil war.

You fags are too scared to leave Mom's basement.

Halfcuck is inept with shill and cancer management
How shocking

As if they could possibly make 4chan any worse than it already is, I see nothing wrong with this development.

Guessing this is the most effective way to weed out the majority of them

if any of the members of the worst generation are here, show this to your friends don't post, you've caused enough destruction

are you fucking serious, they took everything the greatest generation this country has ever experienced and ruined it in one generation flat with widespread degeneracy, boomers also lost every war they fought in.

Hooo boy, I hope there is a contingency plan for this cancer to nip the buds before they bloom.

if you can't find it at the top of a jewgle search it doesn't exist for most of these people. also the contingency plan is us.

wanna bet it's libshit kikes trying to destroy Holla Forums? They're trying to up the noise to signal ratio as much as possible. The place that used to have a ~120 average IQ is being slowly but surely degraded into a normie monkey poop flinging fest. It's happening to this board, too, not just cuckchan.

Yes. They either become "us" or crawl back to their designated diaper zones. I've redpilled a few it's a little easier in the South I think but there isn't much to be gained from doing so as they won't fight or be fighters anyway.

Don't give "the greatest generation" a pass just because they would align more with our ideals. They still fought against National Socialism and Fascism gave communist half of Europe and protected the jews even if unintentionally

I have an idea lads.
Spam gore.

there's not


I hope your children abandon you in a nursing home to be robbed and neglected by niggers.

Spam redpills you retards. They are just as offensive to boomer sensibilitieskike sucking as gore but with the added bonus that one or two may actually stop and think for once.

they're already here namefagging like they do on cuckchan

No point in redpilling them though.
They have to go back.


There is a point in redpilling anybody.


These niggers don't give a fuck about the JQ, fascism or any other thing of merit discussed here. These fruity ex-hippie fucktards are only here in a desperate attempt to stay edgy and youthful. It's shallow and nauseating.

This is like 90% boomers already out of their containment thread.

He's right, you know.

what's wrong with telling people you love them over on a chan? I had coworkers and family friends in threads come by and tell me hi.

How can one generation be so cancerous

nothing wrong by itself, read the rest of the post

Redpills will not be enough, we must do gore.
Maybe they aren't actual boomers. Maybe this is a recon mission in order to analyze us.

That's pretty funny.

Debt-based currency converts freedom into slavery. Guess what happens when you convert a nation to a debt-based currency immediately after the Great Depression?

I agree to an extent as I stated in an earlier post, but, as boomers generally only listen to boomers, then redpilling just a small percentage has a chance of spreading to more. Will they fight? No. Some may provide material support and/or serve as guards for families of soldiers. These things are necessary as well as fighters.

They didn't fight against Ideals, U.S. involvement in WW2 was economic interests + ezpz propaganda

Just when I was thinking things couldn't possibly get any more bizarre

Thoughts on the idea of giving Stefan Molyneux his own show on fox news?

He's much better than Bill O

Somehow I feel that this should be stickied along with a BOOMERS NOT WELCOME sticky.
Maybe even 32chan is behind this.

Hahahaha XD
Nothing wrong with that, the kids on that thread are trying to act edgy, it's kinda cute.

They were spoiled fucking rotten by their overcompensating parents. They are all emotionally 13 years old.

For the politicians thats the case but for the average american? No, watch the webm again and count how many times the topic of economics come up versus social beliefs.

Do what we always do, redpill them.

Wew lad. A new level of shit.


No, it really doesn't. There already exist an extreme minority of red pilled boomers. They have no friends, and most of their family has been brainwashed to view them as racist relics of the past.

I know this truth: my grandfather was drafted into the US Army before he could back home to Germany. He was completely vitriolic toward anything Jewish for as long as I knew him. It's amazing to think I had a good chance of not existing, or being born in Germany had he left to join the Fatherland's effort before he was drafted by the ZOG to fight his cousins.

OR…or, here's a thought, what about going full scorched earth?
Permab& any namefagging or boomer shills with extreame prejudice?

Kek. Fund it.

Seems good. Put a side of gore with that so that we make sure they don't lurk.

You can't sell a war based on economic principles, come on now.

The Boomers will just never stop until they get us all killed. The last stage of utter grief is acceptance.

we're all a bit boomer inside

Gram - user's on half chan

Q user AKA Q Clearance Patriot - HAS THE STORM ARRIVED? More Info on HRC Q user and Saudi Arabia!

I don't like where this is going.

Because somehow they're gonna fuck it up more than it already is. They're gonna find themselves here and really shit it up. Not to mention it'll be easier for disinfo to spread and mislead those dumbfucks because they're retarded fucking boomers.

boomers shouldn't be banned, they should just be given boomer badges so they can be ridiculed publicly so they fuck off back to Facebook. Lord knows they don't know how to change their IP. They should have AARP logos instead of "anonymous"

With their parents dead and no longer around to cut their food or wash the streaks out of their underwear, they intend to cannibalize us for the sake of their own convenience and entertainment now.

The new face of Holla Forums

And as another user noted, they just won't shut the fuck up. They've been wrecking the West for 50 years and still don't understand there are people sick of listening to their vacant bullshit.

Fuck off Boomer faggot. This war belongs to men not fat decrepit useless fucks like yourselves.

Lemon parties?


This will actually work out really well seeing as how boomers are so fucking stupid they can barely operate a computer normally, they'd never be able to evade a ban. I bet you could explain every single step of the process to them and they still wouldn't be able to figure it out

Oh just if they were young huh too fucking comfortable to do it now huh you stupid faggots got us into this mess and by god we will tout you out and put you up against the wall with the rest of them

Fixed that for you.


what the fuck is a ladypede



Umm, lads, I might need a program to dump the gore. Know any that works on Holla Forums?

From what I gathered watching MM's "Cruel Fate of Kekistan" is that r/the_donald calls people "pedes". I guess it's a gay civ-nat term because they are all cucks to Tyrone and Moshe.

Reported. Kill yourself. What are you sliding?

Nigger, haven't you read it? They are aware of Holla Forums. That's the problem.