"US one of only three countries to vote against UN resolution condemning glorification of Nazism"
Sorry for shit OP, feel free to edit didn't see anything about it in catalog
"US one of only three countries to vote against UN resolution condemning glorification of Nazism"
Sorry for shit OP, feel free to edit didn't see anything about it in catalog
Where's the resolution on Imperial Japan?
Honestly, give me a list of all these countries, every generation after the boomers should work together to turn them all into Weimar.
The US does this literally every year, because the resolution doesn't respect freedom of speech.
"obama's support of nazism"?
79 years after Kristalnacht and the Jews haven't learned anything. They just keep pushing their shitty post-war propaganda, seemingly without realizing the Boomers are mostly fucking dead and the new generation sees through their bullshit.
And its not like it matters anyway. Freedom of speech doesn't real.
King Niggers legacy is secured at last..
doubling down is the only thing they know how to do
So now they care about the nation state?
Interesting that Ukraine and some random cluster of islands near australia also voted no.
I bet he's a white supremacist too.
wtf I love king nigger now
Of course not.
It blows my mind that people still act like the kike-left being hypocrites when it serves them is something surprising or unexpected.
Jews and their philosemitic shabbos pinko stooges don't give a fuck about anything but winning, and they'll say fucking anything to that end.
you didn't redtext the header in 72 font - back to halfchan with you
The first amendment is the only reason we didn’t do it in the ‘40s. Every single person in government wants that to happen.
If you're going to cop out with a "sorry my bad hymie!" why bother to begin with nigger?
It's shit-tier low-energy posting without even a simple fucking thought from the OP, just a quote, a link, and faggotry. Perhaps you should go with him.
Free speech, UNiggers.
>Implying it wasn't just a group of kikes (((bringing awareness))) to an issue for the purpose of making themselves look like poor victims
perfect last thread before going to bed
Come back when Amurica votes against Israel
It's all real – in my mind.
The absolute state of (((Journalism))), ladies and gentlemen.
I guess obongo wasn't so bad after all.
I can't believe I used to think that was comedy gold.
Its so stupid and pointless and funny at the same time, because it makes no sense… I miss being fourteen.