So KFC made this weird steel cage that blocks eletronic signals and is selling it for $10,000.. No one is going to buy this to sit with their family in this thing on thanksgiving. Its a small f**king cage and the only reason i could think someone would want this is to captivate someone within it and cut off any eletronic signals they may have in them like a GPS tracker or something else of the like. No really who the hell would want this for anything else?

Other urls found in this thread:


KFC selling shitty branded faraday cages? Just fucking build your own.

This looks like a kind of weird gadget you might find on Second Life: it looks dumb but is incredibly useful.

Am I missing something? What the fuck is the point of this and why is KFC involved?

What the fuck?

It's supposed to be a globe. I knew that mustachioed freak was behind all of this all along.

That poor woman, stuck in a chicken fried igloo with a yid, a Mongol and a nigger. I'll keep the garbage can Faraday cage I made one weekend that I store spare electronics and hard drives with archives in.

Its actually real.

I would like to try sleeping in one and see if there is a difference.

W-what the fuck timeline is this?

Finally, a place to store my google/apple phone while im not using it.

Also forgot to add, it seems the cage keeps white males away

It's a joke you autists.


Did you think this was a fucking game bro? This is real fucking life.

not even surprised at this tbh

Damn, I must be in the wrong line of business


I'm so confused right now.


This, ffs.

Pretty sure it's a fucking joke. What are you sliding?

no sauce, just a signiture proprietary blend of herbs and spices

who would buy this shit? you can make your whole basement a faraday cage for 1/20 of the shekels.


The fuck, it's obviously been designed with "Family time without phones" in mind - a good concept, but a creepy fucking product.

Could be incredibly useful in certain situations…

Heiling these underrated Fuhrer dubs.

It's weird seeing (((them))) push the "unplug" messaging. I think on some level they realize their digital bread and circuses have been hijacked and turned into redpill dispensaries.

This is the 3rd or 4th mention of "unplugging" I've seen this week in the mainstream.

Perhaps related to Net Neutrality?

KFC buy wacky pitches from their agency from time to time. This one I like a lot. A one off piece of Americana that will have cost much more than 10k to design and commission isn’t a bad deal at all. I could see it fetching far more at auction some years down the line.

The agency behind it: wk.com/
An article on it: campaignlive.co.uk/article/kfcs-latest-wacky-product-10000-internet-escape-pod/1450490

So you can have quality time with no distractions eating kfc with da fam

Holy fuck, every day im reminded that this is objectively the best timeline
When are we getting KFC private security or recreational nukes?

Da hell am I reading?
Is their CEO conspiracy guy?

Is he /ourguy/?

If not, can we make him into one? (because conspiracy peeps are really close to us on ideology scale)

Double this you kids fall for anything.

KFC knows whats coming and wants you to be prepared.

Looks real to me.

When KFC starts an openly black ethno-state in post-plague-cleansed Africa in order to relocate all the blacks out of America and Europe with the promise of free popcorn-chicken for life as a means of reparations (ala what was pushed by the UN), but on the condition that they agree to become ex-patriots.


What is this even? Who thought of this? How did they not get fired? You can't even wrestle in the thing.

You can build a faraday cage for like $10. What is this shit?

You fucking illiterate children.

Kill yourself grandpa.


I thought Thai exclusively eat Hitler-brand fried chickens though

is that "meme" from gay porn too?

The average Bill-Nye / Science nigger / Rick and Morty fan has never heard of the Gauss Law or of Faraday cages.

To them this KFC cage is a form of bizarre chicken magic.


Wouldn't it be easier to just turn off your fucking phone?

that's fucking hilarious

God invented hammers for a reason.

You need to fuck off back to where ever you came from.

Boot scootin boogy your ass on back to Tumblr, faggot.

If you think this is weird you gotta try their vive game.

its "COOL" Marketing
See this goyim? KFC is L33T! KFC is with it!, buy our RAD 8-peice bucket of mediocre MSG covered chicken goyim, BUY IT NOW
popcorn chicken is good tbh






why is everyone responding in a blatantly obvious shill thread for shitty fast food?



Welcome to 8/pol/

the point of marketing isnt direct sales, its to get you to think about their shitty product and to tell a bunch of other idiots about said shitty product

"hey, did you hear KFC made a faraday cage?"
"whaaaaaaat no way, let me post this on Reddit™!!!"

Yes this does not make sense to White people. I saw this and it didn't make sense until I saw the 2nd guy in the 2nd pic. He kinda looked Asian to me, with the squint eyes. In Japan, this shit might possibly sell. Even though it's a White / Christian holiday, Japanese will celebrate Christmas with KFC. KFC sells big (for Japan) holiday meal deals you can order ahead of time for Christmas. Yes you have to order ahead of time, sometimes weeks in advance, to get your order filled. Maybe they are marketing the $10k stupid dome to the rich Japanese (or other Asian country who love KFC?), I don't know. Simply Internet search "japan kfc christmas" and you can verify my claims. After all that, SAGE because WTF does this have to do with POLICTICS?

Again, where do you think you are?
Everyone is either just taking the piss on this or ignoring it.
We're not a bunch of pathetic loosers who are constantly on the lookout for something to post on their kikebook wall to draw attention to ourselves.
Report and hide if it hurts your butt so much.

looks like a gook to me

this is a coded message

false flag and/or eotwawki and/or shit going down ww3 style incoming, and they warn the elites to lockdown in their bunkers and ready for deep dive

You really think KFC would market here? We're hardly their main demographic, that would be a huge waste of money.

I'm a millennial btw.

You think I'll take with anyone about this outside of this thread?

the marketing company would probably be delighted if the pictures of this object became cool elite interwebs maymays, as the *chans are wont to generate


First, we have IDs here. Second, when you make posts like these pretending you're in the know and ridiculing other anons you just out yourself as a newfag with your normalfag tier assumptions. So kindly lurk for 2 years and then kill yourself.


You're all fucking disconnected autists. This is just a humorous play on the typical normie concern over cell phone use at the dinner table ruining conversation and family bonding. The faraday cage stops cell phone signal so people are forced to interact normally.


Fucking normies!

criminally underrated

I sure am.

I'd rather stick my head in a tin trashcan and let 100 chimps bang on it with cymbals then listen to that

why the fuck do you even know about it?!?


end your life, nigger

You need to go back.

are you like 80 years old or what? Eurobeat is part of our culture.

Why is it so fucking hardcore? Even heavy metal feels effeminate in comparison.

PR has a new guy that's just outright trolling the company. All it stirs talk and gives their brand attention on social media.

It doesn't even seem to be grounded, hows that shit suppose to work?

One of the best time lines.

it'll still work. you can block signals with aluminum foil around your phone, too. or a fridge.

Eurobeat is 110% White, nigger.

kek Is this marketed towards black prison populations?

If I was a school principal, all the classrooms would be Faraday cages to stop the students from wasting time on their smartphones during class.

They sold a $20,000 meteorite that they carved to look like a chicken sandwich. I’m not making this up.



I wondered why schools didn't just install them in every class room.

Now thats shitposting. Its a shame they ruined the natural form though.

Not from CIAniggers you can't, and I'll be damned before they ruin Thanksgiving again for me. Lurk two years before your next post.

dont respond to paid shills

it was probably a slice that had oxidation on the outside, also iron ones aren't that rare.

my bad

Is it oven roasted?

It probably costs a lot more than it should, considering how this $100 cage is being sold for $10000

lol reported

Reported, too.

Once you notice this shit you see it's everywhere. Once or twice could be accidental, or just isolated incidents, but when the majority of advertisments show black men being more dominant than white men, and white women being

Pure coincidence, they obviously just picked 4 people at random.

Holy shit, that's a really great idea. Should email that to Betsy Devos. :)

A few times is coincidence. Regular occurrence suggests ulterior motives. The normal excuse is "they're just following the money, trying to maximize profits. No cultural implications here!". But IRL interracial couples are extremely uncommon, so it makes no sense to market to them.

You say that now but my dad got pissed at the cousins playing with their phones constantly that he made a Faraday cage to keep their phones in when they came to visit. Told them if it's important you'll hear it ring.


Toho Eurobeat is some good shit

Glad to hear your dad has some balls.

No mobile and have socially healthy dinner. Plugged people tends to eat less so that means less profits.

>It's weird seeing (((them))) push the "unplug" messaging. I think on some level they realize their digital bread and circuses have been hijacked and turned into redpill dispensaries.

this is the weirdest shit i have seen all day.

Clearly they want some nigger to be safe inside a Faraday cage for "reasons" i can't figure them out but it clearly is targeted towards some rich murrican nigger.

The curly haired near the door user… 2 White Women, no white males.

I love how even people in Thailand know niggers feed mainly on fried chicken regardless of the origin of the nigger or the country they live in,i do hope they get deported after the commercial.
I used to have a KFC near my work place and a lot of subsaharan illegal migrants roaming and selling shit on the street,those people come from the shitiest of countries yet their DNA asked them to be near a KFC, there is another KFC further down the road from where I live and yup at night is where all the nigger pimps stay,it's like they can't help it.

Using the Fuhrer's secret recipe of over 6 gorillion hebes and spics.



Might want to get checked for mild 'tism. The British have a phrase called "taking the piss" and this thread is mostly that.

Don't question it. It's the Free Market™ at work.

Now this is just bizarre.

What kind of giga-turbo-maximo autists does KFC have in their R&D departments, anyway? And how do they get them to stop playing Dorf Fort long enough to actually get any of these weird ass ideas implemented?

fuck off you dumb jew

That hurts my autism

Look at his hand.
the skullshape is weird, and tone might be because of lighting.

The colonel is selling overpriced, artery clogging food to niggers and basically killing them from the inside out while contributing to their economic failure.
Even if he's not /ourguy/, he's /ourfuckingguy/.

but not as bizzare as the KFC VR simulator

The colonel has helped kill more niggs than any of us…

pretty sure its a chicken coop, not a chicken government overthrow

Coop d'état?

96,485.34 electric charge per mole of electrons is the Faraday constant, which means in fact that it's not a "magic force field" but a Faraday-priced cage

did they plan to sell it to niggers?
can a nigger draw $10k on an ebt?

well a highly-trained NFL or NBA nigger sure can
just put their own Juden-provided credit card on the field, easy.

Wow, you sure are an idiot. You are really dumb if you think anything can be made out of more than a hundred percent of anything.


I see the fucking point of it. Niggers invite stupid liberal feminist white bitches to the faraday cage called a "traditional african tent" to enjoy KFC. Dumb bitch goes in, nigger pulls a gun and rapes dumb bitch while eating KFC. And the nigger taunts the dumb bitch with "GO AHEAD AND CALL DA POLICE, THEY AIN'T GONNA HEAR YA!"



Japs are honorary Aryan: let's peg them around 30% white
Italianos are 80% white
Eurobeat are Italian-Jap music = 110% white
Any problem, autist?

Also watch this vid and be inspired.

ID fullchan dubs tell me this is their future.

nah, too elaborate for a nigger, they don't make plans
it's rather a plan by a sjw feminist tumblrista lardwhale to get in the cage with a nigger and get herself raped without the possibility to launch her rape-whistle-app so that she can pretend she wasn't asking for it
cognitive dissonance be damned

Looks like a poor man's EMP shield for their personal bunker you unresourceful cunt.

What the sam hill was that. Creepy, over glossy, that uncle touchy coughing voice. Shitting fuck, what autist came up with that.

Remake of commie kike nihilism conditioning?

Yes my fellow (((white))) person, we can't allow those damn gen z kids to take their eyes of our seventeenth classroom showing of Schindler's List.

what timeline am I in?

chicken enthusiasts need to protect their brains from the microwave mind control lasers orbiting in space too

OP is probably part of the KFC marketing team, they have been pumping "quirky" shit out for a while now. Goofy marvel comics crossovers and VR games are the two things that come to mind. They just want to be hip and you faggots are eating it up.

Also it is hilarious but this is belongs on Holla Forums or something.

I've noticed something as well.

>Hilda Berg

Things are getting pretty weird right now.

Are you stupid or something?

Watch these two videos

2nd vid

Checked for

The unpluggening

get out

Schizos, man, when will they learn?


This thread needs more high energy to pass through the KFC Faraday cage.


the fuk?

That really strokes my OSI model.


smashing everyone's phones would actually be cheaper than buying the cage even if all the phones are top of the line


So young and already looks like a roasted whore with those sharpie eyebrows. Another dumb impressionable slut made herself ugly for no reason.
