Sup fellow alt-righters. After being plugged in to beta-land for too long, I have finally awoken and taken the red pill thanks to the likes of Sargon of Akkad and Thunderf00t. How should we proceed in redpilling all of the normies so we can defeat the cancer that is the left once and for all?
Sup fellow alt-righters. After being plugged in to beta-land for too long...
A slighty less-shitty thread died for this.
Stop following celebs are go to source materials: Culture of critique, Some Critical Theory awareness. This will help you. You also need to lurk for two years before posting.
kind of like how all the shitty pepe articles popping up were actually from the altkike constantly harassing and bullying journalists on twitter, Holla Forums hasn't done anything since the exodus, this is a shit board of LARPcucks
you can start by abandoning the alt-right, which is controlled opposition, and embracing Holla Forums, aside from the frog-stuff and various hell-dwellers and shilling
notice how everyone saged this thread, OP.
There is a reason for that
lurk two years
Reported, too.
Kneel to Adolf.
Feel free to get the fuck out any time, my dood.
but tell me where i'm wrong there faggot, you haven't started the shitty pepe drama, you haven't started the "its okay to be white" you didn't do anything, the media outrage wasn't from 8/pol/ it was from all the honeypot faggots you so despise, you're a larpcuck faggot, consider suicide.
Read Mein Kampf Stalag Edition.
lurk 2 years before posting (so as to guarantee a minimal board quality)
Good luck.
indeed it will, that you are an insecured faggot who can't accomplish anything, feel free to kill yourself to keep people who's actually useful, go back to reddit before dying though, I don't want this place to smell like shit from cancerous fag corpse.
Your English skills seem to be on par with Maldraw. Go back to the cuckchan you hold in such high regard.
Holy Christ in Heaven that picture. Its on so many layers of irony and so bad its good i cant tell how i feel towards it and how i sgould feel about myself afyerwards for the feelings i have towards it
Wow so many cuckchanner shills ITT.
OP you need to abandon Sargon and do
Try harder NSA
Yeah mate lets ignore the fact that you steal shitty memes and make bootlegs out of them by calling everyone you don't agree with niggers who can't speak english, that'll show em!
Go away BBC nobody like's you.
anally destroyed over the simple fact that you didn't accomplish anything, how does it feel to be part of an echo chamber that fails miserably at everything?
Reported for being a paid shill.
Some good ideas are reading Mein Kampf, building up the world around you for your children, slowly revealing power levels to coworkers and other frequent acquaintances. Action is the big key here, no sitting around on the net all day. Saged because you need to lurk 2 years.
Reported because it triggers you.
I have requisitioned several units of gas. BTW heres an example for any real Holla Forumsack of just how diluted cuckchan Holla Forums has become in pic related. OP calls it "POL" and literally no one said anything. Not one of them knows the name of the board. Before the split, you called it Holla Forums or you were told to GTFO.
You can’t even say nigger there anymore, anywhere on the site.
I love it when kikechan scum come here and claim our oc is theirs.
Hi fellow white alt-righters, I like Trump and memes lol.
But seriously, let us all make alt-right plans.
Does anyone have any good domestic terrorism plots that we can discuss openly here among real alt-right friends here, because I am part of the alt-right.
nice vpn you got there, samefag.
I don't know how you found this place but you need to kill yourself out of it.
Fuck, reflex.
Shouldn't point out precise information on these obvious plant threads, it gives information to the enemy, like giving them an instruction kit.
Delete the post.
Guaranteed replies
Reported for being a paid shill.
Pick one, faggot. Sage.
This has to be a bait thread
For now don't make threads, instead follow the lead of those that have been here longer. I have been lurking here for a year now and I am still learning.
Reading "Mein Kampf" is really the best you can do for now as it shows how history repeats itself today. Most importantly it also teaches you what Nazi ideology actually is about directly from the source instead of false propaganda.
The meme flags killed cuckchan tbh
this place has changed
Sup fellow nationalist socialists? After normying it up hating Yonald Wololumph with the beta sjw kike soyboy numales I have become woke to green frog red pill and no longer feel blue. Tell me of your plans to blow up a federal building my glorious natsee comrades. Cuckchan, reee, anime woman. Hashtag Turks for Hitler