How to find a good woman

I found and married a good woman. She's redpilled (she even uses the term "wetback" while at home), fun to be with, and amazing mother (we're expecting our third baby), and so much more! Did I mention she's blond and had a conservative upbringing?

First of all I will say this, I always (and will always) ignore (((MGTOW))) shilling used to demoralize our race. But I will answer any questions or "objections" regarding to what I'm going to say about women. Human women, aka white women.

1) Be a man. Women have a genetic compass to what it is a real man. That is a person that seems well planted in life, someone who has his life in order, and that shows in his appearance. If you're not tall or have a chiseled face, women would still get to fall in love for you, but you must walk and talk like a man. You have to show her that your life is in order and most importantly, that you're not desperate for whatever woman that shows interest in her.

2) Now, when a man is good, it's easy to fall into temptation and get with any woman you want. However, if you're serious about finding a redpilled wife, you must look for her in the right places. You want to find a wife at a club? Don't be surprised if she goes back there again after you're married (with your permission or not). You met your wife at some (((multicultural))) event? Don't be surprised if she wants to take your kids there. Overall, make sure you find her at places where are either conservative by nature or places where you can keep an eye on her.

3) Give her peace of mind. Naturally, we think about money, but sometimes times are tough and that's understandable. Organically, what a woman wants is that she knows you're going to fix the situation and you have to convey that through action. You have to be ambitions in life and have backup plans for a woman to fall for you.

4) This is more of a perquisite, but how do you get a beautiful woman with a modest upbringing. You want a virgin, not someone who jumped into Chad's bed as soon as she saw it possible. What you want to do is to be in all white places; for example, places where there are many esoteric pioneers tend to have low trust environments which create a subhuman culture of gratification now rather than later.

5) Lastly, how do you keep a family wholesome? After 8 years of marriage, I can tell you that the thing that keeps marriage together and self-sustaining is NOT to change the things that she fell for. You manhood, your stability, your effort, and most importantly, you your dreams. If a woman sees you don't cuck out, she won't cuck you. Simple as that.

Other urls found in this thread:

A thing that that D&C shills often try to bring into a conversation is that for marriages to work, women need to be shackled to the kitchen. The truth is that women are very social creatures and you have to give her the ability to go out… HOWEVER you have to ensure what sort of people she goes out. I could write a whole book on this, but the secret lies in two tips:

1) Make sure all her friends are white. Now, don't scoff at her whenever she "gets" a non-white friend, but mold her so that she chooses to go out with her white friends more.

2) Make sure all her friends are women. You don't want her to go out with male friends, if she does, make sure it's a couple's night and you're with her!

Red flags for women

Anyways, the trick to a beautiful marriage that will last is not only dependent on her. You also have to do work on that matter. Not only must you not cuck out after marriage, but have to bring something else to the table.

The million dollar question is, what? The answer to that is that you need to give her children on the first year. Now it doesn't have to be continuous; as I said earlier, that's one of the problems of many other races, especially esoteric pioneers from mexico (which currently are over 30 million in the United States).

Try to give her happiness during marriage, giving a woman a stable and improving family is all she wants. The culture of today makes women think like (((shitskins))), but they are better than that and it's your job to teach her that.

Great post. I'm married and have several kids too. I'm going to have even more.

One thing I wish I was told when I was younger was not to try to make a woman your whole world like in all the movies. It's not the endgame of life. Women are great if you realize they're superficial and are going to get on your fucking nerves. If she obeys, births children and makes coffee what the fuck more do you want from her.

If I would have waited to find a women that appreciated my politics and bantz I'd die alone. Better she just votes as I tell her to and makes more cookies.

I would have saved myself a lot of frustration if I had adopted this outlook earlier.

You are correct user, I can tell you're white like everyone in this board should be. Specially the part of only long term relationships in her past. As long as they are white, there is nothing wrong with that. This is a war for survival and anything that falls to "purism" is just a kike tactic to ensure our race dies off.

Long term relationships on her past are the first sign that you have a redpilled woman in front of you. I would discourage people to marrying old career woman, but if you manage to get one who is barely starting, then that's also ok.

Remember, careers will steal away a woman's natural and organic smile.

If home is to have a greater lure than a tavern, the wife must be at least as cheerful as the waitress.

Men should stop treating feminists like ladies and instead treat them like the men they say they want to be.

Find out if your girlfriend is a feminist before you get too far into it. Some of them are pretty. They don’t all look like Bella Abzug.

What I am defending is the real rights of women. A woman should have the right to be in the home as a wife and mother.

The best way to improve economic prospects for women is to improve job prospects for the men in their lives, even if that means increasing the so-called pay gap.
– Phyllis Schlafly


There's a girl I like. She dressed conservatively (no yoga pants or skimpy clothing), has a stable relationship with her parents, make some jokes about politics, wear very little makeup, and overall we make each other feel welcome. Is she worth it? I've know her for over 5 years, but we now just started talking.

this very much

women should be careless about politics and you be the one who imparts whatever necessary on them

Another thing I want to mention is religion! Women are naturally and organically drawn to it for some reason. They find refuge in religion and if you find a pious woman with good genes in a religious place, that's your best bet.

I was talking to a nigger once, and he told me "church bitches are the worst" and that clearly tells you something about their subhuman culture. Shitskins see Christianity as something to be wary of and that sort of comment proves that.

That's a red flag for men too…

Although soyboys are easier to spot, they have ALL of those qualities.

Finally, there is health and fitness.

If you find your future wife in the gym, make sure she's not a social butterfly, instead she keeps to herself and focuses on having a healthy body to ensure the 14 words.

Oh, of course. I should've noted that coalburning (or any other type of race-mixing) is the biggest redflag of all. Luckily however even here in le 56%land, the vast VAST majority of white people I see do not race-mix.

I also agree about career women. I have a doctorate and work among plenty of "le strong independent career womyn" types, and they're all insufferable cunts with their biological clocks ticking towards the day they all become sterile cat ladies. They're truly fucking awful. I would never get involved with any of these types of women.

Women should be at home having children. Fuck their careers and fuck their degrees. At most a woman can have a part time job to keep busy, and it should never get in the way of raising kids.

just got married on Saturday, only thing i wish is that she would get off the smartphone, but its all good.

I suppose to a degree, but it's more of an issue with women. Except being passionate about politics. It's perfectly normal for men to be passionate about such things. But it's strange for women to be anything other than go-with-the-flow normalfags. So when you see a woman who's into radical politics and such, that's a huge no-no.

What a retarded game this whole mental relationship between men and women is. Were so fucked from the moment our hormones kick in its impossible to come out on top. If you consider that the pill adds even more chemical imbalances in humans its no wonder why human psychological behaviour is so damn chaotic nowadays. How the fuck can anyone think they can win against the chemical jew is beyond me and women are to blame. When that shit started they turned into even greater deviants and think its alright. Wheter or not men choose to better themselves it will always backfire no matter how redpilled you or your women might be. Its just nature- plenty of examples in the Animal and Insect world.
This is not a mgtow shilling, theyre as pathetic as nofap goons.

It's also just that a neurotypical woman will just pick up whatever the political stance of her husband/boyfriend is. If a woman continues to hold totally opposing beliefs to yours, that's a huge sign that she's not really attracted to you and will probably leave/cheat. Women are like putty and they naturally mold to whatever their male provider is. Or at least that's how it's supposed to be.

Don't worry user, things will work out as long as both of you are white. Remember what Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, women with good genes tend to have a more conservative sexuality (lifetime monogamy) and kikes are out there to destroy that.

Sounds like it you faggot.

Women who go to public unisex gyms are typically attention whores going there to be muh dik'd.

where the fuck is my comment

Of course, she sounds like this woman I posted her

Gr8 b8 m8

top kek

The reason Jena Fox was a slut was not because she was white and chads wanted to fuck her… no, the real reason is because one of her friends in NOT white

Has tattoos/piercings

Has short hair/colored hair

Was raised by single parent/is single mother

Had depression/was bullied

Supports LGBT/refugees

Is against racism/misogyny

Has male friends

Traveled/studied abroad

It's always whores that look innocent that are biggest whores.

This while thread is a ruse from >>>Holla Forums7568282

A esoteric pioneer hacked us and delete it. Don't blame it on Jim, he's white.

Fuck off blackpill (((MGTOW))) the kikes are using you to destroy our beautiful race with your negativity.

t. anglo

Marry a woman with white christian facebook stuff


Cyberspace. Already trending to be #1 anyway. But more to the point…. I met mine there. The filtering you're able to achieve is unmatched in real life. Just make clear exactly what you want and the right woman will step up.

Can confirm.

Can confirm.
CANT confirm. See top. If you can filter for the general characteristic of "dark sense of humor" and "wit" and/or "intelligence" you've got a personality ripe for all sorts of redpilling. For life. You shouldn't accept an inferior product due to "time constraints" (i.e. impsulsivity i.e. degeneracy).

This was a long pill so swallow, but can confirm.

what is this (((MGTOW))) kike shit?

It doesn't matter if she isn't a virgin, what matter is that she's white!

14 words >> kike propaganda
Most white girls I know are virgins, they told me so. They simply lost it while horseback riding.

It's autism.

Another red flag is if she has a career or a job already (a most likely case if the woman is 27 years or older). Remember that the best job for a woman is to raise healthy children and support her husband. Hitler always put the woman who successfully raised 4-6 children above the woman with zero children with a career and a job

Haven't met a female over 15 that is a virgin

It's from the same day, dumb-dumb. He's just posting the same message on multiple boards so that more people see it.

Good ones. Especially "lol girls suck that's why I only have male friends :^)"
The only reason men will ever hang out with women is

A woman who has no female friends demonstrates herself to be defective, because no group of women wants her in their clique. And having tons of male friends means she's a succubus who feeds off the attention/desire that her beta orbiters give her, even if never acted upon. It's emotional prostitution. And having tons of men around means that they're always implicitly competing for her with you, meaning as soon as she gets pissed off at you, guess who she's going to turn to?

Shut up (((MGTOW))) shill, most white women are virgins by the time they become 20. It's your fault white man for not finding her, she's ready for you.

Is this some sort of advanced black pill technique? Post clothed pictures of sluts, and then another ID conveniently has each and every one of their nude comparisons at the ready 10 minutes later?

Yeah this confirms it, this is a thinly veiled black pill thread. Reported.

same ID faggot

Why it would be a black pill? It's the redpill.

The biggest one is if she TRAVELED or STUDIED ABROAD

She rode the cock carousel 101%

Reported. Kill yourself.

You’re bad at this.

((( )))

Are you too autistic to notice the sarcastic tone in his posts?



18D5F5, it's the same on all of them.

Go back to tumblr because you're definitely a whore trying to cover up for your fellow whores.

Hee hee yeah, all white women are shit just don't reproduce :^)

I am going to reproduce… somewhere in Asia or Mexico.

That's where you gave yourself away, roastie, but nice try anyway, and thanks for playing.

Just get out, kike.

No, he's a kike for thinking like a SJW.

It was actually suppose to sound like a betacuck.

Half of the userbase are spics ever since the donuhld faggots ruined this board. It's only downhill from here. The real white anons left to endchan ages ago. See you there.


It was actually a big redpill, but too many bluepilled normies don't want to think that most women (immediately 80% of them) are subhuman whores.

You can always go to Mexico or Russia and get one from an orphanage… do I have to do all the thinking for you?

This might actually work.

At first I thought you were a goon, but now I think you're just a soyboy.

Nice natural and organic dubs.

Esoteric pioneers in the United States (10 million, maybe more) come here to check on the news.

so self-sustaining

No shit, I thought about it really hard and orphanages are the way to go.

WARNING: They are becoming obsolete, so if you're going to do it, do it soon. I was planning to go to Sweden to do that, but I'm going to go to mexico as it's faster. If that fails, I'm planning to live the rest of my life somewhere in Asia after I get married there.



you don't belong here

But how exactly can you adopt if you're single?


What's wrong with right? If she sees the world burning I would want her to be passionate.
Viking/celt racial heritage tats are ok and basic flowerery stuff but not if it's all over the place.
That's impossible to know and assuming is a huge mistake with women. Women lie like it's breathing air.

In Sweden you can, but it takes forever (5 years… maybe 3 with very good lawyers).

In Mexico and Russia, you will need lawyers (because you're foreign and they really frown that upon) but it should be easier. Having said that, you will also need a "life partner". Russia and Mexico are literally the same country, in both cases it's "somewhat legal" to be "gay" but in practice fags are discriminated in the process.

Regarding Asia, you can't… BUT you can marry a qt local and then go to Russia or Sweden and adopt another wife.

bumping with some good reading material

BTW, I said on the last time, Russia and Sweden because they are biased towards asian women (they see them as more trustworthy or something).

Also, note that Russia is an asian country, so that helps (a lot). But I suspect they have a vetting process where they talk with the parents separately, so make sure you tell your first wife you always wanted to adopt.

Because it's natural for women's beliefs and attitudes to revolve around acceptable attitudes, because we have thousands and thousands of years of evolutionary psychology molding women into these creates who are dominated by social status and fear of ostracism and such.

I'm not saying a woman being conservative/traditional is a bad thing. I'm saying that a woman who's REALLY passionate for politics and a far-leaning radical is a red flag. There's a difference. You don't tend to see many women at the political extremes for a reason.

Perhaps I'm not explaining this right.

Damn, you're a fucking genius.

Get asian wife from Asia and adopt future baby machine from Russia or Sweden.

Can confirm, I talk with black women all the time at work.

I have more.

Speaking of asians, can't they be surrogates for white mothers?

You sound like a fucking kike. If she's redpilled I want her to be pissed and scared because that's the sane human reaction to the Jew World Order

Reminder to hide all tradcuck threads.

Adoption doesn't solve the problem. You're just shuffling around and redistributing where white babies go. You're not actually creating more white babies

His plan is to fuck the kid.

You're not getting what I'm saying. Stop treating women as though they're just men with tits. A woman who's heavily into politics is a red flag for the same reason that our forefathers banned women from politics/voting/etc for thousands of years until only very recently.

WTF???? Reddit wasn't lying when it said you guys were hardcore. wew. Thankfully this is all a LARP. Glad /r/thedonald sent me here tbh.


real ancap hours

So find best aryan qt you can get to pass her genes and use IVF so that your asian baby carries your child. It will be good because the asian wife will be like a nanny to take care of your children but your children won't have shitty asian genes.

How can a kid give birth to a baby?

*asian wife

They can, but I don't think it's worth it (time and money, but also energy)… HOWEVER, I would if the woman isn't that pretty (as in you had to pay her cosmetic surgery before going to adopt).

I really don't care about the LARPfagging about race, but if you really want more white babies, I would look into it. For example, I know that depending at what point of her menstrual cycle, you're likely to generate more girls (+80% chance). Again, make sure you done all the research after adopting (so you don't become emotionally invested) but before fucking her (to not sperg and develop that thing men get where they can't get horny).

What is the point of all this? Why go through all that bullshit instead of just marrying a white woman?

Because this is a shill thread and you should report it.

Because the white woman might not be a good wife.

Because the white woman is in the orphanage. You need to get first the wife and the surrogacy stuff is if you want even more white babies.

Oh ok, that's what the problem is… You see this as politics, which would make you correct in that case. I see this as a massive neanderkike pedo blood drinking race destroying, planet of the ape creating, enviroment poisening, debt inducing, constantly flaunting, war forcing, heroes killing, nukes forging, brainwashing nightmare.
And you see this all as politics (acting, stagecraft).

But the adoption thing is more complicated while the surrogacy stuff is more expensive.

>>>Holla Forums7568282

There's this thing called puberty, I've never seen it personally, but it activates some almonds in females that makes 'em have babies 'n' whatnot.
He's talking about adopting and raising a kid to use for breeding. You're in a discount rusecruise thread my man.

That's what I am talking about too you fucking faggot.

Adopting and raising the kid is not fucking the kid. You fuck the kid and make babies when she hits puberty aka NOT A KID ANYMORE.



Yes. But the adoption gets you a young wife, while the surrogacy gives you someone in their 20s.

Men going their own way is a homosexual movement anyway. If you're 20+ and not doing anything productive towards securing the white race, you need to rethink your life.


It's normal for a woman to be concerned with down-to-earth things that impact her directly. This includes things like shitskin invaders and all that, as well as degeneracy being promoted to kids.

It's NOT normal for a woman to have shelves full of books by radical thinkers (whether guys like Evola and Spengler on the right or Marx and other commie kikes on the left) and be really into the philosophical nuance of these sorts of things. That's for men, and there's probably something wrong with a woman deeply into that sort of stuff.

Reported for strawman.

Like go to Japan and have 3/4 Pure Aryan babies?

Aryan + Honorary Aryan (1/2 Aryan) = 3/4 pure aryan

Holla Forums once again confirmed for desperate perma-virgins…


Yeah. But how would you explain at the hospital the baby born out of your adopted kid or in official papers?

>>>Holla Forums7568284
>>>Holla Forums7568292

To imply women are not aware of this fact if they are in the least bit awake is a severe underestimation. Yes, there certainly are vapid cunts who are attention-whores on their phones through social media who could not give a shit about societal problems.

Remember to sage.

Please don't be one of those guys desperate to have a wife that will echochamber your thoughts. If a woman shares that sort of edgy thinking, she has mental issues.

Smug Redhead is a great Smug.

Did you read my post. That's EXACTLY WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY

How will we ever recover Holla Forums?
>>>Holla Forums7568398

You travel the world, for example in China, they won't ask too many questions BUT you might not want for your child to be born there.

Personally, I would go to a latin american country (except mexico as they are very linked to the US) and hae my child on the capital or a big city. Not joking, literally the best place to do it. You will get a good balance between service (your child not going through weird/dangerous shit) and privacy… and the price is good as well.

I apologize, didn't read the second paragraph. And ou're correct on that point. I would even go just a bit further and say that if she's constantly antagonizing another group, you should be careful. I said this because I know of a married couple in divorce, and even though the woman used to said "nigger" she's now saying her husband did and denying she ever did.


I do want to warn you not to go to any country going through shenanigans (specially commie countries). There is a chance the baby could get stole if the staff is occupied on something else AND there is low security… I know because it happened to me when I was 2 weeks old, and it ruined my life.

this whole thread stinks of gefilte fish

Are you doubting the seriousness of hitler dubs?

storytime pls

Those in that pic look like two tryhard sluts. I would keep my distance from them.

So why the fuck aren’t you saging and reporting?

b-but can we at least practice before then?

sometimes, strange things appear
Just saying use pictures that can't be reverse searched

Did your parents willingly go to Albania or some shit?

just turned off my VPN (so it won't be same IP, never is)

It isn't much of a story though:
[missing part of the story, I know my dad had military connections from his father's side]



No, but I know exactly what you're talking about. Although my country wasn't as bad as the balkans (around that time period-ish) in terms of strife brought by war, the social aspects were very similar as it had just begun to lift from socialism.

Only one way

Leave pedo


Or a troll. When its too good to be true its one of those things

That white man did more against white genocide than you ever will.


Another (((white))) grill gets pooed

I know women that do these things because its their idea of fun. You won't discovery anything in a video call either in some occasions but yeah a video call is a good tool to filter out obvious scams

* won't discover

I wonder if the indians have official names for the various percent mixes between aryan and dravidian, because I’m having trouble figuring out how long ago this guy got his dravidian admixture. Maybe he had three aryan grandparents and one dravidian, because his facial features are mostly aryan (save the nose and chin width) and his skin’s not very dark. Damn quadvidians.

you nerds say this about any female above a 6. just because youll never get one doesnt mean you have to come up with a negative about them to make yourself feel better. yes im aware a lot of you were sackless geeks growing up but some here can actually get top tier women.

Why does that girl look like Lauren Southern?

top kek

You're supposed to call everyone here an anime-watching virgin, shill. No idea where the hell sackless came from.

they both look white



I figured this one out the hard way, but that had nothing to do with why things didn't work out for us. Generally, why is this a bad idea? constant debates/arguments?

That's nice hole, how about you go back to trying to stitch your cunt back together?

I'm just saying that in this day and age, women that dress like that and look like are usually found at a fancy dress party. If found in any other setting, its should at least raise some warning bells.. Trust but verify

The problem is not the arguments, but the resentment she builds. The only way she won't feel resented is if you cucked out in your believes, but that just worsens the marriage even more.

Don't trust the "conservative" bitch, they do that to get someone to pay for their poor choices.

Being strong willed and determined, having real solid confidence in yourself can be the brightest guiding light for a woman.
Talk with her to see that there is nothing on her mind distracting her, if there is, solve it with your own will.
She will follow you and your views.

Tell that to women, you cuck.


She was about as redpilled as I was, so we would bounce ideas off of each other and carry on. Neither of us really gave in to the other because we were always on the same page. What's there to resent in that situation?



I wish I was a chad so I could marry a loli.

It was a sad day when I found out that bitch cheated on me. Couldn't forgive her, and I still haven't found a redpilled woman since.

Choose one.

A woman will always be a woman, as Hitler once said, "You cannot win against nature."

What's stops you?

female here, im having trouble finding a red pilled man. Most I've dated just act like they dont care about politics and act indifferent on topics. Lots of men today shy away from work, dont care about tradition, ignore out culture and act very feminim… Where do I find a red pilled man?


He genes made her do it. She wanted Chad's meat, and she got it. Just like Hitler said.

here is your (you)


It looks like one of these ghoul vampire from Vampire the masquerade.

Women will always trade up for what they think is a better deal. Some have the strength to resist and value loyalty over perceived advancement, others are selfish cheating whores.

omg yes!

she'd suck the life out of you with those DSL


;) aww

female trap

underrated post

And that's a part of a redpilled woman. If they cheat, they're worthless whores, not redpilled.

If you are not a virgin then it's over for you. No self-respecting man will want to settle down with a used up whore.

They were the greatest men when they could marry lolis because they had no worries the wife would go whoring around and had more time to focus on creating great things.

No, that's a woman with some visage of honor. You can be redpilled but also a fucking backstabbing hypocrite.

holy shit dude I said I dated them not fucked them. but maybe in english speaking term dating equalls sexual relationship?

she can always lie… that's what it means to be "redpilled" for most woman.

In burgerland it definitely does.

tits or gtfo

Natural and organic girl, does she has a bird?



ah I was waiting for that one, sorry im not a degenerate so im not posting my tits online!

And if you fucked them what? You shouldve gffucked them.

ah, I see, wish I could edit my post then, I will remember that in the future

An honorable woman will also be redpilled.
You will not find an honorable leftist female.
If she is "redpilled" but cheats, she's just another useless, worthless cunt.

I can't believe men marry city whores like that.

oh wait you are female trap


I made some other posts explaining why. It's because women are inherently unideological, so seeing one really into politics is a sign that something is wrong. The fact that you can get into fights and end up resenting each other over differing opinions is just the cherry on top.


shes 14

High chance of exposure to a bit of cultural marxism, but QT nonetheless.

sad to children dolled up like that. my sisters 8 year old daughter is already trying to act like that and her mother thinks its great,,,

you failed

can confirm, found it out the hard way. I think she may have seen pol as a meme and emulated it IRL, but she had left leaning tendencies such as regularly going to huge parties and mild-heavy usage of psychedelics, wasn't blacked, wanted to be a house wife and raise lots of kids. Guess that's what happens when you raise a white girl in the heart of Memphrica.

To be honest no women past the age of 21 is worth dating. The amount of emotional baggage that you have to deal with is fucking staggering. Daddy issues, abandonment issues, failed former relationships and the list goes on. Even still, the older she gets the less fertile she is and more nagging she becomes.

what do you think about


I know how you feel. I grew up under strict circumstances, but my sister is allowed to travel with the family money (she needs 20 dollars a day to eat).


I've had nightmares about taking home someone elses kid when mine comes because of some incompetent nigger nurse, I carry a non-toxic marker with me everywhere now because I intend on marking it as soon as its born

You're thinking well, but you might wanna do post-hospital genetic testing.

Just in case, think of this however you want.

a marker is a lot cheaper than that, but I would if I have doubts

Sucks shit man.
I hope you can overcome it.
Fulfill your potential in the ways you discover.

I'd trust myself to know my own handwriting before i trusted some nigger to properly run a genetic test.

you stupid…

This guy gets it.

I regularly go into hospitals and copy the markings into several other babies.

thats actually fucking smart, hell yeah

what if the woman signals a woman nurse to give "positive" results on DNA test?

or what if a woman that works in the hospital tries to help a fellow "sister"?

Does it change color under UV Light?

They put bands on your arm and babies leg as soon as it's born and they have to be cut off. Nothing wrong with fail safes though.

I don't trust any of that shit, if it was a perfect system people would never get switched at birth, it still happens.

The bands ca be put on loosely and slipped off one infant and placed on another. Marker dad would need to make sure it was tightened enough to prevent this without risking restriction of blood flow.

>tfw almost good on all ends but 5'2"
I don't want a fucking midget for a wife, I don't want to curse my children with this height disease

Can confirm.
Met my wife when she was 9. We've been happy ever since.

Get a tall woman, an Amazon.

Because it IS Lauren Southern you tool

There's nothing like having a taller woman wrap her legs all the way around you. Work out, stay in shape, don't be a cuck, you'll find one.

ffs shes jewish why is she even relevant.

If you are alpha enough, the biggest of amazons will be submissive to you dont worry, also I doubt your height problems are genetic. You got a shitty start on life and had to take medication so I think your kids will be fine.

I hope you were no older than 11 user.

Find a very tall woman who had an accident and lost her legs and arms.
The genes will be intact.

Or, look around the ward when your short wife is giving birth, find a very tall pregnant mother.
Then switch her one for yours.

In case of catfish, demand video call. Reverse search EVERYTHING, request fresh pictures and check their exif data to boot

i suppose you were nine too…

sage for shit bread

doubt that pic is his waifu

globally reported for loli posting

This is a great thread. Nice shitposting release valve compared to all of the other garbage that has been showing up recently. Bump!

Well I fucked that up.

I was 2 at the time, but I still remember.

I met my wife through online dating and things have been fine, its a mixed bag for sure though. I'm a cyber security engineer though and I think putting that down as my occupation repelled all catfish attempts.


oh thats sweet I guess, how did you two meet again? were you neighbours?

read this

Get seed from embryo from aryan female and put it into asian wife


disgusting, reported for unspoilered ludes tbh
shit thread increases in shitness

And if he was?

Well I mean it wasn't a clever trick. It's the truth.

He already established that he wasn't.

What would you suppose would be a clever trick to deter catfish for us non-cyber security engineers

that wasn't me (changed IPs again)

That's been pretty well established in the thread, if it goes past initial contact reverse image search and investigate everything (cmon buddy you're a Holla Forumsack do what you do) Insist on video chat asap with clear lighting, just make sure you aren't getting a bunch of contradictory information and lies / hesitation. Date local only check exif data on photos to verify if you are particularly autistic, meet after like a month in a public place. Don't let on you are being so scrutinous because it would be a bit creepy just consider it OPSEC.

It's a photoshop, dude.

aight, sry

Don't worry… I just didn't want my story to be linked to self-pity or pity for that matter.

Well I have shit to do, its been fun. I'm rooting for you all (except the goons and shills), NEVER GIVE UP!


Joking aside, was it a girl or a boy?

underage here. How do I find a gf?

Its going to be a girl btw

-Marker Dad


Dunno. Post some pics from your yearbook so we can see what options you have available.

see this

My biggest advice, check how your wife raises her after she hits puberty. Not only when you're around, but when you're not.

top fucking kek

Don't worry I have my shit on lock.

kinda weird to rate 6th graders tbh

Really grasping at straws. "(((Modern Women)))" is more accurate.

down to 50%
down to 30%
down to 15%
Down to what, 1%? Less? Sure, you only need to find one, but they're so few and they have high standards because they are valuable. I wish you all luck but it's going to be hard to find one.

Do you want help or not?

become an esoteric pioneer in asia

fuck all your class mates

The amount of white knighting ITT is depressing

nah I don't have any girls at my school and its weird posting personal pics anyways

I've gotten used to it. Everything is fine, on fire but fine. :)

yeah I get all that, I meant something to include in a profile that would make catfish wary of attempting to get involved in the first place. I know the deal when checking for a profile's legitimacy after the fact.

You should only be telling the truth my dude.

>Just accept Tyrone, Chad, and Steve's sloppy 50th's and be grateful my (((fellow Aryans)))!

You want girls to notice you but you don't want to become a giant faggot in the process. Here's the deal:

You want to get women looking at you but you can't be a phony because they work that out pretty quickly. If you're always staring at girls they will always be looking away as they don't like to be seen as sluttish in front of their friends. Find a good coach and start power lifting. Women first take notice visually in the distance, as we all do, and they are biologically tuned to pick up on big shoulders and small waists.

If you dress like a phony you will attract phonies but if you dress with good taste and style you'll attract them all so be careful who you choose at the end of the day.

Also, just talk to women a lot but be careful not to fall for any sluts as women are notorious fantasists and just talking to one is grounds for them thinking that you like them.

Why are you posting her pic on here? I assume that's her.

If you're going to gamble your entire life on the whims of another person, might as well be picky about it.

You don't sound very determine to make white babies, a real white man oversees the flaws of an aryan woman and marries her. What are you going to do, marry a shitskin?

yeah, you're right. If I tell the truth I won't have to worry about anyone attempting to meet up with me. Nobody seems to like the cripples, as minor as mine may be.

I think you're SOL.


This lol.

Id rather be single then be with someone whos so fucking braindead that they wouldnt be hard pressed to choose Trump over Hillary.

Are you that new to the internet? jfc


I consider Japs as fully White, but I don't approve of your idea any more than I would if you were stealing a Finnish woman from a Finnish man.

underrated post

It's one of those broads Chris Hansen works with. I'm going to go oil my clippers.

How to find women with the supreme personality of Margaret or at least the intellectual autism of Tara McCarthy?

Damn, I'm not normally into overly /fit/ women but this one pulls it off well.

Here are your options regarding the Female Question:

1. State-enforced Monogamy with every adulterer/hypergamous/promiscuous individual publicly executed, and women lose all their rights because they're reclassified as property

2. A world where we develop exowombs and exterminate all biofemales

3. All women are genetically engineered to forcibly remove their female nature

4. A world where civilization collapses under the weight of female-driven social programs.

keep looking down, haha XD

speaking of Hansen, he's a boomer too

Tara Mcarthy pings my jewdar

She's only 2% Jewish.

Thanks for the thread, going there.

good to know I'm properly calibrated