New York Post stabs Trump in the back

New York Post stabs Trump in the back

Does this look coordinated to anyone else?

After days of remaining relatively silent on the matter, Trump defended Moore on Tuesday, emphasizing the candidate's denial of the allegations and saying that "we don't need a liberal person" in the Senate, referring to Moore's Democratic opponent Doug Jones.
Jones has seen a boost in public polls since the allegations against Moore surfaced, turning a race long considered safe for the GOP into a competitive showdown. The Alabama special election is set for Dec. 12.

I have a feeling the people of Alabama don't give a fuck wat the New York Post thinks about their senatorial election. And the only reason this race looks (((close))) is because the Fox News poll they keep referencing over sampled democrats by close to 20%. This is obviously coordinated and to question otherwise would be completely retarded. Its important we don't let them steal a senate seat because of the precedent it will set that its ok to throw out accusation without proof. They will do it with every single candidate going against establishment crooks in the upcoming primary elections.

Jeeze, just how important is Moore? I can't recall the Establishment trying this hard against then-candidate Trump.

Isn't Jew York Post a tabloid?

I think McConnell is only a couple of votes away from losing his position as senate Majority leader and with Flake and Corker giving up the fight for 2018, Moore could be the vote that seals his fate when it comes to his Senate leadership position.

Realistically the race is over, Moore has won. Just having Trump in the arena gives permission to the voters in Alabama to feel comfortable voting for Moore. The only way out at this point is to massively rig it.


Anyone know what the deal is with Bitch BcCoddle? Where does he fit in the 1488D chess game? What is his end game?

Remember how McCain basically holds balance of the Senate, honestly wouldn't be suprised if Strange basically took over what McCain is doing now once the old fuck croaks it
And this whole thing

I never knew audio recordings of an event happening is an allegation and not proof
I never knew a picture is an allegation and not proof

hes a democrat that managed to get himself as the Republican Senate Majority Leader. He is an enemy, thats all we need to know

Basically wants to keep a dead philosophy from dying, same with McCain, Ryan, Graeme and Rubio

It's simple, I dismiss allegations against people I like and act on allegations against people I don't (and this is pretending that the allegations against the former aren't substantiated). The left does this constantly and I no longer give a shit about 'taking the high road' or 'being the better man' any of that cucked shit. We are at war, I want our enemies run under and I really don't care how.

Does that annoy you? Tough shit, I don't care.

Yep. Turnabout is fair play.

"Numerous" women, denied "most"… this is shit journalism, even if it wasn't fake news. I doubt people pay attention to those news papers, the writing is too cheeky.

If anyone has the original of Trump checking than please post it

That's fine. Sounds good. You can join the leftists over in the group that isn't allowed to bitch about due process ever again. Have fun, I hear they're very honest.

Due process for whites.
The only process jews get is a bullet in the head. You kikes have sown this. Enjoy.

Might have an early stage of Alzheimer there, user. They ran a massive "Trump is a rapist" campaign around the pussy-tape.

This is a system those leftist cunts build and I personally won't lift a finger to protect them from their own creation. I care more about winning than being fair, Mr. (((Alinsky))).
Additionally the problem with your hollywood democrat subhumans is that they all admit to having done what they are accused off, so your post doesn't make any sense to begin with.

Helps too that the accusations against them often have proof like the audio recording for Weinstein or Franken's pic while for example the highest profile of the Trump accusations basically implies Trump would go on Economy Class of a plane

What's exactly the story about Moore? How old was the "kid"?

14 apparently

Agreed. We're at war and victory is what matters. If we don't achieve total victory, we'll have to face slavery and total extinction. Honor and fairplay are for human beings only, and our foes are demons (kikes) and animals (niggers).

Wasn't a signature faked on a yearbook or something?

yea, Gloria Allred is refusing to turn the Year book over for 3rd party analysis and told wolf blitzer that only the (((Senate))) investigators should be able to look at it.

great post, fuck the left. This is war.

She copied the signature from her divorce records and signed it "D.A." which was Moore's assistant's initials.

So no kid but a woman.




For the record.
Normalfag media is reporting on this as:
"[Moore] sexually assaulted multiple women, some of them under age."


Do you see a difference here?

this and don't forget the (((convenient))) timing.

Hear hear. This is a battle for the survival of our race, not a game of Monopoly. No mercy for kikes or their golems.

Jewish Tabloids are known for their lies.

He doesn't know

because there's nothing to know, kike.

I think you know what to do


Proper mentality. We dont have the luxury of principle-cuckery

So despite the fact that nothing has been proven, and Moore hasn't been found guilty of anything, he should be forced out of the race?

OK, so now all dem cucks have to do to win elections is create a ton of sex allegations just a few weeks before any election. If the candidate doesn't drop out, they'll just keep smearing him with unsubstantiated accusations until he can't win.

No due process in the New Liberal America. Nope, just hysterical mob rule, witch hunts, and fanatical SJW cults looking to tear down any white males.

you don't deserve those dubs, kike. filtered and reported.

that's what they are trying for. I swear to god SJWism needs to die before 2018, I honestly hope he wins the election, and then promptly sues everyone involved in the smear campaign.

B-but the Saracens use swords! You don't want to be like the Saracens, do you?

Yes, we can still bitch about due process. We will just act like the leftists in this manner and have it both ways

What annoys me is seeing weeb pics on Holla Forums

If that ends up being the case, it wouldn't be very difficult to start turning their guns against them


The juden are Wile E. Coyote at this point in the game. Rather than accepting that sometimes you lose instead of win, they just keep ordering new shit from Acme and getting themselves blown the fuck up. And they'll keep falling off that fucking cliff because they can't NOT act like pricks at all times.

They tried that last year and here we are now

I'd like to amend an "except if it endangers innocent white people" to that, but otherwise… CHOO CHOO! Full steam ahead!

You could just ask.

Thanks Jew York Post, if I was in his district I'd take your hatred for the man as all the recommendation I need!


You can't betray someone you never supported.

we already know they coordinate. didn't GG publicize this circa 2013?

Not that one, but several

Fuck off nigger