How Concerned Should Jews Be About Alabama Senate Candidate Roy Moore?
When arguing against the decision, Moore essentially compared complying with the ruling to Nazi officers committing genocide in the Holocaust. “Could I do this if I were in Nuremberg… say that I was following the orders of the highest authority to kill Jews?” Moore asked when explaining his decision to ignore the court. “Could I say I was ordered to do so?” When reminded by the interviewer that the Nazis murdered Jews, he asked: “Is there a difference?”
Nathaniel Jackson
Self kike free first post where you at user
Juan Foster
He's a fucking liability is what he is. Losing an R seat in fucking alabama for fucks sake
Lincoln Wright
Kill your fucking self kike
Chase Cox
enjoy losing the congress you retard. and not everyone who disagrees with the shit smears you consider your opinions is a kike. the longer moore is held on to the worse it is for accomplishing your legislative goals. this is a war and that dumb lecher is already in a body bag.
Jeremiah Carter
He just pulled ahead in the polls. What do you suggest forfeiting the seat to the Dems? Are you stupid? If he wins and is then forced to resign, he'll be replaced by a Republican by the governor. What you're suggesting makes that impossible. The charges are also manufactured horse shit. They had to go back 40 years to make up shit because it would be impossible to prove either way.
Matthew Evans
He did? Well then he's pretty much won. Now Trump himself is wading in to defend him it's more or less a done deal.
Easton Young
I thought that was happening already as a part of the tax bill. I know there's a section in there about it, although it doesn't specifically name the "Johnson Amendment." Is that what the rabbi refers to? The tax bill? Or is he just another dumbass who never actually reads his opponent's literature and doesn't know that's already happening with the tax bill?
Mason Phillips
Never mind. I looked at the date of the article, and it was posted before the tax bill unveiling.
Asher Rogers
Well that's sure to piss them off.
Jacob Kelly
There was a time before the kosher nationalists flooded this board when it would piss people here off too.
Absolutely retarded. Pic related.
Grayson Harris
According to normalfag beliefs, that's pretty good. And 8/pol/ is dead.
Hunter Sullivan
Caleb Bailey
Benjamin Hernandez
Joseph Gonzalez
My problem is I'm disgusted by democrats who defend Bill Clintons rapes and Al Frankens leching. How can I take myself and my own beliefs seriously if I do the exact same thing when its someone who I ever so slightly agree with on some issues? I want all perverts and corrupt pedophiles removed from power and placed in jail or worse. I don't care if they're useful or they fulfill an objective, they need to go.
Logan Cox
There’s no proof that Roy Moore did any of that, unlike Franken and Clinton.
Samuel Rodriguez
To be blunt I really don't give a fuck even if the allegations are true. He didn't rape anyone and isn't even being accused of doing so. He is being accused of being an autistic sperg that failed to read a girl and went too fast, was turned down, and then immediately disengaged and drove her back home. Meanwhile something like 40% of congress are actual serial child rapists who sacrifice 5 year-olds to Moloch on occasion. Stacked up against that, who gives a fuck?
Grayson Bennett
I see your point, but eventually people have to stop choosing between the lesser of the evils and start choosing goodness. Its good that he pulled away when she said no, but he still tried to fuck a 14 year old. Even if you argue that shes of an age to be wed(which I would disagree with) he wasn't courting this girl he was trying to fuck her. Hes a degenerate which compromises his integrity and throws everything he stands for under suspicion. I think its better for everyone if he just fucks off seat be damned. I know a lot of people disagree with me, but a line has to be drawn somewhere or theyll get away with this shit forever. Is one vote really worth selling out for? l know i'm being a moralfag but I believe what I'm saying. The woman who came out 40 years later isn't winning any awards from me, shes obviously politically motivated. It makes her slimy even though she was the victim.
Camden Ramirez
I agree it's shit-tier that he didn't appear to be courting her (assuming it's true, and also assuming this wasn't his autistic idea of courting) but your idea of trying to vote for someone perfect is untenable and proven to not fucking work. Perhaps you think we should've voted for Cunton instead? I and I think most of us here now operate with an understanding of incrementalism and constant chipping away at the Overton window, because the approach is clearly fucking working. Further if the mere allegations sink him then that's what will happen to any remotely decent candidate from here on out every single time.
Henry Diaz
>Hay guies, better think about PR. You We wouldn't want the libtards to think badly of us. This will end Drumpf Trump!
Hope you're paying off some of the loans for your sociology degree with the shekels you make here.
Luis Foster
Jeremiah Cook
So dead you're still here peddling matzo.
Bentley Bailey
He's denying the allegations and, while it may be true, I'm 50/50 on the whole thing. If we actually lay out the possibilities here it's pretty clear if you're an Alabaman you should vote for Moore:
Let's not forget the sort of lies they peddled about Trump in the weeks before the election.
I won't put the liars in the press above complete fabrication for political gain, and he clearly scares the shit out of them. Look at the caliber of people we've been electing lately, they're flawed men, but wow, are they brawlers and trench knifers at a time when that is just what we need:
Isaiah Turner
I suppose you're right, but it doesn't feel right.
Joshua Brooks
Jacob Carter
email/tweet this alone with NO text content to everyone associated with that story
Christian Robinson
I can't wait to hear him say some variation of the phrase "degenerate sodomites" on the Senate floor. Looking forward to voting for him again as much as I did Trump. The people here for the most part brush these allegations off as fake news and yankeeread jew meddling.
You have zero understanding of Alabama and its people.
Isaiah Hall
You want to drop a far-right candidate simply because a bunch of women came out of nowhere to accuse him of rape, yet somehow were silent during the previous 3 decades of his political career? They did the same thing to Trump before the election and now they've all vanished. If we abandon Moore, it will establish the blueprint to destroy all right-wing candidates → invent a scandal a couple of weeks before their election and watch their whole party betray him.
Moore is up double-digits in the polls especially since that the allegations are being revealed as hoaxes. According to your logic, however, shouldn't we support Moore even stronger now? Regardless of his flaws, keeping a libshit out of the Senate should be priority #1, right?
It's too late to run another Republican candidate. We had this conversation ad nausem with shills during the 2016 election who told us not to support Trump for whatever bullshit reason. This election is Moore vs Jones just as 2016 was Trump vs Hillary. If we don't support Moore, who the fuck do you propose that we vote for? The Democrat?
Jayden Butler
context: The Republicans’ bill would make it legal for ministers and other religious leaders to endorse candidates from the pulpit but stops short of allowing other political participation such as financial contributions from churches to campaigns.
That's weird because churches local to me have hosted events from politically partisan groups, like Indivisible. I compiled documentation of said events and then filed a complaint to get their tax-exempt status revoked, but I've heard fuckall back from the IRS
Caleb Mitchell
Man, I can't wait to start killing jews.
Christian Reyes
except he's not
Luis Williams
Look at all the shills.
They're not sending their best. Moore is going to win and I'm going to help him.
Xavier Hernandez
go easy on them, they are just very (((concerned))) ;^)
Brayden Wilson
Does he call out the jews and the lies about the holocaust? >X are the real Nazis So that's a no.
Still bretty gud. It could be memed, if they push this hard enough
Not sure if kike or female.
You realize churches did the same thing to support banning sodomite "marriage," right?
Camden Sullivan
Tell me, are people who say "X isn't /ourguy/ because he hasn't called Jews liars on national TV" the total basement bunker doomsday preppers? Saying nobody is on your side until they deny the holocaust on TV is a good way to stay lonely, making zero progress in your bunker.
Jayden Parker
People here take the /ourguy/ designation too seriously when really it's just thrown around jokingly whenever a politician or celebrity says something remotely Holla Forums-tier. It doesn't mean they're the reincarnation of Hitler or we agree on 100% of everything.
The election is between Roy Moore and a libshit Democrat for a critical Senate seat.If people write in for "Hitler" they're handing votes to the liberal. In this case, Roy Moore is very much /ourguy/.
Joseph Long
Same ol malign encouragement. Basically "don't take over the government. Let us do that. You go blow up a federal building or threaten a judge so we can rape your family while you're in jail." Same jewed-up typical tricks it's always been.
Landon Rivera
hello, reddit
Read my post again you fagguettes, I never said to not support the guy. Hell, I'd vote for him in a second if I lived in Alabama.
Camden Morales
How long ago was this? It could be because the Johnson Amendment was already frozen by the President through executive order. Tax reform is for the permanent axing.
Dominic Kelly
More Jewish persecution against Christians. Fucking disgusting.
Jack Jackson
This is war you utter pussy. Worry about muh feelings and muh principles after the kikes are purged from this Earth and our race's existence is secured and white children have a future. The reason these god damn kikes have been winning and in power for so long is because of people like you not being able to shut the fuck up and fight for your side regardless of all other factors. Just fucking fight and fight and fight until you fucking win and stop bitching about details that don't currently fucking matter. You can debate and argue over ethics once there's no longer an existential threat to the white race, alright?
Jackson Richardson
Moore's going to slap the shit out of his opposition. I can't wait until the 12th and we get to see retards like you crying about how there's an evil rightwing rapist in the Senate.
Dominic Reed
No. You're right. We're on the same page here. I agree: Vote for him but probably not /ourguy/ .
Lincoln Roberts
Look at this faggot who doesn't read past msm headlines Jesus Christ what the fuck are you doing here you fucking fairy? Gloria Allred is on the case and you trust that account? God you're a moron, waste yourself now and spare your family the pain of waiting.
Christian Lee
Seriously, don't take jewish kvetching as proof, or even an indication, that someone is "/ourguy/". Kikes complain and whine about everything and everyone, including each other. It's a tactic designed to shift discourse onto their terms, by making certain topics completely forbidden to discussion. Fuck, it's why we use the word cuck to begin with, to describe someone who kowtows to leftist or kike interests, but is still lambasted by them for not kowtowing enough (because it's never, ever enough).
Nolan Morris
Read this and gas yourself:
Chase Wilson
If the accusations would be true about him, I'd vote him with two hands!
Jaxon Martinez
The caveat there is that Germany wasn't over 1/3rd shitskin. An elected NatSoc or Fascist leader is perhaps possible for the Euro's but for us burgers it's going to take an actual fight.
Lincoln Mitchell
We could meme him into National Socialism like we did with Sam Hyde.
James Smith
Lincoln Lee
kys you'are self.
Grayson Clark
That smear they did on him won him the seat. Alabamians do not trust the media,and the do not trust yankees or coastal jews. The dems spend too much time flying over the state, they do not know the culture, and now they will do nothing but fuck this up. The religious of all colors there will see the media attacks on more as the work of the devil.
Sebastian Jones
Lmao the niggers in Alabama all vote blue.
Nathaniel Johnson
Fuck. You.
Aiden Sanchez
I'm really hoping that all this bullshit being propagated by kikes ends up redpilling Roy Moore on the jews even slightly.
Elijah Watson
Hi there, Saul Alinsky. How is the whole principled cuckservative thing working out for the white race? Sure they are trying to kill us, they lie, cheat and betray whenever possible, but can we really hold that against them? Lets just be the bigger man!
You cannot treat somebody with honour if he won't be honourable in return. They chose the rules of engagement by sending shills like you and people can either fight back or lose.
Aaron Turner
Concern shilling 101: pretend to be concerned about something because of PR/morals in an attempt to divide and conquer or destroy support for the target. It can be an effective tactic if you are unaware of it, but the more obvious it is, such as this shill's stating that it would be better to give up a seat in the senate to a leftist fuckstick just on the off chance that Moore, who isn't even accused of anything serious and all the accusers have been shown to be lying whores, is guilty.
"Yes goyim, there's a SMALL chance the accusations are true, even though all of his accusers are clearly full of shit, waited 40 years to say anything, and said it right before an election while he was in the lead, so it would be better to just give us- I mean, the enemy- what they want and hand power over to them rather than elect someone who didn't even do anything if the accusations are true. You wouldn't want to be unfeminist, would you? #listenandbelieve, #guiltyuntilproveninnocent"
This shit is right out of Alinsky's Rules For Radicals: make the enemy live up to their own rules, while you break every rule.
Hudson Harris
If he's as devout as he says he is, then he already is.
Adam Harris
Carson Murphy
I'm not that guy, I just wanted to point out that you should probably freshen up ya bants.
Colton Lopez
The retarded cuckservatives have always done this compromising with the leftards and it always bites them in the butt with no gains in sight. They are weak, they need to go and the best way to do that is to use your own enemies playbook against them.