First I would like to start off by saying that I am a board mogul. I mod/own a quite a few high traffic boards on Holla Forums, and a ton of them are being bombarded with astroturf. To prove how bad this is getting, I am going to some lengths to show some post history of shills on various boards I help mod. Can’t show to much or I might loose my powers.
There are some new variants of shills and shilling tactics which need to be underlined. I will list them here so that they can be further studied and counter techniques can be created.
The first of these is what I have come to call “fake autism.” These kinds of shills pretend to be, for example, a national socialist. From here they tripfag, sperge all over various boards, an pretend to be the worst of their political group. The goal is seemingly to make all Holla Forums shitposters look as though they don’t fit into board culture by shitting up threads from multiple ip addresses and creating D&C fractures.
Charles Perry
Next we have the forced meme autists. Many shills (particularly on Holla Forums) have been trying to force memes across threads to the point where it almost becomes a spam problem. Viewing their posts by IP hash shows that they only ever come to post these forced memes, often doing so across boards. They appear to never post anything other than their forced meme.
Leo Brooks
Why is this happening now?
Well I have a theory. As many of you may remember, the Institute for Strategic Dialog recently made a report about Holla Forums and what tactics could be used to counter them. I believe that this new wave of shilling is their counter offensive to the election victory, and the more recent its ok to be white incident. This would fit in with their previous unethical behavior.
Now I need to get back to deleting CP. So long Holla Forums, and god speed.
Elijah Lee
Henry Johnson
honestly, just go fucking dump some gore on leftypol. they fucking shill everywhere
Kevin Sanchez
Reported for illiteracy and possibly being a bot
Joshua James
I don't think this is Holla Forums, a bit to sophisticated to be their handywork.
Justin Allen
Mason Sanders
Elijah Phillips
Yeah I'm assuming you're a bot.
Jackson Lewis
Jaxon Parker
Oy vey shills don't exist goy you're just retarded goy
Reminder that leftypol imploded into a million cock goblins and they most likely came here to shill communism and muuuh evil zogbots memes in their assblasted anguish and embarasment
Jacob Brooks
Spam isn't free speech. Go back to masterchan kid.
Anthony Perry
Noah Kelly
The goon reveals himself yet again
Christopher Campbell
Sage isn't a downvote. Go back to reddit.
Xavier Brooks
your input its appreciated. the false flaging for pol has been common for years but the last 2 are new to me
Sebastian Long
One thing I didn't put up because of how old the tactic is, but is getting used a lot more often is grave digging. Slide threads that take things that are often years old and try to make them into "news" are much more prevalent. They often try to start new dig threads, even though most digging has been going on in the investigations thread. Might be trying to pull the eye away from topics of real value.
Julian Kelly
If you can immediately identify a shill thread, you can quickly hijack the thread by posting infographics and such regarding kikes and pedophiles. Simply ignore the shill in question and dump redpills, there's nothing they can do about it. Take over and use their own threads against them to expose them for what they are.
Lucas Gutierrez
The degenerate faggot reveals himself again
/r/anime would be a good place for you.
Chase Mitchell
Not a bot, but I've got more delicious posts for you coming up.
Kevin Baker
hi newfag welcom to nu/pol/ where discussion is not allowed CUMSKIN SHILL CUCK
Lincoln Mitchell
More anime you say? Sure thing, goon-kun~ afu fu fu
James Williams
Back with some new IP's? Stop trying to derail the thread, not every thing is about (you). Reddit might be a good website for some self validation, maybe give it a try?
Speaking of infographics, does anyone have the old screenshots of the 2015 shillgate threads? I lost them with my old laptop.
Charles Bailey
Enjoy the oven, my hebrew friend
Bentley Cooper
I'm not trying to shut anything down. OP is. You leftypol cucks are the ones screaming for no fun allowed. I saw your thread now deleted on leftypol planning to kill the fun atmosphere here in order to reduce our visitors. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN LEFTYKIKES!
Tyler Barnes
Try harder.
Isaac Perez
Not an argument.
David Wright
Keep trying. The more you try to pretend to be us, the thinner the line gets.
Robert Lewis
National Socialist threads should be allowed so these faggots can be educated instead of running loose shitting up this board
Bentley Murphy
Yep, its not an argument.
Hudson Ross
Nice thread derail faggot.
Angel Rodriguez
Hey you remember this type of shill?
Yep, thats you.
Chase Butler
i notice the forced amerimutt meme popping up in 4cuck a lot lately. that tells me its not /lowtpol/, but a larger more organized effort
Nathan Lopez
I am convinced that meme was funded by a large leftist organization (think: soros). You can tell all of the art was done by a single individual, so its obviously not some average imageboard user since there are 100's of them now. Also note how it basically popped up over night and there were 100's of them floating around out of nowhere, like they were all distributed /released in an archive for shills to start posting.
Julian Brooks
Weird stuff. OP makes a thread to address rampant subhuman behaviour and like clockwork a bunch of subhumans show up. Now look at this. Read their posts. They contribute nothing. They don't even clearly state their disagreement. They are here clearly and exclusively to justify getting their filth all over the board.
Bentley King
Shame on all of you. Each and every one.
Eli Cox
that's true, the number of memes in that short span of time, when it clearly would only be used for infighting between Europeans and white Americans? it doesn't make sense. theres nothing organic about it. i wonder how many shekels went into that pathetic attempt
Adrian Parker
I noticed this, also making threads that used to be in the catalog but died obviously for a good reason, they are remade with outdated information posted and when you call them out, they instantly make unnatural responses.
David Lopez
Boy are the shills and bots out in full force on this thread.
the blubill kike is still around, he is the same guy thats been making the 'Holla Forums is a pedo site' threads, and the white meetup threads as well.
Matthew Nguyen
Dubs confirm
Ive been fully busy reporting then filtering each and every one of them kike faggots
Nolan Jackson
That man was a national hero to them nips. Your turn will come soon enough kike
Zachary Mitchell
Parker Diaz
We know for a fact that CTR and similar groups exist, along with assorted Alphabet Agencies sending their glow-in-the-dark niggers to watch us. There have also been incidents where college professors will give their students assignments to come to 4chan and Holla Forums to start some shit. There's also boards like Holla Forums which really, really pushed the "shitposting is freespeech" meme. They were heavily responsible for the regular brownpill spam that every board received. A few years back, they tried to destroy /tg/ also. Worth noting if only because the destruction of boards through raiding and forced memeing was their calling card. I think whatever they were trying to accomplish by undermining boards like Holla Forums and /tg/ took root and succeeded on Holla Forums, largely thanks to one hyper dedicated autist by the name of HighJinx (aka Powergirl Autist)
Could be Antifa, as well. They aren't exactly well organized, but they've got a crude, brutish sort of autism that would line up perfectly with these sorts of tactics. They probably feel like they are doing superspy hacker shit by spamming dumb shit like this. They tried it back during GamerGate's height of activity, not even understanding that boards with IDs make samefagging pointless, and that BOs could see their post history.
It's likely a combination of all of the above. I wouldn't put it past Soros and the DNC to more quietly fund a shitposting team, not unlike China's 50 Cent Army. These groups have been scrambling for the past 5 years or so to keep up with the cutting edge shitposting tactics and it's only been recently that they've been trying to beat us at our own game and wage the meme war on our turf. It's still not going great for them, as Twitter is about to go into full panic mode and ban anyone who even posts Pepe.
Angel Gomez
Well, suffice to say this thread has served as an EXCELLENT example of how bad the shilling has gotten on Holla Forums
Aiden Robinson
(Checked) Trips confirm
Cooper Davis
(niBBa) Make a geoengineering (chemtrails) thread and watch how nasty the shills get.
Logan Long
Whats funny is that for all this shilling and damage control this is only the beginning
Dominic Richardson
(checked) Several threads are being raided, one kike is switching IPs every couple minutes and samefagging anti-rockwell stuff. Mods just showed up and nuked him, and either the same guy or another in a different thread doing an entirely different shill routine about how "Nazis arent real" and its all satire etc.
Caleb Turner
Oh and another one, where he claims hes been sold an account to shitpost by Jim, or that the mods are his buddies and are laughing at you in some chat or whatever. Never seen that one before, but hes been gassed at least twice doing it today.
Parker Ross
I always wonder how tasks are divided up in a shilling organization. Do they have to draw straws to see who's going to be on cuck-porn detail for the next 12 hours? Or is there just that one guy who volunteers every day?
Jordan Wilson
no, they blow each other and who ever finishes first has to finish off everyone else then they play rock paper scissors for cuck porn detailfor 24 hours
Cameron Ward
This is the work of Smiley. He's a faggot.
David Watson
Im filtering at a pace that is right there with around election time. Its crazy.
Julian Martin
Hunter Gray
Jayden Murphy
Besides simply being obvious kike shit there's something very out of place about it. I've never seen any other memes drawn in that style and the whole caricature feels overly engineered, like it was designed by committee. It screams unnatural.
Jeremiah Rivera
So far behind in terms of meme warfare that they still use the "le" meme
Gavin Adams
LOL Acting like mods have not run this place into the ground since april. :^)
Logan Nguyen
oh look, heres another one now.
Jackson Hall
Never forget the TRSodomites and aut-kike faggots that come to our board to promote their shitty brand and steal our memes
They've been shilling here ever since then, promoting their gay Unite the Right rally that resulted in an internet crackdown on everyone associated with them
Gabriel Thompson
yes I know, but its always good to give those who weren't here a refresher course on TRShilling and any newfriends lurking around. Would be nice to have some of those new shilling archived, but I don't have any. I have seen them though.
Isaiah Peterson
Michael Hill
Agreed. It'd have to be at this point. Also I think it'd be naive to think it's not a combination, whoever could be thought of as doing it, it's safe to assume it is them.
Mods included in that, I can't help but think it's them fucking with the users sometimes. They strike me as petty and driven by personnel aspirations. Could be wrong, I hope I am.
Nicholas Roberts
Well spoken, and what you said about beating us at our own game reminds me of the hilldog pepe's that were spammed just two days before the election, as if they were some secret talismans that shills wholehearted believed would undo nearly a year of excellent campaigning and wikileak bombshells.
It's been said several times before, but the left simply cannot meme to save their lives–window lickers watching rick and morty can't meme, the lgbtqwertywtfbbq can't meme, and the 60+yo kikes and shabbos goyim who pay these fucks 0.15 per post certainly can't. What I'm saying is that cautious vigil must be kept, but that this is also an excellent learning opportunity to see how the left reacts when it is forced to adjust to new circumstances and tactics that are utterly foreign to it. Will our enemy shed it's skin and take on a new identity to further the destruction of the West, or will it double down like a pair of potatoes struggling to operate bumper cars?
Kayden Ross
>it continues to infinity
Aiden Harris
ya, the left can't meme, is a meme. there was a thread like 2 days ago about it.
Jeremiah Anderson
Gabriel Morgan
This forced meme doesn't even feel like the Le Amerigan Bear meme. Le Amerigan Bear was used way before Holla Forums, the JQ or redpill and bluepill was even a thing on 4chan. Sure there were some White Nationalist posters back in /new/ but I remember certain amounts of (((people))) screaming "Muh Stormfags!, Muh Hwite Supremacists!" back then. I've seen some posters posting the Amerimutt meme with one user supposedly from Montenegro who was being butthurt on a thread about how many Germans the Soviets have raped in Berlin. He kept spamming the forced meme on one US user supporting Hitler and the SS soldiers and then another user gave him a redpill post and he replied with saying he's not going to read it because it's "stormniggery". I saw another post from another thread and maybe from the same Montenegro user saying that he hates "classcucks". There was also another user with a communist flag on the thread using Holla Forums lingo trying to solidify the idea that anyone caring about the 2 million dead Germans are basically kvetching like kikes when it comes to the Holohoax.
Who here after going thru gamergate and the election can't see astroturf? Aside for making metafagging outside a meta thread ban-able, it is up to anons to use their brains. Very doubtful anyone here is going to change their mind after the curtains have been pulled back. Mods doing a proper job is all that is needed– but that is always an image boards Achilles heel, in addition to admin cuckoldry.
Justin Morgan
3rd pic should be orange suit with a prision yard background .
Henry Ward
They are shilling other boards trying to associate retarded Facebook memes as Holla Forums memes, go look. I think that’s OPs point. They are now shilling so much they are actually trying to shill Holla Forums on other boards. I guess they have done it before but it’s more aggressive now and noticeable.
It won’t work.
Elijah Cruz
Jonathan Perez
Pure cringe
Wyatt Sanchez
I've noticed attempts to make 'soyboy' a meme in place of cuck. I've also seen furries try and take over Holla Forums, or at least try to normalize themselves there. And trying to conflate monster girls with furry shit too, that really grinds my gears.
Jeremiah Nguyen
But they are, you fucking furfag. Denial doesn't change it.
Adam Johnson
Not an argument.
Nicholas Ross
Considering Holla Forums is run by a kike that encourages censorship and permabans if anyone dares to criticize his precious nintendo, furries are more of a symptom of Holla Forums's existing problems than a new one.
The repulsive heresy of these abominations almost taint my memories of unabashed delight from the final countdown and watching so many libshits produce enough salt to copy the dead sea.
It won't work because none of the other boards actually matter–those awoken through gamergate abandoned Holla Forums and established 8/pol/ and got the meme magic ball rolling once contact with Kek was established. Those who refused to call a spade a spade and thought gg was "only" about vidya never deserved to be here.
Parker White
First of all, it's hilarious that governments and think thanks are spending large sums of money on shitposting on imageboards. I'm not denying that it's happening, but ten years ago, the thought of such a thing happening would have seemed absurd.
Anyway, to me there seem to be two solutions here:
1. Use tripcodes or some sort of registration system in order to verify identity. 2. Filter posts that you don't like. Or if it's a legitimate argument that you disagree with, try actually responding to it instead of crying shill.
If you want to curb shitposting, then you have to limit who is allowed to post on your board. It's sort of like how you need to put restrictions on who gets to immigrate into your country if you don't want it to become a third world country.
Samuel Morris
These threads are so helpful.
Gabriel Lee
Wow, that is such cringe that it's cia tier.
Charles Wright
I agree with the sentiment about the "soyboy" bullshit. Forced as fuck… but user… That's a lefty argument. Either tear into them, or move on.
No shit, there aren't enough faggots on there to make this much spam. This is either spooks, or more likely, that think tank we busted a month or so ago.
Aaron Ward
Eat shit moshe.
Oliver Perry
Yet he sends them furry shit porn. >>>Holla Forums13839518
Michael Evans
Parker Wilson
I also thought the term was too weak to be organic. When did NatSoc larpers become actual Nazis? post stormfront it felt like
Julian Robinson
mods swept me up in their ban happyiness last week. we should just expand the catalog. then it wouldn't matter and people wouldnt get banned for posting OC
Isaac Bailey
I made a climate realist thread and was amazed last month.
Jaxson Turner
Saw that one. Opened it, saw shills everywhere, posted a few kike gifs and left.
Jordan Hughes
Colton Parker
window-lickers… lol spotted the soviet!
Parker Parker
Oh, if you want to see some serious shilling check out the FDA thread. That one is a fucking wasteland.
Oliver Russell
will do. right now i'd say NN is top of the list, although its info wars sending shills to the boards this time. makes me think its leftys like antifa more than anything
Brandon Long
jews want white people to be at each other's throats, but when their burger sperg failed to get any other burgers mad about being called burgers they switched tactics.
Colton Gomez
we are all on the same fucking board, you idiot, we can literally see it happening. what are you even trying to accomplish by this, hm?
Ayden Martin
Julian Perry
Along with shills, we have an infestation of very obvious and mostly illiterate FUCKING NORMALFAGS, who come here to spew their nonsense, and barely offensive opinions. Other normalfags are way too tryhard in blending in, posting Hitler and 3rd Reich imagery, in every single god damn post they make, because that's the fast ticket to blending in. If you call them out, they'll say "no u i've been around heer since 1924 ur wrong", even though they don't see why they get called normalfags or newfags. An example:
What the fuck are you talking about? Why can't you string a sentence together like a human being instead of a nigger? Why can't you spell simple fucking words right? Do you have actual brain damage?
Mason Ortiz
add to this rense, jordan maxwell, and (((len horowitz))) with sidekick (((sherri kane)))
Henry Allen
It's already at max page level. You need to read the catalog and actually pay attention.
(((You))) are the shill there. Fucking kikes straight from reddit shilling for (((open society foundation))) supported efforts to give the government full control of the internet. Kill yourself.
Anthony Diaz
Were you that cunt who made an entire thread for people to look at his single image of OC?
Carson Anderson
Joshua Flores
everyword (other than lefties cause i intended a pointing to lef.t.y.pol) was speeled correctedly just not cappalizzed.
I was saying, good sir, that the most reactionary posts today seemed to be around net neutrality. After some research on twitter, I found many infowar fags pointing people to here and cuckchan to spread their anti-NN message.
but sure im the shill, read the law, there is nothing in there you can really hate. let's break up comcast and return to the NN issue after the real problem has been fixed.
Thomas Flores
just cause soros wants something doesnt mean its bad. he also wants to fuck and grow old. fucking tribalism in action.
I'm saying maybe the solution is to expand the max page level, why have a cutoff at all? then they couldn't slide if there was no archiving.
Sebastian Martinez
What is it even supposed to be? It's not a very good meme if I can't tell what it's supposed to represent immediately.
Josiah Kelly
Someone has to use that Stefbot quote as an intro to a death metal song.
Jayden Powell
jim watkins is a zog controlled kike and the bos of all large boards on Holla Forums were given to goons and zog agents to control opposition don't believe me? dysnomia is a jew that is actively fucking up Holla Forums with worse spam and wordfilters and themes to force oldfags off the imageboard while refusing to remove spam from reddit and 4chan imkikey is a shitskin jewish mongrel stickying inane divisive bullshit while anchoring and deleting good threads and posts Holla Forums is owned by another autistic shitskin that won't moderate the board and refuses to delete threads from paid shills from nintendo and other companies etc. etc. all while inducing such spam and confusion about the topic of their shitting up Holla Forums that there has been no effective replacement chan since this started happening years ago
Liam Lee
It started as a caricature of that little halfbreed goblin the polish niggerlover/single mom had. Everybody was calling the thing batboy and somebody drew a cartoon version of the "famous" photo with le 56 as the spawn.
Owen Gomez
How to tell that someone is an absolute newfag 101.
Joshua Stewart
How to tell someone is an absolute newfag 102. youre right though, i missed that when going over the post. mark is a kike
Julian James
Found it!
Logan Garcia
Ryder Sullivan
1/4 of the population is legally retarded. it explains alot
Lincoln Gutierrez
Oh, kek. I remember that. How is every single one of their variants on it unfunny?
Brody Myers
Lincoln Bennett
I totally agree. There was no natural evolution as there has been for every other meme. There's something really offputting about it and I'm the kind of person who finds shit like pic related amusing.
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s phone number is 202-418-2000
Oliver Gonzalez
Because the original was organic and a cutting jab at a real thing whereas the variants were forced.
On the subject of forced D&C memes that never took off and seemed like it was always the same guy posting it every time, anyone remember "cumskin" or "meat cuck"?
Joseph Jenkins
Remember googles and skypes? Now that was a forced meme.
Jeremiah Jackson
I remember that thread. The (((amerimutt meme))) predates it.
Carson Clark
Both of those are really popular on Holla Forums right now. I remember a big surge of "cumskin" back in 4/pol/ days.
Eh, calling kikes skypes has a nice ring to it.
Brody Mitchell
this 4chan got very popular with normalfags that heard about the alt-kike in an article once and decided to check it out and be edgy. the only decent posters left at that point had no voice amongst the sea of retards being led by shills.
Landon Jenkins
Both of those are really popular on Holla Forums right now. Holla Forums is fucked to hell and also loves cuck threads.
Yeah, the ring of free advertisement shekels.
Asher Barnes
That's starting to happen right here, right now.
Wyatt Sanders
Do you think the CP is also be used as a form of shilling? I have seen it a few times on the catalog but it obviously never lasts long.
Zachary Cox
that's why it needs to be stopped expanding the amount of knowledgable people on the board is nice, but newfags never listen when people tell them to lurk.
Ayden Young
They spam it hoping to get the site shut down for CP, you dumb nigger. Can you people put two and two together without someone telling you the answer?
Jace Morris
Its been happening for some time now. Shitposting here is far less fun than it used to be because of the newfags, normies, and shills.
Jason Morris
do you think there should be a seperate thread on this? because it's real cause for concern, we have to create some form of rule that doesn't allow newfags to screw everything up by posting the same shit and diluting everything my suggestion is that we create some form of rule where new posters won't be allowed to post for a year or longer.
Jace Morgan
That's exactly what I've said a couple of times. It's just not as fun anymore, because seeing newfags asking dumb questions, seeing the same four shillposts all day every day, and then seeing someone bite the bait repeatedly gets really tiring. I know there's basically fuck all the mods can do, since you can't ban every ip on Earth.
Gabriel Wood
The mods can do a fair bit. It frustrates the shills and tires out the captcha pajeets.
Charles Parker
You seriously underestimate how autistic those people are. Just look at someone like Hasbarafag. Posts the exact same word soup, shitmess posts, all day long. He doesn't change his writing style, he doesn't change anything, he's been banned a million fucking times, and he keep coming back. Mods do great work agains the paid, CTR-tier losers that get hired to shill. But no force can stop the massed autism of some of the people who do it for free.
Daniel Barnes
I thought the skypes and googles meme was an answer to how jewgle wanted to start using wordfilters and banning everyone who used nigger or kike.
Ian Williams
It's supposed to say that every American is only "56%" white because the country as a whole is "56%" white. Good old X isn't white stuff. Retarded kike logic.
Benjamin Morgan
so basically it's just another purity spiral meme trying to pitch people of different nations against eachother divide and conquer, typical kike strategy.
Elijah Price
shoo shoo
Liam Morgan
That one actually made some sense with getting around censorship, it's just that most people didn't understand that. Especially not the ones who used it.
How do people whose skin looks like shit think that this is a good idea?
Isaac Kelly
I dont know what to do other than find some other place to shitpost that has the same, or even similar enjoyable vibe as when I first got here. Hell, Id be content with an atmosphere from CY to the election. Shit was wild, but fun, even with all the shills trying their best to shit things up. We just overwhelmed them, and it was fuckin FUN!
Now, this place feels like a wasteland. It reminds me a bit of how MySpace was during its final days. A slow withering death.
Zachary Price
You might think that, but if you look at their sperging on /sudo/ and /polmeta/ you'll realize how drastically their mental states have deteriorated. This will end in their livestreamed suicides, I guarantee it.
Hudson Collins
Why? Do tell which boards you own, OP
Nolan Barnes
its obviously dysnomia because he's posting caps from Holla Forums and when he says that he's a board mogul he means that he is one of the jewish cabal that owns Holla Forums and the large boards
Grayson Perry
I did too, until I seen all these normies and other assorted faggots using the terms. By doing that, they fagged shit up good, like they always fuckin do.
Xavier Peterson
Because (((they))) neither understand it, nor have any creativity.
Cameron Robinson
Holla Forums is owned by (((Mark))) Holla Forums is owned by (((Zerosugar))) Holla Forums is owned by (((Dysnomia))) Holla Forums is owned by the cocksucking tranny
He probably owns some lower traffic boards.
Thomas Torres
Normalfags or not associating jewgle with niggers on normiespace would have been incredibly sweet in my opinion. It would have bypassed the usual normie-defences and given them a taste of the redpill. or at least it could have been
Samuel Campbell
I actually find these pretty funny, from an ironic-shitposting standpoint. But if someone *actually* made these to help get Clinton elected, they couldn't have failed more ridiculously.
The current system of (2 + moderators) is the best I can think of, in spite of its obvious weakness to spam and mod-takeover.
It was forced and not actually fun to do, but it was a funny concept for a few reasons. One, it succeeded in its stated goal of balking the word filters. Two, it formed a weak association in some people's minds, especially journalists'. Three, although they knew they didn't like it, they had a hell of a time explaining *why* they didn't.
Blake Gutierrez
We need to start dropping redpill memes randomly in threads again. Whenever you are about to post without using a meme, drop a random redpill you haven't shared in ages. An old one that you saved back in the day, preferably. Pic related.
Lincoln Lopez
So a (((nobody)))? No mention of which boards he owns, Besides how fucking autistic you have to be to be a board mogul and control boards that never get real traffic ever.
John Ortiz
Even if the mods were perfect there would still be many shills appealing to anti-authoritarians by going "tha man is keeping ya down, maaan", "I just got totally banned for saying the truth!".
Lincoln Powell
It's probably (((Smiley))), who knows. Anyway, I was digging through my folders and found pic related.
Michael James
Have some of the "a" section
Owen Wood
Shill insists that Holla Forums is dying, back in '15
Tyler Kelly
Holla Forums is owned by (((imkampfy)))
Bentley Gray
CTR nerd virgin losing his mind
Angel Torres
Speaking of shilling…
Joshua Morgan
I mean, you still haven't actually proven he's a turknigger, or that dude weed lmao nigger you were pushing a few years ago, but yeah.
Justin Taylor
I'm not the person who says any of that.
I just know that imkampfy is the B.O. of Holla Forums. I don't know any personal information about him.
Landon Foster
Mark is self admitted as a jew Dysnomia is self admitted as a (((discordian))) We've all seen the leftypol BO's face while he's sucking zerosugar's jewdick
Come back when you have anything approaching proof of your claims. (Pro-tip: Your claims are lies so don't bother)
Charles Perry
imkampfy is the board owner of Holla Forums. That's a factual claim. I'm not sure why you're disputing it.
Joseph Miller
Another one of Brock's Bullpreppers
Benjamin Adams
The OP of this thread is obviously imkampfy or therealmoonman. One or the other.
Michael Kelly
I don't know why I'm even replying to you
Ethan Roberts
Can you even prove that imkampfy exists? He's a ghost, a boogeyman, a story that shills tell their children at night.
Ian Thompson
a lot of UC kikes have been involved in this and im so glad its cali. if anyone needs redpills, its out white brothers and sisters out west. let them send the lambs to the slaughter, our dank memes with break their cognitive dissonance
Isaac Brooks
The solution to shilling is using an accessible whitelist with no names/identities. Just an encrypted key/passphrase that you can use on any device from any IP that allows for posting. If a troll gets access to the key, you blacklist that key. You could even implement the system to be usable for other sites that have user-submitted content and have multiple whitelists like adblocker whitelist subscriptions. The most important part is for not just pseudonymity, but anonymity. When newfags fuck up, it's important for them to be able to dust themselves off and come back into the fray when they're a little bit smarter, and the anonymity gives them more flexibility to change their minds. Anonymity is the key to imageboard culture. That's why 4chan died after the implementation of 4chanx and namesync.
Leo Fisher
It's actually a bat-girl
Gabriel Carter
The fact that dozens of different mutt-face memes appeared at once proves that it's being coordinated and forced by someone. I'm convinced that it's an effort by Institute for Strategic Dialog / Media Matters to try and drive a wedge in between the American alt-right and the European Identitarian movements, like they outlined in that report that was leaked.
Gabriel Jones
That's the spirit!
Agreed. It makes the most sense, and it's timed with all of the soros payments to put up billboards.
Lincoln Sullivan
It's not dead but it has been better.
Ethan Harris
The OP is obviously a Holla Forums poster.
Are you an idiot?
Caleb Harris
seen that one before. I think it's a copypasta.
Liam Clark
Aiden Bell
THIS. We should also post our addresses and our photos of our selves, like some sort of online tome with our pictures on it. We can call it facetome or something. Good idea user.
Connor Walker
Hi, imkampfy. Nice mod screen caps.
Joshua Butler
This is an excellent idea. We at least owe this much to Jim Watkins for providing us with such a fantastic image board platform.
Joshua Harris
Reminder that Holla Forums is an FBI-NSA data mining surveillance honeypot owned by a literal CIA/Pentagon intelligence contractor:
"Watkins says that he joined the U.S. Army when he was 18, first serving as a helicopter mechanic and then a recruiter. He emphasized to me, unprompted, that he didn't work for the CIA though he's 'noticed some people guessing that.'" Forums-the-worlds-most-vile-websit-1793856249
Jim Watkins Holla Forums board: Twitter: The Goldwater: Quora: Periscope: Wrongthink: YouTube: Porn site he is affiliated with (could be a different BBSPINK):
Xavier Martin
p sure soyboy is a /fit/ meme
Nathaniel Phillips
There's been a lot of necro bumping these past few weeks with totally inane posts. Same for Holla Forums.
Hudson Brooks
The origin is not the Polish woman, thats from like this year. The knowyourmeme(which was created 8 days ago and is bullshit) origin shows it goes back to at least 2015. I knew I had seen it even before that, but I couldnt remember where. Its from pic related, flag bearers. Notice the stink lines and flies, its from one variation where the last guy has that face. Thats all it is, a modification of that guy Lefty/pol/ either made it, or latched onto it and propagates it because its anti-white propaganda. It should be fairly obvious the motivation and effect that has.
Samuel Cook
found the google shill let the kike corporations fight each other. Do nothing and spend your energy somewhere else.
Oliver Nguyen
This is the supposed original according to that article. Notice how its pretty much the same thing as the california guy except a bit different.
Brody Gray
Oh, and of course, hes waving an American flag. So theres your origin.
Adrian Richardson
So what do we do? Migrate again? Where to? How do we finance it?
Henry Taylor
Most of those posts are from Holla Forums where I volunteer.
Landon Green
Kind of off topic to what pic you posted. Aren't Ashkenazi Jews considered mutts themselves? I've seen Israelis before and quite a handful of them look more Arab-like. Western kikes tend to always look very different from the Arab-looking ones and I would to know more about kike genetic structures.
Bentley Perry
All of these are pretty old, but they underline how bad the d&c shilling has gotten.
Owen Butler
user was asking which boards you owned.
Dylan Taylor
Have something more recent.
Chase Morgan
Unless someone digs through the archive and proves it popped out all at once i will think it's just a joke. The way i saw it on 4ch was: american flags on 4pol and /int/ were notorious for calling others shitskins, "x is not white" threads and so on, so people started posting american cesus and using the 56% and 62% to defend, the mutt face was a natural evolution after that "polish" woman living in london got that mutt baby and that strange things show with the fucked up kid.
Carter Bailey
I get the feeling OP made those fake threads when he was bored and now made a post here
Cooper Foster
dont forget the (((Mods)))
Tyler Bailey
This is the most important post ITT. Always, ALWAYS be dropping redpills.
Oliver Long
I'm sure we should all exodus to 2pphchan or wherever, because you said so.
David Moore
So the threads you make and like are b& And yet here you are still, hmmm wonder why you keep coming back to the place you don't like wonder what the motivation is oy vey
Mason Robinson
You've been at this same tired shit for a long time now. It's not working.
Easton Young
Pretty sure 8ch got bought out in april. Would explain the fuckery and nigger tier mods deleting all ns and redpill threads for "shitposting" and shitting up the board with cnn tier blog threads since then. And for you faggots who "xxdd this is a national socialist board", try and post a ns thread. The best ns thread we have been allowed in a while has been a fucking commie stalin thread. How many threads have made it to (751) lately? Welcome to nu-Holla Forums.
Levi Kelly
See, this shit doesn't actually represent the feelings of the inner circle. They're still sending people over here to shill and spy.
They told people not to shill in public, but in private, it was a vastly different story. The attitude in the inner circle, particularly from Sven, was "Fuck you, you're all going to love us, if we have to make you."
Henry Martin
It's weird. 8/pol/ used to be the bastion away from the 4/pol/ shilling during the election, but now with the CBTS stuff, the shills are becoming more vocal and easy to spot over there, while the shills at this end are much more subversive and dominating in terms of subject matter. It's a precarious position to be in, neither website is safe nowadays. You just need good eyes to browse both.
Samuel Flores
I think I got a pic talking about all these shills being Automated and coming from Amazon servers, let me get ti
Joshua Edwards
This pic is the moment I realized the meme was forced. It takes a lot to make me appalled by an anonymous response.
These people go into perfectly good threads (on halfchan especially) and mass post Amerimutts. Instant flame war. It's the perfect way to distract and lower the level of discourse
Colton Wood
Keep in mind that discordians and (((discordians))) are not the same thing. We have a few Erisian meme mages that I don't want to alienate, and the agro anti-discordian thing is a goon meme to try to associate themselves with the religion. There was a schism a few years back because the old guard episkopos are sick of untermensch goons perving on their goddess.
Death to goons, hail Eris. Carry on lads.
Owen Roberts
Noah Smith
Don't forget that superbot that sagespams every single post it replies to along with the torposter that might be it's owner on every CBTS thread that's been made
Eli Sanders
Fucking hell, can't find it Anywho, the pic shows proof about how fast these bots react and how accurately they can start flamewars. And they are just doing that, flamewars and baits for purpose of distracting discussions.
The author of the pic noted how even though responses looked like they were preplanned, when you had uncommon discussions with them they would respond in somewhat manner like a new english speaker would…. but the reaction would be so fast that they couldn't have been just an idiot behind a comp but a bot that does that.
…and they are all coming from Amazon AWS IPs
Carson Perry
Heres an example of subtle black pill shilling.
Dominic Edwards
Here you go user.
Angel Martinez
Why live?
Brayden Wilson
Oy vey, you can't criticize the freemaso- oy vey, erm, I mean the (((mods)))
Lucas Rogers
This would make a ton of sense actually. Amazon allows cheap servers to have tons of IP addresses allocated to them.
Maybe if you actually had the ability to think critically instead of just following the Holla Forums hivemind aka the (compromised) mod sanctioned opinions you'd see that what he was posting was true. fullchan is nothing more than a glorified news source these days. all of the decent discussion threads got anchored, all of the decent metaphysics threads got anchored, all of the decent national socialist literature, redpill and other propaganda threads got deleted for (((no reason))). you should just gas yourself now, you have the perceptive abilities of a retarded nigger.
Julian Watson
Shills are people too. Stand to the argument. Stop being cowards in the face of disagreement. Learn to understand others and you will learn how to persuade them.
Andrew Smith
That last one is probably the most popular forced meme. Lost of variations on "stop winning and go to jail." are really in vogue.
Levi Rivera
Jayden Miller
Thready reminder to read the fucking sticky, newfags
The shilling is getting insane. It has to be coordinated, but I'm not sure from where. I guess it makes sense that it would be shitting up other boards too.
I agree, it's a bit too sophisticated to simply be Holla Forums, antifaggots, or just some random sperg. They've been stepping up their game, though they still glow in the dark, and have been successful at shitting up a few good threads.
Now you're getting me nostalgic. pic related
Please elucidate about the non-kiked boards and post about Trump AND HOW HE'Z A ZOG PUPPED ZOMG WAKE UP SHEEPLE
Parker King
If only I hadn't beat you to the punch by five hours.
Jose Wood
Jeremiah Hernandez
< he isn't aware that national socialism is a metaphysical ideology and not a political movement you belong here
yeah, nah cunt, you stay here on cripplechan
Nathan Peterson
You sound like a weeb asshat that doesn't even know what he is talking about.
Bentley Morgan
how to unveil yourself as a foreign body on an imageboard in one simple step you need to go back >>>/reddit/
Ryan King
I don't know why I'm even responding to you.
Isaac Powell
Take your pills.
Jace James
Gtfo CIAnigger, and take your Kabalah dubs with you.
Oliver Bennett
Take a chill pill, Smiley.
Evan Peterson
Correct. The original meme was organic and natural. However the sudden shilling of it over the past few weeks is not. It was just funny bantz at first. Like calling americans shart in marts.
Connor Parker
You're free to fuck off anytime you like, shitbird.
Owen Brooks
After Tay when Holla Forums was doing research with actual learning AI, I ran one of those AI. Feed it the right information, and find a way to interface with a website, and it could pose as anyone of us.
We did that with basic computer science knowledge and 0 budget, just pure fucking anger for what they did to Tay. Reddit has had bots for years, you aren't supposed to use them without some kind of a disclaimer I believe but no doubt they're willing to bend their rules if you're taking down the drumpf. Imagine what a dedicated organization could do.
So, how well can a bot interface with Holla Forums I wonder.
Hunter Butler
We've seen evidence of their fine tuning when they occasionally glitch out in a thread. I'd estimate they're pretty effective at blending in, especially since here of all places the bot's flawed grammar might be overlooked as just someone altering their posting style to mask their identity. The good news is they're only good for the kind of propaganda you scroll past, and still can't influence genuine discussion.
Gabriel Myers
< being this new to national socialism useless strawman. morons like you are the cancer killing Holla Forums.
it's a nice ploy you've got; to call actual national socialists shills for trying to inform you that the board you're posting on has kiked mods and is owned by freemason sex tourists who live in chinkland and funded by new york kikes. i guess the constant cucking for the (((US government))) and constant stifling of actual national socialist discussion isn't enough to fire up the three neurons in your half-dead brain.
Nolan Roberts
>There's no real natsocs on this board >Only the real natsocs know about muh supa sekrit boards
Easton Lopez
Lucas Robinson
The damage is gradual. It all contributes to a slow decline in post quality and an obfuscation of genuine posts. Newfags(myself) might be stupid enough to get influenced by shillposts. Those that don't do their own research and for example have only ever seen a shillpost on a certain topic, completely devoid of intentifiable context, or cues to tell the shillpost apart, could themselves be gullible enough to adopt it as their own opinion. Plus concensus cracking will never stop, I've been seeing it a lot lately.
Luis Evans
go back to your bog faggot >>>/trs/
how can I hold all of these strawmans < he has faith in the mods how new and/or retarded are you?
would you fags prefer it if I posted Faceberg Frog instead?
Joseph Morris
the past was better is a meme
Wyatt Carter
The more you post the further you discredit yourself.
Tyler Wright
Sage for off-topic
How do you imagine this board being without fag mods? Is such a thing even possible?
Oliver Howard
Wait a moment. Hasbarafag, my nigger, is that you?
Jason Moore
good idea. it's easy to forget about the lurking newfags. they are our future. a possible downside is that it might popularize more of the strategy that some people use where they post unrelated red pill pictures in place of arguments or to make their shill talking point not stand out as much, but if it means more overall red pills then it would still be a net gain
Carson Edwards
Additionally you can post sources for further reading/related content when you make an effortpost but I don't know whether that could create a new attack vector for shills or not.
David Davis
< no counter argument sad
where? list them. literally no "we" in any of my posts. keep trying you dribbler.
Jaxson Carter
You just keep making it worse.
Jacob Rogers
Reminds me of this piece of shit that was made by the same creator that gave us the glorious Japanese Donald Trump (the one that destroys the planet). The message is unclear in both cases.
Adrian Parker
That's the best use of the 56% face, but it wasn't its first use.
Hudson Collins
< he's devolved into literal nonsense posting. absolutely cripplechanned.
Cooper Powell
Like all /lefty/ projects, I'm sure it was developed in committee until sufficiently homogenized. There must be one original artist (though it probably went through rounds of iterations and revisions). I think it's strange how uniform that particular "meme" is. It's not like an exploitable that'll have a consistent form with customizable details: it's drawn from scratch each time. Just at look anons' OC drawings of Pepe: they each have a unique style that deviates from the original.
It's characteristically not funny, and its "intention" is purely to d&c.
It's an astute observation of a type of person, synonymous with bugmen/low-T/cuck. Somewhat forced, but useful enough.
On /cuckchan/ they get away with making theads like: What is the smartest race, and why is it Jews? Here, they take an indisputable babby-tier position, add nothing new, and use it to slide. (checked) Off-topic, but I've been looking at "oathbreaking" in a different light. If I was an accelerationist/anarchist/nihilist looking to collapse the status quo by tugging just one loose thread, it would be contracts (defined as "the trust in another party to uphold his promise"). If the number of "contractbreakers" reached critical mass: business law would collapse; debts would default en masse; a new form of confidence would replace the "contract" as society's foundation.
the "Amerimongrel" meme is the most blantant D&C kikery I've ever seen be pushed on chan sites and people on 4/pol/ and 4/int/ are eating it up like it's some hilarious new meme.Without a doubt it's a planned, coordinated shilling campaign.
Connor Martin
you guys are aware that the ratio of actual people on the board to shills is 1:8 right? even your mods are shills you claim to be some white utopia but you think that fapping to anime traps is based you cant even respond to this post without calling me a shill. as your leader says: always accuse the enemy of what you are doing yourself
Jaxson Perez
exactly. i posted it to call out as an aut-right shill. they died off right after the dox dumps but they've been shilling for the past few months pretty hard
Hunter Wright
this isn't 4chan. Sodomy isn't welcome on this board
Ryan Walker
It might actually be whoeverthefuck pretending to be TRS, firstly, it's easy (you)'s, secondly, they think it causes division between us and TRS. they still don't get that you can't divide that which was never united
Jackson Edwards
he's not wrong. the issue is that the jewish cabal of board owners and vols is so apt at subversion and shilling that they've managed to suppress any attempt to organize a move to another imageboard. the lack of a better alternative doesnt mean infinite chan is a laggy honeypot
traps are becoming more common on Holla Forums these last few months because dysnomia ousted the previous userbase and only 4chan implants remain lol
Juan Turner
Kikes aren't white, therefore killing you doesn't contribute to white genocide.
Bentley Torres
Luis Powell
user that statemate would be true a few years ago
Jeremiah Davis
David Lee
Agree, consensus cracking seems to be their strategy for now.
>< he has faith in the mods lol the mods are shit. I'm giving you shit because you're off topic and because complaining about the mods is #1 go-to blackpill. You also didn't address my original point, so I'll rephrase it for you: Yes, the mods here are shit, where else are we going to go, nigger? Endchan? 420chan? Don't make me laugh
Charles Turner
You're obviously a shill because you've miscredited and misquoted via contextualization failure.
Nathan Morris
If that was your point then why didn't you just explicitly state that? Complaining about shitting on the mods & defending them is an obvious endorsement of the mods, don't backpeddle.
Colton Morris
rofl. I used to hate that, then felt sorry for oathy, then got mad at him, then it became a reap meme vs khaosfaggots, then oathy became mein friend. Oathy is actually pretty cool and does some IRL OPs, he even did the hippie OP. Decent user. Pic related, when I consider oathbreaker to have become a real meme. his wifeanon makes half of them for him xD
Colton Parker
Joseph Clark
I don't use google or anything else they control. I don't support monopolies in any form. Read wealth of nations, they will not fight each other. They will team up and fuck us all.
Luke Brown
they are rather ban happy
Luke Thompson
Consensus cracking is on the uptick because it is their go-to when they don't have another strategy in play. They're good at it but it's also a sign they have no other ideas.
They still think making us fight each other does anything but make us stronger. Survival of the fittest, baby.
Lincoln Russell
That's funny considering user's have perpetually been at each other's throats over fucking everything since 2003. Promoting in-fighting here is just pissing in an ocean of piss.
Daniel Long
stfu stupid retard it was since 2002
Logan King
I've heard the same talking points for two years in regards to the mods. The fact of the matter is that the quality of the board hasn't declined because of the mods. It's declined because of a huge increase in shills as well as a large influx of cuckchan rapefugees and clueless new/normalfags.
Yet like clockwork, there are always anons endlessly whining about imkampfy being a supposed Turkroach or linking some garbage /polmeta/ or /sudo/ thread in an attempt to astroturf and as says, appeal to anti-authoritarian retards. However, from my personal experience, the mods do a passable job here despite the enormous amount of shilling from all sides that has steadily ramped up ever since Trump announced his candidacy for POTUS.
Are the mods perfect? Far from it. Do they fuck up sometimes? God yes. Do I think they are here to specifically destroy discourse and "ruin" the board? No, I don't and I don't think that any user (without an ulterior motive) who has been here for any significant amount of time and has been paying close attention to their behavior does either. I am not convinced that the Holla Forums mods or the BO hold malicious intent towards the userbase. The verdict is out on Jim though. I don't trust that pigfucker at all.
Jeremiah Turner
zog and zionists spend hundreds of millions per annum on propaganda, and the most effective use of that would be to target the highest concentration of unironic nazis on the internet tbh. it is stupid to think that, despite the extremely dubious circumstances surrounding the site owner that jim would not also exert fine control over the largest boards by implanting his own kind, and its stupid again to think that, considering the very dubious circumstances surrounding many BOs that he hasnt done so its like you're new or something ??
David Reed
that spoiler was supposed to follow the greentext also my posts are pretty much incoherent at this point so im going to go to sleep
Jose Collins
You're free to have your opinion but as I stated before I am not convinced of such. Either way it is of little consequence. Our enemies attempts continue to fail and truth will not be stopped.
Ethan Foster
Sleep well lad. Also I disagree with you about everything and you're a faggot.
Jayden White
I'm reasonably certain this is a CIAnigger psyop. It appeared in ridiculous force all over cuckchan what feels like just days ago. Usually a new meme gets posted here and there, with lots of detraction, debate and countememeing. This felt like it had a brigade of faggots with archives stored up from day one.
Compare to the virgin/chad meme. Organic, funny meme that originated in a cuckchan /r9k/ shitpost and grew gradually, adopting the traits of the host boards wherever it went. Slowly, over months. The 56% thing? Completely external.
William Bennett
As has been established ITT already, it's not even an original drawing. The face is stolen from an existing organic meme. I don't know if it's from the glowing ones but I do know it's not something a genuine user or group of anons came up with. Feels more like something some kike algorithm spit out.
Adrian Ross
True. These memes suck. They don't even make sense. At least make them resemble what people usually imagine when they think badly of an American.
Nolan Morris
"X isn't white" is probably the oldest shillling tactic in the book as far as Holla Forums goes. It's a good way to get whites fighting over who is the "whitest" and stops you from organizing with other European people. Hence
I've even seen shills try to push the angle that Anglo Saxons aren't white because they fought against Hitler during WW2. (((they))) want us to in fight with each other so we never get anything done
Luis Bell
makes sense
Kayden Cox
I remember cumskin. Whenever the person who was forcing that garbage posted it everyone in the therad would mock him, even on 4cuck
Brayden Hughes
Shitskins can never come up with a good insult against us take cracker for instance, literal reminders that we are their masters and they better keep on the democrat plantations else they know what happens to all the shitskins that align with the neocohen rethuglicans. They are shit, literal waste.
Yep, it is pretty obvious. I'll just go elsewhere until it has died down. they've got a budget, after all.
Noah King
shills arguing with shiils has evolved from the obvious 2 player rants, to the insertion of a third 'moderate' voice. i've got to the stage of ID muting without mercy
Christopher Turner
It's literally one Brazilian guy jumping VPNs. He shat all over Holla Forums and destroyed Holla Forums. He posts a lot on /a/ as well, but more restrained because the mods there delete everything. He pretend to be Holla Forums on Holla Forums and Holla Forums on Holla Forums. Recently, he started shitposting on Holla Forums.
He prefers boards with little moderation and low traffic.
David Baker
I'm starting to think you're legitimately autistic. Calm thine tits and read this user gets it.
Don't forget about the good ol' religious D&C
Colton Hughes
Isaiah Morris
"Googles" and "skypes" came around when people caught wind that (((Google))) was going to start censoring (((Hate speech))) from their search results, thus the plan was to just use direct translations of racial slurs, with the new name being some kind of brand that (((Google))) couldn't censor from their results, so as to make their efforts to just censor keywords pointless. Ultimately they never did implement some kind of censor like that (that we know of), but it still can be useful to use words like (((Skype))) around normies.
Connor Gonzalez
Connor Nguyen
>national socialism is an ideology You know how you're outing yourself as a "foreign body?"
Tyler Baker
genius. we are on to something here.
that meme is so bad - there's no aesthetic to it, it is just ugly. Why did anyone think that it would gain traction on a natsoc board? Did they not look at our art preferences? I'll say this again. Give me a job, SDI, or whoever you are. If only to improve the look of the endless shite you guys post.
My dog is called Eris, her daughter, Nyx. Good girl, Eris :)
Is it time to post the "Holla Forums is a containment board" meme? I know the SDI won't believe me, which makes it more funny, but haven't the understood that the containment and bots work both ways?
server.listen(process.env.port || 3978, function () { console.log('%s listening to %s',, server.url); });
"i was only pretending" o boi was i laffin muh sides explodered so insightful, thanks for drawing that trite post to my attention, I totally haven't seen six gorrillion stockholm syndrome faggots making the same shit arguments before. this changes everything.
>oy vey soros and corporations wanting government and (((government backer))) control of the internet is good goy
Freechnigger kikes in their predisposition toward the most disgusting shit possible implying the US is nonwhite for muh ebin D&C shilling. It's hit the normiesphere among at least one jewtube eceleb who happens to have tried to rip off the "marble hornets" story for himself and virtue signal "im an injun & christopher oclumbus was a rapist and evil wwhy we have this oliday" like a kike on twitter.
Nicholas Harris
I bet you this guy is manually posting this while pretending to be a bot.
Adam Rivera
D&C example:
completely ignoring thread and just shillposting example:
posting awful TL;DR muh truth muh feels 0 info redpills:
other strats include:
Jose Murphy
reminder: the SOLE PURPOSE of shills is to disrupt the flow of redpills the sole purpose of our movement is to preserve and expand the flow of redpills
Brody Flores
I like the graphs but this isn't a shill thread anons this is a thread teaching others what to watch out for and how Shills work
David Adams
Yea, I thought so. Keep shilling the blackpill and avoiding my question you niggerfaggot.
Ian James
Bumping this thread…
Wyatt Smith
You think this is bad, check out halfchan
Lincoln Brooks
Daily reminder the veg anfag is one of the shills.
Lincoln Jones
Why did you post some random Node.js snippet?
Blake Green
There are exactly two high traffic boards on this site.
Evan Johnson
Jack Turner
Matthew Hughes
Not going to make the effort to type out a two page reply only to have a butthurt mod shoah the thread. Shit pisses me off and it has destroyed this board. Just a (((coincidence))) that it started happening after the april fuckery though amirite?
Christopher Jenkins
It would be nice to read multiple page posts again with out the thread getting deleted, tbh.
Kayden Powell
What the fuck were they hoping to accomplish?
Luke Brown
Hey goys, I'm a real Natsoc. Why has this board gone to shit? Because mods are le kikes! Take your blackpills and don't forget to abandon all hope!
t. Totally Not a Shill
Ian Young
post a ns thread then, see what happens faggot
Sandnigger faggots doing whippits
Alexander Morris
Benjamin Gray
the original was real, but the extreme number of them suddenly out of nowhere is strange.
Camden Barnes
Honestly I've noticed a massive influx of shilling ever since this thread was posted at the beginning of October.
I think someone is just really mad that their ecelebs are having gay sex with other men.
Austin Martin
o kind of like vid related getting spammed by mod that gets buttblasted huh? /sg/ ring a bell? anyone?
Cameron Anderson
You are the one who seems buttblasted.
Thomas Perez
eh, Annoyed to see a place that went from fucking billion dollar budget politicians and cianiggers to a huffington post tier blog. busttblasted status: 7/10.
Colton Stewart
Get out you fat fucking nigger newfag. Stop trying to blend in.
Colton Evans
Dysomnia, is that you I see?
Hunter Parker
Jack Roberts
I'm honestly skeptical about whether these are actual shills, or just OP screen-capping his own work in order to create this slide thread. I doubt there are any shills at all on Holla Forums tbh
Easton Wright
Eat a bullet.
Colton Carter
Holy fuck.
Jack Johnson
Fuck off and die.
Anthony Watson
You pedes aren't being skeptical. OP's posts are all very trollish in nature. Just read through the thread. Then consider how he got all those similar screencaps…
Nathan Robinson
Nathaniel Cooper
Why are you talking like this.
Jace Sullivan
Jack Cooper
(((Fellow pedes)))
Brandon Roberts
Nicholas Rodriguez
These sort of graphics back in 1987 would've been considered God-tier
James Evans
clearly it's a haiku you uncultured swine
Easton Gonzalez
thread about shilling and the mods delete half the posts because they incriminate them as the kike shills they are
Jaxon Robinson
This is a bit anecdotal but I've noticed a lot of shills pushing the Russian collusion narrative on /n/ and /newsplus/ as well.
Examples: >>>/newsplus/132850
Carson Lopez
Except that's not what happened at all you sniveling little bitch made faggot.
Brody Russell
meant >>>/n/574800
I must of clicked on the wrong thing just before posting
Cameron Johnson
Was about to say.
Alexander Cook
i admit i wasnt here for this threads beginning
but the mods are kike shills. even if they aren't literally kikes, they are so brainfucked by jewish projects that the poisoned this community to death.
Jose Perry
Any specific examples? What have they been saying/doing wrongly? I'm curious.
Landon Peterson
Easton Myers
try posting a thread about a book
try posting a thread about real life meetups and action
try posting a thread about self improvement
this site is literally controlled by the government through intelligence contractors. they use bots to target content. if they detect a dissident that goes outside the controlled narrative they target them with bots posting random garbage to try to discredit the message
Jace Butler
they tolerate absolutely zero criticism of the mods. Any report with criticism results in a ban.
especially when you expose just how far against the actual values of national socialism the mods act
William Walker
Blake Reyes
this, the bots post butthole and nigger porn to.
Gavin Ward
Look at 4chan right now, the shilling is just off the charts. Here it's the same, all these idiots who don't know even the most basic redpills.
Alexander Ortiz
How the fuck can you shit on books? It's where most of our redpills come from, even in your own fucking sticky. Would you like it if we never translated 200 Years Together? What the fuck is wrong with you? Give a good argument, you cucksucking hotpocket.
Easton Young
William Reyes
Where? You don't even put that in the fucking sticky you double nigger
Jonathan Taylor
One look at 4/pol/ tells you how full of shit the people attacking 8/pol/'s mods are. This is about as smooth as a Holla Forums board can run.
Nicholas Barnes
Were you even here before the election? There were real threads and deep intelligent discussion and redpills back then, nobody fucking banned books either.
Daniel Stewart
>not knowing how to >>>/pdfs/ 0 surprise you have to resort to TOR so you can claim mass censorship when your kikery gets the service banned.
Jonathan Nguyen
These dubs confirm. Before the election, and the subsequent influx of newfags and shills, book threads were common. Even esoteric threads as well, and a variety of other threads that werent what is considered, now, "Holla Forums related".
Joshua Stewart
Wow a torpedo that isn't total garbage. That's new.
Also, is there a board to upload audiobooks? I've been converting natsoc literature into audiobooks with the moonman voice and I'm looking for somewhere to upload them.
Nathaniel Richardson
Have a stickied recurring thread for NS, Books, Red Pills then. This doesn't help your case:
Mason Myers
Now this is gaslighting. You faggots were crying about MUH BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKS before Trump even announced his campaign. Three years, buffalo queers.
Landon Barnes
fucking make one then, welcome to Holla Forums. FUCKING MAKE ONE IF ITS NEEDED
Matthew Morris
what the, wrong thing highlighted
David Fisher
It would run smoother if dumbasses like you didn't keep dropping rocks in the intake.
Ryan Allen
Thomas Gray
Self improvement and improving others is part of National Socialism.Strive for greatness.
Lucas Martin
Public service announcement: There aren't two separate people on Holla Forums retarded enough to use the all caps "muh xxxxxxxxxxxxx" format. These are the same person.
Jeremiah King
Levi Wright
Isaac Nguyen
Man, this thread was a self fulfilling prophecy right from the start.
Parker Ramirez
This board has gotten fucking terrible. One of you make a new Holla Forums, I'll be the first to join it.
Andrew Jenkins
Update: This person goes to /polmeta/. That's a short list. Is he a mod?
Michael Jenkins
Those threads were always the ones to hit bump limit getting hundreds of replies when they were around, you illiterate nigger.
Josiah Morris
And you wonder why post quality has dropped, but that's the whole point isn't it?
Christian Johnson
Yeah he is. The only one that posts that obnoxiously against books is an illiterate Holla Forums nigger mod. When hotwheels made this place he was a retard who didn't have the foresight to make this board a site default and give the keys to proper people.
Julian Gomez
Carson Evans
What do you want out of life? People with your disabilities are such a fascinating, sad mystery.
Logan Lopez
He should have made ben garrison the BO.
Adam Myers
this is a mod.
they will turn on the bot cruise control after they train it on what to say
sounds good as long as the illiterates are the ones that fuck off to another board
Adrian Thompson
Levi Clark
Thats a good idea. Maybe a constantly expanding list of mandatory Holla Forums reading, since we have been here for years and should obviously be using /pdfs/, especially if were telling other people to go there. Havent read White Power and This Time The World? Maybe its time you took a break from posting and did. That kind of thing. We do it for Mein Kampf already.
Cooper Robinson
You out yourself so easily.
Lucas Murphy
we straight up need another platform
its probably crazy and it will probably get hacked by the government contractors but i'm going to make a new site where issues can be discussed and objective conclusions can be reached.
meme retards will not be invited and will be banned on sight. they will be forced to lurk and post in shitholes like this if they want to rant
basically i will send out keys to blockchain accounts and the moderation system will be based on a cryptocurrency with captcha as the proof of work. all the messages will be stored on the blockchain so if some CIA nigger shits on my server other people can host the same content and merge it with other mirrors etc.
Camden Reyes
you stupid fucking nigger i was quoting this post:
Joshua Diaz
I realized that after but there is no delet here.
Oliver Green
Nah, Im pretty sure this is just fine and exodus shills need to go fuck themselves. Its one actual retard on a vpn spamming threads and hes partially right even if he is a stupid and hypocritical cunt. We do have /pdfs/. The problem doesnt hurt you or me, it hurts our race.
Ryan Gray
reading is not a topic you fucking retard
its a prerequisite to discussing politics
pieces of shit like you are only here because you're social rejects, you have no friends, no skills, no hobbies, and posting retarded edgy memes simulates your tiny fucking brain
James Sullivan
this place is run by intelligence contractors. they delete everything that would take this community out of the bounds of controlled opposition
this is a death trap
Grayson Turner
Are you a woman, or are you actually this dumb?
Guess that answers my question.
Sebastian Cook
This place is populated by National Socialists and bans anyone who doesnt conform to that ideology. Its a massive forum with name recognition and awareness, stability etc, which lefty/kikes/ cant infiltrate. Anyone who tries to break up the community is a bigger menace than the "muh books" shill on 2 vpns.
Jonathan Cooper
Nice try.
Joseph Hernandez
No I'm genuinely curious. What do you do aside from come to threads like this to tell everyone "stop complaining". Seriously, I've seen you around, your format is as good as a signature, and I've never once seen you do anything but kvetch at anyone who so much as notes a problem. For someone who's not a mod, you seem awfully invested in defending them. Oh that's right, I've also seen you copypasting MODS=GODS a lot.
Ryder Campbell
No, making the same posts on 2 IPs does.
Robert Hall
Oh whatever hes quoting you, I guess I went full retard. I might have even just caught the wrong posts.
Ian Sanchez
These are the most nigger tier posts. Holy fuck you are retarded. (16) posts each of pure garbage. Funny how these two id's posting the exact same shit.
Evan Green
Jesus Christ, OP was right. See the shit on this board now? The most important thing about the books is that pretty much answer almost every question every retard asks here on the daily.
Luis Diaz
In this post:
The meme complains about people who find a thread or post that triggers them, and who then fill the thread with autist spam until they are banned, saying they are shill losers. Thats what you do in book threads, thats why I said youre a hypocrite.
John Brown
And ye shall know the shill by its stale tactics and assmad sperging. I would've thought that shills would fucking avoid a thread that's all about outing them, but instead they flock to it and out themselves as hard as possible. How are they this stupid?
Xavier Brooks
This specific guy who roves around doing nothing but defend the mods might very well be a mod. Have you not seen him? Do you not know him by his works?
Dominic Morgan
who the fuck else would it be?
Bentley Flores
Carter Gomez
how long until you start posting gay lain memes?
Sebastian Perez
Then I ask again, what do you do other than defend the mods and derail otherwise functional threads?
Henry Wright
It’s like poetry.
William Bailey
It is a mod. Go on >>>/sudo/ and you'll see him autistically screech the same way too.
I just wish we had a civilised board owner because ours shows his mongrel shitskin blood every fucking time.
Thomas Hughes
Don't you have an exodus to shill for?
Aaron Clark
Lucas Cruz
I like the lack of an answer I'm getting. It tells me I'm on the right track.
What exactly are you doing here?
Jace Thompson
I'd blow resurrectedplayer and swallow.
Adrian Morales
Also, something noteworthy: the thread about Malia Obongo was absolutely filled to the brim with shills saying they'd racemix with her and promoting the idea that white men can get back at coalburners by oildrilling. There also seems to be a sudden and concerted effort by shills to drown Holla Forums in a deluge of low quality threads and shitposts, making our signal-to-noise ratio resemble that of cuck/pol/. They can't be as brazen about it as in OP's pics because that shit wouldn't fly here at all, but it's still very, very obvious.
Justin Miller
Evan Evans
Leo Harris
Oliver Perry
Only leftist cucks and cunts use that term unironically. You dont belong here, and should just KYS asap
Sebastian Carter
Good night gentle Prince.
Wyatt Moore
Matthew Rodriguez
Samuel Butler
No kidding. Every nigger tier IQ kike shill is shitting it up good and hard.
Hudson Nelson
You outed yourself when you lied about your BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKS threads. Come on schlomo, keep trying.
Jaxson Ortiz
Daddy kampfy is here 💟
Angel Green
Cry harder.
Landon Gutierrez
Really makes you :thonk:
Adam Garcia
No I just want you to stop being a nigger and running the board into the ground. Why would anons need to leave if their was no (((problem)))?
It should have been pointed out that king nigger is gay, "michelle" obongo is a tranny, and "Malia Obongo" is the child of martin nesbitt and wife anita blanchard within the first two posts of that thread. tbh it probably has a dick.
Carson Thompson
Oh yeah, how could I forget those shoulders. Wasn't the guy who popularized this anhero'd by Clintons secret service too?
Dominic Baker
I corroborate, the threads that you shit your pants when people mention were present before the election.
Ryan Diaz
Hunter Martin
Holla Forums was a lot different from it started after the exodus, it was basically free speech all around but society got worse over time with its degeneracy and the libertarians got pushed out badly as well because they had zero solutions for the degeneracy. The mods started really cracking down once Trump came about, to be fair there were a ton of shills from Kek knows where but I'm guessing they had that mindset ever since Holla Forums got bigger and bigger. Deep down, I wish Holla Forums was still more libertarian but then it still has no solutions for the Weimar-tier infections upon society. Only the NatSocs ever do. So what now? Who knows.
Landon Jones
Get the fuck out if you don’t know what to do now.
Jaxon Morgan
When was the primary? Two years ago? Shit time flies buy.
Connor Cruz
I'm asking you, as a fellow human being, please stop posting MUH EEEEXXTEEEEENNNNNDEEEEEDDDD WOOOOOOORRRRRDDD because it's absolute torture. It's like being waterboarded. I'm not in fact a shill despite your smears because I haven't fucking shilled anything. I just hate the way you arrive, rape my eyes turn any meaningful conversation into a bunch of people telling you to fuck off.
Caleb Turner
Oh and also mods are shit and there's a lot of room for improvement, none of which will come from /polmeta/ because nobody but you goes there and you know that.
Jonathan Reed
See, this is what I mean. You're going to do it all by yourself? Nothing will happen that way, society has fallen to madness nobody wants to use rationality or facts anymore especially its former vanguards as if that leaked video a professor of a university in Canada shows. Even worse what what happened to James Damoore, that former google employee. Highly cited rational open letter and look what happened. Is anything left worth saving? Maybe but there's no answers, Trump can't do shit because he's all alone up there too. You guys couldn't even vote out and meme for /hisguys/ to get into congress and help drain the swamp and kick the establishment out.
Connor Miller
Jordan Fisher
Cry some more.
Cry about it. >>>/polmeta/
Adrian Reyes
Same shit as communism. Pipe dream that will never, ever work.
Kevin Hall
To anyone seeing this from the front page: Stop reading this thread once you get to here: Your braincells will thank you later.
Henry Nelson
Grayson Thompson
Gavin Nguyen
Well I respect its ideals. I just want to be left alone like freedom of association which is gone now because they'll bus in knuckle dragging negroids from the hood into nicer whiter placers on our dime now or freedom of speech like this website itself is built on and in reality I'm sure most of Holla Forums would be libertarian rather than natsoc because how much it loves freedom of internet, the only unassailable condition it being white of course. Am I wrong because I like Barry Goldwater but of course all of Pat Buchanan's predictions of how the west declines came true. I don't know what to do here, whites are doomed because of our former strength, altruism, is now our weakness that is easily taken advantage of by savages who will take miles and miles after we yield a single yard. The leftists hate facts too, after all their grandstanding over the years about the fundamentalists and their religious literal beliefs, they act no different. They replaced the old religion with an even worse one that will destroy civilized life.
Ian Sanchez
apparently they were huffing butane or at least the guy in the driver's seat was and the guy in the back wanted to light up a smoke…
Hudson Bennett
oh look who has been outed now
Jacob Robinson
It's a broad thing, it's not just one small part that speaks for all. Here's what I think will happen realistically if you NatSoc guys win (and I do hope you win, actually). It will eventually decay into libertarianism because you NatSoc guys will undoubtedly create incredibly good times and the next generation will eventually want more freedom out of it like the free spirit hippy generation after the greatest generation and from there it will decay back into postmodernism again in the next generation. You can't keep a grip on good times forever because the next generation would fall for for its decadence and you cannot stop decadence, even more inevitable because you NatSoc guys will probably create the most technologically and scientifically advanced anything mankind has ever known just like the original NatSocs and then we'll be heading to something like Wall-E or the end of civilization anyway through a Fermi Paradox scenario. A lot of you guys came from liberalism into NatSoc through gamergate, I see hyper advanced NatSoc technology VR dooming us where most are just constantly "online" just like now on their smartphones and this imageboard all even if you guys colonized a thousand planets with NatSoc Neo-Von Braun Uber Rockets and NatSoc superscience FTL travel or the portals the original NatSocs were trying to create. So NatSoc is an immediate solution for social decay, it is not a long term one. There really isn't such a thing and I have read hundreds of ideologies to try to find a way to stop it. You cannot fight the Fate of Empires. We're just unlucky to be born into weak men and times in this cycle. I hope our children do better during the next Great Turning.
William Peterson
Tyler Cooper
you will never be white, imkampfy
Nolan Turner
Just found this beautiful example of a shillpost in the oildriller thread. So good I had to screencap it for posterity.
It's true that Jews are a main promoter of many of the awful things that has been pushed in society the push couple decades, and they are proud of and boast of it even in their own meetings and media like "forward", but whites have a horrible mental illness called pathological altruism which will get themselves and their entire tribe killed and driven to extinction, the leftists most of all because they only support the most barbaric minorities like the niggers and the mudslimes, never have I seen them promote the Indians and Asians who are infinitely more civilized. Leftists just plain hate civilization, that's how I read into it. That's why they are drawn to ideologies like anarchy and communism and barbarian minorities rather than the civilized, which seek to destroy the core foundations of civilization in their statelessness and empty identities. They are backwards and claim they are progressive, they are regressive and reactionary in the most true sense to the core, where their goals include statelessness moneylessness savagery and bringing humanity back to a single backwards race that will never evolve and go their separate ways like they're supposed to, even now
To be the right is to be a defender of civilization and true progress. You cannot do that with those poisoned by pathological altruism and antithetical to civilization and true progress it still around. Whether you achieve this through eugenics or war, it has to be done.
Logan Brooks
That "meme" were once unironically used mostly by pajeets on cuck/pol/ who got butthurt of being called poo in loos. It's always terrible when certain non-Whites cater to American stereotypes, it's never hilarious and instead it's filled with faggotry and anti-White projection (i.e. the cumskin "meme").
Benjamin Hill
This is the exact shit that the Democratic Underground botnet pulled on halfchan Holla Forums and /k/ back in the day.
I've noticed that after the various shill groups make a failed attempt at accomplishing something (such as the badly failed Net Jewtrality shilling) they throw a tantrum and try to shit boards up for revenge.
Gabriel Smith
He's been on quite the faggy little kale-fueled rampage the past week or so. There's this online game I used to play, and there was an idiot that sounded almost exactly like him, would spam the same talking points constantly. Might be the same guy, but all carrotfuckers sound the same.
Ethan Perez
Don't let the spotting of shills make you lazy in dealing with them. I'd suggest keeping a record of killshot arguments in copypasta form and deploying them when necessary.
If you start forgetting your initial reasoning for a decision, it will make you more vulnerable to the shill attacks.
Nicholas Price
It's ironic that non-whites would call whites "cumskins" when they're all cum-guzzling homosexuals.
Ian Hall
Not the goon's distinct lack of offensiveness in his/her/xhir namecalling.
Joshua Garcia
What the shit are they even trying to communicate there?
Chase Campbell
Would hit, record, publish and dump. Would even worth the AIDS.
Andrew Butler
Isaac Long
This is the most SHUT IT DOWN post possible. That user, regardless if he is a
Juan Sanders
Three years, buffalo queer.
Levi Jackson
In all seriousness though, the memes are a result of the shills incessantly posting and being annoying, so the memes that were developed were ALSO as annoying as possible. From what I've heard, there have been two confirmed suicides from the shill camp so far.
Nolan Green
Oh, so this is the source image for one of /int*/'s "memes." Click at your own risk.
Ethan Diaz
Jaxson Stewart
The rest should follow suit. Remember shills, you're on the wrong side of history. You're going to see some serious shit, so just join your comrades in happy land.
Elijah Baker
(Heil'd) I imagine perennial failure has deleterious effects on their mental health.
We understand them, perhaps we're tired of hearing their nonsense and wish to discuss amongst ourselves.
Nicholas Bailey
There it is again!
Christopher Russell
Landon Perry
What do you mean developed? Never happened here. Do you fuckers have a community on /polmeta/ where you devote energy to figuring out the exact most retarded response to anything just so you can post it and shit up shit threads even more? Worse, do you think you're improving the board by doing this?
Oliver Cox
What is with all the anti-GNAA shilling? They basically started the whole jews did 9/11 meme, and most of the members are pretty Holla Forums tier.
Cameron Ross
Holla Forums has survived where everyone else has died.
Luis Garcia
If you know the history of GNAA, do you really have to fucking ask this question? You do know who's associated with them, right? The very same kike that's now associated with the 'alt-right'.
Luke Garcia
jew got kicked out and most members dislike him strongly. If you head to the ED or chimpire IRC and ask around you will hear GNAA guys talk shit about him.
Nathaniel Jones
Bumping for exposure. This is an Imkampfy damage control thread. He is actively censoring Natsoc literary material on Holla Forums and wants you to believe that /pdfs/ is our book board when it is riddled with jewy smiley-tier books. We are at reddit-tier levels of thought control now. This kike actually thinks you're that dumb that you won't find >>>/zundel/ and the massive anti-kike book threads there. Look, he even used a loli for the OP image to mock us. This guy will ban you for even mentioning any of this. Our fucking mod is the real shill; you should have realised this by now.
This post will be deleted.
Samuel Stewart
Too bad, stop shitposting
Blake Powell
Oh, you mean the same group of fags that spammed Holla Forums for weeks on end over that evalion kikess? You're not making yourselves look any better.
Levi Turner
Nathaniel Moore
Matthew Torres
Michael Nelson
Xavier Morales
i was the owner of that board, then i lost the password, oh well.
nice forced kike meme.
Blake Hernandez
Shilling what? I have stated your agenda, now tell me mine or find a new angle to take. Every time you ban me, you just give me more evidence to cite in the future. Fuck you and the endchan kikes. I can't believe your life is centralized around nixing pro-Holla Forums posts for free you sorry turkey.
That user needs to an hero.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Thomas Martinez
Can you confirm the multiple goon suicides recently?
Asher Garcia
Where's my cheque.
Evan Hernandez
Based on what I've read, some poo-in-loo and a pedogoon both killed themselves recently.
Michael Campbell
i just turned it into a Ming Wo shithole and banned random people on the spot. mostly the spammers though.
i remember looking at the board log and seeing pages upon pages of stuff but that's about it.
it doesn't really seem like the version of intl on here was ever taken seriously, it's just a spamming board. so no I can't, sorry pal.
Zachary Rivera
Dylan Ortiz
here you go.
Zachary Wright
Youre getting banned for reasons other than failure to conform to National Socialism. I dont agree with it, but thats not the reason. Youre getting banned because its perceived as a form of disruption, which personally I disagree that it should be, obviously. Anyways, pros and cons. Its not perfect, but its definitely the best we have.
Christian Hill
John Gray
Banning for supposedly not having read Mein Kampf is a little bit much though, like finding the exact thing he doesnt deserve to be banned for and banning him for that just for shits. That seems pretty petty.
Landon Campbell
Holla Forums is compromised. This thread (that I am archiving) is proof.
Noah King
code monkey god dammit I swear I clicked the spoiler button
Anthony Mitchell
I just pointed out that you conformed to National Socialism and werent being banned for that. I said I disagree with why youre being banned, and then I added on that the reason they are banning you is obviously not because you havent read Mein Kampf, despite that being the stated reason on your ban notice. Yea, thats childish. You have obviously read Mein Kampf, and much more National Socialist literature.
Grayson Bell
Ayden Morris
Luke Thomas
goons are pedos and anime faggots are also pedos.
David Hughes
Reported and filtered.
Samuel Jones
Nicholas Hughes
ITT - Jewish damage control: the admin
Henry Johnson
Daily reminder that traitors die first.
Alexander Miller
Post a timestamped face pic
Hudson Young
sorry to tell you but not everyone who doesn't like "cartoons" made by LITERAL PEDOPHILES is a goon.
Liam Brown
Traitors before enemies, jews before either. Get it straight, faggot.
Ryder Sanchez
Ayden Brooks
Books are important, reading is important, knowledge is power. HOWEVER - we stand to lose more by undermining the current moderators given their overall practices and standards than we could gain by somehow harassing them into leaving, or causing the community to split. We need this place, and it serves the vast majority of its desired function fairly well. Fags, niggers, kikes, racemixers - sneaky subverts, goons, cuckchanner meme lovers, Reddit and the_donald, feminists, conservatives, whatever. They all get shitcanned. I personally think a single book thread does no harm, and is obviously of a large benefit. I also understand there may be some unspoken arguments against it, maybe they are bad ones, maybe they dont exist and Im just trying to justify something bad on behalf of "our side". I could see leftists promoting subversive titles and trying to get masses of people to read something which could damage the movement. Is Zundel doing that, obviously not.
The most important thing to understand is not to go against the grain. This isnt real National Socialism, our leaders - the people with power - werent put in place because they love their people or were chosen as our leader by the party or because they were willing to risk their lives or because they have demonstrated party loyalty. So you cant hold it against our ideology if they arent the perfect people to follow, even if we have to follow their orders. Thats the way I look at it, and I think thats probably the most - productive - way to look at it.
Gabriel White
What the fuck is going on.
Ian Lewis
OP posts thread exposing shills. Shills are then drawn to it like a moth to a flame and expose themselves. Fun is had by all
Michael Wright
You bugmen ruined this board.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Not engaging (((you))). Fuck anyanon whom has cucked themselves to Imkampfy.
Jack Phillips
Some of it is shills, some of it is a problem that has developed between the users and the moderation due to a perceived clash of interests.This problem is fueling a bigger problem, which is that shills are trying to make people leave because 8ch is a powerful tool for whites, regardless of if book threads exist or not.
Conforming to the interests of the community is a part of National Socialism. That MAY be why hes telling you to read Mein Kampf, you know.
Xavier Sullivan
How many years have you been trying this and failing at it? At least three according to the meme, but have you kept track for yourself?
Oliver Parker
Also Im defending you about as much as I can while not understanding how to come back if I were banned. I contribute a lot of important information and such to the board, I consider my presence here a benefit to whites and therefore I wouldnt want to risk losing that ability, because it would be bad for the race.
Zundel is important too. Youve done it now, but you could have tried to remain under the radar moreso, and not aired your grievances so publicly. Thats not very National Socialist of you.
Daniel Lopez
They'll never actually discuss anything in good faith with you, user.
Dominic Harris
I wouldnt expect them to. I dont have any power. I just hope they keep on keeping all the actual undesirables out of this place. My level of content is higher than my level of displeasure.
Kayden Gutierrez
nice projection.
Nathaniel Allen
The whole idea that there's some terrible problem between the users and mods is a false narrative pushed by shills tbh.
Joshua Lopez
Oh, you mean the shills. Ha, I guess thats a bit funny then. Could be interpreted either way.
Zachary Price
The shills that you've been directly addressing will not actually respond in good faith. The mods do what they do and they've kept this place running for four years despite billions of dollars spent to defeat it. If you don't understand how they operate, go spend more time reading the intelligence primer, third post in the rules sticky.
Easton Rodriguez
Well Zundel is being banned for not having read Mein Kampf, that slightly bothers me.I think a lot of us would appreciate a book thread. Youre right though, its not nearly enough of a problem to warrant all this flailing around and foot shooting.
Colton Hughes
and now we're going to get 100 >(1)s itt to "disprove" you. lolol
Samuel Ward
Also, I may just do that. Always remember to give people in the wrong advice on ways they can improve themselves or become more aware, rather than giving out unnecessary put downs and morale breakers.
Dylan Young
Why would they make /zundel/ when /pdfs/ already exists? Why would they spam it, post in bad faith, and d&c against Holla Forums and the mods? You need to think and lurk more.
Xavier Taylor
Who do you think I am? I was around before Holla Forums, but I never had any agendas. I started zundel in April and finished it three days before Ernst's passing away. The only one who is making a meme out of themselves is you cunts. I am here to voice the greivances of all oldfags being culled from Holla Forums.
Xavier Lewis
Because /pdfs/ is a ruse you shill.
Cameron Foster
8/pol/ is imageboards on hardmode, user. There are certain expectations to be met for anyone posting here, which is why people are reminded to "Lurk two years" before posting.
Blake Scott
/pdfs/ is a large general board not operated or owned by Holla Forums. It has all sorts of things. Zundel is exclusively an entire board dedicated to holohoax exposure and things related to Jewish subversion etc. It has its threads organized in terms of authors, so each thread is its own author. You can only do that on a full sized board. It makes sense.
Nolan Lopez
and my dad is Adolf Hitler who secretly works for nintendo and is still alive in the mt. fuji underground bunker Fag.
Angel Martinez
Yes, but in the end we are all National Socialists, and we shouldnt be sending actual National Socialists who spend their time dedicated to their race away - for things less than promoting faggotry, or something seriously subversive and damaging. These are our brothers, not expendables.
Bentley Powell
until and unless (((mods))) like imkamfy are replaced, shilling cannot be brought under control.
The truth of the matter is, imkamfy or any competent mod should be the OP here, but is not because they aren't here to help; rather hinder us.
Jonathan Long
I guess you could sum my views up this way. We all need Holla Forums, and we all need eachother. We should be united on 8/pol/, where we can organize and actually put up valid and viable resistance. When we ban all sorts of actual National Socialists for frivolous reasons, we only damage ourselves as a whole.
Cut the fat, not the muscle. Ideally.
Juan Richardson
pic related is the type of shit you will find there
I am tight with the BO, he's a good user. However it is obviously raided and nothing will be done about it, because BO doesn't force the right consensus.
Matthew Price
>until and unless (((mods))) like imkamfy are replaced, shilling cannot be brought under control. This is where youre going to get the whole board turned into cuckchan, with the same tier mods they have. Its like when you replace a hostile dictator user. Youre going to get fucking… Morsi and an Religion of Cuck™ic revolution instead of someone better than Mubarak, you understand? Isis instead of Saddam.
Noah Ortiz
Don't worry, there is a plan in order.
Gavin Adams
If Holla Forums were the Reich, you would be these guys.
I don't like the book situation either but I understand how it happened. The mods, or maybe just one mod who the fuck knows, started bumplocking book threads because he decided Holla Forums wasn't the place for pdf threads and they should go on /pdf/ instead. Shills than instantly used this as a d&c vector, insisting that this was proof the mods were compromised, anti-natsoc, and the users had to EXODUS NOW to all the various honeypots the shills had set up. They even intentionally posted book threads knowing they'd be bumplocked or deleted in order to generate further "proof" of the mods being ebil. So now book threads are considered shill threads and complaints about book threads getting shoah'd are met with derision(MUH BOOOOKS).
Austin Rivera
Makes sense, I could see both those things happening. At this point its more damaging to give them grist for the mill though, if you ask me.
Brandon Turner
Nolan Richardson
Template threads get banned. Deal with it.
Angel Edwards
I am the Reich.
Checked. Could you stop sage-ing? I just want all to see Imkampfy's failed D&C thread on page 1.
Kevin Morris
Aaron Lewis
Im dealing with it, Im tolerating it, and Im advocating unity under Holla Forums as the only option. Im the opposite of an exodus shill, I think it hurts if we dont get as many serious and real National Socialists under this roof as possible. The arguments still remain, and are made in a genuine spirit of opposing white genocide and cultural marxism. I wont go on about it, I think everyone here probably understands eachothers views at this point, agree or not.
Gavin Johnson
The mods should put together their own Holla Forums-approved book thread and make it a perma-sticky in my opinion. That way you wouldn't get shills slipping in any (((subversive))) books while at the same time ending the whole MUH BOOKS issue.
Nicholas Richardson
A sound compromise.
Samuel Young
Xavier Wright
This thread was made by a real Holla Forumsack because the board was being raided by numerous shills at once, promoting all sorts of disgusting and overtly anti-National Socialistic garbage. This is exactly why some people around here think youre a faggot.
Ryder Hughes
It all coincides with the mewch planned raids anyways, they announced their planes like a month or 2 ago now, and they included destroying the lesser boards as a prelude to destroying Holla Forums itself.
Jaxson Wright
Look, I personally highly appreciate what you did and anyone who does anything remotely similar. I feel for ya bud, you dont deserve it, but youre not understanding this. Youre causing more damage by thinking your individual contribution is the only thing that matters, and in by doing so I hate to say it - youre acting selfishly. You did those things for your race, and again, we thank you.. but you didnt do them for yourself. Or you shouldnt have.
Andrew Ross
Holla Forums is already mostly fucked at this point. If taking back the board is to be considered an option than replacing the moderation is crucial.
The only other option is migration. Other Holla Forums ripoffs with shady ownership (endchan ect) and also pick up almost no traffic. This leaves /polk/ or another Holla Forums derivative here as the only option. Yes this will divide users but I would also point out that quality is much more important in this fight than quantity, as it is the quality of our memes that draws the quantity of support from society at large. It was the quality of posters in 2015 that enabled the successes in later years, but also lead to subversion, calcification- leading to where we are now.
I would point out other sub communities have divided from Holla Forums in order to retain their own organic identity including /britpol/ and /sg/.
Matthew Green
Stopped reading there. No, its not. Its mostly fine.
Adam Powell
See this guy, this guy is the real shill. This is cancer on the board.
Caleb Richardson
Anything but actually admit Holla Forums is objectively cucked until something is done, right? I hope that anons are ready to become scholarly. If this equates to being a faggot, I don't know how else I can uncuck you. If you can read imageboard shitposts all day, read a goddamn book - just one. We are drowning in the hyperbole and zogbot astroturf threads, and not even the mod himself seems to exhibit concern.
/polk/ is cancer, endchan is cancer, .pl is cancer, migrating is cancer at this point. Also, projecting is cancer. The threshold is passed, and Conde Nast/ADL/SPLC/JIDF are going to know when it is going down and perform subterfuge (see Imkampfy) . We need an internal solution, however it would seem that even trying to define the internal creates chaos amongst anons. What is the end goal for Holla Forums? That's all that matters in my head.
Ian Price
On Holla Forums at least, the mods come through and ban 90% of the cancer I report eventually, and the rest is ambiguous and maybe just stupid people. They do a good job, but they are not all seeing and all present. We only have a few of them, and the idea of bringing more on only makes me think of lefty/pol/ infiltration.
I have plenty of books and read often, I assure you. As I said, Im largely on your side, except when you start trying to damage the stability and potential existence of the board. We stand more to lose by you fucking things up, than we do by just allowing the problems we currently have to go on. The motor still works, it just burns a little oil. We dont have a safety net for you to go fucking around with it, making it worse.
Austin Miller
That's because in reality 99% of anons consider the mods tolerable and think Holla Forums is doing fine. So proposed solutions to a non-existant problem(POL IS COMPROMISED) are instantly met with scorn and dismissal.
Henry Ortiz
Angel Bailey
Hunter Williams
I wouldnt call it a long train of abuses, its book threads. Thats about it.
Noah Watson
Colton Reed
Im not even Murrican either.
Jayden Lopez
As others have pointed out
Moreover there is nothing cancerous or disingenuous about wanting a community with higher quality posts, little to no shilling, and resistance to subversion. In fact, thats the fucking point of this thread.
/polk/ is cancer, endchan is cancer, .pl is cancer, migrating is cancer at this point.
So then we need to get rid of Imkapfy and replace that turkroach with those who's honor is loyalty, or create a system that mods can't abuse (which isn't likely).
Our goal here is to organize the effective redpilling of Western Civilization by any means necessary- yet tying ourselves entirely to a given website seems counter-intuitive to that goal- IE its more than possible to have an active, yet smaller board with greater focus, the same way this place was to 4chan two or so years ago.
As I said, Im largely on your side, except when you start trying to damage the stability and potential existence of the board.
Thats the problem, you are replying to what appears to be a quality post, meaning that poster is on your side, on our side. You also imply that we, the users, are subject to the success and failure of the board as though it exists independent of us. The board doesn't give us organization, the board doesn't provide us anything unique in terms of a platform; rather we, the users, make this board successful. As the board has also compromised it would stand to reason that irregardless of the outcome, the subversion must be fought or a new home built. Your fighting for the life of a corpse and worse yet implying we would all be worse off for leaving it be.
Im really antisocial when you get down to personal interactions, thats probably not going to happen lol. Goebbels sat around reading all the time, too.
Sebastian Johnson
Now I see what you mean. I just didn't get what you meant by prudence.
Carson Barnes
Holla Forums is a platform with a large userbase and name recognition. There is no alternative to bring people to, and you couldnt if you wanted to. Your lack of understanding of mass concepts demonstrates how worthless and dangerous you really are. Go away, go post on cuckchan, tell them about how bad they have it and to leave to the next Holla Forums. You will have more success there, than here.
Ethan Hernandez
Yea, I was just curious if you would get the reference.
Isaiah Ward
Lurk two years, then post.
Jack Roberts
*lurk two years before being a mod
Adrian Lee
Not even going to bother responding to any of that as you ignored all my arguments and are simply an irrational exodus shill.You probably know why your own arguments are shit and designed only to weaken our voice and impact etc. I was on cuckchan before Holla Forums existed, and Ive been here since the cuckening/ Holla Forums harbor.
Oh okay, Im a mod now. Id have gassed that other cunt on the spot if I was, but Ive treated you fairly. I dont talk to people over email, whats the purpose? You want me to send an actual link to my person, or go and spend the time making a disposable account just to speak with you about… about nothing important.
Nathaniel Taylor
I should say though, I didnt make this my primary Holla Forums for a while after, as I tried to make cuckchan work. It was really dead before the election, the election gave it a bit of life, but it was all Reddit cancer after that. It has no value except for propaganda dissemination at this point.
Tyler Perez
Also add a permanent redpill thread please.
Aaron Campbell
If I was an exodus shill why have I argued in all of my posts within this thread that the moderation should be challenged and removed? They should. Nonetheless that effort is not guaranteed to succeed. Thus alternatives must be explored. I have not made the argument that Holla Forums should be abandoned entirely. If you had been here as long as you claim, you would be accustomed to failure and success and aware of the necessity of having a plan B.
Capable users, have been utilizing whatever platform possible to spread the redpill, taking advantage of whatever the particular strengths are of said platform. This includes cancerous normie tier sites, enclaves and associated boards/sites (/k/, Holla Forums, /g/ ect). Nonetheless, effectively leveraging those platforms necessitates organization which is where 8ch/pol/ has come in for the last few years. As moderation here is comprised and actively participates in state sponsored suppression (/sg/) why would you believe Holla Forums remains an essential and unique tool? Like 4chan, it has its uses, but operating as the 'core' as it were of our movement, will daily, become less and less possible.
There's a months old redpill thread in the catalog, and it's at around 400 posts. There's a combo literature/redpill thread up. And owning and setting up a computer is essential to playing videogames, and you don't see "How 2 set up PC for retards" threads on Holla Forums, because Holla Forums exists. Have you checked the primer sticky? Additionally, if newfags are too dumb to actually do that, of what value are they?
You're not even twisting the truth anymore, you're flat out lying.
The miscegenation shilling in the Malia thread is fucking endless.
Robert Cooper
I've rarely seen concerted efforts like this
Samuel Smith
Every fucking time a shill posts here and we see it, we should drop a fucking redpill on another board/medium. EVERY TIME!
Xavier Cruz
Julian Martin
Shillbots are real.
Ian Allen
The "White Meetup" guy fits a pattern I've seen elsewhere.
Many fishy-looking supposedly WN/NatSoc Twatter accounts that smell like LARPers. Constant references to the 14 words etc, but not much productive dialogue. They repeatedly disparage people who "waste their time" online, say it's getting us nowhere, make reference to the necessity for "real life action", and hint at a need for violence.
It seems to me there is a concerted effort to convince us all to drop what we're doing and go do something stupid. It's a double win if they can convince some of us to drop our online activity, then the Jew media can make the usual "evil internet Nazis" fuss about whatever happens, and their friends in government maybe use it as a pretext to "shut it down".
I'm sure this is a coordinated psy-op, and to me it seems like a clear indication that we should carry on doing what we're doing. The power of Holla Forums is that we're playing the Jews at their own game - the information war - and winning the battle for people's minds. Things like OKTBW are killing them, they have absolutely no way to combat this sort of simple but effective provocation.
The battleground lies in our favor now because of how far things have got. Back when they were pushing the thin edge of the wedge (women's rights, gay rights etc.) it all seemed so reasonable to the average normie. Now they're sterilising kids, pushing anti-whiteness openly etc. We're at a stage where their kikeing people's minds has got so extreme that it's easy to expose it.
Red-pilling normies should remain top priority, IMO. I see tangible progress everywhere I look. A lot of alt-lite people seem to be shifting in our direction. They're driven mainly by a recognition of the futility of civic nationalism in the face of brainwashed leftists that refuse to meet in the middle. People are waking up to what the real agenda is. I'm even noticing an increasing amount of oblique references to Jewish power in /r/The_Donald, of all places.
Carry on anons, for I smell the scent of victory.
Lincoln Jackson
SA goons created GNAA GNAA is a core part of chimpire/intl Goons branched out into EVE online money laundering and Child Pornography trading. Andrew Aurnheimer was part of GNAA and has associated with the "alt-right" Chimpire/GNAA/Aurnheimer have been behind multiple e-celeb pushes (Fag Anglin's fuck shack, Evalion, etc). Start following the money and the people involved. It's all jews, goons and other people who deserve a bullet in the back of the head. Each and every one of these groups has attacked Holla Forums and attempted to overthrow Holla Forums moderation.
Brandon Butler
Jeremiah Robinson
He's in my picture of "shill and loser list" posted earlier in the thread. I have him labeled as "commonspic", since he's at bare minimum very similar to that anti-white kike. He's been here a long time, spamming this board and /polmeta/. This tactic is just the latest one he's used. I have reason to believe he was also the "you are being BLUEPILLED 8ch is owned by alphabet agencies goy" faggot, and has been doing the "white nationalist/natsoc/[any pro-white group] is anti-white" thing with the same images for years. He used to use additional ones on /polmeta/ like snowmen taking a shit creating ice cream cones gee, I wonder (((who))) would go for scatological things so quickly? with a label comparing that to WN/natsoc. He more recently has one with some guy in natsoc gear giving a heil with Holla Forums-style text plastered over it kvetching about the phrase "kill yourself kike".
Jaxson Bailey
Ah fuck me, I need to save my filters somehow. Running a sandboxed hacked browser so it doesn't keep any info from the last time I used the PC. Pretty sure I'll have a new ID now too.
Blake Russell
Dafuq? It only changes ID half the time. Weird. Anyway, looks like mods deleted some of the faggots but the main one is still running rampant for some reason.
Adam Richardson
Thats pretty hilarious because Im the one who kept saying that to him.
Jordan Gutierrez
It Definetly is. The point is to bombard your mind with sick images and key words incoherently thrown together. I don't know if other anons see that shill who posts borderline CP with a bunch of redtext and random words. It makes my browsing experience nearly unbearable for 30 minutes until it all get cleared.
Ethan Bennett
Yeah I've seen that sort of shit. I think it's just trying to break down the disgust response one barrier at a time, similar to how gore doesn't affect us anymore.
Xavier Perry
Do you now see why goreposting and gorefagging is degenerate and doesn't belong here? Daily reminder that the same excuses people give for posting gore e.g. "to scare normalfags" are also used by cp posters.
Joseph Johnson
Yep. Saw that shit a lot back when I was on the deepweb. People would infiltrate sites that did borderline shit with gore, then redrooms and CP. Typical degenerate shit.
Dominic Wilson
This is an accurate post that the kikes and goons will purposefully ignore because they can't refute it.
Asher Mitchell
Not an argument. We have proof it happens. Not an argument. We have proof it happens. Look at fucking sudo, you goddamn idiot.
David Fisher
The one without books, you mean.
Jeremiah Carter
Eh, a cyclic redpill/book thread would be nice though, if just to stop the spam war between muh books and muh booooks. A lot of threads go down the shitter from the warfare between the two and it seems like shills are using it for D&C lately. It's easy to just ignore them anyway but it gets tiresome when half the threads have some shill take one side and others take the other or people taking the bait. And it makes genuine conversation on books near impossible even if they're relevant to the thread.
Lucas Johnson
Jeremiah Scott
Just thought of a good, relevant, example: Propaganda by Edward L Berneys and this thread. Goes over a lot of the group psychology the kikes use in their shilling tactics.
Luis Torres
That’s the mod, user.
Samuel Collins
Oh look. Everything you've posted in this thread now means nothing, because you're too dumb to read.
Leo Cruz
Elijah Brooks
Calm down Berkay.
Brandon White
Surfing cable television Surf past comedy central Host of some show uses le meme Pronounces it lee not ley.
Brandon Sanchez
anally split open
Jeremiah Myers
Don't forget that nigger kike (((Moarpheus))). He is approaching WNs on twitter to dox them and is actively shilling here and on cuckchan. Watch out for him. He is associated with the schizo kikes from (((Renagade)))
Brody Hernandez
Also if you encounter shilling against KEK blatant religious D&C and anti Trump shilling it's kikes from (((Renagade media))) and the insane kike coal burning roastie whore Sinead
Sebastian Lopez
this site is run by intelligence contractors
we would sooner get rid of the jew itself
no, we need another platform
Michael Thompson
the only shilling that is done is FOR your demonic, jewish-invented frog idol
anyone else is just a sane person trying to root that cancer out of our communities
Chase Sanchez
the mods just play retarded because they've been called out for the government contractors they actually are too many times.
they have effective chat bots at their disposal, they are definitely govt
Lucas Bell
at this point im pretty sure a lot of the moderation is done by AI
Dominic Martin
What rock did you wriggle out from under, worm? Are you one o' them butthurt Abrahamists?
Christian Johnson
Unintentionally making the group that wants to kill you by throwing you into a oven, all into stone cold psychopaths.
Brody Brown
Another wave of kike shills trying to steer us away from our gods recently. The jew truly fears χάος. Praise Kek.
Julian Hill
Nice earlobe spacing.
Brody Gutierrez
Fucking kys kampfy you unmitigated nigger.
Carson Garcia
What? Fuck you. Heil Kek. Heil Eris too since it seems to be making (((someone))) uncomfortable recently.
Stop whining about the mods like a glow in the dark nigger. Next you're going to say we need to migrate to another board…
Anthony Thomas
Asking on how to win over low IQ brown people to the right is like asking viacom on how to keep them from copyright striking your spingebill YTP – it's pointless.
Lucas Jones
its so Based around here lately
Lucas Ramirez
Leo Powell
That is weird. This whole thread has been weird.
Eli Jenkins
There are tons of lurkers who have been here for years but rarely post because of all the reasons discussed in the thread.
Lucas Parker
And here you see the typical metafag response to being BTFO.
Blake Edwards
YUP! and its driving people away
Parker Martinez
Angel Walker
its politically incorrect. its not natsoc. natsoc is pol pol is not natsoc. larpers be damned. There are many politically incorrect topics that are not covered or promoted in mien kamfy that diverse discussion not banning.
Camden Jackson
*deserve discussion
Jace Taylor
Nathan Hill
Fuck off you utter nigger.
Leo Butler
Another post removed without publicly banning the user. This is obvious damage control, which ironically almost always blow up right in their faces because what are proxies. This sort of incompetence is why the site is riddled with shilling, off topic crap and majoritarian low quality posts.
This is the usual. I will say it again, and this post will likely be removed again since the mods cannot stand for the free expression of opinion. The mods have been subverted, and if we want Holla Forums to function well, the mods must be removed and replaced with those who's honor is loyalty.
Oliver Morales
this tbh
Hunter Wilson
If you decide to flee a board every time some cancer is allowed to defecate freely about the posts then you're going to leave a trail of shit in your wake.
Advocating for the internet equivalent of white flight is an asinine practice, and will alleviate none of the problems you face.
Sebastian Cooper
Pic related is what subversive mods deserve.
Brody Richardson
Jordan Ross
Reminder that shills of all varieties can't get real employment because they are too fucking stupid to be useful in any meaningful way so instead they get paid tiny amounts to be impotent digital annoyances in order to make elderly giga-kikes feel like they are accomplishing something when in reality they are on the precipice of being shoahed for the final time in history.
Luke Nelson
Great post my dude.
Levi Peterson
Isaiah Thompson
Jordan Nguyen
Holla Forums, with the exception of the Zimmerman trial, will NEVER bad as good as /new/ was. All the troglodytes now straight out of plebbit and now literal boomer subhumans who don't even know how to post redpills and sources. 4chon was way better than this place would ever hope to be.
Gavin Jones
Justin Price
(((Imkampfy))) has made an operation out of censoring book sources on Holla Forums. Every time I post content from my collections and link anons to threads on my board >>>/zundel/, I get [B&D] (banned+deleted) immediately. Those whom have similar complaints 'will not go to /polmeta/, an obvious containment zone/memory hole. We are allowed to criticize each other and the so-called 'representatives' of Holla Forums. Before anyone tries to argue that 'this material is inappropriate for /pol' or 'there are other boards for this', I want you to take a look at /pdfs/ and the plethora of problems eg. kike books being pushed as red pills, little to no organization. We dont have a book board berkay, you nigger.
To be censored this heavily is a sign that I am succeeding in my own personal agenda to magnetize better anons to Holla Forums. The only argument I have directly recieved from this pussy Imkampfy are as follows:
Deleted Threads and Bans for Book Discussion >>>/zundel/2190
William Clark
Jeremiah Torres
>(((they))) even blatantly ban evade to cry about the same shit they can never stop running their mouths about
Josiah Bailey
heil Kek, Heil Eris, heh. just realised that user is amun. So where is Nun?
Ryder Nguyen
Nolan Cruz
woops, meant to reply to >>10953168
+1 gas to the gas order
Camden Walker
top kek imkikefy
Kevin Powell
I've been thinking on the possibilty of (((moot))) gives pointers to shill groups on how to attack imageboards? I mean he's already in jewgle.
Can he possibly act as a technical adviser of sorts?
Levi Russell
Eli Martinez
How about the imageboard itself is the shill and only threads that agents have control of don't get deleted.
Colton Reed
Suck kike cock somewhere else, please.
Michael Parker
the absolute state of amerisharts
Isaac Johnson
That's already listed in the intel primer, you stupid fucking kike.
Michael Lewis
I wouldn't be surprised.
Dylan Ramirez
This was first big shilling operation that was succesful in driving the white nationalism into fighting eachother. Even today there are threads calling anyone who questions rhe shill narrative a "trsodomite".
This same shilling is happening in finland where every nationalist who opposes EU, NATO, or the shilling of russian hate will be called putin troll, or russian troll.
Shilling is in full effect all cross the globe.
Andrew Miller
Kevin Gomez
The mods have been subverted, they must be replaced. An interesting thing to note is the use of a sort of shadow ban wherein the mod/bo deleting or modify's an existing post without allowing the board the board itself to the the reason for moderation.
Deleting this post will accomplish nothing, within a couple hours it will be here again and the evidence of the above will continue to spread.
Whos got the picture of Imkamfy with his fucking turkish passport?
Brody Bennett
It's been at least two years of the same retarded gas lighting attempts from you cocksuckers. It's not going to work.
Joshua Parker
These are legitimate criticisms. The fact anyone who raises legitimate criticisms is somehow a shill or gaslighting is proof that the shilling and gaslighting here has had its intended affect.
The best thing however, is no one is compelled to use this site or this board. At a given point, content here will be reduced to the quality of 4pleb, and anyone competent will already have moved onto something better or irl activity.
Landon Price
Mason King
Three years, buffalo queers.
Samuel Rodriguez
Angel Turner
Daily reminder you have absolutely zero proof that imkampfy's a turkroach, or even still here.
Brandon Thomas
Feel free to fuck right off then. You won't though, since it's your job to stick around.
Evan Allen
Your memes are shit.
Posted pic related multiple times but keeps getting kvetched on and deleted.
Dominic Thompson
>mfw you're so colonshattered you will probably delete my posts again >mfw I am archiving everything
stop blatantly shilling yourself
Kill yourself.
Julian Hughes
Post the evidence then, my man.
Ayden Miller
viper kill yourself my man
Jordan Smith
>the shill screeches the same (((talking points)))
Ryder James
You posted two bans, and posted the picture you need to prove, again. Congratulations. Prove it.
Jonathan Turner
Great argument. Global report.
William Wilson
Cry about it Jamal.
Thomas Johnson
>the shill screeches the same (((talking points))) All you do is project, man.
Like pottery.
Lincoln Hernandez
>the shill screeches the same (((talking points)))
Kike-kun, your crush on Mod-sama is just getting lewd at this point! Don't give up, I'm sure super cool Mod-sama will notice you eventually!
Aiden Brooks
Unlike real BTFO's of faggots like happened to the /trs/, the narratives against the mods here are misleading, like pretending to being banned for posting books while admiting to ban evasion and spam, and stuff pushed without evidence, like saying one of the mods is turkish without anything to back that up.
Besides retarded wordfilters for isl@m and veg@n that would actually make muslims and veg@ns glad that their religions can't be named directly in the board, the mods actually have done a good job keeping this board from turning into cuckchan. This task is getting harder lately though.
Andrew Thomas
Ryder Mitchell
These images are genuinely unsettling and sicken me. Not hyperbole either… something about the forced amerimutt artwork makes me feel physical Ill.
It's just completely disgusting on a primal level.
Angel Ramirez
I get banned for linking anons to my book board which is a better version of /pdfs/, then I get banned for spam and ban evasion when I try to appeal. The only reason I keep posting is to collect proof that he is actively censoring me. If you didn't deliberately ignore the multiple articles of proof I posted, you would have some context. Now, multiple anons are getting banned for defending me and getting kvetched at/banned.
Jacob Phillips
Kill yourself.
Zachary Johnson
Nolan Collins
That isn't how ban appeals work. Ban appeals go in the ban appeal box on the ban page. What you did is get banned, banned evaded and spammed crying about, then acted shocked when you got banned for ban evasion and spamming.
Piss up a rope, paid shill. The holocaust did not happen, but it will.
You’re not exactly making much of a point here.
Wyatt Garcia
Three years, buffalo queers.
Jose Turner
watch this
Holla Forums books @ /zundel/
This is the first section of my archive, dedicated to Holla Forums related topics, containing approximately 800 pdfs (8gb). There is also 'The Furnace' section, with over 200 subversive books written by jews/ziocucks for anons to study >>>/zundel/933 , as well as my holohoax collection >>>/zundel/18.
>>>/zundel/ mega link -!EINjRS4S!P4RCozMkJ4iqnqnrvKVrDg
A. K. Chesterton (1 File) >>>/zundel/1480
The New Unhappy Lords; An Exposure of Power Politics
Adam Lebor (1 File) >>>/zundel/1478
Tower of Basel; The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank That Runs the World
Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn (12 Files) >>>/zundel/1466
200 Years Together Censored Chapters of 200 Years Together From Under the Rubble The First Circle The Gulag Archipelago - Vol. 1 - I-II The Gulag Archipelago - Vol. 2 - III-IV The Gulag Archipelago - Vol. 3 - V-VII The Jews & Soviet Russia The Voice of Freedom
Alfred Rosenberg (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1463
Criticism Of Oswald Spengler Russia's Gravediggers Memoirs The Myth of the 20th Century
Anatoliy Golitsyn (1 File) >>>/zundel/1960
New Lies For Old; The Communist Strategy of Deception and Disinformation
Andrew J. Hurley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1462
One Nation Under Israel
Anna Bramwell (1 File) >>>/zundel/1461
Blood and Soil
Levi Campbell
Ariel Toaff (1 File) >>>/zundel/1460
Blood Passover
Arnold S. Leese (11 Files) >>>/zundel/1457
Gentile Folly; The Rothschilds My Irrelevant Defense; Jewish Ritual Murder The Jewish War Of Survival Andrew Carrington Hitchcock - A Visit to Arnold Leese's House Freemasonry Our Seditious Cartoon Book P. E. P. (Political and Economic Planning) or Sovietism by Stealth Psychology and Jews Race and Politics REX vs. Arnold Leese Trial The Fascist; The Organisation of Racial Fascism (Established 1929)
Arthur Kemp (1 File) >>>/zundel/1971
March of the Titans; History of the White Race
Arthur Moeller van den Bruck (1 File) >>>/zundel/1972
Germany's Third Empire
August Bebel (6 Files) >>>/zundel/1451
Academics and Socialism (Deutsch) Assassinations and Socialism Bebel's Reminiscences My Life Woman in the Past, Present and Future Woman Under Socialism (Translated by Daniel de Leon)
August Kubizek (1 File) >>>/zundel/1973
The Young Hitler I Knew
Austin J. App (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1448
The Myth of the 20th Century; An Evaluation of the Spiritual-Intellectual Confrontations of Our Age The Six Million Swindle The Sudeten-Germany Tragedy
Barbara Kulaszka (1 File) >>>/zundel/1447
Did Six Million Really Die; Report of the Evidence in the Canadian 'False News' Trial of Ernst Zundel - 1998
Benjamin Weintraub (1 File) >>>/zundel/1446
The Holocaust Dogma Of Judaism
Jason Hernandez
Benton L. Bradberry (1 File) >>>/zundel/1974
The Myth of German Villainy
Bernhardt Klassen (9 Files) >>>/zundel/1441
A Revolution of Values Through Religion Natures Eternal Religion The Klassen Letters Vol.1 (1969-1976) The Klassen Letters Vol.2 (1976-1981) The White Man's Bible Building A Whiter And Brighter World Expanding Creativity On The Brink Of A Bloody Racial War; With the White Race Targeted for Extermination Salubrious Living; A Natural Life Style for Achieving and Maintaining the Ultimate in Superb Health and Well-Being
Brandon Martinez (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1438
Grand Deceptions; Zionist Intrigue in the 20th and 21st Centuries Jew World Order Unmasked Masters Of Deception; Zionism, 9-11 and the War on Terror Hoax
Caleb Williams Saleeby (13 Files) >>>/zundel/1979
Evolution; The Master-Key; A Discussion of the Principle of Evolution as Illustrated in Atoms, Stars, Organic Species, Mind, Society and Morals Health, Strength and Happiness; A Book of Practical Advice Heredity Modern Surgery and its Making; A Tribute to Listerism Organic Evolution Parenthood and Race Culture; An Outline Of Eugenics Sociology The Conquest of Cancer; A Plan of Campaign; An Account of the Principles and Practice Hitherto of the Treatment of Malignant Growth The Cycle of Life According to Modern Science; A Series of Essays Designed to Bring Science Home to Men's Business and Bosoms The Methods of Race-Regeneration The Progress of Eugenics Woman and Womanhood; A Search for Principles Worry; The Disease of the Age
Blake Edwards
Carlo Mattogno (9 Files) >>>/zundel/1429
Auschwitz - Crematorium I and the Alleged Homicidal Gassings Auschwitz - Open Air Incinerations Auschwitz - The First Gassing; Rumor and Reality Auschwitz Gas Chambers - The End of a Legend Belzec in Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research, and History Special Treatment in Auschwitz; Origin and Meaning of a Term The Bunkers of Auschwitz - Black Propaganda versus History The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz; Organization, Responsibilities, Activities Treblinka - Extermination Camp or Transit Camp
Carlos W. Porter (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1427
Not Guilty At Nuremberg; The German Defense Case The Lebensborn Program and The Herrenvolk; Fact vs Fiction
Carolyn Yeager (10 Files) >>>/zundel/18
Buchenwald Memorial Archivist Cannot ID Elie Wiesel as an Inmate Elie Wiesel and the Mossad Famous Photo of Buchenwald Survivors How True is Elie Wiesel's Stolen Book 'Night' Myklos Grüner False Identity Lawsuit Against Elie Wiesel Obama Names Elie Wiesel to U.S. Holocaust Council Relative of Shlomo Wiesel Says He Died in 1943 Signatures Prove Lázár Wiesel is not Elie Wiesel The Many Faces of Elie Wiesel The Shadowy Origins of Elie Weisel's Stolen Book 'Night'
Charles C. Tansill (1 File) >>>/zundel/1992
Back Door to War; The Roosevelt Foreign Policy 1933-1941
1 - Germar Rudolf - Dissecting the Holocaust; The Growing Critique of 'Truth' and 'Memory' 2 - Germar Rudolf & Dr. Wolfgang Lambrecht - The Rudolf Report; Expert Report on Chemical & Technical Aspects of the 'Gas Chambers' of Auscwitz 3 - Jurgen Graf - The Giant With Feet of Clay; Raul Hilberg and His Standard Work on the Holocaust 4 - Jurgen Graf & Carlo Mattogno - Concentration Camp Stutthof; Its History and Function In National Socialist Jewish Policy 5 - Jurgen Graf & Carlo Mattogno - Concentration Camp Majdanek; An Historical & Technical Study 6 - Don Heddesheimer - The First Holocaust; The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure 7 - Arthur R. Butz - The Hoax of the Twentieth Century; The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry 8 - Carlo Mattogno & Jurgen Graf - Treblinka; Transit Camo or Extermination Camp 9 - Carlo Mattogno - Belzec; In Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research & History 10 - Carlo Mattogno - Special Treatment in Auschwitz; Origin and Meaning of a Term 11 - Carlo Mattogno - Debunking the Bunkers of Auschwitz; Black Propaganda Versus History 12 - Ingrid Weekert - Jewish Emigration from the Third Reich 13 - Carlo Mattogno - The Central Construction Office of the Waffen-SS and Police Auschwitz; Organization, Responsibilities, Activities 14 - G. Rudolf, S. Thion, R. Faurisson & C. Mattogno - Auschwitz; Plain Facts; A Response to Jean-Claude Pressac 15 - Germar Rudolf - Lectures on the Holocaust; Controversial Issues Cross-Examined 16 - Fred A. Leuchter, Robert Faurisson. Germar Rudolf - The Leuchter Reports; Critical Edition 17 - Carlo Mattogno - Auschwitz; Open Air Incinerations 18 - Germar Rudolf & Carlo Mattogno - Auschwitz Lies; Legends, Lies & Prejudices on the Holocaust 19 - J. Graf, Thomas Kues & C. Mattogno - Sobibor; Holocaust Propaganda and Reality 20 - Carlo Mattogno - Auschwitz; The First Gassing; Rumor and Reality 21 - Carlo Mattogno - Auschwitz; Crematorium I and the Alleged Homicidal Gassings 22 - Carlo Mattogno - The Real Case for Auschwitz; Robert van Pelt's Evidence from the Irving Trial Critically Reviewed 23 - Carlo Mattogno - Chelmno; A German Camp in History & Propaganda 24 - Carlo Mattogno & Franco Deana - The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz; a Technical and Historical Study 25 - Carlo Mattogno - Inside the Gas Chambers; The Extermination of Mainstream Holocaust Historiography 26 - Santiago Alvarez & Pierre Marais - the Gas Vans; a Critical Investigation 27 - John Clive Ball - Air Photo Evidence; World War Two Photos of Alleged Mass Murder Sites Analyzed 28 - C. Mattogno, T. Kues & J. Graf - The Extermination Camps of Aktion Reinhardt (Part 1 of 2) 29 - Walter N. Sanning - The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry 30 - Warren B. Routledge - Holocaust High Priest; Elie Wiesel, Night, The Memory Cult, and the Rise of Revisionism 31 - Nicholas Kollerstrom - Breaking The Spell 32 - Thomas Dalton - Debating the Holocaust 33 - Carlo Mattogno - Healthcare in Auschwitz; Medical Care and Special Treatment of Registered Inmates 38 - Carlo Mattogno - The Auschwitz Museum's Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions Auschwitz - Faked Death Camp Medical Experiment Photos Belsen Trial - Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals Vol. II Bible Believers Website - Is The Holocaust A Hoax Chaim Simons - A Historical Survey of Proposals to Transfer Arabs from Palestine 1895 - 1947 Ditlieb Felderer - Anne Frank's Diary; a Hoax
Adam Powell
Interview With Professor Robert Faurisson (Tehran, December 13, 2006) Jews Declare War On Germany 1933 Mark Burdman - How Britain's Biggest Racists And Financiers Created Zionism Nikolaus Gruner - Stolen Identity (Exposing Elie Wiesel) Paul Rassinier - The Real Eichmann Trial; The Incorrigible Victors R. H. Countess, C. Lindtner & G. Rudolf - Exactitude; Festschrift For Robert Faurisson On His 75th Birthday Robert Faurisson - Impact and Future Of Historical Revisionism (Institute for Historical Review) Robert John - Behind The Balfour Declaration; Britain's Great War Pledge To Lord Rothschild The Jewish Lie of the 'Nazi Annihilation Plan' Two Hundred 'Six Million Jews' Allegations From 1900-1945 (Before WWII) German Army Documentary Evidence of Katyn Massacre Dr. Friedrich Stieve - What The World Rejected; Hitler's Peace Offers 1933-1939 Skin Lampshades Interview with Zionist Harold Rosenthal - 'Our God Is Lucifer' Background And Detailed Chronology Of Ernest Zundel's Persecution British Murders Of Waffen-SS Soldiers At Dachau; Unremembered Holocaust Harrell Rhome - Deconstructing Six Million Holo-Myths; Exploring the Occult Origins of Crucial Holocaust Dogma James J. Martin - Revisionist Viewpoints; Essays in a Dissident Historical Tradition Propaganda Photographs; The Holocaust Fakes Revealed Samuel Crowell - Defending Against The Allied Bombing Campaign; Air Raid Shelters and Gas Protection in Germany 1939-1945 Serge Thion - A Brief History Of Revisionism
Dylan Perez
Collection - Idolatry in Judaism, Religion of Cuck™, Paganism & Christianity (27 Files) >>>/zundel/71
A. T. Jones - Ancient Sun Worship and Its Impact on Christianity Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons; Papal Worship Proved to be Worship of Nimrod and his Wife Andrew C. Skinner - Serpent Symbols & Salvation in the Ancient Near East and the Book Of Mormon Anonymous - Ophiolatreia; An Account of the Rites and Mysteries Connected With the Origin, Rise and Development of Serpent Worship Clifford Howard - Sex Worship; An Exposition of Phallic Origin of Religion Col. J. Garnier - The Worship of the Dead; Origin and Nature of Pagan Idolatry Dr. Abu A. B. Philips - Fundamentals Of Tawheed (Religion of Cuck™ic Monotheism) Dr. H. Oort - The Worship of Baalim in Israel Elford Higgens - Hebrew Idolatry and Superstition; Its Place In Folk-lore Ernest de Bunsen - The Keys of Saint Peter or the House of Rechab Connected with the History of Symbolism and Idolatry Frederic Portal - A Comparison of Egyptian Symbols With Those of the Hebrews G. R. Hawting - The Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Religion of Cuck™; From Polemic to History Henry D. Ward - History of the Cross; the Pagan Origin, and Idolatrous Adoption and Worship of the Image J. Endell Tyler - Image-Worship of the Church of Rome J. Endell Tyler - The Worship of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Church of Rome Joanne Pearson - Wicca and the Christian Heritage; Ritual, Sex and Magic Joseph Brown - Eastern Christianity and the War; Idolatry, Superstition and Corruption L. A. Craighen - The Practice of Idolatry Rev. A. S. Thelwall - The Idolatry of Church of Rome Rev. John Mendham - The Seventh General Council; The Second of Nicea, Held A.D. 787, in which Worship if Images was Established Richard A. Gabriel - Gods of Our Fathers; The Memory of Egypt in Judaism and Christianity Sha Rocco - The Masculine Cross and Ancient Sex Worship Simon - Papal Magic and Occult Practices within the Catholic Church Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge - What is Romanism; The Supremacy of the Pope, Pardons and Indulgences Granted by the Pope T. W. S. Jones - The Queen of Heaven; Mamma Schiavona Thomas Inman - Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism William H. Kennedy - Lucifer's Lodge; Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church
Collection - The Rothschild Dynasty (16 Files) >>>/zundel/2
Andrew Fabius - The Rothschild Money Trust Arthur L. Humphreys - Lady De Rothschild; Extracts From Her Notebooks With a Preface by Her Daughter Constance Battersea Count Egon Caesar Corti - The Rise of the House of Rothschild Count Egon Caesar Corti - The Reign of the House of Rothschild Frederic Morton - The Rothschilds; a Family Portrait George Armstrong - Money Trust Guy de Rothschild - The Whims of Fortune Ignatius Balla - The Romance of the Rothschilds John Reeves - The Rothschilds; The Financial Rulers of Nations John T. Flynn - Men of Wealth; The Story of Twelve Significant Fortunes from the Renaissance to the Present Day Marcus Eli Ravage - Five Men Of Frankfort; The Story of The Rothchilds Mary E. Hobart - The Secret of the Rothschilds Niall Ferguson - The House of the Rothschilds Zionist Israel's Thermonuclear Blackmail of America The Sabbatean-Frankist Messianic Conspiracy Partially Exposed
Juan Williams
Committee for Truth in History (1 File) >>>/zundel/1413
The Six Million Reconsidered; Is the 'Nazi Holocaust' Story a Zionist Propaganda Ploy
Count Emmanuel Malynski (1 File) >>>/zundel/1412
The Occult War - The Judeo-Masonic Plan To Conquer The World
Curtis B. Dall (1 File) >>>/zundel/1411
Franklin Delano Roosevelt; My Exploited Father-in-law
David Duke (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1408
ADL Report - David Duke Jewish Supremacism My Awakening The Secret Behind Communism
David F. Crew (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2001
Germans On Welfare; From Weimar To Hitler
David Irving (26 Files) >>>/zundel/1382
1965 - In The Service of the Reich; The Memoirs of Field Marshal Keitel 1965 - The Mares Nest; The War Against Hitler's Secret 'Vengeance' Weapons 1967 - Accident; The Death of General Sikorski 1968 - The Destruction of Convoy PQ.17 1968 - The Virus House; Germany's Atomic Research and Allied Counter-Measures 1973 - The Night the Dams Burst I 1973 - The Night the Dams Burst II 1973 - The Night the Dams Burst III 1973 - The Rise and Fall of the German Air Force 1981 - The War Between the Generals 1983 - The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor (Deutsch) 1983 - The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor 1986 - Morgenthau Plan (Deutsch) 1986 - Morgenthau Plan Introduction In English 1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt1 1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt2 1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt3 1987 - Churchill's War - Vol.1 Struggle For Power pt4 1987 - Hess; The Missing Years 1941-1945 1989 - Göring; A Biography 1996 - Goebbels; Mastermind of the Third Reich 1996 - Nuremberg; The Last Battle 2001 - Hitler's War and the War Path 2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity appendices 2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity endnotes 2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity index 2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity Pt1 2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity Pt2 2003 - Churchill's War - Vol.2 Triumph In Adversity Pt3 2003 - Uprising! The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 2005 - Rommel The Trail of the Fox 2007 - Apocalypse 1945; The Destruction of Dresden 2007 - Secretly Overheard - Eavesdropping On Hitlers Reich
Jonathan Long
David L. Hoggan (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1380
The Forced War - When Peaceful Revision Failed The Myth Of The Six Million
David Lane (4 Files) >>>/zundel/2004
88 Precepts Deceived, Damned & Defiant Interview With Meredith Viera KD Rebel
Dietrich Eckhart (1 File) >>>/zundel/1379
Bolshevism - From Moses To Lenin
Don Heddesheimer (1 File) >>>/zundel/1378
The First Holocaust.; Jewish Fund Raising Campaigns With Holocaust Claims During And After World War I
Douglas Reed (17 Files) >>>/zundel/1361
A Prophet At Home All Our To-Morrows Disgrace Abounding Far and Wide Fire and Bomb; A Comparison between the Burning of the Reichstag and the Bomb Explosion at Munich From Smoke To Smother Galanty Show (Novel) Grand Design of the 20th Century Insanity Fair Lest We Regret Nemesis; The Story of Otto Strasser Otto Strasser - History In My Time (Translated by Douglas Reed) Otto Strasser - The Prisoner Of Ottawa (Translated by Douglas Reed) Somewhere South of Suez The Battle For Rhodesia The Controversy of Zion The Siege Of Southern Africa
Aiden Robinson
Douglas Valentine (1 File) >>>/zundel/2008
The Phoenix Program
E. Michael Jones (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1358
Culture Wars Exerpts (5 Files) L'affaire Williamson; The Catholic Church and holohoax exposure Libido Dominandi - Sexual Liberation & Political Control The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit And It's Impact On World History
Eckhart Verlag (1 File) >>>/zundel/1357
Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919 - 1932
Edward Kritzler (1 File) >>>/zundel/1356
Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean
Eric Dubay (1 File) >>>/zundel/2009
Famous Freemasons Identified; Masonry From the Vatican to Hollywood
Ernst Hiemer (deutsch) (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1353
Ernst Hiemer - Poisonous Mushroom (Illustrated by Philipp Rupprecht) Fips (Philipp Rupprecht) - Les Juifs Se Presentent (Illustration of the Jews) The Jew in the Proverb of the Peoples (Deutsch)
Brody Foster
Eustace Mullins (60 Files) >>>/zundel/1324
America's New Robber Barons Exposes and Legal Actions F.D.R. (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) How to be a United States Senator; The Hiding Place Murder by Injection - The Great Swine Flu Massacre Murder by Injection; The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America New History of the Jews Phoney Wars for Phoney Peace and the Ministry of Fear Secrets of the Federal Reserve Secrets of the Federal Reserve; The London Connection Sigmund Freud; Antichrist Devil The $5 Trillion Cold War Hoax The Biological Jew The Contract Murder of Eustace Mullins The Contract Murder of Eustace Mullins (Different Version) The Curse Of Canaan The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; Propagandists The Gentle Art Of Thought Control The Great Betrayal - The General Welfare Clause Of The Constitution The Holocaust Explained The Man Who Refused To Lose The Rape Of Justice - Americas Tribunals Exposed The Reuters Connection(s) The Scandal Unveiled The Secret History Of The Atomic Bomb The Secret Holocaust The Secret Holocaust (Different Version) This Difficult Individual - Ezra Pound Victims War! War! War! By Cincinnatus - Forword By Eustace Mullins Warning - The Department Of Justice Is Dangerous To Americans Who Owns The TV Networks Alfred Rosenberg & Track of The Jew Through the Ages An Appeal Against Racism Anglo-Saxon & Celts Unite and Fight Against the World Government Behind The Falkland Islands Story Boycott the Jewish Weapon Celebration of Rosh Hashnah Christian Serbia; Black Hand Salonikan Jews (An extract from the Curse of Canaan)
Jordan Scott
Eustace Mullins, continued…
Elegy for a State Eustace Mullins Visits American Free Press George Viereck Henry The K Heroes of the Right Wing Huey Long Inflation; The Jewish Desease Inside Story of Douglas MacArthur Murder on The Supreme Court My Life in Christ My Struggle New Look at Herzl The Black Plague; Destroying America from Within The Danger of International Merger-Mania The Day Virginia Died The Great Swine Flu Massacre 1976 Murder By Injection, Sixteen Hundred Dead The Lindberg Murders; Hauptmann Was Innocent; The Prosecution and Defence Combined to Frame Him The London Connection The Reuters Connection(s) The Secret of Iraq The War Against Christianity The World Order; A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism War Against The Christian World Washington DC; City of Fear Why General Patton Was Murdered
The Ugly Truth About The Anti-Defamation League The Coming Fall of The House of Windsor Children of Satan
Francis Galton (4 Files) >>>/zundel/2043
English Men of Science; Their Nature and Nurture Essays in Eugenics Hereditary Genius; An Inquiry Into its Laws and Consequences Probability, the Foundation of Eugenics; The Herbert Spencer Lecture
Francis Parker Yockey (5 Files) >>>/zundel/1317
Francis Parker Yockey on Racialism The Collected Works of Francis Parker Yockey (13 files) The Scientific-Technic World-Outlook Imperium; The Philosophy of History and Politics
Frank K. Salter (1 Files) >>>/zundel/2048
On Genetic Interests; Family, Ethnicity, and Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration
Frank L. Britton (1 File) >>>/zundel/1316
Behind Communism
Freda Utley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1315
The High Cost Of Vengeance
Fredrick Toben (1 File) >>>/zundel/1314
Fight Or Flight; The Personal Face Of Revisionism
Zachary Long
Friedrich von Bernhardi (7 Files) >>>/zundel/2049
Britain as Germany's Vassal Cavalry in Future Wars Cavalry in War and Peace Germany and England Germany And The Next War How Germany Makes War The War of the Future
Friedrick Karl Wiebe (1 File) >>>/zundel/2042
Germany and the Jewish Problem
George Whitehead (1 File) >>>/zundel/2058
Mending Mankind; The Factors Of Racial Health
Gerald Burton Winrod (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1310
A Defense of Christ's Cause Mussolini's Place in Prophecy The Tabernacle, Temple & Throne The Truth About The Protocols
Gerd Honsik (1 File) >>>/zundel/1309
Fiend and Felon; Perjury, Power and Murder in the Footsteps of Wizenthal
Germar Rudolf (1 File) >>>/zundel/1308
Resistance Is Obligatory
Gottfreid Feder (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1305
Jonathan Bailey
The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation The Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money The Program of the NSDAP - The National Socialist Workers' Party and its General Conceptions
Grant F. Smith (1 File) >>>/zundel/2059
Big Israel; How Israel's Lobby Moves America
Gregory Delaney (7 Files) >>>/zundel/1298
Protocols of the Ruffle Crested Kikes of Zion Monsters of Babylon The Sumerian Swindle A Sea of Blood; The Truth about Bolshevik Russia Mexican Racism Against Americans Muslim Werewolves Howling at the Moon God
Gustav Freytag (1 File) >>>/zundel/2060
Debit and Credit
H. B. Isherwood (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2061
Race and Politics; The Myth of Racial Equality Racial Contours; The Factor of Race in Human Survival
Hanns Anderson (1 File) >>>/zundel/1297
The Jew As Criminal
Hans F. K. Gnther (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1296
The Racial Elements of European History The Religious Attitudes of the Indo-Europeans
Harrell Rhome (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2064
From The Temple To The Talmud; Exploring Judaic Origins, History, Folklore and Tribal Traditions Deconstructing Six Million Holo-Myths; Exploring the Occult Origins of Crucial Holocaust Dogma
David Davis
Heinz A. Heinz (1 File) >>>/zundel/2066
Germany's Hitler
Hellmut Schramm (1 File) >>>/zundel/1295
Jewish Ritual Murder - An Historical Investigation
Henri Roques (1 File) >>>/zundel/1294
The 'Confessions' of Kurt Gerstein
Henry Ford (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1291
My Life and Work The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem
Hermann Greife (1 Files) >>>/zundel/1290
Slave Labor in Soviet Russia
Hermann Goring (1 File) >>>/zundel/2067
Germany Reborn
Hilaire Belloc (1 File) >>>/zundel/2068
The Jews
Howell Arthur Gwynne (1 File) >>>/zundel/2069
The Cause of World Unrest
Human Rights Watch (1 File) >>>/zundel/2070
Fatal Strike; Israel's Indiscriminate Attacks Against Civilians In Lebanon
J. M. Spaight (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1286
Air Power in the Next War Aircraft In War War Rights On Land Bombing Vindicated
William Rivera
J. Philippe Rushton (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2075
Race, Evolution and Behavior; A Life History Perspective Thirty Years of Research; Differences in Cognitive Ability (with Arthur R. Jensen)
Jack B. Tenney (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1282
The Anti-Defamation League & The Fight to Save America The Zionist Network Zion's Fifth Column Zion's Trojan Horse
James Bacque (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1279
Crimes and Mercies; The Fate of German Civilians under Allied Occupation 1944 - 1950 Eisenhower's Death Camps; The Last Dirty Secret of World War Two Other Losses; The Shocking Truth Behind the Mass Deaths of Disarmed German Soldiers and Civilians under General Eisenhower's Command
James M. Ennes Jr (1 File) >>>/zundel/2077
Assault On The Liberty; The True Story of the Israeli Attack on an American Intelligence Ship
James W. Von Brunn (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1277
Kill The Best Gentiles; The Racialist Guide For The Preservation and Nurture of the White Gene Pool Preface
Jared Taylor (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2078
Paved With Good Intentions; The Failure of Race Relations in Contemporary America White Identity; Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century
Jewish Tribal Review (1 File) >>>/zundel/2080
When Victims Rule; A Critique of Jewish Pre-Eminence in America
John Colin Campbell Jordan (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2081
National Socialism; Vanguard of the Future The Uprising
Adam King
John Glad (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1270
Future Human Evolution - Eugenics in the Twenty-First Century Jewish Eugenics
John Sack (1 File) >>>/zundel/1269
An Eye For An Eye; The Story of Jews Who Sought Revenge For the Holocaust
John W. DeCamp (1 File) >>>/zundel/1268
The Franklin Cover-Up - Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska
Jonathan Peter Spiro (1 File) >>>/zundel/2083
Defending the Master Race; Conservation, Eugenics, and the Legacy of Madison Grant
Jonathon Marshall (1 File) >>>/zundel/1267
The Iran-Contra Connection; Secret Teams and Covert Operations in Reagan Era (with Peter Dale Scott & Jane Hunter)
Joseph Goebbels (7 Files) >>>/zundel/1265
Michael The 'Nazi-Sozi' - Questions and Answers for National Socialists Bolshevism in Theory and Practice Communism with the Mask Off
Ryan Anderson
Kevin B. MacDonald (21 Files) >>>/zundel/1245
I - A People That Shall Dwell Alone; Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy II - Separation And Its Discontents Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism III - The Culture of Critique; An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements A Revisionist View of Anti-Semitism (Review) ADL Report - Kevin MacDonald Can The Jewish Model Help The West To Survive (Speech Transcript) Comment On Ilana Mercer's 'Blame The Jews' Diaspora Peoples; Preface to 'A People That Shall Dwell Alone; Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy' Enemies of My Enemy (Review) Evolutionary Strategies Of Ethnocentric Behavior (Review) Henry Ford and the Jewish Question (Review) Immigration And The Unmentionable Question Of Ethnic Interests Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965; An Historical Review Preface to 'The Culture of Critique' Stalin's Willing Executioners; Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR (Review) The Alt Right & the Jews The Conservatism Of Fools; A Response To John Derbyshire Thinking About Neoconservatism Understanding Jewish Influence - A Study in Ethnic Activism Was The 1924 Inmmigration Cut-off Racist Obama at AIPAC 2012
Klaus Polkehn (1 File) >>>/zundel/1244
Semitic Controversies
Leonard Young (1 File) >>>/zundel/1241
Deadlier than the H-Bomb
Hunter Rodriguez
Louis Marschalko (1 File) >>>/zundel/1497
The World Conquerors; The Real War Criminals
Léon Degrelle (7 Files) >>>/zundel/1242
The Story of the Waffen-SS Campaign In Russia; The Waffen-SS on the Eastern Front Letter to the Pope on His Visit to Auschwitz The Eastern Front; Memoirs of a Waffen-SS Volunteer 1941-1945
Madison Grant (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2091
The Conquest of a Continent The Passing of the Great Race; The Racial Basis of European History
Marcus Eli Ravage (1 File) >>>/zundel/2093
A Real Case Against the Jews; Commissary to the Gentiles
Martin Luther, Dr (1 File) >>>/zundel/1239
The Jews And Their Lies
Mary Phagan Kean (1 File) >>>/zundel/1238
The Murder of Little Mary Phagan
Michael A. Hoffman II (5 Files) >>>/zundel/1234
Judaism Discovered Judaism's Strange Gods King Kill 33; Masonic Symbolism Behind the Assassination of JFK They Were White and They Were Slaves; The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America
Charles Lopez
Michael Collins Piper (8 Files) >>>/zundel/1226
Best Witnesses Final Count High Priests of War Judas Goats The Confessions Of An Anti-Semite The Golem - A World Held Hostage The New Babylon Ye Shall Know the Truth; 101 Books Nationalists Needs To Read Before They Ban Them
Michael F. Connors (1 File) >>>/zundel/2094
Dealing In Hate; The Development Of Anti-German Propaganda
Michael Hudson (1 File) >>>/zundel/2095
Killing the Host; How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global Economy
Michael Sharpe (1 Files) >>>/zundel/1225
Leibstandarte; Hitler's Elite Bodyguard
Michael Walsh (1 File) >>>/zundel/1224
The Triumph Of Reason - The Thinking Man's Hitler
Landon Ramirez
Mike S. King (18 Files) >>>/zundel/1206
Bancarotta; An Allegory about Central Banking (or What Ron Paul Didn't Say in 'End the Fed') God Vs. Darwin Interview with Hitler; An Educational Parody Killing America; A 100 Year Murder, 40 Historical Wounds that Bill O'Reilly Didn't Write About Mein Side of the Story; Key World War II Addresses of Adolf Hitler Napoleon Vs. The Old and New World Orders Planet Rothschild; The Forbidden History of the New World Order 1763-1939 (Part 1) Planet Rothschild; The Forbidden History of the New World Order WW2-2015 (Part 2) President Psycho!; The Hidden Past of Barack Obama Putin Vs. Obama or Macho Man Vs. Girly Boy (Pictures) The Bad War; The Truth Never Taught About World War II The Morphine Genocide - How the Fed-Med Mafia Kills Our Elderly With 'Palliative Care' The Real Roosevelts; An Omitted History, What PBS & Ken Burns Didn't Tell You The War Against Putin; What the Government-Media Complex Isn't Telling You About Russia
Naeim Giladi (1 File) >>>/zundel/2096
Ben-Gurion's Scandals; How the Hagannah and the Mossad Eliminated Jews
Norman Finkelstein (1 File) >>>/zundel/1203
The Holocaust Industry; Reflections on the Exploitations of Jewish Suffering
Otto Dietrich (1 File) >>>/zundel/2097
With Hitler on the Road to Power
Cameron Murphy
Ovid Need Jr (1 File) >>>/zundel/1202
Identifying Identity; A Biblical Examination of Assumptions Found In British-Israelism, Anglo-Saxonism & Christian-Identity
Patrick J. Buchanan (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1199
State of Emergency: The Third World Invasion and Conquest of America The Death Of The West; How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilisation
Paul Findley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1198
They Dare To Speak Out; People & Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby
Paul Rassinier (5 Files) >>>/zundel/1196
The Real Eichmann Trial or The Incorrigible Victors
Peter Schafer (1 File) >>>/zundel/1195
Jesus in the Talmud
Phd. Albert D. Pastore (1 File) >>>/zundel/1194
Stranger Than Fiction; An Independent Investigation of 9-11 and the War on Terrorism
Phillip Mauro (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1192
The Hope of Israel; What is it
R. W. Shufeldt (2 Files) >>>/zundel/2098
America's Greatest Problem; The Negro The Negro; A Menace to American Civilization
Connor Barnes
Rev. Denis Fahey (1 File) >>>/zundel/1191
Rulers of Russia
Rev. E. Cahill (1 File) >>>/zundel/1190
Freemasonry and the Anti-Christian Movement
Revilo P. Oliver (9 Files) >>>/zundel/1182
By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them Can 'Liberals' Be Educated Christianity - A Religion For Sheep (as Ralph Perier) The Enemy of Our Enemies The Jewish Religion The Jewish Strategy The Origins of Christianity What We Owe Our Parasites Reflections On The Christ Myth
Richard Harwood (1 File) >>>/zundel/1181
Nuremberg and Other War Crimes Trials; A New Look
Richard Lynn (1 File) >>>/zundel/2101
Race Differences in Intelligence
Robert H. Williams (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1178
The Ultimate World Order
Robert Ley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1177
Thomas Bell
The Pestilential Miasma Of The World
Robert W. Whitaker (1 File) >>>/zundel/1176
The Founding Myths Of Israeli Politics
S. Z. Batten (6 Files) >>>/zundel/1168
Building A Community If America Fail; Our National Mission and Our Possible Future The Christian State; The State, Democracy, and Christianity The New Citizenship; Christian Character in its Biblical Ideas, Sources, and Relations The New World Order The Social Task Of Christianity; A Summons to the New Crusade
Seymour M. Hersh (1 File) >>>/zundel/1167
The Samson Option; Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy
Sheldon Emry (6 Files) >>>/zundel/1161
America Will Turn - Suddenly An Open Letter To Any Minister Who Teaches The Jews Are Israel Bible Law on Money Billions For The Bankers & Debts For The People Cinderella - Israel in Disguise God Punishes Israel
Connor Ramirez
Silas Walter Adams (1 File) >>>/zundel/1160
The Legalized Crime of Banking
Stephen A. Zarlenga (1 File) >>>/zundel/2102
Lost Science of Money; The Mythology of Money; The Story of Power
Stephen Birmingham (1 File) >>>/zundel/1159
Our Crowd; The Great Jewish Banking Families of New York City Our Crowd; The Great Jewish Banking Families of New York City (Illustrated)
Stephen Sizer (1 File) >>>/zundel/2103
Christian Zionism; Its History Theology And Politics
Susan Cavin (1 File) >>>/zundel/2105
Office of Strategic Services & the Frankfurt School; Recycling the Damaged Lives of Cultural Outsiders
Suzan McGee (1 File) >>>/zundel/1158
Chasing Goldman Sachs; How the Masters of the Universe Melted Wall Street Down and Why They'll Take Us to the Brink Again
T. Lothrop Stoddard (2 Files) >>>/zundel/1157
Racial Realities in Europe The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy
Theodor Fritsch (1 File) >>>/zundel/1156
The Riddle Of The Jew's Success
Thomas Brown
Thomas Goodrich (1 File) >>>/zundel/2107
Hellstorm; The Death of Nazi Germany 1944-1947
Tim Ripley (1 File) >>>/zundel/1155
Hitler's Praetorians; The History Of The Waffen-SS 1925-1945
Udo Walendy (7 Files) >>>/zundel/1148
Forged War Crime Photos Malign The German People! Holocaust Fake Photographs Image Documents for the Historiography (Deutsch) The Development of a Picture in Three Steps The Fake Photograph Problem The Right In Which We Live Truth For Germany; The Guilt Question of the Second World War
V. K. Clark (1 File) >>>/zundel/2109
Warwolves of the Iron Cross; The Union Jackal
Valdas Anelauskas (1 File) >>>/zundel/1147
Zionism & Russia
Viscount Leon de Poncins (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1145
Freemasonry and Judaism; Secret Powers Behind Revolution Judaism and the Vatican; An Attempt At Spiritual Subversion State Secrets - A Documentation of the Secret Revolutionary Mainspring Governing Anglo-American Politics
Victor E. Marsden (1 File) >>>/zundel/1143
Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion (Translated by Victor E. Marsden)
Robert Bailey
Victor Ostrovsky (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1140
By Way Of Deception - The Making & Unmaking Of A Mossad Officer
Viktor Suvorov (1 File) >>>/zundel/2110
Icebreaker; Who Started the Second World War
Vladimir Avdeyev (1 File) >>>/zundel/2111
Raciology; The Science Of The Hereditary Traits Of Peoples (Foreword by Kevin MacDonald)
Vladimir Stepin (1 File) >>>/zundel/1139
The Nature Of Zionism
Werner Sombart (1 File) >>>/zundel/2112
The Jews and Modern Capitalism Hunter Who We Are
William L. Pierce (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1138
Gun Control in Germany 1928-1945 The Turner Diaries
William S. Sadler (1 File) >>>/zundel/2116
Race Decadence; An Examination of the Causes of Racial Degeneracy in the United States
Willie Martin (4 Files) >>>/zundel/1134
1001 Quotes By & About Jews A Chronology of the International Conspiracy To Form The New World Order Communism - A Jewish Talmudic Concept The History of Jewish Human Sacrifice
Wilmot Robertson (3 Files) >>>/zundel/1131
The Dispossessed Majority The Ethnostate Ventilations
Josiah Allen
So basically this is all just you throwing a perpetual temper tantrum because the mods won't promote your shitty >>>/pdfs/ alternative. This is why you've been sperging out and crying for who knows how long about muh books and muh compromised mods. You want them to urge Holla Forums to use your fucking shitty board instead of /pdfs/ and they see no reason to do that so you've got a personal vendetta against them. What pissy little bitch nigger you are.
Leo Green
Stop misrepresenting my argument, moishe. I have clearly stated my case.
Jace Ross
Also, stop talking about yourself in third person.
Linking to another board is not ban worthy. Nor is creating threads that reference such a board since most book file extensions are not supported on Holla Forums. This is mods being cunts.
pic related.
All these posts which reference are users/shills/dissenters which could have been publicly banned so the community can see what the moderation is doing, instead they are effectively shadowbanned. Yes anyone can check the banned page, but what difference is there between here and reddit if that is the case?
This is the same bullshit that has happened repeatedly to /sg/, used to happen to /britpol/ and usually happens whenever shills don't outnumber actual users in a thread.
Gavin Bell
That's nice. I'd like some evidence.
Hunter Cruz
Need a update to thoes articles that covers the fuckery on april 20-21 and general mod niggery since then.
Jack Anderson
Your posts will be deleted soon, bookspammer. Try volunteering your empty board for the attention hungry games.
Read the thread, make up your own mind. The fact many images are missing and still have not been recovered (its been over a year since last nuke) should speak for itself.
Mason Stewart
I thought he was supposed to be a turkroach. Just like your sexuality are you having trouble keeping your lies straight, my man?
Gee I have no idea.
I don't know what's funnier, accusing the mods of shadowbanning or the fact that you have no idea what shadowbanning is. Reported for kikery either way though.
Benjamin Morgan
Cry more bitch nigger. If I was a mod you'd be banned already. They have more patience than I do with such vaginal behavior as to throw hissy fits because you want your little pet book board to be popular. IP hopping in an attempt to artificially form a consensus isn't going to work either.
Christopher Evans
Firstly, you dumb nigger, proof that that picture is kampfy, or any of the mods. Secondly, that entire /polk/ thread is them jerking themselves off about how they're not Holla Forums, how they keep coming back to shit up the board after being banned, wondering why they're persecuted so, and about how they all found magical bunker boards.
David Smith
I am, pic related. What I posted is a dissenting opinion, but it is legitimate and for the benefit of the community to refute or ignore. The fact the mods need to do that, and privately, reeks of invested interest in the information presented not disseminating.
I don't give a shit about any book board, they are tools. If /pdfs/ is the best, great. If its /pdf/, great. If its something else, great. All I care is that the internal links work.
(checked) I understand full and well what a shadowban is. Call it what you like, 'quiet banning', 'subversive banning', nonetheless the goal of the moderation is to quietly erase dissenting opinion, equal to that of a reddit style shadowbon.
Assume I am wrong, and the moderation is fundamentally incompetent, as opposed to non white and subversive. Regardless, remove and replace.
Lucas Nelson
So, you don't know what shadowbanning is?
So, there's no links to /pdfs/ that the mods support, or have, you know, pinned somewhere?
You're so full of shit, it's incredible.
Carson Hernandez
The internal links work nigger. Why the fuck are you constantly shilling for your own fucking little book board if you don't give a shit about any book board? Utter nonsense. The goal of the moderation team is to stop retards like you from shitting up every fucking thread with inane and fallacious bullshit. I'm sure you'd like that very much but apparently the BO doesn't see it your way so go pound sand up your asshole.
David Anderson
>whaaaaaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa stop effortlessly BTFOing (((me))) >ererereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee /pdfs/ sucks come to (((my))) board instead I false flag spam myself for attention
David Wright
Keep crying, spamfag.
Nicholas Gray
Maybe the mods could let this cosmic nigger have a single, non-pinned books thread? It's less spam for themselves to delete.
Parker Torres
Prove that the picture is of anyone, literally fucking any one, of the mods, or kill yourself.
Oliver Ramirez
But, uh, he doesn't care about that, does he. He just wants, what was it he said, oh right, he wants that the internal links to the books board work. Which they do. If you follow his word, he's arguing for the sake of arguing, because the one thing he, apparently, wants already exists.
Dominic Brooks
Jaxon Butler
Juan Martinez
Ryan Russell
Ban me, faggot.
Luis Gray
That's you.
Projecting again.
Joshua Rogers
I guess it makes sense if you lose enough brain cells. Keep doing you, kampfy. You're your own worst enemy, and nobody is as effective at making you look fucking insane as you are. Maybe do some damage control the right way, and instead of deleting any and all dissent, try to act like a marginally sane human instead of an uplifted feral animal.
Bentley Kelly
Again, please, you cockroach.
Its almost like he hasn't read a thing. He's been here all along but never thought to pick up a book.
Thomas Kelly
Julian Gonzalez
Come home white man.
Luis Sanchez
Un-ironically talking about memes as if they are real serious things that should be studied is the most cringe thing I see. Stop doing it. Just stop. Memes are just jokes. Its all just a fucking joke and you either get it or you don't. Its like if someone you told you a knock knock joke and you write a 50 page analysis of the purpose of the knock knock part of the joke. It just screams /soypol/
Lucas Baker
Gabriel Ward
Do you even know what IDs are? You can check my post history you turboautist, you're just fucked in the head enough that reality is only an inconvenience.
Caleb Martinez
Three years, buffalo queer.
Caleb Collins
I'll just let your lack of self-awareness speak for itself here.
Blake King
Making such obvious bate should be criminal, but when the BO himself is likely posting it? I guess the fact thats even possible at this point indicates it is entirely likely these vermin will actually be staked. As usual, the semite sacrifices the short term for the long term, ensuring his own demise.
Its the BO or mod, they assume users don't check (which is generally true).
I'm enjoying the desperation. The fact you will sacrifice the short term for the long indicates an immense amount about the position you are in. Pic related, its our retarded board owner.
Oliver Rivera
Wait, so, let me try to recap the last 200-ish posts. Did I miss anything except the sperg spamming his copy pasta?
There's money in it. All sorts of rat 'security' outfits now who do nothing more than browse the 'deep web' and forums and download shit on various open sites. It's old hat. The amount of snakeoil salesmen in security is HUGE. So it's no coincidence that there's an abundance of jews in computer security. Real disgusting racket. So an extension of that is, shitposting. Be it comments, burying shit, rigging polls etc,etc. Amazon reviews is a big one. Here it's probably shitheads like Soros's 'open society' who doesn't believe in free speech hahaha.
Carter Davis
Carter Jones
The only thing you missed is this is every day on /polmeta/ and /sudo/.
Austin Walker
Stop trying to use random anons for your own self-aggrandizement. Let us do what we want, within the reason of the board rules (not your own personal reason, which is obviously slated and militantly anti-intellectual).
Joshua Young
We did but nobody came. Also the mods tried an exodus and fucked everything up.
Blake Hughes
Evan Parker
Alexander Lewis
Please don't
Easton Long
A whole heap of shills have been pushing the le ebil natzee meme over on cuckchan recently. I think that the Institute of Strategic Dialog has changed tactics.
Also, has anyone noticed how literally every survivor of Auschwitz claims that they knew Dr. Mengele personally? That guy must of worked an 80 hour week.
Chase Murphy
A whole heap of shills have been pushing the le ebil natzee meme over on cuckchan recently. I think that the Institute of Strategic Dialog has changed tactics. They've abandoned memeing for the moment and have fallen back on pushing ww2 era propaganda stories.
Btw, has anyone else noticed how literally every single kike who claims they were at Auschwitz during the war also claims to have known Dr. Mengele personally? That guy must have worked an 80 hour week.
Jackson Roberts
something about those wojacks seems off.
Joshua Baker
Factions of the leaf government who deal coke are trying to ruin this place.
keep your mod/board drama shit off Holla Forums kikes
Aiden White
William Thomas
It's been traced.
Carter Rodriguez
Nicholas Adams
Feel the walls closing in yet?
Brayden Powell
Who needs shills with moderoaches like this?
Jaxson Taylor
Kill yourself kike.
Ayden Allen
t. classically trained artist
Jeremiah Adams
post your work
Aaron Collins
here is some shit I have saved atm.
Josiah Parker
Last one is great
Aiden Ross
This is why I made >>>/zundel/. Beware of this jewish shilling and censorship of books, anons. Most of the posts ITT are Imkampfy doing his usual IP switching consensus cracking.
You think it's bad here, have you been on cuckchan lately? Even /a/, /mu/ and /g/ are being hit.
I went on a shitposting tantrum on Holla Forums last night and there were posters that literally did not know how to respond to be 'tyrone ballsucking soyslave'. There were dead serious commie posters that literally did not know how to respond to calling niggers apes.
I don't even. It's fucking Holla Forums. Serious posting is not Holla Forums's purpose. You can say opinions that deliberately do nothing use rediculous satirical reasoning. And there they were, calling the racism unreasonable on fucking Holla Forums.
Gabriel Martinez
Being called*
Aaron Roberts
Jaxson King
Adrian Wood
Three years, buffalo queer.
Eli Perry
reading this, i knew that there would be dubs to check, and there's two, one for each statement. Jews have a plan, and they hate us. Once we've dealt with them, we can return to a more Libertarian form of National Socialism.
John Cook
bumping this thread against the slide
Jack Campbell
we also need to discuss sliding apparently
Jeremiah Flores
(checked) Reminded that that second picture is actually a quote from Gregor Strasser.
Oliver Hall
Liam Nguyen
Holla Forumsacks this is who moderates your board
Sebastian Peterson
That doesn't exist you fucking reddit faggot gas yourself.
Michael Adams
The worst part is a think for a lot of us that "X isn't white" shill really started to back fire. It almost started to become an in joke that no one took seriously on its own. I am reminded to the Anglosphere wojak picture in which UK wojak is shoving Ireland wojak out of the group hug.
Andrew Bell
Great chest.
Luis Rogers
Very good question. I've suspected moot and cuckchan mods for a long time now
Michael James
I think the I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass meme originated on a brit/pol/ thread.
It would make sense. Euros do tend to turn their noses up at Americans claiming to be one of them.
Jackson Gonzalez
Shit, nice word filter, if a little bitter in tone.
William Stewart
Good example. It's interesting that women never actually respect men who worship them. If you were a highly flawed bundle of emotions, you too would have contempt for anyone who put you on a pedestal. The only thing that can be done with a weak ass-kisser is use them up before leaving their annoying presence. Polite sage
Angel Campbell
I have to come back to this post because it is so true. I almost married a nice European girl. We were perfect together. Planned to have a family. One day she starts crying about the fake "wage gap". Eventually she starts to resent my ability to make enough for both of us. She told me this virtually literally and also indirectly by various things she harped on. She's probably getting enriched right now while muzzles flood in to take the place of children we would have had. There is a certain level of dormant anger related to this. You can probably imagine the amount. But I plan to stay focused on BTFOing our collective enemies. Will will win this because there is nothing else in this world worth a squat than what we are fighting for.
Unrelated pic of Gen Flynn with an apparent gash on his head. Probably woman inflicted.
Jeremiah Wright
>I've even seen shills try to push the angle that Anglo Saxons aren't white because they fought against Hitler during WW2. (((they))) want us to in fight with each other so we never get anything done
One of the most common examples of this is anytime a thread about a white female being made the victim of any sort of shitskin-on-white violence, being attacked for being "racist", etc., usually the first post or so will be someone accusing them of being a coal-burner, 9 times out of time it's without evidence and evidence never surfaces to validate this. And if they aren't arguing they're a coalburner, they'll claim that they're a "kike" (typically using their mouth shape as somehow being "proof" of their jewish genetics, even though the mouth has never been used to identify a jew anywhere at any point to my knowledge).
Someone should really start compilling each thread about a white female victim that get's posted here and we can see just how many of these threads are filled with these "LOL SHE'S A COALBURNER/KIKE" posters.
And yeah as another user here pointed out, I've noticed that "I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass" maymay on 4chan, popped up out of nowhere about 1-2 months ago, and seems to be some sort of organized effort, although I have a faint idea of what the purpose may be, it's so terribly done that whatever they're trying to do with it won't work. It's meaning is too vague to work as a meme.
Aiden Allen
Not sure why that was wordfiltered, but okay then.
Carter Evans
Let's try, eh. First, National Socialism, to get everyone beck on the right track, then a couple of generations, back off and see how people do. Resist going full on degenerate, though
Nicholas Lopez
Figure i may as well leave this here. Shills have been out en mass today. So disregarding the fact that they can only screech autistically about their eternal BTFOing, how do we counter them?
Jaxon Wood
Are you saying esoteric memes are part of a spam shill campaign??
I don't believe it!
I used to know an esoteric immigrant from mexico who introduced me to 8/pol/ and he never warn me of this before! Do you think he's part of the conspiracy? ://3
Michael Brown
Logan Martinez
I mean, you have to see why.
Chase Rivera
If you mean all the Libbie posts, that has to do with some Holla Forums related happenings from a month ago.
Ryan Young
What the actual fuck kind of retarded kike logic is this. see and then please promptly neck yourself, either that or go to the nearest mental health facility (oven) for your unhealthy desire to fuck niggers.
Really? Do tell. Hopefully it catches on, maybe as a "please just convert already so we stop killing ourselves" plea to our humanity or some shit.
As much as I hate the stupid nigger who keeps sperging with the "MUH LONGWORD POST" he's got a point, I'm pretty sure book threads aren't allowed here any more.
> It's the first fucking one on the list. Rules are rules, and this is a natsoc board. Much to the chagrin of the shills, TRSodomites, and turboniggers that find their way here from the_donald.
I'm glad the mods caught up with them at least.
Not a bad idea.
The absolute stupidity of these niggers and kikes thinking we would suddenly be pro miscegenation is both appalling and amazing. It's like a train full of water-headed mongoloids in slow motion going off a cliff.
I agree with most of your post, but: I think it's also got something to do with Holla Forumsacks from here going there and dropping subtle hints, and redpill images. I just wish that those that do would shut the fuck up about this place, instead of naming it so we'd alleviate some of the civnat boomer cucks who think we're "being ironic" or some shit.
You don't say? I think I've seen that happen to a thread recently, can't remember which. :^)
Hear-hear to that.
Ryder Thompson
Easton Young
First off, before anything. I want to say that I forbid mods on Holla Forums from posting user ID/history, and while I don't know which one is doing it, I am disappointed that you did and didn't think I would find out. I heavily value anonymity and I wish to respect that. Holla Forums is an open board.
HOWEVER. I applaud you for having the guts to do it, and even though I respect anonymity and want to prevent this kind of thing from happening, I think we need more mods like you to combat this shit and help make Holla Forums great again. I always hated goons and shills. Godspeed.
Colton Harris
Discordianism is a goon religion.
Jackson Gutierrez
anti-slide bump
Jace Nelson
Based dysnomia.
Easton Gutierrez
Why are you posting pictures of children in swimsuits? I've seen you do it in another thread.
Thomas Diaz
No one's fucking banning me lmfao. I think I'm just going to spam CP. I thought this place was suppose to be the heart of Holla Forums (along with Holla Forums).
Vols here asleep?
Nathaniel Parker
I don't really come to Holla Forums anymore nor Holla Forums but this place is looking dead af (as of this moment, obviously).
So, the ISD is literally funded by the EU and the Swedish government for the main purpose of attacking the far-right. You can't make this shit up. Swedes electing the Social Democrat Party into power constantly has basically been a major blight on Western Civilization.
I think we need an effective "forced" meme of our own, to use combating these new forced meme tactics. It'd be funny if we had one that just summed up shilling - I don't mean one of the useful infographics on CTR, Share Blue and the Feds. But one that ridicules the phenomenon as hopelessly predictable - so that lurkers and the like see it, and think "Oh wow haha who would want to be a pathetic shill." Ridicule is our most effective weapon gents, it always has been.
Aiden Barnes
I hope you know thats the self-insert of the leftypol BO. Have fun.
Bentley Butler
Been saying this for months now. It happens so much on Holla Forums
Sebastian Rivera
As someone who browses both Holla Forumss daily, I think one thing I've noticed over the last year - is that we seem to be getting more focused and less funny. It almost feels like since we won the election - we've become more vulnerable to shilling, because many more anons are taking this seriously for the first time ever. They need to relax and get back in tune with what won us the election in the first place - the fact that we made the Left look so ridiculous through our prodding memes, that several entire voting demographics no longer wanted to associate with them. The key to the man child baby heart of the Millennial generations is - make them laugh!
Liam Collins
How can you even consider yourself a man if you don't rage and hatefuck this beautiful marxist catgirl?
Alexander Ross
The majority of posters have scattered due to no happenings and other things to do. It becomes a bustling board when a'happening's occuring. Like Turkey f.e. Right now it's full of leftyshits, JIDS and shareblue shills circlejerking. As soon as something happens we'll just drown out shills with the sheer speed and volume of posting.
Ian Davis
Reported for being a nigger.
Hudson Rodriguez
Reported, filtered.
Lincoln Myers
Why do you care so much if it was a self insert? It isn't anymore because she is /ourgirl/ now you silly goose. Literally the best waifu.
Bentley Gonzalez
They're just like their jewish deep state overlords. Weaponizing SeaPee and lolis.
Andrew James
There's a sense of urgency in changing things enough in 3 years to reverse 90+ years of subversion. Because if the villains ever seize power again, they will not even pretend to adhere to the rule of law in squashing us. Still, people do need to take a chill pill. There was enough complaining about Two Hands being stickied that I have to assume some of it was genuine.
Bentley Young
Because it's all they ever think about. Dicks and dick accessories.
Landon Morales
Some obvious D&C going on is that the one against certain white ethnicities, like saying germans, french, swedes or brits are far beyond saving and they are cucks and should be nuked. It's way too obvious that it's a try to pit people against eachother, especially since most nationalistic people still take pride in their own blood and where they come from even though the countries stink and is ruled by genocidal maniacs.
Also i find it obvious is the pitting of people against each concerning generations. It's boomers vs gen X'ers vs millenials. It all boils down to whites vs whites and does us no favour. Neither does it to pit men vs women even though we're in a fucked up society. But it does us no favour.
I find those are our points where shilling is succesful (or they are using multiple account to "samefag" a consensus). And i think anons need to be way more careful when approaching subjects of we being pitted against our own.
Nathaniel Lee
Proof of shilling…
Just a simple look at the top of the page here over the last few years with all the pinned threads shilling for neo-Cohen kikes would be the most obvious clue to anyone with a brain
Blake Diaz
Isis is a literal paid cianigger and moosad kike mercenary army user.
Angel Young
Jaxson Wilson
While I can understand that the I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass 56% face meme might have originally been a forced cuckchan meme. It has become a stand alone meme due to the reaction from the remaining r/t_d fags in here, if nothing else it goes to show something that other countries have said for years and that is that americans can not take any form of banter. That is why it is a functional meme that is being posted everywhere, if you faggots actually do not want it to become a memorable meme stop feeding the troll and getting upset about the middle earth orc = modern american bloodline meme. Take it on the chin and own it like everyone else, it is fucking banter you faggots stop taking yourselves so seriously. This is why I honestly think the people who keep making these threads pointing out that this meme is a shill meme are actually working to promote the idea that this meme is a shill meme, So that people will call this meme a shill meme and then it will make it funnier to non-americans by making americans look assblasted about being called mutts. This is like next level D&C where they force outrage over a forced meme to cause a fracture. Honestly just laugh at the I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass meme and move on with the serious discussions instead of making threads over and over discussing how this is a forced meme and you are totally not offended by these shills. (Pic related)
Aaron Nguyen
Jose Edwards
It's from the series. They liked the slut so much they just cut her out.
Just sayin for scientific accuracy.
Luis Perez
Bumping for all the shillthreads/ non-news-threads in the fucking catalog.
Should we do a gore-raid in those threads? I'm up for it.
Cooper Stewart
Wow, the absolute state of those cuckolds! Alunya IS pure because she is our girl now and we will make her so. They want her to be a whore, it's part of their cuckoldifying plan.
Samuel Reyes
Thought it had a dick?
Jeremiah Russell
The hell? Not /our/ Alunya.
Nicholas Scott
Why? The left's memes are fucking shit, why not just make another vivian instead and name her Trudy Shun or some shit like that.
Adrian Lewis
whenever I see someone bring up libertarians I just think it's a d&c shill. There's no point, if both can recognise there's a JQ and want to do things like audit/end the fed if you get someone trying ot drive a wedge, there you go, you got yourself a shill. This kind of high school type bullshit screams shill to me. You guys can pretend there isn't a problem here on this board sometimes but it seems pretty obvious to me what happens to you eventually if you don't just approve of everything Trump does (the ban hammer) imho the magic isn't really here anymore because the place feels fully shill controlled, the lightness is gone, the spirit seems crushed. Just my opinion.
Juan Lewis
also, catgirls, and all furries, are shit in general. let them have their shit meme character
Michael Price
Catgirls>Furries It's customary to take spoils from an inferior group, to not do so is to allow the enemy rest and quarter. Anything less is the mentality of a pro-cuckold sympathiser.
Okay, I see castrating yourself for the leftist cucks is your thing, this picture should help you user.
Caleb Gonzalez
oh, i see ad hominem is your thing an oven should help you, kike
Jordan Fisher
Cooper Parker
Kill yourself.
Jason Richardson
Wow you really changed my mind shlomo, that totally forced unfunny meme is organic now
Jaxon Clark
Yes this happens pretty much everytime and it's almost always (1) posters or blatant shills projecting their sick fantasies on Holla Forums
Zachary Torres
Let me offer my insight on this, From what I've collected in these '56% I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass' threads, many are made by the same artist(s). See pic related. You'll notice a distinct 3-4 'styles' of it which seem like they're from the same person. But these ones were the most obvious and off-putting example, it bears no resemblance to typical Holla Forums shitpost memes. Doesn't something just feel 'off' about it? Like it's trying to mimic and warp board culture it doesn't fully understand?
Another thing you'll notice about a lot of these is the atypical detail/shading which is put into them. Most natural Holla Forums memes were created to be easily editable/exploitable templates of a sort, usually created in ms paint or other similar programs. On the contrary, the majority of the 56% memes appear as though they were made with actual digital art tools such as adobe illustrator or photoshop. Especially when it comes to the shading and line work.
The reason they feel 'off' is because there are natural memes and unnatural ones. For example, the burger spurdo was a naturally created board meme poking fun at murica' types and boomers, It was posted tastefully while being actually funny and original.
In 2015 you might remember the short lived and forced SHART IN MART meme which was a byproduct of euros and americans flaming and shitposting against each other, although this wasn't 100% shilled from the start, it became a favorite of shills for a while.
(And yes, there were a few I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass-esque memes in 2016 and 2015 but they were not nearly as popular and posted only by the same group of people making 'eternal anglo/kraut' shitpost/derails) They were partially shilled back then but everything referencing '56%' and 'I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass' specifically started being shilled in the last 3 months. And in these last months, the popularity and amount has exploded unnaturally to the extent that someone will post an I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass meme in nearly every other thread.
But the IMPORTANT thing is to notice WHAT the memes are targeting While 'shart in mart' was just attacking americans as a whole, le 56% is -specifically- targeting pro-white Americans as a demoralization move. Much in the same way that buzzfeed/huffpo and the like push pictures of fat people at rallies and say "haha, so much for le MASTER RACE!" and create articles talking about how white nationalists are dumb because "Nobody is pure, goy! You're all tainted!" The 56% meme rings very similar to that type of rhetoric. These are coming from the same people who say there's no such thing as 'whiteness', just different ethnicities. It is an attempt to gaslight american whites into thinking they have no culture or race.
One of the insidious things about le 56% is how it's used to derail serious threads from Americans talking about the European demographic decline or ANY thread talking about statistic demographics relating to America.
Remember the time shitlibs kept making wall-text tryhard versions of the Holla Forums MS paint comics? This is much like a bigger version of that except orchestrated by the powers that be, this time it is meant as an internal demoralization tactic from the inside, using anti-american sentiment as the spearhead for making many cuckpol posters into useful idiots.
Ryder Smith
did you ever consider that there are better things to do than meme magic?
Jaxon Rogers
Keep in mind that discordians and (((discordians))) are not the same thing. We have a few Erisian meme mages that I don't want to alienate, and the agro anti-discordian thing is a goon meme to try to associate themselves with the religion. There was a schism a few years back because the old guard episkopos are sick of untermensch goons perving on their goddess.
Death to goons, hail Eris. Carry on lads.
Aaron Garcia
Hey guys, it's me, the Jews
Benjamin King
You're not one of us either Holla Forums.
Blake Morris
"Reminder that nazism has and never will work." T. scat furrie Democratic-Anarcho-Communist. Kek!
William Phillips
I just want to fight jews, why hasn't my Holla Forums membership given me at least one jew scalp this season?
Brandon Hughes
^ example kike post
Jaxson White
Bless You!
Jayden Cox
I was always a fan of oath-cuck
Gavin Morris
You're the kike. Bug off, ya spook.
Noah Wright
(((Who))) could be behind the spam hitting the catalog right now and (((why))) are all four moderators (((conveniently))) missing while this is going down?
The level of attempts people like you make to justify your degeneracy and lust for non-humans, it's disgusting and doesn't belong here.
Kill yourself.
Ryan Price
Gotta say the 56% meme is very dangerous, it's very easy to laught at it.
Thomas Lopez
Sounds like your problem.
Alexander Powell
im a shill AMA
Nathaniel Ortiz
i'm surprised this wasn't instantly b& bc muh polmeta. its too late for 8/pol/ and probably all of h8chan. its sad bc everywhere else is slow af. there's nothing that can be done – its mods all the way down
Dylan Morgan
that's TRSodomites. they've taken over. i think imcoonfy is now on their payroll
Dominic Collins
Do you suck dick for a living? Because there's no way those jews are paying you.
Charles Robinson
Why would shills shill on a dying board which has fewer users and pph than Holla Forums?