Judge, Jury, and Executioner
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I like the one of grim plotting to take over the threads and become admin more.
Going to bed, bbl
It's too late
I have already won
list of posters who i would like to bang:
almost at the elite four
alrdy captured my special fairy deer
Good thing you can just make new boards.
Why's your night shit, user?
no tp NO
jews keep trying to take over the world
I ran out of good boy points for chicken nuggies. its instant noodles tonight
go to bed
I just got a couple of hundred of those
my credit card bill ate all of them ten seconds later
take care dearest ;_ ; (i love you)
Need to buy more tv dinners..
I wouldnt eat one of those unless I was dying of starvation
this is resemble axel tripcode
nah, i remembered wrong
Fairy deer > Dark bird
I have to eat five thousand of these instant noodles to fill me up, at least tv dinners actually do the trick
go go colourful antlers
how do I get a shiny poke colbs??
Breeding with the Masuda method
DexNav chaining
Oh and cheating, cheating also works
Soft resets for legendaries
addme on the 3ds bae and let's fight pokes
Lol pleb
Pokerace war when?
Wow that terrible pic
Aaand my phone turns it upside down. Wonderful.
I aint soft resetting a thousand times
He meant the event giveaways, hence the Cherish Ball.
WHEN THE FUCK DID THEY DO THAT??? I only got that shitty wishy pokemon and I dont remember the other one I got
since the past few years
They've been going on since 2003.
Worst OP, Fite me
goddamn im old ;;
Event giveaways have been going on since Mew in the first generation
Wifi just made events accessible to more people
Celebi was the first real one that used the cell network adapter to download. Mystery Gift wasn't in the first and Mew was only given to like battling tournament winners.
How does this shit work?
I ment when did they gave out shiny celestia?
I know they done giveaways long ass time ago but through movies and shit
I'll fite you alright
When I was about 10 I was gonna do the trade-link glitch where you pulled the link cord out of the gameboy as it was trading, to get a mew from my cousin, but it didn't work and then I had to leave
I think I'm still upset about that
I suppose. I thought Mew was given away at some non-battling events in the 1st gen tho
Didn't know about the Fly/Teleport Mew glitch, eh?
I asked the EB games person for two mew giveaway cards because they were free and I just gave them to Erin.
You could do the same at the nugget bridge.
The deer pokemon, I call it celestia cause ponyfaggotry
I don't think so.
The TCG gave out special cards to people who showed up that weren't great but just unique.
Oh. That was like in the last few months via wifi. They gave out a shiny Yveltal too
Love glac
2nd best eevlu
I forgot it was saturday for you
Googled it, they gave some away in Japan at like trade shows and whatnot
All eeveelutions are garbage
Fucking a, I need to pay attention to the events.. Im sure I missed out on the bird legendaries too
But glaceon is cute! That fucking cry!
I wonder when they're going to make a Dragon type Eeveelution since it's the only special type left.
1v1 me
I can play games all day!
what is up with all of you faggots being in love with La Haine?
I wish i was a non-french and was fascinated by those french things - Claude Lelouche, Brigitte Bardot, French new wave, Alain Delon...
But la Haine? At the best, it was a good movie (it's already a compliment, coming from me). It's not effay though.
Or maybe there is a fascination because of the atmosphere of the arab suburbs, and I can't feel it because what the film shows is the actual everyday life.
The film maker could have filmed a street in Boulogne-Billancourt or Tremblay-en-France for 2 hourts straight. He invented nothing.
what should I turn my evee into
Glaceon sounds cool, is there faerie evee?
NA EU or asia
Just get all eveelutions
yes there is and its evil
get espeon
I'm gonna watch anime all night
Will flareon ever be buffed?
Every Eevee is garbage.
It's time to realize that.
What a weeeeeeb!!
I've rekt niggas with glaceon! Hail does wonders
Ye but im watching with people so its ok
Sure, FC 4742-6772-0823
Yeah, Sylveon is a fairy Eevee. Also damn good
then I could have an all evee team that could be fun
All their arts look cool to me, especially leafy
colbs is off his rocker
what's evil about it??
which ones do u have
Oh fuck, can I even add people with hacked 3ds?
What's hacked about it?
That's still weeb as fuck.
Sounds like a plan
I have one of those gateways to play pirated roms
I have no idea tbh. You could try?
This heat can fuck right off, it's 8:30
what the fuck is in the bottom right
n-no it;s okay you watch with your friends.
Is this just some way for you to say you're not his friend?
I was just a dumb kid and didn't know about pro strats..
In pokemon silver I quit when I got to that ice-sliding cave too..
LOL NEVERMIND, cant update or it fucks hax and I cant play my free games
I didn't know you supported Trump
I don't!!
Youre the strawberry
And back everyone!
I will to journey and slay without plan
Bring sledge and terror to the cities of man
I now have autism from even watching the first five seconds.
I need more
You wanna build a wall?
I want to bring them down.
why tho
I already broke your walls.
vote for me
I don't vote for nerds.
Yours is just that contagious.
You can't vote for yourself then.
memes tbh
I don't vote for myself.
I'm not voting for you in overwatch then.
dio memes are top supreme
memes everywhere
just kidding
greetings fellow humans
it is I, another human!
i don't believe you
lol nice
Prove it, you could be an alien that's gonna probe us..
self terminate
That's what an alien would say
you still haven't shown me that porn you found!
These two are oddly great timing.
Lol what the fuck
can someone explain this meme to me
You should invite him to go "clubbing".
i dont want to fuck him
You're not even a good red spirit.
Sleep !
i'm the best one though.
I'm saying to kill him.
He wants you asleep so he can rape you.
You're the best worst.
Are you saying you'd consent?
So the best?
Go to sleep you butt.. you need to wake up :c
cute pic
its okay
Really? I thought it was cute.
So, what passes for cute in your book then?
this i guess
my balls would fit nicely in her hands
*knocking in the distance*
what is happening
m2 > amazing grace
hot dad alert
Like you would ever touch a girl.
I just googled "old guy speedo" and that was the first result.
I'll remember this.
Happy Friday night, people~
Go out tonight?
[Did you] go out tonight?
Nope, just got home from work.
Yeah I would!
that's definitely a dad
At half passed noon?
What the fuck?
You would get grossed out/
Um.. yeah? I close the kitchen 3 nights out of the week, brah
Are you okay??
me on the left
nuh uh! I had sex with a girl already!
Fair enough. I was thinking for some reason it was a 24 hour place.
Perfectly fine and perfectly sober. Just having brain farts, it seems.
I did!
She didn't make me wear a condom either!
Two in a row is p bad x_x
Oh, lawdy. 24/7 DQ would be a fuckin disaster lol
I need a good nickname for this fucker
It's the meth
One look at a girl and you instantly turned into a huge faggot.
At least it's not a closing shift and a following morning one. Those are just pointless and truly make you feel like your existence is dedicated to that place.
What does meth even do other than teeth falling out and weight loss?
One would assume it's not great for memory
Hey Cobble.
iss LOCO here
Watch your mouth kid, or you'll find yourself respawning at home!
Don't most stimulants generally help short term memory?
No idea at what point it's just frying, though.
Fuck, I don't know. Not like I've ever even done anything harder than opioids and minor hallucinogens.
I never open, but get weird long noon to whenever shifts which suck just as badly that are the equivalent.
That kind of shit show happened to me at the gas station from time to time though.
Still feels like I'm a slave there pretty much cause I do a lot of babysitting/doing lazy peoples' jobs in addition to my own in the kitchen. I need another raise lol
Well, she liked that, that's why she was on top...
It's like 5 in the morning so probably asleep.
Or a gay orgy.
Sounds pretty gay
sissy ass bitch
I dislike being on top, I like it when people dominate me instead!
your boo ♥
Dualy noted. Too bad you're not so much my type.
Why not!
You want to see my human body?
How do you know, have you ever met an alien??
I remember calling the shift manager a "lazy retard" over that happening to me and written up for it.
Doing other people's jobs that are the same level as you isn't too bad. It's when you have to do manager or their managers' jobs it when it just makes you wonder why you're not getting paid for it.
Hi, what's up?
Yeah, I met one in college
Yeah you better watch out.
Proof? What's their name
sad, I'm sure I'd be fun to pin down for you~
cause humans don't say that!
but yes, seeing your human body would suffice as evidence...
nuh uh, it was with a lady so it's not gay~
show me your human body
No, but in the middle of a lunch rush, it's bullshit.
Your kinks are basically spot on though, I'll give you that.
then how about you and me... y-y'know
Life finds a way.
What if i don't have one?
I'm not equating you to them but most of the people at fast food places have trouble even counting change so it's not surprising that they'd be too dumb and lazy to actually do their job.
What the hell is this even from?
Me and my best friend always eat pizza together
is he gonna turn into a trap? .///.
here's proofs
idk, that's a pretty human sounding name!
Depends on how much you beg, yah know.
What does pizza have to do with him being a faggot?
Wait, what?
I'm not saying you are, just your coworkers probably fit the fast food stereotypes.
yes im fat we get it
i know
thanks captain obvious
no problem bertha/lardo
I know.
They just assume (and have said this while I'm there) that I enjoy doing all the work myself. And I'm like... wut no.
Sorry I'm a hard worker, niggas.
Don't go down that path.
Just don't.
I nver got the pizza trap meme tbh
why are they assocaited?
idk if he is gay he seems really straight
homo finds a way
Just grab one and shove their face in the deep fryer to show your dominance.
That's the point, he had to blend in
I'm gonna need to see more proof.
awww, i hate begging though~
fine, if I absolutely must!
I stick my hand in the oil sometimes to show people in the kitchen I'm a lunatic.
And that knife finger thing, I'll do that from time to time too haha.
When trannies are in mid mutation they never go outside because predators like the sun or social interactions will destroy them in their larval stage.
Pizza is the only food source you can get without going outside.
thats so hot
five finger filet?
sorry I have no more proof
stop bullying aliens!
Thought it may be hard to beg with your mouth full.
How disappointing.
Is that what it's called?
The robot did it to the guy in Aliens. That thing.
I have like half a dozen oil burn scars on the back of my hands.
It's not that painful but just like a perpetual nagging sensation that makes you want to rip that part of your skin off.
It's like an unusual itchy feel. I have them on my arms :/
It feels good at the time, but the healing of grease burns suck. Most of them come from when I clean out the fryers every night :/
Someone distract me from this hell
bard irl
I generally end up burning myself every time I cook so I know the feeling.
Just get a bottle of burn cream then use lotion while it heals to minimize scarring.
Every night you think we have the solution to your problems. Only you can better yourself and/or your situation. Get with it and go out and get it.
five finger filet is where you spread your hand on a table and stab a knife in between the gaps of your fingers from one end to the other as fast as you can
sorry im no slut
Yes, that's what I do.
Haven't messed up yet~
what are the fryrs like how do you clean thtem?
we have tp odrain ours then run power through it and cleanout some capsules at the bottom The filter machine makes the oil fly errhere
People that talk like this know nothing about life and think if they spout lines from self help books people will think they're Einstein or some shit
You're the one posting lewds.
I'm gonna be mean to you and then beat up your family.
No, you're just a whiny bitch hoping something else will solve all your problems other than actually doing anything and will fall back on some defense of whatever webMD mental illness diagnoses you think justifies your inaction and behavior in a community that honestly gives no shits about you.
Add magnasol into the vat. Drain vat into filter machine. Scrub the inside shit, rinse with grease, filter, then refill.
Do this for each of the three vats. 375 degree veggie oil.
I went from being homeless and miserable to living in a house and making a survivable income in a year and on the road to actual happiness. No self help books required. Just do it, nigger.
I probably should avoid talking to people with double digit IQS anymore
le magnesol face
that stuff SUCKS
hope you don't o.o"
I was asked to!
someone shoot me
Because we're totally the idiots and not the guy that complains about his shitty life constantly instead of doing anything to fix it.
You're totally the smartest guy in the room.
Who said anything about bullying?
Didn't they get rid of the public W/L ratio so everyone feels special, no matter how terrible?
Isn't there some safety gear for that?
LOL holy shit.
This argument is invalid just as you will become an invalid hue
get rekt and ky already.
It's technically edible lol
But yeah even when you think the dust has settled, it's still in he air for that first breath after you've been holding it and it's like biting a clam with sand in it still x_x
*shrugs* I flip the knives and catch them when I'm bored too lol
Not really. I mean we have welding gloves for other stuff and I guess I could use them, but it's faster and easier to get it done without them on.
pew pew
you seem like you're being kinda mean!
I'd like to learn how to juggle them tbh
So why not post more. They're cute.
Yeah, but it still bugs me
I'm not, Craig was a great friend
From whatever edgy teenage phase for throwing knives with my feet, get skeletal frame knives and it's pretty easy since they're weighted so the hilt and blade are the same weight and length.
there's nothing you can "do" about mental illness and I'm literally just waiting in isolation at my mom's house to go to a psychiatric hospital.
People that think mental illnesses are material things that you can forcibly fix, or actually believe in "mind over matter" are legitimately retarded.
Having a 148 IQ sucks. The whole reason I do drugs is because it makes me stupid
You can literally do anything and it would be more productive than just waiting and coming here to blog about how bored you are between posts where you want people to give a shit about your next feigned suicide attempt for attention.
I'm totally sure that internet test really knocked it out of the park.
You can't fix mental illness with force of will, true. But you CAN learn to live a relatively normal and happy life with one. I have plenty of experience with psychologists, and they'd all tell you the same. You are only holding yourself back with that shitty outlook
And drugs only exacerbate mental illnesses you retard
I was tested, when I was a kid they were setting me up for mensa shit and then I had to move and my mom didn't want me doing it.
Hey thats me
where's the one with me in your file name.
I'm not waiting by choice, I'm being forced to because my mom thinks some irrelevant medical records from when I was fucking 6 are relevant and we need to bring them.
Soon. I'm saving up for something else first~
I need more
They're not particularly expensive.
Just make sure they're D2 steel.
I-I'm trying... w-what specifically do you need more of?
Well, I mean juggling knives isn't really gonna be too high a priority either way. But thanks for the insight.
How exactly does throwing them with your feet even work?
Oh. Hello, Boo.
Less talking and more working.
dont talk to me welms
we're enemies
I have somewhat abnormally long toes and somewhat dextrous feet.
I can pick up and throw stuff with them, like tennis balls and knives.
It's basically kicking with the knife between your big and index toes and letting go.
I could get it to stick in drywall and foam targets from like ten feet.
Do you even cool?
im bored
i don't know where to look online for computer stuff to buy.
Okay then.
When did this happen? I can't keep track of this shit.
Weird. You should try darts, they're lighter and you could probably practice accuracy better than with fricking knives lol
I can't count that high. I went to public school~
literally right now
no I'm fat :x
oh okey, my mistake~
Honestly my mood has improved a bit.
Laughing at retards always gets me feeling better!
should you really be calling others retards when youre known as the crazy trap to all ur friends
i feel like it
funny how everyone you meet online suddenly has a high IQ
I hope it's your mother that is holding your medicaid back somehow hoping you off yourself for leeching off of her income.
certainly not you
Higher intelligence puts one at higher risk for mental illness, and I've been through hell and back.
You already know that not to be the case.
I dunno but i'm going to bed.
is that why all u do is fucking blog
You didn't learn how on the streets knife-fighting thugs?
I am too nice to insult an alien
I figured out I could do it from walking barefoot and always picking up pecans from the yard that way. Then just sort of honed it throwing cat toys. I used to sit with my legs crossed, a laser pointer between my toes and pressing the button as I tapped it to music and endlessly amused the cat.
goodnight red~
nini ban
He just does it for attention.
Nah, there's no time for counting when you're knife-fighting lol
And Gypsy never taught me either :/
You should go on like America's got Talent or some shit.
It's a distraction. I don't actually care about anyone here, I just like stirring up shit for my own entertainment. I can't even force myself to think of the posters here as actual people.
'Cept bard cause of the taco bell memes
oh im sure
that's not just what everyone says
There's like tattoo artists that do it with their feet since they were born without arms and motor skills developed to compensate.
I'd be super shitty in comparison. Just one of those things to make little things easier and to amuse friends.
putting up a front like this isnt gonna make you feel better
just a tip
Did you see that tattoo artist that has a tattoo machine prosthetic arm?
I was thinking like this.
i bet u actually expect me to believe this in that little head of yours
No, I know. You just made me think of that guy though. Saw him on my feed recently and wondered if you've seent it.
It is amazing that you can learn how to be that dexterous to compensate though for sure.
Well you gotta know how to count all the coke and money and whatnot on the streets
Where do you even go for a legitimate IQ test anyhow?
lol good times
Nah. Link it.
Psychologist but they're a crock of shit.
I mean it wouldn't even be a thing if it wasn't measurable, right?
no, google it.
It's just like a robot arm with a tattoo machine hand *shrugs* Kinda neat-o is all.
Hate to agree with Sci, but yeah.
They're only particularly for studying pattern recognition and categorization.
Gotta love getting paid, whatever the circumstances
I'll ask my dad if he still has the papers for it, probably in the firesafe
time to call bebop
It's measurements are arbitrary and its scaling is revised nearly semiannually.
well no, because putting a number on something doesnt make it real
like if i rate the quality of a movie 8/10 that doesn't mean it's true or right or that the quality can be measured or that the abstract idea of 'movie quality' actually exists in the universe
That explains why they're always so boring lol
Book smarts vs street smarts basically then.
Looking back at those pics, they were taken 2 days apart from eachother lol 3k in 6 days isn't that shabby ;3
I'm saying it doesn't matter and it's not all that interesting just like discussing IQ tests, apparently.
Boy is thatan understatement
getting a nice computer soon?
Kind of different.
Intelligence is quantifiable but in ways that aren't particularly useful since the whole "ability vs learned-ness" thing.
Not even that, really.
It measures something for intelligence that isn't particularly useful of a thing to measure as a sign of intelligence to begin with.
You think I honestly give a shit about some ones and zeros on a bootleg Cantonese circumcision board?
Boo, post the feels guys crying behind the :^) mask at him.
damn that guy sounds really cool
Wrong one.
Nice? Nah
Yeah, that one.
you know what i mean.
something better than a loaner from some random person.
well, in that case youre measuring aptitude, not inherent intelligence or whatever. right?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Not everyone can have a nice desktop like you Luka ;~;
But yeah, Freeman helped me pick out a nice budget laptop that should be delivered on Monday
More or less.
That's kind of the whole issue with any form of quantitative tests for intelligence since it tries to distill it to things that have no ability to be learned and end up so tangential to measuring anything of relevance.
all I am is bored, and you're an easy enough crowd to rile up over a simple >tfw life sux
Book smarts is the accumulation of your knowledge of subjects. Street smarts is experience with subjects.
for example:
book smarts: I know how much the market price for drugs is
street smarts: I know how to sell drugs
IQ is how fast you recognize patterns and learn and experience things.
Just get a budget build of $700ish and it'll be capable of playing whatever you need other than current AAA titles on high settings.
oh good.
finally getting somethign that will make things run smoother~
*hugs warmly* mines not a desktop lawl~ :3c
Never go full Pepe, Boo.
The only IQ that matters is 119
My budget was like $300.
It's just nice to have anything honestly hugs
I meant for the desktop whenever that happens.
It's like the point of "you can spend more with diminishing returns".
why 119?
There needs to be a unit of measure that's specifically 6.7 inches too.
One standard Yoghurt = 7.6"*
Can I give you like a .9 Yoghurt?
Well, if I get the job I interviewed for last week (I probably will) then I'll be making more than enough to afford a good rig. Hell, Soto has a great PC and he makes way less than I'll make in this job
Because Yoghurt!
Soto also has fuckall living expenses since he lived in a dump.
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or in other words it ignores pertinent factors to success on the test, yes
im talking no matter how hard you push the front it wont make you feel better. you have to fundamentally change your perception of yourself. this is not an attack(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
And he also kinda spent his money irresponsibly lol
This is all just speculation anyway, I'll build my pc when I can afford fo