Post them everywhere. Colleges, Malls. Coffee Shops. Let's show they are hypocrites. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Flyers: Racist Apartheid Israel to Deport 40,000 African Migrants
Other urls found in this thread:
Sage and report.
sure thing BBC
Report for what Jew?
nice try OP
OY VEY x 1000.
The only good flyer idea is the very last image.
Wow fuck me I am one dumb nigger.
Holla Forums is now pro Kike!
Rules are for you, goyim. Not for us chosen ones!
What's with all the faggots shitting up the thread?
JIDF on alert?
Read the catalog, dipshit.
Would work best in based African American Communities. What do you think Schlomo?
Nothing in the catalog about flyers Schlomo.
They really are psychopaths.
You're doing it wrong.
What's bad? Both are their buzzwords they use all the time.
Why is Holla Forums so quick to defend Jews now?
No one cares OP.
Jew do that 24/7. Let's them fucking choke on it.
Need anymore proof that Holla Forums is run and trolled by Jews.
WTF, I love Jews now!
Go here BBC if you want to get things done.
When I get time tomorrow I'll make posters of the last 2 and put them along the state hwy.
Nice. :^)
They really are butthurt over this. That
(YOU) in the pic?
These posters look far to similar to the five words, almost as if (((somebody))) wants to associate them with antisemitism.
We can meme with this, though, on Twitter, disguised as cucks.
Why won't you say KIKE?
spread this shit to liberals and antifaggots, turn the golem against its master.
Also enjoy the kike butthurt.
No everyone here is 14 years old.
Wasn't this planned in one of leftycuck discords? How very strange.
Hahahahahaha. Say KIKE, rabbi. Go on.
They wouldn't dare bite the hand that feeds them.
Proof? That'd be hilarious.
Stay scared Jew.
I've seen some anti Jew and Israelis threads over there but as soon as people start posting uncomfortable facts the 'Oral' board owner deletes them.
Oh holy shit, you literally cannot say the word KIKE can you? What's the matter, your supervisors won't allow it? Or does it sting too badly to hurl a slur against your own rat-people?
Say it. Say KIKE
You gonna have a stroke over this?
I'm surprised more Professors aren't making comparisons to Nazis deporting jews on their twitter accounts. Very shameful and cowardly to be looking the other way at this important moment in refugee history.
Wow this is genius, a campaign reinforcing the notion that deporting niggers is "racist". Thanks, jew!
Which is empirical evidence of who runs the planet or has the most control.
Say KIKE. Do it. It just four simple little letters. K-I-K-E. What's so difficult about that?
We are at war and should use any weapon necessary against our enemy.
Now pay attention!!!
If Israel is forced to take in migrants and is in danger of going under then Jews will have to for survival rethink their pushing mass immigration everywhere else.
You're Welcome.
True but we also need to push the migrants into their neighborhoods.
Except calling them KIKES isn't allowed, apparently. Now say it, my completely legitimate fellow nazi. Say the word KIKE
You have to attach their nationality to their race..
he already did, retard. one of his first posts.
USE African-Israelis
Wait, don't be a faggot… let's agree on what to put on the message.
My personal opinion is that we should do something with the word "African-Israeli". What do you have?
Why won't he say it again? Was he only authorized for one usage?
At least try to pretend you're from here.
You can always tell the kike or newfag by how they write "jews" as well.
And my original challenge to say KIKE wasn't directed at that (((user))), anyway. He just butted in with his kvetching.
I just finished quickly going over the thread… and I would have two different messages. The reason being that "racist apartheid israel" is a mouthful and that gives SJWs a hint that it's from a troll.
Here is what I recommend (please change it as I'm doing this on the fly):
1) Israeli racists to deport 40,000 African-Israelis
2) Apartheid Israel to deport 40,000 African-Israelis
NOTE: While having "African-Israelis" twice will meme those words, we can change one of them (I propose the second one) to say African immigrants. Meaning it will read:
2-prime) Apartheid Israel to deport 40,000 African immigrants (or get rid of african in this one if it's still a mouthful)
"Israel to deport 40,000 African refugees" would be the only thing that really makes sense. Using the words "racist" and "apartheid" just reinforces the idea that racism and apartheid are bad, and using enemy's own premise against them is Gamergate-tier self defeating argumentation.
Yes, it's obviously a psyop on us. The very reason for the inoffensive font on IOTBW is that it's an inoffensive message. It makes no sense to put it on something about muh waycism unless one is, in fact, a filthy kike attacking IOTBW.
Of course, the board is full of retards of late who can't even shitpost properly, so I don't even know what to think anymore. I guess the kike mods banned anyone who is actually funny.
Still, this could be an okay OP if we change the font to scrub it of the shills' intentions. And, if so, absolutely use kike words like "racist." They will choke on their own bullshit or they will refute the concept. It's all about putting them in that double bind as hard as possible.
Professors know. They're pieces of shit with no intellectual consistency or honor.
"refugees" only worked in Europe… US has no history of refugees so the message won't click, you might as well use "esoteric immigrant".
user, the US has a refugee program. But "Israel to deport 40,000 immigrants from Africa" might be funny.
Huge respect to you guys who print these out and put them up in public. You guys are doing great work.
Rofl, the shills are in force here. They really want to protect their Zionist kike overlords.
I am the creator of this campaign. Go thank me on this website.
New Poster to make kikes mad. TRIGGER THE KIKES
Come to the ADL to report Israel's hate crime.
What a fucking liar.
Can we do it in the thin font we used for "its ok to be white"?
I want people to recognize it's us, without actually saying its us.
Run along, kike.
This is how retarded you actually are.
Sure, why not? If it's a flyer any font would work.
Will you fuck off asshole with your petty bullshit.
That would help them. But you already knew that Jew.
You are mentally ill.
We are already one step ahead of the game in comparison to the chans. KIWIS FOR KIWI!
(((Alt-right))) freaking out in this thread
More than Alt-Right is freaking out.
Might I suggest a new title for this flyer operation?
IOKTBW 2:Electric Jewgaloo
they're everywhere
Yes, lets cut our wrists and drown them in our own blood. What could go wrong?
You shitposting in favor of Jews?
Holla Forums is now pro Israel and pro Jew.
Who the fuck uses flyers anymore? This is just an attempt to farm outrage. Not your personal army, bro.