Workers uncover huge concrete swastika in Hamburg


That's right, folks. Yaron Steinbuch
>City officials said they want the odious monolith removed as quickly as possible. Because it’s too heavy to be transported away, they are planning to destroy it with jackhammers.
>After World War II, Germany passed strict laws banning Nazi symbols and (((hate speech involving Third Reich ideology))).
Germanons, save this historical artifact!

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I love archaeology. Also kike free first post.

W-was Hitler trying to tell us about the hollow earth?


It was buried by the nearby townspeople, not by the original builders.

Would be funny if they broke the seal and all hell broke loose.


if they destroy it they release the power it sealed up

Look up the "ruin theory" of architecture. The Nazis deliberately overbuilt all their public facilities so that the ruins could inspire people living in a fallen, post-National Socialist world (i.e. us).

Don't bother trying to inspire Germfags to save this. They're brainwashed harder than Southern Burgers who don't turn out for their flag.

I predict this will get more depressing before we can all forget it.

hunt on hitlers hidden swastikas

Release the power!

Ruinenwert literally translates to ruin value

Is this symbolism?
Is kek trying to show us that the germans are coming back?

Whew, they really did think of just about everything.

It is necessary that I should die for my people, but my swastika will rise from the grave and the world will know that I was right.


So that's the new buzzword now? I've seen it pop up out of nowhere over the past month.

Checked and kek'ed
Let it be so

You know, I've gotta say, I've been studying the NSDAP for a while now and I still can't find anything wrong with anything the Nazis did. Why can't normies see this as well?

Black sun type shit my dude, it wasnt for nothing.

Deliberate omittion of why the people voted the NSDAP into power in the first place . They learn nothing of Weimar degeneracy or the constant social destalisation by ((( communist ))) terrorists .

Oh and btw thats when the government is supposed to be forced to call in the military because they cant safely break it up with jackhammers without enraging the population.

I've been studying them dubs and I can't find anything wrong with them.


Let me guess, don't preserve history when it hurts someone's feelings?
For every empire's materials we have jammed in a museum, I bet there was/is an opposing empire who disliked the other. I.e., technically someone would hate all things that we presently attempt to keep as a record of history.

Thanks. I didn't know about this.

oy vey, user, don't you know hate symbols when you seen one????

Germany is an occupied nation.

How old is the swastika?

*the swastika they found. It could pre-date hitler

This is why the meme stone must be destroyed

No, it was the base of some sort of NatSoc monument they tore down.

Some buddhists need to file a complaint about the destruction of a sacred symbol of good luck.

Them or Hindus

Germans hate themselves so much is kind of funny. Fucking retards erasing history.

Because normies don't do their own research. They just take the data that theyre given, which is always opinions of kikes.

its yuge

Evidence that the NSDAP had fully foreseen the possibility of loss/losing. That they stood for more than just German nationalism alone and by itself.

also, heil'd


Duly noted, thanks.

A la 'Mutant Chronicles'.

Of course. The NSDAP leadership were genuinely good people that just wanted what was best for whites everywhere. These times of decadence, over-stimulation, and gray misery will once again bring together men like them who will lead us to a brighter future.

Just got my stamp. Fucking pumped.


A symbolic sign of things to come.

Really. It's a statement that N.S. (tribalism) is buried in the roots of the Earth and the people. That they have to take jackhammers to it and bore the Earth is just like they're doing to Europe's roots currently.


Where do I get one?


I got mine here:

I just uploaded pic related and paid close to $30 for the big stamp. It took a week to get here.

so, now what?
you just run around town, stamping random shit?

Step 1. Purchase Stamp
Step 2. Stamp Random things
Step 3. ???
Step 4. RWDS Profit


Also, I live down the road from a college campus, kek.

If any of you are thinking of doing this, don't get the 4545 big stamp. It's not heavy, but it is a little too bulky to be easily concealed in my hand. Opt for something more compact.

Can you give us a quick demo, with maybe some size reference?

if you have a yard, a shovel, and $50 worth of concrete, you have no excuses Holla Forums

Nice exclamation point faggot , you write like a 7th grade girl

if they don't come soon, I don't have much hope left

this made it to Voat first
sad in a way

Looks lot bigger than that…
Perhaps few hundred. Would be cool as hell though.


The more I read here, I'm starting to understand the fascination people all over the world have with The Third Reich. They really were leagues above everyone else. I wonder what the world would be like if they actually did win the war.



starship troopers
for the uninformed

Would you like to know more?


Did they bury it to preserve it?

>Implying it's not an ancient Indian artifact

Think about it
< French militaries in WW2 used all sorts of colonial allies
< Swastika is originally Buddhist in nature
< This shape is the most efficient way to arrange 4 toilets to optimize both privacy and spotting for ambushes


How do you sleep at night, knowing your kike genetics are driving you fucking crazy ..?

Pretty well considering I'm not a kike. I just thought I'd make a little joke.

Feel free to take that normie shit right the fuck on outta here.

Reminder that Germany never officially surrendered, destroying it would be an act of war.


"Germany passed"
Not sure you can occupy a country into 4 or more parts with separate governing powers. Yet make autonomous decisions.


I wish there was something we could do to save it. If we can organize to steal shia lebuttfucks flag surely we can save this relic.
Now of all times to have a giant swastika be unearthed is surely auspicious.

sounds good.
think of the massive outrage from a bunch of bills in circulation with the 5 words on them.

So architectural 4D shitposting?


Rolling for this.

oy vey da wallocost remeber 6 girillion

(((journalists))) have their language crafted by a central power, this is a well know fact. If the central power has applied "odious" to the recent surge in nationalist popularity it suggests that this person(s) must have a large nose.

Oy vey we must ramove it quickly, but foyst, befoah yah do that, lets kavetch and talk about it on da news. Can't let dose doity goyim foget about da shoah! You'll nevah foget, not even foah a fraction of a secont!

Loss edit?

The Germanic people. I don't see how whites can band together in such a manner, the white race is quite diverse(Nordic, Aryan, Mediterranean, etc).

Anyone have that article/essay by that German journalist who revealed everything about how German media works and how its purposely cucked and illogical to promote death and suffering upon European and even all people in the world?

Yes, that is true. But the whole point is that we have no choice but to band together just to survive, an alliance if you will against the dark hordes to defend native Europeans.

Wasn't that in wikileaks? German media is not only kiked but CIANiggered, but so is their government with their unconstitutional constitution(Was never ratified) and their education system was handed over to jews/CIA.

It'll be easy if we reach minority status in our own countries. At that point, most national barriers would be borken down and you can expect even more instances of tribalism. Let's hope we can reverse the current trends before it's too late.

Don't open your mouth, subhuman.


Dubs confirm, don't break the seal.

Meanwhile German women were fucking RAPED by niggers and muslims on that very day.

It is insane - fucking insane - what's going on in this country.

The government has to be removed.

As soon as possible.

And no, I'm not talking about a violent way.

I am talking about a legal, political way.

And there is only one fucking party, that can represent that very way at the moment.

The AfD.

AfD is just a means to an end, and the end is to shift the Overton Window.
I hope you know this.

It would be a magical thing if more swastikas started popping up everywhere. In wheat fields and on the sides of mountains. There is a power in the swastika that is ancient and burns all evil with the light of the sun. The more swastikas visible all over the globe the better life will get for everyone… except kikes.

AfD is already shifting the overton window in Germany, especially with this last election.

The window in Europe is arguably moving further right than it is in america, look at Poland, Switzerland, and Austria. The latter two both have the far right party as the largest political party and in Switzerland's case the SVP has the most seats of any party since they adopted their current system.

Hungary's also good right?







Not strictly a Nazi invention. Actually part of the romantic imagination of 19th and early 20th century Europeans, back when they were still conscious of their cultural inheritance. It arguably comes from living surrounded by the ruins of Greece, Rome, the medieval period, etc.

Pic related is John Soanes' concept art of the Bank of England building as a future ruin. Combines the properties of an exploded view/groundplan with a sense of aesthetics and future-consciousness sorely lacking in today's architects.


(checked and keked)
What a fantastic idea.
Do this, anons. Stamp it right over the serial number of the dollar bill. Remember, if the serial number MUST be visible on both sides of the dollar for it to be considered acceptable as money. So if they sharpie over the serial number, it becomes an invalid currency and they just intentionally burned 20 dollars because they're anti-white, and now, anti-dollar.
Not to mention, this will improve resolve amongst whites to use the cash system as opposed to cashless digital. DO IT user.

I will get my stamp soon.

I hope hollow earth is a giant gas chamber to gas all you hollow earth niggers

dont worry the supersonic aluminum hell creatures will gas you

You can't destroy it that would anti cementic!

kike free bump

The sign of the Fuhrer coming back, the deeper we dig.