COLOR me shocked
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we're not doing enuf for these kids, clearly
Nice pun user, intended or not. Fuckin nogs tho, when they're niglets they're like little apes, jfc. They just need to throw shit and they'd be on tier.
You do know that is not a race problem, right? Little kids hit and kick.
So, barbed wire fences, armed guards with guard dogs, and strict rules that only niggers won't follow?
Here's your (you).
There wasn't any violence in my first-grade class.
Pics very related.
Fuck off back to your containment board leftynigger.
automated turrets that are here to enforce extremely easy rules that niggers will fail to follow once
Reminder that kids emulate their parents, so it stands to reason that the kids who were hitting the teacher were abused themselves, or saw their parents abusing someone else.
Why the fuck don't they just convert all the inner city schools into military schools and run them like Marine Corps boot camps? What's the liberals' reasoning for not doing this?
I think you made a mistake in your sentence, let me help you correct it.
kek nice one, user
When I went to all-white schools, NOBODY EVER FOUGHT. People might not have liked certain people, but there wasn't enough free time to give a shit about it. It was better to just hang out with people you liked, and to hell with drama. Then again, this was in the eighties.
guize, I think that it may be the weird stuff that they call "irony" and that's not a metal
this post is in fact an example of "sarcasm", which is a mockery of your lack of comprehension in the guise of an exagerated comment
This logic absolutely holds true with whites user. However when it comes to niggers it is frankly irrelevant because they are naturally violent and possess zero self control. I can attest personally that a room full of little nogs will beat the fuck out of each other regardless of if they have borne witness to adult niggers being violent with each other. It's just how niggers are. Savage and brutal with each other just as a pack of hyenas or any other wildlife is.
How many times do we have to get our shit pushed in in the Middle East and Asia before people realize violent baboons do not make good soldiers?
We are paying for freeing the slaves and will be for a hundred more years if something isn't done, and fast.
Really makes me sad to see how our forefathers made such stupid mistakes. May we never again.
I meant military-style daily structure to schooling, not literal soldier mills.
How do you know user, are you 580b7b's butt-buddy? I've seen leftyniggers make much more ridiculous posts in earnest many times before. Sarcastic bait or not they can fuck off. Nice dubs.
No. No they don't, you absolute faggot. Children with non-nigger parents do not attack people unless they're severely retarded.
It was lack of resolve combined with political/economic expediency.
All the supposed "high-minded" ideals really bite us in the ass when applied to inferior "people". Remove them all.
I am not acquainted with 580b7b's butt or any other part of his anatomy, but it's way better for the board's style and morale to assume that obvious ridiculosity like that is the produce of a sense of humor instead of abject stupidity, and let the adventurous leftynigger remove any doubts when he comes back to clarify his point
I should say "when applied on the behalf of inferior "people"", because we know standards are racist and expectations cannot be set too low for shitskins
I hate to break it to you user, but they never grow out of being worthless simians.
We just need mo money for dem afta skool pograms
I work with predominately white children, they do not hit and kick each-other, and never adults. I do live in a predominately black neighborhood, and constantly see Negress yank and physically abuse their ill behaved, loud, unruly mini apes like savage mongoloids. Black children have a much higher propensity for physical violence, I have seen toddlers strike their negligent mothers on the subway plenty of times.
Who the fuck appointed you the arbiter of board style and morale? Go pound sand homo.
Yeah some of them were arrested for fucking monkeys
someone has to do it, dear
I have submitted a request that you be summarily gassed.
It's just because they are poor, OP. How can we blame white people for this? They must be racist because they don't like black people.
Until recently I taught at a predominantly black high school in a southeastern state. I took the job because I wasn’t knowledgeable about race at the time, and black schools aren’t picky. The school offered me a job and suddenly I was in darkest Africa. Except, I wasn’t in Africa; I was in America.
Blacks outnumbered whites about five to one at this school and there were hardly any Hispanics. Some of my classes were all-black, or nearly so, because the gifted and advanced classes siphoned off most of the white students and I taught regular classes. There were some black teachers but the majority were white.
Most of the blacks I taught were from the area. They did not tend to travel very much, and I am sure there are regional differences in the ways in which blacks speak and act. However, I suspect my experiences were generally typical, certainly for Southern blacks.
The mainstream press gives a hint of what conditions are like in black schools, but only a hint. Expressions journalists use like “chaotic” or “poor learning environment” or “lack of discipline” do not capture what really happens. There is nothing like the day-to-day experience of teaching black children and that is what I will try to convey.
Most whites simply do not know what black people are like in large numbers, and the first encounter can be a shock. One of the most immediately striking things about my students was that they were loud. They had little conception of ordinary white decorum. It was not unusual for five blacks to be screaming at me at once. Instead of calming down and waiting for a lull in the din to make their point — something that occurs to even the dimmest white students — blacks just tried to yell over each other.
It did no good to try to quiet them, and white women were particularly inept at trying. I sat in on one woman’s class as she begged the children to pipe down. They just yelled louder so their voices would carry over hers.
Many of my black students would repeat themselves over and over again — just louder. It was as if they suffered from Tourette syndrome. They seemed to have no conception of waiting for an appropriate time to say something. They would get ideas in their heads and simply had to shout them out. I might be leading a discussion on government and suddenly be interrupted: “We gotta get more Democrats! Clinton, she good!” The student may seem content with that outburst but two minutes later, he would suddenly start yelling again: “Clinton good!”
Anyone who is around young blacks will get a constant diet of rap music. Blacks often make up their own jingles, and it was not uncommon for 15 black boys to swagger into a classroom, bouncing their shoulders and jiving back and forth, rapping 15 different sets of words in the same harsh, rasping dialect. The words were almost invariably a childish form of boasting: “Who got dem shine rim, who got dem shine shoe, who got dem shine grill (gold and silver dental caps)?” The amateur rapper usually ends with a claim — in the crudest terms imaginable — that all womankind is sexually devoted to him. For whatever reason, my students would often groan instead of saying a particular word, as in, “She suck dat aaahhhh (think of a long grinding groan), she f**k dat aaaahhhh, she lick dat aaaahhh.”
Many rap lyrics are crude but some are simply incomprehensible. Not so long ago, there was a popular rap called “Tat it up.” I heard the words from hundreds of black mouths for weeks. Some of the lyrics are:
Tat tat tat it up.
ATL tat it up.
New York tat it up.
Tat tat tat it up.
Rap is one of the most degenerate things to have come out of our country, and it is tragic that it has infected whites to the extent it has.
Black women love to dance — in a way white people might call gyrating. They dance in the hall, in the classroom, on the chairs, next to the chairs, under the chairs, everywhere. Once I took a call on my cell phone and had to step outside of class. I was away about two minutes but when I got back the black girls had lined up at the front of the classroom and were convulsing to the delight of the boys.
Many black people, especially black women, are enormously fat. Some are so fat I had to arrange special seating to accommodate their bulk. I am not saying there are no fat white students — there are — but it is a matter of numbers and attitudes. Many black girls simply do not care that they are fat. There are plenty of white anorexics, but I have never met or heard of a black anorexic.
“Black women be big Mr. Jackson,” my students would explain.
“Is it okay in the black community to be a little overweight?” I ask.
Two obese black girls in front of my desk begin to dance, “You know dem boys lak juicy fruit, Mr. Jackson.” “Juicy” is a colorful black expression for the buttocks.
Blacks are the most directly critical people I have ever met: “Dat shirt stupid. Yo’ kid a bastard. Yo’ lips big.” Unlike whites, who tread gingerly around the subject of race, they can be brutally to the point. Once I needed to send a student to the office to deliver a message. I asked for volunteers, and suddenly you would think my classroom was a bastion of civic engagement. Thirty dark hands shot into the air. My students loved to leave the classroom and slack off, even if just for a few minutes, away from the eye of white authority. I picked a light-skinned boy to deliver the message. One very black student was indignant: “You pick da half-breed.” And immediately other blacks take up the cry, and half a dozen mouths are screaming, “He half-breed.”
For decades, the country has been lamenting the poor academic performance of blacks and there is much to lament. There is no question, however, that many blacks come to school with a serious handicap that is not their fault. At home they have learned a dialect that is almost a different language. Blacks not only mispronounce words; their grammar is often wrong. When a black wants to ask, “Where is the bathroom?” he may actually say “Whar da badroom be?” Grammatically, this is the equivalent of “Where the bathroom is?” And this is the way they speak in high school. Students write the way they speak, so this is the language that shows up in written assignments.
why you copy-paste, the whole pasta is here
It is true that some whites face a similar handicap. They speak with what I would call a “country” accent that is hard to reproduce but results in sentences such as “I’m gonna gemme a Coke.” Some of these country whites had to learn correct pronunciation and usage. The difference is that most whites overcome this handicap and learn to speak correctly; many blacks do not.
Most of the blacks I taught simply had no interest in academic subjects. I taught history, and students would often say they didn’t want to do an assignment or they didn’t like history because it was all about white people. Of course, this was “diversity” history, in which every cowboy’s black cook got a special page on how he contributed to winning the West, but black children still found it inadequate. So I would throw up my hands and assign them a project on a real, historical black person. My favorite was Marcus Garvey. They had never heard of him, and I would tell them to research him, but they never did. They didn’t care and they didn’t want to do any work.
Anyone who teaches blacks soon learns that they have a completely different view of government from whites. Once I decided to fill 25 minutes by having students write about one thing the government should do to improve America. I gave this question to three classes totalling about 100 students, approximately 80 of whom were black. My few white students came back with generally “conservative” ideas. “We need to cut off people who don’t work,” was the most common suggestion. Nearly every black gave a variation on the theme of “We need more government services.”
My students had only the vaguest notion of who pays for government services. For them, it was like a magical piggy bank that never goes empty. One black girl was exhorting the class on the need for more social services and I kept trying to explain that people, real live people, are taxed for the money to pay for those services. “Yeah, it come from whites,” she finally said. “They stingy anyway.”
“Many black people make over $50,000 dollars a year and you would also be taking away from your own people,” I said.
She had an answer to that: “Dey half breed.” The class agreed. I let the subject drop.
Thanks. I'll stop.
All in all, even if the DotR happens, if you even tolerate a kike or a nigger in a neighboring community, you are guaranteeing your great-great-grandchildren will have to deal with this shit again
Went to a school like that in europoor (replace nogs with turkroaches), teachers scared of them, taking "health leaves" some never coming back as they're pretty much unfireable as public servants, I dropped out as soon as I turned 18.
Thanks mom for sending me there. My life has been a string of shit tier jobs ever since (unable to go to university).
I appreciated it user. I wouldn't have seen this otherwise
I coached hockey camps for a few years when I was younger. Almost 100% white. Lots of the kids were little cunts who deliberately disobeyed or did shit to piss me off, but none ever tried to hit me.
Nigger there was zero violence in my elementary and middle school. There was never a single fight till a spic moved to town.
White children bring flowers and draw pictures for their teachers and want a hug at least once a day. They think of them like an extended family member. I suppose niglets do too and that's why they attack them like their parents do.
I heard charter schools in the Bronx are actually doing that to some success, while the rest of the school district is kvetching that it's not the solution even though it works.
charter schools work because they keep the niggiest of the nigs out.
What's the story on that video? Did he intentionally shoot the other officer? Who is the one in red?
when do we get to meme that all blacks are pretty much useless to everyone, oh wait
These are charter schools for niglets that has military style rules. Push-ups as punishment type of stuff.
Amazing how niggers need physical punishment to be kept in line.
You're in terrible shape. Terrible.
You're probably right though. Charter schools would likely select more for the house nigger phenotype.
This is the gayest thing I have ever read.
Don't about charter but schools private schools tend to smaller size and are easier to concentrate, I think school classrooms should only have 10-15 students.
Nowhere in the linked article does is indicate that a majority–or even any–of the violence was caused by blacks.
Does it look like he intentionally shot him user? The nigger clearly pulled the trigger as his partner stepped backwards into his line of fire. The one in red was a plainclothes detective nigger who was also on the scene. It's just niggers being fucking retarded as always and proving they are not equipped to handle civilization.
when are we gonna let the teachers lash the children again? one way to make sure someone doesn't hit you again, is to hit them back so god damned hard they fucking wonder where last week went.
the niggers wouldn't learn and the whites wouldn't need it.
It might be useful for spics but then again they should be just kicked the fuck out of white countries
In my personal experience the only black kids who weren't violent all the time made up for it by being the biggest fucking faggots you ever saw. No arab kids at the time so I couldn't say either or about them.
OMG you're right. There's no author, but it's on a CBS website. So I looked it up. The chairman of CBS is some guy named Leslie Moonves, who–according to wikipedia–is jewish. And the president of CBS News is one David Rhodes, whose mother–according to wikipedia–is jewish.
How did you know?
as long as we're recounting the "greatest hits" of race realism, let's not forget these classics:
Confessions of a Public Defender
And the grand-daddy of them all: Negroes in Negroland
Holy fucking shit how new are you? Lurk 2 fucking years before posting again. Christ almighty where is all this fresh off the boat cancer coming from today?
I believe that was sarcasm user, are you a retarded?
wew this is some old-school bants
You are now aware that our mods have no interesting in cleaning up trash like . The mods here let obvious bait fester, so that you can waste your time responding to pointless distractions.
Anyone have those pictures by teachers confession of what it's like teaching black students? The best one was by black teachers themselves saying black students are worthless.
What kind of shit school did you go to?
He's either a shortbus kid or a shill. Neither of which is particularly flattering.
I don't have any good infographics but I have a good personal anecdote. When I was in graduate school a number of years ago, I used to teach an intro science class that's as specific as I care to be. It's the kind of class just about anyone in the general sciences might take, important foundational stuff but not difficult. One year, I had a Somali muslim woman in my class, who was in the US from some sort of visa program. She was late to nearly every class, if she showed up, and never had any idea what the fuck was going on, even during the most basic parts. It was clear she was a "diversity admittance" since there was no possible way she could have made it in on merit. One of the projects was to write up a mock scientific paper based on some data we analyzed as a class. Not only did she turn it in weeks late, she turned in a rough outline - that wasn't even correct. This is at a major US university, mind you. I told her I can't grade an outline and she has to actually do the project if she wants a grade. I spent hours with her during office hours trying to explain concepts like hypothesis testing and she just looked at me like not a single word was registering. I basically waived all deadlines for her, told her if she can submit literally anything by the end of the semester, I'll give her a grade. Think about how low that bar is. Submit anything and I'll give you a grade. She never did.
No, just mildly autistic.
My first grade class in the 80’s was probably at least 1/3rd black and there was none of that.
Yes. But there is a difference:
For whites, it's how they're raised (but even then, if they're beat up by their parents, he'd be likely to bully other students, not the teacher. That is, an adult which parallels in rank to the parent which abused the kid). Usually they don't beat up adults without a mental illness.
For blacks, unless their parent trained them to hell and back to be civil, they're inherently primal & likely to attack.
Really though, who even has classes with blacks? If there is one reason whites should study (beyond self improvement) it's to not be in classes with primal creatures. You'll just be in classes with asians or indians.
Apparently not low enough.
there is a lot of child abuse in black families, it is seen as culturally acceptable to discipline young children physically.
Looks like someone didn't get the memo niggers are bused into nice white schools now because they aren't "diverse" enough. Pretty much the only way for good kids to escape obnoxious violent subhuman nigger kids outside private schools now is by getting into an AP class where it's going to be nothing but whites, asians, and indians like you said.
Well, having studied APs, let me tell you, you'd learn more just studying on your own from a textbook. Also, doesn't AP grading appeal to retards? I.e., suppose 50 questions. 10 test takers. The scores are 1%, 2%, …, 10%. The 9% & 10% get a 5, the 7% & 8% get a 4, …, the 1% & 2% get a 1. That is, it isn't an absolute scale, i.e. retards pass.
Personally, reading through Rudin for an hour a day will teach you more than taking AP Calc. AB + AP Calc. BC. Hell, in the same time you could ease you way in with a Schaums before tackling Rudin.
The only salvation is home school (illegal in Europe?). The only issue is gaining social ability, however this is why you'd need to know a small community of white people to build it up. However, if we were capable of doing this, we would already be rebuilding white identity.
stun batons
Depends on the school and district. AP classes are still nigger-free as far as I know.
There were fights when I was going to school between guys. A fight would happen, one would kick the other guy's ass, both would get over it. What there wasn't was a gang of apes jumping an isolated person or their own teacher. Physical fights are natural between men and I think the zero tolerance policy that's since sprung up is one of the things that have led to the current pussified generation.
You can't argue that violence and fighting are inherently against the nature of Europeans when duels were a thing for centuries.
Most universities require at least 3 to accept an AP exam and several require a 4. Add this to the fact that the only ones taking it are the students in advanced courses already so the test takers are already preselected to be well above average and it should be clear that you don't have a bunch of retards passing AP exams. While its possible to learn more from self-study someone who takes all AP courses is still far further ahead than someone in regular high school courses.
Until teachers can defend themselves these little shits will continue.
still crushing Baltimore nogs
I'm sure I will get called a shill for this but whatever. It's not just black kids, spoiled white kids are fucking terrible. I live in white suburbia and they just opened a new high school near us, there is about a dozen black kids out of a thousand or so students. In the first week of opening there was 25 fucking fights resulting in serious injuries to both staff and students. It got big headlines and now the media is totally silent funnily enough. One of our neighbours has a teen that goes there and I was chatting to him over a barbeque and asked him about it and he said that it had gotten even worse but they have been flat out banned from talking about it under threat of expulsion. They have what is called 'restorative justice' where they take all kids involved, have them shake hands and make some meaningless platitudes and call it done.
Modern schooling is a joke. I really dislike the idea of corporal punishment at schools but it's pretty fucking clear that the alternative is not working.
Bring back the strap and cane.
Lmao a cps elementary school teacher here got stabbed by a student for breaking up a fight and another time a sixteen year old tried to stab their teacher to death.
Kikified schools are bad for white kids. We are being genocided, and the Jews want white kids to grow up horrible, stunted, childish, and unprepared to lead independent lives as real men
Wow, i-it's 2017 tho smh tbh fam.
PA user here. The nigger problem in PA is mostly in the cities. They do a good job of containing the problem there and not many counties have the same issue. Niggers in Philadelphia are a lot worse than in Harrisburg.
well done.
Well, I guess retard is relative to the sample. I guess my desire is that tests would be measured absolutely, not relatively. As for the one who takes APs is still ahead than normal, yes, I agree. I think the only APs I found to be a measure of anything though (not just "seems difficult because high school sucks at teaching") were AP Physics C EM, AP Calc. BC a little bit, and AP Chem.
On a separate but related note, I would restructure all of elementary school, middle school, and high school in general. So, the core of the issues isn't the APs themselves. Their only fault is that they fail as being a "retard proof" metric, i.e. one which will always be objective regardless of the sample. That is, if everyone gets a 100%, everyone gets a 5, if everyone gets a 10% everyone gets a 1. Etc.
Posting some excerpts.
More excerpts
maybe integration was catastrophic mistake
Look again, double nigger. The post was banned. The reports were dismissed after the fact to clean up the queue. Reports only auto-disappear with deletions. Stupid faggot.
and some more, taken from
What? Each and every case of a teacher being caught having relations with their student has been a white early-mid 20s woman and a white teenage boy. There's nothing to indicate that a white woman working in teaching is more susceptible to race-mixing.
some stories
I dropped out halfway through the ninth grade because of goid violence.
"segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"
Helping them==a good paddling.
Overall this is a good trend. If the libshits want to infest the public education system with all their fail ideologies and non-intellectualism, fine. let the niggers alone have the entire thing from the school board to the newest k2 niglet. What could possibly go wrong there should all the whites move over to private education?
Segregation is cuckoldery, deportation then extermination is the way to go
Can we crowdfund a charity to send all of the white kids in a majority black school to a private school? Which state would this be legal?
We can call it "No child left behind".
After we get all of the white kids out of this one school, we can send a big "fuck you" sign to the administration. See how fast the teachers resign then.
I'm pretty sure this can be done and would make the news.
A lot of you already know this, but for those of you who are still ignorant you all really need to read up on Africa. It explains a lot about niggers in the west. Pic related is a good one and lots of parrellels
The exact same behaviors are exibited by blacks wherever they are in groups. The only difference is when these behaviors are contained in Africa it makes sense. When niggers are taken out of that context and planted anywhere else in the world all the sudden it's a big mystery to whites why they can't function like the rest of us.
For anyone who may think for a second that these race realism copypasta stories are fake. I verified the one attatched AmRen story was true by doing some research of the names and locations. It checked out.
I hope you're doing something better with your life like working in a trade, mastering said trade then opening up your own business to hire Whites. If not, start now faggot.
That image makes me rage mostly because of all the fucking money wasted that could have gone into helping poor white families in Appalachia or elsewhere in America. Instead these goddamn useless niggers get it funneled to them in massive amounts so they can waste it on stupid nigger bullshit.
It checks out.
Your fastidious pursuit of verification is deeply appreciated; nothing is more dangerous than a falsified redpill.
I wonder if there are groups of homeschoolers who divide the work up among other parents and have a classroom-like environment for their kids. So for example, one day Timmy's dad teaches the kids Math, next day Johnny's mom teaches them French, etc. I'd like to have kids but I am not sending them to schools, especially public schools. I'd like to homeschool but it'd be nice to have multiple children in a class-like setting for socialization too. Any anons homeschoolers?
This is the actual view of 100% of the old guard, because it tracks with the data.
However since 2003 or so we've been getting an influx of unqualified women into biology who clearly have a political agenda. I cornered one of them and questioned her, it seems her womens studies professor suggested she switch programs because of the publishing of The Bell Curve.
Turns out The Bell Curve terrified them so much that they sent their own students into biology to "purify biology of institutional racism".
What a bunch of bullshit
The moment someone capitalizes 'god' you know you're in for a ride.
it's like being unable to say muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker without pbuh
jfc what 8 year old writes these
The jaundiced turkroach mod that thinks his every utterance is comedy gold.
Hire former DIs to teach. Reinstitute corporal punishment.
They just need more money for the programs.
Sure, when I was a kid I got into a few scraps with other kids during recess, but I never attacked a teacher.
I've met public school teachers who intentionally begin their careers serving "underprivileged" "minority" schools. These were some of the most tormented individuals I've ever met and I truly felt for them. Most eventually can't stand it any longer and move to more "privileged" or whiter schools, or get out of teaching altogether. Some drink or drug themselves half to death.
I am not (no kids yet) but my neighbor is. Her kids do a program with other kids and parents and it sounds, from what she told me,like what you described.
This. It was like meeting the fools who volunteered in Africa. It is the ultimate final redpill.
Dear Northern Aggressors,
Congratulations on your victory bought with citizenship bribes to starving Irishmen and (((banker))) support. Please accept this gift of free range negroes to bolster the richness of your cities' culture.
The Confederate States of America
It is far more organized that just this. Did you know that in some places your home schooled kid can play football for home-school-alliance teams that compete against brick and mortar (usually private) schools? There are massive crowd sourced resources for home schoolers.
I have to call bullshit on this. There definitely were fights among whites, but it was handled properly, one on one. Once the fight was over, the problem settled. Once the spics got involved, it became spic horde vs one white. 3rd world trash NEVER fight one on one. Thats what the problem really is, concerning fighting. That, and 3rd world trash resort to fighting over the most absurd shit because their inferior brains cant into resolution, just vengeance
I am shocked, I tell you! Absolutely shocked!
Not really, though.
Yep. It's called a master that beats the shit out of the slaves if they get out of line.
I did not know that actually, thanks. That will be good information for my stubborn Mother in law when the time comes
"Muh socialization and extracurriculars tho"
Let's be frank. Education is becoming self service online for those kids who choose to learn. Those who do not choose to learn require a different service altogether - containment. It is time to consider merging state departments of education with departments of corrections. Then we can better provide the real purpose of public schools, and that is to create children's day prison.
I thought your pic related was a cartoon character.
Jesus fuck I hate niggers.
nogs just generally have sever anti-authority issues.
Fellow PA fag here. I live less than hour from Pittsburgh. I rarely see any out here.
Imagine reading Confessions in this guys voice (embed)
It makes the statements all the better
Need mo' money fo' dem programs, clearly.
dey din do nuffin. dey was goin to skool n sheeeit
This but corporal punishment must begin at home, as it is meant to be the foundation of a well raised child.
Good luck in the era where single mothers reign. It and the divorce rates are exactly one of the major reasons why the youth are so fucked up.
Trips of jej and truth
Here ya go lads, the state of Missouri trying to do the ultimate nigger infested public school investment, and it 100% failed on every level, except the red pill level.
The city is all black regardless of bullshit figures, and the whites do not have children. I would say that the only non-black families that have children are Vietnamese, as we have barely any hispanic children either. It's becoming more black by the decade and the mothers get free money so they act like BET nigresses and are the only ones to be around their children in the multi-generational households. It's been this way for 40 years now.
On another interesting note the white schools/areas aren't much better, with the white schools notoriously under-educating students leading to massive brain-drain and an economy consisting of warehouses, construction, nursing, retail, and food service. Boomers are the only ones with real jobs with unwed female millennials being the second most employed in jobs that aren't bullshit wastes of time.
I want out but don't have the skills nor the education to find employed in a better area.
They began this bullshit in the 90's, under Rapey Clinton, when I was in HS. It was looked at as a joke now, and today, well, the joke has festered into societal decay. Letting women and weak cucks decide things led us here.
Move north to Milton and be among whites user. Its just an hour away. Harrisburg is a dump and hate every fuckin second of having to go through there.
Milton? Hershey?
Oh it's above Sunbury. I was considering moving to Sunbury or Liverpool tbh.
Straight north from Harrisburg along the river up towards Williamsport. PA-147 and I-80
North PA is best PA, if its west of I-81. Everything east of 81 is an increasing level of niggers, spics and nigger-tier whites.
Northumberland is beautiful. I lost my virginity to a beautiful Irish red head named Fitzgerald who ended up going to PSU to learn how to be a coal-burning lesbian.
Also Knoebels is what amusement parks would be like nationwide if kikes weren't here.
Being in a classroom in a room of nogs is bad enough as a student, I can't imagine being teacher where these little shits never listen.
LOL! Holla Forums you should scrap together a charity to buy some custom punching bags that have teachers pictures pasted on them. Donate them to the school as a safe outlet for the chilluns. XDDDDDDDDD
That's exactly what they want. You were getting in the way, now they have free reign to fill those seats with the (((right))) kind of people.
Th…That's supposed to be Desire me, isn't it?
Kiss me?
Whelp, it's been real lads. Back to my own planet I go.
Fuck off mongrel. I grew up in a "multicultural" area. Luckily i went to a private school that only whites could pay for and had like a single fight ever, while outside of school i had to brawl at least dozen of times with Arab and Nigger kids, and only when me and my friends were low in number and they were in bigger groups like the little shits they are.