Wheelchair-bound Marxist Jewess Wants you Dead

Wheelchair-bound Marxist Jewess Wants you Dead




Other urls found in this thread:


Check your privilege, goy!

Send me shekels, goy!


(((Fellow white people)))

Oy vey! Why do they persecute her so?


So just shoot anyone? Anyone has to potential to become a National Socialist or whatever the fuck-ist or ism. How vile and retarded can those people get? I know liberals and leftism related has killed more than the right ever will but they are really making it obvious how vile and hateful they are thanks to social media.

Come on, user, you totally would…(ironic shitposting is still shitposting)

This isn't your faceberg page nigger.

Who are ableds?

Top lol. Hating whitey ain't gonna make those legs work again.

You kikes are disgusting.

How has nobody given her a ride off a tall cliff in a remote area yet?

Another disabled kike attention whore.
Because fucks like this I am determined to rehabilitate and walk again. I refuse to deal with leftist fucks like this kikess.

People who don't roll through life in hotwheels mode.

Is this Jewish bitch fucking serious?

You're gonna make it bro.

Don't pretend to be too proud. You totally would. Just don't let anyone see.

I've seen prostitutes that look more appealing to be honest

I don't doubt it. I'm just shitposting in a totally shit thread. You probably should, too.

I guess I should thank her for reinforcing that even the mentally and physically disabled Jews do not deserve mercy.

With that punch me face? I couldn't even hate fuck her, it's like trying to screw a caricature.

Fair enough. I really need to stop taking every thread so seriously.

Did this paraplegic heeb really say “goyim”?
The fucking chutzpah of this one. Remember when Jews used to have to at least pretend to play nice with the gentiles or else risk getting banished?

Is this even worth a thread?


All kidding aside, anyone here ever wonder what it would be like to fuck a para?

Why is she in a wheelchair? Does she have one of (((those))) genetic disorders?

Also, why would a cripple ever try to talk shit when they are the most vulnerable people in adult society? It takes zero effort to completely fuck her day up.


Your digits confirm your new path.

They’re jealous. They have never had a real nation. Their women are hideous monsters. Their men are either communist subhumans or straight up IDF cowards who need white soldiers to fight for them. Even their god Yahweh sucks. Haha

How did it obtain 60k likes though? 'Tis an (((algorithm))) at hand?

Either way I like the idea that this is the best they have. It seems our enemy is slipping and looks smaller and smaller everyday.

Literally who

I have never, ever heard of this person.

I got standards. No I wouldn't you filthy fuck.

I'm absolutely sick of these leftist fucks, kikes and virtue signalling untermench that focus on petty shit, advocating equality that already exists in this country. Virtue signalling and multi kulti bullshit, I would be brain dead if I went full leftiecuck like others I know.

It really sucks that you are either used as a tool to virtue signal or expected to virtue signal to get brownie points.


im not one for advocating murder of irrelevant nonpolitical targets but this bitch right here…….at least dox her so maybe she can catch a molotov

She need to be used to illustrate the my fellow white people meme.


Get out

Very important thread.

I'd like to tie it to its chair and give it a hard push towards a cliff - so it just rolls uncontrollably and smashes its way down the cliff face until it lands on the rocks below as a pulpy mess.


She doesn't have a Checkmark of David next to her name. I think she's actually one of us trying to redpill.

Walk motherfucker
You got it


pic sorta related

A man must not lie to himself. If I said I was not attracted to that body I would be a dishonest kike. But what separates us from niggers, jews, and the rest of the animals, is that we have morals and values. I can freely admit that there would be great carnal pleasure were I to indulge, but great pain in other forms. If you are sitting here saying to yourself (nevermind the rest of us anons, what you tell yourself is most important), that you would not be tempted, you are doing yourself a great disservice. There is strength in discipline, in acknowledging the temptation but having the resolve not to indulge. Sorry if I'm getting a bit philosophical, but our society has huge problems with overindulgence: in food, drug, porn etc and I firmly believe that the best way to solve it is for people to stop doing so much mental gymnastics.


a thread died for this

how do we make multiple twitter accounts, its impossible not to get an account shutdown within a few days and eventually you run out of phone numbers that are required for signup.

holly shit this is good

Yes, yes I would.

And? There’s nothing that can be done about her account.

you can just feel the virtue she expects to get back from saying that


That's one gassable face




This is how they depict the national socialists, holy shit hollyjewood needs to burn!

Why don't you show us how that is done, user?

It's kind of funny that they complain about us perpetuating false stereotypes when they repeatedly fulfill them. No one thinks that they should profit from tweeting except for kikes.

-Different IP
-Different Browser
-Different Email
-Follow left-wingers and apolitical subject matter, it flags you if you follow right wing accounts

If you're feeling really paranoid. Make accounts in a virtual machine.

Where are the jews kvetching about eceleb threads?

eh, so this is a blatant violation of twatters new strict anti-hate policy, and this woman will be banned from the platform, correct?

I genuinely want them to try. The moment this turns into an overt shooting war they lose.

Best timeline tbh

Is it possible to get her PayPal shut down for advocating violence?

jesus, her entire account is nothing but impotent autistc screeching. I guess when you're a wheelchair jockey, impotency is about all you have. A crippled kike… twice as useless.

The mental gymnastics it must take to purchase this game and actually play it.

I'm beginning to think you can tell a lot about someone by the media they consume.

Imagine a dude wanting to fuck a wheelchair ridden woman. Now put kike genes on top of that. You now know why she's autistically screeching in impotent rage.

I think her arms need to be broken.

Advocating for violence is against paypal's acceptable use policy.

Her paypal account:


Paypal's terms of use:


Report her account here:


You'll need a paypal account.

Shoot her in the face? Oh of course

Alternatively just click the "Report This Page" link near the bottom of the page.

Or, as Holla Forumsacks call it, "Tuesday."

Replace Nazis with Jews and you win.

Should be "Oy Gevalt"

Wow, what a surprise, if you replaced 'Nazi' with the word 'Jew' you would be espousing Nazi ideology.

That vid reminds me of this bit of W40k lore.
Sure, you save a bullet and the effort of carrying the old Jew down the stairs, but you get a bloodstain on the street that has to be cleaned. Somebody might catch a disease from it, the old Jew probably has herpes and much worse.

Rocks are NOT ‘free’, citizen.
Firstly, you must manoeuvre the Emperor’s naval vessel within the asteroid belt, almost assuredly sustaining damage to the Emperor’s ship’s paint from micrometeoroids, while expending the Emperor’s fuel.
Then the Tech Priests must inspect the rock in question to ascertain its worthiness to do the Emperor’s bidding. Should it pass muster, the Emperor’s Servitors must use the Emperor’s auto-scrapers and melta-cutters to prepare the potential ordinance for movement. Finally, the Tech Priests finished, the Emperor’s officers may begin manoeuvring the Emperor’s warship to abut the asteroid at the prepared face (expending yet more of the Emperor’s fuel), and then begin boosting the stone towards the offensive planet.
After a few days of expending a prodigious amount of the Emperor’s fuel to accelerate the asteroid into an orbit more fitting to the Emperor’s desires, the Emperor’s ship may then return to the planet via superluminous warp travel and await the arrival of the stone, still many weeks (or months) away.
After twiddling away the Emperor’s time and eating the Emperor’s food in the wasteful pursuit of making sure that the Emperor’s enemies do not launch a deflection mission, they may finally watch the ordinance impact the planet (assuming that the Emperor’s ship does not need to attempt any last-minute course correction upon the rock, using yet more of the Emperor’s fuel).

Given a typical (class Bravo-CVII) system, we have the following:
Two months, O&M, Titan class warship: 4.2 Million Imperials
Two months, rations, crew of same: 0.2 MI
Two months, Tech Priest pastor: 1.7 MI
Two months, Servitor parish: 0.3 MI
Paint, Titan class warship: 2.5 MI
Dihydrogen peroxide fuel: 0.9 MI
Total: 9.8 MI

Contrasted with the following:
5 warheads, magna-melta: 2.5 MI
One day, O&M, Titan class warship: 0.3 MI
One day, rations, crew of same: 0.0 MI
Dihydrogen peroxide fuel: 0.1 MI
Total: 2.9 MI

Given the same result with under one third of the cost, the Emperor will have saved a massive amount of His most sacred money and almost a full month of time, during which His warship may be bombarding an entirely different planet.
The Emperor, through this – His Office of Imperial Outlays – hereby orders you to attend one (1) week of therapeutic accountancy training/penance. Please report to Areicon IV, Imperial City, Administratum Building CXXI, Room 1456, where you are to sit in the BLUE chair.

For the Emperor,
Bursarius Tenathis,
Purser Level XI,
Imperial Office of Outlays.

Why not just break the kikes neck?

>Why is she in a wheelchair? Does she have one of (((those))) genetic disorders?



It's going to take a few generations to get rid of the defective genes, the tragedy of keeping it in the family for hundreds if not thousands of years, their greed was checked by nature.

Im making it now but only have paint, I should be able to produce a good quality one though.


No, just the one. There was no "Shoah", but there will be.

Inspect element and edit in browser.

After i finished reading the Torah and Talmud to get a better grasp of the Jewish mind, the feeling is mutual. We're going to need to invent the strongest gas ever like Zyklon Z, probably someone from Generation Z will take care of that.

I finished it up, was just trying to be 10/10. Notice the date at the bottom for example, all using the actual Twitter font.

Could use 1488 retweets and something like 2316 (white power) likes.

And she deserves to be rolled right into an oven

What awful genes. She looks like she has male pattern baldness.


Literal fucking untermensch.

I am a little sad that despite all the great material ITT, KEK has not blessed us with any dubs.

Rolling for Death by Ironic Masturbation Machine

Then the whole board devolves into cuckchan on the basis that they were just joking. Take that shit to cuckchan, we dont need our well poisoned and a loophole for lefty/pol/ to shit the place up.

Spoke too soon, brother.

Also bud got triple 8s above.

I know, but saying "i'd hit it" to a crippled kikess isn't that subversive. Also that wasn't me.

He made like 4 posts about it and tried to get other people to say they would fuck a cripple kike. Yea, he deserved to be gassed.


But honestly, I get your point. Thing is the mods will leave garbage obvious bait/slide threads up forever, so the inconsistency is a problem too.

kek, send that one to the niggers

It's only a joke if people laugh, and he was clearly being serious.

She's not remotely attractive, has a potato on her face, no breasts, disgusting fat ass….

The mods we have are infinitely better than the mods we *could* have if they ever decided to stop doing their job and allow lefty/pol/ to replace them. They cant be around all the time, and sometimes theres gaps in the coverage. They keep the vast majority of cancer off the board, and for that I thank them.

For a split fucking second, I almost missed the second to last line.

I don't know how they can't understand why they get called subhumans.

Why does this goblin think she's fighting some amazing war by posting dumb shit online? Her beliefs are mainstream and she will always be coddled.

So she wants a more powerful Jew further up in the Jude chain to tell her why she's getting reamed for medicine? How's that going to work out exactly?


Has anyone mentioned she represents kikes?

Can I get some kind of checklist to see if I’m a Nazi? What opinions make me a Nazi?
Please make it official so if I fail the test I have to wear a swastika armband.

Does this dumb cunt really think of twitter as her personal chan? She's BO of her @?
Not gonna lie, kinda triggered.

She said that someone who had the American flag as his profile pic was alright with genocide, even though his post asked for peace.

She built a cult of personality around her disability. All these SJWS do it,

Bet she stole it from her dead aunt Ester because she was too cheap to buy one from a thrift store for her scam.

Holy fuck I thought this was a Holla Forums parody account but she's actually real.


Forgot the verified symbol.

Sending positive dreams via memes that turn into reality fellow user, walk with your brothers when RWDS march

Resize JEWS a little bit smaller.

Dubs confirms. Best of luck user.

It fudges the lines on the wording a bit and makes it look worse, thats why it did that on the @ReichsministerGoebbels part, I had to shrink it a fair bit to snip the text I wanted.

She deserves this from wearing Crocs alone.


Tweets are now protected due to massive butthurt.

Report her Paypal and Twitter accounts for violating terms of usage.

Report her paypal via link at bottom of screen:


In you send a report to paypal include an archive link to her tweet that advocates for violence:


as well as one or both of the following as proof she's using the same twitter account to solicit donations via paypal:



Report her twitter account via:


Lol, not sure how she's going to get me while she's in a wheel chair.


I'm willing to bet half of the weight of her head is makeup. Shes trying so hard to hide her real self its pathetic.

Hit her with the makeapp treatment.

Who would win in a cripple fight, the jew or hotwheels?

Bloody hell, this nose is not even a shekelsniffer, it's a fucking trenchdigger.
What kind of diabolic genes have given birth to such an abomination? Did a rabid toucan rape a chimpanzee at some point?


the mix was done by a furfag, and furfags are all degenerate whites

and a white guy generally does all the beats/music behind most hiphop/rap/electronic songs. niggers just come up with shit lyrics



most work she's ever done in her handicapped life.

How recent is this?

Fuckin checked

So do White Nationalists. They want to kill Whites if they meet up off line.


Yea yea, and Rockwell is a Jew. Reported for ban evasion. The threat was targeted at you personally, because youre a shill spreading a honeypot and ridiculous subversive garbage directed against National Socialist leaders.


Where can I find the rest of that EP? Kikepipe™ is getting better at making them impossible to find…

you're gonna make it,user

Drown yourself in semen.




Anyone has dox?

That bitch could suck the shine off a sheckle

Look for a synagogue with a ramp.





Mein sides were not prepared for this.

If she were Anne Frank the Nazis would have caught her right away because she’d be stuck on the first floor.


You can do it, user! Never give up!

Checking those dubs, you're gonna walk again you son of a bitch.


Reminds me of pic related.



Some day, long after she's rebuilt her hugbox this elephant-loving crippled jewess will be coasting towards a raillroad crossing where she sees pic related and she will not push down on the brakes


Trips confirm. She was half in the shower stall.

Trips confirm jewess as flat as the railroad penny she was trying to retrieve


Cripples deserve pity.

Nice bait Rabbi


You're the "honeypot" asshole. White Nationalism is a honeypot. This board is a honeypot.

Here it is again. What are you going to do about it? Kill White people? No one likes you or your sick movement.


Nah, youre just a kike. You could be on cuckchan or somewhere else, anywhere else, but you try to subvert National Socialists and honeypot white people into getting themselves killed. Here you are again, banned for the 3Xth time, or are you over 40 now?

You're about as "National Socialist" as Bruce Jenner is a women.

Saving the White Race by killing Whites who meet up?

Somebody already did and they broke her.

You argue like a Jew and chances are that you are one. Youre the only one whos been threatened, and its because youre a shill who promotes D&C bullshit with ridiculous narratives and tries to honeypot whites. Rockwell is a Martyr, and slandering martyrs is bad for your health.



What an idiot

Hahahahaha oh wow. They literally had to kill him to stop his power from growing. Hardly your modern fat "Klansmen" with a microphone stuffed down his pants.

The Juden is in a wheelchair, it is always butthurt.

So Holla Forums is run by a turkroach.

Whites are the minority in America in a few years, and you propose we do nothing, spend all your time attacking white people and none of it on kikes. You also admitted you think all races are equal, youre just an anti-white shill spreading confusion. Probably alphabet psyops.

Fuck liar with your straw men. A poster tried to have a White meet up to get something done for Whites in Real Life and you faggots just shit on it over and over.

You have interest in doing anything but shitpost for the rest of your life.

He literally used the nazi and hate stuff to increase shock factor and get actual recognition from zogbots who would otherwise never even know his name. Its how he got famous and almost how he won.

You just hopped IPs. The mods didnt remove your cancer post for hours one day and you did the same thing there, switching IPs to samefag as if youre multiple people before you were even banned. You wont accomplish shit, this consensus cracking bullshit is easily seen through.

Then you:
You put your name down. Lets meet up. Where do you live?


Damn, she's doing our job for us!

Wouldn't it be funny if everyone showed up wearing yarmacas?

Its a Jew shill, hes attacking a point and trying to cause division over it and disenfranchise people into being moderates, or doing nothing. Obviously also wants to undermine the mods so lefty/pol/ can get the cuckchan tier crew in here, SA types who would shut the board down entirely. Once they shut this place down, there is literally nowhere that isnt controlled by those same exact types, lefty/pol/ subverts and such. There is no next chan, its typical divide and conquer.


70 something retweets. Nothing. Dont give her attention.

You should report her to Twitter. If her account doesn't get silenced on 18th of December you can point out their hypocrisy. Make them live up to their own standards.

Yaweh isn't their god. Satan is whether they want to admit it or not.


My biggest concern is that they'll just ignore the criticism, and continue as planned. "Us? Speak to the peons who call us hypocrites? Harrumph."

Oy vey they are hopping IP and shit.

More more threats of murder by White Nationalists

A real psychopath

Nice digits. But (((they))) don't really have standards.

These people are so fucking pathetic.

I'd like to add that they are cowardly and weak. Even the biggest of jews have a very whiny voice. Every other race
1. has a nation he didn't steal
2. is capable of displaying masculinity

Jews are hilariously weak and cowardly. They are completely unwilling to do any sort of labor or dirty work.

Butthurt that no one normal would meet up with a Nazicuck.

But Nazi fags jerking off to Hitler at a public rally is safe and normal.


This board is run by a Jew low IQ simpleton.

Jesus Christ, your bosses are clearly not sending their best, are they?

Would you give quality shitposts at a shekel a post?

So you're admitted you don't belong here?

Take notes everybody. This is how the jew argues.


I think it demonstrates he doesnt understand the concept of greentext. Hes the one whos asking for addresses so that antifa can kill us.

Same fag, different IP.


He understands, he just knows he can make a sensible argument. The Jew always plays dumb, plays forgetful, and ignores context at every opportunity. It's like that one quote about arguing with jews. You'll prove em wrong one day, and the next they'll come back having forgotten.

Mods came through and banned your shit already. White people dont act like this, youre an obvious kike.

Also, I mention this because I've seen this play out in real life and in real time. That is, I've personally dealt with a lying jew.

Everyone that is you is a samefag. You've never made an attempt to hide your identity, don't pretend now. The only reason you hop IP's is to avoid being banned or hidden.

Just remember to always do the opposite of what kikes say, and keep in mind they are actively trying to break us away from the people we support. Rockwell, Pierce, Hitler, Lane and Mathews. Do nothing goy, Hitler is a Jew goy, Rockwell is a Jew goy, take this blackpill goy. One of them was banned earlier for shilling against accelerationism while unironically saying just give up, nothing can be done. That leads me to believe accelerationism and provoking change by undermining the system is the best way forward.

Honeypots trigger me

I hate it when jews think most people are as dumb they are, and would easily be coaxed by insults and disparaging words into falling for their very, very transparent tricks.

But a lot of things are; also, nice English you have there.


Well, mods, it took you long enough.


what a dumb bitch

I guess look for any synagogues in the Freeport, Maine area.

Clearly, her "SO" is getting the better end of the deal with this relationship.

Im surprised there isnt happy merchant masks out there yet. Imagine a group of anons showing up with those on.

Depending on where you live its around midnight or later, we only have a few of them and they do a great job if you ask me. Mods = gods. Dont like it, try cuckchan. Thats what this place could be if we started allowing subverts a crack and infiltration. I read in one state the feds controlled 7/8 KKK leaders and could easily elect the grand dragon. The 7 were all spying on the one legitimate leader.

people that like to swim enjoy getting wet



Nice numbers, good luck brother

Hey do you have a screenshot of the time I caught you samefagging and trying to deny it?

I'm having some serious doubt that this bitch is crippled, mostly based on the lack of atrophy in her legs, unless she was crippled in the last couple of months, her leg muscle would have died off. Her calves and thighs are far too big to be a cripple, if she was, they'd be stick thin.

A kike lying for sympathy and personal gain?
You don't say!

Do it user. We have faith in you. Fuck that kike bitch.

Heil'd. Confirmed, user will walk again.


Curious i thought the same thing when I first looked at her pictures, specially pic 4.
I think you are on to something here.


Nice D&C material.

I know I'm on to something here, back in college I dated a cripple, legs as thin as a childs, as cripples tend to have other crippled friends I got to meet some of the one of whom who was recently [as in about 8 months prior to meeting her] crippled, her legs we already atrophied to hell and back, another friend of mine had a C4-C5 incomplete which means he can still walk, but it was a long road and lost 40% of his muscle build in about 8 weeks after injury and her legs are fucking massive in comparision to all 3.

This kike is faking it, 100%.

Is it me, or are they using the word "y'all" more and more? Are they trying to impart a folksy tone in an attempt to mask their bullshit? I used to hear y'all and it would just make me think of Americans from the south, now it sends my bullshit alarms buzzing.

Yeah, I've been noticing that too as of late.

And to add on to my previous post since I forgot to mention it before I pressed send, check pic 1 of her and look at her forearms and notice she isn't using a powerchair, because if she was legit crippled and was wheeling herself around, they'd be pretty fucking thick.

Just another thing to think about.

Oops, meant to reply to this one instead of 038.

polite sage for my fuck up.

There was a post earlier in the thread that got me looking. After your posts Im 6,000,000% certain this kikess is faking it for sympathy because shes a soulless kikess.

We'll have to construct a ramp to the gas chamber.

they won't do shit about it
ToS don't matter to these large firms if it's politically in line

What if we could find proof that she's faking her disability to bilk people on social media? What if a conservative outlet like Breitbart covered it? Those calves are a bit too chubby and those arms a bit too soyish.

Search the catalog next time.

>eventually catches her (((Faking))) disablity

would what? Identify that nose as a jewish one on the spot? I had a little trouble because it wasn't the distinct hook/beak shape I was accustomed to.

Seriously what the fuck is with the mods

Kikes are truly used to nothing.

Leftypol has been pushing this idea for months now it's fucking hilarous.

Good luck dude I had 15 surgeries on my leg from a car accident spent 7 years in and out of surgeries this is the first month in 7 years that I didn't have to see a doctor every month.

It's hard as hell but in the end it's worth it.



Well. She's convinced me. She wants to shoot me.

If I ever somehow encounter her in real life, I shall kill her before she can kill me.

Most furfags I've known are gay kikes.

Why do marxists/commies think they're any different from capitalism? Evola was right, opposite sides to the same empty materialistic Jewish coin.

Go forth, my friend.

Here we go again.

They see me rollin,
they hatin

I give her an 80 percent chance that she's faking it for donations

Her mind is more dysfunctional than her body tbh.
Her hateful rantings only give eugenics programmes more validity to normfags.

Dead Snow 2: Red vs Dead

godspeed user.

Just call anyone a Nazi before you beat or shoot them. Who's going to know the difference?

Your honor, with all due respect the wheelchair-bound bitch was a Nazi. Ash-can nazi to be precise.


What is it with these people that try to put up a front as if they are some arduous moral crusade to rid the world of racists and Nazi (actually just average white men) but all they really want is to use social justice to scam people out of money? They aren't even good at hiding it, how the fuck do people fall for this shit? It's literally only a step up from poo in the loo "Microsoft" scam.

first she has to be able to get up from the chair to prove she can fight 1v1

Just one of the reasons the holohoax is so absurd, gasing is overly complicated and slow.
Producing HNO3 for ammunition and explosives is surprisingly simple, in fact Germans came up with the process to remove their dependence on saltpeter mines. Metalworking to produce long lasting quality rifles is actually far more complicated than the explosive chemicals but for executions it wouldn't matter as you could just use any old pipe blocked off on one end and stationary mounted. Then just fire whatever fits in the "bore" at point blank range until it shatters or there's no more need to shoot.
Or you know, if you feel like a nigger just take a big stick or a knife and go apeshit. Considering the jew soap and lampshades nonsense it'd make more sense to accuse Nazis of stabbing all 6 gorillion, it'd been quicker and easier than gasing. Guillotine was a very efficient method of execution created to allow for mass executions at the time since executioners get tired from lifting that big ol axe hundreds of times a day.
If there's any non conventional weaponry worth coming up with, it'd be biological designed to affect only kikes.

Does the RWD kike come with fog lights or do you have to pay extra?

Leftists are just totalitarian Marxists nowadays. Note that she isn't upset about any criminal or immoral activity, that's not why she wants people dead. She wants to crush thought-crime, heresy against the leftist dogma. I never thought I'd see 50k people calling for the execution of thought-criminals in America, but here we are.

With what? You faggots hate firearms, want them banned, and don't have them overwhelmingly. Shot with paintballs? Airsoft pellets?

A close family member of mine ended up in a wheel chair and became one of a handful of licensed skydivers who've previously had no diving experience. People with the drive and motivation to overcome their situation are unstoppable. I admire your spirit, user.

rules for radicals 101

…take a shit on her lap and watch her either drop the wheelchair guise or deal with the clean up.

I'd kill it.

Wow, can you believe this hate speech?

Someone post that webm of the wheelchaired jew being stomped by rwds.

I'm done Holla Forums. I can't take anything seriously anymore.

Everything's a fucking joke and the world's gone mad.

as a nonjew. lol

Kek bless you soon to be able-bodied again user.


She has 5 Filipino whore-nurses sucking her dick while they change her diaper every day?

Waste of a thread

Wah wah wah

Grow some balls fgt.

Also, many people in wheelchairs either get fat or become rail thin while she looks pretty healthy body wise.

Report the cunts paypal. The kike is begging for shekels so cut the bitch off.

The jews email is, coffeespoonie at gmail.com

Oh Cordell, why don't you just shove her in? You can always say it was me.

I conned some friends of mine into canceling their pre-orders after making this.


Turn that hatred into righteous fury, my friend. Not only will you walk again, but you will personally be putting your foot in kike tuchus before long.


Top kek


paypal is owned by jews. that won't work.

what a tough cripple, why isn't she doing it herself? oh thats right, she a pusy

Looks like she's looking to get defenestrated.

just kys, you nigger.

gas the kikes, man


-Goebbels in "Those Damned Nazis"
