Mugabe finally resigns. Congratulations SA

Didn't see a thread on this yet, I'm pretty surprised that we let this slip by. Whatever.

Good news for the future of South Africa (hopefully). My South African friendos are going nuts over this

Other urls found in this thread:

mugage is from rhodesia you fucking spastic

never go full retard

Isn't Mugabe the Zimbabwe guy ? How is this related to ZA itself ? (I barely know anything about these countries, sorry for the stupid question.)
I would have preferred him going down the "other" way, i.e with his head on a pike.
Still good news I guess..

You should have made the post, I just lurk here tbh.

OP is a geographic faggot

You do not lurk anymore

What happened to Grace Mugabe?

last i heard, she was packing up her shit and trying to leave. don't know how far she could go on her stiletto's though.

Who cares. The ex VP is now in charge and the country will remain a shit hole

Ok I guess we won't be hearing from her again, will we?


The only important questions here are:
>(((Who))) funded this revolution?

Shh. They are noble savages. He did nothing wrong.

To prevent a civil war so the white people cannot reconquer?

Maybe she'll have had a road accident in a week or two.
Then (ex) King Nigger dies of a broken heart (and a broken skull) to ensure he doesn't get used to get some other guy into power.

A road accident is no good, i want to see at least one of them hanging from a tree. Do they not do necklacing in Rhodesia?




They're not laughing anymore.

It's Rhodesia, you dummy


He and his cunt of a wife are going to seek refuge in South Africa undoubtedly. South Africa is inching ever closer to war.

Neger, bitte. He and his cunt of a wife have enough money in Swiss banks to live a life of luxury on some tropical island till their dying breaths.


Doubledubs confirm change is coming

Yeah, that's exactly what user was saying. Deposing Mugabe isn't recreating Rhodesia. They're essentially replacing one geriatric nigger with another nigger, and nothing will be fixed.

Mugabe is currently under the "protection" of the military.
I doubt he's going to be seeking much of anything, except a coroner to confirm his death after an allergic reaction to 20 rounds from an AK.

Not if we do something about it.

New Rhodesia soon brothers.

atleast there will be one white nation restored.
after that europa must be awoken as well


Close enough tbh.

For sure, I'm just giggling at our cheeky mod.

i'm certainly happy to have non-cucked mods here, halfchan is such a shit place nowadays

Finally a ray of hope in the grim life of the Swedish people.

Glad to see that piece of shit's 50 year reign of terror and bloodshed end so peacefully, further proof that we're truly living in literal Hell how else can you explain how the wicked and evil live long and rich lived whole the just and innocent live short lives of pain and misery?

blackpill much?

The past few hundred years of history are pretty fucking blackpill. The only way to deal with it is power through on sheer force of will. The bad guys have been winning for a long fucking time.

and now it's our time to win, ignore the pain and be hopefull for the future
hope is the only way we win, if we all fall into depression then all is lost

Blackpill how? Does nu-Holla Forums even know the meaning of half the buzzwords that are tossed around like so much confetti? It's not a blackpill friendo, it's an emotion called fury. Having this man go peacefully into retirement is absolutely nothing to celebrate whatsoever unless you're truly that desperate. In which case all is lost regardless(>muh nu/pol/)

i completely understand that you're angry about it, i am too, but kvetching about it won't help with anything

user, I…

Meant for

Happy he's gone.
Would've been delighted if he was shot dead.
Would've been ecstatic if the shooter was white and yelled "FOR RHODESIA!"

How do we pronounce his name and how likely is he to be the new dictator?

learn to read ID's

5th pic, this this madman killed him and jizzed on his face
::]i still remember the old days of tea-bagging::

Oh boy.

Guys, this is getting weird. Did we fucking meme this into happening?


">inb4" does not make you immune to negative replies, faggot.

I suspect the context of his post has escaped you.

Really, faggot?



Its hard to tell these days.

Maybe he forgot his ":^)"

Didn't he build a house in Namibia or something? I don't think he'll go to SA (suid afrika).

berhabs i did :^)

Fucking hell OP
But yeah this is great news for Africa, Mugabe was one of the worst warlords its ever seen.

it wasn't OP
a mod changed it

Rhodesia will never die as long as the people of Rhodesia live on. Checked.

I guarantee he'll be dead by the end of the year

Perhaps not since VP behind the soft coup was the very guy who aided Rob Mugabe in the massacre of the ndebele in the 80's. Same shit, different nog.

It must be sad that when it was run by the white pm, who proposed black and white equal voting share with blacks getting more say in proportion to their tax paying ability, the nation was far better.

It's even sadder that nobody in the country (you know what I mean) gets this.

Zimbabwe is what you get when you eliminate 'white privilege' with communism/socialism redistribution policies.

All you are left with are a punch of dip poops screaming for other people's money not realising the last productive person left years ago.

I.e. exactly what all the left wing cucks in the west want.

Just because a bot does it, doesn't mean that you won't look like a faggot when you do it user.


even if nothing changes I'm glad this piece of shit gone. hope he fucking dies painfully soon

That pepe is giving me serious battletoads-vibes.
Must be very Rare™.

Not a big difference tbh. Both are formally white countries with a rich heritage destroyed by cultural enrichment and communists.
The obligatory video embedded.

You don't understand what samefagging is do you? or are you the bot?

It's been a long day.


I find it hard to be excited about this when CNN and (((friends))) were all cheering for his resignation and impeachment etc. I feel with him leaving, that everything is going to be blamed on his "lawless dictatorial regime" and zero blame will be put on the actual niggers who went around gang raping white families in front of eachother before hacking them up with machetes and tossing their parts in the bush with zero police attempt at investigation. It feels like a defensive reaction by world kikery, not an actual falling apart by the government. Zimbabwe is coming under a lot of attention, or they had been. All this bullshit about Mugabe being replaced alone will drown out all the searches that would turn up in past months too. Not many people spend time talking about Zimbabwe, and I get the feeling when people looked up Zimbabwe, all they got was talk about whites being slaughtered and the failure of nigger government. Now, that changes. Theres several reasons why this benefits the kike, and very few that get me excited about future prospects. Are whites any better off without Mugabe? No. Not until the seed of the last war veteran is eradicated from the earth. Those are the ones who raped and slaughtered our people, Mugabe was just one of several leaders at the time too.

nice fashwave, could you tell me who made it?

Posting with the exact same ID one after the other is low level samefagging, the badly made python script bots do it obnoxiously.

There's more to samefagging than multiple consecutive posts by one author newfriend.

Good point

Did he nut on his face after killing him


soap so powerful it can clean up your DNA


Checked and heil'd.

Woah. Praise Kek.


I guess the only way to take back Rhodesia is to wait til there is many happenings going on. When that is going on, there will be no one to come and aid the niggers since the (((ones))) who would come to the niggers aid will be busy keeping themselves out of ovens.

Good luck not posting now

Rhodesia is coming back.

He wants to kill White people just like White Nationalists.

So will Zimbabwe turn into an Eritrea/NK-tier nation?

Mods sure are sensitive these days.



Wait, what nu/pol/ a filter for? Every other fuckin word is a filter now. WTF. Fuck this place.

It was a joke, easy there

That's not what samefagging is. Kill yourself.

Thy digits have foretold it, mein neger.

Ive found a few more filters set up by the ve.gan =fag mods

You can see the board settings here:

Thanks user. I honestly thought Fag Anglin Thai Fuck Shack was legit and not a filter.

Rhodesia is coming. The meme became reality.



get a better job


Does anyone have the webm of rhodesians reacting to the end of the war? There was a particularly firey ouma in it that was, understandably, not impressed.

I heard this radio interview today, transcript attached. They are literally rehabilitating Mugabe and this woman's account of Zimbabwe under his rule was glowing. They're actually trying to hold his reign up as a shining beacon for progressivism.

It's worth a read, just a skim really, but nowhere in this interview was one critical thing about Zimbabwe or Mugabe or his reign and she portrayed the hyperinflation as just "happening."

It was shocking to hear.

user, so who is legally the President of Rhodesia and suprised the niggers are not starting a race war

Mugabe will be torn limb from limb.


- the people of Rhodesia

tfw no quints



