Google collects Android users’ locations even when location services are disabled
Even if you take all of those precautions, phones running Android software gather data about your location and send it back to Google when they’re connected to the internet, a Quartz investigation has revealed.

Other urls found in this thread:



No shit. Don't use a stock Android.

Is there ANY phone that isn't pozzed?


Can you elaborate for me, please?

A stock android install is always pozzed. You get something like Replicant if you want to be google free, or install a ROM that lets you remove all the Google shit yourself.

No, apple is worse. Nokia is dead, and Microsoft has ceded the mobile market. Not that I'd trust MS either, but they are less competent about monetizing customer information than Google, so there's that.

There are ubuntu based phones but they are infested by amazon

Can't even start your own mobile company. They'd find some way to legally fuck you over or send plants for you to hire, to poz your phones without your knowledge. This can only end one way.


in other news, rain is wet

trips of truth

cant into Holla Forums with non-smart 10 year old phone

Not unless you have enough autism to check for yourself.

kill yourself mobileposter

Yes you can flip phones have internet access.

The Blackphone is supposedly privacy conscious, but you’d have to buy it online.

silentcircle dot com/products-and-solutions/devices/

If the kikes can't collect real-time user data for profit they just collect it, have it saved on the phone and receive it later in batches.

Gee what a surprise.

I had realized this years ago, when I saw that Google Maps could still track my location with just my WiFi on, with accuracy equivalent to the WiFi range. It seems that the location of the WiFi access point was determined when both WiFi and GPS is on. The exact coordinates from GPS and the access point ID was linked at that point and sent to Google for storage.

Nevermind. Forget that. google dot com/amp/

Blackberry, flip phone, or burner. Pick none.

What if you just go full Hydian, and start typing "Heil hitler 1488" into the search engine on a daily basis?

if you have a blackberry properly set up with the enterprise software, it's supposedly pretty fucking hard to crack. CIAniggers used them for the arab spring.

Thrift stores.

Thanks based NSA agent

Use a pager. People survived without those even for a long time, and did just fine. If someone needs to talk to you, you can get back to them. If you need to use the internet, use a computer or tablet or something.

It's an advertised feature, not even hidden.
The big thing is that you turn off stuff and that interface keeps on running.
This "new" info is bad because
- obvious, you get traced
- battery life: you explicitly turned shit off. No wonder kill switches are needed.

But more important: what should we use?
Is there a Holla Forums approved phone, or even better: smartphone? Aside the basement dweller meme most of Holla Forumsacks are probably hard working guys who need a calendar and email client at least and soapbar phones are not useless but lack a lot of functions.
I use a chinese OEM rugged phone (yes, fuck me for that but most of those phones are 2G only and this supports 3G) and after a few months I missed these:
- calendar
- email
- gps
- basic internet browser to check stuff fast.
Nokia 3310 3G edition is promising but it's still chinese…

I didn't say that you kike, I say don't use a stock Android ROM. There is a difference you nigger.

how is this news to anyone who isn't retarded?

Keep beating that dead horse.

What if I:
>have never turned any (((wireless))) faggotry on
Am I safe?

There are many ways to build your phone using raspberry pi (you can even do this with another setup, with the micro controller of your choice). There are open source software & hardware that can make you access phone networks, including mobile network 3G, 4G, .., also wi-fi and ethernet. You can realistically create a credit-card size phone (but with more width than your typical smartphone). Functionality will be very primitive without an operating system, however, you can simply run all of this on a linux derivative, with the proper hardware you will be able to use fos software to phone with your pocket "computer". Just look it up.

I don't use most of my smartphone's features anyways so a flip phone wouldn't be a bad idea. Would getting one really keep you from being tracked?

how about not owning a """""""""""""""smart"""""""""""""""""phone, sheep?

Recommend any partiuclar ROM's, user? I've never done a custom install, rooted plenty of devices though.

What's gonna happen to me, man?

They don't know your texts or attempts at raping kids Holla Forums relax.

Still just bear in mind that the moment you're using a phone operator, everything you do, whenever you emit anything, there are high chances that what you have done is logged, and that there are many tracking setups pretty much everywhere to keep track of where you have been last emitting with your device. This would still add a big layer of security tho, but know that it is never going to be fully safe as long as you're using kike networks

In other news, water is wet.

Hi /nsa/
Can you still see me using LineageOS?


seems okay.
also you could just block access to whatever address the mobile is sending info to.

Need one of those water filter man blackout pouches that block all radio signals.
Only way to make it truly "off".


I run all my android devices without gapps, I'd advise all Holla Forumsacks to do so but it takes a level of autism most people can't handle as so many apps are reliant on jewgle services to the point that they wont even start otherwise.
if you go that route, you'll need these.

i still don't trust it radio microcode and what not, but it keeps jewgle out for the most part. fun fact: every time you connect to a network it pings google servers to check for connectivity. that's built into the OS, if that fails it shows you have no internet.

did you install gapps?

I wish I was still this innocent…

Still doesn't make a phone 100% track-proof by itself, but it works. Androyid users should be especially thankful because the OS leaves more opportunities for that kind of stuff.

Thanks for informing us user. Important to know.

What is a non-botnet phone? Does someone know that?

best thing to do is just mask you activity and make them think you are a gay bi tranny Hillary voter who just happens to swing by 8ch to lurk

Do these "faraday bag" things work or is it still best to just leave the phone at home when doing things?

gas yourself, shill.

please, I'm not ignorant enough to trust it but unless you know of a better option that isn't throwing the phone away it's the best option most of us have.

I had a DIY 2g phone kit (RePhone) but the phone functionality is what I almost never use. Also making a phone with the size of a brick is not very useful.

that's propietary right? does anyone tech-savvy know wether it's smart to use that from a privacy standpoint?

i'm using copperhead os as long as it's supported on my device, but i don't know where to go from there. perhaps an old galaxy s2 with replicant if nothing better turns up

I want to know more about this. What are gapps in the first place?

I'm very familiar with F-Droid and it doesn't take any autism at all, you just need to be on the lookout for good apps once in a while. What does it have to do with gapps?

Can I enable and disable that at will?

With some effort it is possible to build a phone from a raspberry pi, but it's going to be hardly equivalent in flexibility to smartphones.
But this is the age of saying "fuck you zogov" so i guess there will be something useful coming out shortly.

Guess i'll post a reccomendation to get out of Google as much as you can. There is an app, "apkpure", that hosts most Google Play apps and needs no account to use. Have been using it for years.

Tracked as in data collected on your every move, purchase, and interest: yes. Flip phones are bad at generating data points passively. If you did something bad enough to displease the Jews though, beware. Criminal investigations have actual humans monitor and manage what little data is passively collected, and also start to actively monitor your position through cell phone tower triangulation.

Is there a way to constantly send a bunch of random GPS data so your real location is obscured?

I bet it's a store-like service, not an app
either way, if it lets me search for free apps that have no ads on it, it's enough reason to start using

only if you are also able to teleport at will. I imagine triangulation would fuck you over in the long run.

No, it's basically your "cracked Google Play" as far as i understand. It has ads of its own, but nothing unbearable.

Google bloatware pack, a.k.a. Google Apps. Sadly it has almost all the functions you use: store, gmail, etc. it's all the google applications on a device
to truly nuke that garbage off your phone you'll need to flash it with something like lineageOS which has it's own downsides like software bug reporting and other such things through TWRP.
if you're curious search "_your device model here_ xda" I'd advise to do it on another device before doing it to your main phone

backups, restorations, upgrades, finding apps if they work fully, no (((social media))), etc. everything becomes a bitor a fucking lot more tedious.
the ping test? sure, you can block it through something like adaway or afwall

get adaway. yalp store can pickup anything free off jewgle play.

I remember leaks from early 2016 where conversations between the DNC mentioned that blackberry was not safe ( they told each others to leave the phone at the entrance of X building instead of carrying )

too bad, Blackberries are actually comfortable to use

Why is this obvious advertisement for the iPhone stickied?

No, thanks Shlomo

What happens if you don't give a fuck about any of this and you will just continue to speak about your Race regardless of what (((they))) know about you?

Well, when we get our Nation/Ethnostate back, we won't have to worry about this will we? So why are pissing about wasting time?

I doubt that one would, you need a piece of conductive material with air gap and material thick enough to prevent waves of a given frequency to pass through, but the technology/principles behind a farraday enclosure certainly are real and work to prevent EM propagation

For what reason? That program is deader than the average leftypol user.

Fuck off


Wrong. Apple is the best. Because of this article I'm thinking about Samsung/HTC only now


You'd probably be "safe" so far as the device itself is concerned, but the device would be useless at that point. Also, the data about where you had been and what you had done with the device up to that point you Hillaryed it would be stored in Google's cloud so

It isn’t. You’re retarded.

lineage os with no jewgle services installed?


Fuck, and here I thought that by not accepting the terms of service on google maps, I was safe.(I read that shit, it allows them automatically turn on your GPS and send google info on your location)

Librem 5 looks promising but if you use cell service at all you're still fucked

Of course they are dummy!
Why do you still have a cell-phone?


I haven't personally confirmed 5ghz blocking. Only 2.4ghz wifi/BT using a 4 mil aluminized mylar bag with ziplock closure and rolled/pinched top

Is as retarded as
Israel was able to kill some guy by putting explosives in a dumbphone, getting it to him through an agent, and setting it off when he was using it. They knew exactly where he was (even the floor of the building), and that it was him speaking without a trace of Google on whatever black plastic brick he had.
At some point, using a traceable smartphone all the time will be good normie camo. Carry it with you at home and to work (spoiler: the CIA knows where you work), but leave it at home near your TV when you plaster the five words all over town.

It will always be best to leave the phone at home. Period.


Lineage rom
it comes with all google stuff removed
(might want to block too)

Dont fear the kike, kids.. they cannot actually harm you


m8, Microsoft bought Nokia

General Dynamics makes phones in God mode.
Can't into the phone off you're not an intelnigger or militarynigger. Looks like shit tbh. Rather use a fucking rotary phone.

That's what he meant. Nokia's mobile devices division (which is the part MS bought) has effectively been shuttered, and through that action Microsoft has ceded the mobile market.

Still makes me chuckle.

It's back now, and selling smartphones with android on it.
not special anymore.

Zero problems.

Feel free to protect yourself but whats the worst thing that can happen besides being put on a bad goy list

Ensuring you stay in this for as long as possible is part of the process, too, so stop being a condescending faggot and educate yourself in opsec once in a while.

Yeah no shit, you think you can have a fucking google brand device and not have it track EVERYTHING? I bet the microphone and cameras are always activated and constantly streaming straight to the fucking NSA.

Nah, I'll pass. Lying and hiding doesn't suit me. What are they going to do, kill me? We all fucking one day sweetheart, I would rather just let go and be fully into saving my Race regardless of their "claims" against me.

Peace of mind, brother. Try it.

Make money. Make power. Join up with your fellow White man and reclaim our Nation.

They aren't compatible with 3G so they don't let you use them anymore, depending on your provider.

You want to end up in a gulag?

my phone is old enough that if i posted a picture on here, i'd be doxing myself.


nah, its a flip phone. when i called verizon to switch to it from my other old cellphone, the guy didnt have the model in his system. he asked me to hold on then i hear him fumbling through papers before he was able to help me.

they do pretty good. I've had people try to call my phone when in a faraday bag and it couldn't connect. a strong enough ping could get through, but it's safer than something like airplane mode.


What would our fathers think to such weak willed faggotry? You will die one day, no? So why the bitch mentality of "if you do x x will happen"?

It works but pretty fucking stupid to be honest. If SHTF and somebody needs to get a hold of you, they can't. Also, you may as well just remove the battery instead of buying overpriced baggies for your phone that will chow your battery because there's no signal. So it's basically like turning your phone off but they can't trace it.

my phone is from the same age as the razor. it was an uncommon but really good model from back then that was above the razor.
i actually occasionally get compliments "wow, its so small"

it's from back when people were saying "phones are getting so small people are going to eventually accidentally swallow them" now people are walking around with full size cadbury chocolate bars.

And wtf OS do you put on those?

It depends on your phone as not all phones are supported by each mod. LineageOS and OmniRom are among the most popular and afaik doesn't come with google's proprietary software installed. If you want to go for fully free software(by RMS definition) then try Replicant. Though it is only a partial solution as smartphones are still bugged, if not by google, then by telecom or the government.

You gonna explain why Apple is worse?

Hardly, but you might be listed as an antisemite and have a lot of trouble getting a job. We don't know how the future will be.

You probably also buy $10 webcam covers.

I think the article said it records the data, stores it locally until it connects again and sends it later?


aosp has the issue, not play services

Would highly recommend completely eridicating all google services if you use android but for those that rely on apps using googles framework microg is an option:

the point of a faraday cage is that it never is able to connect to towers, so there is no local history of the location of the phone. It's a $15 solution to a problem that can be solved by taking the battery out.

Normalfags don’t care, Android OS constantly observes and interacts with you:

Normalfags are passively aware that all of this data is stored in perpetuity but they don’t care. They are building minute-by-minute logs of their entire lives with “smart” devices. Pushed they will agree it’s “weird” at best but they won’t stop doing it.

This isn’t a revelation, big tech not only admits all this but they have successfully marketed it as a product feature. Nothing can stop this, being a Luddite will not only be unpractical but eventually outlawed. The dystopia is here, it will progress and basically we are all fucked.

Mine constantly asks me if I want to leave a review for a gas station half a mile down the street. It's more than a little spooky.


This combined with the echo fiasco, (((jewgle))) is the enemy of mankind as much as their tribe.

The only solution is to create an open distro of android focused on infosec and regularly updated. Who wants to volunteer for this project?

lol they can scan your personal "frequency" and geolocate you anywhere on earth now

Are flap phone safe?

After the Vault 7 CIA leaks made it clear everything and anything connected to the internet is spying on you, I dont really see this being sticky worthy.


Except phones that have an internal battery so they can continue to collect data, which is what almost all manufacturers are moving towards.




What data can it collect if it's in a faraday cage other than microphone and acceleration?

Meizu is pretty good. No google shit, & totally in-house version of Android. Neat features out of the box like app sandboxing etc.


Niggers, there's a thread in the catalog RIGHT NOW about muh windows 10 telemetry shit that was known 2 years ago, but THIS that actually has new information is what you're going to try to bury?

Surely they make 4G variants, right? They have to. I've used 3G, even for business shit like sending emails it's fucking atrocious, dialup: wireless edition.

There has to be another way.

Good goy, pick up a free half price $0.30 off soy latte at starbucks.

What fucking shit ass phone do you have? What kind of apps? I have a [redacted] on android because blackberry went out of business effectively, they don't even make android phones anymore, just software and I couldn't upgrade my old one to a new 4G capable one, and I don't have any of that.

There's nothing wrong with WMP. It works perfectly fine.

Leave, please.


what if you never owned a smartphone?

What a world that would be.

My anecdote was referencing an experience of a family member who had recently upgraded their handset, during an evening out they remarked each time the OS did something creepy.

Every phone on the market does this however, just because whatever mobile OS you are operating doesn’t promote the fact it is collecting thousands of diverse data points a day doesn’t mean it isn’t doing it in the background. If you have a smartphone then you are building an extensive model of your life that will never be purposely deleted and can and will (if it isn’t already) be linked to your data from other devices/ public and private records from all other areas including medical and professional fields.

Eventually as the ‘smart cities’ begin to approach their logical conclusion there will exist a permanent video and audio recording of every second spent in a public place. The system will know where you are at all times. If it cannot see you it will likely know why and what you are doing.

Precognitive software will be able determine your every next move before it has occurred to you with a decent level of accuracy, deviation from predictive habits will likely earn you scrutiny. Perhaps this individual is ill or perhaps they are about to commit an antisocial act. The dystopia is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop it short of all out war, a war that will soon be unwinnable.

You forgot your ASSES AND EGGOES.

All right, screenshot this post, this is how you deal with it.

The app in question that performs this function is "Google Play Services." This is a pre-installed blob of API's that Google uses for a lot of apps to operate. It can't be removed without breaking a significant portion of applications that use it, including some non-Google apps.

What you want to install is microG, which is a free, open source replacement for making those individual apps that require those API's work, with all the extra shit, like association to your Google account, stripped out.

Aside from that as other anons have mentioned you should use Lineage or Replicant.

dumb shill
step 1. Put your phone into airplane mode
step 2. Put your phone into the Faraday bag
step 3. Remove phone and turn off airplane mode when needed
even a low-end "smart"phone get a week battery life doing this.

Alright, Holla Forums. Screenshot this post! THIS is how you deal with spying.

1. Get sledgehammer
2. Smash all the electro tings
3. Throw them in a Yellowstone volcano

I like this, never cared for the phone fad really after seeing what it does to people when you go out to eat. It's like there all playing gameboy color for old people.

Do the same with your computer.

Modified black phones are pretty comfy

Camera fucking sucks tho

that's simple to solve if you have some time to actually learn about GNU/Linux

Best advice in thread. Practical, simple, effective.

No, because the article says that it will remember the current tracking location and send it online when it has internet again.

Yep, have known this since forever, but haven't cared enough yet to learn how to root a phone. I know I should, but I get so tired of having to learn this kind of crap. Can't corporations just be barred from doing this based on stalker/harassment laws? I mean, any Joe Blow who tried this on someone would be prosecuted.

Always knew this, wanted to do something about it. For some time I had my phone wrapped in aluminum foil it killed the signal, but it's not reliable it rips and shit. Maybe I can get a phone case and stick aluminum foil in it. I want to take apart my phone and disable the microphone on an android phone but I can't find any videos on this. I got this android phone as a gift but I originally wanted a flip phone. Flip phones can still track you, but if it's android free that's a plus. I'm also checking out those faraday bags but I'm not ordering that shit online that's a huge redflag.

Look up Qualcomm and Broadcomm microcode, intel management engine, and AMD's equivalent. L

Yeah and dont forget to live in the woods too.

I'm using a lineage os unofficial rom adapted to the Moto g5 without gapps or anything Google related at all.
It doesn't require much autism. Battery life is almost 1.5 times the one with the original Motorola stock rom which is a lot since the motorola roms don't have much bloat aside from the basic jewgle services stuff.
Everything runs great. For imageboards I use dashchan. As a browser I use lighting. I get all my apps from fdroid and aptoide. To watch jew tube I use newpipe. Apparently lots of games require jewgle services which I can not confirm since I do not use my phone for anything aside browser, dashchan, camera and Kik.
I also use greenify to shut down stuff running on the background to save battery life, privacy guard that lies to apps that 'ask' forcefully to get some info from me or else they will not run and Yogavpn just to make it through monitored and censored wifi.
Steam and Uber also work on rooted lineage os phones in case anyone is wondering.
Netflix doesn't, but you should kill yourself if you use that crap anyways.

they sell your information to chinks and half the places you can even buy them from will scam you

Of course nobody should use that one, but for other apps that "won't work if you root", there's root apps that disable root detection from other apps my girlfriend wanted to play some Love Live game like Root Cloak IIRC.

Yea this is two days in a row now where mods sticky retarded shit that we know. I think something is being covered up or kept hidden out of anons eyes. This has been a well known fact and there's no way for a user to be hidden from prying eyes outside of not owning a smartphone. Sure you can lock it down every which way but it's still a massive security threat and a majority of anons don't see that and think they're haxxors if they just root it and toss in adaway and a firewall to control connections. Custom ROMs won't even help you because it's a FUCKING phone. Granted you can decrease how much information you're letting out but it does not take away from the fact phones are inherently insecure fucking pieces of shit and more so when they become "smart".

there's been some work towards removing intel's me

rooting/flashing etc is piss easy unless you have a shit device that needs all kinds of bootloader work arounds or partition editing.

I read a blog sometime last year and a guy took a 1st gen moto e and physically removed as many tracking components to it as he could. from what i remember, bluetooth, speakers, mics, gps, both cameras were removed.
I can't find the link right now. fuck

I'll have to look at that one, I've been using
checkout yalp store, it's a better aptoide that pulls right from jewgle play servers.
weird, that works on my devices, except background downloading.

Make sure to post proof online.

What do you like to watch most, Dear White People or Neo Yokio?

It's not news sadly user. This has been a solid fact from day one of the introduction of smartphones. Only since then it's not only just stayed a "feature", it's expanded and become even more intrusive than it was. Turn on location on an Android phone and see if you get a prompt for "helping to send anonymous usage data to help improve services". Or maybe just wanna use that voice assistant who collects all your information anonymously of course. If you think this is news here then it's clear 8ch has really fallen down hard. Rather than resort to reeing and greentexting like a child why don't you help try and make the sticky back to being a worthwhile system that doesn't just throw any old thread up.

it has an ok collection of nature documentaries, everything else is trash. burner emails work with their 30 day trial btw.

I don't know if they still do it, but back in the days of cyanogenmod the devs would add proprietary software. This script gets rid of it:

Well, could you tell me if this certain love live game requires Google services? I used to play it.

God, what the fuck, dude? Seriously didn't expect that from someone that stays away from gapps. There are so many free and better services with way bigger libraries such as popcorn time and the other one I forgot which has all the Netflix features including the ones about smart TVs and stuff. Other than that, look at the kind of shit you are financing when paying for such shit, holy fuck.
Also, I already tried the app store you recommended since I saw it on your previous reply and I already uninstalled it because it didn't have the donate version of afwall.
Dashchan is pretty great and supports a wide variety of imageboards but you need to install the add on for each different image board you want to use. This is no trouble since they are all available on dashchan's git hub. Here are some screenshots.

did rms lie? is android ( gnu+linux ) and open sauce the true enemies of our freedoms ?

templeos phone when?

For anyone interested:
It's an alternative to android that gives you total control over the OS. The base is alpine linux with a custom repo, where each phone gets a single support package, and every other package is device agnostic. It'll get a stable release when Hurd is finished

Only the N9000 is usable at this point

gas yourself

i thought that died, guess not. it pretty much just streams via torrents right?

Well at least I'll meet a bunch of Holla Forumsacks in the FEMA camps.

That's great, I too feel this way. Let us get together in real life, fellow white man, and begin to gather others.

Why hasn't anyone figured out how to make a gps noise maker yet? Surely there must be atleast one person that knows how to feed junk information into whatever component is feeding data to (((google))) and their third party (((associates)))

True, but if we have our own money and businesses, how is this a problem?

You will see in time how much of a basic bitch you are in the scheme of things. I can say fellow White man no different than my fathers before me. Making money and power is what is next, not being a autistic faggot on the chans all the time.

>Well, could you tell me if this certain love live game requires Google services? I used to play it.
I was not lying when I said my girlfriend played it, it's objectively a shit game, but FWIW, consider whatever personal info it could possibly gather sold to the highest bidder

Well holy shit I didn't know phones were that deeply rooted. I would like to stop taking my phone with me but my family will bitch and moan at me for not using my phone and it's good to have incase of emergency I suppose. I need that faraday bag but there are no stores that carry it near me and I'm not ordering it online. Even with the farady bag the mic is still intact. It's not like I even use my phone, I don't know why I have one.


why does google care about a 11 year olds location?

he said he used a plug in 3.5mm headset when he used it. the guy was dedicated.

If you're talking about yourself, how did you manage to start lurking at 9 years of age? Amazing.

Checked & yeah, you're not wrong. It really comes down to whether you prefer chinkery or kikery - personally I'll take my chances with the corporate chinkery.

Already known. You should have listened.

t. Holla Forums


It's like you want us to know you're a redditor.

If you can't remove the battery Google spying is a moot point. Rootkits bypass the OS and communicate directly through the transmitter hardware.

Who cares about ROMs? The cell network itself is designed to spy on you thanks to E-911

How many clients and business partners would you lose if you are a known antisemite?

It's like you want us to know you're a scared little faggot.

Not many.

Nope. 4G modems are only in android-level SoC-s, you can't buy an SoC with a simple rtos or you can't code it native.

You can use microg if you still want to use apps that require google services, it's open source and will only send the minimum amount of data to google required to use these apps.

Knew some cutfag jewfuck would call me a shill. You're missing the point you dumb fuck, your phone is a 2 way communication device. If you've ever been in deep shit - and when I say (((you))) I refer to the extension of those close to you. Your squad, your team, your family if you're in some places of this big world we live in…. you'd want to know about it. What are you going to do when your loved ones are contacting you and you're fucking 3 clicks away fucking around. Situations happened like these a lot in the past. When civs will not have radios. Stop listening to the fucking haggmann and haggman show. All this fucking bag does is turns it into an untraceable brick. There's no way of being able to receive any comms. Period. You may as well remove the battery. Bullshit on step 3. Shill a normie fucking phone that does airplane in 1 week while being active for 1 hour of total comms and i'll apologize.

You're all so tiresome.


How did you not see this coming? Phones made by chinks and pozzed by kikes, a regular jewferone.

I've been considering doing something similar, only adding in physical killswitches instead of removing everything.
Formally requesting the link. I searched around, but didn't find anything beyond XDA dicking around with improving the GPS.

yup yup infinite capacity and total awareness
cant beat that
yup yup, thx for sharing moishe

Non smart phones can still do the exact same thing (report cell tower locations).

Just came to say, after a few days of trial, that Yalp store is a godsend. Not entirely bug-free, but no substantial problem either. Thanks fam.

Of course not.

jokes on you, google, the custom cyanogen rom i installed totally trashed my gps so now i'm always getting lost

keep the github page bookmarked btw, sometimes google nukes their authentication because something they do is against their TOS and it breaks the login Yalp offers.
these guys are planning on doing just that, and having a full mobile plasma UI.

Get a mobile computer separate from your dumbphone.