You know what would be a great propaganda piece for them? If you ressurect actual people who were gassed and make them tell the story all over again, not sparing any emotional details. They already do that, with discovering diaries, memories and souvenirs from the past, but that's for yesterdays times'. Now we have visiual programs, at museums, which are supposed to teach us our history, not jewish history, our! Have you looked at how much of all the museums, movies, literature are controlled by them and by their sobing stories. In my country it's what is half the list of "modern" literature. With control in the sociological and linguistical schools of thought they've convinced us that this is the greatest turning point in all of modern history. That the holohoax is what "ended history" and started a new age of democracy.
If we destroy it, we will destroy the ground work of all of their ideology.
What we need is culture, and lots of it. We can infuelnce the social and intenet media to create culture: memes, stories, movies, to slowly undermine their government teachings. And we have the upper hand, because we are the oppressed class, white people are. And we are "the rebelion". We could use their own fiction against them and claim whollely the entire "rebels" group. In all of that culture, we should include "The Greatest Lie" story, in which the oppressed and genocided group was us, people of Europe, were genocided by the Jews and they thought up a "Greatest Lie" to break us spiritually. Like Zion in Matrix, like Rebels in Star Wars, like the Starks in GoT. I'm proposing that we create our own culture, our own Hollywood and propagate there "the Greatest Lie" story. Writing fiction, memes, poems, short-stories, fan-fiction, games, literature, movies should be our top priority, coupled with using us as the "Rebel" group and maintaining it for 15-20 years to un-subvert our own culture into the right path again.
I'm currently working on a site that involves finding out true meaningful events from the real world by a made-up group of hackers from the fictional world. It's a blog from a "reeducational camp" prisoner in future-day Europe, when the inmate gets released from the "reeeducation camp" and gains freedom, but is left with a computer in his brain that connects all of his internet activities, media, messages to sight sight, hear and brain. I suggest the same for all user creators, create culture! It's where we are losing the most, the Holohoax narrative and culture/literature. We have our own non-fcitonal books but few good fictions. Ti's what drwas in the normies the most.
Easton Jones
Possible ideas:
Memes - of course. This is well thought of already, but it's still not enough to whollely take back our culture.
Fan-fiction - It's what the teens and kids are into, which should be stylized of course. It's a great idea to start propagating the truth at an early level, if we make fun of the jews' narrative in stories for teens or kids, they'll be laughing their ass off everytime a jewish teacher mutters "muh holohcuast"
Cameron Bennett
We should include in this propaganda the idea of "The Greatest Lie", the lie which the evil jews took control of their host nations and were able to enslave them. But as of right now, a group of patriots, of Rebels starts to fight back against the evil Empire. I mean, the story writes itself. I'v noticed that we are good on memes, good on music, but virtually no classic means of propaganda: literature, movies, television. When it's hard to start your own television network, writing a book and even creating a movie shouldn't be too hard for dedicated anons out there. I'm thinking about it myself.
Kayden Young
Dylan Edwards
Cameron Reed
I was thinking making song parodies would've been funny when some anons began singing Santa Claus is coming to town but with Killary's actions. I thought, "a fine carol for a wholesome Holla Forums Christmas"
Connor Miller
That's a great example, and it's fun for the people singing. It would be great if we could make this the new tradition, say on the internet and the normies couldn't help but to laugh also
Matthew Watson
I would strongly advise to get into all genres too. Don't be afraid to go crazy. Nazi elves trying to survive and uphold their crumbling empire due to the meddling of goblins who destroy their forests for profit, National Socialist Space Marines, anything goes.
Carson Sanders
The manga Goblin Slayer is a good example of this kind of fiction. Goblins are portrayed as pests that need to be put down, even letting a goblin child escape is a bad idea because they'd eventually grow up to raid villages. (they're basically niggers) That's a powerful message to send to young people.
Nathaniel Kelly
You really only need to point at places like Majdanek and ask them to square the constantly changing narrative of the camp since Nuremberg. If they believe 6 million Jews were killed they have to be using inflated Majdanek numbers which have already been proven false, including the way these people died. I try not to focus on anything else, but the lies of the Majdanek camp. Once they accept the truth about Majdanek then I leave them with “So what else was lied about in regards to the holocaust?” This usually ends up with them asking me about the holocoaster or them sending me links of “survivor” stories which have been debunked.
David Scott
I've wondered about how 1 great work of fiction can almost undo most of the jews' brainwashing. Lord of the Rings. It's valued by conservatives and liberals alike but only people who understand white culture in general, like us, know when most of it is coming from. Countless youths have been rescued thanks to Tolkien's vision and thanks to one trilogy of movies, done greatly and capturing the essence of what Aryan mithology is. We clearly have to work on a "quality, not quantity" basis, we have neither the time or the money to put out hundreds and thousands of innameble mouthpieces like the jews, each one soked with their sick ideology, and all together crushing the true spirit of our people and replacing them with materialism and "feel good" debauchery. We have fewer works, so we must have better quality. Story-telling, imagination and references to our genetical history are what we got. It's a shame that today's generations have been accustomed to short forms of messages, but it seems that anything we do with culture and with everything else we produce, it's of a better quality, but it takes time and seriousness to really appreciate it.
Daniel Baker
This is PRECISELY what we need to do to save our race. Culture is the pillar on which nationhood stands, we need to win back the hearts and minds of our volk. The root of jewish control of the west is rooted in their control of our culture, through hollywood, the schools, and their ancient book of hebrew fairy tales that so many white people base their culture and lifestyle around. Right now, hollywood is burning, control over western culture is up for grabs and we need to exploit this.
I don't know the first thing about how to make moevies, or animus, or whatever it is that kids today let do their thinking for them, but I got a couple of script ideas I would like to see manifest.
One idea, something like Legends of Galactic Heroes except it's set in a fictional analogue of 18th century Prussia (big difference amirite). Lots of gallantry, swordfights, jew naming, explosions, but most importantly is aesthetically pleasing character designs and background art. We'll show the audience a nation that they should want to defend, complete with verdant fiels, classical European architecture, waifus in traditional European dress, lolis that need strong men to protecc them, and maybe some 18th century steampunk garbage that capitalizes on whatever fads are popular now. Then introduce of team of 15-20 year olds who fight to defend their nation, even sacrificing their lives if their character design turns out to be unmerchandisable and we need to free up space in the cast. The bad guys of course, will absolutely NOT be jewish, because we simply CAN'T be antisemitic amirite? They'll have ugly heads, big noses, names like "Mossy Silverspoon", and their evil plots will involve subverting the hard working people for their own selfish gain, but they will absolutely NOT be jewish. So when the ADL accuses us of making a Nazi propaganda piece we will tell the public that they are completely paranoid and can't be trusted.
Pic related is the main characters waifu who is patiently waiting for him to victoriously march home from the killing fields with his musket in hand. Sadly, in episode 17 she receives a telegram informing her that her beloved has fallen while defending our great civilization at the battle of Fhelleville. Soon after, her evil landlord, Slowmo Iceberg, tells her that her family estate will be bulldozed unless she agrees to marry him. She prefers death over dishonor. It later turns out that her husband is not dead at all, but captured and sent a thousand miles away, only to escape and to wander the frozen wilderness, foraging for food, avoiding enemy patrols, risking his life everyday and going through unimaginable hell, but persevering through all of it so that he can get back to his waifu.
Jace Hall
I like your ideas but I'd add something I think would be much better. A holohoax movie. Too straight forward, right? But if you change the time period, ethnic groups involved and tweaked the story to not mirror WWII tooo much then it could open peoples mind to the idea of a faked holocaust. you could even take that steam punk idea merge it with this. Maybe steam punk kid parents "died in holocaust" but later finds out they didn't and are the leader of that evil group or something that faked a holocaust to take control of the world and steam punk kids has to stop them. Not a screenwriter so maybw aome other could play with this a work on it. Somehow "we" need to open minds to faked events like the holocaust .
Anthony Cox
Capitol idea, but it should either be phase two of the plan or done in a very discreet an indirect manner. We can't be showing our power levels too early, and the holohoax especially is such an important religious belief to the normies, it would be like telling 16th century puritans that the earth is not 6000 years old. But it IS crucially important to introduce people to the idea that, much of what they are made to believe in is untrue. There are many easier ways to challenge people ideas of what is right and wrong, for example, a generation ago deviancy for the sake of undermining family values in spreading disease was universally considered bad, now my local church has a god damn rainbow flag hanging over it's door. The concept of right and wrong in malleable, if we play our cards right we could swing much of public perception in our favor, just as the jews have for themselves. Redpiling people about how historic events can be distorted for political reasons is an important part of this, but the holohoax is just one single issue, one with a lot of emotional baggage. I say we redpill them on everything BUT the holocaust, attack where they are weak, save this well guarded citadel for last.
Also, to have someone fake their death and join an evil group would be too far from the narrative. Nobody is accusing the jews of faking their deaths, the six gorillion never existed to begin with. And we don't want the good guys parents to be bad guys, family values are something we need to be pushing. Blood ought to be loyal to blood, for good or ill.
Nicholas Gomez
Too many idiots worldwide have been so brainwashed by the jewish media that they would never ever doubt the holocaust. You cannot redpill these morons anymore, they believe that the holocaust happened and will always defend the kikes because of that.
David Russell
Had a massive post typed out and lost it. Anyway… >War actually caused by bankers and arms (((merchants))) from all sides. >Make this an all-White world (or use furry characters or some shit), or otherwise make these (((merchants))) not obviously another race
Joseph Peterson
Beyond help? wat. That should be "beyond reach" of the legal systems of other countries
Jack Kelly
You guys are onto something. We have to soften the narrative by getting people accustomed to the idea that a people could be lied to at such a great level. We have the scientific literature to disprove the Holohoax with sources, but normies don't listen to things like that. They listen to allegories, to Star Wars, Harry Potter type of struggle with the evil people in charge so smart and so stupid at the same time to try to keep a whole society in such a great lie.
Fiction is the way to do it. You don't have even to make it the turning point of your story, just one of the evil guys' schemes, and we know that the good guys use truth and the evil guys use lies, always.
Think of the Matrix, for example. Some would say that the "redpill" was communist, that Morpheus was a nigger and the Wachowsky brothers are transfags, but it's the meaning that matters. The Matrix allowed people to believe in a different set of truth than those propagated by the government, it gave people hope and a precedent for a politically incorrect worldview. It could be interpreted in a thousand ways but it was showing a possible level of control not thought of by normies before, and as we know most of them don't want to read stories like Brave New World or 1984, don't want to read generally, the special effects and Hollywood style of the Matrix made it so much more effective.
Lucas Kelly
True, sometimes i hate those people more than jews themselves, it's because of them that (((they))) are still in power.
Lincoln Foster
Liking the potential in this thread. I'd add Gurren Lagann as a good source of inspiration for a story as well, especially because there were multiple layers of Great Lies in it.
Gavin Collins
One thing I've noticed when trying to red pill people about the Holohoax is that they don't understand what facts are actually uncontested by either side and what is supposedly “denier” evidence. For example, they dont know how many times the narrative about the gassings have changed, they dont know the numbers were changed arbitrarily several times, and they dont know about the Shrunken heads/lampshades/soap. They also dont know MOST Concentration camp survivors testified never knowing anything about mass murders and the few that have come forward have been undeniably found to be lying by either side, for the most part.
Jonathan Torres
That would be a great way to redpill people about WWI and zionism, great for political intrigue, lots of talking heads, but NOT a good war story. It's too depressing to watch idealistic and healthy young men die to protect their enemies, I'd prefer to watch idealistic and healthy young men die to defend their homelands. People respond better to a narrative that has a clearly defined line between the good and evil. I'd like to see something more similar to the American revolution, the plucky rebels versus the faceless evil empire. It won't be as intellectually challenging but it will speak to the normies on a primal level that political intrigue cannot accomplish. Imagine, brave young men shoulder to shoulder charging unflinchingly into musket fire, heads torn clean off by cannonballs, young corpses laying mangled and bloody on the battlefield, all for a cause that is more sacred that the preservation of individual lives. THIS is what the normies need, but it requires an unambiguous definition of good versus evil. This concept has scarcely any analogue in real life history, but it is something that people desperately want to believe in.
Alexander Lopez
bump for story ideas
Kevin Taylor
Simple. Write the best holocaust questions on a dollar bill. infinite circulation :) jews never see 1 dollar bills
Dylan Morales
spreading the holohoax tales the Jews no longer tell because they weren't scientifically possible is an option.
of course kikes already excused it with claims the Nazis spread the rumors or the allied powers made them up to demonize Germany.
but too many Jews have claimed to have witnessed with their own eyes these claims.
electric floors, holocoasters, electric conveyer belts that electrocute the Jew as they are conveyed into furnaces. none of these stories hold water.
get the masses to question the official narratives by exposing them to the stories the kikes don't preach anymore.
Ryan Rivera
fuck go back to reddit
Jayden Davis
Dominic Bennett
Jonathan Butler
That was a perfectly reasonable post you fucking sperg … or Jew … not sure which.
Robert Thomas
Hand to G-D, True story goyim.
Dominic Hill
Experiment: -In any social situation or context, try being the person to ask the last question, not allowing others to be that person. Be proactive! -You will dominate or "control the attention and thus the energy flow" -Occupying this position is related to the ego, to energy/attention control and is God-like. GLOBALLY, the Jews have proactively positioned and branded themselves to be the asker of the last question. You damn anti-semite! lul, fuckin kikes Dominating our enemies, the Jews, requires 1 thing. Dominating someone, having them submit to you is when you have the last say. You ask, the person answers. So long as they answer or perform your Words - an effective submission will have taken place. Yes, this is why and how religions and cults form. This is THEE method to dominate our enemies, or they, us. Men of Kekistan, Christendom, The West, 'Pagan' Europe, REFUSE TO EXPLAIN YOURSELVES. REFUSE TO ANSWER THE INQUIRIES OF THE JEW SLAVERS. YOU ANSWER TO NONE BUT GOD - THE GOD OF YOUR FATHERS AND OUR PRESENT DAY ALPHA MALE LEADER WHO WALKS LIKE GOD-ON-EARTH LITERALLY ANSWERING TO NONE. you have been "enlightened" (note: Isaac Asimov used this method to dominate American Christianity, asserting "ration" and "science" as superior to our Faith. SEE: Isaac Asimov - The Last Question. The Last Answer.)
Camden Stewart
It's not that deconstructing it hurts everyone else as much as it hurts the cooperative nature of zionism. If Jews themselves begin to question the shoah or realize its a sham they run the risk of distancing themselves from the zealots telling them they are eternally persecuted. The purpose of the shoah is more to keep Jews agreeing with the we need a homeland meme, and we need it before we are surrounded by people who aren't persecuting us. If they live in a place where nobody is persecuting them they have a much higher chance of assimilating. Rabbis, the banking, and judicial class, the uber jews of jewry itself are the ones that benefit from keeping the hivemind together. Talmudic jews made themselves the gods of modern judaism, and they have no interest in giving up their positions or influence over the rest of the hive because it is one of the most cohesive societies in the world despite its flaws.
Josiah Diaz
We need to establish a real guerilla film studio. Swing for the fences as far as humor and subject matter. Draw from the memes.
We have a limitless pool of inspiration to draw from, that we can have all to ourselves. I'm not giving you my ideas, but I come up with new ideas every week. The material writes itself. Explicitly and boldly make fun of kikes, the holocaust, niggers. Put it in a low budget B-movie.
We have to capture territory. We have to fight these kikes directly. We have to take the fight to them. Guerilla attacks on their turf. We will make shocking films that people can't help being curious about. Taboo films that aren't just empty titillation.
Dominic Hill
One book I think valuable to study here is "Darwin's Century". What I like about it is rather than simply presenting the theory, it talks about all the contradicting viewpoints which existed at the time, how it was challenged with alternate theories, etc. Been years since I read it, I need to dig it out, it introduced me to a term about the history of science, I forget what the word was, but it was a good word related to this.
Instead of 'what is' it analyzed all the contesting viewpoints of 'what is' as they clashed over time. This is an important aspect of history that schools basically do not teach, they just have you memorize facts.
Andrew Reyes
Remember the hype on the chans about "Serbian Film"? It was edge, full of violence and other degenerate shit that people are drwan to out of curiosity and value of the forbidden fruit. The chans in general, and especially Holla Forums, has become "the forbidden fruit" in today's internet culture. We should draw from that. We can be the hip and popular sub-culture, we already are. This relies on us able to provide an alternative to every media outlet there is, music, movies, literature. Propaganda should be whol - is one the laws of succesful propaganda. It must envelop the whole of a person, give him a ready answer to every question he or our opponents must ask. Ideas for red-pilled culture we have in abundance. It's the creating that takes time and manpower, but with the de-centralised mediums of the chans and anons from all across the globe providing culture, we should be able to do it. And it should be better, it will be better, because we provide the truth, we laugh at the jews' lies and see right through them. We should make being an anti-semite popular, the man to be in today's society. All who don't know the JQ will be laughed at and riddiculed
Ayden Walker
This definitely has further potential. A proactive search for all the most ridiculous holohoax claims we can find, to evaluate for meme potential, might be productive.
- Must be verifiable from kikes own sources, to be presented in the memes, as here. - No statements about truth or untruth, just present it and let the absurdity of it stand for itself.
Wyatt Butler
Logan Price
Liam Wilson
How about this. It's a link to a picture of the Auschwitz swimming pool for the inmates.
each generation Survivor Story (TM) is akin to a Mormon testimony. Though I'm christian, I recognize the purpose of this act. By stepping forward (as Bess Kalb did recently) and telling some gore story of a family member dying, they show their belonging to the clan. I'd like to see an infographic with these dubious survivor stories collected into a single image. Perhaps it would work best if only the impossible ones were used, leaving exterminationists with no possible refutation.
Jaxon Garcia
This. This, this, this, and THIS. Make comics, homemade anime, manga, drawings, pictures, paintings, icons, symbols. Write characters, stories, worlds, empires, personifications, epic battles and the triumph of the whites. Create music in all genres, whenever it has lyrics they should have meaning, and the meaning you already know what it should be. If it has no lyrics it must be named after meaning, or played with another media (movie, or book, game, etc) conveying our meaning. Just do everything you can, not just memes. Just everything. And I know you fuckers are at least half good at some of these things, all of you. Just get to work. We must have an ENTIRE library full of our OWN non-kike work. Flood the internet with this, so much that it will hijack (((culture))). Good luck faggots, OpCultureBlitz
Jacob Cruz
Our race has an aesthetic instinct that we can use. We just like beautiful things. I have a feeling that just like Tolkien, a Holla Forums culture would have some sincere beauty in it, even normalfags would be able to sense it on an instinctive level. This is how we win. Despite years of programming, despite being bombarded with (((art))) and false standards of beauty, we as a people will be drawn to white art, even if it is more poorly made (with all the funding going to jewish art). And when we start to develop a real audience, the demand for better artists will follow and we will beat the jews ten-fold. Let's just start creating. I pledge to finish my blog and write a book about a 2nd civil war in the USA - between whites and jews/blacks/spics. And the white cities will have order, standards and beauty unimaginable in the jewish ghettos.
Jordan Long
Jordan Barnes
i think the biggest threats given us by the jews are our greatest tools. for the normies that take a pretty impartial or "interest" stance in history as many do, especially in america, holohoax exposureism and TRUTH stands to make the greatest strides
if you undermine a living population physically and culturally, you displace them and give them nothing to lose.
i think this is another reason behind the push for total untruths like BLM and we wuz shit. jews know they're doing it to whites, blacks know it's being done to whites, and so they (niggers) seek to take advantage of this by elevating themselves. jews let them do it on a lie, because they know it will just fuck everyone up worse.
some whites will tell the truth and racial animosity will increase, while some will just LIE and continue to lie because they see whites on a downward trend and want to settle the next most fertile ground (anti-white hatred)
in all of these lies and untruths, jews open themselves up to historical revisionism. everyone has had a relative who's said something about JEWS and ww2. everyone knows jews are slightly different. they're an easier target than we all think.
they just don't want us to think they're very vulnerable, or very hated.
Austin Carter
Nicholas Hughes
This may I direct you anons to a thread where you can post and share your art.
How much jew could a jewstove jew if a jew stove could stove jew
Michael Flores
not enough
Cameron Evans
Each element must be surpassed. Thereby you win the "victim" game. You win, every time. But you must address each category:
< 6 million jews were killed in the Holocaust 20 million Christians were killed by exile-famine-slave-camps Holocaust
(Just steal the word Holocaust - this is easier. It's like stealing the phrase "fake news")
< Hitler! Stalin was worse than Hitler: 20 million is greater than 6 million.
< Nazis! Communists were worse than the Nazis: 20 million is greater than 6 million.
< We must do everything to prevent such evil from ever taking place. Never forget. We must do everything to prevent Communism from ever coming back. Never forget the Christians.
< Such ignorance… The ignorant are those who proclaim greater relevance to 6 million than to the 20 million Christians murdered by the Stalinist regime, and those who refuse to see the greater plight of Christians are those who are complicit in their murders around the world. We pledged to NEVER FORGET.
* Important: regardless of whether or not you support Nazism or Hitler's legacy, the fact remains this is a battle upon a chessboard, and many elements are beliefs. One plays best by taking what is given, illuminating it (20 million Christians - few know!), and putting it into play. Nothing is permanent in the brain. All is malleable.
** the counter to the 20 million figure will likely be "well, there were others killed in the Holocaust, beyond the 6 million", to which one may reply that the broadest of estimates, doubtless inflated, place the upper reaches at 17 million. 17 million is less than the 20 million Christians killed by the Stalinist regime.
Henry Kelly
Culture is something that you grow. We grow cultures in petri dishes, why? Because if we tried to grow all the cultures in the same space, without any sort of segregation, certain cultures would destroy the others. If you want to create culture, partition a space to do it in.
Culture is something that you create with other people. One person's rituals and creations don't constitute a culture. It's only when you share these things with others that they can be called culture. Be together, in person if possible, and you will grow together.
It actually does. The left always projects what it's doing onto its enemy. If you want to know what a leftist is guilty of, listen to the accusations they're making. They're ironically the ones writing the story, just in a roundabout way.
For example, Holocaust is the Greek term used for burnt offerings from the old testament. Etymologically, it means "whole burnt." They accused the Germans of burning up millions of them in ovens. Now if we apply the previously mentioned principle, that leftists always project their sins onto others, then what must this mean? It means that a Holocaust did indeed occur, but that it wasn't against Jews. In reality, Jews/Communists perpetrated a literal Holocaust against Germans by manipulating the Allies. It was called Operation Gomorrah, and it was exactly what it sounds like. The heat from the thousands of fire bombs was such that bomb shelters became literal ovens which baked German civilians alive. Streets melted from the intense heat and trapped people who were trying to flee from the inferno. They did this to several cities. What do you suppose the death toll was?
A documentary on Operation Gomorrah, not for the faint of heart.
Different user. Reasonable or not, your formatting is irritating to read. It's quite obvious that you're from Reddit. Lurk more.
You give up too easily. Be more white. If they won't listen to you, red pill somebody they respect and/or care about. With enough time, patience, and care, indoctrination can be worn down.
Reminder that even the old testament is anti-Yid. Please revisit the issue. Using said book against them is a path with much less resistance than trying to pry the book away from people, but that's a topic for another thread.
European craftsmanship and creativity have always been about quality over quantity. Our obsession with detail is unmatched. Mass production with mediocrity as the goal is Jewish. Modern example Sort of reminds me of when Jesus called the Pharisees "white washed tombs." That's basically the state of most games lately. Moral of the story… Never take the 30 pieces of silver, no matter how vigorously Silverstein is thrusting his money sack in your face. Otherwise your project will inevitably lose its soul, as will you. Bethesda Softworks is a wonderful example of this. Mr. Altman is a very happy merchant indeed.
Forgot to mention, that's a very good webm. Thank you.
Bentley Morris
Plus the figure for all of Communism worldwide is roughly 100 million
Caleb Lopez
That's low Mao the commie offed a cool hundred mil on his own. Stalin sixty mil , various gook ant and slopes have another 40 mil combined so there's two hundred million from commie filth alone in the 20th century.
Jayden Reed
Sage cause I read wrong. Didn't see your plus +++
Oliver Diaz
In my own experience, normies don't even listen to allegories, they instead take what they are seeing at face value and i think this is evident in their choice of wording during discussion i.e they talk about the fictional events portrayed only as it pertains to the fictional world while leaving possible real-world parallels entirely out of consideration.
We can still use this though, the jews have shown recently with star wars and harry potter that a significant portion of the normalfags are susceptible to induced comparison of these fictional works to reality, and so often they end up running with the symbolism from them. so I might suggest we exploit this by creating a work that is literally our narrative to the letter mirrored in a fictional setting so as to lay a groundwork to transfer the normalfags worldview onto one closer to ours.
Camden Baker
That's right, i'm not talking about directly comparing matrix to knowing about the jews, but it lays a groundwork for it. I have a friend and matrix is his favourite movie and it was 10x easier to redpill him thanks to this allegory, and thanks to him knowing that a reality can be wholely false and we are being lied to. Same with LOTR, it shows how the "patrirchal" society isn't all wrong and oppressive and it shows how a white man's virtues are just that - virtues - not flaws and oppression.
Caleb Scott
DANGER! This is a matter of branding, and winning.
Kikes will attempt to distract, every time, knowing they win by confusing the matter. They'll bring up the ones killed by Mao, and Pol Pot, and so will others out there. This is a propaganda war. The topic must be hammered home, the brand.
Stalin, Communists, and…
I have found a useful acronym for use here, to make it easy to remember:
Christians (emphasize this word, with extra unneeded air. This is how "jews" is pronounced by (((them)))) Died (in) Exile, Famine (and the) GULAGS. (Emphasize this word! Give it special intonation, as is done when branding the kkkholocohst).
One number: 20 million Two other words: Stalin, and Communists.
I believe this is a full branding arsenal and sufficient to defeat the Holocaust brand.
Again, it doesn't matter if you personally want to change the image of Nazism and Hitler. op is right that this is the first step. Things must come in stages. Arguments that WORK, as (((((((((((((Luntz)))))))))))), the kike, put it. This is not a consistent comprehensive philosophy. It's a propaganda war.
And another point. It's important not to oppose Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, or Israel's existence. Israel's existence completely neuters the whole "diaspora" whine. "muh diaspora, no home 4 wandering jew, he have no home" - ISRAEL. boom, no argument.
Kevin Cox
I am with you on right and wrong being relative and I think that our society needs to re-evaluate virtue.
I disagree about the holocaust. I think the attachment is powerful but rather than trying to use rationality to subdue their emotions which would be useless, what about redirecting that emotion at the narrative? Perhaps we can redefine right and wrong in a way that undermines the holocaust narrative? or redirect it at the jews?
Owen Ward
Yes, if only there were an industry that had ideas about how to win in this area…
Asher Taylor
What kind of movies would you all on Holla Forums like to see be made? Documentaries or films with subtle hints of propaganda and redpills? I only ask because I have the means of making films at a pretty high quality.
Landon Robinson
Perhaps nowadays, only when attention is drawn to it.
Because the holohoax has no immediate relevance to a normie's day to day life. They don't care if it's fiction or truth.
Low cost, minimal effort, winning with volume ideas are ones which should never be overlooked. The Bureau of Engraving and Printing estimates an average of 21 months life cycle for the $1 notes.
Polite sage for straying off the holohoax topic. The jews greatest vulnerability is the bedrock or core essence of kikery as exemplified by the practice of usury. This is because of its on-going impact on every normie alive. The holohoax no longer has such direct impact as it did 75 years ago. Erode or explode this bedrock and the whole support system fractures. Financial sterilization of the jew may be an attainable goal, as other more permanent solutions to the jq aren't as memeable. Convincing normies that jewish usury is the cause of their problems could be easier than any presentation of jewish lies.
Carson Reed
Here's examples that have pretty much set the standard…
They don't load from Australia, where I bugged out to ten years ago, mate. Keep the quality present, and we'll find ways to distribute.
David Cooper
All those videos have mirrors on youtube and codoh.
Christian Cook
Help an user out here and just give the link please.
Kayden Gonzalez
Films with a good story, fictional or not, but don't put the emphasis on politics. The characters have to have white virtues, the cast of "good guys" has to be white. We want enjoyable storytelling that teaches the population of how happy they will be in an nationalistic, ethnocentric, trustworthy society. And how wonderful it is to have a strong, healthy white family. This theme should play out through all of our work, no matter what the main plot is. We could do it about a malevolent "hooked nosed" character, which, out of spite, moves in to the neighberhood and suddenly kids start dissapearing. He wants to destroy the calmness of the town. With the police clueless, the kids start their own investigation, and with a clever trap, lure the kidnapper. Or another with a middle-aged woman who slowly loses her looks and can't keep relying on men to do everything for her. She used to swing from one man to another, getting all she could want, but no more. So, she has a child, and from the beggining teaches her how it feels good at first to boss men around like that, but then it brings a lot of pain.So, the daughter grows up looking for a stable mate from the start, and avoids the mistakes of her mother. The mother smiles at her, while she goes to the altar. There are thousands of ideas. We want real consequences in the films, not just made-up stories. We know what race-mixing leads to. What uncontrolled immigration leads to. Let's show it. The jews will be furious how we tell the normalfags the truth, which they cannot negate, they feel it in their hearts to be true. This will be our strength. TL;DR: Family-movies with white virtues and the truth about the jews' ideologies.
Julian Rivera
Very good ideas. I like the idea of making a story that relates to the consequences of untamed immigration. There are a lot of ideas even on a small scale even on a neighborhood level that this can relate to.