The future of World Communism

You are right on point, user.
Objectively nothing has changed since the XIXth Century: the nigger is still ape-like, prone to violence, slow witted and barbaric.

What has changed is the meaning the subject has while observing this object (negroes). If in the XIXth century western societies marginalized the nigger because of its inherent properties and characteritics above described, it was because the desired ends was to preserve the West and protect it from threatening elements.
Now in the early XXIst century, negroes are exalted and honoured in the West. But if you pay close attention, the nigger has not changed its primal essence. It is western society thay has changed its ends and priorities: now it seeks not to preserve itself but to end itself. And the nigger is still a savage, but now the West promotes them precisely because they are a threat to its own existence, and western civilization seeks to end itself.

A german father in 1800s Bavaria would've done the impossible to prevent his daughters marrying with africans, precisely to preserve german heritage, tradition, bloodlines and his daughter's wellbeing. Now in the 2000s they deliberately go out of their way to promote this kind of stuff precisely in transgression to their heritage, bloodlines and their daughters own stability.

What has changed? Certainly not the negroes.
What changed is that the decline of the West went unchecked, and in the midst of massive collective nihilism, the neomarxists took hold. And they realized the West was a threat to a global revolution, and turned transgression into their weapon to get rid of the west. Their means have changed but their goals remain the same: defeating western imperialism and capitalism, in that order.

So now, by 2017, they have destroyed most of western empires, and now the only one "empire" left is the United States. Once the "imperialism" part is defeated, and by that they mean strong western nations, the "western" part will follow. With only failed states left, the western people wont have much means to resist global marxism. Then with our people wiped and our nations irrecognizable, only capitalism will be left.

Here you must read "Imperium" from Toni Negri to understand their plans. They anticipate that once Europe is no longer Europe, and US is no longer white, multinational corporations will live on. You will still have Coca-cola, Ikea, and McDonalds with stores all over the now globalized world -Negri says- but while they may wear ties, eat lobster and speak english, the CEOs and managers of these new global corporations will not be western; the directory will be mixed, you'll have indians, chinese, arabs, hispanics and muslims leading companies that used to be western corporations. And the workforce will be composed of migrants, who will freely flow from city to city to seek work. As there will be no more nations, there are no border controls and plane tickets will be dirt cheap. An average worker born in Mexico will work a year in Bangladesh, then 6 months in Capetown and then some weeks in Shanghai. All cities will look like New York. As there are no nations, there are no national armies or police forces. Big businesses will have to defend their properties with mercenaries. There will be no real private property for the average Joe as you will probably only be able to rent some place while you switch cities, no way to tie yourself down to one place. No protection to local farmers from Kikeberg INC either, so expect landgrabs.

In the end, corporate abuse with no limits whatsoever will brew a "global proletariat", neomarxists hope these unwashed displaced 3rd world masses, with no ties to any nation or place, will decide (obviously not by themselves) that they must rid themselves of the economic structure (paradoxically the only thing left). Then they hope globalized guerrillas and international terrorism might just do the trick. Out of the deserts, mountains and jungles of the world will come out thousands of brown and poor guerrilla fighters to fuck up the metropolises. With no nations, armies, peoples, and even communities left, they will be the only ones with motivation to win. They have all these World bank and International Monetary Fund to hand over power to. Once there is no business left, they will run the world from a centralized platform. With no opposition left, this will be the largest power grab in human history, and probably the last one.

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Expect the kikes to profit all the way through. They will run your nations into oblivion, profiteering off the migrant workforce. They will landgrab and direct the transactions, and lead the globalization process. They will be at the head of these global multicultural corporations. Their Hasbarafags and exMossad will pioneer leading mercernary companies. And in the end, they will be the intellectuals who will coordinate their global revolution.

The kikes and China are using Africa like a weapon, and will eventually push for global communism through a simple vote. Whites wont have any say in the matter, being 1% of the global population. They will call whites the 1%, as they rally against that same "1%" now.

Learn from russia. Go and read on lenin works that were translated into english, go and read on all extermination plans and terrorist attacks they've done, go and read everything on demoralization.
First you read the communist, then you read the communist critique. All of which you could get fairly recently from both enemy camp and /pdfs/.

I personally collect information, but always remember that this is only just the beginning of things to come. Soros and Rothchilds don't want just transformation of NATO they want establishment of NATO country.

But why must it be thos way? Why cant they just skip to the end and run openly the whole world?

Because to them this is like religious dogma. To them, it has to be this way, and cant be any other way. A thousand year old conspiracy, from the writing of the Kabbalah in 1250 ad to this day, they have a serious belief in Tikkun Olam, the healing of the world by a social revolution.

Priest caste I tell you.

That is to say, unless we take our countries back before that happens. Thats like 50-100 years off at least.

That's a whole lot of blackpill you're trying to sell, but I'm not buying.


Ive heard that TRS and the aut-kike can be compared to the failed "white movement" in Russia, who opposed communists.. so by emulating the white movement in being moderate, we can similarly fail against our communists now. That being the kikes goal.

So pretty much DONT do that, and actually be extreme enough to solve the problem.


I support the alt-right.
Want to cry about it bitch?

No, but I will report you and send you back on your way, where you belong.

Heh. White Army was a controlled opposition of Lenin. Alt Right are controlled opposition of modern kikes. So yeah, i see your comparison as valuable.


Oh look, its the muh crew muh shareblue shill, and now hes admitted hes an alt-right supporter. This is probably your anti-Rockwell shill too.

enjoy your anchor

Notice how he's active. This means this thread is up to something.

I specifically said they took hold of power in our civilization because the decline of the west went unchecked and open nihilism paved their way in. I left it implied right there, but I might as well spoonfeed you: if you read Oswald Spengler's Decline of the West, Tomes I & II, he argues the same point. And if you just read it without going between the lines, you might go full on blackpill. But that wasn't Spengler's intention nor it was mine in these posts. The whole point made here is to know how they have attained power and what are their goals precisely to turn things around and defeat them.

Spengler wrote a letter to a close friend of his, where he explicitly states: "I believe we will come out as victors out of this". We must beat our whiny millenial nihilism that dwells in our hearts and minds, and help save America before its too late, as they dont have such a tight grip there. Once we take back the US from the neomarxists, we can step into Europe and dismantle their grip there, reinstate traditional western institutions and reestablish nations like France, Germany and England.

yeah, going to the bog.

Spengler's theory is that sheer Will to Power can save the West. I share that theory, isn't that what the Nationalsocialists tried to do? Back then it was Germany who had the will to fight. Now it is up to Americans to resist their attacks and turn things around. I have deep hope

This threads irrelevant, you just proved youre both a supporter of the alt-right and actively trying to shit threads up to destroy their quality and provoke anchoring. Great job. Not that we didnt know you were a the_donald shill in the first place when you did this crap on cuckchan too.

All of this retardation is ground we already covered in 2014. Getting Trump elected was part of the response to the jews' actions.

Yeah, whatever. I am having a civil, informed discussion. Go ahead and bumplock an interesting thread while leaving blatant shilling OPs like "ISRAEL TO DEPORT 40,000 AFRICANS", "Support Scottish dawn" and "what is NS131" up unanchored.

People here one day will wise up to this stuff going on. I saw you also anchored the thread that called out China's increasing political influence as a threat and the thread of that guy who was researching about the origins of the "left wing" and "right wing" terms.

You will not dumb me down

You understand the influx of new blood we have since the election, do you? We need to keep the quality high. Lets promote Spengler, get our user's reading and discussing.

This is exactly the point

Ban me again nigger. Fuck believing in Trump. Fuck the alt-right and lastly, fuck you my turkish friend.

The only way to liberation is revolutionary action either through a mass movement with clear leadership and organisation with a natsoc mission statement or by an underground force of revolutionaries. Or preferably both.

Patrician tier. It's a daunting read, though, and one already needs a good background in history, anthropology and other subjects. Definitely one of the most profound books ever written.

Hello gomrades! XDDDD Dis general is for disgussion of margsism-lebonnism, da ideology of revolutionary socialism and gommunism.

Gommunism is da next stage of guckery following real society.

Wat exagtly is gommunism according to gommies:


GL uses philosphy of gib and starve, see here:

It is recommend you kill yourself so you can avoid starving.


Da sdages of gommunism.

Bourgers aren't allowed to vode :DDD but otherwise da system is digtadorshib of gommies. Everything is stole by digtadors and digtadors rule all.

All beeple who aren't digtador glass starve. XDDD Once glass disabears and we steal everything more beeple wither away. Bolice begome unnecessary as beeple are dead lol :DDDDD Central blanning begomes unnecessary begause sgarcity caused starving. Money is all ours.

No beeple. No food. My money. Much benis.

Nod real gommunism, move to nexd gountry :DDDDDDD
