'Rurouni Kenshin' Creator Nobuhiro Watsuki Arrested On Child Pornography Charges

'Rurouni Kenshin' Creator Nobuhiro Watsuki Arrested On Child Pornography Charges

One less pedo on the loose, so it's a net gain.

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He deserves it, because that anime sucked.

But my harmless loli cartoons…

Rurouni Kenshin sucked but Samurai X was fucking great.

I don't follow weebshit.
If you ask me this goes to >>>/a/

'tis happens to ye if you lust after 3dpd

Fuck him. A reverse bladed sword would still be horrifically lethal.

That was one of the more retarded aspects of it. Even Usagi Yojimbo is a more realistic and more enjoyable samurai story than Kenshin, and the protagonist is a cartoon rabbit.

I am not sure you guys get it, it was a marvel inspired shonen series not a fucking senien

good now execute him

I wonder if he had an obsession with freckles.

he wasn't arrested for that, 3d isn't 2d, also he made a freaking samurai anime, saging because this is largely irrelevant to Holla Forums

Japan only recently made possession of child pornography illegal. But they explicitly left in a clause that excluded 2d. Much to the chagrin of UNnigger types.

Why are pedos so fucking stupid? They're dealing with something incredibly illegal yet they don't into OpSec whatsoever. He bought some pizza DVDs, apparently did it in such a clumsy way that some random jap knew about it and tipped off the police, then he leaves the things just laying around his house. Is there something about being attracted to kids that makes people retarded? Is retardation a prerequisite for being a pedo?

No, most people are just kind of retarded, especially 'artists'… But trusting every accusation of pedodom is probably a sign that you're kind of retarded.

>News about a prolific pedo getting busted isn't politics, news, happenings, or current events

it has little to no relevance to the US or Europe, and it's probably another in a long line of goon D&C tactics to drive a wedge between Holla Forums and chan culture, try harder goon OP

Trash is still trash, user.
That's not an excuse, if anything it makes it worse.

Daily reminder!

Anime is a gateway drug to cheese pizza.
Anime is made by old wrinkly gooks to poison the mind of young white men.
Anime is an attempt to lure vulnerable young pollacks in to degeneracy.


before 1999 you could get some 3dpd pedoshit in japan legally. after that it was legal to possess it till 2014 according to my 4 mins of jewgle-fu.

wouldn't be surprised if there's a physical media black market of once legal DVDs or just straight 3dpd lolicon shit since their government targets TOR users with an "guilty until proven innocent" mentality by trying to get all ISPs to block TOR.

That's a shame. Is it possible that he said something about the Jews sometime before this?

Even for anime theme songs. Freckles still don’t make sense.

Fuck ,I actually liked this cartoon. It wasn't that stupid cutesy pedo shit like today it was manly men with ideals and swords and guns. What the hell happened to this guy?


The death of ultra violent 80s and 90s anime was a mistake. It was last time anime was masculine. Now we only having Dragon Ball Super and Jo-Jo bizarre adventures.

I'm laughing so hard right now. Do you know how big this is? Just how many groups will be shaken by it?
If it hits international media, rags and other unsavory outlets will blow this out of proportion big time. And there is so much i'm missing.

Wtf! not this guy of all people!

you mean just like when Toriko author got kicked out for having underage prostitutes and nobody cared

it won't be a big deal, some funi VA was arrested for the same thing and it was immediately forgotten about, the mainstream doesn't even know what Kenshin is

Thank to this. We won’t see a return to ultra violent anime like violence jack or wicked city.

is /a/ still doing secret santa?
what about Holla Forums?


He looks like a regular member of society.

. I still don't get the scene in the manga with the guy getting an ejaculating from a tiger.

Where does it say it was lolicon?

Beg pardon? I thought you had proud porn stars as young as 12 there. Or is this guy getting porn from 3 year olds or something

Anime is kind of a pick and choose state now. A lot of content has questionable material like the entire "she looks 11 but really is hundreds of years old". While I honestly dont give a shit if they draw a minor or whatever (because its not fucking real, i can claim two stick figures are minors and that they are fucking and it can be deemed CP), when it comes to actual child porn its a no brainer. Shit shouldnt exist ever. Its pretty much an up for grabs on who is actually a pedo drawing their perfect little girls and who is just doing it for money. A lot of manga artists have done porn comics as well so finding a single person that hasnt done some questionable shit is almost impossible. Its also really weird over there since they can have a boy character pop out of a shower with his penis drawn (usually crudely) and no one bats a fucking eye over there. Their views on sexuality are very very different than us so that being said, they probably wont hand out the same harsh punishments we would in the west.

There is so much anime out there that its practically sectioned off when it comes to what content you are looking for. You want crazy fucking violence? You want mindfuck? You want childfuck? Well they got that shit pretty split up. So it will be hard to say that all of that genre is bad since its very clear cut. To sadly burst your bubble, this isnt as big of a deal as you think it is. They will quickly forget about this guy and due to it being in the east most news in the west will not even think about reporting on it. Sadly the west does not give a single shit about the east when it comes to news unless some fucking powerplan is burning down and then it will get possibly a 5 minute headline…if that. I have seen Holla Forums talk more about eastern news than any other mainstream site. No one gives a fuck about eastern news but the east. This breaking story is another case of pissing into a sea of piss. There is so much shit like people selling
used panties online (or having vending machines for it out in the open) or school girl prostitution that its almost the norm. The only reason why this made news is because this guy made some shit that a lot of people liked. Though that being said this only really matters to the japanese, no one in the west will care and will just lump it in with the rest "oh that sounds like the same ol shit ive heard countless times, they are all kidfuckers over there". Shit is a stereotype now.


You mean they havent already? They have always had people saying shit like that. "Why are those little girls dressed like that. Why do they show panties of schoolgirls ect ect". It will never go away its just that a few more people will do it.

used panties online (or having vending machines for it out in the open)
This is false

Memes aside, them and East Asians in general have the highest age of consents in the world. Look across Europe if you want those sorts of AoC, like 12 years old in Spain and 14 year olds are legal in Austria.


Is there a correlation between irrational hatred of cartoons and being stupid as shit?

Call me if there is ties to globalist goons or clintons

Gook is an umbrella term for any asian nowadays.

Protip: Teens are not children.

T. Kiddy diddler

17 yos are literally babies

Only since halfchan started shitting up the place. Fuck off with your room temperature IQ, thanks.



Nonsense just call them Goku or Jackie Chan

I don't know why you think this fucking slide thread deserves to be here. Not surprised so many pedos flocked to this thread to defend their cartoon version of this degeneracy.


Like this place keeps getting worse and worse. Before the elections this place had the best posters, discussions, and redpills.

the only reason chans are a thing is because of anime, you fucking tourist, this is a slide thread, but you are feeding into the OP's D&C

Here are your sources, fuckface

You're doing a shit job of defending anime. Pay attention.

What do you expect? Anime is degeneracy.
Also, this is not Holla Forums worthy



there is no cartoon pedoshit, because pedoshit has to be live action, again if anime triggers you, you can always go back to the autistic fed honeypot websites you came from


Fuck off pedo

Seek help.

So if that isn't pedo then this isn't gay?

You're grasping at straws user. Next you'll say Futa is gay.


Many pedos and semi-pedos were triggered by that post.

Kill yourself kike.

How can it be marvel inspired if it isn't full of transsexual black feminist muslims?

Being a goon is degeneracy, and only a goon would try to argue that films like
Angel Cop and Armitage the Third are degenerate.

Who fucking cares about some random goddamn nip pervert? Fucking hell man this place is just as bad as cuckchan right now.

it's a goon OP, it's fucking obvious, they've been pushing this same angle for 2 years now


this, but the manga was also quite trash

The manga was decent. Not fantastic, but a pretty good read throughout.

Take that you weeb faggots.

I'd say it's worse and the only reason it doesn't seem that way is because it's also a lower volume of posting.

Either Nobuhiro is actually retarded and deserves the clank, or there's more to this, and certain parties have taken after US's method of CIAniggers planting shit. At face value, good riddance. At time to think, is that it with a firmly tight wrapped bow of "nothing to see here"?

Why couldn't it have been the outlaw star fag?

If faggots were just faggots in their mind and not IRL, I wouldn't mind. Same for pedos. Having thoughts is one thing, acting on those is choice.

Weeaboos BTFO once again.


Goons itt

Yes comrade, we should all reject decadent Japanese capitalist cartoons. Should onl watch true communist programs like that weird North Korean show that I forget the name of

This. Goons or possibly under aged

how is this Holla Forums related?

Only the stupid pedophiles get busted. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

3D kids are pretty gross

At this stage of social deterioration the japs are probably glad that toriko guy was at least trying to get some. It maked me wonder if their soy diet has something to do with all their problems.

What do you mean?

This must be terrible for goons. They hate anime, but they're pedophiles.

I'd like to point out, these things happen in jewrywood on an everyday basis, but when is the last time you remember a based nipponese animu artist getting arrest for muh dick reasons? They are clearely doing this a lot less than the jews, just saiyan.

AGREED. I really annoyed me back int he day when people kept confusing the two.

/a/ BTFO!

I remember being bored with it because it did not have enough QT3.14s to hold my attention. Ironic that it turns out to be one of the few that was written by an actual pizza fiend.

This is precisely what the world needs more of, BUT, there also needs to be lolis, for the manly men to protect. A warrior needs to have something worth fighting for.

That first pic really speaks to me, I've seen it happen first hand. I don't know how much of it is female growth hormones in the food supply, and how much is anti-human propaganda in the jew owned schools, but lonely young men deciding to be trannies is a very real phenomena that needs to be stopped.

See rules for radicals.

Tie a noose, put it around your neck and go ask the closest man with kids you can find to hang you with it for being a pedo kike.

Wouldn't be surprised if this was some UN plot to get Japan to outlaw 2D as well

Does that mean we get no new chapter this/next month?

((( )))
fucking faggot, leave

cartoons aren't kids, retard

I've never heard any praises for this show/manga and I had not even heard of it until a few months ago and I'm pretty deep into anime, as in I spend every minute of my free time watching anime. So I wouldn't be suprised if most "weebs" don't care that much about this.

One thing the Japs can be somewhat respected for is the fact that they one hand are more accepting of sexual imagery but on the other hand never go overboard and let it degenerate society as a whole. The west on the other hand could not handle it when porn and sex became an everyday aspect of society and this led to leftists basing their entire existence around sex and their disgusting fetishes.
I guess it's just because they didn't have jews and we did.

Daily reminder that if you're NOT going to racemix, do it with a non-city girl unless you're a cuck in denial (my girl grew or worked in a big city but she only had sex once or twice). If you're going to racemix, do it now! In a decade or two, ALL WOMEN will be liberated and you will have no place to have a conservative family. Going to Asia in two years to do just that.

It's called gender dysphoria, a mental condition, it has nothing to do with anime.

It was only popular about 12 years ago.

Mods = gods.

I notice none of this clarifies whether this is REAL 3DPD minors or simply 2D fictional ones such as Kenshin's love interest Kaoru Kamiya, who is 17 years old. Vague language like 'teens' does not help with specific. If we take 'early' to mean "lower half" then from 13/14/15/16/17/18/19 (seven options) then 'early' may simply exclude 19 year olds, and 'very' early may simply exclude 18 year olds, so "very early teens" could simply be code for 17 year olds. Makimachi Misao (Shinomori Aoshi's admirer) is another example. 16 year olds and would be legal in many US states, but technically under anti-CP logs, lolicon art of her would be illegal. OP needs to wake up and get educated about terms, pedophiles are fixated on prepubescent girls, ie pretween/single-digit ages. Anti-CP laws target normal male sexual attraction toward pubescent teen girls and are part of feminist encroachment on free expression you SJW shit.

Samurai X is epic yes.

Anime seems to be a medium that can quickly lose a fanbase in a few years because of the next new thing. I never see anyone mention Haruhi online for example even though that was THE biggest thing ever a decade ago. Same goes for shit like Lucky Star, K-On (though this one to a lesser degree) and most Gainax shows.

I think that's because shows tend to be more popular when they are new. TBH though anime will always have a place in my heart and I intend to come back and watch all the shit I downloaded for a rainy day, I don't think I've actually watched it in a couple years ever since I got a PVR and could actually watch western shows comfortably. Maybe part of the draw was just being able to pause/rewind shit and not miss episodes which I could never do pre-PVR (Except for on-demand stuff) due to interruptions.


Only a fool could use Tor nowadays. Tor was compromised years ago, any many pages in there (not only CP, but drugs and weapons trafficking) are honeypots. But pedos are fucking retards, serves them well.

Its 3D, 2D isn't illegal in Japan you fool.


"low fertility" is an excuse for ethnic replacement, in an environment only a certain number of individuals in a species can survive, this applies to humans as well

It wasn't cartoons. It was 3D CP

They had until 1999. Then they tired to only have gravure/lewd models as young as 5, and that was banned in 2006

I am pretty sure 2d is still allowed on comiket. And if its allowed there, then it wasn't 2d for sure. Nobody comes with police for searching 2d.

That's is about to change. Because of the Olympics, the Japanese government is trying to impose censorship on 2D too. There are even considering to cancel Comiket altogether.

Fertility rates are dropping in every developed nation, you dipshit. Only poor trash like inbred niggers and sandniggers spawn uncontrollably and the Japanese birthrate is already picking up again, which is think is stupid because who the fuck would you cram like 130 million people into a tiny fucking island. It's no wonder their youth can't have families there, where will they fucking live? They live in fucking capsule dog houses because of the lack of space, full retard. They need depopulation and a highly automated society and that shouldn't be hard since the Japanese are the most technology advanced in the world.

/a/ had a thread on this and they deleted it, lol.

Try looking at your ancestral religions sometime, white man.

They gave up on trying to push through any laws against lolicon, most they're trying to do now is get places like Akihabara to hide the lolicon material for a couple weeks while the Olympics are going on so the international media don't get too triggered.

The olympics are a fucking parasitic drain to the host country, god what a horrible fate.

Club going women have no problem with going ass to mouth.

There's nothing wrong with girls marrying at 15, if parents agree to it
not to mention that in case of women power of attorney should lie with in Father, Oldest Brother or Husband
>no more (((hookup culture))) because see above
>no more (((left-wing))) success in politics
Suffrage was a mistake.

There is if the male is 48

he deserves it desu

why would they give away their daughter to a 48 years old man?

You dumb niggers, the Japanese are the 38th most dense country. I suppose the Dutch, who have the 30th most dense country, should also depopulate despite only having 13.28 million Dutchmen?

I don't know, but it would be disgusting if it happened.

This is a modern qualm brought about by jewish feminism, but to make things simpler, how do you feel about men in their 30s marrying girls around 15? This was the norm to our ancestors, since girls around this age are the most fertile, and men around this age have finally tempered themselves enough to not be led astray by "muh dick".

Also had enough capital and life experience to support a family.
My father married my mom at 30, when she was 19

There's two ways this could happen, the man could be exceptional enough to convince responsible parents to allow it anyways or they could be awful parents. In the first case there'd be no problem and in the second the kid would already be fucked up to begin with.

People back then also thought that magic was real.

I liked that it reminded people how Japan treated Japanese Christians back in the day..

Most of Japan is uninhabitable mountains, you nigger.

If anything that only helps his argument because it means that their population is even more dense if you only look at the inhabitable landmass.

As opposed to today when they fight Christianity but embrace homeopathy, energy crystals or believe in harrypotter shit.

They were stirring shit to cause a revolution though.

Magic back then didn't mean shooting fireballs from your fingertips, stop making up nonsense. Holla Forums very much understands and believes in magic. Go take your (((progressive))) feminist kike values somewhere else.

It's not uninhabitable just because it's more difficult to live there.

I am in no way defending what he did but DVDs of teenagers isn't paedophilia, it's hebephilia

A peasant revolt mostly over taxes justifies persecuting Christians for centuries? Get real.

They might've overdone it though.

First pic is too real. There's a reason why lol mgtow is full of faggots and the like.

There's also a good bit of evidence that the age at which boys are first exposed to porn and its content also has a causal effect on that process. Like you say though, anime doesn't actually have anything to do with it.

It's Japan. He fits in quite well

Both of these posts make a goid point.

Fucking utter bullshit.

Seek help.

It's hilarious what pedophiles will do to justify their depravity.

How would you know, faggot? It isn't supposed to be illegal in the US either yet people are getting raped under 'Obscenity' weaseling, so similar could happen in Japan, probably based on 2D lacking mosaics, or bullshit like nudist colony magazines lacking mosaics, and then falsely report it as pornography even though there is no sex depicted or zooms on genitalia.

This guy guts it. When you reach a certain age of maturity, why would you waste time on watching manly men shows anymore? Watch something pure and wholesome to remind yourself of why you live and struggle in the first place.
Also, kike/goon thread.


You're right, and it's sad to see for us lingering fans. I'll always believe in Haruhi S3. Next Season, brothers. Next Season.

I just wanted to look like pic related -I never wanted to be a grill. do look like that now, as best as 3D can

Calling it now. This is retribution for Japan not removing it's swastikas for the Olympics.

Well it certainly is possible there are other factors that could influence it. Its not like these studies have a surefire way to eliminate all of them. But porn does encourage behavioral changes that can have long lasting impacts on a child's development. This isn't some "muh rape culture" feminist drivel, although there's plenty of that floating around. I'm talking about how it can blunt the development of self-control faculties and alter a child's behavior to be far more open to experience which can lead to a novelty seeking spiral of sorts. Porn is literally degenerative and children should be shielded from it like they should from other similar phenomenon like gambling.

In the end, it was worth it. A Semitic religion has no place in Asia.

Polite sage for off-topic.

Another one's up, and it immediately went to shit.
Mods are letting it burn itself out this time.


Shit, this happened? Are they retarded? When I was there all the Buddhist temples on the maps were marked with swastikas.

I worked out 5 days a week and lost 70lbs, cut my hair, and use products in it. That's kind of all I did.

Hmmm… really made me think. Do you givv your BF the succ? Or is it more like a sipp?

This is the goon's favourite thread right now I see. Mods are subhumans as the rumours foretold.

I succ and get the succ. I'm like a super soaker going off full tank

There was an (((outcry))) over Japan's "backward" industry of sexualized 2D girls and swastikas on their temples. There was articles that said Japan was being insensitive for not destroying their cultural artifacts. This arrest is an extension of that, I'm sure. I wouldn't be surprised if we see more arrests for supposed child porn in the coming months.
I still see no Japanese sources for these claims he had 3D pedo porn, or how old these supposed lolis are. The Western media could be making it all up.



Fuck Kadokawa

Mods please purge the thread. This is full kike territory at this point.

lolibaba really is a top tier fetish

No thanks schlomo

Good luck convincing the common /a/sshole of that, they eat up moeblob dogshit with a silver spoon and 90% of them don't even have a clue what LotGH is.

Is this a fucking joke? Did someone actually ask that question?

The Japs I know are under this impression. They suspect that one of his former assistants (specifically, the individual who called the police on him, supposedly) planted the material in his workspace. As they put it "Why would a man who is well known for never shutting up about how wonderful his wife is and for disliking children be collecting kiddie porn? It doesn't add up."

A pic of muscular guy is gay, why? Not even hand holding. Guess it would be super gay if he was hugged from behind by a woman.

They do know what it is but consider it "entry-level" and normalfaggish.

LotGH and Jojo's are the shows normies like you post about to look old school and cool, you shit. Every genre of anime has its place, and unironically saying that one is superior to the other just shows us that you are retarded.

Why do you think it's bullshit?

What do non-normalfags watch? fotm moeshit?

Then go elsewhere you redditor.

Are you retarded?


No, gook has always been you faggot. They called them gooks back in 'Nam.

Also this, but
Eh, assuming they mean 11-12, that's too young.

They watch everything from the action shows that people who wish to appear manly and intellectual constantly praise, to the cute shows which merely hope to be beautiful.

Although it's a good show, watching LotGH isn't an achievement. It is not particularly difficult or challenging. It spoonfeeds themes like most other shows, and having completed it does not make you in any way superior to those that have not.

Have you seen the /a/ front page? It's all about muh dick

no its simple cycle of empires
their total population should decline untill total collapse of society in 3-4 generations

Do you know who is pushing it?

that's funny, she's usually the one doing the raping

yes jews predate
that doesn't mean they are the ones turning nips into herbivore men
thats is caused by too much social density
soon we will see a rise of gay japs and overactive japs too

Between literally who pedo nip and old thread, I don't know which of these deserves the sage

Watching LotGH is not a noteworthy achievement like surviving USMC boot camp, but whether it makes you more educated in political science depends on how deeply you think about it. The hours I spent watching LotGH would have been more profitably spent reading Machiavelli, no doubt, but it's qualitatively the same thing - it's just a mental exercise to think about political science. Getting a political science degree is usually remarkably useless - it just costs more time and money than watching anime.

Nope. that definitely looks like a pedo smile.
How did I know?
Easy. I can even tell if other people are pedo just by looking at their hands.
How did I know?

He didn't have 2D in his hardrive and the guy is not known for loli art.

Kek wtf mods I hate anime and weebs just as much as this guy does, if not more. I demand equal treatment. Maybe if I put in some more effort.


















WTF, there goes my childhood



I'm disappointed too user.

Stop bullying Toshino!

Lolicons have a very hard time not being intellectually dishonest about their incredibly obvious pedophilia that causes them to desire cartoon/anime depictions of sexualized children.

They actually should, I live in the Netherlands and it already feels too full in small towns. If our retarded "centrist" government would stop taking in rapefugees and other migrant scum then we would have a much more natural population growth. Same goes for any civilised part of the world, only niggers feel the need to breed like rats.

There sure are a lot of goons in this thread.

This arrest and its wording is actually a great example of how ridiculous our current legal standards are, both in Japan and in the West. Because we do not differentiate between teenagers and prepubescent children, we are unable to effectively set up logical punishments that fit the crime, since all such crimes are put under one umbrella.

Looking at a naked 16 year old, or even having sex with one, is completely different from doing the same with an 8 year old, yet both actions share the same penalty legally. There are men in the United States who end up on the same sex offenders registry list because they had sex with their 17 year old girlfriend while they were 19, the same sex offenders registry list that contains men who raped 5 year old boys and girls. How does this make sense?

My theory is that this is done in order to protect the actual pedophiles. Because of the conflation between the two, it is virtually impossible to enforce penalties that would be appropriate for those who are victimizing innocent and helpless children, such as the death penalty. If we would take the steps to separate these two categories, we could easily start putting truly fitting punishments in place.

As it stands however, there's not any attempt made either by the legal system or the media to clarify or classify these offenders in those two separate categories. We are supposed to despise or tolerate, depending on your outlook, these two types of offenders equally, despite one of the crimes being far, far more damning and destructive.

Even the arguments that are made in arguments here and elsewhere across the internet are predicated on the idea that there is no discernible difference between having sex with a teenager and a young child. The pedophiles use the natural biological attraction that does exist for teenaged girls as a point of contention to push for the abolition of the age of consent entirely, and act as if their attraction to young children is no different. If we are to deal effectively with the kikes pederasty we need to start making these distinctions so they have no retreat and no method of defense.

Reminder this kind of porn is newly illegal in Japan and wasn't even around when this guy made Kenshin. This guy probably views these laws in the same tier as internet piracy… or even more harmless since he is clearly a buyfag.

In a society like Japan where this isn't an established norm it is healthier just to create laws that penalize the producers not the consumers.

gook, shut the fuck up

that one needs to get into jail

Interesting. Typical Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation Jew scumbags

One can only hope.

Cartoons aren't loli either.

Anime is much more realistic than cartoons by several orders of magnitude.

Next you'll tell me the Sahara is hot and niggers are stupid

a weeabo?

Falls into three categories, fam. And as others have said, imageboards have formed because of otaku culture. You literally wouldn't have Holla Forums, if not for 2ch and said derivatives.

And, this person is iconic. It has the potential for a shake-up

Fuck right off


Welp, time to fire up the death camps..

That's Darwinism for you.

You never see the smart ones because they are smart about it. You never see a decent person being caught with this, or showing an irl picture with any bizarre, and questionable, fetish because they know it'll fuck their lives. Actually seeing a decent person with something like this can be breathe taking, and even scary because you'll start to realize it could be anyone.

Just know this: People who look like the pedos caught are bound to be caught as pedos. People who look stupid are bound to be stupid. People who look autistic are bound to be autistic. And niggers are bound to be fucking niggers.

Not always, we had one caught in Aus who hosted a TV show.

The fact that you use the word "normie" truly says a lot about you

Guy looks like a fruit or a pedo. Doesn't project a mature, masculine frame at all.

Please refrain from shitposting

