Bitter Hillary fantasizes about leaving Earth to be president on another planet
The Saddest Hillary Interview Yet: Let's Go To 'Earth 2'
She's fucking unhinged.
Bitter Hillary fantasizes about leaving Earth to be president on another planet
The Saddest Hillary Interview Yet: Let's Go To 'Earth 2'
She's fucking unhinged.
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Are you tired of winning yet? Because I sure am not
Please tell me she didn't just confirm the existence of Nibiru.
She really is insane. Bill couldn't do it, South Korea still can't do it after all these decades and they know their language and history better than anyone on the planet (protip: it's the goddamn SAME), there's less than zero chance all the way in the negatives she would be able to do jack shit with them.
Just an idea on NK, torfag
No government has any right or authority to dictate what another does.
That's what I was hopping for when I clicked on the article. Sadly, it's only some nu-male interviewer who referenced an old plebbit/tumblr meme.
Shes pretending to become unhinged so when they drag her corrupt ass to court she will suddenly come down with a case of the crazies.
A page right out of the mob boss playbook.
"Next on Clinton's Cosmos: will our heroine be able to bravely stand her ground while the despicable alien Xirnauld Zlorpf from the planet Nazzi 2 gets uncomfortable close to her personal bubble and xenosplains?"
"Tune in next week to find out!"
Vincent Gigante eventually went to jail though.
Hans, get ze Gotterdammerung - we have a planet to akbar.
Dunno how you got internet, Nork, but tell Kimmy that if we DO have to go to war because of him, we're gonna let aidsniggers rape him to death on pay per view.
haha, gold star posts user
We crisis on infinite earths now.
USA have nukes from 72 years, meantime, shits on everyone else, invades countries to steal their shits and divert public attention from president dicking his secretary. I think USA should be destroyed.
mein sides.jpg
Send her into the Sun instead. Put her out of both Earths' miseries
Unironically think we could meme Colbert as a WN Nazi symbol. We all know he hates chinks and maybe we can finally mobilize against the chinks taking over everywhere goddamn.
"On Earth 2. Yeah. We may have just found it - you know, we may have just found it - just in time." - Killery
88D chess wasn't a meme user, it was inter-dimensional reality.
Are you tired of winning yet? #MAGA
Someone post that comic of hillary levitating
She is talking about the virtual reality that is being developed at Faceberg by goodest goy John Carmack and associates. The liberals will have their virtual curated utopia in which they can live out their fantasyland dreams. Hillary will of course be president in the simulation. And each dindu will be a kang.
The point of the simulation will be to shape peoples' mind-reality model until everything that they believe to be true is a result of something they were exposed to in the simulation. Seem far fetched? It's not - just look at how effective mass media was. The new simulacrum mindtrap will be super effective.
How the hell is this bitch going to survive 8 years?
*7 years
This is a desperate call for attention. She still wants to be discussed about from time to time like she did in the election.
This is just another call for separatism in white society.
Its actually bad because its completely Aryan to wish to conquer other planets. Cause building civilizations on other planets require completely stable civilization with no jews, niggers or muslims.
She won't
If Aryans brought civilization to this planet, then where did Jews, Niggers and others come from?
Ayy carumba!
She wants to be Laura Roslin, but first she's gonna be Gaius Baltar and sell the earth to the Cylons.
Every time this bitch opens her mouth, I realize just how big of a fucking bullet we dodged last year. She keeps fucking doing it, too. Her handlers must have all gotten fired/suicided or she's off her drug cocktail she took during her campaign because she just can't stop showing everybody how far gone she is.
cylons were based and killed 99%+ of all jews in the colonies and did nothing wrong
Leaving humanity behind? Mfw is she Rich Piana?
I dream of her doing that too.
Cylons are real human beans!
So am I the only one who thinks we need to set up an user space program to colonise Mars before Hilary?
She's completely insane.
My firm belief is she has perpetually been in a psychotic state of denial, rejecting reality entirely while going on her public blame fucking everything else sour grapes tour.
This is just another step toward not being able to cope with things that are happening or about to happen.
She's a deranged fucked up hag from hell and it wouldn't surprise me if she invents an entire world in her head once the hammer falls.
Who you gonna call?
We could probably rig up a decent crowdfunding campaign. Fly low a bit, exploit normies love of "science"(tm)
We just need to gas all the liberals and the kikes.
Bitch couldn't be president "of" any planet except one peopled by her fellow lizardmen. Except they'd laugh at her for being a retarded cunt, too.
Hit the nail on the head right there
inb4 Hillary takes it too far and goes full mental-case like Junior Soprano.
Always remember, if this bitch got POTUS she would immediately start a nuclear war with Russia, and we'd all die.
Actually, the Koreans, especially the south, have absolutely no clue on their own history.
i agree with any plan that sends hillary to another planet
Is there a video of this interview?
You anons want to hear something ''really' funny?
I don't know if any of you have seen that painfully shitty Adventures of Pluto Nash movie that was one of the worst cinematic bombs in the history of film, but, perhaps tellingly, it did have one intensely amusing easter egg.
And thus the standard was set - only in a joke, shitty movie would that wrinkled crone ever become president.
well… we could do as Joseph Campbell suggested and put the jews on the moon – we could send hillary as well so she can be their president
everyone is happy
When FF15 came out some anons flipped their shit over the "First Secretary" of a neighboring kingdom that looked a little like Shillary.
The absolute fuckin' st8 m8.
Damn, that was 15 years ago.
The Cylons worshipped an Abrahamic God whereas the colonial humans worshipped the "Lords of Kobol" (Zeus, Apollo, Athena, etc.).
(((Cylons))) are the narcissistic beings that imagine themselves superior to the humans, and are constantly deceiving and pretending to be part of the "inferior" human race.