CNN red pill material Lavar Ball vs TRUMP

Holy shit this nigger is retarded. Chris Cuomo is basically backing up Trump and Ball looks like the most ungrateful nigger in history.

Other urls found in this thread:'_and_jivin'

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Disgusting nigger.

He dindu nuffin.

He makes absolutely no sense and any halfwit could walk all over him, yet it's all he can to to contain himself from jumping up and down because he thinks he's running circles around Cuomo.
The sad thing is, he is. Cuomo is too cucked (or too stupid) to take him to task for the stupid shit he's saying.

And people wonder why niggers are hated. They are the most rude thankless little shits the world has to offer. I hope a global pandemic erases them for good.

I live in Chino and I wish Trump would've left them locked up so I could stop hearing about these fucking guys.

Holy shit, if Mr. "Oh nooo that sucks" smarmy kike is defending Trump, you know this nigger has got to be even stupider than the average for his species. Waiting for webm before watching.

Cuomo is a cuck for sure but in reality he doesn't have to because if he confronts him on how stupid he is to viewers he could have case to not look so stupid in their eyes but this is all raw uncensored untouched nigger stupidity for all to see blatantly.

23 minutes of this kike and nig going at it. I find it more funny to watch the cnn kike start stooping down to the nigs mindset not even trying to be a legitimate interviewer.

Who needs porn when every day you get to see cnn implode further and further.

I couldn't watch, I hate the sight of Jewry, I just stopped in to say:

Literally textbook nigger behavior'_and_jivin'

Also wanted to note: This is his wife.

Remember to kill all traitors.

I'm starting to realize most of the memes I've seen aren't memes at all. They're all real things that all niggers say. They feel less special now. Thank god he didn't start talking about he we wuz kangs & wizards n shit. I would have lost my god damn mind.

hi FBI

In other words you can't prove Trump got him out or helped him even for that matter, but there's more implied logical proof that the chinese government did it all on their own because they aren't raycest crackers.

And this is why we have stop and frisk and a dozen other laws to target negroes. Goddamn I love my white privilege more with each passing day.

Are you new here or something? You always kill a traitor before an enemy.

First comment on youtube. Letting the general public access the internet was a mistake.

Webm please!

There are few crimes that a woman woman could commit more disgraceful than coal-burning. If you're such a worthless cat lady that you can't produce white children, then at the very least die celibate without bringing shitskin mongrels into this world.

I don't think user was directly calling for violence. Just don't forget the race traitors and miscegenators when DOTR arrives.

Ahh, some of the replies have restored a bit of my faith that reason exists.


Okay, I lied, I had to watch this niggerdom.
Favorite part:

"People try to make it a big deal, like they say 'oh, if you shoplift in china, booooy dats big time! you goin to jail!'. You can go to jail anywhere you take anything, so that's a point that shouldn't even be said… You can go to Africa or somewhere and do the same thing, anywhere you go in someone else's country, yeah, its gonna be a lil diffrent than what you thought it was."


Chris: send it over, we'll give it to charity

Dindu: u can gib it to Cherokee or whoeva! U can puts it round yo neck. U can choke wit it or whateva…..

I almost feel bad for his son. This is like the most embarrassing parent ever.


Civilized society is FUCKED all because we give into whiners, savages, and ungrateful dipshits.

the memes are special because they are based in truth. They speak truth to power which provides them impetus. how do you think we've got so far?

kek. These institutions should lose their accreditation for giving fake grades to their nigger apeletes.

that is legit one of the funniest things I have ever heard. that said, fuck this dude. your kid is lucky to have kept his god damn hands, and you are saying "hey its no big deal"…It seems like many 'liberal elite' (read middle class to upper middle class) want to "stop policing broken window crimes" until it is their god damn window. well here is your wake up call. It is ALWAYS someone's window. if you can't understand that you are displaying the tendencies of a sociopath. You NEED to care for other people too. I know, you have the automatic moral high ground because you are a disabled genderqueer person of color from an economic disadvantaged perspective, but here is a radical concept: when you hear about a crime imagine you are the victim. that is called empathy. and if you do that you will come to a much more realistic outcome then, "poor black people, and subsequently all black people, should be allowed to steal shit and commit crime because what other choices do they have."

Memesmiths are but the jesters of our times.

If it is no big deal he should go back to China and serve the time for the crime he admitted to committing.

shit, stealing gets your hands chopped off in countries in the middle east and south asia. this nigger was lucky to end up in one of the few semi-civilised places in all the world and hes an ungrateful nigger for that too and worse because stupid leftards are bitching about trump rightfully calling him out, i simply have no fucking idea the leftist obsession with attacking the most civilised and promote the least civilised, look at the minorities they support alone. it sure as hell isnt all of them, they could give a fuck about the relatively civilised pajeets and orientals, its always the murderers, rapists, and terrorists with them. fuck leftism and fuck niggers.


meant for

Reminder that gratitude is an abstract though, which is exactly the type of thing niggers are horrible at.

In order to feel gratitude, your ancestors had to evolve: 1) a theory of mind that anticipates other people, 2) the ability to imagine an alternate scenario from what actually transpired, 3) humility necessary to understand you don't deserve a good thing that has happened, 4) empathy sufficient to appreciate the sacrifice of another person on your behalf, 5) forethought regarding future exchanges of favors, of the sort even some species of bats have been proven to have, and 6) not being a nigger.

As you can see, niggers come up short in all categories. They are also, for the same reasons, thoughtlessly rude and impulsive, which explains all the unpaid child support white taxpayers have to go and collect from niggers' pay checks (on the off chance they have one).


I think CNN was going to try to make him look good, but this nigger is so retarded he self-immolated on video. The only people who will think this guy didn't make himself look like a retard are people on black Twitter with IQ of 10.

Finally figured out who won the election, huh?

Naturally. What a fucking world we live in.

holy shit, this guy is henuinly retarded. is he honestly saying that he could have convinced the chinese of all people to release evidence backed up thieves?

It's hilarious watching Cuomo sit there absolutely seething and trying to hold it together for 20 minutes as an ape howls and flings shit at him.

Welp, I've officially lived too long. I'm actually willing to break a baseball bat over someone's head in defense of Chris Huomo. I think we've left all the variations on Berenstain behind and have hopped over to the Clifford, the Big Red Dog universe.

Also, is there any way we can get this high-yellow fuck onto Tucker Carlson's show? If Cuomo can beat his ass, I imagine Tucker would grind him into a fine paste.

This nigger is a walking meme. Oh and friggin retarded just like the average nigger.

Holy fuck that nigger is next level retarded, even for nigger standards. He honestly thought he was making good points too! My sides are still shoah'd.

Holy shit, that was painful. I have to hand it to the rabbi who trained Cuomo – he managed not to scream "FUCK YOU, NIGGER!" the way I would have.

It is amazing how this is identical to the NFL fiasco. Trump calls niggers ungrateful, MSM lambastes Trump for it, meanwhile all of American's disdain for niggers grows while watching their responses to Trump. Like holy shit the president saved his kid from spending a few years in a Chinese gulag and instead of just refusing to say thank you by not commenting on the issue he actually goes out of his way to shit talk the president.
Even libfags have to find this cringey.

Upon closer inspection, is this thing a mutt? The nigger has chinky eyes and his skin colour suggests that. Plus, as retarded as he is, he's still among the smarter niggers out there. Seriously, it's that bad. I don't think there's any saving them, better to just team up with the spics to get rid of them like they're doing in LA.

I don't think that's hard since Cuomo is a despicable cuck but he still has the intelligence to recognize an unbearable retard when he sees one. I almost hope this redpills him a bit. The part where he defended Trump was extra spicy and ironic. He finds out in his little gated millionaire media mind that this is the shit that people who have to live around niggers deal with on a daily basis and he isn't even the worst of them because he's one of the lighter skinned blacks. You'll notice it too once you're around them for long enough.

Niggers dont belong in civilization. The longer I watch this baboon eek and ook, the more it goes from hilarious to enraging. This nigger needs to be dragged out in public and lynched. He went through the entire nigger checklist multiple times. Dindu nuffin, disrespect me n sheeit, dindu nuffin again, nigger tier strawmanning, more dindu nuffin, I din ax drumpf to help dem n sheeit, even more dindu nuffins

The more I see niggers, the more obvious it becomes that their image from colonial times was entirely correct and (((scientists))) just made shit up ever since when it comes to psychology and biology.

Not if you're a felching kike like Cuomo.

Nvm, found it.

Despite both being considered Blacks by society (one-drop rule) lighter skinned Blacks score consistently higher on IQ tests than darker skinned Blacks.

Look at Cuomo's expression throughout the video, like he couldn't stop rolling his eyes and eventually made a face around 21-22 minutes looking like he wanted to join the KKK as their honorary Jew to hang the nigger. That nigger was just straight up retarded, even someone like Cuomo knows it it's also proof he hasn't dealt with blacks on the regular the same way middle class and poor whites do on a regular basis. Fuck these sheltered ivory tower fucks. The niggers are the worse, even the spics and chinks can't stand them. Hell, niggers can't even stand each other just look at the murder rate and Africa.

Lots of people commenting below articles that he has gotten several high school basketball coaches fired for not kissing his sons asses - he has 2 others also in college ball. On scholarships.

Three smart white kids don't get to go to college so these subhumans can.

Five minutes into the vid I had to quit it was just to insane to listen to the convoluted circular nigger babble pseudo intellectual diatribe.

Breads and circuses were a mistake, it's nothing but trash. End sportsball cuckholdry.


That's what I'm starting to hear when humans talk. I just can't stand the average person and like it or not Cuomo is one step above the average that's why he's there besides being a kike, and this nigger is average for normies in this horrible ape mimicking world (((they've))) created

His shoe business is failing. Can we get his other two sons kapernicked from niggerball?

insta @gelo @melo
twitter @LiAngeloBall @SwaggyLaMelo @MELOD1P

I just watched it. The whole thing sounds like a song and dance. The nigger acts like a clown to make the news and promote his brand. It's a practiced kind of loud mouthed talking without saying anything or listening or thinking. In other words he's "just pretending to be retarded." Niggers and cucked whites find that thing entertaining. Think of the nigger from the Larry David show, he speaks in exactly the same way.



Yeah, acts. It's all an act. You've been fooled by fake bullshit.

oh no that su-

I wish this were true but if you have ever interacted with them on a regular basis you would know it isn't. Even greater proof of that is looking at the blacks social media who watched this, they are unironically celebrating this thinking that retarded nigger is a genius.

You sound like a lynchable.

Are you even from here faggot ?

You guys have to watch the final minutes of this… My fucking sides he can't figure out where Chris Cuomo's nickname came from oh god

Damn I didn't know a human could survive that many cinderblocks to the head.


While I get your point, you very obviously have very little face to face experience with niggers. While it very well could be akin to an act, niggers are prone to exaggeration. This niggerball Ball idiot was exaggerating his utter nigger-tier retardation, meaning he was niggertarded to begin with. He figured amp it up a bunch for TV cuz das his bran n sheeit.

tl;dr: when niggers are acting retarded, they're not acting. Its either them being real, or an over exaggeration of an already existent retardation. They're still retarded.

That nigger didn't just steal from one but THREE (3!) stores. Like how much of a nigger did they have to be to do that in broke peasant filled China while being privileged shits in America?

Also shows that ever present lack of self awareness niggers have. Niggers are VERY rare in China, what do the niggers do? Being so easily identifiable, and sticking out like a a giant turd in a punchbowl, then niggers nig. These animals do not belong among civilization, even the chink variety.

more recent pic, she had a stroke last spring tbh

I just did, and wow. Just when I thought that nigger couldnt get any more retarded, ole coon boy showed me he absolutely could


And she paid the toll

>lol, my brand name is a penis joke on my own name
pic related

true I didn't think about that, but blacks always complain about being profiled in retail stores. you think they're not going to stick out that way in China?

They shouldn't score that much higher though once all factors are placed in. Miscegenation leads to outbreeding depression through Mendelian inheritance (a lot of information is lost to put it bluntly).

Niggeroligist here, there's different breeds of nigger to put it lightly, but almost all of them suffer from extremely high-time preference and are all psychopathic chimps. It's evident in their nigger babble back in africa where they don't have words for promise. fucking niggers

I laughed at him calling him "chris-mo" (him trying to be funny) but cringed hard at him thinking the name came from "chrome" like "google chrome". Does he not know the name of the man interviewing him? How retarded can you be?



With niggers, I dont think there is a bottom

Maybe 1:30 before the end. Maybe look at the 2:00 mark at first. Its right near the end

I'm saying this 90 IQ nigger is acting like a 70 IQ nigger to sell shoes, and basically, you are fucking nu/pol/

Did I say he wasn't a stupid nigger? An exaggeration is acting.

Vid related.

You can skip the first 18 minutes of the video, its exhausting talking in circles and gives you the gist of it. 21:30 is specifically the name shit.

My point is he wasn't pretending to be a massive retard.

That thumbnail encapsulates half of everything wrong with the news. I'll let you take a guess what the other half is.




The only thing Eric Andre has ever destroyed are his own brain cells


lmao@monster hesh

more insight on the nigger mind

Lavar Ball is a businessman, he wants the money of the young people that don't like Trump. This isn't even hard to see, publicity stunts are publicity stunts, don't be retarded and take the bait.

Eat shit bitch, the nigger is just being a fucking nigger.

Thank you for that.

Lurk for 20 years

Holla Forums wants to kill pro White people.

White Nationalists are pro White Genocide.

White women who have mixed race children with niggers get the rope first.
Lurk 200 years before posting.

I'm pretty sure it's a bot. He's been posting the same shit in multiple threads.

They date Blacks because there is no Real Life pro White meetups.

Lurk more before adding straw men

Address the issue faggot.

They get niggers because they're at a low point in their life and will take anyone or anything that shows interest in them.

Why do niggers like to wear clothing like this? I thought that they wanted to shed the whole "we frum the hood, brotha!" thing once they make some money…the irony that they hold onto these parts of their subhuman culture is too rich. If only that stroke would have killed that coalburner garbage.


And elite libtards keep filling up the military with them because they think niggers' violence against women and children makes them an asset.

I'm actually feeling bad for fucking Cuomo here.

Cuomo is a traitor - never feel bad for these parasites. Both faggots in the clip are going to get gassed at the same goddamn time in the end. Being a western Yid Yorker Cuomo is a goddamn criminal in my part of the state…he dare not go north of fucking Albany with what he has done to the working class here.

Why haven't we given Ben Garrison the go ahead to finally end the farce?

>ywn get to hit that smug look off that nog's face with a bat while his jew wife looks on in horror

Go back to cuckchan

If you still haven't seen an actual nigger going "we wuz kangz" then you're also probably a newfag, get out. Also fuck your analogy, memes are funny because they are truth. Only 9gag tier memes are not based on truth which make them absolutely not funny and probably for people like you. Get out.

What the hell was he on?

so all of them, then

ht tps://–Kruger_effect

No, that's just a nog going full dindu-nuffin. He's really that fucking stupid. This is why they can't ever be civilized, you just can't do anything with people this fucking stupid.

Dunning-Kruger isn't really applicable here because it doesn't take into consideration that the person is being manipulated. Dumb niggers are put into positions of wealth and power for a reason.

i wish i had a naive nigger-free childhood like you

…JB smoove does that as a stage persona, like andrew dice clay

He's repping his own (and failing) brand.

The best thing I could possibly assume is he's actually acting completely stupid on purpose to promote his brand. But no, I think he really is that fucking stupid.

I doubt he has that much money either, he's a phony.

h ttp://

Not exactly a newfag but I have never seen niggers talking about it. Where do you find that gold at?? Kinda think of it where do nigger congregate on the interwebs?

Kill yourself

I would do the deed but she is doing a good job on her own

(((they))) better be careful getting these braindead niggers on their programs. one of them will eventually break down and just start calling the anchor racist for disagreeing then an entire social media shitstorm will happen and untold levels of redpilling will happen.


Go to youtube and look for "esau" or "edomite" and when you see a bunch of nigs, click on it. Check "Das rite" as well.

fuck CNN

Here's a lulzy rap for you.

Wonder if this nigger would've given as much crazy lip if Don Lemon was the one interviewing him. Probably only took the interview because it was the Don Lemon show, thinking he and another black man were going to stick it to the man on national television. Still, I don't think I've ever seen one man make as many confused and bewildered facial expressions in 20 minutes as Cuomo in that vid.

$400 shoes that nobody buys

You know they'd be pals instantly, shit talking Trump and all types of garbage.

I hope thats Kek saying never say never

Dubs confirm this nigger be a phony paper baboon who is probably in far bigger financial trouble than we will ever find out, pre-bankrupcy filing. Im gonna kek so hard when that day arrives.

That shit is classic. Watching the kike cry soah's my sides every time

This whole thing is just proof of the one drop rule. You got every shade of nigger and they're still dumb as fuck and steal. This guy's son is even a kosher kike.

You thought that river in Egypt was the Nile? No no no, the Mississippi that you know, das the Nile.

Any of you ever go along the Mississippi river between St Louis and New Orleans? Its one long bullshit niggersville. Every fuckin place you go is niggersville.

I'll give you 3/10 you got me to reply

LMAO someone in the comments said "Mr. Lavar, you spar like the great Ali". Sparring!? I couldn't understand a single word that nigger said. Proof that these monkeys STILL aren't literate.

Not sure if you guys realize, but this guy is pissed because:

1) He was already there on the ground
2) He had local assets working for him
3) Assets cost money
4) He's a hood rich urban lottery winner who hired some other people to keep his wealth going
5) He's proud of his kid, and was trying to keep this discreet
6) No one would have ever heard of this if Trump never got involved
7) He wasted his resources because Trump did it for free
8) Trump wouldn't reimburse when he asked for all his wasted time/effort/face and/or for once in a lifetime opportunity for his kid to have an experience with president on AF1
9) He's still a fucking retard because reasons and his actions/words
10) the game

just go away.

fully agreed

Oh nononononononononono

Shit this is funny, it just keeps getting better.


Lmao. Cuomo clearly gets frustrated at how stupid this guy is acting fast. Probably the first time in a long time his liberal ideas of what a black person is have been challenged directly.

Lavaaaaar's method of "debate" is clearly to speak non-stop while constantly saying the same thing over and over.
A very nigger form of "debate," as they think screeching louder than the other chimp means "you win."

Did Trump just imply that Manson was right?

D-did he mean that as a joke?
I notice nobody was laughing.
Somebody assure me he wasn't serious, plz

absolute madman

Look, I have no thirst for blood.
Let's just deport the nigs to Africa, where they can finally create their nig utopia, free of the ebil white man, and all the coal burners will be forced to accompany them, so they can enjoy the fruits of nog technology & civilization, as well.

Face it, it would be less kind than killing them outright.

It'll definitely be reported that way. More importantly is that Trump appears to have taken ownership of the term 'far right'. Of course this is getting buried under his LaVar tweet.

Got some news for him, the Chinese absolutely despise nogs, and see them as talking apes.
They don't like whites, either, but they tolerate them & see them as close to their equals, at least enough that they need deal with them in an intelligent fashion.

If that kid had stayed in prison, it would have been for a long time (the Chinese love to make examples out of people), and the stay would have been overly unpleasant.

And all his daddy's efforts would have been laughed at, because his daddy's a nog.

Trump is still going after that nigger.


did the KKK set this up??? this is better than Hardcore Pawn

I dunno but even a complete faggot like Cuomo was shocked at how stupid this nigger is.

hi fbi. no need to incite us to commit illegal activities. besides, he's going to OJ her a few years down the line anyway.

This is some very advanced "dindu nuffening"… it was almost a double dindu but in fact it is actually one shade away from it. its a dindu nuffin with minor did-do somethin.. They've turned the dindu against us.

It seems ball handler didn't double dindu to bring emphasis to Trumps dindu.

Yeah he's trolling, he is trying to gain street credit for his shoe line which he has started for his boys.

Definitely will be a success among the blacks who will be talking about this and laughing about it. Reminder: honor and respect are not values that they consider worth pursuing.

I will go as far and say that don lemon was purposely not on the show for this very reason, as it was pre planned and would have lost his street cred if he fell into this game.

It's just a prank bro

This is why they do not belong in civilised society, why do the leftists not understand this?

oh my god….

Bro, stereotypes are real. Certain groups have certain stereotypes and not others precisely because they behave as they do.


He was joking, but the setup was terrible. Anyone who thinks he was serious is sub-90 IQ, minimum.


Really activates the almonds.

waiting for the trump diss track

What if Donald Trump set up lavar ball to get CNN to sign loyalty back to him by slamming ball on air? If true, expect the merger they’re involved in to go through tomorrow.

If you didn't get the fact that blacks are ungrateful from Mugabe and Rhodesia earlier, then you deserve to feel uncomfortable. Niggers don't realize the value of what they have until they lose it. Even when freed out of an jail sentence from an oppressive country, he still treats Trump like shit. Let this be a lesson to everyone.