Kaepernick is Sexist!

Guys we have a new mission.

Apparently someone dug up this tweet from Colin Kaepernick about women breastfeeding in public, and it's blowing up on twitter now.


We need to get Kap fired or get the NFL to release a statement. Use your twitter sock puppet accounts and get this trending. We need a hashtag like #StandUpAgainstSexism or some shit.

Please do this. It would be glorious if we could meme the NFL into firing him.

Other urls found in this thread:


Lurk 1488 days before posting

I can see what you're going for but I don't think it would work. You're thinking you can exploit hypocrisy, play the progressive's game against them, but here's the problem. Hypocrisy is the game. The ideals they profess to have are all a lie, the rules you think they play by are just a pantomime to get you to agree to the rules and play with them.

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Holy fuck, this wasn't archived until after OP posted it. What kind of newfag retard are you?

gonna sage this for dumbass OP


He doesn't have a job to get fired from


well it might ruin his chance at person of the year

What a fucking retard.

Yeah because a mother nurturing their child and also probably keeping them from crying the entire ride is a bad thing

Seriously, why do you care? There are millions of other things out there you could be doing with your time, and you're harassing a guy because you don't like him? Quit being a loser.


Jesus Christ, what is with Holla Forums these days?


And yeah, he's already fired dude. He caused the No Fun League to bleed shekels like never before in its history.


yeah the outrage sjw brainwashing wasn't in full swing at the time

You could make fun of trannies back then and no one would bat an eye. It's crazy how quickly it took root.


hey op

What are you, a nigger?

I think we could get him fined or something. The threads pretty shit, but the logic behind it is half decent. Get them to punish him more harshly for this small "sexist" tweet than for everything else he did, taking a hot dump on the flag, the country, the war dead etc.

Fined by who the faggot police?

Yea there’s not much more you could do to him. But he was never actually punished per se. Just no teams wanted him. He’s not that good first of all, and I don’t think coaches usually want subversive fucks on their team. It is a team sport after all not just qb competitions like people make it seem. Best example is the raiders. They were supposed to be dominant on paper. After that kneeling shit where the oline potentially threw the game they became hot garbage. It’s very satisfying. Fuck those overpaid faggots.

Ok, I kekked


This is very true. But this angle best suits one on one conversations. When you're arguing publicly, you have a large portion of undecided or uninformed people in the middle who can be convinced to one side or the other.

Even if this isn't enough for much of scandal, the words make kap look like the near-retard he is. Spreading the tweet may be worth it just to discredit this "great man of principle" who can't stand seeing "boobies" and a baby being fed.