What languages do you know, Holla Forums?

What languages do you know, Holla Forums?

German, English here.

German? Why haven't you offered your home to refugees comrade? They have naught and you have a lot.

English, Spanish, Sranan Tongo.

Trying to find the will to learn Japanese.

English, Memes

english spanish

Finnish and English.

You can't learn Japanese

finnish bolshevick pls go


English,Urdu, telgu

Watashi wa baka desu

English, and I keep re-learning and forgetting Spanish.

English, Espanol, Deutsch, und Lingua Latina.

English, Portuguese, Spanish

Some French that I start learning every year and then give up

Le Francais et l'Anglais

Home lang and english, poor spanish. I hope to start Mandarin next year.

English and a very basic level of French and Spanish

Portuguese, english and spanish (just a lil bit).

English and 'Strayan

Vietnamese (Central), Spanish (español mexicano), English (Western Pacific)

Danish, English and very basic French.

That's fucked up somehow


English and working on Japanese. Gonna work on Spanish someday after I get Japanese to the point I no longer feel the need to grind flashcards.


enlish, slovene, russian, german, latin, basic croat

Western Pacific. Although the dialects between Pacific Notthwest and Californian at this point really don't seem all that different from Generalized American.

In such a way, wouldn't it be I that's more American speaking than you ?

Swedish and English

Unsurprisingly boring


English, Russian and Hebrew



Oy vey

Post nose.

Holla Forums u funny

This. I feel most portuguese speakers share this exact condition.


It's not that big

I'm a Jewish Slav and grew up in Israel so I know the language

German, English, Latin and Italian for my husbando

German, English and rudimentary Dutch

Speaking German means you know rudimentary Dutch.

russian, german, english and slovene. plan to learn spanish

They are somewhat mutually intelligible, true. However, by speaking german you're not able to carry on a meaningful conversation in dutch.


German and English, why bother learning anything else?

איזו עיר?

תל-אביב, נכון? :^)

French and English.
I want to learn German and a bit of Japanese after that, but I'm too lazy to actually do it.

Statue poster isn't the shit poster. I am

I have been learning Japanese

I know they are reactionary and conservative as fuck but I like japen

Fluently i assume. Only English.

How's moe studies going, professor?

I'm trying to learn Russian but I think I may be retarded.

That depends on the type of Californian dialect you are talking about. NoCal sounds different from Valley, which is so, like, a truly bizarre linguistic entity.

I hesitate to call any dialect "generalized American," but I imagine that most foreigners believe that the accent that Hollywood actors (SoCal) usually use is what "American" sounds like. But yeah, the Northwest is so full of Californians now that everyone there sounds like they are from San Francisco. Viva californication.

To be fair Valley is largely vanishing. Places like LA and San Diego and Orange County are mostly a combination of General American and Californian English, which in turn is becoming a greater Pacific entity.

GenAm is an English dialect, though.

english, romanian

me too friend

why not?

Yeah I am a different fem-flag

And I don't live in Israel anymore but when I did it was in Karmiel

non Asian, English, Chinese, and studying Japanese. Take that you modernist fucks.

Fluent danish and english. I understand some Japanese, but not anywhere close to a fluent level.

English, Korean

French, english, spanish, and some german.

Natively speak Spanish, fluently speak English, currently studying Japanese (Not really because I'm a weeaboo but rather because I wanted to learn a foreign language and didn't want to settle for something as normie as French or German).


native language korean, second language english, and some mandarin from my grandfather. i hate the chinese

Swedish native, English fluently.

Poor French and German - plan to fill some credits by taking a course in either; can speak Japanese well enough bc exchange studies, but I could never muster the will to learn the fucking kanji.

Dutch, english, bit of german, c#, java, python, bit of C.

Also i started learning japanese, but dropped it in favour of mandarin because im going on an internship in China.

How can it be when guys from the Northeast, the Deep South, and the Upper Midwest sound spectacularly different from guys from Southern California?

Japanese so you can watch animus in the way they were meant to be watched and Russian so you can read papa Lelnin's texts in the language they were originally written :^)

Dutch, English, Teochew and Mandarin Chinese.

I speak English but I want to learn Arabic or Spanish :(

gutter french/quebecois kinda

English, Russian. This year started learning German. And now because of student exchange program, just starting to learn Korean.


It's more of a term to describe the dialect base. There's commonality between American English, despite all the differences, that relate back to GenAm. Some peoples grow faster away from other dialects into a fused version of this GenAm.

It's both a dialect and a base. If that makes sense. Over time it's being more influential than it has been in he past with massive urbanization.

this thread is proof we need Esperanto

there is one of the anfem poster who sometimes post very well writen replies and have read books. which one is that?

-German, English fluent
-French conversational
-Japanese (pretty shitty though)


i was learning japanese for two years and got quite good before i was put in a mental hospital which gave me brain damage so i couldn't continue

are you British too?

I did French and German in school but nothing really stuck with me

Got English and relatively OK French.

English and Japanese, though I haven't actually used Japanese for anything in like eight years so it's mostly gone.


little latin, italian

English and Spanish

I did french in high-school and japanese at uni and passed all the classes but never really put the effort to pick it up
duolingo has taught me more esperanto than I ever understood of french and japanese (at least I can read a lot of characters)

I'm too stupid to learn anything more than English unfortunately. My Autism Level is below average.

What do you even use Esperanto for? Is it even worth learning?

English [native], Spanish, basic German, and a bit of Welsh

come on fam, you need to learn a language, otherwise you're no better than the brexiteering little englander daily mail reading pond life.

English, German, Russian

кофе со сгущенкой tbh


Finnish, English, Shit-tier Swedish because muh pakkoruåtsi/2nd official language, The Cyrillic alphabet/Vidya Russian, basic German with an added mixture of military and political jargon I've learned over the years.

My skill in any other language I may know about is so insignificant that its not even worth noting.

This man speaks 4


English and a basic level of Cantonese & Mandarin I want to learn German, French & Russian in the future though. Does anyone know if the Goethe Institute is a good place to learn German?

Also whats with all these degenerate weebs in this thread knowing Japanese? I know your a bunch of weebs because we don't have Japanese posters here.

Finnish, swedish, english and some german.

I know American English woth Southern dialects, basic levels of French and Mandrian simplified. I will be learning Spanish, Italian, British because come on the Brits speak a funny English that involves wanking and calling Anericans Yanks. German be nice to know.

Now for meme tier its l33t, memes, ironic shitposting which is still shit posting, spooks, and corn.

Polish, English, German, learning Japanese, going to learn some Mandarin and Russian during my studies.

I'm a burger so all I know is God's chosen language: English.

Spanish (native, venezuelan) and English. Sometimes I try to learn Portuguese then stop after a week.

Hungarian, English, Italian, bits of German, and I would like to speak a good Russian too

Portuguese, English, some Spanish.

I don't like learning languages because they're too full of exceptions and special rules. And I confess, the fact that I need to interact with people in order to learn them doesn't help.

Also use your Hungarian to translate Lukacs

Hungarian, English, Esperanto

this is not necessarily antisemitic you moron, caricatures are meant exaggerate characteristic feuatres you know

the best lukacs writings are in german originally but i tried and will try my luck with the hungarian stuff (cant believe that his stuff about the 3d internationale is not available in english…)

English, Spanish, learning Russian via duolingo

Oh noes!

Interesting, I suppose this has something to do with his relationship with Stalinism and the ICM at that time?

Norwegian (I'll include Danish and Swedish in this), English, some basic French and Croatian.

English, Indonesian, Esperanto (basic). Want to learn Javanese to speak to my grandparents.

Swedish, english and some french.
Also understand the norwegian, danish and german but can't really speak it that well.

English and Spanish.

I'm really interested in Russian it sounds beautiful.

The language of love


It depends on what you mean by "know".
I don't think I really know any language tbqh.

Yeah, but mine bends to the right so I have kind of an accent