Trump attacking Afghan opium production

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What about big pharma opium factories in Afghanistan?

If he burns all the poppy fields I bet a bunch of angry kikes will come knocking on his door.

they never thought of this before?

Since when is the Taliban growing the opium, I thought opium production was down when they were in power and up from US occupation 'cause muh (((Pfizer))) gotta keep the filthy cumskin goyim addicted to the poison. Smells like bullshit to me.

The pic you posted is literally US soldiers defending opium poppy fields. Why pose for pictures smiling when you could burn it all down?

Is the CIA still dealing heavily in the heroin trade or did all of that die out towards the end of the cold war. I know they were using it to support the mafia in Europe to harass and push socialist forces out. Could see them still using it in their black budget, but then again the pentagon "misplaces" so many arms and funds that I could see them not really needing it. Have they moved on at all?

It's a trap to catch Israeli kikes in the act when they kvetch about damage to bog pharma. 1488d chess

You don't think like a soldier.

Picture is bogus though. ISAF disbanded almost 4 years ago.

Direct attack on CIAnigger/deep state funding. Another correct prediction by Q.

Vid related
The whole video is interesting.

maybe invading afghanistan in the first place was just to secure the opium fields.

It's still going on, it picked back up again hard after the Afghan war. It's the CIA's black budget money-maker, and where do you think all the shit for the current opioid crisis comes from.

I understood that most of the opioid crisis is due to large amounts of the synthetic opioid Fentanyl being cut in. Then again all the IV users I knew in a flop house I stayed at for a couple years never had any of that shit. It was basically all black tar and liquid atavan

Uh, you don't get to burn my opium crop.

It's a pretty complicated network really. Most average people get hooked on pill quality opioids made from poppy from Afghanistan, then move onto cheaper synthetic Fentanyl from China or black tar heroin from Mexico. The pills are a far larger problem though, just from sheer amount being prescribed and it being "legal".
I just want one fucking soldier in Afghanistan to get the balls to start torching fields covertly, make it all go up in flames.

did you feel in control :^)

I've heard lots of vets complain about how they had to guard poppy fields.

Yeah I'm sure spooks just cut that out after everything was a-ok after the cold war

attacking supply does not really affect demand. it does however, increase profits for the suppliers that are not attacked.

no, that just means the existing stockpile of opiates goes up in price, goy, along with the profits of the (((sythetic manufacturers)))… tee hee hee you goys are so stupid; that's why we always win hahaha

No, lithium.

The Taliban did nothing wrong.

This comes just as Israel tries to roll out cannibis. Interesting

This means unauthorized, non-CIA factories. Probably some saudi sheiks getting out of line or something. Dragging boogieman Taliban into it is just CIA nigger bullshit, everyone knows Taliban burns opium. They might be degenerate mudslimes, but they're not as bad as zog.

Weren't they the ones preventing them before the (((war on terror))) in afghanistanistan was launched? Or am I thinking of another group?


Anons here are fucking idiots.
The Taliban ended the poppy growth, hence why Kikes blamed them for 9/11 and the Goyim invaded

There are still a few of us from the pre-campaign days and can smell the bullshit when it's being shoveled.

>Weren't they the ones preventing them before the (((war on terror))) in afghanistanistan was launched? Or am I thinking of another group?
Yes, the Taliban stopped the crop, almost entirely, along with banning the rape of children (that you didn’t have the courtesy to marry first I presume). This was considered an attack on America’s freedom and liberty of which the Taliban according to America simultaneously hated and envied. Several trillion dollars and many lives later Afghanistan is back on track, growing more Opium and buggering more kids than ever. America’s freedom and liberty is safe for now.

wow this is great

I heard it on the news and was going to look it up and post the same thing.
Thanks OP for not being a faggot

Uh oh, touching on the Alphabets' black budget drug program, that's like the third rail of the Shadow gov't. Really curious to see where this goes next.

This is big news on so many different levels that I really hope the board maintains a keen interest in it.

Check'd. The kikes kvetch against every topic now. Anything posted will have kikes trying to demoralize by shilling against it on principle.

Wait so stuff like oxycontin and morphein that doctors prescribe is also made from afghan poppy? How is that legal/efficient?

(((Uh oh)))

I call total BS on this claim user all the opiods that big pharma uses is grown in Tasmania last I checked.

Yeah they definitely don't run a second invisible untaxed and unregulated system alongside the visible one.
Wickedpedo says so.
Yeah all that opium being grown just gets distributed all around the globe by little illiterate goat herd types that grow it. You always see them at the airports, and getting arrested with bags of gear and shit.


You realise the heroin supply went up after the Afghanistan invasion right? You realise the Taliban used to kill anyone producing opium yeah?

People on this board probably aren't even aware how important this actually is. The whole pharma industry leeches off Afghanistan along with the supply of heroin into the West. The sole reason why USA even went there.

I's all a CIA spook show. And you need a black budget to run on. When you need funding anything will do.
The reason why USA invaded Afghanistan is when the puppets turned loose and started slashing the crops. An important leg of destroying the West would go with it.

Is this the President's way of taking the war against the deep state into physical combat?

Basically totally correct there.
Whatever read the second article
Uhhh no it gets processed into heroin when the little goat herds sell it to the next up the pipeline. It used to have to go all the way to either Marseilles or Turkey, but fuck that somehow they can truck in 55gal bbl of chemicals to do all the processing in country now.
Now lets think about this, shit that basically grows in the desert for free, with sunlight and water, which makes it an infinite source can be made into the most expensive commodity on the earth.
An infinite source of off the books money, who has the where with all to direct and control such a lucrative business?

I am this is actually huge but I am wondering if they are only taking out the competition?


Check'd the checking.
It really does feel like shills and or immigrating idiots are spewing bullshit in almost every direction to whatever topic.

they have to do something to earn their shekels

Nowadays it's hard to find something more enjoyable than shills being utterly BTFO in every single narrative they try to push. Not quite DACA BTFO level but a nice taste of salt nonetheless. Even better that many anons already predicted the hits on the Opium fields months ago so technically it's a double BTFO.

Who needs black budget money when you have crypto currency? The old guard is being replaced.

1. Reported for namefag.
2. You realize that jews created cryptocurrency to serve as a perfect, uncrashable version of the damage they’ve done to all real money, right?

They did, even blow a ton of money to make those fucks to plant something else, but locals bitched about the results (corn is not as expensive as heroin) and they cave in order to win "hearts and minds".

They should glass the place and leave.

I wonder how many shills actually stopped shilling becouse of the shit like this where the guy they have to hate systematically destroys shit that put people they know through misery.


Is there a reason why poppy seeds are popular as deserts in Eastern Europe? Is it bad I used to always have these deserts when I was a child?

Would it be reasonable to wonder if these U.S. and Afghan forces are attacking production facilities that are in competition with CIAnigger fields? The US Military has been colluding with the CIA to protect those fields for a long time, there's no reason to suspect that something changed. It would make sense for them to publicize this action as anti-heroin when it's really just securing more resources for the (((Pfizer))) production

Where did you hear zog emperor is hitting opium fields? All the articles I read said "taliban" factories.

but now the profit from opium can be used to fight the invader
you really don't understand Religion of Cuck™

Oy vey, where are the (((British))) supposed to get their income now?

There is opium poppy and other strains you ate the sesame version.
The slits is where they get the goop to make opium with.

Notice that is says labs and factories, not poppy farms

Basically they are killing the luminescent niggers' competition when it comes to refining and distributing the raw opium. Also remember that 80 fucking % of the world production of legal opioids is devoted solely to drugging the US population and it keeps going up. Gotta keep big pharma and kike doctors supplied somehow.

Until they start burning poppy fields and getting yearly crops down this will only mean a bigger slice of the pie and more shekels for the CIA niggers and kike pharma


What about the cianigger opium factories?

How does burning their product make it more profitable? I'm assuming you mean "make more money" which isn't true at all. And even per amount it cost more(cost ot cost money to grow what was burnt down) They will make less money. Sure the price will go up some but not enough to cover losses. Otherwise they would just artificially restrict supply or just grow less. Definitey wouldn't hurt them much to just burn down some fields they will just pop up again when the US is literally protecting their farms/business.


You misread it.
> it does however, increase profits for the suppliers that are not attacked.

This is excellent news.
Trump is proving to be better than any president USA had for a long time.

Destroy afghan supply. Then cut of opiate pharma. Then introduce death penalties to those importing fentanyl from China.
Save kids

Totally fake news.
The Taliban are the ones who completely shut down opium production, causing the US to invade and seize control of the fields.

This. I'm immensely proud of everyone pic.related it is proving everyday we chose the right person

Wrong, the poppy variety most commonly used for cooking, and heavily used in Eastern European cuisine is Papaver somniferum, the opium poppy.
It is a myth spread by the msm and kikes, that culinary seeds contain no opiates, they do, in fact supplies of culinary seeds contain such high levels of opiate that the EU recently introduced legislation which mandates washing to remove residual morphine following studies which showed that consumption of poppy seed bakery products could deliver clinically significant opiate doses.
Also consider the fact that thousands of people use culinary poppy seeds to get high.

I know there is a small chance anyone here would fuck with opies, but it is important to work localy and dissuade kids in from ever trying.

You will note that Long Island is representative of a white, suburban community.

Unders from president Trump, the federal government is sending law enforcement teams to cities in five states to help stop the flow of heroin and synthetic opioids.

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration said Friday the teams will enhance the agency’s ability to combat problems surrounding heroin, fentanyl and drug trafficking violence.

The DEA is sending teams to Cincinnati and Cleveland; Long Island; Raleigh, North Carolina; New Bedford, Massachusetts; and Charleston, West Virginia.

The agency considered fatal overdose rates, levels of heroin and fentanyl seizures, and where extra resources would have the greatest impact in selecting cities.

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in August that he was dispatching 12 federal prosecutors to cities ravaged by addiction.

Those prosecutors will focus exclusively on investigating health care fraud and opioid scams.

The fentanyl epidemic was created by the actions of the government, nearly every problem you associate with "opioid addiction" is actually a by-product of prohibition.
If they're acting it's only because their buddies in pharma are losing money. You're no different to the people who claimed that alcohol causes gangsterism, it doesn't, prohibition of alcohol does.

Fucking faggots.

Good. Mexican/South American drug production needs a thorough application of HE too, then China.

What about Australia they currently supply around half the world's opium.

I want kids to stop fucking their lives up at 14 or.younger
If you are an adult and choose to do so I go ahead I don't have a problem with it.
But it is imperative this disease upon society (mostly American) is stopped.

I take great issue with anyone poisoning the youth.
Trump does as well

If that's true then why are you ignoring the fact that most opiate addicts started off on pills prescribed by their jewishdoctor? Pills advertised on television and created with opium produced in a Western country.
Seems to me like this is more about cutting out the competition to the Jewish pharma business.

The point about negative consequences being the result of legislation also seems to have flown over your head.
What fucks up a life?
(no quality control/sharing needles)
(artificially high price created by artificial control of the market: i.e prohibition)
Not so long ago morphine and heroin were in everything from cough syrup to soothing formula for babies, there was no massive overdose epidemic, there was no record crime level to fund habits. Why is that? The answer is simple, the products were not prohibited, they were cheap, legally available and clean.
A small fraction of people will always be addicts, if it isn't an opiate it will be alcohol, or cigarettes, both much more harmful to the human organism than clean morphine.

thanks for this

I acknowledge that.
Purdue and the oxy mafia are of course fully responsible for the onset of the epidemic.
What matters now is prevention. Sadly there is little in terms of escape for anyone addicted.

Opioid "epidemic" is targeted exclusively at white communities.
There is no sense in debating damage prevention causes and consequence there is only sense in coming up with solutions to end it.



does anybody else remember when that sa goon posted Barron's artwork from the school that they worked at? I wonder if it was that person who "leaked" all that info to ISIS?


No wonder the budget was having a hard time passing. We're destroying a good source of income..

Crypto=Global Currency=GlobalGov

Trump attacking Sassoon and Sackler families' opium supply


Intriguing. If anyone has the time and resources, I believe this would merit a hard look, if not a deeper investigation. Links between dens of pedophiles such as SA, and Religion of Cuck™ic militants and larpers, aren't simply smoke trails.


wait, are they just calling anyone we don't like taliban? because I thought the taliban were the one single group that actually did something to stop this shit, back before bush attacked them for knocking down our towers(sic)
nice to see I'm not the only one with a memory

literally what? You mean that shit that is still on the table, or did something happen in the last week?

this is the first thing I thought of, just because it has happened so many times in the past.



Fucking piece of shit camel fuckers.


What a great first image that is.

You can immediately tell at a glance that it's Odin, because of the hood and beard. When you look at it, you can see the knot designs, as well as the two ravens and the sacrificed eye. Cool stuff.

Cryptocurrency isn't any less "crashable" than other currencies.


the unfortunate part about all this is that the damage, in a lot of ways, is already done and we are locked in for a turbulent time in the near future. the country, and rural america in general, is fucking hooked, line, sinker, rod, fisherman, and boat. while attacking the talibans poppies is great news in the long run, both in undermining CIA and their funding, and preventing the opiate crisis from ever getting this big ever again, it will be terrible for the poor saps that are still hooked on them. for one, street price of heroin will skyrocket. the supply will dry up, causing price to soar. this will do two very bad things in the immediate future:
1) it will cause junkies to have to scheme twice as hard to get their fix (expect a YUGE uptrend in B and Es, robberies, muggings etc)
2) it will cause a massive increase in organized crime, as well as gang wars etc as all the various crime syndicates fight for the top position of king dope dealer/smuggler

but all in all, america needs this desperately. read these warnings and prepare accordingly anons. remember hunter s thompsons saying "you can turn your back on a man, but NEVER turn your back on a drug".

Saved it when Soldiers of Odin started protecting Finland.
They were the first to stand up for their nation.
Never forget


Ive noticed lately that a very small percentage of people understand inflation, even to the slightest degree.
And i dont even know shit.

china got all the rights tho
us just pays the contractors that defend the fields



While this is all good and fun,
I don't believe in helping opioid addicts.
Treatment, rehab, whatever. It doesn't work.
They knew they are selling their soul to the devil / either are incredibly dumb to begin with.
I'd go Duterte style, fuck supply / fuck pharma and fuck cniggers.
You want to get high? cook crocodil

Very few people understand money in the first place. It's on purpose.

Are you fucking kidding me? I have nothing but questions for you. Do you believe everything the fucking government tells you? Were you here before the election? Are you twelve?
Do you think I am a shill, you STUPID cunt?

If you want to attack exports attacking the factories is a good first step, it's much easier to move concetrated opiates than poppy pods I would imagine, also easier to hide the concentrates and sneak them into places.

Nah m8's you don't understand. They're (((expanding))) business. Hence taking out the competition. Why do you think the zogbots are guarding these fields upon seizure?



It's Bannon. He's still puppetting Trump from behind the scenes.

Osama bin Laden was literally a minister in the Taliban government.

Bull fucking shit chaim he was a cia cutout for years under the name of Tim Osman.

A massive portion of the legal opium feed stock comes from Tasmania

Fixed. Wake me when they actually do something that reduces the amount of poison flowing into the US.


gas the horsefuckers, man
