Your kid too early in puberty? No problem, use this puberty blocker, developed by the transgender youth community

Your kid too early in puberty? No problem, use this puberty blocker, developed by the transgender youth community.
make your child gay

good work america, in twelve years we will face a army of betacucked man made degenerated shitlords. Fill up the little transshitter with GnRH now

when did everything went down the shitter so badly?

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They were originally used by pedophiles who wanted their child sex slaves to last longer.

Cool slide thread. What were you researching on the trusted wikipedia that you came across this?

not banned yet

someone i know did this so i took a deeper look into this topic.

Bump for interest.

Bodes well for the civil war.

i might consider using this since i have more body hair than a god damn 50 year old greasy italian, it sucks ass.

You've come this far in the fight against the homosexual predator and you just now heard of puberty blockers?

This site may be a bit advanced for you friendo.



Nigger, puberty blockers were used for this purpose for decades before they started being used to aid trans kids in transition. That's literally why they're believed to be safe to use on transgender kids, we have decades of safe usage history for them. Your Wikipedia screencap even states this was their first usage in the second fucking sentence.

Fuck's sake.

This blog has been going for years, it's a great site about this horrorshow.
We shouldn't interfere, it's perfect as it is.
Please consider it read-only.

You're retarded.
We also cut off people's balls before we knew exactly what they did, so they could sing higher. How about you cut off your balls?

Hairdresser of pic related guy disagrees

Recommended by trad wives everywhere.

child abuse pure and simple

there's NO excuse for this shit.

Look on the bright side, anons! Now, the ABDL community has something to to look forward to!

even earlier than that. Those jews are merely middle men for these jews

Making a pretty big claim here, gonna need serious proof that such things exist outside of Mr Goldstein's Shekelvision.
Also, gas yoursel

The Jews make the claim that people are born with it. They ignore the fact this would mean it's a genetic disorder. Bipolar (a fictional desiease) as well as Autism Spectrum Disorder (another fiction) are both alleged to be genetic disorders as well that you are "born with". The idiots whom believe this don't even try to treat it, but rather go with it.

And if it were true, if it were a genetic disorder, it'd be better treated as an epidemic because there has been a major spike.

The degenerate fucks at jewpedia are using "their" as a singular pronoun now. They ban you for any edit that slightly goes against their twisted views also.

You mean as opposed to he/she?
Tell us what the edit was, user.

Changing a "their" to a "he" or "she" if I had to take a wild guess.
If you're defending that shit you should probably gas yourself as well.

Well, at least the degenerates won't be able to breed after they just themselves like this.

It's degenerate eugenics, but it's eugenics.

The degenerates breed by infecting your children with their ideology. There is no eugenics here as long as they are allowed to live.


When it's never been used to delay natural puberty? Do you think that the male brain was designed to receive oestrogen instead of testosterone?

Some tranny kid can't even get his SRS because his cock is prepubescent, which is another potential avenue of argument against this.

Not how it happened. People knew what castration meant, they just didn't care.

Haha, have you actually been outside recently?


Could we push this on nigger families?


counterfit ebt pdfs?

Single motherhood and the welfare state is already doing this to them in droves.

that picture is a few truths sprinkled in massive misinformation/garbage

I know someone who has this implant, except it's not just blockers it's also estrogen and progesterone.

He used to be in my circle of best friends, now he's a fucking prostitute.

Fuck Canada.

This is what mental illness looks like.

i know someone too. Can you elaborate.
Would also like to dig deeper, somthing is fishy as fuck! How can a study funded by traps be used on normal kids? The normalfag parents are to dumb to see what is going on and it turns out that (((they))) want to chip all their children.

the shit they use is called GnRH, this stops the puberty.
According to this paper, it does bulljackshit

Bu who developed that shit in the first place?
According tot he history of GnRH
his name was
Bruno Lunenfeld

he is deep into that shit

also; fun note - from the german wiki


W-what age did he get it?

Odd, I was just thinking about this song and Canada earlier. Synchronicity is a bitch, kek.

these have long been used for humans and even used in animals, animals aren't trannies.
they're just, yet, again, stealing something that isn't theirs to use for their fucked agenda.

Since 1993 you fucktard
learn to read fucking kike

and no, the lunenfeld kike didnt use it on animals

In case anyone is wondering exactly what effect completely blocking puberty has on a boy, video related is Alessandro Moreschi, the last forcibly castrated as a child by the catholic churchknown castrato.
He was around 50 years of age when this was recorded.

Horse shit. They knew exactly what castration did.