So the Syrian Jihadis are getting BTFO'd once and for all it seems. Thoughts? Good for Syria? Bad for Syria? Will Assad's victory in the civil war be a good outcome for not? What does this mean for the YPG?
So the Syrian Jihadis are getting BTFO'd once and for all it seems. Thoughts? Good for Syria? Bad for Syria...
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In terms of who we should want to win
YPG/Kurds > Assad > FSA > Islamic fundamentalists
I've seen pretty mixed opinions on whether Assad or FSA is worse. Why are you putting Assad above FSA?
This. The FSA is mostly made up of defected military personnel who refused to shoot at protesting civilians, I don't see why they should get less consideration than Assad's goons.
Assad will kill the revolution, and anyone else who get in his way if given the chance.
Which side do the Palestinians want to win? Because I support that side.
Most of those original people are dead or irrelevant at this point
Really the only option now is Assad or a war between rival Islamist factions. The moderates and leftists have been marginalized. Only non-Assad force worth mentioning is the Kurd dominated SDF, but they are working with Assad right now.
Why would you care what Palestinians think about this conflict?
Because they need all the allies they can get. They are suffering more than anyone in the Middle East and they can't afford another pro-Zionist regime.
The Kurds are pro-Assad now?
Regardless of whether the Government or the Opposition wins, as soon as one of those sides as fallen the winner will completely BTFO the YPG. The only way I could see this not happening is if Assad wins and the US decides they want a puppet state in the region and props up Rojava (if the Opposition wins the US will already have their puppet state).
American proxy, fuck them
The FSA are closet islamists
There are islamist groups already active in Syria. Like, everywhere. There is no reason for them to stay closeted.
How so?
Look at Idlib. Completely rebel controlled, goverened by shariah.
"Rebel-controlled" doesn't mean "FSA-controlled". "Rebels" is simply what anti-Assad forces are called in general. The FSA are rebels, but not all rebels are FSA-affiliated. In fact, there has been significant inter-rebel infighting since early 2014.
The FSA no longer exists. This idea of heroic SAA defectors fighting against tyranny might have been somewhat true at the very start of the war, but now the only rebels around around Gulf funded jihadists like Ahrar al Sham.
Does any Syria war followers here know what this means in the short and longer term. US policy makers are making pretty rapid advances towards establishing a no-fly zone and will probably be able to swing Trump to do it.
The no fly zone died when Hillary lost. Rebels were devastated that Trump won, he only cares about eliminating ISIS and will leave Assad be. I'm sure there's neocons in his circle telling him Assad must go, but I think it's not something he'll budge on when it comes to Syria.
By the time Trump is in office, Aleppo will probably be fully liberated the hope of a no fly zone is non existent at that point.
I know Trump is not very interested in Assad but he's foreign policy is still a little uncertain, more so than an incoming president normally would be. Theā¦
Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act
was pushed through congress a couple weeks ago and will require the President to submit a report to them about the feasibility of very heavy sanction, as well as consider a no-fly zone and other shit hostile to Assad allies meant to pad the case for war (officially recognizing them as drug traffickers etc.)
Not pro Assad, just anti Turkey. Assad also doesn't like Turkey so their alliance is one of convenience ever since Turkish forces entered Syria
Good article on that stupid Bana thing. I'm so sick of people falling for the same "small girl complaining about country we're bombing/invading/couping" shit.
I'm particularly sick of looking for information on Syria and only finding news about her fucking tweets. MSM has no compromise with the information of the public anymore, only with pushing cheap, conventional emotional stories like this.
This is a fact. The FSA might have more-or-less collapsed by now, but it WAS mostly made up of defecting soldiers when it started out.
Tankies absolutely BTFO
It would be totally futile at this point. Even if Trump concedes or he gets overridden by congress the rebels have no chance of winning once Aleppo falls. They would be risking American lives and conflict with Russia for a totally lost cause.
Assad now has an organized and armed kurdish population and his government can't afford another war either Rojava is granted independence or it is given aname autonomous zone akin to Iraq's
Not to mention that having the Kurds on his side would trigger the T*rks and essentially turn Rojava into a buffer zone between Turkey and Syria. The Russians would also have a vested interest in keeping Rojava strong because it would strengthen Kurdish activity in Turkey. Weakening Turkey would harm NATO influence in the region which would obviously be good for Russia.