Lindsay Shepherd, a graduate student at Wilfrid Laurier University...

Lindsay Shepherd, a graduate student at Wilfrid Laurier University, is speaking out after the school accused her of violating their policies of trans-phobia for playing a TVO segment featuring featuring polarizing University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson.

Other urls found in this thread:


Already had a thread on this, it 404's now. I assume because peterson is alt-not-even-right and the chick is clearly just repeating stuff he's said.

Other thread got Tor spammed, tor spam was D*'d, but the OP was a torfag so thread was deleted.


Shit happens. The other thread was shilled to hell and back anyway.


"This is like neutrally playing a speech by Hitler or Milo Yiannoplous or GamerGate."


If you actually listen, the chick doesn't even agree with him


jesus christ this recording is straight out of a Kafka novel


Bahahaha, they're talking about the "Its okay to be White" posters.


Someone in a previous thread brought to our attention that the "white supremacist" flyers the faggot mentions, are actually It's Okay To Be White flyers.


Transphobia, homophobia and Religion of Cuck™ophobia don't exist.

ok, so all i've sseen is a mild-mannered man wearing a frog hat talking about mythology… can someone show me the the "polarizing" video where he did something shocking or whatever? thanks

Nathan Rambukkana is the shitskin who chaired this show trial.
I live in his city. If anyone can find useful information, I can do the rest.
His blog:
His book on Amazon:

We have to get someone from the campus to say that they are Muslim and the forced use of transgender pronouns is against their religion and makes them feel harmed and isolated because they feel the classroom is Religion of Cuck™ophobic.

Is there any leaf out there who wants to be immortalized in history? To prove that your not all completely cucked?

Didn't we already have this thread?

Big brain nigger.

i know right. how is this guy even controversial? he basically just says pronouns shouldn't be enforced by the law…

This is very literally kafkaesque. Kafka was a reformed jew who saw the light of christ, he warned us about all of this.

I don't know how deluded leftists were to call the leftist indoctrination at universities a conspiracy. It's just ridiculous at this point, rationality and critical thinking thrown out the yonder.

Nice idea, except Kampfy is a Fag™ is surprisingly tolerant of tranny freakshows. Just get your dick chopped off and go sit with the women, and they're fine with it. But be sure not to breastfeed your husband, because then he's legally your son and it's incest.

Not kidding. of Cuck™-marriage-marry-declared-legal-clerics-a7109531.html

The guy is a literal cuck, look at the bottom right of that screencap.

Open Letter to my TA, Lindsay Shepherd
By Nathan
Posted in Posts
Dear Lindsay,

I wanted to write to apologize to you for how the meeting we had proceeded…..

It's STILL okay to be white, faggots!

You niggers.


Peterson recently took Faith Goldy off a free speech panel because she spoke to Stormfront without making commentary. Now gommies are targeting people who show Peterson videos without PC commentary. Fence sitters BTFO.


Nice try. Reported.

why not get an actual Muslim to do that, since that is actually true

From a video of Jordan Peterson called 12 principles for a 21st century conservatism

Tenets of a viable 21st century conservatism

Other thread was deleated

So what does Holla Forums think?

She is surprisingly good looking for a woman who seems to be able to think Independent thoughts.

1,4,5 and 12 are enough to shut down any leftist argument ever made.

Clearly active Peterson shilling.

So what?

Other thread was deleated because it was duplicate as I said. Are you retarted?

So peterson is a kike loving faggot who is not held in high regard around here. FFS even molymeme doesn't suck jew dick as hard as peterson

But he makes good arguments that have redpilled a huge amount of normies.You gotta give him that.

Normally I wouldn't speak for Holla Forums but I can safely say anyone who makes speeches at zionist conferences and proclaims that most of his friends are jews and that we should all be lucky to be lorded over by jews because of their wit and intellect is not at all what this place is about.

Would you , if you are in a position of power like a university, publicly state something against them?Especially if your positions are so controversial and have sparked so much controversy.

My prof played a speech by Hitler. It was weird, because she chose a speech literally about uniting Germany to use as an example of how Hitler (And Trump) are divisive.

Lmao he manages to say absolutely fucking nothing in those 5 lines of text underneath Research Interests.

Means artificially shaping language and culture instead of letting the natural process do the talking because he knows he will get the short stick of that end. That is why that whole conversation is "off".


*citation needed.

Is that all you shills got?
One soundbyte you repeat over and over. What about the actual content that he fortes in? The stuff that resonates with millions of white men world wide to man up, get married and start a family. Speak the truth and conquor the unknown. Who else, especially in Canada posses this power, and if not him, then whom? Wait for Hitler meme needs to die, and I thought we buried it during the election. Now gtfo and don't ever try to speak for all of Holla Forums again, it makes you stick out rather than blend in.

There sure are a lot of crappy threads. T least the board is active, I guess.


Every other analogy that comes out of his mouth is "muh nazi's", come on man.

Full Audio (43 minutes long)

No idea why I can't embed it, I rarely post videos - do I not just paste the URL in "Embed" field?

Didn't see the whole thing posted so here you go. Holy shit this pisses me off. I'm from Ontario, have friends who went to Laurier, etc. God damn, this whole thing drives me nuts.

Oh and if you all want a laugh/aneurysm, at one point about 5-10 minutes in, someone mentions the "White supremacist posters" that were distributed on campus. Saying "It's okay to be white" is white. fucking. supremacy. I'm about 35 minutes into this thing and I've heard the term "problematic" about a dozen times thus far.

Civilization in decay; and you can watch it from your smartphone.

I have no idea why this thread isn't getting replies when this is great redpill material that the masses could be receptive to; especially people who want to send their kids to college one day.

The thing about professors is that they are often retarded.

holy shit so you're telling me that now these kike mods are censoring Jordan Peterson?

As a case study, here's a bit from 12:35-17:55 in the full audio.
>I'm here for a different, like, just as the MA Task Coordinator. My issue with Jordan Peterson, I'm gonna come at it from a different angle, is that, as an academic and scholar in this institution, or any institution, which, my research and that is subject to peer review, right? And you know what peer review is, right? So, regardless of what I believe, if I'm to be published in scholarly journals and that, it has to be, uh, my research has to be demonstrated to be able to be reproduced in the methods and theories that are used to reproduce it. I might believe X, but my academic freedom, as I understand it, does not just give me the freedom to, to spout off, if I'm tenured then they can't fire me, I mean there's the case of Charles Murray, who used to do this about race at Western, wasn't it Western? Yeah, and he published stuff by publishing companies that didn't do peer review because they wanted what he had, so what he was actually teaching his students were ideas that were not substantiated by methods or theories that– methods and theories that could be reproduced in an academic, analytical way that other people could reproduce and get the same results. He had already predetermined the outcome. It's much the way a lot of these right-wing thinks-tanks like the Fraser Institute, their form of research can't be done in traditional academic journals because they've already predetermined the outcome.

Also, it looks like this incident has been discussed in Leafistani Parliament.

Mods are fags and won't sticky it. Basically all those years of Holla Forums being right confirmed in the easiest way imaginable.

Is it possible that they're all just away since it's late (at least in the EST timezone). Again, I'm just shocked that this doesn't have a ton of traction here. I really don't like to accuse mods or anyone really of trying to bury stuff like this, but… yes, it seems fishy.

Cool channel there fellow \POL\. What a BASED young Canadian woman, /ourgirl/? based aryan qt3.14? the next Evalion?
tip: your nasal jew interrogator overplays his role and overuses trigger-words, he's a ham, hire someone else
birds of a feather flock together

shit, I just exposed that I'm creating this to influence the chans, better add 'if you're familiar with the term', yes, I can do this, I can pull this back in line, they're dumb right-wing goyim anyway, and she's young and 'cute', their dicks will overrule their thinking minds, they'll ignore my obvious acting part

It would be a very impressive one, considering it's roped in multiple professors, the university admins, all the national news agencies, and even Canadian parliament (see ). I honestly can't tell if you're a paid shill or just a broken mind, but I'm reporting you either way for wasting trips.

Fucking nice

hahahahaha sure thing chaim

You deserved these dubs.

And yes, I believe he's a shill. Why for the love of god would they get actors to do this. "hehe lets wake the goyim up to this bullshit because… uh, wait a minute…"

What a terrible word to use in this situation. Who gets to define "intolerance", the government? I"m so sick of the meme government with their women scientists and muslim immigration ministers.
Sheer is all "free speech" now, but said earlier he would condemn a "Nationalist" rally on campus. I wish Mad Max didn't get cucked.

Why the 2nd thread moshe? Whatcha sliding?

Because we already had the discussion at length.

Mein nigger

That's some prime fucking material right there, holy shit.

It got raided with TORfag spam and shoah'd by the mods. Then there was a dupe which got deleted, and here we are now. This is very big news in Canada, and as you can see, has even made it into discussion in parliament.

So it was deleted and the cunt starts it up again. Right, back to half.

Do you even into reading comprehension m8?

Fuck off. This is an important topic and there doesn't appear to be another thread on it. And as says, learn to read.

It's okay to be white… but it's fucking shitty to be whatever the hell you are.

This. These people and those who buy into their demonic mental virus really do think that nature is inherently evil and intend to change it. I don’t have the pics that prove this, but I have seen them. Progressivism is just moving society towards their horrible goals of countering nature. They fancy themselves gods.



This guy is such an unsufferable faggot

He lives in my city

He's redpilling people who are civic nationalists (vid related) so I can't stay too mad at him. I am disappointed in the faggots that elevated this guy during the election campaign who thought he was somehow "based" for covering the pepe meme and covering your basic bitch feminism.

He's no different than that Bill Mitchell guy.


Pretty sure Peterson is Gen-X.

He's also right. I don't think I'm proud to be white. I'm lucky. That's even worse for non-whites. You can tear down a man for having false pride. If he admits he's just damn lucky to be part of the best race on the planet, where do they go?

Oh fuck off faggot. Peterson is fine.

you must be an alex jones fan

Fucking leaf, here. He's a sufferable faggot for us until he stops being effective at fucking over the tranny agenda. We need someone making our fellow leafs aware at the national level that this shit ain't right.

And if we must have psychologists (probably will have to endure them until the priesthood[s] recover), it's better to have Jungians than Freudians.

The early Gen-Xers are no different than the baby boomers. You can tell by looking and listening where the split is with that generation and which side of the spectrum they identify more closely with. The later Gen-X and early Millennial's are the least faggy part of their generation.

This modernist concept of race is the problem. It's wholly materialist in view and understanding. Without spirituality it'll be a falsehood for anybody to be proud in their group chalking it up to "randomness". Even those who believe in spirit/soul essence do mental gymnastics to justify their lack of racial awareness and identity as if the spirit magically floats to any given body without purpose. It's far more retarded to assume your spiritual essence doesn't choose its own body. It's rather laughable and only the atheistic, material scientific view could actually hold such a notion to be correct. Even worse than false pride, which can be built upon to a better understanding, is the hubris of people like Peterson to assume they figure it out. Their pride is in having no pride outside the individual and how his achievements compare to every other individual.

Everybody has natural pride without even knowing why. It's called the ego. I doubt Peterson even knows why he's proud of himself. What can he claim to have accomplished in life that's worthy of pride? It's so easy to deal with these old school smart asses by flipping their logic and directing it back on them and then being critical of their life and how that's ultimately paid off.

No, he's not, and you don't deserve those dubs. If you have ever listened to Peterson his greatest criticism of his opponents is that they are "literally Nazis" and every time the Jewish question has come up he sucks them off with an enthusiasm that is incredible in its passion. When this controversy broke the biggest issue he took with it in his speech addressing it was his comparison to Hitler, and he launched into a diatribe about how awful it was to be compared to such a heartless, fiendish monster.

Peterson is a cucked faggot who worships at the feet of the Jews and defends them with a fervor and tenacity I thought was reserved for Christian Evangelicals in the US. This thread is a thinly veiled e-celeb topic and shouldn't even be on this board. Fuck off and go worships your false idols somewhere else.