Youtube and redditfags are having a meltdown when Zizek says to get over Castro.
Youtube and redditfags are having a meltdown when Zizek says to get over Castro.
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How can one man be so based?
I kind of agree with him. His way didn't bring socialism and he shouldn't be idolized just for calling himself a commie and thumbing his nose at the US.
But I kind of disagree as well, because despite his failings Castro was able to accomplish alot for Cuba and maybe (I'd like to think) built the cultural basis for Socialism.
I think he is right that we need to move past the 20th century, but people are rightfully pissed about the man being demonized. He did a lot of good for the Cuban people and has long since apologized for the bad he did, which was nothing compared to what the US did on a regular basis.
Zizek once again proving he's a lazy hack
THIS, his legacy is complicated, but any criticism of him that doesn't contextualize it within US imperialism is just reactionary non sense.
castro needn't be idolised, but any serious revolutionary would acknowledge and respect castro and his movement's standing up to the most powerful force on earth and actually winning. zizek's comments just lend support to the scumbag anticommunists currently celebrating castro's death. it was a stupid move on his part. maybe zizek just opposes antiimperialism? i don't know how he feels about america
i agree with him about 50/50
leaning more towards agreement
Zizek is an idealist. It is his function to complain. At least he has some insight.
This is the worst thing he has ever said and anyone who agrees with him is an anti-communist.
He has no answers and sees fit to demonize someone we stand to learn a lot from.
And not hero worshiping Castro? Does anyone actually think that Castro wasn't a genuine hero and world historical figure?
I'm honestly starting to believe that Zizek Delanda Est stuff now.
Sauce pls, cant play it
So Zizek's argument is just
What's wrong with this?
He wasn't attacking the Cuban Revolution.
I don't find it very surprising when I first watched it, it's very consistent with what Zizek says about 20th century attempts at socialism, watch here on what he says about the Cultural Revolution for example
it's from Zizek's trip to Brazil in 2013, I have watched so many Zizek lectures that I actually remember some of them kek.
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by this point he really is just a contrarian looking for youtube hits
Zizek outing himself as a reactionary again, no surprise there.
There's nothing particularly contrarian about what he said.
Bill Gates did a lot of good for people.
Unruhe would be proud.
Who let wsws in again?