HA raided in Sonoma

Not the kind of news I enjoy circulating, but its gotta be done. MLHNR AFFA.

Feds lead police raid at bar during Hells Angels end of summer run

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Good goyim? Bad goyim? Pedos? Tell me about the Hell's Angels. Why do they wear the helmets?

autistic gangs who see themselves as Mafia because they own a bike. No real impact other than thugs- for- hire for both goyim and Jew alike

They get a disproportionate amount of heat because they're primarily a white gang.

they are an integral part of The Final Solution imho

affa bamp

keep telling yourself that, kike.

I think we've got a bikey boy.

You need to stop posting on topics you have not the faintest fucking clue about.

Bikers demonstrated their power during the campaign if you recall, acting as physical defense for Trump supporters. They tend to be radical, and side with people like us on actual political issues.

they don't shoot people at random like the niggers in Chicago. if they kill someone it's because they deserved it.

these guys are alright.

If we are lawful good, they are chaotic good. Were all the good guys, in the end.

I'll take take The Angels over cops.

I believe those were veteran bikers, not the 1%ers like HA.

Well technically thats where the HA started, bomber veterans who came home from war and were bored with daily life, so they looked for dangerously fun things to do. The HA arent exactly model National Socialists, they do drugs and sell them, and commit a lot of crime. They dont tend to hurt people who dont deserve it as said above, and they act as a backup order keeping force for the public. They keep a lot of worse people from damaging society. So yea, its sort of like an Italian mafia, except I dont know if they actually give money and food and such to the community. I dont think so. Although the only people Ive heard of who actually did that recently were Golden Dawn, I dont know if thats just a meme about the mafia from like 50 years ago.

I would like to see them be smeared in the news as racists for something that would get you smeared in the news as racists though. At least once. I dont think they really stick their necks out into the whole muslim sex slavery and abuse of society etc. They probably could.

Have some screencaps from a novel about a Biker gang of former ANP veterans, led by Rockwell's bodyguard.


I remember these, thanks user.

Here's the novel's page, and a fresh cap!

Nice, preciate it m8.

yeah people who run meth distrubution cartels are "good". fucking idiots

Good, biker gangs are just white niggers, they deserve the rope just as bad as there counter parts. All they do it sell heroin/meth, deal in human trafficking, and extort their own people, they are just as guilty of treason as coal burners in my mind

>defending baby-murdering, pedo-protecting, communist (((Feds)))


Old school angels and that legacy mentality make them the shock troops to a race war. Even if there are niggers in the ranks they will get gutted

They are either old or feds.

This rustles my jimmies in the worst way

They're degenerate wife swappers like half the white brotherhoods out there.

I can see why the authorities hate them then. The one thing they truly fear, is competent criminals that are not actively paying them. We have been amazing fortunate that all of our terrorists are inbred retarded niggers.

Yep because that's exactly what I was doing you huge faggot

They're a gang. No different than niggers and spics.

They're a gang that runs a lot of crystal meth and guns. They keep to themselves at public events for the most part but you don't go asking for stuff back if they decide they need it (like your fire pit). It's iffy with them, like the Mafia they do a lot of things for the community (kids for toys at Christmas, feeding the poor, these type of things) but everyone knows they're into drugs, have a violent sub culture, and do all sorts of crimes. Typically you have to go places where they congregate to see them and they tend to act very respectful at family events as to not project a bad image.

It's just one of many motorcycle clubs and this covers most of them. Most of them are good people outside of the club. On the other hand to prospect taking speed/meth is pretty much a requirement. You're always on call for a run and a run might last days where you're expected not to sleep. The club becomes your entire life.

Oh and this is true. If a higher ranking member wants your woman you're expected to share.

Grade A nigger behavior

ive seen completely clean and sober guys get patched. many statements here are exaggerated. plenty of them married with children.

Bikers are scums of the earth. Esp love the fat middle aged cuckolds who seem to think they are badasses, with their receding hairline and pot belly hanging over their shirts. As for “ serious” ones, No awareness of this group ever doing anything to serve interests of their own folk.

On the other hand, they took the evidence before a police raid. It wasn't meant but at least some good came out of the whole debacle.

Got a little half brother sired by one of the former HA higher ups out of Scotia. Didn't really like him that much because I was an edgy teenager and my house was raided as part of the big 2001(? I was teen hard to remember) shitshow that was centered in Quebec. Didn't really enjoy the whole guns pointed at me when I was young thing.
Probably just doxed myself to RCMP niggers but fuck it.
I don't know fuck all about the HA though. Never learned anything except that respect is number one.

Meth head degenerates and weekend warriors laarping as touch guys. I can't stand these assholes. Real scumbags.

killed a nigger about to shoot mick jagger. demonized ever since.

What redeeming aspects does mick jagger have? Doesn’t he bat for the pink team half the time? Should have let the niggers kill him. Cross-dressing degenerates like him and bowie set the stage for shitshow we have now.

summed up in a few points
tryhard larpers
half mexican(so pathetic they aren't even a racial gang like the aryan brotherhood lmao)
scumbags that peddle drugs to working class whites but overall influence is exaggerated, 90% of bikers are weekend warriors(Better than being one of these dumbass thugs though, if you want to ride a harley and wear leather go ahead)

Biker here and you're full of shit.

Why don't you educate us then Biker-kun? Or is this all you're going to contribute?

Hells Angels is organized so that each individual chapter is fiercly independent. The reason for the mixed responses, like what you see in this thread, is because of that independence. There is mutiple levels of club as well. There are riding clubs, motorcycle clubs, support clubs, and 1% motorcycle clubs.

Of the 1% motocycle clubs HA is the largest. They only allow whites, explicitly stating no blacks. This led to the creation of the mongols mc, of which Jesse Ventura is a member, because spics wanted their own club. There are black clubs most of them are on ricerockets because cruisers are for whites I guess.

So why 1%er life style? Because of the freedom. You are free to do whatever you want as long as it is within the clubs bylaws. The idiot talking about older members taking your woman has watched too much SoA, that shit doesn't happen as it is against the rules. Now you wanna share? That's your call and your right since she's your property. No big deal. The other thing that happens is that yes some refuse to get jobs and run guns and deal drugs. They have to because you have to own a bike and keep it operational or they kick you out and you have to pay club dues or they kick you out. And getting kicked out is a blood in blood out sort of thing. That life doesn't sound like it is for you? That's fine. Because you'll never interact with them anyway and they keep the worst parts of society in check. People compare them to the italian mafia but I think of them more as Yakuza. They're a perfectly American response to christianities bullshit and rejection of todays modernist, hollow, values.

t. Biker

Do HA or other biker gangs make an appearance in The Turner Diaries? If so wat happens?