They got his main account a long time ago, but just now they cracked down on the MDE account that he was using as his own. This is literally hours after he announced a merchandising arrangement with BONES (@TeamSESH), a popular (white) spooky rapper with 147 million views on Youtube. I don't remember seeing anything especially offensive from him today, compared to his previous comments imploring people to stay #J(ew)WOKE or describing what he would do to Lena Dunham, so it makes me think that Twitter was monitoring Sam and decided that introducing nearly 200 thousand edgy millennials to MDE was too dangerous to allow.
@mde_never_dies (Sam Hyde's Twitter) has been suspended
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o no pls dont do dat :)
gab censored
and why wrongthink over minds?
I think he only has a gab account, whateva
Where can I get one of those jumpers?
Gab is shit. I checked out minds months ago, but place seemed dead (also, someone here said it was run by sjws). Has it changed? Should I check out wrongthink?
Not gonna link because I don't want to come across as a shill the merch looks like shit to me but find the twitter account of BONES and the shop is in his profile.
The fucking idiots at gab kept it private for long enough that I lost interest. Were they trying to manufacture an air of exclusivity, or was it an excuse for the scaling problems of their pajeet programmers? Either way they fucked themselves over.
Then recently gab banned a stormfront account or something, and the CEO issued an apology about how they have to ban certain people or bad things will happen to them, and the draw of a "free speech twitter" left them forever.
Lol where did this cap appear in one of his videos, Ive never seem him looking like that. It just appeared like 2-3 weeks ago.
The flame on the left arm is pretty cringe, unless that was the intention.
Yeah, I managed to get an early account on gab when they were letting people who had .edu emails to skip the line. I shut my account down not long after, because the place was a circlejerk of e-celebs. There were a handful of interesting small accounts, which is what I like anyway, but the guy running the site was clearly taking it in the direction of whatever the "big" e-celeb aut-right accounts were heading.
Do you know if minds or wrongthink is worth using? I checked minds months or maybe a year back, I can't remember, and it seemed not that interesting at the time.
Thanks lad.
That can't actually be Sam Hyde, right?
So what the hell happened to is face?
Did he eat some shellfish or get stung by a bee or some shit?
Son I'm not clicking that shit, just tell us.
Sam Hyde went to art school, he knows how to shop.
fucking kek
He's probably hanging upside down from his squat rack in the dark taking selfies. Normal person shit.
sam hyde killed lil peep because he was stealing teamsesh's sound and making it look gay.
I just looked up teamsesh and it seemed like some lame white rap group where the camera work makes the guy look like an autist. Then I went and looked up "lil peep" and holy fuck is that degenerate, I have no idea what youre talking about or how Sam Hyde is related to this crap.
This could be a meme though, if it was changed to be about Jews.
teamsesh created the sound that lil peep uses in his music. the sort of 2006-2007 emo throwback bullshit.
teamsesh isn't that degenerate.
his one redeeming quality.
Well yea, teamsesh just seemed like whites embracing nigger culture, but I guess if it had like some moonman undertones or something. Then I got to lil peep and it was like stepping into a Jewish music executives brain, physically revolting.
The two most disgusting points are that its suicide porn designed to give white school children ideas of burning themselves alive, and it also promotes extreme drug use and has a very beautiful looking white girl totally corrupted in it. As I heard someone say the other day, I bet the Jew had his dick in his hand when he made this one.
Good, Id piss on him if I could.
I feel bad for it though. It is emblematic of the generation.
Don't use Gab, it's kiked. "Gabai" is literally Hebrew meaning "Rabbi's assistant". Also, for my health, I refuse to use any platform where I may become inadvertently exposed to Andrew Anglin.
OD on xanax at 21
What merchandising arrangement?
follow sam or MDE on social media.
get up to date
How can I follow if he was banned?
he still has his FB page.
and youtube channel.
i never really followed anything on twatter
I’d hazard a guess at this being a delayed response to his Lena Dunham tweet; he wouldn’t have survived the 18th anyway. Sam isn’t a dummy, he probably reasoned that the MDE account would get shoah’d on the 18th so decided to stage his own exit event a bit earlier, going down on his own terms if you will.
Charls on the other hand is pure and must be left alone by Twitter for he has done nothing wrong.
Seriously, when will the day come when will we storm twitters HQ with automatic rifles and kill everything then drag their bodies into the street and burn them?
Wew lad. When Twitter removes all of the interesting people on the 18th it will perish naturally. Its value (in terms of experience, in monetary terms it is a burden and always will be) comes from interaction. Shitlibs might think they will be happy in victory but they will soon find that what kept them coming back was the fight. Without anyone to argue with, without their dopamine hits from being “triggered”, without a cause they will lose interest. They won’t be able to resist removing people they disagree with at the click of a button but they won’t have any fun doing it. They are boring unoriginal people and the platform will be a boring unoriginal place once only they exist upon it.
Fuck them. What about my dopamine? I want a normal day to start like any other day for these faggots, drinking their starbucks coffee, making jokes with their nigger coworkers, discussing what john oliver said last night, and then.. I want my dopamine! I want their HQs to be stormed, I want to see the horror on their face when I will scream DIE NIGGERS! I want the day to start normal and as the night falls, their shitty lib cities burning to the ground making day out of the night.
anyone got a cap of that tweet?
I thought it was jew that they banned?
wew. Testing to see if they banned me.
any updates?
thank you for hiding the mouth