
Does anybody remember Patrice Wilson?
He's the guy who produced "Friday" by Rebecca Black, also known for his other creepy music videos involving underage girls.
He produced a very strange video with an underage singer Alison Gold called "ABCDEFG", which has extreme pedo vibes.
(((H3H3))) made a video about it a couple years ago basically calling him out as a pedo. If you haven't seen it, and you're not familiar with Patrice Wilson, watch this first:


There's obvious pedo shit being alluded to in the video. The video starts with him in a Mr. Rogers style sweater overlooking a small-scale model of a town, there's a scene where he's looking into Alison's bedroom window smiling like an overt pedophile, and there's a scene where he's injecting "potions" into the punch at a kids party and one kid is turned into chinese food.

The reason I'm making this thread is because Patrice Wilson has recently deleted all of his videos from his official YouTube channel, and now there is only one video up on the channel: a livestream with a countdown to December 1st.
The title of the video is #_o_o_o=65lt@66-6-h3h3

The title seems like a vague threat against h3h3, and it has the numbers "666" in it.

On the most recent episode of the H3 podcast, Ethan views Patrice's livestream,and some creepy shit happens.
Watch here:


Patrice's stream is initially just a black screen with a live countdown. But after a while, footage starts occasionally appearing on screen.
First there's footage of what looks like a bathroom curtain. After about a minute, there is movement behind the curtain, then it switches back to the countdown.
Then you see footage that appears to have been taken on a cell phone.
The person filming (possibly Patrice) is walking around a creepy old wooden building, and filming it in complete silence.
In the next footage that appears, the person filming is walking through a graveyard. This footage cuts in and out between the countdown multiple times.

I think we should be paying attention to this livestream, seeing as Patrice Wilson is clearly a pedo with money, and it looks like he's up to something strange.

Who was behind the curtain?

What is in the wooden house?

Why is he in a graveyard?

Why is "666" in the title of his stream?

What is going to happen on his stream on December 1st?

Please help us find answers Holla Forums, H3H3 is a popular channel and we could potentially use this opportunity to redpill many normals about the pedo problem..


Here is a link to Patrice's stream:

Other urls found in this thread:


Hopefully he shows up at Ethan's house

Is that even the real Patrice youtube though?

I believe so, I think Ethan said it was his official channel. Also the channel has 46,000 subscribers.

More appropriate for /x/ though, not Holla Forums tbh


Probably a work and h3h3 is in on it.

This guy is known to provocate with suggestive videos, and is not beneath creepyness. I am certain that he has caught wind of the creepy reputation he has build up, and this is a big marketing gag, likely for a new song/album. I despise celebrities as much as anyone else, but I'm sure this happening is not legitimate, or what just came to my mind, it's another deflection from the pizza-scandal, he intentionally presents himself as a creep and dangerous person that may do something "bad" and then when his countdown ends, he just reveals a dumb new song and goes "See? It was all fake, I trolled you, dummy xD!".

….And I do get the feeling you are not from here, and your urgent call to stop him seems to me more like a feint, which is to make us chase a shadow only to be humiliated when the lights go on and shine on us. I judge, that we are not to waste our time on this.

man, these pedophiles are everywhere.

Gee, I wonder why a thread against a pedokike would get sagebombed while obvious slide threads are being spammed?

no thanks

But he's BASED? He had /ourguy/ Jordan Peterson on his podcast

man, these pedophiles are everywhere.

Shilling h3h3 in an attempt for viral hwndu 2.0 failing jew channels want shekels edition.
That said clearly that dude is a pedo.

I'm not saying he doesn't rape and eat children. Just that this seems like a work.

Sage, it's just a shitty promo for his new Amazon TV. show.

NYPA faggot


Like that time he wrote a song about gratuitously spiking young girls drinks with "love potion" and something that makes you see puppets. Not to mention turning someone into Chinese food, the type of food that nobody has ever heard of being prepared with cat/dog/worse

w-w-why would people make psychologically damaging military-grade media psyop thingies??? that doesn't happen


The best thing that kike Jordan Peterson ever did was proving that Faith Goldy is one of us, even if she does look rough without makeup.

Reminds me of this for some reason.

(((H3H3))) video from 2014? This is a slide thread.

"Most of my friends are Jews." - Jordan Peterson

Says file already exists, so…

Jordan Peterson Give His Opinion on 'T"The Jews": youtube.com/watch?v=nKL3MsKRtJo

This isn't wrestling, nigger. People don't pretend to be pedokikes for "teh lulz" and to get heat.

QUICK some dumb nigger is badly fishing for views so lets give them to him guys! while we're at it let's give a couple fucking yids some views too!

fuck off patrice no one cares about you

Kill yourself.

You have it backwards. Best thing Ezra Levant's ex-shabbos goy whore did was further expose Peterson.

My life really went to shit after watching that music video. I literally became nazi-sympathetic from a Gang Fight lyric. What happened in 2011?

the live stream is nothing more than a marketing campaign this video here explains the whole thing


This thread is part of that marketing campaign.

Gotta be honest, I'd mouth fuck the dog shit out of that whore.

This might seem off topic but I really do believe that the second coming is upon us. The satanic pedophiles are being outed and the day of reckoning is nigh.

Go to 1:00 in this video.

Is that the guy who follows a school bus around with his pimpmobile in the dumb Friday music video?

Immediately afterwards I remembered why trendy right wing fags need to be hanged like Gavin, Milo, and Dickie.

are you sure?

Daily reminder spoopy countdowns are always some gay shit in the end. Patrice is probably launching a line of cologne, Pays D'Eau.

Conservatives deserve to be gassed. Unironically, I will side with any Arab over these fucking kikes.

Looks like someone triggered the JIDF bots hard.
I will be monitoring this thread. Have a bump.






also sage




Oh look, it's an advert for a tv show. Case closed, now back to 4cuck for you.

h3h3's safety is not the issue. You have to go back to reddit.

Thanks user. Gas them both.

You've spent this long shit posting random images and couldn't even be bothered to watch a 7 minute explanation/ analysis in the next video queue.

You're trying too hard, your imminent ban will be very lack luster.

The photos are roughly in order and speak for themselves. Why would this perv put h3h3's nik in the title and also type his real name too? You can say h3h3 is being paranoid in thinking the recent activity has anything to do with him but this dude still looks to be gas-deficient. Your ban would be more useful if you can't see the larger picture just because a yid is involved. I noticed this school-bus chaser a while back. Go back to 9gag and stop defending obvious degeneracy.

This. Obvious marketing scheme. If it's not and his countdown ends with some kind of outright pedo shit, post about it then.

Let's say the new material has nothing to do with h3h3. Is the remainder all OK then? There's no court case here, but this nog is not right. It's only a matter of time before he's exposed. If he hasn't quietly been imprisoned and released already.

You're shilling and redditor/4cuck-ness shines extra hard when you just absent mindedly repeat the same shit I already said to you.
So a nigger kills a jew or a nigger turns out to be a crazy lier/scammer, who gives a fuck?

Also, all of your photos are from one H3H3 video. If you weren't trying so hard to be a shit posting faggot, you'd just post the video you're making all these screen shots from.

Also this:
Post evidence of actual fuckery and then maybe we'll care enough to post 'kek'

But making assumptions and threads asking "what does X think?" is more in the lines of Holla Forums, which you would be more comfortable posting there being that the Mod is a cock sucking tranny

The progression of images this fine based black guy produced tells a story. One that goes back years. Why would he even be aware of h3h3? Because h3 called him on this obvious shit starting years ago. When this nog gets busted, not murdering h3, but for fucking someone's underage daughter, you can apologize to me and take your bans. until then go suck Lauren Southern's dick.


He's "coming out" in the images he produces. You know how you can't help but want to tell your story, and you hope there are others who "feel you". This last installment, with the kidnapping and torture, juxtapose it to someone wearing a red Mr. Rogers sweater and being a nice adult male friend with your teenage daughter. Like I said, I have to court case, but mark my words. If there ever was anyone screaming out in a way that just barely maintains plausible deniability it's this piece of shit "artist".


No, I don't remember this faggot.

The house the show is shot at is incredibly creepy considering how much this guy seems like a scientologist pedophile. Scientologists, when they aren't being psychologically tortured in internment camps, are told to integrate into Christian society and subvert it. To masquerade as Christians, to keep a clean house and to coax Christian children away from the courtyards of their own family homes into their own. This relates to the caste system of freemasonry that mandates growing to the top of your designated class and putting your peers beneath you to progress. They believe the greatest thing you can hope to be as a Christian is a Scientologist or a Satanist. They believe that the greatest thing you can hope to be as a human being is a (((goyim))) and that the only way to achieve this is through Judaism. They place relativism above the system of ethics mankind has developed and believe that we all just need to be helped along to accept it. Whether this guy is planning a nuclear holocaust or a holiday web series that undermines intelligence and dignity, he needs to be watched.