He didn't get in at $0.01
Reminder: the only ones who actively shill against bitcoins are literal jews or mad autists who never invested
I would invest but I can't figure out how it works, too dumb
I've tried to buy bitcoin, but whenever i set up an account with some marketplace, it auto terminates my account because of the state i live in.. Wish I knew how to get ahold of some. Also, can't even come close to affording 1 bitcoin.. wish I had bought in when I first heard of it.
Well apparently I can't afford to get any now so fuck it.
Aren't there something like one million bitcoins (the initial ones) missing and nobody knows who has them? If that's still the case then it sounds shady as shit. It may work now but whoever is holding those coins is going to be your new elite.
Reported. >>>/biz/
I'll take my chances with the new Elite like I took my chances with Trump.
I bought bitcoin when it was 10 bucks a coin and bought drugs with it.
>tried trading bitcoin through (((legal channels)))
Using Coinbase was the biggest mistake I made last year. I can't believe how hardcore those fucking kikes are when it comes to easy money. At least, I couldn't believe it until now.
Bitcoin was great. And conceptually, it still is.
But (((they))) couldn't subvert the miners, so (((they))) subverted the dev team instead.
Right now it functions purely as a store of value and has very little utility. Either Core and Blockstream get the boot or something else replaces it.
Otherwise, it deserves to crash.
It's completely impractical as a mode of transaction and Lightning Network if it ever actually gets built isn't the panacea they promised it would be.
I promise you by 2025 we will see news articles saying bitcoin is anti-semitic because jews will not be overrepresented in this new economic system.
I saw an interesting comparison chart between the price rises and falls of Bitcoin and the money generated by the .com bubble. They were almost identical, and Bitcoin was almost up to the point along the graph at which the .com bubble burst. I can't seem to find the image anywhere. Does anyone have it?
I'm totally new when it comes to investing and don't have that much capital to begin with so I'm too worried about getting fucked.
Trump wasn't really taking that much of a chance. You only had two choices. One an obvious traitor, and the other someone who at the very least will shake things up.
The missing bitcoins is a serious issue that's mysteriously no longer talked about (wonder why) anymore. Reminds me of those alternative media types talking about the dollar collapsing and China-Russia is going to replace the dollar as if that's a good fucking thing. Yeah it's a good thing for the West to give away its power to Asia so you can make profit.
The day we give foreigners that amount of leverage over us is the day you might as well stop fighting for your existence, especially given the shitty situation we're already in that would be the nail in the coffin.
this. was using bitcoin when it was around 300 and selling silk road chinese molly for quad profit. im a fucking spastic retard for emptying my bitstamp account when i stopped. merchanting bitcoins is kike tier but keep hustling boyos. get those shekels and buy guns.
everyone knows where they are, you can easily look it up.
what we don't know is who controls them.
Good goy get some bitcoin.
Good goy dont use gold, dont use bitcoin, remain inside the paradigm of rothschild play money forever
There is no one dev team for bitcoin, there is bitcoin core, and a member of the core team is anyone with good code, look up github sometime and don't spread misinfo.
The bitcoin nerds literally act in a meritocratic way, if the code is good and runs proper and improves bitcoin guess what, you're a bitcoin dev now.
my view on it is the kikes are letting everybody make some profit to get the crypto meme positive in everybodys heads because eventually theyll want to introduce a crypto currency with their microchips that youll use for all purchases. the less trackable the better for the kikes, especially now that we have the internet. gold and paper money is too trackable. if they do introduce a crypto or standardize one its because they have backdoors or control it totally. they'd outlaw it under terrorism bullshit laws or anti money laundering laws if they didnt have nefarious plans for it.
The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.
This is a slide thread that has nothing to do with Holla Forums. Go to fucking >>>/biz/ .
I agree but seriously, the jew already moves billions and trillions around like nothing through their banks, remember the trillion missing from the pentagon the day before 9/11?
Remember the times bernanke the fed chairman could not explain to congress where billions upon billions of american dollars went to as loans to other banks outside the USA?
there is already 2 cryptos with near or complete anonymity, DASH and Monero
I'm not spreading disinfo. The most vocal voice in Bitcoin is Gregory Maxwell who is Blockstream's CTO. If you have opinions to the contrary, don't be surprised if you're no longer marked as a contributor to the repo. Also, expect an insane amount of character slander.
Nope. If that were the case, we'd have AT LEAST 2MB blocks by now.
Don't misunderstand me here - I'm 100% in favor of cryptocurrency and hold BTC. As someone that's followed the space for several years, I become more and more convinced that Bitcoin's development has been largely co-opted. Look at the /r/bitcoin reddit. Compare the attitude and justifications against a blocksize increase to those only two months ago.
Hell, go back a year if you like
Or how about Luke Jr's UASF? An "anyone can spin up a node" and spoof concensus to change network rules.
Miners should act on economic incentive and they are essentially those that are keeping the network secure.
As many people have pointed out, the 3rd world can hardly afford to make a transaction at the moment.
Blockstream have co-opted Bitcoin and are obliterating the utility and potential it once had.
Monero is actually brilliant. But it does not have good "day-to-day" transaction capabilities. It's blockchain would swell to insane levels if people were using it for that kind of thing.
So far though, it trumps anything else from an anonymity pov.
tfw the only reason you didn't get in at 10$ was because you were like 13 or something and your parents wouldn't let you
I mean we were poor and I obviously don't hold it against them but it still sucks.
Ponzi scheme, will crash.
BTW if your entire community wasnt so god damn braindead they would have given access to pre-paid visa bitcoin purchases with no ID. Thats the whole fucking point of the currency, anonymity.. and you dropped the fucking ball. Walk into a shoppers drug mart, buy a 100$ visa or mastercard, go home and make an account, type the fucking code in. Bam, 100$ in bitcoin. THAT is how it should be, or 99$ in bitcoin, or you buy 1 million bitcoin and it still only costs 5$ purchase fee. Something like THAT. Any other system that denies prepaid visas anonymously is garbage, and will be replaced by a better system that charges 2$ to withdrawl like a normal service.
Like put it this way. If you think in a system where people are forced to pay upwards of 20% to buy the currency, that it will remain viable when it starts tanking.. and it costs 20% to lose money on your investment and have the currency value go down afterwards.. youve got another thing coming.
Invest in bullets user.
They're going to be more valuable to money when shit hits the fan.
/r/bitcoin hates Roger Ver with a passion that borders on religious zealotry. On the other hand, I've heard of BCH proponents doing some shady shit too. I'm getting no clear signal as to which way is the "true" way so as of right now I haven't done anything with the BCH I have from after the hard fork laziness has played a role too tbh.
Bitcoin is basically a limited fiat currency in a completely digit format.
What do you think happens when the last coin is mined? Where is the value outside of speculation? In what way is this different from our current (((Central Banking))) system?
You don't get the funny coin or piece of paper for free.