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Posting fear porn again,Shlomo?

Every time.
Of course. Of fucking course they're trying this again.

All of the old NRA baby boomer fucks are ok with this crap just cause they won't be around for long. Our gun rights have been taken away from us since the 30s. What the fuck are these 3 Percenters and Oath Keepers even doing besides playing dress up?

They'll be a great distraction while real Americans are doing the job.

Those 'real' Americans aren't doing shit because your 2nd is getting ripped away from you while you're staring at it.

oh wow so this is federal huh? thats bullshit. then again im a Californiafag so i've never known the joys of the full 2A

Doesn't have a chance in hell of passing. It's just there so the left can sperg about how evil rightwingers oppose "common sense" gun control.

Common sense gun control is pointing the hole towards the thing you want to hit.

Sucking up to niggers and communists.

If you think that everyone in the country abides by these false laws, then you've got another think coming. Gun confiscation won't work, and even if it did, only a small portion of the guns would be taken away. Compound this with disgruntled military vets growing more and more disillusioned every encroaching step the kikes take, and hilljacks hiding their guns away, and you've quite literally got an army sleeping in the country. As soon as any overt shit hits the fan, then these hillbillies and ex-grunts will get off their sofas, turn off their televisions, and dig out their hardware. Why do you think the kikes pushing this shit are pushing it so slowly and so softly?

Civic nationalists who still think it's the 90's and everything was all good and fine when we had our white suburbs and the tech boom was going wild until OJ and Rodney Kang fucked it all up. Thanks to 9/11 they were able to close their eyes again and fight side by side with black america to fuck up the new niggers, the sand niggers.

BLM is the new Rodney Kang/OJ moment and to them they see Trump as the new 9/11 incident. They're trying to gather the minorities back into hating "leftists" as the newest niggy of niggers completely failing to recognize the left ARE THE NIGGERS they're trying to recruit.

It's fucking middle class white surburbia stupid. That's how I see it. Dubs be with me.


You nigger loving Kike. So you have any idea how easy this shot would fall in this political climate? Last 8 years has boosted us the gun industry to where it has quite the lobby. This shit isn't going anywhere.

The military would never win in war against the people because the military depends on them for resources.

If we don't keep an eye on this shit, then much like the frog in the slow cooker, we will lose 100%. I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to guns, but I know that the 2A is the only thing standing between us and them, and if any one of these bills pass, it will wreck it. Thus, even if the chances of it happening were very low, which I doubt, then it is paramount that we pay close attention, and do something about it by spreading the word.

Did you reply to the right post, nigger?

why aren't YOU doing anything fbi?

It's just that if they pass people start to die so I'm happy

How do they assume this will go through if reps control congress?

Some of these bills have been proposed by reps, and congress is controlled by cuckservative turncoats who deserve to be tarred, feathered, and drowned in the harbor along with the neolibshit dems.

If it couldn't pass during the last eight years of King Nigger, it sure as hell won't pass today. I know the thought of using your guns against the government sexually excites you, OP, but it's not happening.

ruger cali mini14

Same reps that unanimously condemned whites for Charlottesville, including Scalise. I forget if it was the senate or congress, but every single one of them voted yes for that bill to condemn whites and push for anti-white laws.

The fucking nerve of these vermin is astounding.


Red = Rep
Green = Dem

Jesus Christ, 90 fucking co-sponsors on the "Keep America Safe Act". Who the fuck…
HR 3962 - Stop Online Ammunition Sale
Christ… This better be all Democrats to-oh, it is.

And how about HR 3984 - Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act
Don't tell me…

These people are such faggots.

Would never pass the house and Trump would not sign it.

but freedom means doing degenerate sexual things and catching STDs you stupid goyim. not carrying guns.

Bump for attention.

At this point every American should have a machine shop and a knowledge of chemistry.

For what purpose? It’s not legitimate and any attempt to do this ends in their execution.

you're exactly right Satan

Any and all laws and amendments regarding the 2nd need to be stricken. The right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Period. Full fucking stop.

except they already pushed these with success before, and some are still active on a state level.

Not going to happen. What are you sliding?


The military is the people user. Most active duty and vets would not carry out actual mass nationwide confiscation. The smaller national guard units might do it until they find out the real military is standing down

Get the fuck outta here.

didn't they deploy the military against whites to force integration when 90% of people were against it?

imagine being such a faggot that you wear a "fuck antifa" shirt while holding a sign that says "stand united against fascism". imagine trying to "mend" relationships with niggers only to get knocked out 5 seconds later. imagine wearing a 3% hat when the 3% that fought the revolution would exile this spastic for his treachery. he probably goes around telling people that the founding fathers weren't racist. oath cucks and 3%rs need to be ridiculed into nonexistence.


Entirely true, but the difference between that is they were protecting "people" whereas the situation we are discussing is literally shooting civvies. When you can appeal to a mans sense of duty by having him guard "innocents" he will have an easier time than when you are literally telling him to imprison or open fire on crowds of civillians. I have several friends in the Army, National Guard, Air Force, and even Marines none of whom would shoot upon their Countrymen. (Only exception being if it was their Muslim "countrymen.")

theyll have no problem rounding people up "for their own good" when shit hits the fan. and no problem shooting at anybody who doesnt comply especially after their first buddy gets 30-06'd. the zog has supplies stored and will be able to feed them. they can defect and attempt to forage at their own demise.

You know I re-read WLP's turner diaries and im re-reading hunter now but, I think it really will go down as he wrote when gun confiscation comes around all those boomers would just hand over their guns.

Hell do you people remember the gun confiscations during katrina? What became of that shit?

nobody with a family dependent on them will resist. they may not rat you out for resisting… but themselves, not a chance of doing jack shit. conflicts are fought by young men, generally of course. there will be some who arent just blowhards.

No wonder (((they))) are bumping old threads

And what if they just keep drip-feeding shit into the fan like they've been doing for the last 70 years?

The real problem with losing the second amendment is that who people are to each other in the dark will be different. Yes, this is a way that we could immediately shift the world towards dominance by the violent and the cruel, but why do you want that?

That was national guard I thought

All one has to do is look up compliance rates for the states that already did shit like this, and then remember that thats in fucking cucked states. Id love to see the kvetching if they actually had the chutzpah to pass that shit. Go ahead kikes do it. You think the goyim are getting wise to you now? Pass laws and make their guns illegal when they know that "the swamp" is a real thing. Watch how fucking quick they are to listen to me explain to them how it is always kikes pushing this shit, how they teach the communists about the "necessity of the tabula rasa", what the tabula rasa is, how its actually double speak for "the goyim will never let us have our way as long as fathers are able to teach their children right and wrong, and this alone is the reason for all the organized attacks on their religion, tradition, heritage and culture. And the reason they do this is because once those things are gone from a group they are incredibly easy to control since they now hold nothing sacred but what the kikes tell them is sacred.

Once you can explain the tabula rasa to the people you can also explain to them that the torah, the kike version of the old testament, is actually written in code, each letter having two completely different meanings, and the writings of witches in jeruselum around the same time in history further expound upon concepts that they wrote in code. Such as why jacob prized those 3 mandrake either an allegory for the roots of tradition or young boys, depending on how you read it so much and what can be done with them spirit cook them over the grave of a dead goy

Yea… This wont backfire at all, go for it kikes.

I really hope they do Ive been trying to make this specific redpill normalfag ready for a long time.

You. I like you. Godspeed user.

stop spreading disinfo jew

It was. Herbert Hoover was the last president to deploy the military, on domestic soil, against American civilians. And he was 100% entirely justified in doing so. It was in response to the "Bonus Army". Which was a bunch of WW1 veterans who formed a very large armed militia and set up camp in DC to demand the government make payment on bonus pay they had not received. And it started getting well into armed coup flashpoint territory. Only thats not the whole truth, just what is taught about it. The bonus pay that they were demanding was bonus checks that they were given after the war as a thank you, it was not pay they were entitled to, and those checks were post dated 1945 plus or minus a couple years I cant remember. sources also say they were issued with a face value and the post dating only applied to interest added to the face value but I havent been able to verify this So, rather than "pay they were supposed to receive" it was actually a check to help them be able to retire so that ww1 veterans would not have to work into old age. Along comes the kikes great depression and the kikes attempted to do a 1:1 recreation of the russian commie revolution, targetting war veterans with low morale with tales of communist horseshit. It got to the point where they were afraid to deploy the Marines against these 'protesters' because they were afraid atleast a portion of the Marines would mutiny and side with them and the whole thing would turn into casus belli for nationwide commie revolts.

Considering that the whole libertarian "oath keepers" shit makes a fuckton more sense, don't it?


Oh just shut the fuck up with this horseshit.

You stupid motherfuckers would never put out anything of consistent enough quality and quantity to make any difference what so ever. If you really wanted to achieve something you would attack infrastructure and technology in general but you won't do that because you're another useful idiot or a .gov agent provocateur.


Fighting nazis on the home front for israel!



Europoors can't conceive how armed the American people are. A bunch of white trash fuckers with ARs and .50 cals held off the fucking Feds at that white trash piece of shit Bundy Ranch.

There's probably 6 unregistered guns for every registered firearm. Europoors simply can't comprehend a populace being armed to the fucking teeth. That's why we have a Second Amendment.

That's also why (((they))) want to get rid of our guns. Americans simply can't get gulaged because citizens would just mow down the cops gulaging you.

Also, white trash are literally the backbone of the Second Amendment. I don't see white trash going anywhere except innawoods for prolonged warfare.

A bill being introduced into the house doesn't mean much, they do it every time after anything happens. Republicans are spineless, but the 2nd amendment is a massive reason anyone bothers to go out and vote for them, if they turn on that then they are fucked.

They can pull this stuff off at the state level in already left leaning states. If they pass anything federally and try door to door confiscation, then we will be DOTR at the drop of a hat.

I already mentioned above, but if they do anything drastic at the federal level, shit will hit the fan. These proposals are worse then California laws, and won't fly anywhere besides liberal shitholes.
Even then the non compliance rate in places like NY with the SAFE Act is like 90%, people won't turn them in willingly.

Even if they managed to stop the sales and legal manufacture of all firearms and ammunition, we still have something like 80 guns per 100 people and probably trillions of rounds of ammunition that are already here. The IRA managed to stir up a lot of shit with a lot less.

If I was a politician I'd be a lot more worried about hunting rifles than I'd be ar15's. Sure AR15's got a higher rate of fire and larger magazines, someone with skills and grandpappys old scoped .30-06 or .270 only needs one or 2 shots.

Open bolt submachine guns aren't rocket science, all you really need is 1 well placed shot to get a better gun off the dead guy.


Yeah, stop using the term "white trash" If an african american co-worker grew up in a trailer park would it be work appropriate to call them black trash? For some reason people think the term "white trash" is not a racially charged word aimed at an economically disadvantaged group of people with EUROPEAN heritage.


Pic 4 should get its own post but whatever

The poorfag guns really needs an update. If there is one I am unaware of it.

Fuck your tone. All the Bundys stood up for America at a time when nobody else will. Their friend Lavoy was killed in cold blood. Might I add that they all fight to keep those very gun laws you brag about?.

You need to go back.

That was a good /k/ thread. Good times.

securing ghetto weave shops during chimpouts and attacking "nazis" at rallies. >they're the good goys.

I thought he actually did a good job showing how most people will simply get on their knees and do what the government wants. But those who resist were mostly focused on getting their word out and propaganda, which really is the most important thing I think.

If the people don't feel the need to do anything, they won't, they have to be shown that what is happening is bad, even if they may know it, they won't act on it until there is a chance the rebelling side will win.

I'm confused about the first pic (the war simulation). Was it some sort of computer program that was supposedly simulating an uprising?

I remember back in the 90s I read shit about "gun running", if OP isn't talking out of their ass that's just gonna accelerate shit.

gun control is using both hands and hitting your target

I am a gun guy who shoots with a lot of baby boomers here in TX, nobody who likes funs is OK with this. You would know this if you actually went out to the range and talked to gun owners.

This looks like a whole lot of infringing to me


This point is more important than most people think. Single men are the biggest source of discontent and fighters for movements. Be wary of anyone that tells you to weigh yourself down with a family when DOTR is at most 5-10 years out.

A lot of Americans just need to be torn to shreds tbh

No military force in the history of the world has defected over oppressing their countrymen and your fake bravado welfare queen jackboot buddies are not special

complying with the law like the retarded cucks that they are

A little bit. Stuff like this is typically one big computer program to run the odds of success for various strikes and stuff. However, a lot of the more personal variables, things like POI, internal scenarios etc, are written by a real person and then attached to a random number generator to see where they show up.

"tom" was probably the creation of a bored pair of intel nerds who decided to give an unimportant third party access to more advantages than the scenario really required. It's possible that all of those things lined up by RNG, but I think it's more likely lower level data entry guys taking the piss.

Dude, that is some heavy shit. Can I get some sauce on that? Always looking for credible "synagogue of satan" evidence. Makes the boomer good goys at my church real uncomfortable.

The NRA is actually a very good on this topic, get on their mailing list, start donating and follow their instructions for political activism.
