Lena Dunham accused of racism

(((Hollywood Kikes))) devouring each other. Nigger "allies" starting to turn.

Zinzi Clemmons, a writer for Lenny Letter, accused Dunham on Twitter Sunday. 'It is time for women of color - black women in particular - to divest from Lena Dunham,'.

Clemmons said she 'ran in the same circles' as Dunham at Brown University saying "Dunham and her circle were notorious for their 'well-known racism".

Hours after the post, Dunham posted an apology for her public defense of Miller.


Who gives a shit?

JIDF Shill finally got that first post he has been denied for so long.

Nobody cares about fucking Lena Dunham you stupid dipshit, take that shit to Kekistan where it belongs.

now watch the "right" embrace based nationalist racist jews

Can you not see the significance? The next big #metoo will be about racism. We should encourage this as must as possible.

Jewish writer/producer published by HBO continues the wave of scorched earth hollywood.
The seas have tilted towards victory and any careers ending just adds to the trophy of corpses.

We need to stoke this purity spiral for maximum effect.

We could use the hashtag #metoo or come up with a new one. It already has a racial component to it.

Best to start by centering it the difficulties of "Black Women" in the industry. From there it should naturally expand to all black people

Somehow combine it with the NFL take a knee bullshit, since it's mostly niggers involved with that.


I do.


perfect post


The more they apologize like Dunham, the more powerful the movement becomes. They think apologizing will make it stop but it only emboldens more accusers. To that effect, the hashtag #apologize could be used.

The kneel thing is pretty much played out. That makes it the perfect time to start something new. Nigs will need a new direction for their anger. The trick is to direct it at the Jews in Hollywood as a natural extension of #metoo.


I like it


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There should be counter-accusations of reverse racism, favoring niggers in sports.


Anons with Twitter accounts should go this this nigs twitter feed and start hashtagging #apologize and call for more black women in the movie industry to speak out.


#It'sTime sistas, to stand up and speak out.

fuck niggers, no apologies

No, it's not. Drudge has the main headline about the nigger who kneeled for the American athem and stood for the Mexican one. The game was played in Mexico City.

Why? These ass clowns have been happy to yell into the ether everyday for years now. That's all they do as they're lazy niggers. Let them have shitter accounts and all is fine. The monkey menace is contained. jews report on it because they're also lazy and shit starters and dumb goys like OP give them clicks and thus shekels. It's a reactive cycle of waste.

How do you make a single image of an entire article like that?

Is there anything worse than a retarded person pretending to be non-retarded?



How can one human being be so revolting?

fucking hell

is that worse than being well-known for their notorious racism?

From the article:
Nigger asking for gibs, too perfect.

Also of note, as far as I can tell (just skimmed this drivel tbh) she never refers to Dunham as "white." This can only help us as it makes it much easier to tie her being Jewish to being, quote


Ask to put her vagina on the phone.

The golems are turning on their masters.

This. Nogs love to tell about that time some whitey did something raycis to them.

Maybe we can get people talking about how powerful dems actually hate niggers and just pretend to like them once a year so the dumasses will vote for them.


get a phone with a bigger screen.


I've been wondering if we could get niggers to believe that all major parties are inherently racist and the only way they can combat racism is by creating their own party specifically to advance black interests. It would be an obvious failure but it could siphon off hundreds of thousands of black voters.

TFW the first mob of lemmings came for hollywood kikes and now the second wave is coming for feminist kikettes.

This is such an interesting timeline. If the #metoo mob starts to include racism it opens the floodgates to infamous kikes such as Sarah Silverman, Samantha Bee and Amy Schumer. My body is ready.

Nobody cared who she was until she put on the racism.

She is /ourgirl/ now :^)

Wasn't she the one who stuffed the pellets up her sister's vagina?

From a desktop, add a browser extension with a select and scroll option. I use Screengrab! for Firefox.


Divide and conquer. Simultaneously, whites should be encouraged to unify.

jews are not human user

get the facts about jew merchants running the slave trade out there, get the niggers completely turned against (((them)))

Act like you are black if you call.

I am not familiar with nuspeak, can someone explain what this cow said that made the nogs reject her? I read the whole article and it seems like the argument is that she hung out with some people that made racist jokes in college and now, out of nowhere, this nog can't be around her because of it (like 10 years later). Am I reading this correct?

It is human nature to be a disobedient, self destructive asshole. Jews are very human. Probably the most human. Be more than human.

Matt drudge has made his living getting boomer cucks riled up about non-issues. Just because it's on drudge doesn't mean it's still an issue. The consensus in this country is that the nfl is full of whiney spoiled faggots and they're not gaining momentum anymore. These issues never stagnate for long. If they're not gaining momentum they're losing it. When was the last time you heard normies talking about BLM? The Overton window has shifted too far right over the past year. The left will be completely dead within a decade if they don't come up with a new approach and everyone knows they aren't smart enough. It's as simple as that.

Have we come up with a good name like #TheFappening (inb4 muh reddit tier, I can't think of another example) for all these (((celebrities))) getting shoahed on accusations of rape, sexual assault, racism, etc.? WeinsteinGate?


yes and to top it all off shes a kike. She's a overweight, child molester, unfunny waste of human life


and we want to give this non-person ammo, why? what can we possibly do to her, she is literally 'muh gina' tier shit.

Pretty much this. I love that the juden managed to bring themselves to the 10 yard line and then fumbled the ball by accidentally allowing their kids to go to the poisoned universities.

How many pizzas?


Dunno. Looks like she could probably eat about 20.

She looks like the Penguin in Batman Returns.

this is the way to start ww3 bro

Yes, you read that correctly. I had the same reaction, couldn't figure out what the fucking charge was. It's literally just a nigger wanting attention so she pulled out some word salad out of her ass to trick normies into thinking Lena Dunham is actually a racist. Mind you, not that I'm trying to defend Lena, but really come on. She may be a kike feminist pedophile retard, but a racist?

Well, he's not wrong. Hollywood was created by white people trying to get away from the East Coast trusts, then it was co-opted by the Jews, and black filmmakers can't seem to make films about anything other than being black.


Praise Kek

What would happen if stereotype Nazis tried to take a side in all those PC fights?

Only in this timeline can I see that actually happening, and with glorious results

Jesus, this is embarrassing. Tell whoever manages your office network to at least try next time.

I thought more along the lines of making people become interested in Hitler and NatSoc with quotes presented in a similar style to how Christians quote the bible. It would confuse the shit out of people when they find that they agree with Hitler and NatSoc in general.

Oy vey.

inb4 Rothschilds pays somebody to nuke the US to stop the libtard free fall.

Lord, bless the white race and all those who support us. MARS 2020

never forget the day Drudge went all red text and police siren gif just before the premier of The Remnant when he reported that in the new movie Leonard DeCabrio was going to be literally raped by a bear with penetration shown on screen.

not even once

Do you mean putting those Hitler/NS quotes on pics of obvious leftists, and giving credit for the quote to that leftist? Kinda like how people were doing that with Taylor Swift a few years back.

DWS is one of the ugliest kikes I've ever seen and I've seen some REALLY ugly kikes. Just a quick look at her fucking disgusting mutant face makes me sick.

as many as u want

anyone call her yet?
if so, please record it on vocaroo


both of them will profit greatly from this escapade

Make it so.

Lena Dunham recently defended one of her screen-writers accused of rape, brushing off the accusation. It's mentioned briefly in the OP, but jumbled around with the separate "racism" story. Sage because fuck this morbid pig.


She's against white men. Sounds pretty fucking racist to me.


Jews will side with their beloved 'minorities' so long as it suits them. When comfortable they will show disdain for all races but their own.

No. The reason this hashtag works is because real women are using it, especially celebrities. It will lose credibility if sock accounts start using it. The power of this weapon is that "listen and believe" is being used against the liberals now. We can stoke the flames by encouraging more women to use the hashtag, but we shouldn't pretend to be women