Say It With Me Now


Bader Ginsberg advocated for lowering the age of consent for girls to 12, in a 1977 paper.

Other urls found in this thread:

If you push this far enough, someone (or two or more) will come out claiming to have been victimized by her. Top kek.

it would help raise the white birthrate, if girls could whore themselves out for procreation in the safety of marriage rather than riding the cock carousel until they're 30

Since OP is a faggot, I thought I would do a bit of digging.


Here is a pdf of the book

there's nothing wrong with the aoe being lowered to 14 or so, albeit 12 is too young

whew. welp, kikes are gonna kike
thanks for the links, user

Looking at the definitions in the text, Ruth Bader Ginsberg is not actually advocating sex with 12 year olds. Conservapedia isn't the best source, it has no problem with skewing things. What Ruth Bader Ginsberg is doing is rewriting the laws so that the gender based laws are changed to gender neutral laws. Instead of, "a man that has carnal knowledge with women other than his wife," it's essentially changed to "a person that has violated another person."

It's not pedoshit, it's actually just feminist brainwashing. Still cancer, but cuckservatives still are full of shit and OP is still a massive faggot for trusting a blue check marked twitter account on it's face.

Hang on change that, it possibly counts as reducing the age of consent if you count changing the wording from 16 years old to 12 years old

Top kek

who wouldve thought

And there is literally nothing wrong about that.

In 1977, the year Roy Moore supposedly flirted with a teenage waitress at the Olde Hickory House in Gadsden, Alabama, half of all young women in America were married by the age of 21. By her own account, as she read her tearful statement under the watchful eye of Gloria Allred, the now 56-year-old woman refused Roy Moore’s advances because she already had a boyfriend, thereby conceding that she wasn’t too young to have one.
This comes off as a very biased and poorly sourced.
Sauce plz.

That's more like it.

Dude, it explicitly counts. Anyone arguing that 12 year olds should be having sex based upon their own consent is fucking insane. Shit, frankly, anyone suggesting 12-17 year old women should be having sex based upon their own consent is fucking insane, for that matter.

In any case, yeah, lowering the age of consent to 12 definitely falls under the category of "pedo shit".

Except everything about it in the context of our present society. Its basically a free ticket for kikes to molest pre-pubescents.

Age of consent for women shouldn't even fucking exist, if you want the truth of it - they shouldn't be making those choices for themselves, at all, or at VERY LEAST until they are adults themselves (by which time, preferably, they will have been married off to a decent man).

user, i think many states in the USA would like to have a word with you. would you like to sperg out some more, or shall we have a realistic discussion?

I got caught up in the jewing, my bad. You have a point. It's the legal version of "Oy gevalt, waddya mean that you want the 50 dollahs back that I borrowed from you? I'll pay you back those 30 dollahs. I swear that, since I'm a man of my word, I, Hershel Rosenblattsteinberg, will return all 10 dollahs to you. So where's that 50 dollahs you owe me, goy?"

Fuck, all these kikes need to be incinerated



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Speaking of Ginsburg, I've got a feeling she is about to step down or bite it soon. Trump released his updated SCOTUS list a few days go seemingly out of the blue. Also, Kennedy is expected to step down within the year (or any day now), and Thomas and Breyer will retire within the next few years since they are getting pretty old as well.

So basically she’s arguing for legalization of child prostitution.

You are trying to attribute a spirit to what she's doing that is not what she is actually doing. You can defend it by saying that she is trying to reword statutes to be gender-neutral, but a lawyer doesn't accidentally add phrases for no reason.

Child molestation is a hallmark of Jewish power and she specifically included the "less than 12 years old" collocation for a specific purpose.

Got something for ya

Ginsburg follows the Talmud not the Constitution so she’s never wrong.

Way too fucking young.



With a name like (((Ginsberg))) are you really surprised she's a lesbian pedo?

Alright, I never make requests but this has to be done. It is filth that will burn the eyes out of your head but the normies must be exposed to be cleansed.

RBG and Dunham in compromising positions.

Is she related to the homosexual much celebrated (((poet))) Ginsberg?

That address is Georgetown University Law School.
Doubt she lives in the academic building.


Sounds like a lolberg

hell yeah, appointing gorsuch was the best thing he has done so far!

The cock carousel is what (("freed")) white women to have lower birth rates.

That's over in

not trying to get in the middle, just spreading that thread if anyone hasn't read it. gookanon is posting again

Holla Forums mods are compromised globalist shills who censor you if you get too close to the truth. if you post anything they disagree with, even if it's a commonly accepted opinion on Holla Forums, they will delete all your posts and all your threads and then ban you. question everyone until you find out who you are not allowed to question. if it's the same for (((them))) then the Holla Forums mods are (((them))). eventually you will post something or start a thread and you will be censored and banned even if you did not break a single rule on Holla Forums.

I hope the best for Holla Forums

Opinions change, that is in their nature.
We take in new information, proces it, and adjust.
I once thought immigration had some positive side effects to it, now i dont. My opinion changed.
And it did so, a hell of a lot quicker than 40 years.
I have no insights as to what Ginsburgs current opinion on this topic is, but it would surprise me if it was unchanged over these years.

No they're not. They're fucking bullshit for anchoring that Chuck Woolery thread as eceleb though. How they fuck do you not know goddamn Chuck Woolery?

She's implying that 12 is the age of consent.

He should appoint those 2 Alabama boys

I can't imagine how this plan could possibly go wrong

Okay, now I'm mad.

Alabama Master Race.

Maybe in today's world where 20 year olds are coddled and treated like infants, but when these laws were written 16 year olds had more responsibility than most adults today.

Only in the context of sleeping with random men twice that age. People should be marrying and having children beginning around 16. Delaying the perceived acceptable age of childbearing only results in a prolonged adolescent phase and fewer white births.

they worked in the interest of the jews you fucking retarded nignog.

Assuming they wont virtue signal

found the retard. age of consent should be 16 across the board.

exactly. laws concerning things such as age of consent, marijuana, what is or isn't an act of domestic terrorism, transparency etc. all need to be reworked. we can't have these atrocities that were committed against us as a nation continue to thrive in our legislature.

Who fucking cares? It has nothing to do with the truth. It's about throwing dirt on normie's perception of one of the most vile disgusting people in this country. Do you think the average normal faggot on Twitter will check to see if this is true? They'll make their decision based on what they see more people saying and judge to be the consensus. The point is to get enough people talking about it to ruin the public perception of her. It will give feminist progressives less and less places to hide.

Turning every word every said or written into ammunition against people makes us no better than the libfags.
Is this who we want to be? To become who we hate.

Meh, we've been playing fair for too long. I'd rather win than "take the high road". That being said, this is entirely too easy to disprove to actually stick.

Pic related.

Same. I'll reach both arms into a sea of blood and filth if that is what it takes to attain victory.

They should start suiciding shills who suck this much, I'm sure some starving tranny out there with more motivation could use the shekels.

this is an argument that i doubt i'll ever understand. if the girl is old enough to give her own consent, then she can consent. any criteria she deems important, age included is her choice, and hers alone. if she can consent, it's no one's fucking business who she gives that consent to, whether he's 16 or 60

Women know that men go up in value over 30 (assuming they take care of themselves) whereas girls go down in value as the approach 30. Women used to be pleasure to be around and showed affection to men and bear many children so her worth never dropped much overall even after her beauty started fading (and not by much since women didn't used to not all be obese after 30) since she still had value. Now women are nothing else but fleshlights so they NEEEEED to make sure men don't just make the logical choice of just waiting until he's 30 or more and bag an 18 year old that hasn't been stretched out or heart burned out from too many failed relationships.


Anymore salt?

Dead judges can't promote progressivism

It's not "way" too young, although it's probably too young for many of the women. By the age of 17, I'd say half of women should be psychologically ready to have children, presuming they aren't screwed up by liberal brainwashing programs (which, unfortunately, most of them are these days). By 19, most of them should be.

That being said, the age of consent wouldn't be such a big deal if we had a white country where a father vigilantly guarded his daughter's chastity. I think that in a sane world, the legal age of consent would be set at a minimum water mark like 14 years old, but the actual age of consent would be decided by the father and in practice would rarely be under 16-17. Underage sex without the consent of the father (i.e., pre-marital sex) might even be criminal, depending on the state.

Having an age of consent rather than an age of eligibility for marriage is part of the problem. A girl/woman having sex outside of marriage shouldn't be socially acceptable at any age.

Holla Forums mods are compromised globalist shills who censor you if you get too close to the truth. if you post anything they disagree with, even if it's a commonly accepted opinion on Holla Forums, they will delete all your posts and all your threads and then ban you. question everyone until you find out who you are not allowed to question. if it's the same for (((them))) then the Holla Forums mods are (((them))). eventually you will post something or start a thread and you will be censored and banned even if you did not break a single rule on Holla Forums.

I hope the best for Holla Forums

go home jew, you're drunk

they will stop at nothing to destroy every tenet of traditional families and marriage

Fun fact, the head Jew, RBG, is the richest supreme court justice at about 20 million. Makes you think.

Really makes you think.

Thats exactly the opposite of what I said.

How's this for realism: The age of consent laws on the books are almost-invariably derived from a time prior to this one, wherein young women would be married off by their fathers, hence the low age of consent. Those ages were not put in place, and should not be maintained, for the sake of making it legal for idiotic, hyper-emotional, short-sighted young women to be taking miles of dick for popularity and kicks between puberty and adulthood.
The age of consent laws in the US are a hold-over from another time, a time wherein a young woman's consent to fuck was not viewed as justification for her to fuck everyone in a 20 mile radius before she graduates high school. You kike.


Yes, exactly, in today's world.

Not really, no. The difference was, it was societally shameful to be a slut, and your parents actually gave a fuck.
Nothing changed in 16 year olds between now and then, and even then, 16 year old women really shouldn't have been - and weren't - expected to espouse great decision making ability. The difference was, the society dictated that being a slag was undesirable in a wife (and women actually worried about finding a husband), and parents were invested in their kids lives; whereas now, when parents are totally checked out of their kids lives by age 12 and the society screams at them from every direction "BE A SLUT, EVERYONE WILL LIKE YOU, IT FEELS GOOD, AND ITS WHAT YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO".

No, also in the context of sleeping with random men of that exact same age. Most 16 year olds aren't fucking 30 year old men in our modern society, they're fucking 16 year old - or 18 year old - guys. Lots of them.
A 16 year old woman SHOULD be fucking a man twice that age - in the form of her husband.

No, women should be marrying and having children around age 16. If a man can manage it at that age, good for him, but most parents would be fools to hand their daughters off to some 16 year old punk with nothing to his name.

Found the Jew.
There is no explanation whatsoever for suggestion that age of consent should be 16 in our current society. Because of the feminism angle, it won't result in early marriage, it'll just make it legal for the teenaged slags we have running around now to be fucking rich Jews in their 40's.

here's your (You)

i realize the quote was poorly selected (seemingly out of context), but i was just trying to point to the relevant section of your post without quoting a big wall of text. i apologize for the confusion
IIRC, the current AoC laws are for declaration of adulthood and girls can still marry younger if they pave parental consent. that's off the top of my head, though, so i might be wrong.
if you see my very first post ITT you'll see that this isn't what i'm advocating.

*if they pave parental consent → if they HAVE parental consent

Kill yourself.

Marrying a man twice your age is foolish unless you are relying on daddy government for your old age. The average women would outlive her husband by an entire generation which only an absurdly wealthy man could afford. Parents obviously wouldn't hand their daughter to just any young bloke but its not like their investment in the relationship ends with marriage anyway, its only our narrow slice of history that has such abandonment.

IIRC, there are no or few laws as regards 'age to marry'. However, what good is a marriage at 15 if its illegal for you to fuck your husband?

Doesn't make any sense, conceptually. How would lowering age of consent in the modern US result in anything but younger girls being legally permitted to be utilized by older men, mostly skeevy kikes?
Especially when abortion is in play.
What you're promoting just doesn't serve the purpose you present it as serving, in any way, shape or form.

Its far more necessary than it was in the past - in the past, it was to permit sex on behalf of young women, mostly in the context of marriage.
In the present, its sole purpose to to make it legal for older men to fuck young women, almost none of which is transpiring in the context of marriage.

Try again, you sleazy kike.

i don't think it would make much difference if that by itself was the only change. it would have to be done in conjunction with other things, such as gassing the kikes and removing their "stay in school until you're 30" propaganda

are you sure you're not just presenting a romanticized version of history? parents will control/influence their kids now just like they did then. it's in our blood. it's not a recent evolutionary step. also, i'm pretty sure if married, sex is legal between husband and wife. i'm not a lawfag, so i could be wrong about that too.

Actually, correction: It also serves the purpose of justifying rampant sexuality amongst teenagers.


Not sure what you're trying to say here.
Point being: Its not a matter of 'just any young bloke' - there are no sixteen year olds, especially not in our modern era's societal set-up, which could functionally maintain a marriage in any meaningful sense.
All you'd get from 16 year olds marrying each other is a bunch of 20 year olds divorcing each other. Even the most-responsible 16 year old male isn't liable to cut it.

There is nothing conceptually at fault with a 15 year old girl being married off to a 30 year old man, and there is much conceptually at fault with teenagers marrying teenagers and thinking that will work out well. The oversight of a woman ought be handed from her father to her husband, and that husband ought not be some punk kid with little more sense than the girl has.

It would make a great deal of different m8, just not in a positive sense.

I am certain.
Lad, are you actually going to sit there and pretend that a girl's father didn't have SIGNIFICANTLY more influence on her dating/sexual habits in the past relative to today? Because if you're actually saying that, I have no choice but to laugh at you derisively.

I do believe you are wrong about that, but likewise, I do not know for certain. Were I to make a wager though, I would lean toward you being wrong - I do not think that, legally, marriage necessarily has any interaction with age of consent laws. But with how much bureaucracy is involved, I do not know.


Some women marry pensions.

that would logically mean that men shouldn't have sex outside of marriage either. Not an objection per se, mind, just an observation.

I remember when that Jew recently in congress told everyone who he followed that Talmud, as well as basically flat out saying that they do in fact have more loyalty to Israel than the United States but it was anti-semitic to point this fact out. Insanity. But now you has Ginsburg, who has flat out said that the Talmud is where she basis her life and everything else. Now everyone should fucking read the Talmud, it is the most evil, anti-human document I have ever read. It made it perfectly clear why people have hated Jews for so long, the very beliefs and laws and Judaism are the height of evil. They exist clearly to fuck over gentiles.

tbh the first two entries should both have the same small brain meme. We know that slavery was bad because it depressed wages for white workers, but the average normie that reads this will think it's because slavery is bad because muh niggers

Wew user just got BTFO by his own source.

The original bill says "less than 16". Ruthie wanted it changed to "less than 12". Its right there in black and white.

Oh I forgot to add Ruthie wanted to legalize prostitution, and prostitution across state lanes. Which would be the de facto legalization of child sex trafficking.

In Ruthie's American it would be perfectly legal for Mr Podesta to take little Timmy (12) and Suzie (12) from Ohio to meet Larry (42) in New York at his farm in the woods for a pool party…where the kids would be the evenings entertainment.

And yet this monster has been happily serving on the Supreme Court for 24 years now.

You're right, they shouldn't. It's just that it's not disastrous for a significant fraction of men to have ridden the town bike a couple of times before getting married to a respectable girl. Whereas the reverse, and the breakdown of family it leads to, threatens civilization itself.

This is not how it works legally. The "age of consent" below 18 simply means the sex isn't statutory rape. It's still illegal for an adult to have sex with a 16 year old, particularly when it is a teacher or someone in a similar position. There are sliding scales depending on how much older the adult is that the minor in many states (typically can be no more than 4 or 5 years than someone under 16 but older than 12, for instance). This is to prevent consensual sex between teenagers being statuary rape per se.


Holy Fucking SHIT. It's always the same pedo freak with the tl;dr posts about muh fertility that pops up in these AOC threads. You can't make this shit up, I know it's you.

this is how fucking retarded Holla Forums is. i'm ashamed to be associated

I'm all for using this to destroy this jew but just so we're all clear that age of consent should at least be lowered to 14

It’s time for you to neck yourself.

They're developed enough to get pregnant at that age so there is nothing wrong with it. We don't need to be breeding old hags just because they're "more developed"

Why is this disinfo stickied?














Not to carry to term without health complications for the child or mother, dipshit.

we'll just have to agree to disagree

Truth is not a matter of disagreement. Take your thought-terminating clichés and go the fuck back to léftypol.

Nice source doofus. Convincing white people not to breed fertile young wombs is how white genocide started

Please fucking kill yourself, childfucker. Reported.

What in fresh hell? How did this woman worm her way into where she is ?

It is a mystery.

The prophet pbuh mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker had intercourse with Aisha at nine. Praise be to Allah.

What! Why is my words change! I call for jihad against you all!


Or how about women of any age because the sex revolution is poison? Their fathers should dictate who puts what in their cunts.
Also, you're a faggot if you think a 16-year-old shouldn't marry.

Women are never capable of consent in the way feminists use the term, other than a few outliers. Correct rule is for a woman to remain chaste until marriage, which can happen when her father decides she's ready. "Age of consent" for women for non-marital sex should be 25 at least, to set the right incentives.

There is a long list of authors of this report and Ginsburg is not even a direct one (PDF has OCR layer, search for "Ginsb" as "u" is misspelled at least once). OP claim is total BS.

Oh well it says that report is prepared by among other Ginsburg. Still does not make it reasonable to equalize it to authorship of every claim.

Fuck off shill.

Too young for what, you massive faggot?
Met wife when she was 16 and I was 18, happy for almost a decade

This is why you faggots don't have kids. Even backwards puritan moralist christians a century ago could understand this shit.

What the fuck do you think the 14 words mean? Why do you think the government of Holla Forumsand told people to breed like rabbits?

> one or more purebred white kids?

This is why the Lohengramm dynasty was always better
Congrats on the wife, you better have at least 5 kids

I've got one, though. And she's only four months old. Give me time, goddammit!

To be fair, while her skin is indeed darker, her facial features still point to her being part of the greater Indo-Aryan family.