Minnesota thread

Does anybody else here live in MN?
It would be nice to chat about it. We were one of the closest blue states in 2016, so what do you guys think the chances of us going red would be in the next few years?

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Also, here is a discord link for thise of you interested.
Discord server if you want to chat any more after this: honeypot/DkKV2r


Thank you a lot for your post

Ah, interesting thread, let's talk about cheesecucks for a b-


0% chance, despite you being extremely close even in 2016. You likely were only blue thanks to illegal votes and votes from the TWO MILLION NIGGERS the government imported to your state from somalia.

I don't really expect great reception from this.
Treat it as more of an afterthought if you'd like.
Also Wisconsin are the cheesecucks, not us.

Two million new ones since after the election? Or the ones who are already there?

It's one cozy honeypot.

the (((red))) people here are people like Erik Paulsen and Michelle Bachmann

The state has been blue forever, the people are too "nice" and a great amount are into feel good progressive politics to the detriment of themselves.

I can't see it changing, and they are forcing places like St. Cloud and many other cities who are even more insulated to accept leftism or die.

When I moved back here the leftist politics were always the biggest drawback of living here, but it was interesting that those same leftists were the ones who always brought up how much they hate the Somalians that are here yet do nothing about it.

Other than being limosine libs and moving out further from the cities. Most people, especially those semi-old school have race realist beliefs but they won't say them out loud because it's not polite to talk about most of those things in a public setting so the Minnesota nice attitude goes.

they're not sending their best

It has to change sometime, doesn't it?
Voters aged 18-24 went red in 2016, and the oldest group of voters who are dying out went blue.

And if I'm not mistaken, Trump won in HS elections across the state, having people pearl clutching all over the Metro.

It *could* change but I think the cultural factors may make it rather hard to do so before it is perhaps too late.


Hey goys. Does anyone else live in Texas? It would be sure nice to IRL or talk about it. Oh by the way here is a discord.

I think chances are way too low. Most of the rural areas are in good shape but there are too many ELCA Swedes an Norwegians.

Seemed to me they were voting against Hillary rather than for Trump. Only state to go blue when Reagan ran for reelection. That should say something.

Isn't that good at getting its message across. After all, even with the flowers & axe, all it tells me is dude on the right is a hebe/pedophile & girl on the left has the axe to kill him just in case.

Like said. Plus, the girl is a qt, so I'll take my chances.

My grandparents are the blue forever, "too nice people", who ended up voting Trump.

Tired of watching walking bedsheets with their iphones stuck between their ears and face capes and their 5 little shits behind them while they check out at walmart with their ebt cards.


Fellow Minnesotan here.
I feel your pain, buddy. However, I feel even if the state went right-wing, if would be more towards the Neocon side. Boomers and Millennials have especially ruined things here in the Midwest. Minnesotans used to be more tough luck and forgiving, but not that nice.

It's a sentiment many have but few act on. If Franken actually stepped down and there was to be a special election in the state perhaps that would show more of where it's going but I'd be surprised if that happens, and surprised if someone even a RINO got that seat just because of typical politics in this state.

I'd welcome the change obviously, it's one of the few things about this state I can't stand, especially since most harbor the same beliefs and don't act on them. If they did we wouldn't have Somalis everywhere ruining areas, dropping babies off of apartment buildings and demanding FREE FOOD SHELTERS SERVE HALAL MEALS as taxpayers pay for their vacations back to that shithole.


Minnesota Sen. Dan Schoen to resign after sexual harassment claims

DFL state senator from St. Paul Park faced sexual harassment allegations by fellow DFL lawmaker, candidate and Senate employee.
